CAB0L13A. t: William Little, a prominent pby sioian of IUleigh. ia dead. Eight mairiage licanses were issued in Knleigh in Wedne&day. The Merchants' and Farmers' Na tional Bank, of Charlotte, has declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent Ber Mr McPhereon and his wife have arrived in Charlotte, and will conduct a series of revivals in Calvary Church.1 - Goldsboro Mail: Mr R Pitman, of Bocky Mount, baa invented a machine for sweeping floors, brushing carpets, eweeping lans, &c, and has it patent ed.. - i Durham Recorder: Eff rts a?e be- i ing made' here byithosa interested to raise a fund for the purchaee of a lot for the bnildicg of an Epiecopal Church, aid has ben obtained from a baoad. Statesville American: List week Mathew Jonee, of Gates conuty, aged G5 years, married bis 5th wife, a young girl aged 1G veat. his 4th wife be lug dead only 3 wetks ou the day of his marriage. Statesville Amcrcan: Eqaire John J? McRee on his wny hume. writer us from Wilkesboro, that Mr A W Fin loy, living near that place, killed od thslo.ii mutant a bog weighing 792 pou-dc ia,'asd 833 pounds gross. Hickory rress: Miss bailie A Jonn sol, of this pUc-, has a half dollar ttr.ti qmto a cariosity . It is about ft nrd fd years old nd was n.ade a-'! used in times when do'Iar pieo8D v. in; iiilu Luivey and quarterf v :'.v r change v5uf; needed. liurfieeeboro Lnquirer: The season ha;- been 83unaeully arm acd pleaa ant that fish have actually begun to 6tir in our water; several boxes o shad and rock Lavo recently been caught and shipped North; a thing very un usual at" this sea-ou, aud not alto gether a favorable omen for the coming fishing ea-jou. Ebzileth City' Economist; A trues, of lituif.jrd, Genu, and N E ' i t rr l 1 W L , I ! I - J n r (A artio have been shootiug wild fowi in Cur- ritucK OOUDa, ior euiiiw wtets, j-. City yesterday, to spend CLriatmaa al borne The ktiled 6,000 htad of gme jn twowei ks 200 geese in ouo day ' 'or the1 Keriew. The Christmas Tree- Turns, that wayward child of genius in lr.s exq iiaite poem', tbe"Cjtter's Satur, (Uy Nuiit ' hne b-nuiifully portrayed one of the customs of the Scottish peasantry in the ulduu mi e. It is, as every oue knows, tuobt touchiug" discretion of a home see; e so vivuliy painted aud so naturally drawn that thd characters stand out from the canvass distinct iu their individual realiiy. There are few poems in our 1 hguage, "few indeed in any language ho rich iu description and so full of touder pathos aud geuuine poetry, a poetry that appeals directly to th heart and to thei affections. It wad a beautiful cuotom at the time when Burns wrote, and we sincerely trust that the progressive spirit of the age has not interfered with it, for the influences ol such cutoui8 are too sacred to be ignoied or lorgo'ten. Something akin to that custom, though of .a less devout character, we have with us iu this joyousseason of the year, when the Jhnatuia3 tree is planted in our hen frienda and kindred gather around, it with grateful hearts to the giver of all gojd for bis bountiful mercies, nd tokens ot kind remembrance are pass ed from hind ' to hand and words of lo from every lip. It was our privilege ol Christmas nigul-with other tnends tj join tbe circle an i d a Christmas tree. It wtuH beautiful t-ight and beautiful for it s mpliii y fur there was no tinsel glart aud tliovr.M-i atreuHit at display, no strain ing alter trif'Cts, but the combined in ii deuce ot good aste, delicacy aud refine ment, were everywhere apparent and gave a U-auty at d a chirm to the scene that was ui;r-eilousdy pleasant. Arojno it were gathered the familj cnl tb kinfolk. and the friends, oid sg w:th tottering steps, manhood iL its-pr.!e, i.i d y uth and beauty, and joy ous vbihlhood w i h Us nieiry laugh. lit who can li to tlie laughter ot a child with- ut t q iioKenii g puls3 and kiuuiin cnijn mi i-' vise. ttiitn Liui who 'iias ut. music iu hi i.selV for there is nothing ot; this bro. d earti. so indicative of unalh yeti hipji.isi a, VSe l-ugb of .ayouug obiid. There w. ie nan' around thai tree wbo did iK-t tee! thi happy inll lence exciied b those uitio hi:.dennc Uungs, who, will, tbe carts aud troubles they briug, yet flood wt-b svii.sli-.ue evejy heart a:ul bo ne , wher in -h y ioilge. CatchiLg tbe cc.nta gi m i -.jjuetl by tneir merry garubols, the venejabL bead white with th3 frosts ul uiady niers, tori.ot for th time :he iu litut ti sf ..g:-Kt d .vas agtia a b 'y,the ui e y 'Ui'.ru iiii aside ber dignity ano movt d arum d wi,b all the ' o yoivb, and vigorous miuUtod shouted Dick ui'yish g!e utotering Infancy iu it s u ia lyec" deli lit. 1 .v s a 'Mppy .tcc-tsion, and louj nia tui cust-m (o tvervtd among us. Oj t ves v C aris'mas Itt? us plant our tree, ; r --s ! f ri :ue' of the atlec: !ts, v .rt vA h in more i-i uuiv.-i., . uti u ir jm. vHur-ir a bies s . J. uii br t vnct-e lifet-tht-te ... . . rt i '.. and the iign's put lUi, there mingle i nith the parting wordtt giKl uight", the prayer of Tiny Tun, .'God hie Cbi uias time and bless us every oq.' ' Senex important to me Afflicted. We would advise all who mayner-d the advice of a physician, to eithefi caU or wriusto Dr. lverson, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, MJ., wbo trom 15 yesrs expe rience in llospral . ana Special Practice, guaiantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Or y tuts and of the Nervous Sya tein, Organic aud Seminal Weakness, lm p4e? cj (uss of sexual ijower). Nervous Debility aun trtmblirg, -'Palpitation of tbe He ait, dimness of tight or giddiness, No, lurual E nisions, xc, all resulting from abuses in y utb, or excesses in manhood ; - m 1 rtTl l1 i 1 V also ail kin and b!ood uiaeascs m-;v Sed iTr. U is a grrfuate of one of tbe oldest and best, mescal country (Uriversity of "aa:3, fers to the leading pby siccus in b u jgjfl allconsultibi.u can r !y ..po bonora M and confidential treat u.-ot. .1Va ioD enclose stamp for reply.; 'n; given to all .emale cotnpla.uts. Lnn.K.lalions for all wt.bmg to call and ee him. Medicine seito any address. Wiluiinfttun District. First Round of Quarterly Meetings for the Methodist E. Churcb, South 1880. Coharie Mies, at Wesley Chapel,.-Jan 1 Gokebury, at Cokesbury V i"n 1 1 Bladen. at Bethlehem.. -.Jan-lO-ll Klixibethtowu...JD Whiteville at Vbitevi!le .....JJan 24-2o Waccamaw Miss, at Betbesd. .Jan 2S Brunswick, at Sharon.... . .Jan 31-lret i Smithville Station... vl-l Wilmington, at Fifth Street ...teb Wiln inuton. at Front Street, . Feb H-lo Top -.P, at Prospect. .ft" 5- Xe -v li: ver. M ission l'-b . :j Ot.s uw, at Sansboro t dD " Dupiin, st Ma-nolia. ..... Mar bi Giintun, at Andrew s Chapel .. Mar lol4 District Steward , Meeting February 13th, at ten o'clock A M, at the Parsonage of the Fr, nt Street Church at Wilmington S. BUIiKi.KAD, Presiomg Elder. Dr. Mott's tndurscment of SpeerV Port Orape Wine. The f.illowiDff, trom the celebrated Dr Mott of Now York, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer's 'efforts' to raise tbo Oporto Grape in New Jersey: 62 Madison Avenue, New Yohk, April H, 187S. - Mit. Alfued Spker. Dear Sir ; The visit which I made lat year to your VinoroJa wrjnM-nrpspes ard waits at p.caair NT .1.. Kitis; me thcrr-u KitisOid me thcrr-u?hly thaf .he wines manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, and tee ve-N best that can be offered to the public for medicinal uses. ACung upon my mvuibuio uuj i-- -at the time, I have since recommended the Port Wine more particularly iu m practice, and am satisfied, with marked benefit, to my patients. There can be no better prooi to tuc f'miht.inor mind, aa to the Wine being made o 'the bnest Oporto Urape, tnan a " " - . visit to tbe acres ot land coverea wnu vine bearing tbe luxuriant fruit.' W shing yon success in your praiseworthy enter prise, remain respectfully yours, ALEX B. MOTT, M. D , Prof, of Surgery, Bellevue Hosp. Med'l Coilege, &c., &c ' For sale by J. C. Muuds, Green & Flanner. P. L. Iindsers & Co. LOCAL NEWS. I A hair switch, without any address, has been found in the mail bags and is now on -exhibition at the Postoffice in this city. The lady owner can get her property by asserting ber claim. We understand tbat there will be a grand masqurade party on rollers at the Skating Rink on next Tuesday evening. Active preparations are in progress to make it one of the most pleasant events, of the season. Masonic. The officers of St. John's Lodge and Wilmington Lodge were installed by Past Master Samuel Northrop, of Wilmington Lodge,' at the Lxlge Room in Masonic Hall building, this morning at 10 o'clock. The installation wa9 private Unmaltables. The following unmailable postal matter remains at the postoffice in this city: Postal card sigued Your' Aft. Son Joe; John P. Artis, Norfolk, Va : Miss Fab" nie Bovvker, Pine Grove, Ga; iliss Sallie D. Martin, 6 Jefferson St Fremont Lann dry; Henry McDowell, FlemiDgtoD N. C. Christmas at the Purccll. The Chr 6tmas Dinner at the Puree!' House was a euperbaff iir and fnlly in keep ing with the season. Unfortunate! .for us a lull description of the bill tf tare, which is printed iu gol-jen letters iuMcssrsJ ick son & Be.lTs -happMest S''e, d.d not reach us- until this iurning. " But tlu m'ikt-up of the ?n 7iit wouid the mouth c i aay oli diner-out to water, even fier the amner itsen naa Decome a tung ot tne p st Christniits Fires- auui a o lov.ik Oil VU11MII1U LU1.. rUtUt an old sycamore tree oa the corner o Market aud Tnird stree s was tiiscovered to oe on nre, cuusea oy mischievous bovs placing crackers in its hollow ai.d ex p.Mii & tneui T'e hoce of the Little Giant ws led out of tbo; engine bouce and a stream turned qn which extin guisnd the flames before any serious dam age had been done. AUnl TO OA rii..:, r. auum li.ov vuria.ujaH auerUOOO tee dwelling house of Stephen Richardson, cjlored, on Harnett, between Sixth and 3evecth streets, was discovered to be on Gre. The alarm was at once sounded and theFire Department wa promptly on hand. The building Was a small one, and was nearly all consumed. The fur niture was saved, thotigb in a damaged condition, principally from breakage. Fire accidental no insurance. The dwelling bouse of Mr. F. M' Agostioi. on tbe of Seventh and Dock streets, caught fire on the roof Christmas morning.caused by boys throw ing up and exploding crackers, bat it was sprceJily extinguished with but little damage and no general alarm. Th' dwelling hon.- S Mr. John F. Garrell, at the .Saja Sjuci plantation, caught firo yesterday morning aod was totally d-:stroyid. It was valued worth about 3.000, and w?8 in sured for $1,500 in a company represented by Col. W. L. Smith, aud for $500 in a company represented by Mr. Nurwood Giles. Tbe furniture waalso nearly si 1 destroyed, upon which there was Bo ic surance The alarm was i junded ia tie city and tbe Fire DeparJtrneat started f-r the scene, when it w s f und thai tbe lire was so far in the counry ard thr returned. Church Services. YvYrship in the various ciurches of he city to-morrow as follows : ST. JAMES' PAHLH, f corner Thi'd aud Market stieets. Rv.A A. Watson, D. U., lienor. Sunday ie Chrisimas UfcC -Stti .tb:aioa ai T;:iO a. m. Moinit IVayor it ll o'ejek stind-iy School af. o ni, Ei ning p&ei At 4 o'clock. I ST. PAUL'S EVANG. LUTHERAN CHINCH, Comer of Sixth and Market greets, lev. G. i. Berubeitu, D. D., lJaijr. lEiiisb Service at 11 a. m. Terriku Servfc at 7:o0 p. m. SunsI Ay sd; -fl at o j ni. i iriatian Association at -Ip. m. late cbetical Instruction on Tu.-fj.ty aatfFii day at o'.dv p. m. j f lKST PKESIiYTEKIi-N CIIUKCl oorner ihi:dand Oraisare Itreets. jKev. Or. J. ti. Vv'ilso i, I. p;or. siicet at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ;i)bath pool 4 p. m. kkont stulet m. e. ciiLiu, ( TU) corriGr Front and Walnut bfeet-s, I ir'. Xj. A. Yak-s pastor. Services A 11 a. 4 and 7:o0 p. m Sabbath School . 3 p. if W M. P irker, sttp't. Prayer MeetiDand Preaching Wednesday evi ting a7:30 o'clock. Young Men aud Vp men's litis ti.t. AsnMiii!i first and iibd Tada 1 -"I T nicgi iu each mouth. FIKST .BAPTIST Clf BCH, even corner of Market and FiftJstreetsjRav J. 13. Taylor, Pastor. Series to-ifirow at 11 a. in., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday choo) at y:30 a. m.-Missiouad Socie'jat o p. m , iu Brooklyn Hall. 4rayer ifetiuo s Thursday n;ght at T-W o cacK. f SECfOM BAPTIST CJUIiCrll on Sixth, between Church snd Cav sis. Rev. J. P. Ki g. p sto'. tarvic-.-s tmoi row at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. feidaj School at 9 a. m. FIFTH STKEET M. E. Clir.lC.I (SfTH), on Fifth, between 2Sdi and lurch streets. Rev. B. K. UaiJ., tastor. ovices at 11 a. m, aud 7:15 p. m. Sabbatrichool at i) a.', m. Prayer Meeting Thuis4 eve mng at 1:60 o'ciocK. j . $ ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUlfi corner Fourth and Orange itreets sv. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at li. m. and 7:30 p. .in. Sunday smooi atou p. m. seats nee. r i : SffiAMEN'S'.-BETireL, -( Dock, between Water W Frontreets Rev. Jas. W. Craig, cbapln- Seyces a 11 a.m., to which seam'3 are fdially invited. ft The public are invited tcptend iigious services at the Tilestou nper roomii the Tile-ton Norm d School tlildmg, Ann, between Fourth and Fifd street! ever Sunday afternoon at 3 opck. I FIRST BAPTIST CUUKII (COLCjGT).) corner 1? inn anu uaicpi II streets iiev. ervices -mor-p in. J und ay A. M. Couway, pastor, row at 11a. m. at)d School at 9:30 a. m. Pr er Meiig 01 Thursday night at 8o'c k. r FII1ST CONGKKGATliAX CHtJiUH, Memorial Hall, corner st.rppts. Rhv. D. i). ventb Ut Nub odge, luister. Sut day services at lO.Ofc. m. a 3 anC 7:30 p. m. Praise and (fci'ereiicaeetii everv weune-aav mgriLi i-ju o jicr. SECOND PrESUYTElAN CIllL'H cor Fourth ai d L.m:bfs:reet..Kev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Servi-s eveiibbath ..4. 11a m At j 1 . '.-.j I f ral Ubbatl. ib 1 Ck. Ui ftl k.jj.y SMiru.l and T?ihlH ;la-J at 3: Prayer Meeting oii Wedfesday df:30 p. p. m m. oeats irfe. , 1 ST. LEWIS' C'iLpEL. ccuer Seventh at:d BL-tdn sue Rev. ,'olm Levis, pastor. Sej vices at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3 3 ) o' pek p I andS o'clock, p. ra. j . WOOTE 'S CSV PEL, f coiner of Bldnn au Niulqstreets lli-v. Willis Woolen, jtstir. leaching Sundays, at 11 a., ml 3 o'ck and 7 o'clock p. in. Wednei oVlock. l'ravo.r Miii nl at 7 Fri ni,, light Sutid.iv School at 9 m. t DMcrtalcr end (fe;oifeler. ?xiriC2S3 Strert, in ike in k if tbe Jou. tial Em ij'g.j W 1 L M i NO T Of, NiO. 'i fitaad Cas niiare'.f paired A. fine 5a!i fT. y v. .... ClaUld And Varr.utu,! Pr.Jerihr te ?raph or p"Wt,!t j ov 5 I ikid(nuu tern jf lia I M13 ifret street QAN FURNISH.VOlliraT E B Ed A.le, Lacrer Bee- ad Prfr, botfc tkkee 'and f " ootUtd, iu the cuj . . nonT)trv orler t-or A MOST DE-IRABIFLACI? n Ma sonboro Sound, wif baantif Water From, and the. finest je&n Tie $n Sound. Two itory l)f -with"rE TOOmt, .rge pifzias, cietal rl fine Cuern Mj Spring; two room Cotf nd Kiulen ha rr . . . . . I ... House, Bats and Boadaee. All t Dnllt Of HAsf rnat.iiilfi TIM fla: examine premises irifcd keys o; pj 1'or farther informfttidbDlr io K ring to ice dec 17-lw f D' CA2iUX. CQMSIERCIAL NEWS WILMINGTON MAKKCT I DECE5TBKR 274 F M. C SPIRITS TO K1KNTINE Quoted firm at cents bid. Later, we hear of sales l'JO casks supposed to te at 36lA cents, and 18J casks at 39 cents. MarEet closing Arm at 40 cents bid. KOSIN- Quoted firm at fi 20 bid. TAR Steady at f 1 10 per bbl of 280 Its. Sales receipts at quotations. CKITDIS TUKPKNTINE Quoted steady at ?1 60 for Hard and ?2 60 for Yellow Dip Sales at quotations. COTTON Firm. No sales reported. The following are the oflieial qnotations ; Ordinary 10;' C-rt. Good Orciorj.. t .g Strict Uood Ordinary " Low Uiddiiog u ll 16 diddling .. 12 'oed Middling.. , 1-14 DAILT BRC11PTS 0tt"n 3?i b!e Spirita Turpentine -..... 97 ca-k vobid 953 bbn Tar M....VM...,i......... 33 " MARINE NEWS. AKUIVKD, Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville ieo Mj'ert. . Steamer D Murchlson, Garrasou, Fayette viiie, illiams t Murihison. Meamer tlizubeLLi, Biabee, Smithville, Master. Nor barqne Rector Steen. Alvebenr. Lon don, It E Ueide Nor barque Naiaden, Haloorsen, Seville, R E Heide. N01 barque Erstatingen Oavist. Charlts ton. R E Heiae Hpan bri Celt a. Urebarre. Porto Rico. FJ Lord. Br barquentine Aduilza, Nicliolas, St rhomas, C 1 Me bane. hchrGH Macumber, Goosins.Cape Ilayti Northrop & Cuinruing, OLEABED. Steam-yacht Passport. H arrer. 8mithvilic Geo Myers. Steamer Elizateth, Blsbee, Smithville, Williams A Murchiton. Br brig Elien Oleaves. Jones. Glaj-sow. Pat ei son. Downing & Co. JNor Darque v iva, Peterson, Antwerp. WiUJams fe Murchisou ior barque Frank, Petersen. Loutlon, DeRosset & Co. Nor brig Fraui Marcussen, Glasgow, Aiex iprunt & f-on. Enortf. COAST .VISE. New York Steamship Benefactor 115 bbls rosin. 778 casks sots tumt. 165 bble crude turpt, 300 do tar, 10 do peanuts, fi Dales yarn, 6 bags peanuts. l.Ws bales cotton 59 bbls oranges, 9-1 ;do soapstone, 199 bagh rough rice, 12 bbls do, 58 pkgs mttse. ron&mn. Antwerp--Nor barque Viva 3,o20 bbls rosin. London Nor barque Frank 3,081 bb's rosin. Glasgow Nor brig Fram-2,155 bbls rosin. Brig Ellen Gieaves 2,300 bbls rosin; WEEKLY STATEMENT OF STOCKS ON HAND DEC. 22, 167?. Cotton asb'ore..... , 10 02 aoat.... 3,704 Total... 13,796 Spiritf" ishors........ 19,392 afloat , 2.231 Total 21,63 ftosin ashore. 103,240 atloat VI, b0 Totai..... 115,820 Tar ashore 4 201 atloat..... Total 4.201 Crude aahore 6,31 ( afloat..... Total 6,313 OEIPT8 FOB TH 3 WBBS ENDING DKO 22nd Cotton 2.510 Spirit..... 2 949 Rosin.. i H,811i Tar 1 7 I Orade 6,64 EXPORTS FOB THB WIEK ENDINS DEC. 22ad. Domestic , Catton... 1 95 Spirits 3tC Rosin... v 22" Tar.. a3 Crode.... 16 Foreign. Cotton.. Spirits Rosin 13,433 lar .........m " Cmdd.'. A 8t-nt b'.clbon u 'wentiil to physical heatl as to political consistency. For weak ncss of the back and disorders of the liTeT and kidnes. tte tonic and mnJerate dietetic ac tion of the Hitters is the one thing need ful. KencemtH-r tbat the st xnach is the mainstay of eery otter orffao, and tbat by invigorating the digestion with thij prepar ation, tbe spinal column and all its depen dencies are strenfr bned For Ros'ettr's ALMANAC ior 1880 apply to Drn waists icd Dealers generliy. dec 1-dA w SCHOOL OF DftAWIisG PAifiTINQ, ETC, IN8TBUCTIOS GIVEJTin Craion, Lepi. and India Ini: Drawing, also, jfainiin in Water Colors, Oil, Pat;l and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. For fa ter particulars inquire at the School Rooms of Miasms Burr A Jamer, in the rear cf St. James' Church. nur 22 STOMACH Miscellaneous. Ladies and .erDSleinriieri j IT IS A EVERY BODY SHOULD KNOW 1 1 That the Finest, Most Complete and Host Elegant Stock of Furniture m North Carolina and especially in Wilmington will be found at THE OLD ESTAJ3I JSHED AND WELL KNOWN FURNITURE HOUSE pa We sell more good, cheaper goods and better goods, thin inv between Baltimore and the South Pole. m a -v house There's lots of beantiful things for Xmas, Avhich are not onlv n fV but comfortable, durable and useful. u omy pretty. No charge Jo' Call dec 20 SPEER'S PoriGape Wins Used in Cfcarches for Co in amnion purpose Speer's Port 'Ik rape Wine Fours 1 ears Old. rpHIB JUSFLT OKiiKRHATED NATlVl ine ia .ade from the juice or the Oport' Jrape, raised in thi count y. ItJ inylubJ Tonic anl Siion2tlieiiiii PrapartiK ire ant-urpaflsed by ny ther native Wine, deing the pure juice of the piae, producec under Mr. Spe'ei'iown peraotia". eaervisiori, ts i:niitj aad venuir.enfcss are ?nrnteer, I he onnpest chiln may j artakr n its ecer oua qualities, and the- weake-t invalul ma use it to adrantatje. It if particularly beue fieial to the aired and deD'litateii, sr d s ite no the various ai nits afflic?-. thr weake: 'ex. 't is, in every reBpert, W I F. TO ill RELIED ON. S peer's ! 3. Sherry The P. J. rtHEKR? iea Wine of SPpj . &IOR CHARACTER anJ parUke f tht golden qualities of the ?rpe f.oui whichu is made. For .MKfMClN AL Fi.O) VKT1KS it wiU be found unescslkd Speer's P. J. or iedro J- Brandy. This noted hrandy is a nuie dUilliti : !rom the grp ard is equ to the fine-t let aesv or t'tard Brandies; for tne;:icinfcl pur poses it can be relied upor as striptly pure. feee tlat the signature o' Alfred Speer Passaic, N. J , is over tht cork of each be t tle A. HPFER'8-Wt. Prospect Vineyards Vew Jersey. Office, No. 3 Warren Ht., A7ew ork. For saleby OEEN A ?LW rt, J. C MUND8, Uruggistfl, and PI. HkWUV d CO. -i7 Saif. Sat. Salt. 21,000 : aek- SOW OX WAY FROM ENGLAND AND A PORTION DALLY ZX 1ECTED ! Factory Filled Fiiie Table AND Liverpool Ground Alum. FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. EVaOlasses. CUBA, FORTOJRICO, JEWORL(EAiVS, SUGrAR HOUSE, IN HHD TIERCES AND BARRELS. ESOY F ?. UV17IST5 SV" : AND SCALE COMPANY, HAZARD POWDER Co. BLASTLNGPOWDEf. i Keus. INDIAN RIFLE PO WD KR. in Tpw.' KENTUCKY RIFLE :.'. DER, i K?. DUCKING POWDEl. irvG lrs Cai ister: FINE ELECTRIC Si, ti, s t r ii 1 lb APPLY AT "JSVLL LARD'S." decg : f ' FAC,T ' li i w J 'i'ili'i'il HiBOoUaneotu. FACT, AS OF & and see us and we' will d6 you good. rS3 GO. IVORTH FROi X STREET.' Just' Received. nice B' of Millinery and Fancy 0i Vr7f' li'"d8' Ko"d Children's CrncJ: HraidF pBff8, Crquefi OnrU and Wig. j 7Ve?3 0rLer lhird tnd Cr t'etU 5 he Wew Hat Store. M Y 8 CCXK OF B V' and Ciiild- teu'8 Pab ar,d Ca; s, Gents' UBde-irar. Tru If ,uwb eq umorenss, ii complete. J V V u ; r one7 nd examine iy it ck before purchasing. "'H.N M. KOR1N80V, A . , 13 Front st: c 1 Next Purcell HouU. veir VI ln UNCLES AND HI8 CoosU. atd hi i.tern ar d b Aunts Is intited lo wit ness the - ' G rand Dress Parade f xtry ray ard erery ereninf at the Best an 5 and 10 Cents Store, On rVoi th Front Street. The gtock is the largest atd m it xtenjir of th kind in the State, and ea braces a Very great vriety of w'ul and pretty thins) wbicb are s 1J tx ere for, less than kalf the monty usually deitardrd fo tbm. The se lections were md in person at d bev are all reliable goois. Visitors frf.m'tht. c.n:,trr re particularly invited to call and see how fir a little iroii'y will p-n. Ren ember tie place, the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, North IroM 8trcet b.twren Prinress and Cnestaut, oct 23 You Would like to Enow v yilERSO GU TO GET &&( THE BFST Vquoff Oysters, Wine. Cicars: e'e: The cw nMttnriht and S,i)o-'m opened by WILL WEST, i" tho C:.- tn Douse Alloy, haa the bet ol evcrjfhirg at very reasonable pridta. Nhk, s neat, clean and pi irate, ia (lie fli'-e . Saloon, dec 15 WILL WEST, Proprietor. Winberrv Oysters- k - THET ABE GOOD cow. Another intaJ-1 meet just ieceirei tjbis morBiog. ' If eold enough vf w for hot Whisker and latOyiterr, F ee 1 unch ererr dar at 11 o'clock, sep. 26 ' JOHN (JAUBOLL. 4 : r.oaY'.l SPECIFIC MEDICINB TRADE MARKThi qatTRADI ARIC tun g ith Bm edr An un failing cure for demiaal Wea k neaa, a p rmatorr bea,lnjpotn rrarllllfl J-. r trtt TlIlXl. low. aa a sequence of 8el-Abaaetaa Los ri Memory, Ucitersal Xacsitade, Paia in UMJ Back, Iimi.eej of Vision, Frenatmr OW Age, and tst other Uiieasef tkat 1m to Inaaniiy oi Cottumption tad Prtautart irar. . . . all particulars in our pampnlel, which we deeire to send free by saall to erery one. The Specific Medicine ia told by all drnirgiats at f 1 per package, or tlx pack ages for $6, or will be feat Ir bj mail oa receipt of the mover by addrearing THE CAY MEDICIIIlf CO., v Mecbabic'a Bloek, Detroit, llich. gold in WUmingtonand erery whsre by ait druggists. t 11-dawly. yb ody

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