0 I Tilia FA FEB pooiiabei afteraooD, Suadaya ex ited br J S II . T. JAMES, ltblTOK A2D FKOFKIJCTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID, sis yer, $5 00i Six months, $2 50 ; Three soathfl, f 1 55 ; One month, 50 cents, i'he paper will b delivered by carriers, P;e of charge, in any part of the city, at the )te rates, or 13 cents per week. Advertising ratei low and liberal j-8ubicriberi will please report any and I failures to receiT their papers regularly. New Advertisements. REVOLUTION ifl CARPETS 3R0 WN & RODDICK, 5 market St. Will show the largest I assortment of Carpets South of New York, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. 'arpcts, Carpets, Carpets Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, Carpet, Ca rpels, Carpets. We invite all to call who have A IVY idea of purchasing . such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea 'of pnr ! chasing or not. Carpets ! Carcels ! Caroets BROWtf & RODDICK, 45 ESarket Straet, DOT 7 CLYDE'S Mew Voirk AND Wilmington, ft!, C. Steamship Line. -ho Otoamer BENEFACTOR, , CArT. JONES, 1LL BAIL FROM HEW YORK O SATURDAY, January 3. fcX Shlpperi ota rely upon the prompt Wlinx of 8teamerj as advertised. -3 for Freight Engagements apply to Taos. E. BOND, Bnp't, wM. P.CLYDKCOU.miagt0n'N- C' W 29 36 Brod7..New York. Now! HRI,TMA8 13 GV,ri I thank PoMlfar thei very liberal patron, Hav- HOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKff AND STATIPHERY. 1 5a Prepared to fill all orders prompUy.aad treo:able prices. C W. YATES. nn VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY; DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. . Jf ew Advertisements. P rHaiHssaaeaa New Tear Presents. Clyde's New York Steamship Line. Hinry Savage City -Coupons. L MBCiasET ForKent. P JL BaiDQKHB A Co Santa Clans. Yates Book Store and Photo koomi-r Now. Boatwkiqht A McK .t Christmas is Over. Williams A AIuhcbison w Crop. -J. A. Bpringer Lower than Ever. Barbank's Pharmacy I). I. C. 8ee ad Masquerade on Skates irfuHson More Clothing . j A. A I. Bhrier Special Bargains, No City Court to' day. t I The old year if iu it$ last agoi;ies. : : For o her Iwi!s see fourth pa ;Q . The line ot beauty is not the crinoline. Joy- and misery are never bo plainly seen as at Christmas times. Wirdow Glass ah bizes at Itafler & Price's. f Turkeys are said to be roosting high but they must come down. An African proverb Bays the idle are dead, but cannot be buried. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c, for the Children at Jacobi's. Seal sacks are pronounced uuhoaltl by physicians This is good news. In your comligns aud enj-iymeuts, have a thought and a hand for the poor. j- 15a? que itatricK omua,yjtx ) liutt- ner, nence, arnvea at juonaon on me zitn inst. A day or two of steady rain or a good six-inch snow woul 1 be acceptable in this latitude inst now It is a malicious woman who will slyly put long hairs on a mans coat just to make his wife jealous. ri . ,. 7 A . ' ," i . , O r bottom out of her mother's flaur sieve, I and wears the rim for a belt. Schooner John Douglass, Parker, from Navassa for this port sailed from St. Thomas on the 12ch inst. Turner's Almanac promised us cold and higJi winds for to-day. but Turner's Al- manac isn't always right, yon know. 7 r j schooner wave, uoogins. nence, itr viu r,xvCu aw ot. i iCrfC, xuar,., ou the 1st inst, and sailed again on the 8th Brig Adtlina, (Br.) Nicholson, from 1 Rio Janeiro for this port. arrived at St. I Thomas on the 10 th inst. and sailed again on the 16th inst. " TT : t? m j o snnnib', from Ah.ffi r jk p.i. ir The Bonder. R :view. published at Hen- derson, X. C, one jof our most valued ex- changes, andione of the best edited news- pipers in the State, has been enlarged and improve. Success to you, Capt. Ami?. J Pockfit Knives. Tat le Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks aud Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacbi's - The proprietors of the Charleston Neva c Courier are now publishing a Sunday eaiuon 01 mai paper wuicu i parato and distinct from the regular issue. It is a very hrndsom- paper and filled with interesting mutter Success to the Venture. n.-.n-.l I -T r e -u ,r f Capt. Jno. D. Cameron, of.theiDur- ; , ... . . , ham Recordert who has been in the city for a few days past, favored us with a -nil V?! n.npnin or Vmt n n f.t t nn t cA f? (fr Tl : t . ' nr dpta nnt. in at thfl timp a iacx we Bin- I cerely regret. Physicians' Wine. Ne York physicians say that they have been using ;peer s ror. uraie nine ana Wina Bitters in tLeir pructice for years, to the entire satisfaction of iheir patients and themselves and take great pleasure in isipnmmotid nr them to the nublic as bemt? all that is claimed for them, and, in fact the most reliable they cm find; For sale by Green it Fla.iner, Jas. C. Munds and r. L. BrWgers & Co. , The Slate Journal. We welcome back to the fold of journalism iu this StaFe the venerable John Spelman, one of the oldest members oftheiress gang in the State. He has resumed the publication by him of the Weekly SUic Journal, an excellent Democratic newspaper which was estab- lished in 18C0. The first issue is before us and-it is a handsome sheet of 28 columns,, beautifully 'printed and ably edited. Long may it flourish. . A Monument to Dc King. A, subscription paper, for the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of the late Dr. J. Francis King, is being carried around among the colored peopl of this city b y some of the most respec table and influential colored citizens. The funds received will be added to the gener al fund raised by the white citizens for the same purpose. James H. Oarraway started the list with a handsome dona tion. la Distress. From Sergeant J. M. Watson, cJignal Officer at t hie Ut kay we are indebted for the following infrrration: The schooner Chtiuhiiat Captain M. E. Lank, bound from Mariogoma. Hayti, for New York, put in at Smithvilie yesterday (Sunday) morning in distress the Captain and mate having di d on the way from yellow fever. The mate died ou the 24th inst., and the captain three days later, on the 27th, and were both buried at sea. The vessel was built at Baltimore anrLwas owned by the aptain and mate, who must have been related, as 'they bore the same surname. Captain Lan hailed from Seaford, Del aware. The vessel is now quarantined at the regular station a few miles this side of Smithvilie. One man who was sick his been sent to the hospital. This is all the information we can gather in regard totho unfortunate vessel and crew, except that the man now in charge of the schooner is Svena Paulsen, and is no d mbt, we presume, the second mate of the j vegsi f Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons i , Flntincr Machines and evexv sort of I flardware at lowest sort of cash price at I Jacobi s. si iiuuu a uaj t 11111111 gt John's Day, the 27th of December, I falling upon Saturday, the Masonic fra- ternity postponed its celebration until Monday (to-dav) the 29th. At 10 o'clock I : . 1 1 1 . C Ok T I 9 - iqis morning iue uiemuera ox ou uvuni Lodge in this city formed in procession in front of their hall on Market street and headed by the Cornet Concert Club, marched up Market to Fifth street, then cjunter-marched to Fourth, oat Fourth to Campbell and out Campbell to Oak- dale CemeUry. ArriyMig at the Oeme- tery they proceeded to consecrate the place selected as a burial ground for member8 of the Ma8onio fraternity. The lot is on the Northwest corner o the aveilue leading up to the Confeder tW suuuuujgu 9 SJUA SS lUV VI VUV UUVOM and best locations in all that beautlfu "city of the dead." A stand had been erected on ,the lot for the speakers and others taking part in the exercises. The services, under the direction of W. M., W R Kenan, of St John's Lodge were i .u. f.11 i conaucieu m iuo luiiuwiug uruer; V"&-r' nee as a oira to me moun- VX . rai t ' 1 1 F tain, by the Cornet Concert Club. Prayer by Reverend George Patterson, D. D., Chaplain. Reading of Masonio Service of Conse cration by W. C. Kenan, W. M St. John's Lodge. Prayer by the Chaplain with Responses by the Order. Quartette "Rest, Spirit. Rest" by Me8bra Bradley, Rankin, Johnson and Myer. witn organ accompeniment by j jjyerg Oration by Eugene S. Martin, Esq.. Benediction by tha Chaplain, Rev. nonrcrm Patterscn D. D ALIO tOICUJUUlOa lUfUUU.Uit WOQ 1LU rpu nn ik.-L.-k pressiTe and interesting. The reading by , " . Oapt. Kenan was'remarkably fine, wiih a clear and perfect enunciation, although he labored, as did all the rest of ths speakers and singers, under the duad ran " tage of having a strong breeze blowing in lU face. The music of the band was well rendered and in excellent taste. The , auartette was admirable, and the - . blending of the well-balanced roices in the harmony was indeed beautiful. It . M m fa had ocwipoe j ym "tion more sweet' y and impressively rendered than was the piece' ws hare , , . "T. . .. Air. Martin, tne orator ot the occasion, was presented to the audience by Mr. Js I. Slacks, in a tew brief, but pertinent remarks. The address itself was a happy conception, abounding with the flowers of rhetoric and full of poetic beanty, delivered in a clear, graceful and m Im- passioned manner. Mr. Martin has great natural gifts as an orator, to which may be added a remarkably clear roice and a commanding presence, which combined makejthe Impressive arid effective speaker, The devotional exercises, conducted by KETIEW. viapiaii, riev. ur. rsiurson, were lack as arein me by the Mssonfc frater. 3ity-Simp, sweet and fail of patbo- ind were rendered doublv affecting and mpressire iy the chaste and earnest loquence o;the diatingnUhed divine who mciated. I After tkeker vices at the cemetery kad pncluded, h procession was re-formed I , precekd by the Cernet Club, Hurned. to their Lodsre room, when fer the oial formalities, the Lodgs ad- jarned. rhis evenpg the Ledges will resssem I st the fib of St. John's Lodge at dock vtw thwr-w4H egatn-ferm In ton, add march down Market to Ftnt, np Frrnt to Princess and on Prin street to lis Opera House, where the foOwiog exefclses will be held. tute Bylhe Cornet Concert Ciub. syer BiBer. B. A. Yates e By tt Glee Clnb. trodncte By Rsr. Dr. Pattersee. dress Fab. H. Bnsbee, of Ral- n. a sic BjCornet Concert Cluk. u can bt No 1. Heating and Cook at almt any price by going the ry Ageirtr, at Jacobi's I T jadleatltus. 'theSoutl Atlantic States,stationary oruimi bartoeter. warm.r ntWllOW lUttl JTACHCllLa L a. " . 1 w" j 1 .partly eendy wea!bsr and occasion-1 is. 1 Heir .Advertisement. i 0m Treaatuer ft Collector, City of i7ilmingtonf H December 27th, 1879. ity Coupons, At COUPOJB DUE JAJJUABT lit 1S80MU bs psjd on presenUtion at the Bank: f New Ianever. All Coupons due I prevui to thsl time will be paid at this flee. I Not) iskerelr riven that no iatertet will it be allied on Coupons after Januar ary let, ltSO.i 4 enby Savage. deo3 2toac Treasurer. ? 1 In Over! Rth thi!advent op 1 VE BEuN AFRESH With a bee that w hare satisfied all our 'I patrons, tth at uoie ana SDroaa, aunng I the past yr, and ih a determination X 'd V- 1 I- i i Mfew HV. k OaA.L Jl a. "TvT I o adjust your wires to connect with the Best AO UGD6CCQC1 tO J)lOI16"i the Leading Grocery Douses oi the t 4 11 0 City We cordlafi extend .nin.fUn i call upon $ before baking their arrange ments. 0" If yXi wan FKESHESTGrOOD TP-If yi want THOROUG&Lr If yon wait the Mos Lowest Pri.fe. and P - m 5ag the yeirtSSO I CaUu BoaiTO ight I ELcKoy f O Ct 7 ortb Frat Otrt.' dec aa r tTHB BEST AND aides that can be BEffiDOX! Cordial Welcome, root UeilTftrv. dnr .1 M p4 29, 1879. . NO. 275 . , ei7 Advertisements. Masquerade 011 Skates ! AT 8KATINQ RlSK on!.Secon:d Street, to-morrow TUESDAY LVfiXINO), - com- meneinr at 9 o'clock. 8omfthng new- and dec 23-U .mn.iBW D. I. C. (Cure for Drunkenness and Opium Habits!) FULL Use of Drags, Medicines, ancy Articles Ac, juit received. BURBANK'd PHARMACY. dee29tf Cor Front and Princess sts. Lower than Ever. jAROE 8TO0KOF OAK, ASH, Ac. at greatly reduced pric-s. run stock or the bet COAL in the city, very low indeed. 23 J. A. SPRING ER. , For Rent. YY'HITE BINGS in Brunswick county, ri a few miles from Bmithville. to Kent for one year. About 300 aeres Turpentine Trees. A rare oppoi tar ity. L. MEGINNEFJ decSi-lt Exeemtor. hjAW XT. "n4- rflHE LARGEST Stock and Greatest Va- riety of NEW YEAR PRESENTS 'and OARD8 in the city, can be seen at Tzza Ziivn tjoozi oTonr. Diaries for 1880, All sixes. and styles, from the Smallest Pocket to the very Largest Cap Sizj. Blum's d Turner's N.C. Almanacs for 1880, holv- dee 23 HEINSBERGER'8, 39 and 41 Market st. SANTA CLAUS TO P. L. Bricteers & Co., rjlHE OLD QENT, on bis travels round the world, with a sprained foot, delighted , with his Cape.Fear friends promises to come again next year. Perfectly carried away with Wi!- Kington, bat has an eye to business. ' NEW YORK, Dec. 26th, 1879. MY DEAR PRES : Nothinc I ever saw la Paris, Berlin or Amsterdam, where I have beea in the habit of spending- my Christmas of late, equalled the Jollity and festivities of w limugton. Sly reception at your t ! rnonT dthhet, Wilmlnston, N; C. was glsrious. The illumination wai superb- birhest xpcctaUons. The Banks and the Old 8tekiars poured out the crih as if thev had all the small chanre in America. I eot mv f ot eaught in a telephone, seme where about the old (Jape Fear Bank, next doer to jour tarui&eent store stop pine there a moment nona,in reaaiuess iortne Spring Trade of 1880 and (rot ray beard tanked in one of Mr. palmettos,and came near beit caug-nt sneexing, lainng into one of vour tracks, loaded to the driver's ears with the choicest DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO ! AND HAVANA CIGARS! which in ths crowded conditio! of the 8torry kad to be unloaded iu the street, but a "ire drop" i your splendid STUART RYE, the best and cheapest in the world, which 1 tapped iu the alley next your sure, has re rived me. Dear Pres, give mj love to Old Wilming ton and Young Wilmington, Black Wilming ton aad White Wilmington, high and low, rick and peer, and tell them while memory lasts I shall never forget their generous and magniloeat response to my invitation to your reception. On 1st January, 1880, I shall have every thing Remodeled and Ren orated. 1 am resolved that P. L. BDIDGERS cYCO, small ke rewarded for their liberal and intel ligent efforts to improve the trade and ex toad tae katiatss of my favorite ''City by the Sea." Tow friend, das M SANTA ULAU8. Gren IBrnrFEs iMieii FLSASE JfOTICE. ' We will be glad to reeeiva eomiLunitation j rrom onr friends on any and all PubK?cU eeaeral interest bat : - V enaae of the writer mart B'.wy rv f- 'ished to the Editor. vTommnnicattoEs nscst b? writtru c r.- ? one side of thejpaper. Personalities meet be avoided. And it is efpeciallj and particularly ui J-'r ttood that the Editor does not alweji erd the views of orrepondenti, unless so" ff in the editorial columns. Now Advertisements. tsmas AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT 3G Market iI.V It i Ecoiioiuv (o Uiiv Noniclhinjr l-clul ! OX HAND, FOR THAT PURPOSE," S GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Skirts'. CopCtS, iirloVCS, Collars and Cuffe, (1 TIES, TOWELS, NAPKINS, DAMASKS BRUSHES, COMBS, Handkerchiefs ! From 5 cents up I BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS. MEK'S - - and boys; wear, ribbons: And hundreds of Articles too name jdufc to mention. No advance in any of these Goo Is. Save money and get southing useful Ijp calling on , M. IH, KA,TZ, 30 Market: St. r dec 20 Ship Notice. LL PERSONS are hereby cau- .- tioned against barboriner or trusting 4 ny of thexrew of the Nor. Bark KLUiOU STEEN, nas neither the Master or Contienes cec 27 T. ALVEOERQ, Mssterv MORE CLOTlllNG ! vercoat: DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS OPENED BY nEums on dec27 y.SSTERDAV. New Crop. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW OR LEAN'S CjL Molasses and Sugar. I Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MdKLTIIaO.V. BAC0N COFFEE. FL0UP. 200 Boxes Dry fc'alteJides, 250 Bags Bio CofIe. R;o, Iaguyra aril a, 1 1000 Bbls Flour, Super to Choice IViuiy, 10) Tubs Choice Laf Lard, 175 Boxes Pare Camiy, 125 Bbls and Bcxcs Fresh Crackers, 100 Boxs Selected Cream CLeee, 250 Boxes Toilet and Laundry Scapg, 1 J Boxes and IIlf Boxes SUa, Boxes Lye and I'otasb, 175 Boxes Can'dles, Half and Whole, -1(XJ Half Bb!s aid Boxes B. B, Mills Snuiv. Salt, Bagging:, Ties. 1 9nn Sacks MARSHALL' 8 LyJK) pise SALTy 700 Whole-aa1 Etl1 -Aoair 'o, 2000 Bndk,..ir,w TIE8' . : 1000 KejSi!a. 1 Az'h 1 Bubs Water MiH Uetl, For sale low by ( dee 29 WholeialsOro-AOon-Her Dniris