f-'ROM THE GERMAN. Miscellaneous. New Advorticomonta, allanoous, IXiscollanoous. Rail Hoad Linos &c. . ' .elH KMkaliUl3 drop of dew, '' r fln'n fiom heaven's far oil blue; I'1"" He vifet. pure and bright, i - - - 1 V k 1 T 1 III! Mill mi 1 I I 7 "it fragrance m tbe moou s Ancia forget-me-not; 'i.'-,.iTPthr gently out of Kigtit ' lJ, S chalice ol a lily while. :th h. mblenehsari'i grace they covered it; it! nrUiess and sadne near to sit, . !.l pride to this, ana fears a few, A ii i, tut half a hope, and bright tears, . and sweetness In misfortune's .jlS this they moulded Woman's jiit-r'h a teir ble row in Maine. tii ".li.n e, .,dthe stalwarts loud I3' profane, iU Maine; ihpy feel the law, ' 1 ike a halter drw, , Aiul this is why they .complain In Maine. H0UbESHOfa"oVEU THE DOOB. Symbol of the German Word GJuck ' Explained. Tbe Mrs A beer Her bine, of Berks county Pa recently celebrated her birthday L gmug an enjoyable party, on which occasion Senator Daniel Ermentrout ..MSn orator. Overhanging tne Lntiet table was a large horseshoe mftdeof candy, to which the senator referred m the following words : Hundreds and hundreds of years 0 ia the distant land of Norsemen, . .f ',rfl thev had come down and over- n r.nrnne. the horseshoe was re-J carded as a charm against the spell ol witctcraft ; it was a belief that had been perpetuated for eges that when uK,ple wishtd to keep away harm from r 111 M' m w . - Cti ttie the norsebuoo wo uuug me stable door, and irom tne nouse, twafrbUDg over the bouse door. It 1 hnncr ud to bring "gooa iuck. www ' a a. . . i Its deeper meaniDg was that people J Relieved in a power above and beyond that although for generations men bed been arguing against the bolitf in the supernatural against the .xtisteuce of something above us and BDeienfter, yet despite it all, if we Acu'd to-day go into the home of tbe mobt rthned in the lud we would tiud the oid horseshoe iu burnished Kteel, or bright silver, or shining gold, i iumiuated sometimes with beautiiu flowers, sometimes with the German word 'Gluck'- engraved on it, haDging ovtr tbe door, on the mantlepiece, 01 ooucected with some useful ornament, or ehaped iuto the most costly jewelry. hat does it mean? It means that ia paying tne same siienc 1 tr.a tr fVio HiirtAmatnral that ... . t . A m;iutgu iw iw - .,11.. ... nHnr.i1 haafhon did lUv iiuvuituivu - - iL the far back time. This belief was an element 'of human progress and human ttreegth and went tr to nerve our Lardy ancestors for the privations, daDgers and toils.whose ripened fruits we see in the comforts around us on every hand, and the happiness of the present occasion. They believed in the Bomethirg, of which the horseshoe was a svmbol; in a power above them able and willing to protect-, and thi ttej- a mde a real progress. So long t m : we have the same belief, so long will society stick together and j we . mate genuine progress. Whe we depart from this belief, society will lapse into barbarism.' Baltimore Sun. A Confederate Testimonial- A committee, consisting of Gen I R Trimble, Gen George H ateuart, Capt FP Clark, Capt F M Colston, and privates Hoffman Gilmor, J J Fenton, VV H Pope and George Savage, oalled last evening at Mrs Gary's fchool No 197 North Charles street, and present d to Miss Julia Jackson, a bandsome eilver pitcher-of Kirk'a finest work m .nehip, as a testimonial of the affeo tion whioh the ex"Conf ederate sol diers in Marvland have for her as the ehild of their erreat commander. Tne 'nresent . was purchased with .small inbscriptions very generally "made by i-CoLiederate soldiers in this State, subscriptions being limited in amount, and received only from those who had bcrne arms in the U01 federate ser vice. The pitcher bore the inscription: 'To General 'Stonewall' Jackson's Daughter from Confederate Solditfrs in Marvland. Christmas. 1879.' Gen eral Trimble in brief but appropriate words presented the gift in the name of the donors, Miss Jackson receiving it very modestly, but with apparent gratification. Her mother was with her. "Miss Jackson requested General Trimble to return her thanks to mo he represen ed. As intended, the gift was a complete surprise to Mrs Jack ton and ner daughter. Major Harry Giimor. Colonel J J-iyle Uiarke, Uap- tain F M Colston Bud Private George Ei enberg were among the most active iu obtainibg Bubfccriptious lo purebase the pitcher. Alias Jucksrn will prob ably remain two years in Baltimore be- loie completing her education. A Lady's Wish. 'Oh, ho w I do wish rny skin was a cloar and solft as yours.' said a lady t yours,' her friend. 'You can easily make it so,' answered the friend. How' .cquired tbe 6rst lady 'By using Hop Bitters, that makeb pure ricn. -blood and bloom ing beahb. It did it lor me, as you observe.' Read of it. Thottt. McKov. Root. H McKoy ATSOIlKBYfl-AT-lAW WILMINGTON, N. O. ft tSca North ride Mar ketttreet, be twee 8 Koud and Third atreets. 2T-V , : i lloiici quarters for Ale Lairer Beer and Porter. H MARCUS & DON'S, No. 13 Market 8treet . . : t - i f AN FUBJSIS rj. YOU WITH THE BESi Ale, Lager Beer aad Porter, both keg and bottled, in the eitr. ST Country orders promptly attended to H. SKUMHILO, W. L. URADOWB. of Henderson, . C. Gape Fear Tobacco Worts, MANUFACTURERS OF AI L GRADES OF LUG. TWIST AND SMOKING TOBACCO. JE& Our Triumph Hmckirg T bacco best in market, dec 13 WILMINGTON, N. C SANTA GLAUS TO P. L. Brid2fors & Co., rpilE OLD GtNT, on his faveL round the A. ! world, with a apraiDed foot, delighted with his Cape Fear ftiends pn-Hiicies to come again next year. Perfectly carried away wi-.h WT mington, but has an ye to ba inssa EW YORK, I ec. 26th, 1879. MY'DKAR PR :8 o thing I evor raw in Paris Berlin or An&e'fcidamwhere I have been in he habit of Fpeudi iy my Chrifltmas of late, equalitd the j i i y and festivities ol Wilmington, iiy rtcpiion at your Great Grocery EsMliiit Wilmington, E3. C. was glorious. The illumination wa? superb ly successful i the tales thert sarpassed mv highest expectations. The Banks and the Old 8tockiDgs ponred out the csh as if th y had all tbe (mall ch&nge ia America- I got iuy f ot cau-bt in a telephone, Bomewhere about the old Cape Fear Bank, next 'dor t.i jour uian-.ficent store stopi ing there a moment to adjutit yoi.r wires to connect with the Best and tbe Leading Grocery Houses of the Worlo, in readiness for the Spring Trade of 1880 and pot my beard tangled in one of Mr. Lamb's palmettos, and came near beig caught sneezing, falling into one of your trucks, loaded to the driver's ears with the choicest 1 DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO ! AND HAVANA CIGARS ! which in the crowded condition of the Sto had to be unloaded m the street, but a "we drop" ot your splendid STUART RYE. the best and cheapest in the world, which tapped in, the alley next jour st re, has re vived me. Dear Press eiv mv Jove to Old Wilming ton and Young Wilmington, Black Wilming ton and White Wilmington, high and low, rich and poor, ard tell them while memory asts I eha'l never forget their generous and magnificent response to my invitation to your reception. .;- On 1st January, 1880, I hall hare every dung Kemod Jed and Ren ovated, 1 am resolved iu.it phi L BRIDGERS & CO, all be rewa ded for their liberal and intel ligent eflfotts to improve the trade and ex tend the bcijiinesB of my favorite "Citv by the dea." Your mend, doc 29 SANTA CLALH. Watches, HRONOiiETiiKS, JEWELIiY;c Repaired neatly and promptly, by J. L. WINNER, No. 3 South Front street. W ii nington, N. O. Over twenty y tars' experience. Give me a tdal. dec You Want THINGS, YOU SAY, MADE skillfully, of good materia! and for the least money. You will patronize , home industry if it ocete no more thn t placa your orders elsewhere. Go--d That's b-isine-s. We've evervthirg no ii app.eiie shape for the minLfactu e of Buggies, ''a; ts, Carts, Drays, Harness. Ac. Hte now if vre can't please you and keep yonr money nome, dec 22 GLIiHARDT & CO. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS ! New Job Printing Office I rpHE UNDERSIGNED, having leased the Pres"es, Tvpes and MaUria's of the Dailt Bktiew Job Printiog Office, begs to an rounce that he is fully prepared to do every description of Plain and Ornamental Print ing, in good style snd it low rates. ' A share of the publ c patronage is respect ullv solicited. Satisfaction guaraateed in every Instance. "Neat and Quick and Cheap is the motto of this dice. Office in Review building, S. W. Corner .Wat r and Chtstiut stieets. Orders by Telephone will receive prompt attention. Ary kind of printing carefully executed for persons residing out of the city and mailed o them free of pottage. Address ail coaimucicatloni to EDGAR 8. WARROCK, Job Printer, Yilmington, N. C. nov 1 SCHOOL CF DRAWING. PAINTING, ETC. INSTRUCTION GIVEN in Cravon, Lepia and India Ink Drawing, also, Painting in Water Colors, Oil, Pastel and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. For fuctber particulars inquire at the School Booms of Missea Burr A James, in the i ear cf St. Jamas' Church, nov 2'i H. T. HELEBfllfl'S Compound Fluid Extract y cfl y PHARMACEUTICAL. S PLCIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES Of THE. For Debi'ilv. Lo?8 of Memory, Indispo sition to Exertion or liusmes, csnoixness of Breatb. Troubled with thoughts ot Dis ease, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Ches-. and Head. Rusb of Blood to tbe Head. Pale ountenauce and Dry fc-kin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, verv fjeoaentlv Epileptic Fits ana con uinni ion fol ow. wnen tne consiu,uuou befcorut s aflected it requires the aid ot an iswifrnrat.incr medicine to strengthen ana tone up the system which - " " . w "Helmbold's Buchu Ioes ia Every Case. HELMBOLD'S BUI 13 UNEQUALLED Rv anv remedy known. It is prescribee by the most eminent physician all over thd world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint. Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, 15 Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints. neadache, Pain in the ShouIders,Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other painful symptoms, are the offspring of Dyspepsia. . mmmn bucbu Invigorates the Stomach, And stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleans ing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to" the whole system. A single trial wi'l be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitating of its valua ble remedial qualities. PRICE SI PER BOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for $5. Delivered to any address free from ob servation. "Patients' may consult by letter, re ceiving the same ottention as by calling. Competent Physicians attend to corre spordents. All letters should be addressed to ' v H. T. HEL1TBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION I 1 See that the private Proprietary Etamp is on each bottle. Sold 2 e nov 18-d&wly .III: thi oxjlj als ever avahded s ramuiajture 01 ukimsun's uar-uint runus r LAriTEKo at the Centen- t S nial end Paris Expositions. 0Vf 5,000 PIYSICIANS& DRUGGISTS HAVE VOLUNTARILY TESTIFIED thaf her mn a geat improvement on the' common, slow-acting Form PUater by reason of theporcmpt actsn and the ab-olnte certainty of their quietly relieving paia, and effecting a pcuTe cere, rmua i. ' :ajpHe and STOCK H VS BEEN J f nnrl As riy are iikuest of Christmas and New 4 Hi ! I j clfts as being both useful and ornamental. Gd Carp4 with Rug to match. Nice Crumb Clotb, any size you wish. II and- some lice or Muslin Curtains. Cretons for Lambrequins or Curtains. itylLh oak, Diagonal or Plain. An elegant Dollman, Plain or Diagonal. H prty Dr4 w you may fancy, (I make a specialty of Blacfc Silks). A good !3ROCllT or Wool Shawl. Table Cloths, in all sizes, in "white and all eclprs, with Napkins to match. H lkfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties. And -ny NOVELTIES which we will I Respectfully, - 1 XI. U. McItJTIRE. Foir ihe: Mo.liday's I .? . '. -o- . 1 . AN JiEGANf ASSORTMENT OF NECK eat uarjiins in COLl&HS AND CUFFS) A'Jam a,ul raucy. ?ancy aid Plain HANDKERCHIEFS. Cheap. A grel bargain 111 Misses BORDERED HAHDK' Pure i"en, $1.10 prdoz. ! ' laldoral Skirts-Cheap Tfc Bt50c Corset in sensille present for a needy friend can b9 had In our 25c Dress Goods, ! - the very best for the price in the city. Blot Cashmeres, all Wool, 50 cents upwards 'i -5 Englisli Hosiery Ibr WithUll stock of cheap and desirable Staple Goods. Buyers are ! clec Pot CS-rap e TTBTine 1 Used Sharcies for Communion purpose Spee's Brt Grape Wine iursYears Old. rpHliuaTi; CELEBRATED KATIYB Win iaade frm the juice ot the Oporto Grape, is ed tnhii country. IU invaluable Tonic ad: steneiini Properties are unspassedly any ther native Wine. Being t pure jioe or the grape, produced under 1 8peil own personal superviiion, its pur and Inuineness are guaranteed The yoigest did may partake of its gener ous qutaet, ad the weakest invalid maj mse it Udvantge. It is particularly bene' fieialtdia agd and dsbiliUted, and suited to tbe vious flments that afflict the weaker sex. Iti in tier reiDeet. A WINE TO BE Srjie cr P. J. Sherry Th J J. HERRY is a Wine of SUPE RIOR CARITTER and partakes of the ColdenalitieAf the grape from which it is made. For KDICINAL PROPERTIES, it will bfounanexcelled. Speerh p. or Pedro J- Brandy Tbislbted ."kndy i a pure distillatioa from tkMpaid is eual to the finest Ben uessy oiOtartO randies; for medicinal pur poses it an hm jged upon as strictly pure. See tin the natv of Alfred Bpeer, Passai . j.t per th cork of each bot- i. CrEEE'lMt. PTOspect TiaeyartH Kew Jey. Gee, No. 34 Warren St., New ork. . f. . a ' For i by (SEN A FL AWITKR, J. a MUND3 D runts, And P. L BRIDGSBS CO. I 1 aoril Mr Fq Sale. A MOST DESABLE PLACE, on Ms soioro 8o4, with a beaitif ml Water Front.ad the test Ocean Yiew on tb SouBdiTwO stcD welling with ix roosas, arge pizzas, xsU roof; fine Citernr an Springjnro roocyottage and Kitchen, be sides Sevant Bm, H table and Carriage House, 3a th andpat Bouse. All new asd befit el best msial. Parties desiring to eTamiit premiaesrill find keys on place. For furaer iufbritioa apply to dee r 1w i A. D. CAZ ACX. cc: CDDaa cat:, :: ' a J riin porus plasters vere given I dec 13 Fancy IT INCREASED FOR THE IN BOTH ' rxr RnnHc ! Years1 Presents, I will auggest a lew artl- be Dleas:d to show tou. All are invited. TIES. cents to $1.30. Qualities. the City at 48 cts. Ladies and Children, invited to examine. hristmas Is Over ! VlTH THE ADVENT OF WE BEGIN AFRESH With a hope that we have satisfied all our patrons, b;oth at home and abroad, during the past year, and with a determination f To he Second to None in Our Citv- We cordially extend an invitation Co all to call upon us before making tlieir arrange ments. 07- If you want THE BEST AND FRESHEST GOODS ALWAYS 1 CTT If you want articles that tan be THOROUGHLY BELIED ON I If you want the Most Cordial Welcome, Lowesjt Prices, and Prompt Delivery, dur- - in he year 1860 Call upon Boatviight & HcKoy O Cl7 7ortb XVont Otreet- dec 29, X JET2l twiriaie a veli n ilfnint.u, N. it., Nciv 2 id, 19. CHANGE OF SCHEDULV. On and after Htadar, Nut. 2JJ, . f v Passenger trains on tlia WilTr.inrton i doa Railroad will run as fallows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRL35 TTUl I vj. Leave Wilmington, Front t. Dyot aL..i. C !.j Arrive il Weldona.... 11 50 1 M Leave Weldon.. 3 40 P 2u Arrive at Wilminjr ton, Front St. Depot at v ... 9 63 r M NIGHT MAIL AND KXPIlli THAI v . DAILY. Leave Wilmington. Front 8L Depot at. f? 40 Arrive at Weldon at.......... 3 &0 A Leave Weldon 2 13 A M Arrive at Wilmington, Frontlet. Depot at. 9 1 i V ' Traini on TtrHoro Brancb Koa h' Rocky Mount forlTarhoro at 5.1 1' A d and Tuesday. Thuradiiv and Satarc iV t t A M. Returning,- leave Tarbon AM dailv. andMondav. W : Friday at 8:30 Pjli. Tbe Day Train mates close c . xn. ; vTsldon for all points Nort'. vis hav Lr daily, (except Sunday ) and daily, via l.ict- mond and all rail route . Night train makes close eonnsctlons ai Weldon for all points north via Kicbmoni. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Train?. JOUN F. DIVINE, General Supt. , nov ?2 :t I v Gen'ISup'ts-Office WILMINGTON, OLUKBIA AND nOrtT'A RVILKOAD CO , N. C, Nov T2, 1 7:, CHANGE OF SCIIEDJjXK; On and after Punday. Nov. 2. tto fcl lowing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPKE83 AND MAIL;TRA IN, dai: j Leave Wilmington... M 9 40 A Ai Arrive at Florence 2 0J 'P Leave Florence i 60 I' M Arrive at Wilmington 8 10 P 3 NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (DaUy). Leave Wilmington. 10 13 P h Leave Florence 2 2 1AM Arrive at Camden Junction.,. 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia 9 00 A to Leave Columbia.. M 6 CO P hi Leave Camden Junction 12 00 M Leave Florence 2 30 A M Arrire at Wilmington......,........ 6 30 A M This Train stops only at Fleminrtrn Whiteviile, Fair Blur, and Marion, Passeneers for Columbia, and al! roicti o-. G. A C. K. K. and in Western North Carol! ns, via Columbia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Express Train, which connects clotty vi Florence, Charleston Junction and Cscdtn Junction. " parThr3ugh Sleeping Cars on all xifgM trair slor Charleston, Augusta and Colum bia. Trains leaving Wilmington Saturday nights do not make any connection for Oct' umbia. JOHN F. DIYINEj GenirtI Bupi. nov 22 CAROLINA CENTPvAL KAILWATCO Ornom Gxhxbal Sctiriktxhdxkt, Wilmington, N. 0., May 13, 1S79. Change of Schedule. AN AND AFTER THIS date, the f How. v ing Schedule will be operated on U-ifl Bail war : , - Passenger, Mail and Express Train. Leave WUminrton at.... 7:03 P Arrive at Hamlet at 2:27 A at Charlotte at.... i:20 A 1 Leave Charlotte at.. M8:25 P No. 2. S Arrive at Hamlet at....... 1:31 A I " at Wilmington at 9:60 A Close connection made at Hamlet with trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line Rail way. Shelby Division Mall, Freight i Parsenge and Express. w q I Leave Charlotte..... 8:40 A 11 HOt y' Arrive at Shelby 12:33 P M r i a Leave Shelby 1:16 P M Ho'10' Arrive at Charlotte 6:05 P M Y; VI- JOUS8VS, : maj ,17 General Superintendent. k? v cox tai n s t52223BW ft nops,j nrci i t ma x d k a ke, h W-iipe i a x n eii f x,.- -. Ajtd tux Ptet and Iikht Mmirn Qvilfzzs cr TX JETiTOX7XlL33 f T4Jy81000 ISJiOlA). ri win be paW forTue they will not cure- or ltclp, or for anTthlnff impure or injurious foaD'l In ibrm. Xtk your drritft for Hop LitU-ra ani try tLctaj before you aleep. Tkc no other. r. HOP Cotgu CTB.e U the rwec-tfrt, saicit Th nor T'aTj for nuu;h, IJrt r zjd Eidzs? Un- j rUr to all Ahm Curt by aJrcrptkn. Ak drnylt. J I D. L C. jM aJjoloU .nd 1 rresisaSiji cure for dronk emms. tue of opium, tobacco and watsotWK t I ocna i or circuiar. v f. Wotice- jyR. GEOIIGE M SUMMERELL, havins been admitted a member cf our firm on the 1st iutaai. i.amo aad PRICE & CO. HcipfcCt.uV 3 decS ALTAFFElt &. PBICB M" M 11 M M M