J. Jf. Y. Herald 8peciL Boston oa Fire Again. , f SEYEIUL BLOCKS GONE IT. Assresate Loss Estimated $5,000,000. at Over EXCITEMENT OYER THE DANGER. The Flames Under Control. Bo ton, Deo , 28 Boston is threat ened with another terrible conflagra tion. At eltven oslock an office? of station No. 2 tamed into Federal street, and saw the interior of the bailding No 61 all ablaze inside ol the second Btory. The premises were occupied by a Arm of wool brokers, and was iiraotly over the paper ware house of Rioa, Kendall & Co. - An alarmjwas sounded at once, fol lowed immediately by a second, and, aaiiour later, by a general alarm, call ing out the whole department. In the meantime the tire worked upward rapidly and extended to the buildings on either side, threatening to baftld the efforts of the firemen to prevent a repetition of previous disasters. In fifteen minutes the Umes had burst through the front in two of the stories, and were dancing oyer the roof and igniting the adjoining premise. In na.f uu hour they had seized up on the p iper warehouse of B H Thay er fc Co., No. 73 Federal street; the premises of Collins, a wool broker ; those occupied by B J Peters, also a dealer iu wool; the Union Express C mpany building, the rear of the y.eaiibee occupied by Pond, Avery fc Oo , dtate printers bail defying the firemen, the flames spread to the building occupied by D Faulkner, wool dealer, and the Ash'ou Valve Company. The main building, owned by Hand, Avery fc Co, printers, f routing on Franklin 6treet, can hardly be saved. Underneath Band, Ayery Ac Co., are John Carter, paper dealers; Lawrence & Co., bankers, and Taylor's restaurant. It now stem-i as if the enti e block mast go, and there is danger of the fire croribing Franklin street aud de stroying the large establishments on the north side. The North National Bank bailding on Franklin and Devon 'suira streets is now enveloped, and wUl undoubtedly be destroyed. The loss ia heavy, but canuot be estimated at tue present time of writing. The direction in' which the flames are progressing tends toward the great baukiug and insurance business quar ters of the city, but a slight change of th wind might turn them upon the large and mostly cotton and wool ware house The place where this tire started is about one thousand feet north of where the great tire of 1872 began, and the district now burned over consists of costly buildings,chitfly with granite fronts, erected si nee the great disaster neyer to be forgotten in Bostou history. Alexander ll Bice, the head of the firm who are among the preteut suffer ers, was Governor of Massachusetts during the three years preceding the term of the present incumbent, Gov ernor Talbot. , Tue light of the fire illuminated the haibor ai;d the whole of lower Boston, and is visible at Gharlestown and Cam bridge. Immense crowds of excited people are rushing down town, and bo great is tne crush that several of the treats leading to the scene of the fire are absolutely blockaded by masses of force, and the firemen are working nobly, though exposed to an intense heat. " The roof - of the North National Bank has fallen in, and the publishing housejf tlougtiton, Oigood & Co is alt-o destroyed. Their loss will be an immense one, owing to the great stock of booka oa hand Fortunately their prir.tiug oHio aud binding establish ments are at K varside. in Cambridge port, neveral miles distant, so their business will not be interrupted. UI cour e no estimate can be made regarding the aggregate loss, but it is already estimated at between $5 000 -. 000 aud $6,000,000. This will be V heavy loss to our local insurance com panies, as it ia understood that since the rebuilding of Boston, after the big Trre, our insurance" men were free in taking rik. JjATEH the' ,fire' under control DANGER Or A UEN'KAIi CONFLAORA TION AVBKrilD. BofTov, iec. 29.-2 A. M. The ams areiow'reported td be under oont'tol, aud , there is no further danger of -a repetition of our - experiences in 1872. me ure is, However, still fiercely burning, and it crfordg a ma"ffuifioat SDectale. As stated in ' my pre vio is despatch the loss is en , orm ua, though the ppce of ground burned over is comparatively small. FIUflTLNti IAFGHAfllSrAN. General Attack by the Afghans on KoberU's Position. London, Dc 23 The Viceroy of India annouuees that telegram from .Gen-"Roberta, report the defeat and dispersion of the enemy arouud Jabul on the 23d inat., before' the arrival of Q u Qjngh. A despatch from Gen Roberts, dated the 23d ihst., confirms the stiove, and gives details as fol lows: . . 'Desultory attacks were kept up all of yesterday. During the day infor mation was received that a general attack would be, made at daybreak to day. A large number of the enemy were seen occupying the distant vill ages and approaching nearer as it be. came dark. At 6 o'clock this morning ! a fire was lighted on A? mi Heights. We had been apprised that this would be the enemy's signal for thy attack, and immediately after ward the attack was begun on three aides. We were already prepared for it. On the south and west the enemy did notf show much determination, but ou the northeast corner of Bebmarvo, . AltaA ami Heights some tbouaanas cuueu,---evidenUy contemplated an Gen Hugh Dough, ly asiisted by Col Jenkins, commanded here, a soon aa the enemy's intention was fu ly developed 1 determined on a ! counter attack with cavalry and artil lery. These issued by a gorge bej tween Behmarvo Heights, opened fire on the enemy's flnk, and speedily dislodged them. Tbe cavalry pursued and sabred many of the enemy, who retired from 'all points and hastily re treated to the city. Wa have now oo- oupied some advanced villages, pari.u ularly those on the Bu kk road. Clen Chailes Gough's camp is viable six miles to the east.' , A despatch from Gen Roberta dated Cibul, Dec. 24 is as followfc: succfts" yesterday was complete. ant-mx.' InOS W&H 66Ver6. OUT Our The losses were 5 killed, including Capt Dandas anI Leut. Nugent o' the Engineers oy a premature explosion when blow- lLg Up VI. 1 ig", the towers or a Deiguuui.ue nd 33 wounded, the majority of whom are doing well, loose oi the enemy bring ;m uarjui enemy straight to their houses alter me defeat. The Khonistania ana vox remained in Oabul a few hours, but all fled duriag the night. Two of tie enemy's leaders Mohki-Alim, a priest, and Alahomed Jan flad early in the day. Another prominent leader is reported to have fl d with Yakoob Khan's eldest son, tow. rd WarJak. The cavalry have gone ia pursuit Tue Bala-Missar and the city will be taken possession of tbi afternoon The former will b9 oc cupied f it appears certain that there is no da-jger from bidden mines of powder. Yakoob Khan's wife and mother, and a daughter of the late Akbar Khan, who are repotted to contemplate flight and who have done all in thair pawer to incite the Af gbans, will be brought to Hhirfur to day. I have telegraphed Gen Bright to push forward detachments from Jagdulluk to Lebbaba and Litaband. I send a force to occupy Butkak to morrow. Communioatioji with India will be rapidly restored. Gen Charles (loughs brigade arrived this morn ing. A slight enow fell last night. All well-' Akbar Khan, referred to by General Roberts, was the principal opponent of the British in 1841, and his daugh ter is reported to fcave distributed 20.000 among the Afghans to inoite them to the present rising. London, Deo 29 A .Labor despatch to the Daily News says the Afghans who attacked Gen Rooerts at Sher pur on the 23d ins t numbered 6,000. The ground around Sherpur is thick with the corpses of the slain. DISASTER AT DU3DKE. 1 Train Falls throngo a Bridge oyer the Tay Effect of a DesiructiYe Storm Two Hundred Lives Belle ed to be Lost .London. Dec 2 A portion of the bridce across the Frith of Tav was blown down while a train from Edin burgh to Dundee was 'crossing, at fourteen minutes past seven o'clock last night. Tbe gale was so strong that steamboats were unable to reach the scene of the disaster, but several mailbags have Jeen washed ashore four miles from the bridge, and there is no doubt that the train is in the water. The passengers who are cer tainly all drowned.-are va iously e6ti maten at from 150 to 200 in number. The gale having moderated somewhat, the Jrrovost af Dundee and a number of leading citizens started in a steamer to the scene of the disaster but have not yet returned.' The excitement at Tay - Dredy station is appalling. Many thou sands of people are congregated await ing definite intelligence from 'the aoci dent.The missingDundee train was seen crossing the bridge, then suddenly a hash of hre became visible. The rail way officials, in spite of the gale. walked along the bridge from Dundee until they found there was a large gap canned by the fall of two or three of the- largest spars. Al- other despatch says that the train was bound for Dundee and had arrived safeiy at tbe south end of the bridge crossing tbe Frith of Tay shortly after seven. The bridge was intact at the time, for sigLals ' were given to allow her to cross. The wires were inter rupted a few minutes thereafter, and no further communication could be obtained. Immediately after the disaster largt quantities of wreckage and clothing, aud nix London mail bags for Dundee and Aberdeen, drifted ashore, aud b nine o'clock alrHbe beach was strewn 'with the remains of broken carriage and pie'cea of bridgework. It is not Known Hbw many passengers were on the -train at the time of the disaster, but the number is estimated to hve been from one hundred and seventy to two hundred. It is believed that hall a dozen of the largest girdeis ,df tht brivJge were blown down, but the full extent of the disaster will not bt known until to-morrow. Severalj)arV ties are looking; for bodies coming acho: and, thb gale having modera ted somewhat, an effort is being made by some of the people of Dundee to reach tbe scene in a steamer; The ex eitement is very great, and people are thronging from all parts of the neigh boring country to hear something defl I nite as to the catastrophe. ; 'V-V-i i Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and eery sort of H rdware at lowest s.ort of cisb prices at Jac-bi's. L Cainse and Effect. TLe main cause ot nervousness ie in digestion, and that is caused bv weak ness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Bop Bitters to strengthen the blood, and keep the liver and kidney active, tocarry off all the poisonous and waste matter of the, system. See others column. imDoriamto me U3(ted We would advise all whj imy nolLhe advice of a physician, to Reiner tA or write to Dr. Pvooertson, 19 J$0 EuUrfSt., Baltimore, Md., who from $ ars Ape rience in Hospital auu ijiecia Irakcf, puaiantees a cure iu allliseses oFte Urinary Orgatv and of tbj Nfrvonjjjrt tem, Organic and Seminal Wellness, m potency (loss of sexual pwer , Nei rus Debility and trembling, Papitt ion c f fc Heart, dimness of sight orgidd nesj, Jo, turnal Emissions, &c, al resi-ltitg pm abuses in youlh, or excess in mait yd ; also all skin and blood dseas'S vJ'y cured. Dr. K. is a craduati of one J" lie oldest and best medical schools i his country (Uc lersity oi Maiarl), il re fers to the leading physicians in Lis criAnd all consultingbini can rely upon hoifrble and confidential treaimen. Iou Jjng en close stamp for reply. Sjecial atAlon civen to all female complaiut. GoB ac commodations for all wishir? to tufcti d iee him. Medicine sent to atj addr- . Wiliniiifitou Uisrict. Firs: Round of Quarterly Meetii i for the Methodist E. Church, Suth 18 . Coharie Miss, at Wesley Ch.pel,. .b GJokesburv. at. Uokesbu bury 3 4 n.." ...... Jac))-!! Bladen, at Bethlehem Elizabeth, at Eiizibetbtown,, . Jarl7 -18 Whiteville, at W'hiteviile ...Jarl-25 Waccamaw Mies, at Bethesia. . Jji 28 Brunswick, at Sharon .... Jan 3 j'eb 1 Smithville Station '..,...! 3.4 Wilmington, at Fifth Street.. .....b 7 8, Wilmington, at Front Streif. .Fe4 15 Topsail, at Prospect. . . . ... ......Fell 22 New River Mission... J...Fe 25 Onslow, at Swansboro.,........FeE8-29 Duplin, at Magnolia j..Ma 67 Clinton, at Andrews Chape. . Mai 3 14 District Steward Meetcg Fruary 13tb, at ten o'clock A M, atthe Pannage of the Front Street Church 1 Wilcgton L S. BittiiE., Pre&ling Ber. The World ffr 180. Democrats every where shoacl infaribem selvea carefully alike of tbe tction their party throughout the county anof the movements of their Kepublian op lent . failure to do this in 186 coriribatfifreat ly to the lost by the Democracy of tfraita cf the victory 'airly won at thi polls T" year 1880 promises to'b oof the most interesting and import t yeavf this crowded and eventaal centurL It 11 wit ness a Presidential election wtich m result in reestablishiDfr the Goverimentf this country on tbe principles of i'j consitiona! founders, or in permanently (bangiithe re laaon of the states to the rederipower "Wo intelligent man can regard sueta elec tion with ioditference. Tn Wot as tbe only dailv English newBpaier pushed it the city of New York whiih ufldathe doctrines or constituiionai jemoesy, win steadily represent the Demicratiiartv in this great canvass. Jt will dt this ao spirit of servile partisanship, bat temmtel? and firmly. As a newspaper th VVd, beiog the organ of no manno oliqie ao inter est, will presest the fullest nde fairest piciureit can make ot eac i Jay'sistory in the ci y, the 8tite, tbe quntrand the world. It will aim he re af tel. aa retolore, at accuracy first of all thinjs inl that it pubusnes. JMoman, nowev. hole, shall ever be permitted truly to compa that he has been unjustly dealt with jx t columns of The World. No interest, tpver power fal, shall ever be permitted tri to bow that it can silence the fair critics of The World. r During the past year The Wei has seen its daily circulation trebled and i weekly circulation pushed far beyofd tl of any other weekly newspaper tboountry. This great increase has btfn w, as The World believes, by truthfi-ness, terprire ceaseiegs activity in collectig nei and un falterinar loyalty to itself ad to i readers in dealing with the qQestios of thlay. It I- 1 J !t L " iB uur uope anu win oeiur enav T tna The Worlu'sreeord for 1PP may j written ia the approbation and th suppo of many tnousanas more oi new refers iall part" of this Inditsoluole Unionof Indtructible states. -RATES Our rates of- snbsenptio lemaiinchang ed, and are as follows: : Daily and. Sunday b, ae yeai$10; six moniDjjjio.cu; snree moms, $Z 7 Daiiy, without -undayf one ye. $8; sii months. $4.25; th-eemonti, $2.2 lets than tnree montnj, 91 a month TheHunday W01 Id, onyear, me MoBdiy World, cotaininnne Book Reviews and 'Coiloge Ch)nicle,')ne year, 1 en 9 j 9 1 he femi-Week y Worl (Todays and rridays) Two Dollars year.To Club Agents An extra cr pv fo clubf ten: the the Veekl7 World ( tednny) One i.'iuiw jer. 10 jiut enti n extra copy for c ub op ten, the emi eekly for viuw in iweaiy, me uaily fr clubf fifty Spec'men numbers sent frees appiiea tion. r Terms Cash, invar iablvin adnce c end post-othce mon? y rder, ank draft or registered letteri Bills t risk: the end- er. Address 4 ; "THE WOIi," Park IWIV. Y. t SPECIAL IFFR. V rubsonbers who send $1. br ajar's cub- Bcnpuon 0 tore December 18 vl receive The w eekly orld from the te of their subscription if 10 JJai'ch .J 181. w 1 . . . c,udeQe Presiontiicampaifn M" ue ineuration of thjrexFresidenU yj a suDscibers whe een( $l.efore De- cemDer a renewal the sabferip- , 1 "i rtcij I, Weekly World to March 5, 1681, ythot missing a This Oiler u ill (ioWith "fawu Ieceiibe. 29. . I aEeadvanta?e of it a. up CnW.ih. at occe. kcrx i i TllOl. H. McEov ik 1. MnTTrtL WILMINGTO;:N.C ?3C? N?rth ei'de Marifrtret, betwee. aira street. i lleadquar terfoi Ale Imager Beer ad lorter, NJ3 Mtket Street (JA roufiTH TIE BBS i boa keg nd I I Country orders pfiptl fendeJta COHUEBCIAL HEV70 WU.MLNiTUN MARKET I DKCEMBCft 30 4 t If. I SPIRITS TDRPENTINjC Quoted flrm at 42 cents. Bales 200 casks at that figure, KOSIN Quoted: llrm at $ i 25 bid for Strained and Good Strained, Sales 2.300 bbla Good strained at quotations. . TAR Steadya at fl 10 per bbl of 2S0 lr Sales receipts at quotations. " CRUDB T U HP i&ifTLSK Stand v af tl at for Hard and K 60 for Yellow Dip. bales receipts at quotations. COT fO.N -Quoted quiet No sales reported. The following are the offlcial quotations Ordinary . 10K Cp.U 1 1 t-16 ttood Ordinary.... ritrict Good Ordinary ow uiaaiiBST Tl 11 16 Kiaaiinir Qood Middline i OA.ILT aaoaiPTa Cotton spirits Turpentine .."...'."". etosia rar ...... .v.....""!;!.;.;! Ora a e Tu roenuaV....". .'.'.'"T' 15 bales 4t7 caaki 2,71 bb s 114 551 " MARINE NEWS. ARKIVKD. Steam-yacht Paaaport, Harper, Smithville oieamer Wave Robeson, Fayettevillt Williams MurctaiHoii. Steamer Gov Wrtb. Worth, Fayettevllle "nu ot nuriu. Br barque Isca, Knight, Barbadoes, C 1' Brig Silas N Martin, Brown, New York guauo to DeKosset & Co.; vessel to J 11 eff. wchr B M Tilton. Eilzabeth City. 2.040' bu corn to B F Mitchell A don. Br brij; Lamb, w aiter, Port Natal, C P Me bane. CLEANED. t Steam-yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville. Geo Myers. SteamerGov Worth, Worth , Fayettevllle Worth & Worth. ,St?,amer Wave Robeson Fayetteville Williams A Murchison. ...Az barque Kurique, Payson, Liverpeol, Williams a Murchison and F W ClarkT Nor brig Nornen, Christensen, Clirihtiauia Norway, Deltosset A Co. Nor barque Jubinal. Jensen, Glasgow. Paterson, Downing fe Co. Exportf. roaaiaii. Liverpool-Arc brig Knriaue 2.500 baift cotton. Christiana, Norway Nor brig Nornen 1.923 bbls rosin, 2" bales cotton, 2 bbls tar. 100 casks spts. Glasgow -Nor barque Jubinal- H, 100 bbls rosin. WEEKLY STATEMENT Or 8TO0KI OB MARS DBC. 22 1879. Ootton Total , n.iyo Spirit! ashore............ 19.392 afloat ... 2,231 Total 21,623 Rosin ashor. 1103,240 afloat 12,fe0 A V MltHIIIIHItl ............ 115,820 Tar ashore.... 4,201 afloat. ' i Grade ashore ,.., afloat...... .... a Total 5,313 BICKIPT8 FOB THI W1BX rhdirs mo. 22nd. Ootton. 2,510 Spirit!...... 2,949 Rosin.... 19,811 Tar 1 47 Ornde 6,564 RXPOKTI FOB Til WlIK ENDING DSC. 22ud. Domes tif. Ootton 95 30 227 343 16 Spirits, . ... ........ ....... .... ......... Kosin. Tar.... Grade, Foreign. Ootton Spirits.. Kosin ....13,423 Tar, Grade Ship Notice. LL PERSONS are herebj cau tioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Nor. bark KhCTOtt STEEN, as neither the Master or Consignee will oe responsible, dec 27 T. ALVEBERO, Master " The Mew Boot & Shoe Store, 32 MARKET STREET. Boots and Shoes For the Holidays. A RR1VIN1 DAILY BT PXPRE88, Gome soon to avoid the msb. daily. Immense sales My Goods in Prices and Quality cannot be excelled by any. 5 one but the best and most popular makes in tne country. NO ASVAZtrCS ZZT FB.ICX3S nother lot of those Scotch Button School Shoes jart armed. Gome and examine. The Same Old Prices C. ROSENTHAL, 32 Market Street. dec 22 sign of tbe Show Case. Now! iHRIoTMAS IS OVB! I thank the public fur their very liberal patronage Hav ing added largely to my stock of SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKf. AND STATIONERY. I am prepared to fill all orders promptly,aad at reasonable prices. dec 25 ' C. W. YATES. ashore 10,0S2 afloat. 3,704 loui.... H. 4 201 . 5,313 Miscellaneous. L adoes and IT IS EVERY BODY That the Finest, Most Complete in North Carolina and especially in SVilm'nn-t THE dLD AND WELL KNOWN p. AVe 8ell mure goods, cheaper goods and be Detween Ualtiniore and the South Pole. There's lots of beautiful things for Xmas, w but comfortable, durable and useful. No charge to show goods. Call ID. dee 20 1 Notice. J1HI E FEMALE SCHOOL, u ill b resnmpd in tbe Bargaw Academy building: on tbe first Monday in January next, under the di ection o' competent teachers. Barsrw, Dec. 1 , 1 R79. ieC 2 I imi A w Special Bargains, TAY BE HAD TUIS WEEK AT XTJL in ererytnm? in tbe way of Geht's and Youths' Clothing, Hats, Cap Umbrellas Hatchels and Farnithin? Goods' Our rangements for tbe Uolioay Trade are com plete and we areoffe i; g rare' bargains now Call and sets them at KHKlfiR'S TWO TO;iK8, M irket st. dec 16 If You Want HANDSOME 0HRI8TMAH I RR8ENT for your Husband, Son Brother, Kela- A tJT or Friend, goto COMfcx'a hereyou can get A box Imported or I'omestio Cigars, A Meerschaum Cigar or igarette Holder, A Meejchaam or Briar Pipe, A Cigar or Cigarttte Case, And anything else in the ' niuker'a articles. Wk LTKK CO.NEY. Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac. dec 13 Salt. Salt. Salt. 21,000 8ack Salt NOW ON WAT FROM ENGLAND AND - sr A l'Ori ION DAILY EX." TECTEP ! Factory Filled Fine Table AND Liverpool Ground hlxm. FULL WEIGHT GUAUANTEED. Molasses. CUBA, PORTO RICO, NEW ORLEANS :.$VGAR HOUSE, IS BHD., T1EIICES AND UAKUFIA es"cr f ni iviws s v? : and SCALE COMPANY. . HAZARD POWDER Co. BLASTINGPOWDER,in Kegs, INDIAN RIFLE POWDER, in Kees. KENTUCKY RIFLE POWDER, io Kegs. DUCKING POWDER, in 6 lbs Canisters FINE ELECTRIC SportiDg Powder ..in 1 lb Canisters. APPLY AT WILLARD'S." decg Ladies' EmpDrium. UNDERWEAR made of bst n ateriaL Children's and Infants' Clothing. Latest no t I ties in Bairt Curls, Puffs, Coquat, Sar atoga Ware. Orders for Hair Jewelry promptly attended to. Hair straightened from combings and made into any style de sired. OTAEiPina Donn Bohemian Yasea, Toilet Setts. China Cups and Saucers, Wax and China Dolls at Trr low price. Orders tikea for Infants' and Bridal Wardrobe. MISSES KARBEK k VcGOWAX, dec 22-tf. 6 Front HtrteL Lower than Eye. JARfJE STOCK OF OAK, AM II, 4c. at greatly reduced prices. Full stock of tha best COAL in th city, Tery low indeed. dec39 J. A. 8PK1NOEB. Miscellaneous. eroftiemeri ! A FACT, AS SHOULD KNOW u and Most Elegant 'took of on will i,e foiniilat ! FURNITURE HOUSE OF 5 Iter roods. haii any house iieh arc- not only prettv. and see us and we will l ' (Til, 1 orth Fitor strekt ' Just Received. ill n io c.iiib ,.r iimi r The New Hat Store jyj? STUCK OE MBN'S, Bi-jaf and C ild- Tmni.i v .W - -P t"7.u" noerwfar. ru B IKSM. rrt I Tar n.- I, . If "r,MU I'morellss, is complete If you wiHh to Bare money call and exami my 5t,C5 before purchasing. e"mi JUUN M. KORLVSON, . ,, ' No. 13 Front sL, V ' fV,xt Prcell HoaU. verybddy. KD 1113 UNCLES AND BIS Cousins Ld his Hwters .rd h's A urts is inrited to wit ness the Grand Dress Parade fcYtry cay aLd eTery ereninf at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, On Itoitli Front Street. The Stock is the largest and meat extenilre of the kind in the State, ard embraces a Tory great variety of use'al and pretty' things, which are sold tl ere for less than talfth momy u uallj dtma'i d.-d r th.m. Tb Ctf. lections ere nit dn in person ai d Jbey art all reliable gooJa. " Visitors fnru iLt o. utrj are particularly invited to call and see how far little d on-y . Will fir . Kt-i; emStr tha placfl, the Bo3ton 5 and 10 Cents i r Store, Nntb Front Ptreet, between Chestnut. Princess and oct 23 You Would Like Know to TriIEKE lO Gu TO GET gk 0 THE BEST Lmor Ovst.r,. w 7 Wit ig. rs, etc. The Xew Restaurant ti nr-ercd 1'V WILL WEST in Ci.s'm IJouse Mh-.v. Las ti.o. ht-.i of every tLlng at very Kaior.able-pi.ices. New, neaf, clean and private, is the C'flk-e Saloon, dec WILL WEST, Proprietor. Winberrv Oysters THEY ARE GOOD now. Another instai- tnent jnst receired this morning. cold enough tow for hot Whiskey and fat Oysters, F ee Lunch erery flay at 11 o'clock. sepi'26 JOQ.V CARROLL. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE rRAUE MARK- nilJRAOC MARK English Rem edy, An un failing cure for Seminal 8 p nnttorr- rT.andalldia. aw BEFORE TAillB.eaaes thatfol-AHEI TAIII8. low, aa a s-qance of 8elf-Abae; as Lota ei Memory, Unirersal Lassitade, Pai tb Bcsl, Dimceas of Tiiion, Prematura Oi Age, and fony other Disease U at lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Pramatur Grave. SBsV Full particulars in our pamphlet, wbicn we desire to send free bj snail to ewj one. TbeHpacific Medicine i sold by all drnggMts atfl pr packaga, or six pack ages for $5, or will be tent fr by mail om receipt of the mnner by addrearinr THE CPAYMfDlCmE CO.i llecbaaic's Block, Detroit, Mich, gold in WilmiugtoaCaad very whr by all druggists, tct ll-drlj. . ... i ESTA BLISH El) st rcviTrd 1 8 n,ce ,ot ' ir Goods Braids, Purl, C quel's Ourl. and Wilt .1 IfS