3 0, " THIS pipes , Bub4 dfirj Wna, .eMdyi w epud by :- JOSH. T. J A !I K H . KOITOB AND PROPRI BTOl , SOBSCP.IPTIONS.POHTAGE PAID. year, $5 00 Six months,. $2 50 ; Throe moBthJ.fl 15; One month, 50 cent. : ih caper will b delivered by carriers, of ebarg-e. in any part of the city, at the ibTt ratal, or 13 cento per week. AdTertisiBjr rate low and liberal v , Subscribers will please report anyUnd .11 failures to receive their papers repilaVly. Hew Advertisements. 11 CARPETS BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. i Will show llie largest assortment. of Carpets South of . New York, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, 1 j Carpet?. v Further particulars next week. ' Carpets, Carpets, ' . Carpets, Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, .i Carpet, L - Ca rptts, - - - ' Carpets. . - .. . Wo invite all to call who Lave v IVY idea of "purchasing t nch goods . Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether they have any idea "of pur- chasing or no'. Carpets ! Caroets ! Garnets I BROWH7 & RODDICK, 48 Market Street, no T CLYDE'S TN 7 n aj7 7 irwv ; . AND ' V tTJilminston, C. Cteamohip Line. . She Oteamer i4 BENEFACTOR, CATT. JONES. ' . BAIL FROM NSW YORK 0 ;RTTODAY. Janiiary 3, ' - Bhlpp.n can rely upon the projHir f calling of BUaxasrt ai adrertisM. f for Freight Engagement appl y to fSriibs. e. co.d, 8uP't, i ' WUminitni N. C. . WU. P. CLYDK A CO., 35 Broadway. New York 4 19 - UL ial Bargainr. AT BE HAD THIS - WEEK AT '.a, eve-ytbivg in the way of . Gent's and 'emUu' Oothhig, Hata, Capi, TJmbreUM ateh.ls aad YarnUhing Gooda. Oar . faogBisU for the Holiday Trade are com- lltt tad n art offering rata bargains bow. I V',.- IL mi kbu m meal at A SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, dec la ; . Market sU REVOLUTION ujv vv VOLilV; WILMINGTON, N. C.,( THURSDAY, JANUARY J, 1SS0. NO. 278 LOCAL NEWS. New Artvertisements. P H.iBBBB9a Wrtetirg to All I : A K Wuiis, Ca.-l'r ADrual MeetiDfr. jThe Best Remdj Ayer'i Ohe-ry Pectoral (Warner'a Kafe K.idnsy ai.d Liver Cure. ' . ' ;A. & I. Bhrikh SpecUl 'BargiL-s. Wicdow Glasi--ali at ltairer'& Price's. ..- l 1 We iin 29 iniinrjo ot liyiiht thfT rhoQthi. ' " A ti d b6 1 8 8 0 l rt U i r i v h k i )i a rel y or, the boards to-dy. . The ktKueis wr til' Ui;siiif)i ii2 cele- brating New Vf r 1 iv. ' Very fw Nvw Vetr calit? ire made to dny in this citv '. btjet "' Chis muutb tiHh Live 'L'nuiv;.iys, five Fri iajs aud five Sdnirdnys. Knivoa and Furks, i'ueket Koives &.c, for the Children at Jac r.i s. Barque Ai7j, MTlnd,. euiicd frcm Liverpool onjthe IG h ult. for titia port. Schooner Jennie 7". Vtlicjf C.hdwi k, hinc-, arrived it N-jw York on tbo 30th ult. Burque StUn'iuti, : htackleber', siiled from Newry on the '15 h ulc ( r this port. ' , - '."Nor. baiii.l; J''runc, Amuson, sailed tro:ii Chaiet.n u"a ibe GO'h ult. lor- this port. " ? The anhuai UiCttiL' ot tii- t-toi;kh'o.ldejs of the F.rtt National B'iuk wiil be held in this city on the IS h ii.si. Schooner G. Vitrei, Bunker, from Rock 'and for this port, was at : Vineyard Havtn on the 29th ult. V ScnooDcr AHavela, iioit, from St; Pierre,via Wilmington, arrived at Phila delphia on the 30th ult. ; We regret to learu th tt Dr. J. C Walker has been confined to his house for the past three days with erysipelas. "Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks ami Spoons; largest variety and -lowest prices at Jacodi's., i Didn't our good friend of the Sbeiby. AiiiO'd forget, to give credit for that edi toriaF article from the Revikw we find u this week's issue of h's pap?r?4 Wiiex y.u eel a CvU3H or bronchi al affection' creeping on t'.ie lings, take AYEB S CHERr.Y PKCT eal and cire it bc fore it becomes incurable. Save your mony by buyiuij orir Build ng Supplies fHf"n AUaffer & I'ricc. f New Year his passed off very quietly with us.. Business has .boen almost enu tirely suspended, both upsJrcet and on the wharves. Two overcoats, several wa-kinj: canes Sa fadies' v cket book ard other articleF were left at the skating rink last night. They caii be had by "applying to, 1'iof. Cashing.' CroW(s jathei da ly at'tne L tile Giant Entire r?6us3 to get a view ol the gallows which have . been ree e 1 in the j lil y aid andoii - wUc'i A lea Maihis will pay the death pel ally to-i. orrow week. S asille fi nadian. Mr". Gti'ibr' of .Br ck :lie, Canada, afier I t- ng cured . f .'pi- t-.;'f.i malaria' diseas.? cu'utricted.m Tt s y moans o? . Wa r :': f ' Pi'is d Sale lift ters, writer u u,-: i's'.vil uever'travei i:i that eiimaie vwitt out your "Sale PKs ai Safe Bitters as a part of n.y outfit.' ,. A party of u-eiiy tkuters, .katetl the old year out ard the new year in at the r.nk last nih Whiln the clocks were t -'ling cut the old year an I ushering in the i-ew t e skaters irdti'g:ng in a mcCk tournament. A larg pasteboard box serretl a a ring as lances. , i while Ij jonis wereuted. .Entirely Recovered. Nkw Yobk 1 1TY, J une lb 1S79 H. II. Wakkk Ar Co. Gentlemen -I h; reoy cer iiy that mv wile. has been nsig V r'j's Site Ividcey and Liver Ou-ef.'r B. f-i.v's Disease, and she is now entirely n c. v. r i When a:l physicians' remedies f.tt'. a was inducel to try, your remt'd . . .i 1 roCfived beuericial re ulrs Irom i r- b-jttle.. 'Alter takiug foui bottle!- s i 'W s entirely. cured. Yours trulj , ; . . K'ckKT B "Fl-TZiEt.A LD , 'I he t base. 'The fox hunter's horn and the yelp ing music ol a pack of hounds were heard in the murky jair about 5 o'clock tbi3 morning and .after a cbase back and forth nearly to MasouT-oro Sound and back poor ReyDard was cornerdd aud caaglit, Mesers Josepband. John Watters being the first gentlemen in at the death. r Personal. We wrfl nleasad to receive, a Fcali to- d.ty from Mr.' William Lurub, of j the firm of W. Lamb k Co., of Boston; Mas. The rirH?hich he is the senior rue me ber isone of the most extenaive plumb ing establishments in the MHub." He iD herein a abort visit in which he is com bining busine88 with pleasure, He is the guest here of an old friend, Mr. Wilkins lloddick. 1 4 A merlcan Union Telegraph We learn that the! American Union Telegraph Company will be formal ;j opened for bu.siois on the 5th inst ( commerjcing With 22 000 miles of wire in UTfirlrilirr nrdpr Tilt" nimntsn v will have k . r . (TiO.OOO more miles of wire in operation j by the 1st of June next. GeLeral Ev:ker jnaa been aprjoitited Geaer;il Suner4uten- lent of the Company. 'i'hfcjr c aned 1 heui. List evenipf; the cler.ks iu the dry goodi house of Messrs. Brown & llnd lick completely took their eniployers by sur prise and.hndi6mely caned them. They are beautiful ebony canes with gold heads and exactly alike.. 0 a each head was en graved the, initials ol the gentleman to I whom the cane was given. I We. suppose that the siid chines have bedn "wetted'' but of this wp are not sure, as hejr forgot toDo',ifj .usomhe fact. . Early Vegetables and Alligators A gentleman in this city informed us yesterday that he had been eating lettuce grown in his garden, which-was planted in October, for a month past. A Florida market could hardly surpass this, though oy the way we noticed in an exchange that green peas were selling in .Jacksonville $4 a bushel aid alligators at $1 apiece. The peas were the first of this seasoa's growth, but ths account failed to state whether the alligators were the first crop of the season or not. Thrown Out or a Buggy. We regret to learn that an accident oc cured to a lady' and gentleman while driv ing but early this morning in a buggy on one of the roads leading to the Sound, by which both of the occupants of the buggy were thrown out and the lady sus tained several bruises and bad one of her arms badly sprained. It seems that the horse which they were driving took fright cr shied at the bounds of the Fox Hunters' Club which crossed the road im mediately in front, and fell into , a ditch carrying the buggy with him. Both tLe lady and gentleman were thrown to thj ground, but fortunately the horse remain ed perpectly still after the accident audi did not either attempt to kick or run, otherwise the results might have been wroe. He Comes ! He Coui.js! ! , As Grant progress. s on his journey 9uth, acccmpanied by one of the most intense and bitter haters of the Southern people Byron Andrews, correspondent of the Chicago Inter- Ocean which is a most malignant, intense and vile sectional sheet -the Sot tie. n ror-'e along tie roue in some jnstauces are beginning to up-end themselves, rand crook the png nant hinges of the knee." " All that is lacking now, is for the brass bands, in each Southern city, town, and hamlet where thii hi m ige :s likely to be paid to meet and serenade tne junketing tx-President at the depot as the palace car which contains the aisj dsiinguished ex-Tanner traveling injpuch imperial style rods in' with the.thrftling;air'"Hail.to tae Chief,'! or See the conquering hero come," while every old soldier shall "toss on high his. ready cap in' air and lilt his voice, in ser vile shouts at sight o that, great". friend of Babcock, of whiskey fraud fame, and the ex-Secre ary of War, Belknap, of pott-traderhip noteriety, whom General Grant as President parted with with such "regret" when Belknap wes caught steal ing and forced to resign. iTheh the whole crowd tl a'l tVe up the national air and t-iag with Ion ! acclaim "Ha 1?: Columbia, happ land! If we ain't reconstructed i ii bv " . ".. ':. V Guilty of Wrong. Some people have a fashion of confusing excellent remedies with the large mass ot 'patent medicines,' and in this they are guilty of a wrong. There are some ad vertised remedies fully worth all' that is asked for them, and one at least we know of Hop Bitters. The' writer has had occasion to c&e- the' Bitters in just such a climate as we ; have most of the year in Bay City, and has always found them to be first class .and. reliable, doing all that is claimed for them. Tribune. The .FreedmaifTj Baak Depositors. . . i V e understand that there is I to be t meeting held in the Ccnrt Hcue on nf xt Monday evening,' by the depositors of ti e defunct. Freedman'sBank, to concert meas ures for petitioning Congress to pass the bill introduced this session into the Uopse by Mr O'Connor, of South Carolina, prbpo8:ng to pay from the National Treasury the amounts due the depositors and thug wipe out, at once and forever, as far as may be, this stigma on the na tional honor. The Commissioners have generouslyJgWen the nseof tbeCourtRoom free of coat and without fcrgor gat. . .. i Harbor Masters Rportii From Captain Joseph Price, Harbor Master, 8 have the following report of the number of vessels arrived at this port during the mouth of December', 1879; American . Schooners. ... Brigs . ... Steamers... .. Total Foreign Schooners ... Brigs ...n..... Tonnage. .......3.207 ..14.,.. .. 3 .. .. 4. . 776 . . .3 380 21 tonnage 7.362 Tonnage.- . i is 11.... ...:2 822 ;............17... ..6,450 Barques.,.. Total 30 tonnage 8.420 Total number of vespe!s,-American and Foreign, 51; Total amount of tonnage 15 782.. - ; , . ' ' The Don Quixotes and Kooners. There seemed to be a jollier and a larger crowd f people on Market s.reot this afternoon than there was at the. same hour on Christmas Day, thotigh the nuisances of ' ths Kooners , aad fire crackers were conspicuously lass. The sidewalks were almost blocked up from Market to Second street by expectant people waiting and look ing anxiously for the Don Quixotes, who finally marched down Second to Front and then turned up Market street giving the anxioas and patient crowd in front of the Market, but a small glimpse of their procession. John Kooner carxe along in the meantime, however, and fur. nlshed amusement for the disappointed crowd. Mortuary Statistics. From the books of John G. Norwood, Sacretary and Treasurer of Pine Forest Cemetery Company (colored), we ' gather the following report of interments in that Cemetery during the past year, the re port being by months: January, 8 children- and 14 adalts; February, 6 children, 8 adults; March, ! 11 children, 3 adults; April, 6 children, 7 adults; My, 11 children, 13 adults; June, 11 Children, 6 adults; July, 20 children, 17 adults; August. 11 children, 11 adults; September, 16children, 7 adults; October, 24 children, 6 adults; November, .10 children, 11 adults; Decem bjr, 11 children, 0 idults. Total for the year 144 children, 1 11 auults. Vessels in Portand to Arrive. The year 1879 closed with a total num bsr of thirty vessels of all kinds of over 130 tons burthen in this port. Of these thirteen were barques, nine brigs and eight schooners. The vessel having the largest tonnage is the British barque Bsssie, of 685 tons . The smallest is the schooner C?H, Mucomber, of 120 tons. There are several oth-rsmaller vessels iu port 'not e numerated jn the above list. There are also now on the way to this port thirty-nine vessels of different kindV, nUiooalities and tonnage. Assuming that the average carrying ca pacity of the sixty nine vessels which are in port and to arrive, to be 250 Ions, which we are confident is a very low estimate, we have an aggregate of 17,250 tons. -A little reflection upon these n.. ures will give some idea of the ioipbrtancoi of Wilming ton as a C immtrc:il city. ' ' Wilmington District. First Round of Quarterly Meetings fur the Methodist E. Church, South 1880. Ooharie Miss, at Wesley Chapel,. . Jan 1 Jokebury, atCokesbury............Jari 3 4 Bladen, at Bthlehem. . ...... .Jan 10-11 Elizabeth, at Eliribethtown. . . Jan 17-18 Whiteville, at Whitevl le.t Jan 24-25 Waccamaw Miss, at Betbesda. . Jan 28 Brunswick, at Sharon., . . .Jan 31-Feb 1 Smithville Station. ................Feb 3 4 Wilmington, at Fifth Street;.. .Feb 7 8 Wilmington, at Front Streci. .Feb 14-15 Topsail, at Prospect . . : .Feb 2 1-22 New River Mission...;......... KFeb 25 Onslow, at 8wansbofo.,....:.....Feb 28-29 Duplin, at Magnolia. ....... .Mar 6-7 Clinton, at Andrews Cbapei . . Mar 13-14 District Steward Meeting February 13th, at ten o'clock AM, at the Parsonage of the Front Street Church at Wilmington Presiding Elder. MARRIED. McLAUKiX BAOQ-ln this citj, on the etreninfi: of ihe 31st December; 1879, Mr. LaUOttLIN A! LAlKI.N to Miss JULIA KVELVN, daVjrbter of M. k.Kigg, Ei . New Advertisements. First National Eank of . Wilmington, Jan 1, 1880' ., TIHE iNS.UAC MKF.T1NQ of the Stock holders of this Bar k for tre eltcticn of Directore; will be httd at their Bankirs Hoase on. TUESDAY; the - I3th' ins't , at ll o'clock, A. M. ' -' A. K jaa 1-2-12 U ; A veeetable preparation and th -only nn rmly in the world for Brieht IiAC'.. malrtM. and ALL Kidnrj, l.irrii! Urinary Diwen. imoni.il?! of ilw h ighf st orjor in j r t of.these statements'. . For thf run or Iiatt, call for War nr's .Safe Oialxt. Cure. K"For the euro of Rriclifn and the other -diseases, call for Warner' .Safe Kiduy and lil ver Cure. Safe Itein-dii-N arc sold by Druggists ami Ioah-rs in Meclizine evywlicre. EH; WARNER &CQ., Proprietors, Rochester, . V, J8CSSend for RiriipMet jan 1-eod-iy Greeting to A!! jyY FBIfiNDSiAND PATRONS, wiEhiu them a happy and pr6eperous New Ttar. Thanking them for the liberal patronag ox- tended to me for the past ear, and acki? g a eontinuance of the same I a q, j .' Rtepectfullj, i i 1 ' P. HE1NSBERQER, jan j Live Book Store. "THE BEST, REMEDY ';: . . : j. -. for loves .. Diseases of the -Tliroat al Lnis. Ayer'-s Diseaseg o the "pulmonarV organs are so prevalent and fatal, tnat a safe and reliable remedy for them is invaluable to every community. Ay er's Cherry Pectoral Is such a remed y, and no other so eminently CHERRY merits the cons cience of .the public. It.is a scientific com bination of the medi cinal principles an MliPlh vii lues ui ilfj'1 thft finest' drucrs. 4.:. PFTTAPnt. chemically uniteil, k!z to insure the great est possible efficiency and uniformity of re sults, which enables physicians as well as invalids to use it with confidence: It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that science lias pro duced. It strikes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, and is adapted to pa tients of any age or either sex. ' IJeing very palatable, the youngest children take' it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Couelis, Colds, Sore Throat, Broncuitis,$nlluenza, Cler gyman's Sore Throat Asthma, Crou p, and Catarrh, the (fleets of At.r's Cherry Pectoral are magical, and multi tudes are annually 'preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection it affords in sud den attacks In Whooping-coitKh and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and hedpfui,. i The marvellous cures which Ayer's Cherry Pectqral has effected all, over the world are a sufficient guaranty thai; it will continue to produce the best results. An impartial trial Will convince the most sceptical ofits wonderful curative powers, as well as of its superiority over all other preparations for pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians In all parts of the country, knowing its composition, recom mend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe, it in their practice. The test oi half a century has proved its absolute certainty to cure all pulmouary complaints not already beyond the reach of humanaid. -t ' , w Prepared by Dr. I. C. Ayer; & tJo., Practical and Analytical Cheml;t, I ' Lowell, Mass. OLD BT ALL DRCGGI3T9 ETEHTTTHZ.EE. - jaa 1 . - D. I. C. (Cure for Drunkenness and Opium Habits!) FULL Line of Dtugi, Medicines, Fahcj Artielet lo.,jwt receired. BURBANK'5 PHARMACY. . dee 29 tf Cor Front and Prineeu itiv TjisL!er pf sssrmm?saFmssassuemmi I Pro bA b l . ;. . v .. . PLEASE NOTICE. . . ... o; '.!' ' We will be glad to receive eqicmtmic ttion: ; frca our frleads on say and allftbJect;.-. general interest but : ' ' y e name of .the writer alwajr r U ' -.Lhd to thai' Editor.' . : . ' Comaunicatiocs mct b wfltten c r. u,v oTsa (id of the'paper. i'erscnalities most be aTWcd..: ' " Acd'it ia efppciallj'and parU:ulrly nni-r stood that the Editor doeinot always rt the views of correspondeii U, ticiaaj so in the editorial columns. . Now Adyortfsehiontb AND HOLIDAY GOODS ' AT . . ... . MarlicJ St. S IJooiioiti v to Jflny OX JIAX1, lOli 'JUAT lUlilOSK,. LESS-GOODS: Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Skirts, Corsets,- UIoves, ' Collars and Cuflfe; 2 TIES, TOWELS, NAXIKr, DAMASKS r:J BRUSHES, CdlViBS, Handkerchiefs ! From fi cents np 1 . BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS.' MEPi'S : AMD BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS, Aid hundred or Articleg too numerouB to mention. ; : No adrance'in any of these Gon&a. I I3avc m jney and. get so or ;thi C3eful by calling oa t . ' . ; ' 26 MarkcCSl. Ldec 20 Lavender Water, ykRUENA WATER. New lot frh drar and a fulj and complete st' ck of Farcy Arti cles -;,fur tho Flolidaj. Tra ie. TerjtMa goaraitf eJ freL, piro ard ci b?st (jualitji F. 0. MILLEIi, Crner 4th and Auq 8trtct. Open ay and night.. ' -dec 22-tf NEW GOODS AND A KW YEAR ! "fR3. R. J. BAKER ha on hand a nice 1 t JL Stock of - Hatfl, Bonnets for old and youDjr. Old Ladi-a' Caps, Breakfast Caps, and ail kkd of Children's floods, Crochetel Hood?, barques; Cloaks andv Infant's Backs. AH kind of iJair Work, done to order. Braids made of combines, old liraids wotkedoTer. Bandfeaux, Fnfi?, Ccqaefs Inruible Frout, Saratoga Wa?es. Ail kinds r f M made and repaired. All orders r-' ir.ptly filled from the country. I aarijtr Batiifactloa to patron. dec 31 roetic hrisiiinrtas havic bocn ami't- d a nv,aber of our ; '. - ' ' ; f--" " ' , firm on I'k Ui -n-, she Lame and . style v!l! XcrcAf-K b6 ALTAFFZR, Ile3pectrul!y, dec ALTAKFEK'i HUGE 4- (Vlozart Saloon. JOttX.UAAR, Ju Viok.ior. So 1, Granite Ebw, Soutli Front St.''.- FRESH orST,ER8 received Vitv S? ertry day, anil rerTea up in IfJ any manner called for. j SCi'j - Bi!Ha-d Table rencratui aa-J reaiy'for those who like the gaie. " V Drinli gerred) in Gni-zUu' tuti. "Xaktt 1 arxrs to read. Krery p-fsn mho rltk$ tho . city hunts tbij raloob, 1. ; dec 5-1 m . ' . ,r ii 4 I i- f ... .a x " 1 .

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