uun . J JOSUT. JAMB. HT,UbBsciurrioKB, postage paid. year, 00 Six saontHi 83 50 ; Tare 1 eratha. tl 15 : One moatk. Id eats. fit mmt will dMttnd by carriers, .e rat., or 13 eeDts per wee. a rate low end liberal If H.wri(n will please report any aad . fall res to receive their paper rejrularly . Hetr Advertisements.- RE70L0TI0N in CARPETS BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harket St. VTfti show the largest assortm ent r of Carpets South of New York, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Further particulars next week. Carpets, J Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. Carpets, :- i Carpet 1 Ca rpets, Carpets We invite all to call who have A IVY idea of, 'purchasing' ' ; such goods. j Carpets, Carpets, ; Carpets, . Carpets YVe also invite all to call whether they have any idea f pur chasing or not. - Carpets ! Caroets,! Caroets ! BROWN & E0DDICE, 43 Market Street, aov T ) ' Lavender Water, TXRBEXA WATKR. New lot fresh drugs 'aad a full and complete stock of Fancy Arti- j el; forhe Holiday Trade. . Everything f asxszteed fn tb, pure ard of bsst quality. C. MILLER, 0rrner 4th andun 8trwtp. Open d? aod oieht. dee 13-t r fJEV QOOOS AND A NEW YEAR ! MRS. H. J. BAKKK has nn hand a nice Stock of Uats, Bonnets for old and jomaf. Old Larfi Caps, Breakfst Caps, ad ail kied of Chilcreti'f Goods, Crochete ! Hoods, -tq, L'fotki and Infant's Hacks. All kind of clair Work done to order. Braids soade ofxc-nnbings; old Braids worked over, Baadsaix, Hufl, Cfquet's Invisible Fronts, Baratoga W4aM 1 kinds of Wi made aad repaired. All orders promptly filled from the country. I guarantee satisfaction w ptirori do 31 i Greeting to All jJT BIlCNDS4ND PATRONS, wishing Aesa a ksppy and prosperous New Tear, Tkanking them for tbe liberal patron age ex- . I Uadtd to me f.r Uepait year, andsaskirg aeoatinaarcef the same, I a 2; Rt tpectfully, P. HEINSBEROER, J I - Live Book Store, Special Bargainr. fa a a n a . hau this' nweek ai U.ee-ythiar ia the way of Gent's and Tflmth. CkrtMeg,.Hata, Caps, Umbrellas (atehIs aad raraUhiag Good. Out rangaaisats for tteUoUday Trade are com- lete aad reoffri rkr. k. 1 ' am- w - aawwa 1 Can amd tea the at SBRISK'S TWO STORES, Market sU dee 11 inJi I VOL.iV. LOCAL NEWS. ffew Advertisements. Niwbot A Chxmh Butter He ad Cape Fear. Military Academy. ' Read ad HoetetUr's Bitters. P I1uhsbkbke Orbing to All ! A.-4 I.- BaitJER 8ieciI Brjf iri8. Window Glass -rrice's. ! ali sizes at ltafler ' t Want! to know--:-if a Havana cigar makes a man ill, will two make a man ilia ? ' ' Thr religion which storm at the out sUte of your pocket bwk is the thinest kind of a sham. " 1 Ye6 ! yes I Tue boquet, ha sent her be came the scentreof attraction whtu placed on the centre ab!e. It is said that lu.dian oabies never cry. This is because they are never taken to public entertainments . Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Piated Forks and Spoons; largest variety aijd lowest prices at Jacoisi's. A wise paragraphed remarks: A man who declared. himself to be, iutoxicated with music was considered air tight. .A The newest veils fare of bla-k tulle, with small dots made of very 'fine gold thread, and a border 'lightly wrought in gold avove I the h-m. ! .. Christmas Fire Dogs and. Fire Irons Fluing Machines and every sort of H rdw are ata lowest sort of cash prices at Jac El's. - !', -r B- just and fear not, Bays the prov erb, but a man mayibe as just as Aris- I tes, anc yet De ear wnen ne see3 cross aog corning. - A niby-thrpated humming bird fasUD. ed on the side of antfdu si'.k parasol lined with ruby satiu, is the latest dlvice in ornamental carriage shades. Silver jewelry is now) fashionable, aiid many a trade 'dollar will be melted - to adorn some pretty girl's ear or throat Ugly girls will not wear silver jewelery. Capt. Washington Catlett -notifies tbe public in this issue that he will resume bis school exercises on' Monday, tbe 5th. ;nst See advertisement in another col . .- ' I . . " ' : ' t umn. . 1 .J . Mr. C. Vou Q ahn of L'lmberton, a brother zt Alderman! II. Von Glahn, of this city, died at his home yesterday. He was a member of the Order of Knights. of Honor. An article is going the rounds headed. 'Abuse of Tobacco.' There is no help for it. Tobacco must take its share of the abuse if it isn't strong enough to1 take care of itself. - 1 In consequence of the Mayor's bein rather indisposed this mon.ing there. was no session of the City Coilrt to day, and all cases on the docket are continued unn til to-morrw. A great iiiunj boyo and girls fall des perately in luve ;with each otb-r,, and rave over disappointed hi pfS before they are old enough to teit tin;-d'rl-irence be tween tne lieu-rl-ache hix.! te co' c.. Ytry few stica castas j.rve LiUtl.. - Shot-tower wi 1 be uiuch wr!i by! la- dies at the liuvyrq ard opera this iafon. The' can ' v 1 f! ie t!d--aiiii :ii uc perfectly 1 i -1 exquisite by the a Iditi-ju of a county jiil, trimmed at the edeswith a couple o courthouses, uud looped at the side with a postoffice or a ferry-boat. J A'ou can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agtncy, at Jacobi s. j Deaths In IS 79. . 11 - The followins1 is a summary of tha deaths in the diffsreLt Cemeteries in this city during tbe year 1879. We extract the information fr,m tne columns 01 our neighbor of the Star, who got ahead of us on this item: 1 O k a'e 60 ;dults and 54 children.' Total 114. " Of this number 7 were still born iulauts atui 10 died elesewbere and were brought here tor latorment. BeSlevut 14 idqlis and 21 children. Total 85 Of this number 2 were still born infants, aud- 1 died elsewhere and was brought to ihis city for interment. Pine Forest (ColotM) 11 1 adults and 144 children. Total 255., i he greatest number (24) was in " October, and the smallest (6) in February and April. Cemeterv Fortyseven adults and 44 children. Total 91. Of these only about 6 were wnites. raupers irom the county, outside ot tne city, . 1 . m . are not included in tho above report. Total Whites 154; colored, 841. Grand ttfal, 495. 1 DAILY W ILMINGTON, N. C The Pjthian Ban. The second annual Pythian Ball, under the auspices of Germania Lodge K. of P,t took place last evening at Germania Hall, The hall was beautifully decorated .with evergreens, and from the musicians' stand was suspended the Py thian flag. For solid pleasure our German citizens know, better how to get tbe maximum amount daring the evening, than any other class if people in the community. The corar. mi t tee, Messrs. H. C. Prempert, E. Karls- berg, H. Bremer, and C. V. n Kampen had done every thing in their power to add to the pleasure o( -their; guiata, ;At 12 o'clock supper, was anuouueed and danc- ing was laid aside, in order to partake of the creature comforts prepared by Mr. V. Mi Collins, who was the caterer of ibe occasion. After serious inroads, had bet n made upon the collation, tripping the light fantastic was resumed and kept up uotill the breaking of the morn. Arrival or Vessels at tills Port for the Year 1879.' , . Through the kindness of Mr. James II. Chadbourn, Chairman of the Board of Contmissioners of Navigation, we have been furnished a list drawn ot from Cap- tain Price'sbe Harbor Master, monthly reports to the Board of the number of vessels, American and Foreign; together with the tonnage of the same, that have arrived at this port during the year 1879, nom isi oi January 10 uecemDer 6 isi in- elusive: American 63 Steamers 1 Bark 50.233 tons. 424 2.676 82,882 : 10 Brigs 152 Schrs Total.... 221 j s Foreign 146 Barks 86.114 60,879 23,657 1,0C6 ; it 82 Brigs 9 Schrs Total 237 75.502 " ji EECAP1TULATION. American 226 Arrivals 86,114 Foreign . 237 75.602 ti lt Total 463 161,616 ti ills rtew Year's Girt A gentleman in this city, wishing to convey his respect and esteem to Oapt. H. C. Brock, our worthy Chief of Police, presented him on yesterday a very fine bull-spitz puppy. The little pet was carried up to the City Hall by a porter " in the donor's, establishment and as he banded it to Uapt. Brock, repeating the message of wUhipg him , -Happ, N.w maAm a innn. . v& . m . , J. ol , eiv., vaiK. vaw&i wauw mi tuugjo for the sable bearer of that bull-spitz pup and Would have cribbed him if the darkey il i. aaa ni.. -r-.r j-w ' uou uvt uuukcui iua niuicoaiu uiev made tracks down the street and told his employer that Capt. Brock wanted to pat him in the guard house for carrying the puppy to him. It i3 well kaown that Capt. Brock has a natural aversion to bull dogs, caused by unpleasant recollections, but it any one in tne community nas a rattlesnake or water moccasin which he would like tamed, we know of no one who would take greater pleasure in charming it than Capt. Brock. - Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c, for tbe Children at Jaccbi's. .arrests Last Night Peter Walker, coloredj was gettitg little too much emancipation on last night I in I honor of the day and becoming very disorderlywhen officer E. S, Griffith took him under bii kcepin g and escorted him to the guard house, where he now reposes in the solitude of a cell, realizing the cold fact that though it was eman etpation day, one cannot take too 'much liberty with I the law without suffering punishment. Thos. D Smith, a seafaring man, had tx much New Years on a little too late in the day, and being very drunk acd disorderly about 4 o clock . this tnowlni officer O'Brien gave him safe conduct to I the guard house and a free lodging until such time as the Mayor shall see proper J to release bira I Nathan Graham, - tbe crazy colored man, who is nominally at tae Poor House where, he is supposed to be confined. made his escape from that institution again 6n Xmas Day, and was making his way op tha steps of the City Hall last night into the Festival which the ladies of the Presbyterian church were holding in the above named place, when Captain Goodman, of the' police force, nut a hand in his collar and took the Inaattc down to tbe guard room, ' where be'waa locked ap . v, to await bis conveyance back to bis proper quarters at the Poor House to-day.' The red tops add more to the small boys' height than the high heels. lEIIEW, FRIDAY. JANUARY Beeelpts and Exports- To Col. Jno L. Cantwell, Secretary ofifhe Produce Exchange, are we indebttd for the following -summary, of the receipts land exports at this pert for the year ending December 31st, 1879, as com, ared with the previous years. As will be sean, there is a great falling off, both in receipts and exyorts, for Whichj however, there are good reasons to accoant. The season may be considered this winter as fully two months behind, receipts being, delays! from the fact that producers are this year for the first time since tbe war, able to call tkeir souls their own ant are holding on for better prices in the Spring, and the' long low stage of water in the ri?er has seriously interfered with the receipts of naval stores. As for the exports,, the tremendous demand fr crain i freight during , the .Fall from Baltimore' and New York has kept back many vessels destined for this port and the. earry ing trade, hence to Europe has beeh delayed in consequence. A (glance at the list we publish of vessels I now in port and to arrive will explain all this. ; The following are the receipts . and exports alluded to: , J The receipts from January 1st, 1879, I to January 1st, 1880, were 92 484 bales j cotton, 103,812 casks spirits turpentine, 622,379 barrels rosin, 65,192 barrels tar, j 131,361 barrels crude turpentine, against receipts irom January 1st, 1878, to January 1st, 1879 117,803 bales cotton, 114,356 casks spirits turpentine, 601, 609 barrels sosin 67,257 barrels tar, 168,007 barrels crude turpentine, The exports were as follows: From January 1st, 1 87 9,to January 1U, 1880, ,60,252 bales cotton coasiw se and 37,486 bales foreign, a total of 87,738 -t . OT1KA a'nrl RH Q89 trtrdtorn a tntal aninfa nf 91,224' casks;. 44,891 bairels rosin coast wise and ,468,001 foreign, a total rosin of 612,892 barrels; 44,651 barrels tar, coastwise, and 22,721 foreign, a total tar of 67.S72 barrels; 2,905 barrels crude tarpentinel coastwise and total. This is against : . ' '. , Exports from January 1st, 1878 to January 1st, 1879: 54,230 bales cotton coastwise, and 76,282 bales foreign, a total of 130,462 bales cotton; lOli casks spirits turpentine coastwise rm r J .. t .1 j xu 1,103- spirits loreign, a M wt iwiu otwi and 616,279 PMin ioreigi, I total of 581.958 barrels rosin: 32.008 1 1 i it 1 f naar Bnirir-t art r. s-k a .m rn wwm vniin I barrel1 tar coastwise and 31,176 tar wreign, a toiai oi oj.i. Darreis tar; d, 087 barrels crude tumentlne coastwise , i and 1,449 crude foreign a total f 4,536 I barrels crude turpentine. Whew you febl a Cough , or bronchi al affection creeping on the lungs, take i ayeb's cherbt pectoral, and cure it be fore it becomes incurable. 1 ; iiiicrcsiiBS io voiiiuiiaaiuu jucrcuituts xnrougu tne courtesy oi uoi. iiicw Deputy Collector of Customs at this portMmitted to the family of the deceased, as a we are permitted to make the following extract from a circular issued by the I TreMar, Dopartmeat at Waabbgton .n- aer aaie oi uee. iota, jot ?, io me lector at this port: C Hectors of Customs are tLerefore instructed that in no case shall the names of shippers and consignees be furnished for publication or be permitted to be paWi.led from the records ornesoftte Custom Home. They are also requested, whenever written it quests to that effect shall be filed by shippers or consignees, to cause to be withheld from publication for a period not exceeding ninsty days, statistics of the importation or shipment or any particulai merchandise imported or shipped by them. Dime Party at Burgaw. We are requested to announcthat the ladies of Pender county will give a Dime Party at Burgaw, on the evening of the 8.h instant, for the benefit of tbe Prcsby- terian Church now ln coarse of erection at that place. They expect, everybody to be present on that occasion and to bring with him "his sisters anel his coisms and his aunts." After the Dime Party several little pieces will be rendered by the Burgaw TbeatricaljClub. All of oar readers who desire .to spend a pleasant evening should be on hand then. , j Entirely Recovered. Nkw York City, Jane 16. 1879. H. H WARREN & Co. GENTLEitEN I hereby certiiT that mv wife has been usiog Warner's Safe Kidney and liver Oare for Bright's Disease, and she is now : When all pnysicisns' remedies failed, she was induced to try J0Or remedy, and received beneficial re- suits from tbe first bottle. After taking four bottles she was ejArely cored. . yXours trulv Bi FlTZOKftXLD. NO; 279 County Board of Health. At the regular annual meeting of the B jrd of Health, held fat niht at the County Com missioned', room, Col. .Wn Lt. bmith , was reeltcltd President and- Dr. J. C." Walker, Superintendent or Health for the ensuring -year. Afte some little informal discussion tho meet ing adjourned. . ' - Save your money by buying our Baild ng Supplies from Altafl'er '& I'rice. f Colns: Back t his Old Qmrters. Captain Win. H. Sligh, (JoramaLder of the Penitentiary Gaard, at the above named iustitution in South Carolina, ar-. rived here this morning from Columbia, for the purpose of identifying the prison- er, tlenry Mack, colored, whose arre1 some, days ago in Strauss's alley, by (0i- cernCarr and Strode, assisted by several of the police, was mentioned in the Review at tne time, -lha prisoner proves to be an f scaped convict front the South' Caro iina penitentiary, Who was committid there on August lst, 1877, for the crime ot grand larceny, to serve- a period of two years, but be succeeded in making his escape on pet. 17th, 1877, not quite I three mouthy ufter li.id first imprisonment and has bien at Jargeeyer since until cap tared as above stated in this city, some ten I ays go. Captain Sligh will take his pris- J 00r on the 10: 13 Southern bound train I wu6i-. J , Sensible Canadiai?. Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville,-Canada, after being cured of a prostrating malarial disease contracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Bitters, wrif. tn nsl l shall climate without your Safe Pills and Saf I Bitters as a part of my outfit.' Indications 1 i ifnr I lia SJm itri Atlantis i: ur I I Knm...n. i..j i ana winds shifting Xo South and East. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT J HOWARD BELIEF FIRE E. CO., No. 1, Wilmineton, N. O. Dec. 29th. 1879. , 9 ii uviwuis utiiu ,ui jjirine xrroviaanco nas remnvea irom our midst our friend and Brother Fireman. HENKT EHRBECIC who have profited by his example, are desi rous of testifying our respect for his memo ry, and expressing our earnest and affection ate sympathy with the household deori this depensatlon of its earthly head: there fere, be it ' I i Resolved, That we deeply feel kbe loss of our Brother Fireman; Henry Ehrbeck; that I in him VA loin nna hn mi alna wo . a 4t hi7pot in timrof .. . iUi iuo, Kino, wora tor tin 2,;? b"'tae I Resolved. That in our nitnmi nrmv w m rAn-i i - j . I .1 . - -, . . , , , " " find coniolation in the belief that it iawell wua w !'ornom we mourn. IJlJ1 T Ly. be draped in mourning, and that a blank ar w.cease x uroiner. last the jDO ine shall P'tre be left In our Records. .Willi th nm date and death of ear Brother infcHh thereon, and that the members of this ram. pany wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. vR'S0l ved, That while we deeply sympa thize with those who were bound tn nnr He- parted Brother by the neatest and dearest ties, we share with them the hope of a re union; in that better world where there is no .A! J l 1 nr t . . pruag uu oiiiu inenaoie iorDtds a tear. ttesoivea, That these reolutioas be trans - eVcl.nt chVcTeV of .nod his rest, and of th interest relt by his brother "i:?:Z'tte """i'o" A. 1UK1A, H. OHLAft D T, D. L1TOBN. Committe. A. D. WKtiriELL, New I ; Advertisements. Butter CB0a WESTERN PE.V.V3VLTANIA, choice acd at bottom figures. 8WBURY A CHASTE.V. Wilmingtcn, N. C, Jan. 2. U8D. a a -we yet sell iow. Have not time to write. .; N. fc C jaa 2-tf I , Cape Fear Military Acadeiiiy- WA8HUTGTQN CATLE1T, Principal, TH. TON JA8MU5D,; Assjitants. rriUJi EXERCISES OT THE C. F. if. A. JL will be resumed on MO. V DAT, Januarv 5th, 1810. J ine BKhool is in a very pro iperous condi- uon. , : . . V. I, Those wishing to enter will please apply to Principal at the above time. . fan 24 T v O. BRUNHILD, L. BftUNBJLD, W. L. MEADOWS. ' pf Henderson, 5. C afaaufactureis of AIL GRADES OF . . - .i , ' PLUG, TWIST AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Our Triumph Bmokiacr Tcb&een hp1 2, 1880. la market, dee 13 ! WIUUNCITOX, N. a PLEASE jfOTICE' , ft'e w" be ld to receive ccmn-cxikatioo, from our friends on any and all subject V eeneral intoreat but : j Tbe name of tie writer must', alwiy 'Ut) Ucnimtmic&iloiu mcst be one aiife of thepaper. rritte cd oft Fer$nnlitiea mtfet be avoided. v , And it is especlatly and particulsrly on.it stood tUt the Editor does not aiwsye epd v the vieVscf correspoadeota, unles3, , in the ed!tnial colnnms. New AdvortiBenionti. AND GOODS AT R9. "-..'' 1 j -t- -" . , :G Market St. It I Kfoiiouuy io JBiiy Soiiiclhiii relnl ! JOl ox irANiV :f6i: that rbfirbjE, GO QDS5, Shawls, Cloaks; Bianlxets, Skirts, Cornets, Oloies, Collars and Cuffei, S3 TIES, TDTWELS, NAPKINS, "S3 r DAMASKs-J BRUSHES, COMBS, Haiydkerchiefs ! ! From 5 cents ud 1 i ' 1 BIBS. BOWS. FLANXELS. AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS, And hundred ot Articles, too numerous to mention. No adranc- in any of' these Gooa. , . 8Tt money and get so-x ethicg useful ty calling on . I v " . v:-'.y-.. '-f-'-i 3C Market' SU dec 20 The Stomach is Sti euc henod. . The liver regulated, the bowels put in proper order, the blood enriched tr1 r urified, and the nervous system rendered! ir ana ail ind Tijjorr.us by this inetim4e" fjiii. medi cine and safeguard sgainst dbeai, which is, moreover, a moit agreeable aad effective ap petizer, and a cordial peculiarly adipted to tue wants of the zd and it firm, r , Kor s?Ie bj all DrugUta and DeaWn'gMi- er D. i. C. (Cure ior Drujikeiiness and ODiam t Habits!) i FULL Line of Drugs, MediciaM, Faney Articles 4c.,juft received. ' L :' BUBBAN'3 PH Alt a ACT. dee 29 tf Cor Front and Princes sta. First National Bank of ! WilmiflgrUm, Jan. 1,1 80 THK ANNUAL MEETI50 of thjFtk holders of this Lax k for tie election cf Director, will be hcIJ at their Banzirs Raosi. on OESDAT, the 13th last, at la o'clock, A. II, I A. K. WALKCC, SirlstBTDas HOLIDAY vlW 1-2-1 H3 OMer -E i" h-i r 1 1- I

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