TflIB PAPfiB plUh! Try afternoon, SuB.isys QX e(,td by . ! JOSH. T. JAMK8, 8DB8CRIPTI0N8. POSTAGE PAID, Jna year, f 5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Thre aoatha, tl .15; One month, 50 cenUy The paper will be delivered by earnsrs, t of charge, in any part of the city, at the .. rales, or 13 cents per week. &d rertiein raUe low and liberal tSnbeeriberi will plMe report any and II fail tree to recede their papers regularly. New Advertisements. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show Iho largest assortment of Carpets South of New York. " Carpets. Carpets, f Carpets, . ; Carpets. Further particulars next week. . Carpets, y - Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over $250,000 Represented in this .new XLOiworpriBo. - Camels. M Carpet 4, V -Carpet y Carpets. We invite" all to call who have .; A IVY idea of "purchasing . such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether tnsy nave any idea of pur- chasing or not. Carpets ! Caroets V Caroets I BEOWN & RODDICK, 40 market Street, nor 7" Lavender Water, "yHHBEXA WATLR. New lot fresh drug and a fall and complete etcck of Fancy Arti for the Hiday Trade. Everything guaranteed fretb, pure and of beat quality. V'C. MILLER. ' C rner 4th and Ann Streets. Open day and night. t 0M 1J-U HEW GOODS AND A NEW YEAR ! MBS. 8. J. BAKER has on hand a nice 8toek of Bats, Bonnets for old and young. Old LadiV Gaps, Breakfast Caps, and all kind of Children's Goods, Crochete Hoods, SaqmeSfaCloaks and Infant's Sacks. Ill kind of if air Work done to order. Braids nad. of combines, old Braids worked orer. BandraoxPnfh, Coq net's lnrisible Front?, Saratoga Wave..' Ail kinds of Wigs made and repaired. All orders promptly filled from the country. I guarantee satisfaction to patron. dec 31 Greeting to All jyjT TRIlDRlAND PATRONS, wishing them i bip.j and prosperous New Tear. Thank ins; them f r the liberal patronage ex tended to me fer the past year, and aakirg a eoatioaanre f the same, Ian, R f pectfullyi . P. HElNSBERtiER, Lire Book Store, jaa J Special Bargains. jyAT BE DAD THI8 WEEK AT U ere ythlnsr in the way of Gent's and Ti atha Clothing, Bats, Caps, Umbrellas h'ttch.U and Froubing Goods. Our a ragementf for ti e Holiday Trade art com pute and we ar offering rare bargains bow. Call and see them at SHRIEK'S TWO STORES, dee IS Market st. ' nn H VOL IV WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, J ANUARY 3, 188.0. NO28p LOCAL NEWS. f I . ,lfew Advertisements. Waltbe Cosey Tobcco Sto. e. John M Rr bins'! New Hat Store. J.'siph Sampson -Dry Farth Cloa-t. P HaiNSBKBSia Grcetirg to All I A. A I. Bhrier 8tecUl Barir8. For otber.locals see fourth page. Day's leegth 9 hours an'l 47 minutes- Wirdow Glass ah sizes Price's. " at ltaffer & t j No interments iu liellevuti Cemetery thU-wftsk. Sleeping car conductors a ould give a ft man a wide brth. Only ooe interment in Oakdale this, week that of a till born infant. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &C, for flie Children at Jac bis. The most Ill-used objecta in" the world are eggs. Everybody beats 'em. 1880 can be nicely wiitteri without taking the pen from the paper. Parties and balls are becoming plenti ful," and the lovers of such are happy. Schooner Mcnaiwa, Fairchild-; cleared at Baltimore on the 31at ult, for this port. Schooner W II. Knight sailed from Baltimore on the 1st iost fir this port. Schooner Wyoming, Fobs, from, this port for Port au Prince, arrived at Sew York on the 1st inst. Schooner" Eitiilj H. Kaylor, Fisher, cleared at Boston on the 31st ult. for this port. The Register of Deeds has issued lour marriage licenses thia week, two of which were for white and two 'for colored couples. Man has two places where he can keep his treasures. His pocket can hold' h'i3 dollars and his head his sense. You can buy No 1 Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at' Jacobi'3 . . In Pine Forest Oemetery, colored, there have been, seven interments this. week three adults and four children, , A comet said to be Winneck's is promised us, to appear about the middle of 1880. We are not ir formed of . its probable size or position in the heavens. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's. We understand from the Charlotte Ob servir that Wade H. Harris, Esq., has gevered his connection with the Greens boro Patriot an4 thabe will resume the publication of the Concord Sun at an ear ly date. The attention of hi usekeepera is.invited to the advertisement of earth closets in this issue It is a sanitary movement, endorsed and recommended, by the Board of Health, and is a matttr which not on ly invites, but requires, attention. f i The iFiist Chapter of Ex-mIus in this City.. The Exodus Agent has ai'rivel. You can tell him by his nasal twang and hit mutton chop, rOsy-hued whkers. He swears a broad brim slouched hit with a slick greasy band arouud it. Fie will waltz around among the cor, red man and brother frorn now until the time of his. departure, wL;s;ering- accents sweat, of the land up yonder wh;re green backs grow on the trees and pumpkin pie and ar pie dimpling .may be hed every day in4he week enly f. r the ask ing. Well, all that we can is, wade in lemons and get sqmeae and then t.U ua how you feel afur you have been in and got' squeezed out. of i v?ry cent. We can dd this much more, if this agent of John Sherman, Hayes & Co., is an enterprising fellow, be has certainly got a splendid field hereabouts to work in. Save your nnny by buyia jour Build ng Supplies from Allafler & Price, f Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville, Canada, after being cured of a prostrating malarial disease contracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Safe Pijla and Safe Bitters, writes to usf I shall never travel In that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe Bitters as a part of my outfit Whks t jv feel a Ccuaa or bronchi al affection creeping on the luags, take ayek's cherbt pacTOKAii, and cure it be fore it becomes incurable. Daily 5ew Tears At Rockj Point. The beauty, refinement, intelligence and youth of Rocky Point and vicinity in Pendar count v. celebrated the advent j oftha New Tear by a Grand Ball at Gamberg's Hall last night; There was a large gathering, nearly one hundred couples being present, and the dancing wa3 kspt up, with but slight intermis sion, from early iu the evening until half past four o'gJocV this morning. The best of order and good feeling existed and the hours flew all too swiftly by. - -Cht iaimas) Fire wsFiTeTWisjf Fluting Machines and every sort of H rduare at lowest sort of cash price &t Jac--bis. - "Cape Fear Banner.." We have received the "Prospectus" of a paper to have the above title, which w id be issued on the third Wednesday of the prescut month, the proprietor and pub lisher of which is H. I. McDuflie, and the place of publication Fayetteville, N. C. It will be Democratic iu politics, to which greaiarty it will give an unswerving de votion. It will also discuss freely, IrarAly and impartially, all matters of local or p-iblic interest. The Cape Fear . Banner will be a 24-column folio, and will be fur nished to subscribers at $2 per annum. We extend to Bro. McDuflSe our best wishes for an abundant success in his en terprise, and bid him a hearty welcome to thy editorial fraternity. . " City court. New Year's morning passed, His HoQ. or cams up smiling this morning, removed his high silk hat, took his seat and open ed court. The case of Peter Walker, continued from yesterday, was the first on docket charge, disorderly conduct; sentence' of the court $3 fine,, which amount was d 3 posited with the clerk, whereupon the defendant was discharged,. ,' The case of Thos Et. Smith, a seafaring man, charged with being drunk and disorderly continued from yesterday ,was the next case on docket ; sentence of, the court, $5 fine, which, - was afterwards remitted owing to some mitigating cir cumstances which came to the knowledge of the Mayor after sentence had been pronounced, and the defendant was dis" charged. John Watson, charged with assault, upon Constable C. W. Oldham while in the discharge of his duty as an officer in serving a warrant of arrest upon the defendant, was the next and last case for the Mayor's consideration this morning. The testimony in the c ase was, in effect, that defendant assaulted and knocked down Officer Oldham without provocation upon the latter's 'attempting to serve a warrant as above stated at Mr. E. D. Hewlett's store, on Fourth, between Church and Castle streets, yesterday about 6 o'clock in the afternoon. After hearing the evidence id the case, the Mayor pronounced judgment of $20 fine or thirty days' imprisonment in the city prison. - In default of payment of the fine, defendant went below. This finished the docket and the court adjourned. s i r : Meteorloglpal Signal Sebvice, V. S. A rj. s. a. i . N. O., 1, 1879. Wilmington, Jan. 31 Report for the year ending December 30th, 1879:' ' Mean barometer, S0.102;bighest barom eter, '30.704. (Oct. 25th); lowest barome ter, 29 152 (Marclf 80ttb;) yearly range of barometer, 1 552; highest' temperature 103 (July 12tb) ; lowest temperature, 1 5 (Jan. 4th); yearly range of temperature, 88; greatest monthly range! of tempera ture 62.(Jan.) lowest monthly rauge of temperature 40q (Jaae, July and . Aug ust); meat, of maximum temperature, 86.4; mean of minimum temperature, 37.4; mean of yearly range of tempera ture, 49 0; total rainfall or melted snow, 61 14 inches; prevailing wine, S. W; miximnm velocity of wind, 68. mi); number of days on. which rain or snow fell, 119; Lumber of auroras, 0; mean relative humidity, 69 3; first fros', fJan uary 21s); last froa't, (Pecembcr 17th). J. M. Watson Sgt. Sig. Corps, U. 8. A. Entirely Kccorered. New Y'oek Citt, June 16, 1879. H. 11. Warren & Co. Gentle men I hereby ceraiy that my wife has been nsiag Warner's Sfe Jyidnay aRd liver Cure for Blight's Disease, and she is now entirely recovered. " When all physiciana' remedies failed, she' was induced to try your remedy, and received beneficial re sults from the first bottle. After taking four bottles she was entirely cured. Yours truly BkBEBT B. Fitzgebald. Review. The Burlaw Tournament. Mention of the success of the Burlaw Tournament was made a few days since in the Review but from want of informa tion we were unable to give the names o the successful Knights. Mr. y. E. Cowan, as the Kn.igbt o Pender, carried off the palm, and gained great applause for his excellent horseman ship and graceful bearing. To this Kuigh of Pender was given the first crown, which he bestowed upon A Is Dosia Walker, one of Pender county's lovelies girls, who is indeed a Queen of Love and Beauty; Hr. Wmie Bordeaux waa declared entitled to crown the First Maid of Honor and he bestowed that honor upon Miss Maggie Murphy; Mr. .Walter Bordeaux crowned Mlas . as Becond Maid c Honor and Mr. Daniel Bordeaux placed the wreath npen the brow of tee fair Miss Carrie Lamb, as Third Maid ot Hon- or. All presentdeclare tht the bl that followed, . and the tournament, was the most enjoyable affair In the an nals of the new county. : Meteorological. Siqml Sebvich U. S. A. r Wilmington, N. C; . Jan. 2nd, 1880. Report for the month of Decembor, 1879: Mean daily barometer 30.186; mean' dally thermometer 65.9; mean daily hamidity .76 1; "highest barometer 1 t Ci tl 1 A I i I ei ' u.ioo uu too ibi; lowest oaromeier zy.s 719 on the 6th; monthly ranee of barometer .749; highest temperature 78? on the 24th; lowest .temperature 24 on the 27th; monthly range of temperature 54; greatest daily range of temperature 84 on the 1st; lowest daily range of tern perature 9 on the 13th and 31st; mean of maximum temperature 66 8; mean of minimum temperature 46.2; mean daily range of temperature 20.6; total rainfall or melted snow 2.21 inches; depth of un melted snow lying on ground 0; pre vailing wind S W; total movement of wine 4,628 miles; maximum velocity of w nd and direction 28 S W, 16th; nam berof foggy days 1; number of cloudy days on which rain fell 6; number of cloudy days on which no rain fell 4; total number of days c which rain or snow fell 10; dates of auroras 0; dates of solar halos 0; dates of lunar halos 0; dates of frost 16thandi 17th; ; James M. Watson, Segt. Sig. Corps, U. S. A. Southern Historical Society papers The January number of this historical monthly has besn received, and is of more than ordinary interest and value. General Lane continues his. history of bis brigade of gallant North Carolinians giving in this number a sketch of the part they took in the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond, General Forrest's report os his operations" against W. Seoy Smith is published for the first time, and is of special va'ue, as well as a yery en tertaining paper. , The speech of Private James N. Ban lop, of the Fourth Virginia cavalry, in response to a toast to 'The Cavalry at the; last A. N. V. banquet, is a real em which is wall worth preserving. Rev. Rorace E. Hay den's paper onex plosive or poisoned musket and riflt balls is an interesting and exhaustive discus stoh of the whole subject, and contains a 'great deal of valuable information con cerning the nse of these balls during the late war. In 'General Lee to tie Rear,' Dr. Jones gives the details of the three occasions on which this incident' occurs, quotes the eloquent description of the scene given by Captain James Bumgardner, of Staun ton, and gives a letter from General Lee himself on the subject. ' A private soldier of the Third Alabama regiment gives some very interesting rem iniscences of Lee and Gordon at Appo mattox Courthouse. General Forrest's report of operations' In December, 1863 General Doles' re port of the battle of Gettysburg, and General Gordon's report of the battle of Hatcher's Run, are all published for' the first time, and will be of interest to . the general readtr aud of special value to the military student. 'Editorial Paragraphs and a notice of the review of Jackson's YaJley campaign by Mjijor Scbeihert, of the Prussian army, complete this very interesting num ber. . . 1 :; " ; The Editor promises that the Paper for this year shall be 'more readable and more valuable than before,' and the) promise will be fully redeemed if this number is an earnest of what is to follow. Now is the time to sabsjiibe for these Pope and to secure" the Tgacfc volumes. Personal. - Mr. 0 D. DeForest, the very courteous Manager of the Telephone Exchange in this city, has returned from New Ycrk, whither he went on a leave of ab.ence to spend the holidays During Mr. DaFor est's absence Mr. D. P. Orrnes, brother to the General Superintendent, has' . bad charge of the Exchange and . has fulfilled the duties or that position very faithfully and. to the entire satisfaction of our peo ple. He is to remain here, we are glad to learn, as Assistant to Mr. !.- Forest. Mr. Jas. Ormftylha..Q.tAl iiuperi intendenr, and Mr- D. H. Louderback, his Assistant, are expeete.l here to mor row on a flyipg visit. American Legion of Honor. Clarendon Council Nj. , Wilming ton N. C , cf this order, a beneficial asso ciation, was instituted last night by Past Commander N. Jicofei, wjth the following omcers, viz : Commander J I Macks. ' Vice CommanderOwen Fennell Orator W S Normen.t. Medical Examiner W J H Bellamvj M D. : .' ' Secretary 1? A MrtHctt. , Collector Jacob Weil. Treasurer 1 M Bowden. Chaplain Wm Larkins. Guide H H Kasprowicz. ' Warden H McL Green. . Sentry W M Hank ins. . Trustees R E Heide, Roger M ;ore, A Shrier; Complimentary New Fear's Hop. A number of gentlemon in this city , appreciating the courtesy of the L'Aiiso and Lotus Clubs in. Ihe efforts they have so successfully and so generously made to entertain their Quests at the Hops given by them during the season, have conferred together and have arranged tqgive them a grand complimentary New Year's Hep, to take place on next Thursday evening, the 8 h inst., in Germania Hall. The af fair will be the grandest of tho season, provided an ample subscription list, ex cellent music, an appetizing collation aud beautifully decorated hall will carry with them any guarantee of success. The gentlemen we name are the fcolo sub scribers and promoters of the affair and it is from them that the tickets of invita tion, without which no one will be admit ted to the Hall, will come, The following compose tho Committee of Arrangements, viz: Col J W Atkinson, Edward Kidder, Capt D R Hurchison, Capt F Barr, Co' A;Pope,Col T C Mcllhenny, Col L E Rice Lieut F M Mauser, Capt C D Myers, F W Clark, Capt A' L DeRo.' j set, Geqrge Myers, E F Draper, J E Llppitt,f Donald McRae, Col F WKerch- ner, J H Chad bourn , T Evans, T M Emerson, Roddick, Maj C M Sted man. The following have been ramad Loor Managers for the occasion: Col J W; Atkinson, P.W Clark, T M Emerson, George Myers, Cipt.5 A L Dc- Roset. . We are requested to state that Rev J. King, Pastor of the Second" Baptist church, who was charged with he'erodoxy at the last session of the Eastern Associa tion,- and through the columns of the Biblical Recorder, will read his reply to morrow (Sunday) night, Jan. 4th. r Ffcyi cfans' Wine. New York Physicians say that thev have been using fcjpeer's Port Grape. Wine and Wine Diners, in their practice for veara. to the entire satisfaction ofi their patients and themselves; and take great pleasure in recommendins: them to ike nublic as bein? all that is claimed for them, and, in h-ct the most reliable they can, find. For saie by Green & Flanher, Jas. C, Munds' and P. L. Bridgers & Co. ' New Advertisements. Coney's Tobacco Store. IF YOU WANT THE BE3T5 and 10 els Cis;ar to to CONEY'S where you will fiad the largest selection of Imported and Domes tie Cigars, Chewing aad Smoking: Tbcccs Qea.tleB9.en will please remember that 1 do not keep open on Bandars, taerefor thcs who wish to purchase my goods will hs? to do so during the week. ' jaa 1 tf j I . WALTER CONEF,' The W e w H at Store. JtfdT RECE1TD ANOTHER LT . I ', t . OP THOSE SILK AND STIFF HATH Also a fine liner of Boy's Hats. All ch ar for easb. Call and examine. I JOHN M. ROB1S309T, jaaS Next door South of Pareell House. PLEASE 2T0TICZ, i :V " ' ' '' " ' , We will be glad to receive communication j from our friends on any aad all rttvjects'o joncral Interest but: 1 j T 6 me of the writer must alwaye be for ished to the Editor. Communications must be written" on on r j oce side of thepaper. ' j y And it is especially and partkularly;under stood that the Editor does not always etdo i the views of correspondents, unless so e't in the editor i&l columns. Now Advertisement?. AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT ; M. ICATZ'S, C Market gfw - It i Uconoiiiy to Kiiv Something I seltil ! ON; HAND, FOR THAT TURI OSE, ess goo: Shawls, OlpakSj- . Corsets, tiloves, Collars and Cuffe, TIES, TOWELS, NAPKINS, DAMASKS BRUSHES, COIUIBS, ! .... ; Handkerchiefs ! From 6 cents up 1 BIBS. BQWS. FLANNELS. MIH'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS And hundreds of Afticlestoo. nameroos . ) mention. r No advance in. any of these Goo U. ; ' i -. 8Te money and get so xethln useful bf calling on 36 Market; St. dec2Q ' ' N - ' Dry Earth Closets, TTER THE PLAN ADOPTED by the. New Hanover Board of Health, not only save v jour own family from bad smells and ilck- ness, bat prevent the poisoning of your own and your neighbor's well. Any existing .out-house can be converted into; a Dr j Earth Closet at a small expense. Apply to J03EPH SAMPSON, , Carpenter. I Refers by permission to Dr. Wood, Secre tary of State Board of Health. jan3-3t D. I. O. (Core for Drunkenness and Opium Habits!) . FULL Line of Drugs, lledlcines, Fancy Articles Ac., jtut received. ; -BUBBANK'S PHARMACY, .dec 23-tf ' '. Cor Front and I'i in. vtj sis. Butter JLROM WESTERN PEXX.i V LVAXIA, choice and at bottom figures, SEWHVRY A CHAiiTEN. Wilmingtcc, N V. -Ian 2, 183. N BrWe yet bA u w. Hare not time to write. , N.4CV ' jaa 2-tf H. BRUNHILD, L. BRUNHILD, W. Li MEADOW8. i" of Henderson, N. Gv Manufacturers ot AIL GRADES OF PLU0, TWIST' AND SMOKIHG TOBACCO. mm , TKAOC MARK., " Oar Trlumrh Smckif Tobacco best in market, dee 13... . WILMINGTON, N. C, foirisilraas . i -- t DS.