THIS FAFEi 1$ published every afternoon, 8uRlayj ex cepted by JON II. T. J A M E8 , CDITUK AJCD FKOrBllCTOB. ' a U bSCRI PTIOJf S, P08TAG k paid. One vear.fS 00 Six month, $2 50 ; Tb , months, SI 35 ; On month, 50 cent, tbe paper will be delivered by carriers, r ..febarge, in any part of the city, at the ih 'Te rates, or 13 cent per wek. Advertising rates low and I.beral .SSubseTrbers will pleMe report any and ,11 failures to receire their papers regularly. Now AdvortisoTOonts. KH70LUTI0N "in G ABPfiTS BROWxi & RODDICK, 45 'Market It. Will show the largest assortment of Carpels' South of New York. . Carpets, Carpets, Cppots, AJarpets. --" Further particulars next. week. Carpets CarpeK Carpets, Carpets. Over 8230,000 Represented in this New Enterprise. . rarpets Carpets, . " j (a iiifs; Carpets. We invite all to call who have AVY idea of 'pjurch isin o such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpsts, Carpets. Ye also invite all to call whether iney uavo any uiea 01 pur chasing or not i Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets ! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 X&arket Stroct, noT 7 NEW GOODS AND A fILW YEAH ! MRS. S, J. BAK'' t fD hand a pice Stock of lltlSi Bonueia for old and young. Old Lli c." Japs, Breakfast Caps, and a'l slsd of li:V ren's Ooodn, Crochete ' Hood, v arqa-?, .. as and Infant's Hacks. All kiud of tiair A urk done to order. Braids -. r v. : .. i ,1 u - j T . j , Kandaax. Poii' C;o,i9t' lnvinDle Front?, Saratoga W es 1 'kinds' of Wis mace and repaired. All ordts promptly "fi'kd from the count-. 1 g larantee barisfactin patrons dec 'Jl Special Bargainr JAT BE LUU THIS WEEK AT ! . in everything in the way of Gent's and , Youths', Cioti-incr, Hfc, Caps, Umbrella . Saichebi and f-rnUhjeg Goods. 'Our . raagementa or ti e Holiday Trade are com plete and we a-e . fferinjdprare bargains now. Call and se tieir. at , i'Vi vIKR'3 'TVO STORES, . dee 1 16 Market at. Pry Earth Closets, AFIKK THE PLAN, J DOPTtD by the New II an T. r foa-J of Hea't, not only sare jour own fa'iii'j 'roin. bad tmells ccd ick ne,,'bot jrt ven hr poLioing of y- ur own and yoor re'ubb r'i well Anyexi-'i g.outhovse can be c -everted Into, a Dry Farth C loset at a sm ill expense v - Apply to JO ll'd SAMPSON, Carpenter. ; Refers bv per'aa's-io to Dr. Woo l, Secre tary of fciate Boardof Health jinS-M The IM ew H at Store. jUiT BECLiYD ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE 81LK AND STIFF HATS Also a fine line of Boy's Hats. All cheap forca&n. Call. and txamine. JOHN If. ROBINSON, Jan 3 Next door South of Fur cell House. -I Wh VQL.IV. W ILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. Sew Atvertjsuiciits. C 1 Mrba.vk, Afc'ent: Miip Notice. . Orhhibdt -4 Co-Bui, Harness, 4c F. C. AliLLEa LaTe.der Water. Cly-d's New Vor ftainaMp 1 i .Yatks B'ok .wto-e ' aul I boi Ho -ins 19W. . , ' 1' EE!sB?asii h-i Alniaoacs. IltNitY SAVAO'.Trtai A Col Last Notice J. L. Wixsku Wa'chfs WlLL'AMS AlCKChla'JM - '. W Crop. A. A 1. , SnwrK n Nre'-iv' K'eiLS.-p'-.r other-lot a' k-- f -usth p-ige. bewi g ni'uvtii.iis o uii s.v wild oais. Only five c-a'r, 'n 'i,u..-: ais -mcrti- Prict-.' . . t ieut '!. c(j for h cfl ck. Kuivesfan l i;.rk-, 'i'oc-kel K-iivis &c. (or the CiliUirtu at Ja ;:i s. . . The BarJ of Al-rmen meer, to night iu r'pgr.lj. ruori'lily scssiu.n. . JJr. Vjiti'itt dustcx, VViutcr, binco, ar- rivfJ-1 at Uias-'ow on ine 1st inst. N r. Llrque' t'owlor, Hansen, hence, arrived at Glasgow on the 1st in t. Ur barque Win Mow, Field ii'g, Iii'ce, an hiil atiLivriwH)! -n the. 1st ii s!. X". Barque Ispalte,- Ilustede, ft lit-c, aijivcd. at - Aiitwcr: on ine 2ad itibt. fl : 'Mr. L.:l. WUliums, who has bt cn for a weei past, was on the streets. to day. , - feclioonef Mm j A. U'itham, Clark hftiice, a'riv. d at Port au-Tri.nce Decem ber . ' At Z o'ci 'clc this al ei no :n the ther mometer htc l i'u this cfiice at 74, just twp decrees1 below, summer lie, it. . Another on skates 13 on the "tapis. Fr f'ssor dishing ha3 en dHoa tiie Dail lor the occafeion Suusc-t this "evening at precisely 5 o'clock. We have gained 14 minutes in daylight iithe afteruoeu, since December S-h. The nw Market House, is rajid!y ap-. proachiu comp!etifn. The sjate ftr tiling the spirv-s has ,T ived. Mr. Lrp pitt eApcU to be slle to f rmally open the New M uL?: n the 1 t of February. luy of Wrons- Some people have a fashion of confusing oxcelli'nt retneilief .with the large mass bt patent medicines,' this they are guilty of a wrong. There &re. some ad vertised reaiedie's fully worth all that is asked-for tlvm, and ore at.Ieatt we know of Hop Hitters."- The writer ' has had cca-i' n to rse the lht;e s in just such a rlimate as we have twst of the yrar in T it Citr, and has always f uiud them t iio-t-yiass ami r,-i"'. doirg idi th it isci.ii'i.ed Ir th.-rn -Trihunc. iVrs mi:; I Mr. Tlv- I-: Hs:i-i; S :p rr:.'-wr 'nt at this f JtiO Nw Yt.rk H id Wil- mlttgtcn uW.i.hi p- Line has eirned to the tit n a t-r a vi.-it to Ii 1 ti:x:o e where he tipent !He h"'!i lays with':i and reratives. , - Air. Jii. M. O.-m- s, .Su-iorinte 'dent of the Telephone .Exchanges, ar-'ivei her' Saturday night nrd ' ft 1wi. ; t He is accoj.i r.'.i- .1 by 'I Hi Aatira':t, Mr. LiOuieiba. k, an i on d ".giucral touf of inspection in the v.ith. Sensible Canadian. Mr. GadbC'is of Ikockviilo, Canada, after beiug cured of prostrating, malarial disease cohtr.WfCrl iu Text's, bv means of Warrrr's Safe Tiils ar.d Safe Bitter?, writes, to us: T ebVd 1 yrt.-r travel in that limatt- without your LMts and .Safe liittcrs as apart of my outiit.' - North CaioiniA Mrtiicul Journal. Tne I) 'Cumber qu nh.r ul thii valuable tngaJr.e. after sorne delay, has reich vj ns. Ti is, as asu il, replete with information valuab'e to the medical .fra ternity. We areg'al to' uotice the fact tha the publishers have increased the circul ti a" 1 1 the Jjurnal very materi. aV'y wiihin tiie past year, fnd have every encourageaTit-ni to v.-:-rrant a'contiaufd prosj. rity. Ti.ey liave made good the promise u give 50 'piges'each montli as they have never Usutd a number contain ing le s ihan G4 pages aad have reached as high as 84 pages a single number. We are gladto be aesured that their works have been appreciated and hope that a continually swelling subscription list may increase both the pleasure -and the profit of the enterprise. . Ctty Court. Tha Mayor's leVee tbia morniug was unusually large both .in culpri'a and wit nesses. The firsfccase called was Susan Jobnsor, a white girl of some seveuteen summerb or more,-who when asked where she lived had forgotten the name of the street. (But the Chief of Police coming to her assistance right then told the .Mayor tht the name of the street was Mulberry, and the locality Paddy's Hollow,at the foot of the above namedVstreet, near , the water's edge. The chargrf against the defendant was disorderly conduct in that ahe used Very abusive and profane language to the police just outside of Cason Vanoson's ball room at the corner oft Mulbery: and Nutt streets. The defendant when arrested by the police was in bloomer ball costume,' which the pel ice "say alt the gentle belles of Paddy 8 Hollow ddDj whenever there is a ball of the. kind named above given. This particular costume is said to be a sort of ballet style, so that their trails will not inter fere with the shu filing of their feet; it is 1 -rither on the Black Urook order, too, bo the Day Janitor at the City Hall says, which is supposed to be for spectacular- elfact., . Tue defendant, however, having been arrested on Saturday night had ample time to change her costume before appearing before the Mayor this morning which si e evidentl improved, and when arra goed this "morning, was in the modest costume generally worn by her sex. The Mayor seemed moved to pity in1this case, from some cause or other, and released the prisoner with a slight reprimand and a strong admonition not to appear there again. Cason Yanoson, an emigrant from the Fdderland, who is at present proprietor of Yaho3onr8 lodging house, barroom and restaurant, corner of Nutt and Mulberry streets, in the classic precincts of Pad dy's Hollow, was arraigned upon the charge of 'abusing the police officer who mi la the arrest of Susan Johnson.' Con si lering it the first offence the Mayor pro nounced judgment of $10 fine, from which Mc Yanoson declared he would take an appeal, whereupon the Mayor ordered him ti give a justified bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, but .Yanoson -afterward reconsidered, the appeal, when the Mayor remitted half the fine, and the defendant ptid$5 and departed. ) A youthful-looking foreign sailor; whose busby tow head had rather a porcupine appearance, was the next case, the charge balng drunk and down, and so beastly intoxicated that he had to he handed to the Guard House on a dray. Sen'enct of the Court was that defendant pay; tha costs in the case. Turee. tramps wen the next oq docket, t wo of whom gave their names respect ively as Taomas Keiley and James Kelley. The first name! declare 1 however that he was not a tramp but was engaged at work in this city., The charge against the two defendants was bping asleep in a vacant lt. Thomas &elley taid the liquor b6 drank, on Saturday niht over came him so, that he sank under the weight of the load he was carrying and dropped to sleep in the place above nam ed. James Kelley said he was a seafaring man and came from Newborn to this port to ship. The third man, who gave his name as Joba Hughes claimed to be a s vdor also,but he was found by ofScerMay er aeleep iulJMr Jas Dawson's flower gar den,on the corner of Front and Chestnut streets. The police tfiicer, it seems, was. attr cted by the man's loud suoring as he was passu: g on his beat about '4 o clock in the morning, and went in andl made the arrest. The Mayor ordered the two sailors to be locked-up for the present and dismissed the case of Thomas Ktlley. ' Thia closed the do:ket and the Comt adjourned. , - Sailed Again The schooner Sadie Walcotl, Captain Watts, frum Brunswick, Georgia, , for Bostonwitbcarp'oJumberjWhich put in at this port iu distress November 13, having had a C lision at ,aa, sailed agaia to-a forBoston, after having been "overhauled and repaired. Physiciaas' Wine, " - New York physicians .say that they have been using ispeer 's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for. them, and, in tact tbe most reliable they can find. For sale by Green Flanuer, Jas. O. MuncU and P.UBridgeraA Co, Another Kerosene Lamp. Saturday night Sarah Jane Rush, color e), living on. Eighth, between Red Crops and Carrpbell streets, was terribly burn ed by the upsetting of. a keruaene lamp. Her cries attracted the attention of a col; ored man who was passing and looking through the window saw . the state' of af fairs and forced the door open. The man tore herclothin?,which was on fire,Trom)hcr body and finally succeeded in extinguish ing the flames, but aotuctil after the wo man bad been terriblyjburned on the lower part of he body. It is feared that the injuries she sustained will prove fatal. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; dargest variety and lowest prices at J ACOBi s County Commissioners. The Board met in regular session pur stiant to adj ournment. Present, W. L Smith, Chairman, and Messrs. . B. G. Worth, H. A. Batrg.tfas.. A. Montgomery and A. J. Grady. Proceedings of " last meeting were or dered approved. Petition of sundry citix3ns of Feda ra Point township, asking for a discontin uance of Section No 1 of a public road extending from .the 15th mile post on the Federal Point road to Poor - House was granted, "public notice of the same having been made according to law there being no objection f rom citizens of said district, and said section of said roar1, is hereby discontinued. Ordered' that the tax assessed '' against the steamboat Passport for the year 1879 be held by the Sheriff in abeyance to await the determination of a controversy without action submitted to the Superior Court of New Hanover county, to de termine the validity of said assessment and taxation. The Treasurer submitted his 'account for the month of December, 1879, as fol lows; General fund showing balance in his hands of $15,131 85. School Fund showing balance in hand 84,618.2$. Spec ial Fund showing balance due Treasurer of $32.24 and surrendering of 18 coupons of $3 each which were burned by the Board. The Treasurer also submitted his an nual statement, which was referred to the Finance Committee. The Register of Deeds submitted his report for the month of December, of f es received from ' marriage licenses showing the receipt of 34. 29 paid over to the Treasurer. W. J. Mott presented his bond as Over seer of the Poor, with A. D. Brown ss surety, which was accepted, and he took the oath of office as Superintendent of the House of Correction. On application, Eliza Taylor was order ed admitted to the Poor House. Ordered by the hoard, that the building on the Poor House !o known as the Pro vision and Forage limf, 03 constituted a part of the House ol,Coirtciion,.for the security of pi isoners, and the Sti.erinteud ent js required to make the same secure, and is authorized to build additional room at -his own expense.-' It is reserved by the Board to discontinue this part of the House "cf Correction whenever they shall deem it a dvisable and for the public good. Applications wetg 1 received from the follow ipg persons for license to retail spirituous liquors viz: R -bert Portner, F A Schutte and O Vanorsen. ' Applicafioa of GM Altaffer for abate mjnt of tax cf $500 as income was granted, C W Oldham offered his official bond a C instable with fm ' kirk ins and W P Oldham as sureties, which was so Nicholas Carr offered his official bond as Constable with Geo F Tillej and W H McDade as sureties, which was ac cepted. E.D Carney offered h a official bond as constable, with A. D. Wefscll and A. R. Black, as sureties, which was ordered accepted when the sureties justify before the Chairman ot the Board of Cqraais sioner. v j The bond of T, O- Bunting as Con stable, was presented with tbe names of D. S. Sanders and H. .G. Flanner as sureties, which was ordered accepted when said sureties shall come before the Qhairmaa of the Board and justify. 1 Wo. O. Johnson was appointed a member of , the School - Committee in Cape Fear township in place ot Clans Scbriver, deceased.; Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting . Machines and every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash pricea at JacobtV 5, .1880. NO. 281 Entirely Recorcred. Xkw York City, -June 1G, 187'.). H. H. Warren & Cq. Gentlemen I hereby cert ily that my - wile has been using Warner's Sife Kidney and Lifer CuTe for Bright's Disease, and she is now entirely recovered; When all physicians remedies failed, she was induced, to try your remedy, and received beneficial re sults from the first bottle. ' After taking four bottles she was entirely cured. Yours truly Robekt B Fitzgerald. Save your money by huyiagv our Build n Supplies from Altaffer & 'Price. f New Advertisements. Ship IMotice. A LL P&BSUNS are berebj cau- J.. - " . - - . tioned against trustinff or harborincr any 6f the crew of tha Br. Bark MAlitilE O'BKIEN,' Fleminjr, Master, from Montevid eo, as no debts of their contracting will be paid bv ('aptaia or S pent. -jan B It C. P. MEBANE, Agent. You Want rpHESE THINGS, TOU BAY, MADE skillfully, of good material and for the least money. Ton will patronize home industry if it costs no more than to place your orders eiwwnere. uooa. Anat's Dusinen We've eTerjthlng now in appieie shape for th manofaotu-e of Huiea, Wagons, Casts, Drays, Harness, Ac. Bee now if we can't please you and keep year money nome. janS QEBHARDT A CO. Lavender Water, "yERBENA WATER. New lot fresh drugs and a full and oomplete stock of Fancy Arti- Ies for the Holiday Trade. EverTthiac guaranteed fresh, pure and of beat quality. . F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and Nun Streets. Open day and night, jan 6-tf " - - -. . . I88O. V ill 'Sizes and Binding, OFFICE STATIONERY, In great Variety, BLANK BOOKS, ' -. : Made to order to suit any business .a- Those intending to. open new books will fiad it to.their interest to Vail at RATES' Jn 5 ' Bookstore. Office Treasurer' & Collector, , City of Wilmington, N-C, ; January 3rd, 1880 Last Notice PERSONS OWING CITY TAX lr 1370, who wish to avoid advertisement and expense, must call and settle on Monday or Tuesday next. HENRY 8AYAGE. jaafi-lt Treas. and Collector. 1880 Almanacs 1S80, HTJRCH ALMANACS, Miller's Alman- w acs witn 'Bide table. Turner's and Blum's, FaroersV and Planters' Almanacs, wuoitaaio ana reiau, ai tne .LIVE BOOK STORE. Musical Instruments. The most complete stock in the City. Piano and Organs sold on the instalment pi an Chromos and Engrayings, New, j Beautiful ana uneap, at HEINSBERGER'S, jau p Li ye Boek and Music Store. CLYDE'S AND, Wiiminton, l3. C. Steamship Line. REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, WILL BAIL FROM NEW YORK 01 SATUBDAYa January 10 - .- ta Shippers eaa roly apon the prompt sailins; of Stoaaerf as advertifod, C: For Freight Engagemeati appffcto s -THOS. EL BOND, Sap'L ( ' WaaOairtoa, N.C. THKO. G. EGER, Freight Atreat, - ew York. WH. P. CLYDE k CO., ii Broadway, New York. jam ft . Klew y FLEA8B ffOTICZ, ' - We will be glad to receive eomnioaicaUoa i from our friends on any sxd all rabjeots'o ' general intsreit but z : ' " '.'. '. a - - ; i ve name of the writer matt alwsyr' be for j j ciuiea to tne Editor. Commnnlcatlonsmait be writtaa on on;? one tide of thepaper Personalities must be avoided And it is especially and particiilarlyndpr ttood tht the Editor does not alirajs endo i tHe viewa of correspondesu unless to !'' in the edl'tbriAl columns. New Advertisements. AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT tVJ, VI. KATS, 0 Market St. It ix Ucoiioiuy to Iluy oiiiclLiii IJMctul ! OX 11AXL), FOIl THAT PUKrOSE, i GOODS j Shawls, Cloaks. Blanlicts, Shirts, iJorwcts, UIov.c, j C ol I a r s and C uffs9 TIES, TOWELS, NAPKINS, DAMASKS- 1 BRUSHES, conIBs, 1, - .,. . . . Handkerchiefs ! From S cants up i ' --".' BIBS BOWS. FLANNELS." MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS, And hundreds of Articles'too numerous mention. No adyance in any of, there Goois,'.. 4 Saye money and get sox.ething U3eful tf calling on . ; 3C MarkcCSt, dee 20 Coney's Tobacco Store. TF YOU' WAffT THE BE5T 5 and 10 els. i. Cigar go to CONEY'S where jou will find the largest selection of Imported and Domes tic Cigars; Chewing and Smoking Tobaec s. Gentlemen will pleare remembtr that 1 do not keep open on Sundays, therefore thcs who wish to purchase my goods wiU have to' do so during the week. jan 3tf WALTER CONEY, New Crop. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW ORLEANS CjL Molasses and Sugar. Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MUKClilbON. BACON, COFFEE. FLOUR. 200 Boxes Dry Salted Sides, : 250 Bags Bio Coffee, Rio, Lagu7ra and Java, ld00 Bbls Flour, Super to Cboke Family, 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lar3, 175 Boxes Pure Candy, 125 Bbls arid Boxes Fresh Crackorf, 100 Boxes Selected Cream Cheese, 250 Boxes Toilet and Laundry Sour, . 100 Boxes and Half Bbls Soda, 300 Boxes Lye and Potasb, 175 Boxes Candles, Half and W1.G c, 100 Half Bbls and Boxes R. R, Mills Snuff. , Salt, Bagging:, Ties. 1 9nn Soks MASHALr A AUU FHE HALT. " . - ' . , . . 9J 700 Whcle and ,J,f Ko,lj BAQQI50,.. 2000 N" 1000 -$sk tiz''' 350 B"h wter 11511 Mv " For sale low by - - . WILLIAMS A UVROdlSOX, jan 6 Wholesale Gro. Jk Ooou If er. Watchec. JEWELRY, Ao.fZr Repaired neatly and promptly, by u J. Ji. WINNER, No. 3 Sduth Froat street, Wilmington. N. C. Oyer Ueoty years' experience. Uy me a trial. Ieb S .,. -

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