1$ piotished every afteraoon, Suidaji ex epUd by JOSH. T. JAMES, rDITOK AWD rfcOFRI KTOR. SUBaCRIPTIOSS.Fa'STAGE PAID. Oa rear, $6 00 Six months, 2 SO ; Tbreo oaths, $1 36; One month, 60 cent. ffc paper will be delivered by carriers, rjif charge, in any part of the city, at the br rates, or 13 oentJ per week. . A lrertUiajr rates low and liberal rr8aUeriben will please report anj and til failures to receive their papers regularly. New Advertisements. BBTOLIRtOH- IE CARPETS BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market St. Will show the largest assortment of. Carped South of . . New York, Carpets. Carpets, Carpets, . Carpets. Farther particulars nextj woek. Carpets f 7 Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. Over $230,000 Represented in this Ner Enterprise. Carpets, Ctirpufc, ua i pus, i. Carpets. We invite all to call who have A IV Y idea of 'purchasing such gojDils. Carpets, Carpets, 1 'Carpets, Carpets. .We also invite all to call whether they ha ve any idea 'of pur- chasing or not. Carpets ! i Caroets I BROWN & RODDICK, 48 market Btreek nor NEW GOODS AND A NEW YEAR ! MRS, 8. J. BAKEK has on hand a nice 8toek of Hats, Bonnets for old and yean . Ultt LAdiea' caps, Hreafclast (Japs, aad all kind efChiloren's woods, CrocheteJ Hoods, Kaeqaes, CI oiks and Infant's Sacks. Ill kind of Hair Work done to order. Braids made of .combings, old Braids worked orer. BandMur,PulFi, Coq net's Invisible Front, Saratoga Wares Ail kinds of Wigs made and repaired. All orders promptly filled from the country. I gaarantee .satisfaction to patrons. dee 31 Special Bargains. M AT BE HAD THIS WEEK AT U everything in the way of Gent's and Youths Clothing, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas OMoaau and rarnuning Uoods. uur Vaagements for the Holiday Trade are com plete aad we are offering rare bargains now f Call aad gee them at ' SHRIER'S TWO.STORES, dee 16 Market st. Dry Earth Closets, IFTKR THEtLAN ADOPTED by the iew Hanorer Board of Hea'tb, not only save our owa family from bad smells and sick ess, btt preven' he poUonlng of 'year own i d yetr neighbor's welL Amy exlitiog outhouse "can be converted W; a Dry Earth Closet at a imJI expense . Apylyto JOSEPH 8 AUPSON, Carpenter. sWterebv permission to Dr. Wood. Becre- Jty efbute Board of Health- jtn3-3t The New Hat Store. r i TUcTT RKCSiYilD ANOTHER LlT F TH03S SILK AND STIFF HATS Also a in line of Boy's. Hats. All cheap or caafa. Call and tximine. JOHN M. ROBIN80Y. Jan 3 Next door 8oath of Pnreell House.1 nn 11 A VOL.IV. LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertisements. 1 1 e h h y SAVAot City Clerk Sealed Pao poials. , Williams A Mcecheiok Fait and Guano Chess, Carley A Co Spirits Turpentine Barrels. E. M. Cu-liing Maeq lerade on Skates. Fee ad Pasport. -I' IlaiNBBEKfliB. jSSO Almanars. A. A I.. Hhbikr KDeoiil Bargains. For other locals see fourth page. Wii dow Glass all sizes at ltaffer & Price's. f Knives and Furka, I'ucKet Kuives &c, for the Children at Jacmji's. Heaven heln the uor ; the rich can visit their relatives.- Everybody knows md counsel, except him that ha' h need of V. Pilots report '2 feet ut water in Bald Head Channel at mean low water. Nor. barque Elidzcjr, Zacchariesen hrrp.. arrived at Liverpool on the 3d inst. ' Schooner Melrose Haskell,- sailed from Orient, L, I. on the 29th ult. for this port. SteamBhip Guff Stream, Iqgram, cleared at New Yort on the 31 ibst. for this port. Ger. barqne Maria Sophia, Witt, sailed from G asQ'ow on tho 31st ult. for this port. There were two large fires in the woods near this city , which lighted up the heav ens lost night. - . Picket Knives. Table Cutlerv. Silver riated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and "lowest prices at Jacoci's. SteaLoship GutJ stream. Capt. Ingram, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at 2:30 p'c'ock this afternoon.- 'A man never realizes how frail be is until he bursts a suspends button among a group of ladies ai.d finds hiimelf slowly falling apart. . . ' . t. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every $ort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash price at Jacobi's. ' The W. P. Canaday Engine Com pany gave a festival last night for the purpose of raising money with which to purchase an engine. , Thieves are playing sad havoc with the farms near this city. They visited Capt. Nobles again ou Thursday night and ear ned oil' a stack of peanuts. No clue. Prof. Tice's almanac speaks of rising barometer and falling temperature for to day and to morrow, with clear and very cold weather if high barometer comes frojn the Northwest. You can buy No l: Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going tne Factory Agency, at Jacobis. , The brig Magnet is here from Porto Rico with'a carg of 25.000 superior Porto Rico oranges, which will he sold by Messrs Cronly fe Morris tomorrow morning at' auction. L Tbe brig is lying in front o'f Messrs Williams & Murchi son's office and the sale will commence at 10 o'clock. Settling Up. The delinquent real state tax payers, have been walking up pretty lively to a. the City Treasurer s oflict for the past tea days and Battling their taxes for 1879, to save the expense of advertising in ac cordance with a recent resolution passed by the Board of Aldermen. Yesterday's receipts footed up some $1,100, and to day at noon the amount receive! ha-l al ready reached 2.500. To be Installed. TheOfllcers-el6Ct of Capo Fear Lodge No. 2, 100 F, will be installed to uigU by D D G M, W S Wa"ock anJ are " follows: ' - II Burkhimer, N G; J W Woolvin, V'G. Benj Bell, R P. W L Smith, PH. R S Towneend; Litrarian. Trnstees of Widow and Orphan's Fund, Messrs R J J-n , W L Smith and Dr WJ II Bellamy x Physic i aii a' Wine. New York physicians say that tbey have been using fcpeer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in tbeirpractice for- years, to the entire satisfaction of their. patients and themselves, and take grfeat pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, anu in fact the most reliable tbey can. find. For sale by Green Jb Flanner, Jas. C, Muuds and P. L. Bridgers A Co. , i D jLjjl A -lL i " ' . W ILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1880. NO. 282 A Poital Reffttlatlou. n-ai m .at A 1 TT ineiouowingproTii.on.oi iu u4- ted SUtes postal law and legulations is worth remembering, particularly since ine general goveruuieai. w bouwbu. . .... i a -:. . AM fr . v pOMtive about the observance sor its laws: "No person shall transmit by private ex press or unlawful meang, or delirer to i - . any agent of such ualawfal expres or Ueposit. or cause to oe aeposueu m u - . . t-- !.- J i VI appointed place, for the purpose of be- ing transmltUd. any letter or packet; ana rorany sucn onance, me pany ouauu.uK shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dol- lar.' city court. George Bcwu, a arbU. aauar traap, hkvincr Rnnht loclirinri at theeuard house last niffht: was locked ud afterwards by O O ,w the Night Janitor for handing a lighted nnpr tn' nriannr In a call and this morning arraigned upon the charge of dis nrderlv conduct. Tne defendant d eaded ! ignorance1 of anvviolation of rules of the prUon andaskrf to to discharge up o rf tha .rrnnn that, h wu T.rmifld werk to-day. The Mayor after duly consider t'- r . - - tng the matter fanally conciuaea to release Thomaa Laaon. a youns English sailor, f- - .. ,.rra,l wltK Kaincr rlrnnlr lanri nnwn. - VUCl' w.iab v.. uu. - , was order. iUcharged ip rf cos's. This exhausted the docket and i lie Court adjourned. Magistrate's caurt. Tom Titt, the notorious little colored vagrant, who has been in the guard bouse as mauy uluob as ua ana sacu jdio iu wu,. 1 ! . A a !n til a world, was arrested by a warrant from JuaticeMcQuigg this forenoon for striking a boy with a rock over the eye. . Being rather under the age for any responsi- bility f jr a violation of the statute law be was given over into the hands of the city authorities and locked up ia the city prison for the present. Jack Smith, alias Lewis Jones, colored, was arrested upon a warrant and ar raigned before Justice McQuigg this morning on the charge of larceny, and committed in default of $200 bail for trial on the 7 lb instant. Installation of Oflcers. The officers pf Carolina Lodge No. 434, Knights of Honor, were installed last night, by D G. D.f N. Jacobi, assisted by P. G. D., W. J. H. Bellamy. D. G. I G..R. O. Ross and D, G. V., D. John C. James. The officers were as .follows ; Jno. D. Taylor, P. D. 1 Walter Coney, D. J. A,. Springer, V. D. N. W.Schenck, A. D. Geo. N. Harriss, Rep. Jno. L. Dudley, F. R. jW.A. Willson, Treas, . 'Clayton Giles, Chaplain. II. B. Willis, Guide, L. T. Beatty, Guardian . J M. McGoxran, Sentinel. Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, Medical Exam I iner. The Lodge is in a fine condition and I has a very large membership. New 1 applications are received at every meetiag and there are how several applicants awaiting initiation. Ordination. To-day the beautiful and impressive rites of Ordination in the Episcopal CKbrch were celebrated at St. James' Church1 in this city by the Rt Rev Thos. At'inson, D. D.'t Bishop of the Diocese. The Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector of St. James' Parish. Rv. Geo. PaU I teraon, D. D., Rector of St. John's Parish and the Rev. Daniel Morrelle were present in the chancel and participated in the services. The candidate for Orders was Frederick Ancrum ' DeRosset, youngest son of Dr. A. J. DeRosset, of this city. The Rev. Dr. Watson presented the candidate for ordination to the Diaconate, and also preached the ordina tion sermon, which is spoken of by-those who heard it as one of the most beautiful, learned and profound of the many able discourses that this eloquent and scholarly divine has delivered ia i this city. The charge, tp the yonng candidate who wss about to receive tbe holy orders was sin gularly impressive and beautiful. Rev. Mr. DeRo.set is a native of this' city and a young gentleman of singular abilities. He has been a hard student and a high' authority in hU ; church has pronounced him to bp one of the most erudite and thorough theologian a for his age be has ever encountered. May his mission be a long and successful one. A man can borrow all tbe trouble be wants on his own persona Isecultr. The Largest Yet. The Br. barque Bcstie Parker Capt. ... " , " ' ,Tr M"CKer, wiuca carw w ay lor wier- F mun a aiurwueou, bui ids vu a. i mm ui ujllui. w ill 11 la UkUniflrt awitA AftUf .t.nU .... .kin. i j P " P"- i 1 i 5fW lear'l Excursion. , The steam yacht Passvort has been ehftrtrid for an .tn,U. t striiWH on FridaJ xt Sba wU1 leare wbarf at 015 m nd wm ron 8mUhTilte mnd tbe ForU ft limited number oS tickets wiU ftQd th?M wm u found on tale at Mr; Geo. Myers' office and at Mr. P. Heinsberger's bookstore. Piaatrarabic l?xerrue. l tit u . . . AS Wl" Bwn DJ rererence to our aa- rising colurrns In this Issue, there will I grand. masquerade on skates at the City Hal1 on evening of 13th instant. I ih r m a naa a.. A. . . . J . "umiw ".t- w cciuiB .pori. m naTO oppounuy ior us enjoy I a. mt.i t' ...I ..wuiuo one of ine mrki I i.-x ... Pan.evenis oi tne se aon - Belfry For Th ntr Hall. I Tnnnif ADi or. f J ' . "I T T V M . V i inn nuniiini inn utA vi it t-fii hniii. I ! .y ... .-..u- I . 1 t i . . . .1 Z, 'TZT.JrT ooutb, is to be. "dufiguredjtor life" by having an 'unsightly belfry placed ou it. I This seems to be the solemn conclusion at which the authorities hare arrived, and bids for the work are advertised for in I klS- 1 - ml ' flit.. i lDll issue, xoere Will DO mUCQ opposll I tion to this matter developed iu the city I and we trust that the project may yet be I abandoned. Let us hear from some of I those who are authorities In architectural I matters. Witen Ydu peel a Coucni. or bronc hi al affection creeping on the lungs, take ateb's cherry pectobal, and cure it be I fore it becomes incurable. Serious Cutting Affray. A serious cutting affray, and one which will probably terminate fatally to the wounded man, took place last night in a negro cabin at the Belvidere plantation near this city. George Everett and hit half brother. Bob Everett, became in volved ia an altercation about some meal when they fell to blows, and during the fisticuff Bob ripped out a knife and se- verely cut George in the abdojien. As soon as the wounded man cried out he was cut, Bob fled. The wounded man was put in a beat and brought to this city for medical attendance, Being late when he arrived and not knowing how to proceed, he was hauled about first from one place lo another until he wai left iu ai i ' ' mi - tne guara nouse, inis morning ne was carried to Dr. W. W. Lane, who rendered the necessary medical aid. The knife used is supposed to have had a blade about three inches long-. The wound is about four Inches in length and quite deep, me omentum commonly caiud "leaf fat, " haviag been cut- through and left protruding from the wound. He is now lying in, Dr. Lane's office. As at has no money to hire a ream, and there being no hospital or place of accomoda tion f jr cases of this kind in the city, Dr. Lane has permitted him to remain there rather than turn him out on. the streets to die. ! StonewU LocUe. The following oBcers of Stonewall Lodge, No 1, K of P, were insUlltd last evenin? bvDD G W S Warroek aa sisted by G P, O H Prempert, P Cs. 6 U Altaffer, L L Boon, Jas W King, W L Jewett, J W Jackson and A W WaU son: ' S P O A G MoGlrt. C C R OOrrell. VO SGHall. Prelate W L Johnson. Kof Rand S-J W King. ' U of FGM Altaffer. M of E John L Dudley. M at A W BOrr. J fJM-GeoG Lewis OQ- WLRewett. - Entirely Reefered Nkw Yobk CiTTj June 16, 1879. H. H. Wabbev & Oo. Gejttlxmx I hereby certiiy that my wife has been using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Oure for Bright's Disease, and she ia now entirely recovered. When all physiciana' remedies failed, the waa iaduced to try your remedy, and received beneficial re sults from tbe first bottle After taking four bottles she waa entirely cured. Yours truly RoBK&T B. FlTZOZSAXD. Siave your money by buying jour Build &I Supplies from Altaffer A Price. t IXot7 Adverticementa. S-I f..-!- wpiIUU I urpCIIUNC Rnrrlrt n!VRRAff RUPTTffn i - I OUU ' . SPIRIT BARRELS, For sale by jaa 6 GHBSS, CARLE f A 00. - Bj PdrtiCtllar Keq U6St UH m BE GlYEBf UXDE& THE X raperrisioa of tne tmdersifned, . A trSABD MASQUE GARNI VAT. ON SKATES, at,tu ciTi-nALtrTrtauAT SionT, Jan. I3tfc, 1880. E M. GUSHING, Proprietor. jtn -2t tas mon.. Star opf Sunday HI. CRONlYir, Auclioneer BY CRONLY & MORRIS. WtO SlCO OKUlSeS at - I . ' -j iiUCUOll. I "aN TO-MORROW f WEDNESDAY v-r - iba iU3l " 1 w " c 7th inst, at 10 ri'cl-vk,we will sell on board Ur n Minvirr .1 : r. - t . . .j iuauii, uireturom X UrW XUCO 2 "v....? ' 1 . . . . aOiOOO Ouperlor Porfo Hieo Oranres. - jtn 6 For SmUhville and the Forts. THE ELEGANT AND COM MODTOTTS STEAM YACHT Has beea chart trad and will ran an excariion trip to SMITHVILLE AND THE FORTS ON FRIDAY, JANUARt 9th. Leaving her usual pier foot of Market street, at 9.15 A. V. Fare for Roand Trip -Adulti, 75 cents. Children 50 oents. Tickets for sale at GEO. MYERS' and HBnrSBEROER'S Book Stere. P Only a limited number of tickets will fold. Parties had best purchase tickets I prioi to the day naaed. Jan 6 0ffic Treasurer & Collector, City of Wilmington, NVC, January 6th, 1380 ! Sealed Proposals yyiLL BE REC HIVED at this officeTin til 12 o'olook, noon, Monday, Janaary 12th, 1880,to b ulid a Bel: j on the City HalJ baild- ing. Said . Belt t t . Y ' & ft by 10 ft square and to extrcd !5 v t ha roof of the City H.:4 t.'ieiT it to be done in a work manMke planner and painted and finished to correspond with the main ba tiding. Also, to remove the City Fire Alarm Bell from the Market House and place it la the new Beifry and to attach a suitable rope to the bell and connect the sane with the first floor of the building. HE5RT SAVAGE, jan6-lt City Clerk. Star copy AND - !"'' 5000 Sacks 1 i ' . . - " ! 1 Liverpool Salt I 6500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Onano ! Now Undlng and to- sale low by I WtiUruns 6 Hixnjhlsoii, ; FLS1BS JTOTICE. : . We will be glad to reeetra eoamuiicatioai . from oar friends on any aad all sobjtjo geaeral iaterest bat t . ' ' , - ' , t ;f ,rE-,: . T aaae of the writer matt alVayt be far JHahodto the Kditor. ? Coauaaaleatloas nasi be wiiUsa; oa oalt oue aide of Uepapar. k Persoaatlesfmtttt be avoided; v ? Aad it Is etpaViaUy aad particalarly'tadr stood taat the Editor does not always eado the riawi of correrpondao Ut aaless so state ia tAe editorial ooUana. : HoTr Advertisemonts. . Ihiir5stirinigi AND . . - - ''.,'' HOLIDAY GOODS i :' ; at 3G Market gt. - " It is VUcoiiomy to Buy. . . . . . , ' Something Uscliil ! ON ii AND, FOR THAT PURfOSK, GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Shirts, 'orset, Uioveg, Op 1 1 a rs and C u fife, TIES, TOWELS, NAPKINS, OAMASKSv j USI.ES, COMBS, From 6 cents up I' . BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS." MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS- And hundreds of A'rtloles'too numerous" j mention . , No advance in any of these Gooii. Save money and get something useful by ! calling oh 30 Market St., dec 20 ' ; " . You Want rpHESE THINGS, YOU 8AY, MADE skillfully, of good material and for the lut money. Yon will patronize home industry if it costs no mere than to place your orders elsewhere. Good That's business. We've everything now in, applepie shape lor the manafaeture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. . See now if we can't please you and keep year money home. jane OERHARDT A CO. Lavender Water, yERBENA WATER. New lot fresh druge and a full and complete stock of Faaey. Af ti des for the Holiday Trade. Every tUag guaranteed fresh, pure and of bitt quality, v F. C. MILLER, Corner 4th aad hun BtreeU. Open day aad night. ' jaa a-tf ' I88O. T3LANE BOOKS, Ail Sizes and Bindlagi OFFICE STATIONERY, -.V In great Variety, B! AHE 'BOOKS, v Made to order to salt any business. Those intending to open ntw bdbks will find it lo their Interest ta call at A.- jaa I Bookbtorez,. 1880 AliiianGca 880 CHURCH ALMANACS, MlllerV Alman acs with side . table.' TarnerV aad. '1 Blmit's, Farmers' and Planters' Almanac, wholesale aad retail, at the IdYK BOOK BTOXCr? Xloiricarfr The most cosaplets stock la the CUy Pilar aad Orgazk told oa the iaatalsteat piaa. Cromoeaad rngraviagf New, Bcautifal aad Cheap, at . .i.4 f--: T HEINSBEROER's; Jaa ft jUre Book asd Made Store.

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