TilIB Pi FES Is paoJbbed every afternoon, Suadays ex--"pted by JOSH. T. JAMES, CDITG& ASD FROFBIKTOK. ' -LiJriCHlKTIONS.POSTAGKrAlD. ti rr. If 60 l Six months. $2 50 ; Three ' moTith., 1 15; One month, 60 cent. IU p-cr rill b deliver by earvtoi, ibove rates, r 15 centi per w?ek. AdTertieiBit rt ow nu . 'Sab.criberf will plewereport any and HI failure to rew their paperiregnUrly. New Advertisements. REVOLUTION in CARPETS R0WN & RODDICK, ' 45 Karket St. Will show, the largest assortment of Carpets ' South of ! , New York. Carpets, r: Carpets, . . , ; Carpets, X uarpeis. Further particulars next week. Carpets, Carpets; Carpets, ' Carpets. - Over $250,000" Represented in this Now Enterprise. Carpets, 1 1 a Ca rpefs,- Carpets. W invite all to call who have A IVY idea of purchasing such goods. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. We also invite all to call whether 1 thoy have any idea "of pur chasing or not. Carpets ! Car nets ! Caroets 1 BROWN & RODDICK, 45 ESarket Street, nov 7 'NEW GOODS AND A NEW YEAS ! TfR8. .8, J. BAKEK ha on hand a rice 111. Stoek of Hats, Bonnets for old and joonf . Old LadLV Caps, Breakfist Caps, ea all cud el Unucren's uooan, .;iocn?ie Hoods, facaues. Cloiks and Infant's Hacks All kind of dair Work done to order. Braids n adeof combings, Jold Braids worked over, Bandcanx. Puffi, Coqaet's Invisible Fronts, Hratoga Wares. Ajl kinds of Wis made and repaired. All orders promptly filled from tha country. I gaafantee satisfaction t patrons. 1 cec oi Special Bargains. M IT BE HAD THIS WEEK AT la very thin in- the way of Gout's and Y uthV Clothing Hatr, Caps,-Umbrellas Fat .bell and Far&Uhing. Qooda. Oar r-rgementi for lie Holiday Trade are com pete an-we are offering rare bargains now CV11 and see tham at , " BHRIER'S TWO 'STORES, - doc 16 - Market sU F t SmitliTille and Hie Foi ls. THE ELEGANT AND COMMOMOUS bTEAM TACHT Jas been cliirtrred and will'rrn "an cx?usion trip to SMITHYlLlE AND THE FGRTS ON FKLDAV, J 9h Leaving he minal't t-tf 't of Market -trtet, a9 15 .M. f ' ' . . Fare io- Round ". 4i. Adults, 75 cents Ch-lJ.ca 5"- certs - N Tides f.r s'e a O O MYERS'." and IIMN "n.OEM- BookStore. r-er ta"y a m ud number of tickets w!U bit M l'.tts Lad best pn cliase tickets p.(ji l.)-bejj oto.d. jan6 nn VOL.iV.. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1880.. NO. 283 LOCAL NEWS, New Advertisements. P Hxibsbkhsib Black1 Books Bsc ad Boston & and 10 Cents St re. Gk. N,H AaaiB8, K Knights of Hoiior. A. A I,.;8hbier Hpeciil Bargiine. Wirdow, Giaas ah sizes . at Jtafier & Price s. , . ' T Spring it in that Liii j:s le-Uaf to the tree. When is th pig i he heaviest,? i When hi is led. I h'.s ia leap ar, bo any girl can marry the man she' plenties. The phonograph is he pa jot of the mechaiiiwal kingdcu). Hot. brig Hank, Bert:, hence, arrived a Hamburg on the 2 1 inst KuivGWid Fork,' I'ocket Kuivrs &c.t. lor the Children at J ac.. ru s. " Nor. barque Caio, Krugt r, hence, ar rived at Liverpool on the 31 inst. John McCuliouli-b playing iu Norfolk this week'. "So near and yet so far." . A wag suggests that it is the man with the rheumatifcui who is every icch a king Knights of Honor meet to-morrow night for the purpose of conferring de grees. A man recently ki.ocked down an elt- phant ai.U u ihii.tc'ios. uoneer. ' ' He was an auc There were twenty ves.-el3 lying at anchor in the bay at Smithville. this morning. Variety is the epice of life, but bar keepres report J.hat the majority of men usecloves. 1 Schooner Bessie II. Kinson, Slandisb, hence, for Bath, M8., arriyedat Vineyard Haven on the 3d inst. A woman beats a man economizing household expenses, but he beats her in economizing on cigars. A man is obliged to die before b8 will amounts-to anything, but that of a wo man is always in force. Pocket Knives, Ta,bie Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacoui's ' Thia Is the latest for wedding invita tions: Gome around and see us capture a mother-in-law at eight o'clock, sharp. 5 ' Prof. F M. Agostiui, of this city,, is now in Atlanta, where be has an excel lent class of scholars inU daucing schooL i t. When a man and a woman are made on?, the question s) Which one? Some times there is a loog struggle between them before the matter is settled.' You can buy No 1. Uea.ting and Cook Stoves at Almost any' price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi's. - ' Notwithstanding the rain thfere has been little (decreas in die temperature to-day.. At 3 o'clock the thermometer stood 72, four degrees below heat. summer i Inmaliable- The following unmaUablo matter re mtins in the Postoffice: i Phillips Brown, Bladen Co. Po.; Wm. Oaick, Sand Hill, N- . C. Gcorgiana Lane, Hamberg, Ucraee. Low Waier atii. The river is, again reported low! and unless this rain has extended far up - into tke interior we fear the boats will before leng be troubled again in'making their regular trips: The steamer North State, we are told, struck' bottom oaber last trip down, .i . -. Entirely Receyered. New Yoik City, Jun 16, 1879. H. H. Wabren & Co. Gentlemen I hereby certily that my wife has been usiug Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for Bright's Disease, and she is now entirely recovered . When all physicians' remedies failed, she was induced to try your remedy, and received beneficial re sults from the'first bottle. After taking four bottles she was entirely cured. Yours truly . Robert B. Fitzgkbald. - Physician a' Wine. . New York physicians say that they have beeu using bpeer 's Port Grape i Wine and Wiue Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and ihemselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in tact tbe most reliable they cm find. For sale by Green fc Flanner, Jas. C, Mnnds and P. L. Bridgers & Co. " - . .' 1 "0 City court. A white man, arrested last night. fcr disorderly conduct while drunk, in a house on Fourth street among the demi monde, was fined $5, torn Titt, the. dirty, ragged, f ugly looking black little vagrant, with his front teeth protruding and shiningj like ivory, in striking contrast with his ebony colored skin, was brought before tbe Mayor, but was immediately remanded by His Honor to a cell again, to be locked up fcr the present. This exhausted the docket! and the Court adjourned. . lorptfrtant. Merchant and other business people are -reminded of the fact that tbe State and toTn require them to return to the register of deeds within ten days' after the 1st day of Jareary, 1880, a true and exact statement of the amount of pur chases made by them as principals tor agents or through agents or commission merchants, for the six months ending the 81st day of December, 1879. The amount of Jiurchasesi both in and out of the State, must be included ia the returns. The purchases of liquors must be kept separate from those of goods, wares and merchandise ' i Cape Fear Lodge. DDG M, W S Warrock, sssisted trv P G J no L Dudley, R J Jones, W J Yi pn, G M Altaffer, R S Townsend and Wm Goodman, installed' the following officers of Cape Fear Lodge, No 2. I O O F, on last evening: -T G J W Jackson. N G Henry Burkhimer. ; VG J.W Weolvin. Secretary BenjBell. . P Secretary W L Smith. Treasurer John Maunder. Conductor R G Ross. ; Warden Oscar Pearsall. ' Chaplain W J Yopp., I'G John Kiernan. 6 G F V B Yppp. . R S to N G Wm Goodman.' L S to N G N Jacobl. B S to. V G R S Townsend. r Save your money bjjr buying your Bui ng Supplies from Altaffer & Price. t . Fact! Aboui 188a The first day of the year and of April will fall' on Thursdays; the Fourth of Jily'comeson Sunday, and Christmas on Saturday. It is leap year, and Febru ary has 29 days, and as the girls will then be privileged to go courting, they will nave the epportunity to do plenty ! of it, as the almanac-maker was considerate euough to put ' five Sundays in - tbe month of February. Easter comei within a week of as early as it eyer came on the 28th day of iXarch. The yeaf'l830 will have six eclipses four of the son and two of the moon, but only one oi them will be visible here, namely, the sixth, whioh s a partial eclipse of the sun pn the last day of th year very earty in the morning. A very unnsuaT thing about these eclipses ts that three of t'ism occur in December a circumstance that will not again occur in many years. A total eclipse of the sun on January 11 will be wholly visible in . California and partially in Missouri. . Both eclipses of the moon will be total, but invisible in North America. About the middle of 1880 Winneek's comet will ma ke its appearance in the heavens after an absence of five years and seven i months. The moon will be the ruling planet of 1880, and the yearV will be generally more bumid than coli that is the almanac says so. The year of 1880, of course, goes out on Friday. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines Ind every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of "cash price at Jacobj's. Un Friday. ' For Allan Mathis there is-to be lu. one more sunset oa"earth. .To-morrow i his last full day of life here. Tbe pre parations are all svaplete and nothing now i remains to do but to await the final hour. - The execution', as we have stated, will be very private, care having been taken to exclude every thing from the public ga?3. yet" we are satisfied that the country people 'will flock into town on Friday, even knowing, as they do, that they can see nothing but the walls of the enclosure where the ter rible scene is to b e-actcd. ' We understand that an excursion train from this city to Charleston will leave here on the 9h of February. It ia to eo under the management of colored people. - A Model Telegram. The Chief of Police received this morn ing from Fayetteyille a telegram, of which the following is an exact copy, verbatipi et literatim, except the address and slg Bature: Examine chickens that arrive on boat to-night if find one chicken blind in left eye arrest party. " A Goed Arrangement. Regulations have been issued from the Postoffice Department by which gold and silver coin may be Bent through the mails as fourth class matter at one cent per ounoe, To secure greater certainty of delivery, the same may be registered for an additional fee of ten cents for each package, this system will be ajgreat ac commodation to the public, especially in shipping to points where there are. ho money order offices. An Jxoduster Dusted. ? The white chap who was here on Saturn day trying to pursuade the colored people to go to Indiana met with so little en eourageraent that he has left for parts unknown. He called on the most in fiuentlal colored preachers and . left them circulars, etc.,. but when he ascertained that they were going to "speak out in meeting" and advise the colored people to stick to light woed and tar, rather than emigrate te Indiana and fret zi to death, he bowed himself out. Stolen Property Recovered. During the Christmas holidays three copper whiskey stills and one worm were stolen from Greenfield where they were erected some year or so ago by Messrs. T. C, Mcllhenny & Co., oii Col.McIlhenny's place, some two mile South of this city but the thieves eluded arrest unta- day or two since when officer Carr was pnt upon the track to ferret out the matter. He succeeded in getting some of the prop erty back and one of the thieves, known as Jack Smith, an account of whose ar rest by a warrant from Justice McQuigg e mentioned in yesterday's Review. The stills and worm were purchased by several parties in this city, as old cop par, and some of them have been shipped north. As these parties are all reliable and responsible, the balance of the stolen property will most likely be recovered. - Needed litre. Wilmington has long felt the necessity of some suitable hospital accommodations for those whose home are elsewhere, but may become sics: while temporarily stop-, ping in the city. To meet this demand, we understand that the Board of County Commissioners havs signified a willing ness to assist, so far as they legiti mately are able, and that the city government bas also expressed au opinion so favorable to the project that there is every reason to expect material assistance from that source. It is also expected that tbe several brnevole?t and secret societies in the city will contribute to the extent cf. a Lev! and bedding for each organization. 'r wiah the, move ment may meet, .virh hucc.-s, for it is both Worthy and deerviiig.. "Vital stailsttcs 'or vrilmi gton." An erroTicous impress ion seems to have gone forth iu ths city and from this city in regard icvt'.-e- m rtality among the! in hahitanto for the yoir 1879 and our niegh bor of iii' 'ur ! we fear, in .a meas ure responsible f x the error, owing to the fact that it. the artlole headed "Vital SUtlstlcs of Wilmington," published by our cotemp n .y last Saturday.the deaths for lift pat ynr were stated to be 495, whil ... fact, according te the Superintoui.it f Health's report, there were hy. This number, however, does e t .u.rule some possible eight or ten p viji rs who were buried in Potter's Field. But suppose we state the whole number ot deaths at 370 for tb vear 1879. weiwill then have, a difference of 125 between the &ar't statements and Dr Walker's report, with the possible eht or ten paupers included, w.iich U not quite 22 per cent of the 17,000 popu lation according to the Meares census. Among the creditable innovation which have from, time to time shown the wis dom cf the people cf North Carolina the most creditable perhaps is the honor of making the first State Geological Survey in the country. . The North Carolina sur vey dates la '1824. ., SemlbleCanadlao Mr. Gadbois, of BrOckville, Canada after being cured of a prostrating malarial disease contracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Bitters, writes to us; l shall never travel m that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe fitters as a part of my outfit 'For the Review. The Proposed Dtiflguration. V Edit.b p tub Review: i I (notice in your paper of 6th inst that our City Fathers propose to ereot a belfry on the City Hall. I hope that they wnl reconsider their order in the matter and devise some Qther plan. Would it not be better to construct a bell-tower in the City Hall yard iu the rear of the theatre and the hall? The reasons are many, it would be anin ovation and adesecration of allprinoiples of the style in whioh the building is constructed. The old hns'-era oox ceived and' put in force the rive orders of architecture and they wire consid ered complete by all learned . in the arts. acbof the five orders has its fitness for the purpose for which it may be used, and all educated and cultivated minds Jiave considered that no improvements can be added, and any additions attempted have always proved failures. The Corinthian style of architecture in whioh our Gity Hall is built, has iu all ages been oonsider ed one of tke most graceful, elegant arid refined of the five orders, and is considered a lasting monument of the high cultivation of the Greeks iu their devotion to the fine arts. And it has always been considered by all nations that one proof of an educated and cul tivated people is found iu their public and private buildings The Goths and Vandals, when they overran Italv, Greece, . Asia and Aft ica, destroyed mo t of the woika of ancit nt architec ture. The epeciineiis whioh haye been partially preserved exhibit a combina tion of elegant pi oportions, ' dignified simplicity and majestic grandeur, but there are no belfries or dome? ! . There ia another and a more prac tical reason why the belfry should not be plaoed on the City Hall. It would be necessary to cut the roof through for poststo bejsupported on timbers above the ceiling to carry the super structure and bell ami I care not how well the work may be braced there will be more or less vibration, and in time this will oause tbe plastering to fall. And then again it is a very diffi cult undertaking to make the roof so that it will not leak around its cou struotion. And then, lastly, how are you going to get to the bell? You must go through the theatre and it ia a five minutes operation, and even then how are you going to ring the bell Observer. When you feel A Couok or bronchi al affection creeping on the lucgs, take ateb's cherby pectobatj, and cure it be fore it becomes incurable. list of Letters. The following is a list of tbe letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, JaD. 7th, 1879: B Martha J Bellamy, Marten Larser, Byerkland, E E Barnes, B Brown. H W names, iveiiy uarry, Park Borden, Wm Bond, Sam .Butler. O F L Olyner, M A Campbell, Owen Chadwick, R M Capps, Washington Cammon, i'lora Chestnut, Lulie Corbet, D J R Davis, Monroe Davis. E S K Eaton, Martha Elkins, J J El lis, W JExum. ' TXT . . r r wm j? aison, Alex Flanner, An drew j Planner, A T Fatcber, Celia Far row, Annie H Freeman. G Lizzie Gibbe, Lucy Giles, Margaret umco, uiuocB uruuumaa., j j Oarret . H Sam'l Hall. Virginia F TTf0, Annie J Hunter, Philip Harle, W J Hull' J J Uuller. J L H Home. G A UntoM' Charlie Horrell, Bell Hendersoh, Annie R nan, aiinnie tiunter, JS icy Herring: J Penny Jordan, Litty Johus-r.. -tv xiarnet iiennard, L.n, Th.v.aa Aenneay, irfi.nott. L Carrie Lane. M Reuben McDonald. M air.r:.l.hn McColough, James McKoy, Goo 4 James Aiontgomery, D LL McMillan. U Machall Millie McClamy. Martha f': Fallen Murray, R A McEarchen,-Maria V U9QTZ Mitctie'I, Emil. Mottel, N Jennie Nelson, PFO Parker. K Cornelia Russell, Geo W BeeTM. LD Randall. S Cornle Smith, Maggie E garage, M A Sidbury, Sarah Spicer, Walter Baun- aers, i U bmith. W David Williams, A W Waters, A nuneia, Marcus Waters. Jessie Wood ard-, oennie A Walker, Mary Jane Willis. SHIPS. IDC Chester, schooner Louis McLane: Jonn u liurgae, schooner Chas Monford; tapt ir A Amberost, schooner Jno A Brown; Syeod 0senga, ship Ladv Mol lie May. Persons calling for letters m above list will please say ."advertised"; if not claim ed in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office,; WLiT.gtnn, h. C. " E. It. pRINK, P.;M. Wilmington,. N. C. New Hanever Ccun'y.N.C. Hot? AdYafireriieuts. Kniehts of Eionor, pAEOLIVA LODGE 434. Spscia! Vest- iog to-morrow (Tharsday) algkt, (br tbe pu:- pose of Conferring Degrees. ; " Jaa 1- 1 I GEO. N.HlBBIS3y Reporter FLEASS 50TICE. We will be glad to receive eommnnkatloai from our friends on any aad'au rabjectsio sTenrrtHaUreft but : . ' - The name of the writer mart alwayr be far nuhed to the ditor. Communications mut be wrl ten on onlf one side of thejpaper. Personalities'miut be avoided. ': And it is especially and particular! v'ander stood that "the Editor does not always endo I the views of eorrespondenti. unless so state in the editorial column, i New Advertiseinonts. as AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT Ml. itI. ICATZ'S.y af6 Market St. It is Ecoiioiiiy to Buy Something XTseliil ! ON UAXD, FOR THAT. rURPOSE, DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, t Blankets, Skirts, Uorsc ts, Olovcs, Collars and Cuffsf TIES, TOWELS,' FIAPKIMS, . DAMASKS ;" BRUSHES, j , COMBS, Handkerchiefs ! v " From 5 cants upT. BIBS. BOVS. FL AH M ELS.1' MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR i RIBBONS And hundred!, of Articleiltoo numsroui 7 .toention. , So advance ia any of ,thae Goos. Save money aud somethvng" uaefol' ealling on ' S6 Market Si. dec 10 Blank Books. JUST RECEIVED the largest 8tock of mans uooki, all sizas and ityles, from the smallest memorandum to the largest xnedlnm. Diary's for 1880. Turner's, Miller's and Blnm'i Alm&nacf. s.t the ' LITE BOOK STORE. Pianos, Organs; GUITAJIS Violins Violioo'ellos. Banjos, Acoordaom, Fluted, FiFes, Tambouriner, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, and Btrirgi for all Instruments, Sheet Maiio and Instruc tion Books, at ' HEINSBEROER'S. -jan 7 Live Book and Music Store; ; i . : i DON'T FORG - THAT TEE ; Boston 5 and 10 Cent a Store, io TUB VULY XCLUSIYfi 5TOBE OF THE KIND m THE 6TATE. Ahd the Cheapest v Place to Buv TIM, GLASS AND wooden ware. fcROCKERT, ikncl 99 Other BJsofixI HOUSEIfEEP lleanu?1 ;ladaciaeat Cctfi 07 Now Goti 1 . A w.U4 . , ' 4tri8f, 41 Nora Front st,ee;

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