THIS PIPES U pioilshed rtrj aftersed. Baadayi I - J U 9 It " " ... " x KOITOB A.SD rOfWTO. nRflCRIPTIOy 8. POSTAGE PAID. I Oat year, IS 8lx montks, $150 ; Three saoaths, $ 1 S i On saontn, 60 wa Tb MDtf will be delirered by carrieri, Sree of ehar e, ia u7 pt ofJhAcity, at the ftbort rates, or 13 cents per we. Adrartisiajc rt low and liberal 9-8nWritxn will please report any ad .11 fsilares to reeeire their papersrefularly. Now Advertisements. RMOLDTIONiinCARPETS -y BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Ct. Will ukow tli latest assortment of Carpet South of ' New York. 'Cirpets; Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. further particulars next week- 1 arpets, Carpets, . , . Carpets, v Carpet8v Orer $250,000 Represented in this New, Enterprise. Carpets, ; Carpet, Ca rpels, Carpets. V inrita ali to call who haye ANY idea of purchasing . such goods. Carpets, Carpets, v Carpets, Carpets. We also inrite all to call whether they ha ye any idea of pur chasing or not. ' j Carpets ! Caroets ! Caroets I BROWN & E0DDICK, ' 415 Market Street, botT NEW QQQOS AND A NEW YEAR ! MRS. 8. J." BAKE bu on hand a nice 8toet of Hats, Bennett for old and your. Old Ladi-V Cap, Breakfast Caps, aad ail kiad of Children's Goods, Ciochete' Hoods, Meqaea, Cloak and Infant' Hacks. All kind of riair Work don to order. Braids mad of CMnblafs, old Braids worked orer, BandeamxPnlTa, Coq net's Innsinle Froatr, BaratOf a Waree. kinds of Wigs made and repaired. All orders promptly filled from the oomntrj. I guarantee satisfaction to patrons. dee 31 Special Bargains. M AT BE HAD THIS WEEK AT in ererj thing in the waj of Gent's and Tonths Clothing, Bats, Caps, Umbrellas 8atebl and FarnUhing; Goods. Our ransjeaents for theHoliaar Trade are com plete and we are offering rare bargains' now. Call and see them at BHRIER'S TWO STORES, dee It . . . Market sU For Sinithville . anil the Forts, THE ELEGANT A5D COMMODIOUS fcTEAU YACHT Has been chartered and will ran an exemrsioa trip to SMITH VI LIE AND THE FORTS ON FRIDAY, JAXUARr 9th. Leering' her msnal pier foot of Market street, Fart for Ronnd Trip Adolu, 75 cents ChildteaoOeents. Tickets for sale at QEO. MYERS' and HEI!f8BEXQSR'8 Book Stare. Only a limited number of tickeU will be told. Parties had best purchase tickets Voi ta the day aamd.- janC IT VOL.fV. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1880. NO. 284 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. J K Remitter Schedule 3 Tar Di tcasar A Co. Amenta tvhip Aotke. P Ham ssKaeaa Bias k Book a A. A I. Hhrisr Special Bargains. BuflYo Bill od the 24th lost. KTi-Itsf Honor m el to-night. Have ou k.mj'.d to write 1880 yet? Kxcuipiou down j he river to-morrow. .Wood i felling in thit maiket at $2.00 per cord. - 1. Sizes' it liafler & t I'ric After the uretk of lay tbe t.ld by time piecM. boura are . Save yMir moiiey 'y 'J iyiu oar Build bg Supplies fnui Aliiifl.T k I'ric-- f Lots of people are expected in'towr to morrow to witness the execution. Br. brig Busy from London on port. ' Bee. Gr-iham, nailt'd the (i'h tor Ults - . S Nor. barque Zhiji Janseu, lience, '.. on ' tho 5th arrived at Newcasti,i test. i Nor. barque Ilcx Hansen, aaile from inst. OreaL Yarmotith- Kne . on the 4th for this port. When a girl gives yu 'xhe jjo'hu' don't thro-. yourBell a ly on t 4o 'and a hall cent cigars, but try again. i You can buy No 1 Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi s. ' ,f : : : , . Thofe interested will take notice that the time for listing the Schedule B tax expires on the 10. h inat , which will be Saturday. ' . v Tho Raleigh Observer Has been mis'ed as to mortuarv matters in Wilmington. We refer it to this issue of the Review for correct informati m. About the guiltiest looking people in the world are a man accused of a crime of whic1 he is innocent and a newlyf mar ried couple trying tq pass for veteran?. . j. . If you watch a woman's mouth closely when she dresses the children for Sunday School you'll find out where all the pins come from, and of course it must be where they all go. j ' .Whks yu feel A.Cuuaii or. bronchi al affection creeping on the lungs, take aykb's cherrt' PKpTVfcATj, and cure it be fore it becomes incurable.' Hon. D. L. Russell leaves to-night for Washington city. . By the way the Judge's party fr lend in Maine have made quite a success of it. They have organized the legislature and will no doubt elect their greenback candidate for governor. r . - j Magistrate's Court. Willis Drake, the irrepressible bhoe- maker from Paddy's Hollow, was arraign ed before a Magistrate this morning upon a peace warrant sworri out by the gentle and affectionate partner of his bosom, who declared in the affidavit that her lord and master had threatened her and she was therefore afraid 6f htm.Tbe defen. dant was committed in, default of a $50 bond for? his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. v 1 Down tbe River. The arrangements for the excursion to- morrow down the river to Smithviile and the Forts on th steam yacht Passport have been completed and the manager informs us that the prospects are good fcr a fine attendance. There are many who will be glad to escape from the noise and confusion incident to the execution, sure as it is to draw largely from the country, and this will be n excellent opportunity to get away from it all. The Passport will leave her wharf at 9:15 o'clock. Entirely Recovered. ( Nkw Yobx City, June 1G, 1879. H.'H. Warben,& Co. Gentlemen I hereby certily that my wife has been usidg Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for Bright's Disease, and she is now entirely recovered . When all physicians' remedies failed, she was induced to try your remedy, and received beneficial, re tults from tbe first bottle. After taking four bottler she was entirely cured. ' r Yours truly Robert B. Fitzgerald., Sensible Canadian. ' Mr. Gadbois, of Brockville; Canada, after being' cared of a prostrating malarial disease contracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Bitters, writes to us: -I shall never travel in that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe Bitters as a part of my outfit.! lAIII Tbe Dren Ball To-NIgnt. The grand DreasBall, given compliment ary to the member of the Lf Arioso and Lotus Clubs, promises to be tbe grandest affair ever eiven in this city. The venenu ble Commodore Myers and bis able eoadju tors have done nobly, and eventhiug "will, move on' as smoothly as could be desired. Gdrman(a Hall has been most beautifully decorated UDder tne supervision oi one who has proven himself admirably ouali fied to beautify and decorate. Ve wish the Old Boyt" as much pleasure as they anticipate. r- . ' ' Pocket Koivea. Table XJutlerr, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety arjd low eat prices at Jacobi S. T he Battle bl New Orleans I To-day: (January 8th) is the anniver sary of the battle of New Orleans, which occurred this day s:xty five years ago, JanuarjrStb, 1815, and was the last bat tle between this country and Great Britain. The battle was fonght, indeed, ter the ratification of the treaty of peace between the two countries, but, in those days, when there were no rapid means of conveying information, the news bad not reached this country and the two op posing forces, the British under Sir Edward Packenham, and the American under General Andrew Jackson, fought in entire ignorance of the uselessness of further bloodshed. The result was fear fully disastrous to the British forces. I 1 he Condemned Man. j With to-morrow's sun will dawn the last day on earth for Allan Matbis, the condemned murderer who. now awaits the execution of the law. As has been so of ten stated the execution will be strictly private so that people may as well stay at home and not besiege the jail as -they will not be ab!e to see anything at all of the execution. The wretched man has been prepared for . his doom. He has made a full con fession of tbe deed.' This, confession was made to bis spiritual advisor, Rev. Q. O. Brady, of St. Mark's Episcopal church, and at his express desire will not be pub lished until after his death. It will be found in the report ' of the execution as published in the Review to-morrow after noon. For Cqmputlng Interest. The following method for compdting interest is going the rounds, 'and may bf found a convenient method. Four per cent. Multiply the principal by the number of days, separate the right hand figvre from the product and-. divide by nine. Five per cent. Multiply by the number of days and divide by seventy two. , Six per cent Multiply ; by the number of days, separate th right hand figure and divide by six. Eight per cent Multiply by tbe number of days and di vide by forty five. Ntue per ceBt. Multiply by the number of days, and separate right hand figure and divide by four. Ten per cent. Multiply by the right number of days and divide by thir ty six. Twelve per cent. Multiply by the number of days, separate right hand figure and divide by three. -Fifteen' per cent. Multiply by the number of day, seperate right hand figure and divide by two. Twenty per sent. Multiply by the number of 'days, and divido by eighteen. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c, for the Children at Jacobi s. ' . City court. Edward Connor, colored, was arraigned fjr assault and battery inthat he threw a rock at Mills Donaldson, another colored boy. The Mayor fined the defendant $1. ; Mills Donaldson, who was 'a principal witness in the foregoing case, was next arraigned and convicted of the , same charge preferred against the above named defendant, this last named defendant being convicted on his own testimony. The Mayor pronounced tbe same judg ment as in the previous case, viz: $1 fine, which was paid in each case, and tbe little culprits allowed to depart. A colored woman, arraigned for. being drunk and disorderly, . was released, in consideration of its being the first offence. A long, awkward, gawkey, idiotic sjrt of youth was the next case on the docket. The charge, preferred was disorderly con duct. The Mayor issued a sharp repri mand and then ordered his discharge. Jack Smith, colored, charged with the larceny of a whiskey still, was the last case on the docket, but the case was con tinued until 3 o'clock this afternoon owing to the fact that the defendant was then in tbe custody of another officer tq be tiled before a magistrate. : ' : Eeview. 4 Vital Statistics of Wilmington.". i - : .' We published in yesterday's Review f r toe purpose ui correcting an eir j.aeous impre8irjr which had goue abroad from this city by the iucorrect published atate. menJfcof a J,party"(who did not . ,et t in official, report in his statement), the total "number of deaths wit hin "the city of Wil mington for the year 1879, according' re the official yearly report of Dr. J. C. Walker, the Superintendent of Health for tbe City f Wilmington and county of New Hanover. This number we stated to hi ZV1 and some possible eight or ten paupers whkh were not included in the yearly report. We then added eiht to the total number given above, .which swelled the amount to 370 and made tie death rate not quite 22 per thousand of. the population, according to tbe Meares census of 17,000 souls The difference between tee 6tatemeut pub lished in the Review and the erroneous publication referred to above is 125 deaths or a little over 33 percent, of the total mortality. These figures, we are assur ed by the highest authority upon the sub ject, is the correct statement of the mor tality occurring in this ci y during the year 1879, with the single exception, Jthat the death of the lamented Dr. King, "Who had changed his residence to New York and died ,in that city, was inc'uded in the deaths which occurred ia Wn:aingC6n when in fact tbe remains, vrcro brought 0 here for interment. - - Now, to prove that'the Superintendent of Health's report is the only accurate record from which ; to compile an article or statement of the kind, we will simply remark that of the 105 orders given by Col; Jno. D. Taylor, Clerk to the' Auditing Committee of tbe Board of County Commission rs, t for coffins, a majority, or a large proipr. tion,ot the deaths which we find recorded. in Col. Tay lor's books have ' already been reported once to the Superintendent of Health by the physician in attendance when he makes his regular monthly re port to that official, consequently, it is not necessary to go to the Clerk of the Coun ty Auditing Committee, at all, for any in formation upon' the subject. For no body can be buried without a certificate from some physician as to. the cause of1 the decease. And then again we are cred- bly informed that many, of those bqdies which were furnished caffins by the coun ty were not interred in the pauper7 bury ing ground, but were buried in Pine Forest and perhaps other cemeteries, so that,' if we take Col. Taylor's 1 list ocof fins furnished by the county as the re cord for the number of interments in the Pauper's lot, as we believe the compiler of the incorrect published statement already referred to has done, we run the risk oi counting the same intermeat twice when the number of interments in Pine Forest and other cemeteries is taken from the books of the secretaries of those Com panies. Let us be more explicit. Suppose 10 of the 105 paupers who were huf ied in coffins furnished by the county were in terred in Pine Forest Cemetery. Did not the compiler of this incorrect statement published last Friday and Saturday in this city, count the same ten twice? Clearly he did. But is the Secretary who furnishes the number of interments in bis company's lots responsible for the error made by the com piler of this incorrect report of the num ber of deaths in this city, published by the Star last Friday and again alluded to in an editorial in the same paper of last Saturday's date? By no means. And because, in the interest of our community, we correct the erroneous published statement and quote the only official authority there is upon this subject to substantiate cur repor t does it necessarily imply that we think the Secretaries of the different companies' and Col. Taylor are incompetent per sons for the duties that have been assigned them and which they are engaged in per' forming? We tbink not. We do not 'in timate' any doubt as to the 'reliability' of the -&&zr' published report. But we do plainly and most emphatically assert that it is in incorrect, and we assert further that the same interments were counted twice, in some instances, in that report. Now whose incompetency was that? Bat one word more. In the above es timates we have not deducted , the inter ments of persons who came to their deaths by violence, which will amouut to quite a. respectable Lumber and which should by no means bev charged . against the health of the city. Deduct these, as shou!d properly be dons, and we do hot brieve' that the mortality will reach more than 20 to tbe thnusaud, instead of p23, which is-very nearly ZZl per ceLt less than published in the. btar. Fair and Festival. - Several ladies of this ci.ty,.-who-among others have undertaken to rais2 a fund for the. benefit of St. ' John's" Chnrcb, to go towards defraying the debt cf that church, will give a Fair and Festival i.ext vek, due no' ire of the' t!ma and place to bt, made hereafter. -We arc r:q !cstd to. state tb it th3se v ho rn v b : it c:;rt( d tv assist them lr tnasfr. tr cmti articles will p eve retiklencs of 2Iis.' L . A :gei', nnn street, between Second ar.d : Chest- TLiid. The First Strawberry ct the Season. Wii will bot as go')d a hat',' as-, anyone has a niiiid to j ay tor, that we of any newspop,-r iu tho .Vu'.e aie an 1r. ad iu gfcttint: the li rat fclru'.vbony si the season. Ours came this murLing, (Jan. 8th) and was a large, fully developed aud haeiy lLiyored strawberry, aud w-is raided iuhe garden of Airs- A. F. Ciicrrv, hi I'cnuer county. AVe are informed that her Vices are bear, ing finely, ".aud that a few .days continu ance of warm weather wouM ripen , thr fruitage s:) ts toJ-e lit f.'n'm ):'' f- . ,i ur r. . ' D 1) Li Al, o ,; uriuek, abisted . by P (i M, li J Jones, and IV G s Q M Al taffer and Jno L Dudiey, installed '.the following officers of Orion L dje, No 07, I O O F, last evening. 1 . N G Johu H Pugh. . )r G LI O Craig. ; Secretary John L Dudley;' P Secretary W 0 Farrow. Treasurer W 3t Warrock. Warden Wm -Wescott.' ' . Conductor G'M Altafler. Chaplain Jas Ivendrick. 1G-C W Stewart; 6 G C DMofrell. 11 S to N G D F Bain s LS toN G Il.II Orrell. R S to V G W S Hewlett. . L S to V G F C Gocding. . Trustees idows'and Orphans' fund G M Altaffer, John L Dudley and WS War rock. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for February. . i Is one of the jnost attractive numbers that has yet been isaued of this entertain ing and edifying j ublieation, and well sustains its high reputation. The 123 nages are filled iwith delightful literature and are bright with some 100 beautiful engravings. The articles are on a variety of 8ubcts, to suit all' tastes, and , 'will interest educated and cultivated minds as well as tbeNnost' ordiuary-"reader. Our space will permit a reference only to a. few of the most noteworthy. 'The Case of the Rev William Tehnent,' by A'.freton Her vey; 'Salt and Saliimincs by Godfrey A Hudson St Augustine, tho Apostle-of the English,' by. Herbert Lee, and 'The Persecutions' of the Huguenot?,' by Alfred H. Guernsey, are exceedingly interesting as is likewise the article .oa Magdalen Herbert, the mother of George Heibert, the 'Poei of the Temple.' Tte first of a series of papers, entitled 'Tho Children of the Bible,' gives promise of becoming an unusually attractive feature. Mrs Au gusta B Gamtt has an admirable article, entitled 'BeLedic'AnimaMea,'a voluptary on ' sacred mucic, The department of fictionMs crowded With good things, and there are poems by MrsCarria L Pest, George Herbert, liev E EL Bickersteth, A'ustiuGr ffin etc,etc Youthful reader will be delighted with tho storiesLittleUines The Lucky Prince, Wee-Wee,' itcfthe former is the commencement of " a new serial There is avery abundant riiscel lany of the most entertaioing and instruc tive character.; "Single copies are only 25 cents and the - annual subscription $3 postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's Pub lisntogr House; 63, 55 ard 57 Park Place, New York. ' , New Advertisemont3.' Schedule B Tax. jJERCHANTS Wlt,L TAKE NOTICE that the tiice for Ibtiap expires oa 10th inst. J. E, SAMP'SO, Reuter. jin 8-1 1 Ship Notice. rpO ALL CONCERNED. A 11 jl persona are nereoy caauon- at-4.-N on Kgaiasi uruviiag or iraaticg VS- any oi toe crew, wl tne Spanih52i" oiig a, u no aeou con-1" traded br tnem will be paid by Captain'Or 'Aent. . UkRUSSLT fc CO., jan 8-lt . i AenU. Coney's TobaccoIStore. IF YOU WAN T TflE BEST 5 and 10 ct. Cigar f o to CONEY'S where yoa will find the largest selection cf Imported and Domes tic Cigars, Chewing and Bmotinjf T-baccoe, Gentlemen will p leaf e remembir that 1 do not keep open on Bandars, therefore tics who wish to purchase my goos will Late to do so daring the week. i ja5tf i : WALTER CONEY, ... - PLEJLBE NOTICE. . We will be glad to receive commnnit -aUtjaj from oar. friends on say aad all s abjecti t geccrsj interest hut : he name of the -writer must" alwsyt'te far oiahed to the Editor. I Communications mast be wrltteu on onl f fttie side of thej?aper. PerBonalities must be aToi'ded. - M u.-nauj au prucu.rij un.i r stood that the Editordoes cot always erdo i the views of correspondentii ualeis so sfate in the editorial columns. ' Now Adyortisemonts. SirSstmas A. WV '..'... .- ' ! '"' t i" 4 " - ' 1 UAI mhv nnnno WJUVftA uUUUu ' . AT KAT';;..;:; '...''.-'" Ii Ki'oiioiijv -to'. Eluv os iiAxiv roli- 'hiat; ri laobi:; : - ' , - " - - )' DRESS SOODS, Shavvi, Oloaks, CorNftt, Cloves. Collars and Guffe, TIES, TOW ELS,!KAPKIN? , ' DAMASKs- -V ' t t .. .. Handli: er chiefs ! From 5 cants upr . 1 BIBS, BOWS. 'FLANNELS. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONf , -''"' - ';'.-..- ' : i ' ' Aad hundred of Article8too numerous"j mention. ... No adr&nca in any oitheae. Goo is. 8 Tt money and get something" usefur b calling oa SG, Market St. Jec 20' Blank Books. JC3T RECEIVED, the largest Stock of Blank Bookg, aU b'zss and styles," from tho smallest memorandum to theiargept medium. Diary 'a for 1183. Turner's, Miller's and Blum's ilmanacs, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos, Organs, GUITARS, VlolinB, Violinceiloe. Banjcs, Acoordeons, FJutes, Fires, Tambourines, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, and Btrirgs for all Instruments, Sheet Music and Instruct tion Books, at -,, HEINSBERGER'S, jan 7 Lire Book aud iiusic Stora. DOIM'T FORGET THAT TIID ' " Boston 5 and 10 Cents ccpre, IS HIE ONLY EXCLUSIVE STOLE OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. ' And the Cheapest Place to Buy Wi GLASS AND WOOD EH WARE CROCKERY find 999 Other HOUSEKEEPING nit i m:i b.v 1 MilllUiihU I CSF Special in iacctueats to CtunV:y Merchants. C7" Xew oo3 rccxirc.l daily at No. 41 Norlli F.onts'icer. nT