THIS PI PER fa kiLihf everr afternoon. Sundays ex- wpted by ' JOSH. T. JAM B.8, Korros ass rsorsurros. SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAC-fl PAID. OM year,S 00 Six months, J2S0 ; Thre . moaths, SI 25 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper wUl be delivered by carrier!, free of charge, In an j part of the city, at the abore raUf, or 13 eents per week. Advertising ratee low and liberal -J8abteribere will please report aaj and U failures to receive their papera regularly. Now Advertisements. D 8 80 1 QZL All D AniTAZi CLOSING SALE ' SROW'rf & FiOBDICK, 45 Market St. ft, TAKE T.'Ud OPPORTUNITY OF thtokiag the general public for tbtir very -bera patronage daring the past year, and t eH parti-u!ar attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE OX Wl 3 m January, 12th. Great Reductions will be made in order to effect our object. I I Onr patrons may rest assured that the reductions are bona fide. , i Dress Goods, BlanKets, m Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR !i MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Pelt Skirts, LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham-1 v.r-fM,fn,. .nA i-..-.t.. .v.. v.. tt I - ' SB S mva aue no v x? shewn, U order to make room for our new stock BE0W1T & B0DDICK, 43 ZLZarket Otreet, anlO . Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HERE BY cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British Brig BLACK POOL, no debts contracted by them will he paid by CaptaU or Agenta. A LI X. 8PRUNT A SON, jaalO Consignees. DON'T FORGET THAT TIIE Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, IS HIE ONLY EXCLUSIVE STORE OF TIIE KIND IN THE STATE. And the Cheapest Place to Buy Tin. CLASS AND WQQDEMiWARE . CROCKERY jELnd 998 . Other Useful HOUSEKEEPING .ARTICLES Special inducements to nnnnrv Merchxnu. V OCT" New Goods received daily at No. North Front itreet. i jm 7 EfflOWDAY The VOL.IV. LOCAL NEWS. ! New Advertisements. OaaHiaoT A Co Buggies Harnees, Ac Clyde's New York Steamship Line. Yates Book Store and Photo Roomc Orgulnette. y IIeinsbf BGia Pianos and. Orffans,Blai.k Books. ' Boatwuight A McK jT O-c ! h'ee ad Festival. P L BaiDOtRS A Co Dust Your. Cobwebs. 'William A McacasiON Fait and Guano J A BrfUKGER Lower than Erer. F. C Filler Larender Water. A. A. I. Hhbier Selling OlT! F ,r olLcr locabtteoiou'-tli page. Willow Glass all Price's. feizes at ltafl'er & t Joe Juilorsou 1 in evenu g. Save jour money by luiyis jour Unil J ns .Sullies from AHaJU r k Trice. ? f It is called leap year because the girls of eighteen will jump eighty feet at an oflcr. The use of Hall's VeeuLle Sicilian Uenewer will keep tile hair -from falling out. Train a dress in. tLc ay it should go and -it will never get under tuo uct oi the wearer. Husbands neyer meet their wivs with smiles' on lip?; they wipe tnem ou before they get home. You cuu buv No 1. "Heating a'-d Cook Stoves at almost any price byguing tne Factory Agancy, at jacouI. Ectish ladies, have recently become in terested in the game of foot bll. Tni3 8ettlss tho narrow skirt business. A new song is entitled 'My Love Sh3 mischief, and so perhaps docs his love. W'npn vnn sav that a "irl'a hair is as J j -o ( black as a coal, it is just as well tospeci fy that you do not mean a red-hot coal. Nor. barque Slanlcj, Gehrsoo. ana Nor. barque Silo, Moiliand, saijl from LiverpooLon the 8th inst, for-tbia port. The diagram- for scats at the Opera Uouse on the occasion of the great actor Josenh Jt-fle son's rcrformance in his r inimitable personation of ItipVan Vink!c will be ready at Heinsbcrger' on Wed nesday eveniD c Died of Her Injuries. Sarah Jane Kus?, the colored woman who was so seveieiy burneu ai ner res dance, on Eighth, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, on Sunday last, an ac caunt of which appeared in the Re view, by the upsetting of a kerosene lamp, died last night from her injuries. Oratorical contest. The first annual contest for the orator's modal in the Thilomathcan Literary Society will' take place tewmor- row evening at 7 o'clock in Knights .of Pythias II all, over J. C. Mnnd'a Drug Store, opposite tho .City Hall. The con testants are Messrs. J. W. Meares and B. G.Empie, and Ool.D. K. MacRae, lion. Geo. Davis and Mr. T. D. Kings burir. have consented to act as judges and award the medal. The doors will be oren to the putlic. who are cordially invited to bo present. Dr. Mendelsohn's Lecture. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn of this city leaves here on- Monday next, tbe 19th inst. for Raleigh, where he will de'.iver. a public lecture, -under tbe auspices of the lie brew.Union of that city. The subject chosen by the Reverend divine is entitled Woman, hcrcocscxvat sm and station in the Talmud. This lecture is the same which was delivered tqmo time since at the Opera Ilouse in this city by Dr. Mendelsohn, and which received the unanimous commendation of the cultiva ted and refined audience in attendance upon that occasion. e can assure our good friendi in Raleigh that a rich intel lectual treat is in store for them, and we bespeak for Dr, Mendelsohn a lare au dience in the 'City i f Oaks Dr. Mer- delson will arrive in Rileigh cn the even iog oltho 19ih inst, and on "the morning of the 29th will unite in the holy bonds of matrimony a young couple of that city. Pliystclans' Wine. Xew Yoik physicians say that they have been using Speer's Purl Grape Wine and Wine Hitters in their practice for years, to the cnti. J satisfaction of their patienti and themselves, and take greut pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is . claimed for them, aud, in fact tbe most reliable they can find. For sale bv Green it Flanner, Jas. C Munds and I L. Uridgers & Co. DA WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY JANUARY The moon changed last evening at 30 w minute3 past 5 o'clock. We regret to learn that Mr. Joseph B. Russell is seriousily ill at his residence in this city. , Joe Jefferson is to be with us next Saturday bight. The advertisement will appear on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson, of this city were to have sailed from New York for Europe on Wednesday last. Tbe regular annual meeting of the lot owners of Oakdale Cemetery will be held at the Company's office, in this city, this evening. Among the arrivals at the Charleston Hotel in Charleston on Saturday we notice the name of A. H. VanBokkelen, LV , of this city. The aunual mooting of the stockholders of the First National Bank will be held at their banking house, in this city, to mor row morning at 1 i o'clock. luu biuumer j.vrui owio unu-o of a three and a half feet rise on the shoals up to Saturday morning, at which time the' water commenced to fall again. At three o'clock this afternoon the thermometer at the City Hall, which is one of the coolest places in the city, stood at 77 decrees, in the shade. Cool and wiuieribh weather, this. , The managers and the other diflerent committees of the Leap Tear Ball which takes place to-morrow night at Germania Hall are busy as bees in spring time to day, and those who know, predict a grand success. . - Ther3 was almost a total eclipse of the sun in this latitude to-dav. It was invisible here until about 1 o'clock when It came out. for a little while but went back behind the clounds again before night. This did not prevent it, however, from being an uncomfortably warm day. ' A Convent at Hickory. Six Sisters of Mercy left this city a few days ago tor Hickory, N. C. where they "o o i establish a female school. The furniture for the Convent was sent ahead of them. They left here under.the escort of Rev. Mark S. Gross, of St. Thomas Catholic Church. 'Grand Cliarity;iiall. Thanks to. Mr. J. I. Mackp, Secretary, for an invitation to attend a Grand Char ity Ball which is to be given in Germania flail on next Thursday evening, the 15th inst. The tickets for this ball are now on sale at $1 each. We trust that the Hall will be full and that a handsome sum may bo realized for the worthy object had in view. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c for the Children at Jacobi's. City court.' Joseph Euie, colored, was arraigned upon two charges, first, disorderly con duct,'second, cursing a police officer. Sen tence $10 fine or thirty days in the G. P. Being out of stamps the defendant ac cepted the alternative of going below. . A colored woman, with her wris: tied up-and with blood upon her clothes, was the next and last case before the Mayor this morning, but there was no particalar charge against this defendant. Officer O'- Briea testified that he found the woman on Fourth street bridge Saturday night bleeding quite profusely from a cut in her left wrist, and that she was rather vague in her answers regarding the causa of the wound, thinking her condition precarious and fearing the woman would bleed .to death'the officer telephoned to Dr. Walker that his services were needed. The Doc tor was promptly on hand and having applied the proper remedies, the officer again- tried-; to elicit some information from the wounded woman in regard to he accident that had befallen her,' but ailing to get a satisfactory answer he brought the injured party to the Guard Ilouse. This morning she told the Chief of Police that it was a woman who cut her but she didn't know her name. The defendant was discharged. Entirely Recoiered. Nkw Yobk City, June 16, 1879. H. II. Wajiben & Co. Gentlemen hereby certify that my wife has been usiog Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for Bright's Disease, and she is now entirely recovered. When all physicians' remedies failed, 6he was induced to try your remedy, and received beneficial re- ults from tho nrst bottle. Alter taking four bottles she was entirely cured. Yours truly IioBEBT B. FlTZflEJULT, SEYIE Wo '-' '.! ' ' ' - '"-'.''.'' i; Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoon?; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's New Advertiaamshts You Want rpHESE THINGS. YOU SAY,; MADE skillfully, of good materal land for the least money. . You will patronize home industry if it ccstt no more than to place your orders elsewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in appiepie shape for the manufacture of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Uray s, Harness, Ac. - . H- e now if we can't please you and keep yur money home, janlJ QKRHARDT A CO. Pianos, Organs, 4 T PRICES TO SUIT ALL, sold on the t Instalment Plan. Guitars. Flutes, Fifes, Harmonicas, Accordeoss. Banjos, Bones, Tambourine. Violins, V.olencellos, Bows, Strings and Boxes. Also Bunting Bo bs, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Blank Books. MEMORANDUM BOOKS, Blaak Bill . Bead,! Memorandum Blocks, Receipt, Draftand Note books, Legal Cap. Fools Cap, d acit?. buu mi Ln run..-- r.nvniina. nnr. a v ter ana uracial. .ull for es.1 at HEINSBEROER'S. j n 12 39 A 41 Market Street. The Orefumette. jgVERY ONE BOLD SO FAR HAS given entire satisfaction. Kemeaber that upon ttis Musical Instrument the smallest child can play the most difficult pieces with out the least knowledge of music. I keep also a stock of Cabinet Organs, which I'll sell cheap for cash, or upon the instalment plan. A large stock of School Books and Stationery constantly on hand. jan 12 . Bookstore. Dust Tour Cobwebs ! QUE P. L., WHO, ALTHOUII YOUNG In years, and a bachelor, onoe was a house keeper, says,, if you would Save Money, Ladies; Keep a supply of Brooms, Potato Mashers, Beef Mauls, Lemon Squeezers, Dusters, Shoe Brushes and Polish, Scrubbing Brooms, Clothes Lines, Silver Polish and Brush, Matches and Box (Matches without a bx are dangerous), Knife Boxes, Tubs, Buckets, Clothes Baskets and Clothes Lines, Clothes Pins, Dust Pans, Troughs and' Cullenders on hand and ready for use; everything ia Its proper place acd bright, and - V '. ... F. L. Brid?ers & Co., 22, 24, 26 & 28 Front St., Wilmington, 1Y.1C, Have just laid la an overwhelming supply of these indispensable. They cost a few cents only, bat they are ts good as a Life Telley and better than a Prise in the Lottery, or a dozen Blue Pills, la promoting health and digestion, and Jmst think, Champagne at 40c a Pint, up to Two Dollars I cheap as Diamonds are to be next year, .when that Scotch chemist ets sober, and as Sparkling and bright In its liquid light. With a hue as red - As the rosy bed A bee would choose to dream oa t Notwithstanding the immense sales dnrin? the holidavr. we have a few nor. caika left oi tnat mnrvelloue rBKMCu CORDIAL and restorative Elixir, called the BAD DE TIB. or Wine of Life, which is said to be able to wake from tbe dead, by its smell alone. 12,000 ENGLISH PICKLES, such as Onions, fragrant and juicy; Cueumbers,green and seedy. Gherkins, pisapled and crisp. . 5.000 -Dozen Cant of MILK, (Water ia separate Dot aes ) COCOA SUT3, $4.75 per hundred. ' CHOCOLATE, for Eating and Cooking. WHISKEY Stuart Brands and Bourbon Whiskey in Quarts. Whiskey ia Pints. Whis key In Demijohns. Whiskeys Straight and Crooked. Cora, Bye and Malt Whiskey. Whiskey tight. Whiskey loose. All sorts of Whiskey, Corked, Bunged, Basketed and Old aud Hew, White and Colored Whiskey. FULTON MARKET BEEF, and every thing else good to eat. v - - No efcarge for showing Gcois, and yom need not buy unless suited, at P. L. 8RIDGERS & GO, jaall ' , - 12, 1880. NO. 287 New Advertisements. Lower than Ever. JARGS 8TOCK OF OAK, ASH, Ac. at greatly reduced price. Full stock of he best COAL in the city, very low indeed. Jan 12 J. A. 8PR1NGER. Festival. ACCOKDING TO PREVIOUS announce meet, a Festival will be held on Thurs day Evening next, the 15th inst., at the rooms of the old National Bnk, to assist ir paying the debt of St. John's Cl rch. Contributions in money, or otlx i wise, are earnestly desired, and may be cnt to the residence ef Mrs. L A. Angel, ou Chestnut, between Second ai d Thiro streets. Admittance free. I jan 12 AND 5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt I 6500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano ! Now landing and for sale low by Williams & Miirchison. jan 12 ONCE MO RE ON THE DECK WE STAND ON A GALLANT SHIP THAT HAS Weathered the Storm. Ladened with t e. BEST SELECTED STOCK OF rococoes 1 ver known in the City of Wilmington. She is not now at Sea, nt, not even on the placiJ waters of the old Cape Fear, But Anchored Safely on Front Street) Where every body can find her, "And don't yoa forget" She has on her the Largest and .Mojt Desirable Stock of D9OGDa0OS ! ever offered, and bar Agents are . - - . I - Boatroiglit & UcEoy. jam 12 : PLKABE NOTICE. . . W. will be glad to receive eonnmnicatlonj from our friends on any and ail subjective feneral interest bni i Tie name of the writer must alwaye be for niahed to the Editor. - ' . .. ' Communications must be written on only one side of thelpaper. Personalities'must be avoided. " And it is esDeciallv and stood that the Editor does not always endo i the views of correspondents, nnleum ia the editorial columns. New Advertisements. ..hristmiais- AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT ' ; WJ - Wl ; K A T Z ' 36 -'Market II is JKcoiioiny JLo IIiiv Something Useiiil ! OX 1IAXD. FOIi THAT 'lUBTOSE. GOODS, Shawls, ClbakSj "Corsets, Cloves, Collars and Cuffs, TIES, TOWELS, 'NAPKINS, DAMASKS? : BRUSHES, COMBS, From 5 cants upT . BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS. v MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS Aad hundreds of Articles too numsroui . mention. No advance in any of ktheso GooJj. Save money and get eoxetbing useralb calling, on ivz. mm 36 Market St. dec 20 Lavender Water. yRBENA WATER. New lot fresh drugs and a full and complete stock of Faacy Arti cles for the Holiday.' Trade. Everything guaranteed freeh, pure and of best quality. ;f. c. miller, Corner 4th and Aua Streets. Open day and night, jan 12-tf By Particular Itcciuest rjlHERE WILL BE GIVEN UNDER THE supervision of the undersigned, A GRAND MASQUE CARNIVAL OS ' SKATES, at the CITJT HALL, TUESDAY NIGHT, Jan. I3tb',1880. E. M. GUSHING, - Proprietor. jan 6-2 1 tuss mon. First, National Bank of ; , Wilmington, Jan 1, 1880 THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of this Bank for the election of Directors, will be held at their Banking House on TUESDAY, the 13th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M. A. K. WALKER, jan 1-2-12.13 Cashier Selling Off fJIHE BALANCE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any price to make room for the 8priag Styles. Bargains may be had. All musjt be sold. Call and get the re duced prices, at 8HRIE.V3 TWO ST02E3, j 9 Market s(. . Firit National Bank ... of Wilmington. DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT. has beea declared by the Board of Directors of this Baal, payable on and after the 12th fast, A. R. WALKER. Jaa-4t-aa V Cashier.