THIS PIPER 1$ piolUhed every afternoon, Suadays npteJ bT J O JJ II . T. J A M K & , 4 EDITOR AKD rKOPHIF.TOK. ttUBHCRHTION3.aSTAOK PAID. On. year, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; TLr oithi, $1 15 j One month, 60 cent. The paper will be delivered by carrier!, ree of eharKe, in anj part of the citj, at the boTe rates, or 13 cent per week. IdrerCsiajr rate low and literal aT8uoscribrs will j-lease report any and ll failure! to rle thir ppre regularly. Sow Advertisement0. 1880! G H AX X r AUISTJ All CLOSING SALE 3RD WIT & liODBICK, 45 JSIarkot SL m TASK 1118 OPFOXTC-VITV OF (Leaking the general ppblic for tbeir Tery b-ra patronage daring the past year, and t et parti ru'ar attention to our ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! , OF WINTER STOCK Tl COMMENCE ON J January, 12th, . Great Reductions will be made in order to effect oar object. Onr patron may reit assured that the redactions are bona fide. Dress Goods;1 Blanicets, y Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. , We will, offer the Cheapest line of Ham barf Edgings and Insertions that we hare shewn, la order to make room for oar new stoek. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market fltreet. 'an 10 Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HERE BT cautioned against cu;V harboring or trusting any of the tMV crew the British Brig BLACK "'Vpf POOL, no r ' debts contracted bj them will be paid by Captain or Agents. ALJ X. BPEUNT A 80 N, JanlO Consignees. DON'T FORGET . THAT THE Boston 5 and 1G Cents Store, . IS 11IE ONLY EXCLUSIVE STOllE OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. And the Cheapest e Place to Buy TIN. GLASS AND WQQDENaWARE CROCKERY. Und 999 Other HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES ! tS" Special Inducement to Ccunlry E7" New Goods received daily at No. North Trout atretL jan 7 Tie VOL:IV. W ILMINGTON, N. C TUESDA Y, J A NUARY LOCAL NEWS. Xtw Advertisements. PaTaa BaaENTiM Florida Oranges. . P rtBiNBSB&ssa Pinos and Organs,blank Books. , , A: A I. HauiEa Felling Off! 8H riariELATZ, Mayr An Appeal from Ireland Pee ad Fo- Sale. Wii iiow Glass ah &iz aiA)ialW & Hi k art.- jneatiful and are uu tho Je c in . . - Ba;i;e Anok, Stcwar, h?:;eri, anived at d.u on th ? :ilt ult. B:triUH Kristin'.; Jaiiseu, h':;uv". arrived at GIi 'V on the L'J.b ult. rrqui lima, Ar.ii(rs?u, h.-Doe, rived at Glasgow on the L'lth u!t. it- Nor, brig Jurlrii, Kernes, hence, arriv ed at QaeeostowD on the 9th iDst". BrigJJ'K'V K''rt traliaui, cleared at Lou ucn on the OO-li uP,. fu- this port. Darq iv! Dun lli:nritt K.uKa:z,, arrived at Urbtol, Y.u-z., on the SI; t ult. Barque Galalhra, Andersen, hailed from Vigo on the 17ih ult. .for "this port. Barquo 2-Mcdcru.k ibcalla, Buttner, hence, arrived at Lon ion, on the 29th ult Save your money by o ly fig j oar Build ag Supplies from AUr.!T;r & Price. f The U!n of I fall's Vegetable Sicilian llenewer wilrf ke c the Lair from falling out. Schooner Ella M Jiirtcr, Baric?, lor this port, was at Bath, Me., re-niy for sea on the 9 lb. inst. - 3 Sheep axe very scarce and in damand. The market is entirely hire and, sheep would bring good prices. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives .to for the Children at Jacohi's. This afternoon about a doz;n empty spirits casks were floating down, the strcam,tut were soon overhauled by yawl boats which put out after them. Wo could not ascertain how they, came in the water.but the supposition is (hit they were blown off of a Jigh'xr. The Cape Fear Tobacco 'Works otters for sale in. this issue 2a,000 pounds of granulated tobacco stems which are' rci commended as the best of fertilizers for truck farms, etc. As itis'wall known that tobacco is decidedly irjurious to bugs, etc , wc be-pek fjr it a trial by our farmers. City t'ourt. Charles Morris, colored, was the Gist cise called on docket this mcruir.g;35 fine was Hhe jugmsnt of Court, which amount was paid and defendant released. Simon Kichardion, colored, charged with disorderly conduct was fined $5 and costs. This finished the docket ana tne Court adjourned. . . IU-Electcd. TLo anLUaL meeting ot the Cape Fear Steamboat Company was held on board the steamer Gov. Worth at her wharf in this city to-day, fcr the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuteg year. The result was the re-election of "the cn. tire Boird of. Directors cf last year, as fol lows: iTcssrs. F W. Ksrchner, D. G. Worth, B. G. VvVtb, EL. Vollers4, of this city, and A. A. aicivotnan, ci rayetie-. vil'e. Election of Field Omccrs vT Scconu IiCgimeut X. C S. G. The ccmpaDy officers of the Second Regiment of N. C" S. G., were present at the Mayor's cCko in this city to-day at noon, in person and by proxy to made an election of Fidd 02cer? of the Regiment to serve for three years from date. Cap'Uin Ed. P. Powers, of the LaFay- ette Light Infantry, tcing the Senior Cap tain present, presided over the meeting and Mr. James C. .Murds, Orderly Ser geantof the Wilmiagton Lrght Infantry, was requested to act as Secretary. The meeting beicg then duly organized proccdid to the election of the fjllowing officers;4Cvljael. Lieuteaant-Cjlonel and Major which rtsulted on the first" ballot in the s Icciion uf the follow iag named gentlemen to fill said cftlccs. . Colonel A bcrt 11. Worth of Fayette ville; Lienttnaut-C!ocel, CI. S. Lati mer, of Wilmiugtor ; Maj-T, A. G.-Branch of Wadesboro. The xneeticg then pai a reso'.ution of thanks to Mayor S." II. Fishb'ate iar the use of bis ofii:e at tha City llall, after which upon motion the meeting then- ad journed. Leap Tear Ball, Wl.irh is to come off to-nmht. will begin at 9 o'clock precisely, and the gentlemen are reo nested to call for the ladies as early as 8:30 p. m. It will undoubtedly be a grand occasion, and we wish the partici pants may have the happiest time imag inable. Oakdale. 1 At a meeting of the lot owners of 0. k- dale Cemetery, held at the office of the Secretary last evening, D. McRae, Esq was elected Piesident, and Messrs. Ed ward Kidder, G. R. French, A. J. De Kosset, W. J. . Yopp, J. H. Chadbrum and W. H . Northrop were elected. Direc tors for the ensuing year. I , j The Masquerade, j W hich by some unaccountable over sunt we announced as to come off last night, will be the feature at the City Ua to-night. The skaters will be masked, am we learn that some very unique and hand some costumes have been prepared for the jeeasion. There is every indication that a larfe gathering will be present, and that a big lot of enjoyment awaits-them. An Intellectual Treat. We are happy to be able to announce to our readers that Col. Duncan K. Mac.Uae, of this city, the silver-tongued orator who delighted Wilmington audiences last season with his scholarly productions in behalf of the Wilmington Library Asso ciation, has again consented to deliver an other lecture under the auspices of this Association at an early day. Tht theme will, we understand, be an entirely new one, and upon which we believe, the dis ticguished gentleman-Has bestowed much time and thought in the preparation. Oar readers can imagine, therefore, Hie treat they have in store. m - V' . '' Sudden Death. 'We learn that Mr. Henry MashburnJ an old and highly respected citizen of Moore's Creek, in Pender county, fell dead in his yard a few days ago. He was bouL?0 years of age, and had been j in good health up to the time of his sadden death. Mr. Mashburn had been for many years a prominent citizen of the county, a leading member of the Baptist Church, Superintendent of the Sunday School and an influential dember of the Masonic Order. His loss will be deeply deplored by a large circle of relatives and friends. He leaves a wife and four chil dren. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi's. Erin- so Bragta f . " Famine is again menacing poor unfor tunate Ireland and her starving children appeal in heart-rendiDg tones to the charitable and humane of all climes and nationalities for assistance. In accordance with a cablegram received a few days since from the Lord Mayor of Dublin, mention of which was made in ' tho Re view, our worthy Mayor has called a meeting of the citizens of Wilmington, to be found in another column of this issue, at the City Court Room on the evening of Wednesday, the 14th inst, to devise such means as they may think best in response to the call for assistance. Journalistic " Tiie Statesville Landmark came to us on Saturday last with the name of Jos. P. Caldwell at iho1 masthead as editor and proprietor. There is no better newspaper man in the State than is Joe. Caldwell, as was evinced by Lis successful labors on the Charlotte Observer. It is hardly necessary to say that he has our best wishes; The Southern ' Mail is, the name of a new weekly which has just gone into pub lication at Hilisboro, under the control of Mr. T. B. Ryan. The 'Mail displays evi dences of marked ability in its make-up. SUCC2S3 to it. The Western Carolinian, published at Elickory, by Mr. H.S.Blair, has been very considerably enlarged and improved. We are glad to note this evidence of improve ment. The Concord Attn comes to us under the new management of its old-new editor, the genial Wade Harris, who, af:er a little round-a-bont elsewhere, in Wil mington and Greensboro, has returned to his first love. May it always shine bright er and brighter every day. Wood has advanced in price la con sequence of the cold wave froaa Maine. Morrill. Don't Garc-e-lon while the weather is warm but have the Chamber lain with pod fael before the Hale arrives. That's ratfcer a mane puo, be jabera Patenkd. EEYIEW. Improvement The m w Market hen completed will be the handsomest in the South Resides beef and fruit stalls, there will be stalls exclusively, for tLe s lecf butter and clwese meal, flour acd hominy, etc. Everythii g will be kept in apple pie order and will be entirely free from, the fumes of char coal and hucksters ealirg gtal's, and b o'hs. Fliat rVaiioual Bank. The Fourth Annual Meeting A this iu.t;tu'iu was be!d at the Banking rcurus in tLia city at llc!uck to-day for tbeeleciiou of a Iioafd of Directors for the e'isuinsj.year. Tneve-u!t was the re el ction of the. entire Board of last j ear as follows: Messrs Alfred Martin, D. G. Worth, James Sprunt,- James Dawson, and E K. Burruss. '. . At tfiuilhville. From Capt. Uarper. of the steam yacht Passport, we learn that the wind and sea in the bay at Smithville were very high this morning The yawl boats on the deck of the steamer were rolled out of their racks, a thing, by the way, which was never done before, even when the little steamer was on the black fish grounds. The tides were very high, the water rising seven feet. Most of the large vessels which re lying at anchor in the bay at Smithville have goue on their wey andjip to the time of tLePasporlleaving there no damage had been done to the shipping in the bay. Marine Disaster, . Br. barque North Carolina, Buchan, from Baltimore for Liverpool, which put into Bermuda in November in' distress, repaired and proceeded Dec. 30th for her destination, bat, after leaving sprung aleak, and on the morning of January 1st was seen ashore on the reefs to the S. W. of St. George. At the time of going ahore she had 4 or 5 feet of water in her hold. She afterward filled and on the 8th was full of water. About 400 bales of cotton hare been landed dry, and a small portion of the other cargo; the greater portion will be a total loss. The vessel has been stripped and materials taken ashore. The . hull will probably be a total loss. Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery. Silver lJIated Forks and bpoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi s. Deep Ys..Whale. It seems that Capt. Harper knows how o catch a deer don t let this be mis taken for a dear as well as run a steam boat. Yesterday while the Passport was nearly abreast of Fort Anderson, 'First Official Mate Frank , Wilkinson shouted from the lookout, "A whale! a whale! on he 8tarbard bow, steering east by east north east." Capt. Harper put his smoked glasses on and discovered a fine buck in the middle of the channel steering or the Eastern bank of the river. P. O. M. Wilkinson in the meanwhile was run ning around the deck getting his line ready while Gibbs, the cook, stood at the bow with the galley fork ready to har poon the whale. The steamer was rapid y closing up the gap between her and F. O. M. Wilkinson's whale; he sailed in a whaling vessel 5 years 7 months and 16 day 8, and. guesses he orter know a whale when he sees, one, and was betting bis official position and seven weeks sal ary "that's a whale," when the bow of the steamer struck the deer and killed it. The stag was hauled aboard the steamer and when it was laid out on the deck F. O M. Wilkinson clasped his weather-beaten brow and ejaculated, ''I'm stag gered and ruined. My official position gone and seven weeks salary, I feel like a default ing bank cashier and the Daily Be view will get hold ot it and then I'm ruined, ruined, ruined.' He attempted to commit suicide with Jeff Smith's horse pistols but as it was suggested that some one would carry hia Galloway he righted on his keel and concluded to apply the Balm of Gilead (hind quarter of venison) to his troubled inner man. It ' is thought to-day that if one should whisper suicide near the foot of Market street there would be, a fiht or a lively foot race with F. O. M. Wilkinson leading th3 van. Pnyslclans' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using fepeer's Fort Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for jean, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, atd take grant pleasure in recommending; them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact the most reliable they can find. For sale by Green fc F tanner, Jas. C. Munds and P. L. Bridgers & Co. 13, 1880. NO. 288 There is a great demand for cattle in this city. The market is almost entirely bare of good beef cattle and the price has advanced 2 cent per pound. ; Extra quality would even bring better prices. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons F.uting Machines aud every sort tf Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices at Jacobis. , Th r: is ten rniautes difference in the time between the western face of the. city clock and the remaining three faces; Tt should be attended to and .'he causes which lead to the result be reM.oved. MARRIED. LARKlNri UIVINrt In tt. John's Charch, oa Monday, January 5 ti?, by the Ker Qoorge Patterson, D. D., WILLIAM B. LAKKIN3 to RKNA BKUMKTTA BIV- L8. New Advertisements. Florida Oranges. D IRECT SHIPMtNT FROM BurTALO Blaff, Florida, of these justly Celebrated Or &nges. Are sound and for eale hj PETEB BARENTS E, It Cor. Chestnut and Water St'eet. Fcr if 25 0G0 t H ' GRANULATED TOBAC CO STEMS ; the very best Fertile r for Truck Farms, Gardens or Flower Yards ; 'will kill all Bags and Insect?,; a Superior Fertilizer for any crop. Appjy tJ CVPE FEAU TOBA' CO WORK', jan 13 6t Mayor's Office, City of Wilmington . January 12th, I860. An Appeal from Ireland. rpO THE CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON1 It is uoiveisallj knoTrn that the distress in Ireland is now very great and daily increas ing, from an extensive famine which bat again Wen ii flic ted upon that unhappy conn try. As Mayer of the City of Wilming ton 1 have received telegrams from the Lord Mayor of London and tie Lord Mayor of Dublin, appealing to the generosity of Wil mington for aid to the sufferers. It is the cry of a Nation asking for bread. In order that our cit'zsns may take the matter into consideration, I do hereby invite all who feel an interest in and deiire to aid the suffering people, to assemble at the City Court Room, at the City Hall, on the Eve ning of WEDNESDAY, the 14th inst, at Vi o'clock, in preliminary meeting, to take such steps as they may deem best to carry into effect their wishes. S. H. FI3HBLATE, jn 13-2t Mayor. AND 9 5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt I 6500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano ! ' ' . Now landing and tor sale low by Williams & Murchison. jan 12 Pianos, Organs. AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL, sold on the Instalment Flaa. Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, Harmonicas, Aecordeons. Banjos, Bones, Tambourine. Violins. Yiolencellos, Bows, Strings and Boxes. Also Hunting Ho bs, at the LIFE BOOK STORK. Blank Books, Af KMOR1NDUM BOOKS, Blaak BiU ABsadf, Memorandum Blocks, Keeipt, Drift and Note Books, Legal Cap. Fools Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Earelopes, Note Let ter and Official. AU for sale at IIEINSBEEOE&'S, 39 k 11 Market Street. jan 12 PLEASE J0TICE. We will be glad to receive eommualeationi from our friend on any and all mbjecti'o general Interest but : The name of the writer mut alwajr be for nished to the Editor. Conuntmicationi muat be written on onlf one side of thefraper. V . Pertonalitiefl"innst be avoided. And it is especially" and particular ly'sa'dcr stood that the Editor does not always endo r the views of correspondents, nnleei so state in the editorial columns. New Advertisements. AND HOLIDAY GOODS 3G Market :. m., mvuuuj y iu ai u Somctliiii irseltil ! ON 1IANP, FOR THAT FURrOiSE, GOODS, Shawls, Cloafcs, Corsets, rlovcs, Collars and Cuffs, TIES, TOWELSNAPKINSi DAMASKS BRUSHES, CORIBS, Handkerchiefs ! From S cants up I BIBS, BOWS. FLANNELS. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS And hundreds of Articles too nnmorousj,' mention. No ad ranee in any of ,theseooJ3. Save money and get soir.ething uaefullb i calling on Btt, M, KATZ, 36 Market St. dec, 20 Lavender Water, "y ERBENA WATER. New lot fresh drugs and a fall and oomplete stock of Fancy Arti cles for the Holiday Trade. Every thiag guaranteed fresh, pure and of best quality. TF. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and hen Streets. Open day and night, jan 12-tf First National Bank of Wilmington, Jan." 1, 1880 THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of this Back foY tbe election of Directors, will be held at their Banking House on TUESDAY, the Hth inst., at 11 o'clock, A.M. A. K. WALKER, jan 1-2-12-13 Cat bier Selling Off ! rjIHE BALANCE OP OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any price to make room for the Spring Styles. Bargain may be had. All must be sold. Call and get the rp duced pries, at SHRtER'3 TWO STORES, Jn 9 Market st. The Orefuinette. gTESY ONE BOLD SO FAR HAS Eemeaber that given entire satijfactioi. upon tlis Uuical Instrument the imallei t child can play the most difficult pieces with out the leut knowledge of music. I kep also a stock of Cabiaet Organs, which I'll sell cheap for cash, or upon the Ixutalmert plan. A large stock of Behoof Books aid Stationery constant on hand. jaa 12 uoristmnias Bookstore;

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