- THIS PAPER I pu.U!.ed every afternoon, Baadays ex- J O N ll . T. JAMES, i EDtrisB riiOPHlJCToa. BSCIM ITIONH. TOSTAU K 1'A I V. ae year,! 00 8ix months. $2 50 ; Tare . ! mottht, $1 JS; One month, 60 eesti. The paper will be delivered by carriers, ra of charge, in any part of the city, at the iboTe rts, or 13 cants per wek. Arrt:ir. rte nJ """ r-Si.bpcriberi will rI ia report any and il U'iirmv receiT their papers regularly. Vow Advertisements. 880! SLOSING SALE ;? Vj Ar & H0BBICK. 45 Sarket St. ETAKL TUM OITU '.TUMTY OF tbi&kln? ta general public for their very I S ra patrocae daring the pijt jear, and t ct!I rarti-ular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON. January, 12th. Great Reductions will be made in order to effect oar object. Onrratrocs may rest assured that the rejections are bona fide. Dress Goods, ( BlariKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Felt Skirts, LADIES, GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest lino of Ham burg Edgioge and Insertions that we hare shown, la order to make room for oar new tock. BROWN & RODDICK, 43 Market Street, an 10 Mayor's Office, City of Wiimingtoai Janoarj 12th, 1550. An Appeal irom Ireland, mm vwal rpo TI1E CITIZEN'S OF WILMI KQTUN It U aaifeiialli known that the diitrew inena 01 a 8lraw tdat ,act3 wo incbes ol . . . , . . I reaching the cider in a barrel, is supposed I leg. from an eiteciire faxine which haj I again been iiflicted open that unhappy J eaintry. At Mayer of the City of Wilming- ton I bare recvived telegrams from the Lord Mayor of London and the Lord Mayor of Dublin, appealing to the generosity of WU- xnisgton for aid to the sufferers. It is the cry of a Nation asking for bread. In order that our cit'isns mar take the matter Into consideration, I do hereby iavite I all who fel an interest in and desire to aid the suffer is g people, to aaeemble at the Citr f7.-iri vtnArr, . v. rv.n.u .v. I nlag of WEDXE8D1T, tie 14th icst, at 1 o'clock. In preiiml ary a-eetisg, ta Uke cb etepe as :Uht scay deem best to carry Into tffet their wishes. 3. U. FISUBLATE, JmlMt llayor. Coney's Tobacco Store. TF TOU WANT TDK BE3T 5 and 10 crs. i&!SSSXnSS!lISii ie CLjart, Chewing and ttmotlag T-baccoe, who wish to porchaee my good will have to j4a J tf W1LTER COVEr 1 TTTT? VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1880. NO. 289 LOCAL NEWS. flew Advertisements. OrxKA IIocbk Rip Van Winkle. gee ad Walking Match. Head Davc'iy A Co't atw adi. V HaimiBkafiEa I'i -npa and Orpans,Mai.k Honks. A. A I. .Suhier 8e!hng Off ! Wii lov (i!a&i--al. iizea ,at iuifcr & ; . - t i'rieti t. The m at perfect tyj.e J sweet. he BiO U t'.e leLive. W h'-n a Diatj is in a brown etu'.l; he ve clor to his. thouhtt? elc! Sav your nvm-y by bnym o'ir Iluild iiu .SuiV' S f-'o'.n Al'all- r A: Prut- f .Steamship fiulf Stream, Ir-pram, hence, arrived a. New York on the- 12lh :bt. I Russian lre JItnn. NickeUet!, Bailed . n ,u mih inst for this port. Strange hut true. A word iu season is ocarcelj ever sfoken by a man in a pep pery frame of mind. The flies which have" b u pto.cpnctiDg around the city recei.t'y have all very Sud denly decamped. Schooner John. J. Griffin, Selover cleared at Philadelphia en tho tho 12th Inst, for this port. Tucket Knives. Table Cutk-r v. Sliver ilaed Foiks and Spoons; largtsi variety iLid lowest prices at Jacoui s. It rains alike on the just ud eJa the unjust on the jjst main'y tecause the unjust have borrowed their umbrellas. Who isjii aster, you or vour habil ? If . ii n the latter, isnt it time you were takinj staps to regain' jour lost pjwer ar.d pos Hon? A physiognomist says that long ear3 denote generobity, which is probably the reason why a mule squanders his hind les. Christmas Fire Doa and Fire Irons Flutins Machines and every sort of ilirdnare at -lowest sort of cash prices at Jacobis. There a rush for reserveo scats for Mr. Joseph Jeflcrson's rendition of Rip Van-Winkle ch Saturday tight at Ueins berser's, this morning. - My boy, treai everyone wi:h politeness ; even those who are rude with you. For remember that you show courtesy to others not because they are cent lemen, but be- cause you are one Brig Alice Lea. Foster, which sailed from this port on the 2Slh ult, for Phil adelphia, went a bore on Watchnprigue, on the 8th inst. and will probably prove a total loss. Sherifl Manning received this morning K"m State- Treasurer a receipt for iu.4iz.4i;. veins mo amount uue iuc State for taxes frcmNcw Hanover county for the year 1379. Some of the handsomest Florida oranges we have ever seen ara offered for sale by Mr. Peter Barontme at the foot cf Chest nut street. Thev were shipped to him from Bna-aio mug-by his son. ' The expression of a boys face at the to be the mqJel that the art'st selected j i- -.- e j i n disc. A Jouog laJy io tLj3 city hinted to her beau that sho would like io have a parlor magazine. Whereupon he sent her a kerosene lamp, with the message that such a lamp was the best parlor magazine he knew of. v The gallows in the jiil yard on which Allan Mathis expiated his crime will not tafcen down until after the trial' of John Grady and Maria LTail.both of whom are conGced in the county jail charged with murder. Mr. Josh L Ogdeu, business manager, and Mr. AKx McCarthy, traveling aent for Buffdo Bill, are in the city, setting things ia readii:ess for the appearance O Hon. W. F, Coay Buffalo Bill-ia thij ci'y to-morrow niht week. rlhe Festival. Thu?e of our citizens who are fond of the gool things of this world should bear in micd the festival to be given ia the old Rrtt N'tionl1 cnk bu'"diD2 to-ao"a" evening for the benefit of St. John's will do all in their power to add to the comfort and pleasure of their patrons. Daily STinpathy for Ireland. We hopo that a large audience may be ia attendance at the City Court Room to night, at the" meeting which is called to take into consideration measures for the relief cf sufl'ering and starving Ireland. The call is one which will fiijd a responsive throb in every breast, and we doubt not that Wilmington, ever generous and hu mane, will prove "by her works, her sym pathy for the sufferers. We are pleased to learn that Col. Duucan K. Macllae, and, possibly others, will ad dress the meeting upon the subject which calls them together. Professional Walking Ma ten. Wilmington is to have a walking match atlast,and by profeisionals)too.Miss Jennie Foatsr, of.Gilmore'a Garden, and Will. Cummings, Champion of the Augusta 200 mile match, will be the walktrs. They are both here getting things in roadiuess so a to start the walk, 100 miles, to morrow (Thursday) evening at 6 o'clock at the City Hall. The tracks will be made to-day. Their matinee ;on Satur day will bo for the benefit of suffering Ire land. See advertisement in another col umn. - An Mill tlllhirltv f.ir Ilin Cinutntn. In connection with the leap year priv ileges of ladies, tho following has been resurrected by some one. from an ancient volume entitled 'Love, Courtship and Matrimoflie London, 1C06: 'Albeit it has nowa become a part of common lawe in regarde to social relations of life that as often aa every bissextile year dtohe re turn, the ladyes have the sole privilege during the time it continueth of making love unto the men, which they doe, either by words or lookes, as to them it seemeth proper; and moreover, no man will te intitled to jthe benefit of clergy who doeth in any way treate her proposal with slight or contumely.' Uses of Old Newspapers. One of our exchanges tells of the foL lowing uses to which old newspapers may be put after furnishing the family with its share of reading matter : Old newspapers are useful in many ways. Under eafpets Uheyjsave wear and keep the floor warmer by covering the cracks. Over the edge of each step, under stair carpets, they are almost indispensable, and serve a better purpose than clumsy carpet pads. A news paper folded across the chest and buUoned under the outer garments protects the kinss in a Ions, cold ride. Newspapers are equal to chamois skin for rubbing windows after they are washed and wiped. Zinc under stoves is better polished by rubbing w ith dry paper than by washing. Dampened paper is good to rub tip and brighten the kitchen stove. Kuive3 and Forks, Pocket Knives &c for the Children at Jacobi's. l ire This Morning. This me rilog at 2:30 o'clock the fire alarm for the Fourth Fire district was sounded, caused by tho burning of the residenco of Lewis LeGrand, on Second between- Dawson and Wright streets. Lewis was aroused from his slumbers by the coughing of one of his children, and on getting up to ascertain the cause found the rcom ia which tho child was sleeping full of smoke and -the flames burst ing through the window. The means of egress by the doors was cut off, by the flames and LeGrand and his family were compelled to escape through the windows at the Southern face of the building. Be fore the Fire Department could arrive the M6unt Olive church (coloted) was also in flames and too far consumed to be saved There was an insurance of $500 on Le Grand's house in the Hartford Insurance Company, represented in this city ; by Messrs Atkinson k Manning. There was no insurance on the furniture inthe house and it was entirely consumed, the only thing saved being -a feather .bed. We learn there was an insurance of $1,000 on the Church but cannot ascertain iu what ma m . m j. company, ine origin ol the ure is sup posed to have been incendiary based on the following facts. Yesterday, Louis Le Grand, was arrested on a peace warcant sworn out by a woman, whom be assertB he bad never seen until brought face to ace with her in the Magistrate's office. There being no evidence against him he was discharged and the woman made to pay the costs. LeGrand thinks some of the party who caused his arrest set fire to his house. Indications. For the South Atlantic Statea fetation- ary or decreasing northeasterly winds, veering lo southerly, followed by warmer clear weather, stationary or falling barom eter. Review. The dkatlns Masquerade At tLe City Hall last night d-cvr t r get her quite a large numb, r of f-pt efaf : is as well as skaters, a id th afi':r wis tn pjed by all as a ' a'ii of aiu-usi ment at d recreation. 'Ihe ll.il! w.s !j'fi'!?t!y lighted ai.d jr sen'ow mi at t im ' W u g appearance. 1 he Uiairical Contest, For l.bb Philf m.i!h?au Society tiieda', ietwiet' Mi J-srs. J W. Mearus and B G. V pie, was wmiesiied'Iast nibt Dyq'i: e r cu ruber of ladies and gentlemen Of this city. The theme ttltctod by Mr. Mcares, the fir.st e ihei, was 'K' q'lcric,' fol lowed ry ''r Knij ie n the 'Triumphs of Ivacx.' The contestants acquittid tlitu.sieives with great credit, but the committee, composed of Messrs. Junius Davis, T. B. Kingsbury and Col. D. K. Macliae, after deliberation awarded the prize to Mr. Mcares. Col. MacKae, in behalf of the Committiej, awaidid ;he priz'j iu an txccilent and appropriate, speech, in which he regretted that amolal could not be given to each of tho young gentlemen. . You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stov.es at almost any price by going tho factory Agency, at Jacodi s-. Leap Year Ball. A large representation of .the youth and beauty of Wilmington, gay. gallants and fair maidens, assembled at Germania Hall last evening to indulge in tripping the light fantastic; the occasion being a Leap Year Ball to the young gentlemen of this city by some of the young ladies, and an evening of unalloyed pleasure was the result. The hall was beautifully dec orated, and never didjhe fair ones look prettier or the young men happier. The young ladies entered fully into the spirit of the "Leap Year Ball," and acted out their parts with the grace and ease for which they are 80 justly noted. At 12 o'clock the gentle ones invited their male attendants to partake of a sumptuous re" past prepared in the refreshment room. The gentlemen, hesitating not a moment, ac cepted the courteous invitation and show ed their appreciation by partaking heart lly of the tempting eatables spread before them, assuring their fair waitresses at the same time that they were engaged, in a labor of love. Rather ambiguous that, but as it is Lsap Year the ladies would not permit any infringement upon their prerogatives, and turned a deaf ear to aB such sentimental suggestions. - The dancing was continued until the "wee sma hours" when the entertain ment came to a clcse, and the gentlemen escorted the different ladies safely home, all agreeiog that the Leap Year Ball of the young ladies of Wilmington was a grand success and the affair of the season. The City Treasurer has been Issuing warrants during the past I wo days for de linquent tax payers. DIED. JOHN ELMO Infant child of John H. and Sallte Tinkein, Deo. 31st, 1879. Little Elmo was young, enly two and a half months old, but for one of his age he suffer ed greatly, bat what a sweet little Cherub, he was God's, and He saw fit to take him to dwell with Him in Heaven, being too pare for earth. Anothei link Father and Mother, to bind jou to Heaven,then let your every act be with a view to meeting' little Johnnie in Hearen. "He can nerer come to' you, bat you ean go to him." Wbat a great consola tion. Weep not then, for "It is well with the child." bee to it, that it is well with you. . - E. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY" SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 17, 1SS0. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, AS RIP VAN WINKLE! SUPPORTED BY HIS OWN DRAMATIC COMPANY! A POPULAR 8CALE OF PRICES ONLY. Admission SI. Ho extra charee for reserv ed ssata. Gallery 50c Now on sale at Heiceberger's. ( jin H it Walking Match; QITY FALL-Thursday, Irlday ard Sat urday. Matiase for the bcneSt of Ire'and 8uffrers. ma j zx sis fosrest, Late of Gilo: ore Gardens, and HR. WILL GUMMING V Champion of the Augusta SC9 mile match. Admiscin 23c Children, 15c Walk commences at 6 o'clock, P. M., and ends at SM. Ladiet iATited. jaa 14-3t New Advertisements. hat (he publ e may bs rjrotected against Imitations and Fraud wo specia'lr caution ' IV r. 1 cf BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTERS 5a",,on a. P ruiisers ct BENSOK'5 CAPCINt PORUS PIASTFRC tospfhatthp word GaTCINE on ech plaster is spelietl correctly. Do not allow some othei planter to le palmed off under similar sonndint nmM ri, ti., - 1,1.-. --i . . j that it is the 5-ame thing or as Bear can have is Uw iact that they , buy imitations at half the price of the e num. al they hrpe by tUs jiiil s ituli-.?. ain a stj all additional profit Janli 4t .SAI'UKV . --JOHNSON, PharmaceuUcal Chemists, Nv Vwk. ',' -.vcr an I f '-e oi only t' OUGANS i: mo, bet R-et's, M Kree S ell', Stool, Rook.. cmlIv E7- IIolilv Newspaper' Free A'hh.fs Daniel ington, N. J Beat fy, -'Wash-jan 14 A UKSMWASrui) f..r tha Keat and Fset. st HellingPictoral Boors nd Biblaj Price? reduced 3 per cent. Nsti nal Pub lishing Co., Atla Jtn, O'a jan 14 AGENTS REAOfiiS. W; want "an Ager.t in this County to whom-we will pay a salary of $ 100 per month and expenses te sell our wondcifhl invention. Sample, free. Address a or.o SHERMAN & CO, M?!,;.it, "'irV.t J Ul J 1 v&IiSUUefcU'd. Official reports, and infor- mauon free, j.ise pronu westiy on ctoca options oi jio to 6U. Address, T. Potter Wight & Co., Bank er , 35 Wall St., N. Y. janl4-4w $25 to SSOOOISSS Id la- weak, nrt pays imnieDne profits ly the New Cupliallmtloo By.tera of operating In Storks. Full explanation rn applica Mob to ADaiib. Bbowm Co..Baukeri, 28 Broad Bt.. N. Y. I 5 POUNDS GAINED IN 3 VtEKS. Messrs Craddock & Co. 1032Race etreet. PhiladelohiaPa " Gentlemen P,lease send me twelve bottles of Dr H James Cannabis Indica, one each of Pills and Ointment for a friend of mine who is not expected to livey and as- your meaicines curea ire or uonscmptinn some three years ago, I want bim to try them. I gained fifteen pounds while taking the first three bottles. Bespectfullv, J. V. HULL, jan 14 Lawrencebarg, Anderson Co, Ky 810,000 SAFETY LAMP. Mailed Frea for 35 Cts. Four lor $ 1. $10,000 will be paid to any person who can explode a Lamp wiih our PATENTED A rents 3 SAFETY ATTACHMENT. Waqtedltfay u:e any any laup or burner. rrevents aripptng ana heating. Eeud for samples, with bize of collar and depth of lamp. ' Dm H. Nbwton's SSafett Laup Co., -3-West Broadway, New York. Factory and OAS ce, BiDghimton, N Y. jan 14-4w ELASTIC TRUSS Has ft P'l dlffsrlnt; trom al 1 othan. It cup.bapa, wiin tecIf-Adjaitlni Eal 1 in cei.t., ajapt i Uelfto all potitlciss of tlie' Lo.ly. whila tba Hal Ii n tbe cup prraaea back tha iBteaUneajaataa apraoa weuM wlib tha Fingr. With light Vtrm-M ihi Hernia is held securely aranj nM. aai a raJi-al cv.rt certain. Xtl easy, durabl aoi ebaap. Scai t.J Circulars free. - EGG LEST OX TCUSS CO., Chicago, 111. I H 8 T I T U T E. 9 Tj'.i'.V- V.M c ir? for tha cot of Ca:--r, Tcuin, C'eera, BcrofUav SL-i . L'u i.f-r. t. ith out tba at. CI Is!:";. :r " j, avl UulCMia. For, ftfovajilion, c!reu!n.-fl a -a. . .. i, 1J- St. T. I. P0Ms i jror Kftna Co., IU. ON 30 DAYS TEIAL. We wul send our Electro-Yoltaio Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering fram Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or anv diseases or tne Liirer or Kidneys, and many other dis eases. A sure Cure guaranteed or no pav. Address. VOLTIC BELT CO.. Marshall. Mien. tan 14 The Ore:uinette. VEttY ONE SOLD SO FAR HAS given entire satisfaction. Remember that upon tlis Musical Instrument the smallest child can play the most difficult pieces with out the least knowledge of music. I keep also a stock of Cabinet Organs which I'll ell cheap for cash,or upon tbe instalment plan. A large stock of School Books and Stationery constantly on hand. jan 12 Book Store. Pianos, Oreans. AT PRICES TO 8DIT ALL, sold on the Instalment Plas. Qui tars Flu Us, Fifes, Harmonicas, Aecordeoss. Banjos, Bones, Tambourines. Violiaa, V.olencellos, Bows, Strings and Boxes.- Also Hunting Horns, at the LlYE BOOK STORE. Blank Books. AfEMORANDDM BOOKS, Blaak Bill X Beads,' Memorandum Blocks, Receipt, Draft and Note Books, Legal Cap, Fools Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes, Nete Let ter and Official. All for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, 29 A 41 Market 8 tmt. jinl2 We will be glad to reedre eoau&ulcatioai from oar friendj on any aad' all subjects ffeneral interest bat : Tae name of the writer mutt alwaye be for isaed to the Editor. Commtudeationi aoit be written on onlt one side of thejpaper. Fersonaliteinitist be avoided And it is eepeeially and parti cularlyander ttobd that the Editor doee not always endo a the views of correspondents, uxlew so state in the editorial column. New Advertisements. O 1 1 t,sx3 an9iiiri in mind that the only obiect aurh. AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT IW- (VI. KATZ'S, 6 Market Si. - It is JBconomy to Buy Soiiietbiiig: I selnl ! ON HAND, FOR THAT PURPOSE, GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Corsets, Olovcs, Collars and Cuffs, TIES, TOWELS, NAPKINS, DAMASKS- BRUSHES, COIV3BS, Handkerchiefs ! From S cents up I BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS.; MEN'S AND BOYS1 WEAR. RIBBONS And ;hundredsof Artlclei too numerous mention. No advance in any of .these Goois. Save money and get .something' usefolib calling on OT. 1YI, KATZ, 36 Market St. i dec 20 in? Off! FJ1HE BALANCE OPOUB IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any price to make room for the Spring Etyles. Bargains may' be bad. ill must be sold, Call and get the re duced prices, at SHBtER'fl TWO STOSE3, J0 9 Market tU Festival. ACCORDING TO PREVIOUS announce ment, a Festiral will be held on Thurs day Ereiuag next, the 15th last, at tie rooms of the old National Bnk, to assist lo payiag the debt of St. John's Church Contributions in money, or otherwise, are earaetUy desired, and may be sent to the rwidence ofMrfcL A. Aagel, on Chesteut, between Second atd Third streets. Acnmtance free. jaa 12 For Sale. 25 000 .OaAHULATKD TOBAC CO STEXS ; the rery best Jertili?r for Trmek Farms, Gardens or Flower Yards ; will kl all Bogs and Insects; a Superior Fertilizer for any crop, Apply t liniris'Eomias , 1 ?EAB WBACCO W0HK3V jaa is ot .

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