this paper l ..nilihfJ ftrv aftsraOflB, 8tadayi JtiMH. T. JAM fill, cditob a:d riornirrot. fRsu-RIKTIOSS.I'OBTAaK PAID. .m. .ar.IS 00 BU montks, II SO ; Tbrta: 11 IS: One month, 60 oeut. rk. niDf wilfb delivered by carriers, .r-afetargt.iaaay P"f thdtjtllfc tbrt rates, or 13 cent per wmi. a. ratej low and liberal S-ab.ribrs will please report any aad .11 riiaio rclTtbir papers regularly- J?ew Advertisements I 880 ! OZIAI9X) AI1NUAL CLOSING - SALE R0WN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. r & TAKE TUId OPPORTUNITY OF thanking tit general public for tbeir vary hiirrtMri da'rin? tha cut Tear, and teI! particular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE OF WIIMTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON 0' January, 1 2th. Great Reductions will be mad la order to effect our object. Oar patrons aaay rest snared tbatibt redactions art bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls. Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR liril sun nnv'C wrAP I MtH Anu BUT 5 WfcAK. Pelt Skirts, LADIES, GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest lias of Ham- barf Edgiagt and laserllocs that ws bars shewa,la order to mats room for ear new BROW!! & EODDICK, ' 40 market fltreet, Jaall DON'T FORGET 1 THAT THE Tlnafrm F QTirl 1C f!nnf e Store, IS THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE STORE OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. And "the Cheapest Place to Buy Tllf. LASS. AND .WO-OD tfiiWARt CROCKERY. - And 999 Other HOUSEKEEPING (ARTICLES 1 1 T Special inducements ltercbAMa. to Cccntrr i w ET"Naw Goods received daily at No. North Front street. jan7 Cone v'fl Tohaoro fl hnr a VUUUJT a AUUaLLU OUJre IT TOU JTAJtT THE BEST 5 aad 10 Oh ttO05V?wh!?0,Iltad UUS&ttTJZZZi Otttlaatta will plaaaa rama&ber that I do I aot kMpepaa oa Budavs. tbarcfora tbcaal wbe wUh ta warebaM ay foods wllTbave to da so darlag tbe wmX. EfflOKIDAY VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1880. LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisement. P Oinsssaasa Pino and Orgaos,Blaak Book. A. A J. 8aaiia Belling Off! Tho Citj Clock ii still out of order. Jutle A. A. McKoj i3 in the city. YViMlow Glass all sizes at Altafler, Pr:ce. I the foot that wears the c . Inorauce is "a subject for pity not fannhter. Ironing a shirt is said to be a pressing necessity. ' j i A great many cru were in market this morula g. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &z for the Children at JaCobi's. Nor. baraae D avom Foss, hence, rived at Glasgow on the 11th inst. Save your money by buying your Build n Supplies from Altafler & Frice. f Some one.either feloniously or jokingly carried off Proff58sor,Cu,shing, transparent sign for his skiting rink on Tuesday night last. The steam yacht Passport will be thoroughly overhauled for the summer trade. The work of repairing will be commenced in a few days. Gbriatmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Flutinir Machines and every sort of fl irdware at lowest sort of cash prices at Jacodi's. . Steamer " Santo Domingo, Holmes, from St, Domingo, which arrived at New York on the 13th inst. reports having ex changed signals on the 8th inst ia lat. 24 48, Ung. 71 59- with - the Nor. barque Edwin, from Bristol, Eng., for this port. Festival To-Nlght. The ladies of St. John's Chu:ch will be pleased to see the public at the old First .National Bank building, this evening. They have prepared many nice and tempt lng things for hungry mortals. The ob ject they bare in view is a very commend able one, and we hope that their efforts will be crowned with tangible proof of the appreciation of the public. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety acJ jowe4t priceB at jACobi's. The Irish Relief Committee. This organization, which was created at the necting last night, met at the First National Bank at 12 o'clock to-day and organized by electing Col. F. W Kerchner,Chairman, Alex Sprunt, Treas nrer. and F. H. Darby. Secretary. The following sub-committees were appointed to act in their respective districts; Col. F. NY. Kerchnsr, Capt. D R. Mnrchison and Alex. Sprunt, Esq , on the wharves and to Frcnt street, A. D. Brown, A. Adrian and L. H. Bowden, on Front, north of Market street; Col. J. W. Atkin- ssn, F. H. Darby and II. Brunhild, on Frcnt, south ofMarket street. These gen tlexcen will call upon the citizens forth with for such contributions as the people may see fit to make. The amount suV. I scribed thus far amounts to 48o. Nerve. It is a great thing to have what is call ed nerve, and notblng contributes more to the power of physical control thus named than arner s Safe Itervme. It also relieves all kinds of pain, and cures headache and neuralgia. Death of a Venerable North caie- llnian. We are grieved to learn,- by a private telegram received in this city this morn- hng, of the death of one of the most ven erable citizens of Fayetteville,. Mr. John llcIUe. He was one of the oldest of North Carolina's sobs, . having been ap pointed postmaster at Fayetteville dur ing President Madison'ssdmInistration, an office which he held for many years lie was the lather of our talented fellow townsman, Lol. JJuncan tx. Aicnae, ana a v. W W- m also cf Mr. John McRae and Mrs. L B; Grainner. both of this city. The decess- ed, wes about 90 years of age. Guilty or Wrong;. Some people have a fashion of confusing excellent remedies with the large mass of 'patent medicines,' and in this they are of wroK- Thcre re me d wted remedies fully worth all that Is aaked for them, and one at least we know of Hop Bitters. The writer has had occasion to nae the Bitter, in just such a climate as we bare most of the vear in Bay City, and has always found them to be firstlss and reliable, doing thAt r. .1 for them Tribune. Da iT New Clock. We understand there is a movement started to place' a clock In the to werof the New Market H.nse. A subscription paper for the purpose is being handed around and if those having the matter in hand can succeed a fine time piece, strik ing the quarter hours, will be .erected which will no deubt prove a great con venience to the business public. Charily Ball. The Charity Bali under the auspices of our Hebrew citizens and for the benefit o a Hebrew charitable organization .and the Temple of Israel in this city will take piace tonight. A large audience is ex pected to be in attendance and the man agers cuarantee a pleasant time to all who call. Walking Match. The 100 miles walking match between Miss Jennie Forest and Mr. Will Cum ming, will commence this evening at 6 o'clock. Both are professional walkers add are said to be in excellent trim for the task they are to undertake. The track has been laid in the City Hall and every thing is said to be in readineea for the pedestrians, who are to make 100 miles in eighteen hours. Preparing for Them. In view of the proportions the exodns movement has assumed and anticipating an influx of Chinese cheap labor, Mr. Wilkin Rcddick is lettering the front of Messrs. Brown & Roddick's five and ten coat st re with Chinese characters. We presume it is done with a view of adver tising tbeir goods, but as we do not un- dsrstand the language we may be mis taken, and perhaps onr friend Roddick is going to run a Chinese boarding house and is advertising for boarders. Sympathy tor Ireland. Quite a respectable number of citizens were present in the City Court room last night in response to Mayer Fiahblate's call to take in to consideration the published appeal from the .Lords Mayor of London and Dublin, in behalf of the suffering peo pie of old Ireland. The meeting was organized by calling Mayor Fiahblate to the chair, and request ing Col. B. R. Moore to act as Secre tary. The Mayor npon taking the chair stated the objects of the meeting and an nounced that Col. Duncan K. MacRae was expected to have been present and ad dress themeeting.but was prevented from so doing by slckLess. Speeches were made by F. H. Darby, Eeq.and Mr.Alex.Sprunt,the British Yice Consul at this port. . Rer. Dr. Watson, Mr. T. B. Kingsbury and Col. John MacRae, being called upon, each in turn, made a few remarks. The speakers all announced their sympathies for the dis tress and famine afflicted people in Ire land, and their willingness to contribute towards mitigating the horrors of the famine. Upon motion, a committee of nine was appointed by the Chair to constitute the Irish Relief Committee. The following named gentlemen comprise the Committee: Coli F. W. Kerchner, Captain D. R. Mnrchison, Col. . J. W. Atkinson and Messrs. Alex. Sprunt, A. Adrian, F. H. Darby, A. D. Brown, Li H. Brown and H. Brinhild. The sum of $245 was subscribed at this meeting, the list being headed by the Hibernian Association with $100. The. meeting then upon motion adjourned; I The suffering of the poor "people in Ire land appeals strongly to the sympathy and generosity of our people ; nor should their appeals be made in Tain, or their suffer ings allowed to go unnoticed and unheed. ed, as Is evidenced by the interest which was manifested last nigl)t, we are glad to know, they will not be. A long-Uuflering, heroic and patriotic people, they will ever fill a place in the pages of history that students for centuries to come, who love to read of chivalrous conduct,heroic deeds, lofty bearing and pare and unselfish patri otism, will delight to pertise. .While our sympathies go out to the poor and distress ed in this unhappy 'Isle of the ea,' we haffl no sympathy or patence wuhpoliti-. cal agitators, of the Fame 11 stripe, who. taking advantage oC the necessities and sufferings of this brave and impulsive peo ple, are working np a political scheme for their own selfish ends and personal ag grandizement. When yon are depressed by the gaunt sickly feeling of a disordered system, bich needs to be cleansed and stimnlat ed into hoal thy action, take a dose or two of Ayer's Fills and see howqnick yon cau be resioreq lor a quarter. JLUUU V JL-O V V on J "The Knight of The Plains,1 and Its Author. Tbe Buffdlvj Bill troupe will peiform here next Wednesday nigbt, in a piece entitled The Knight of the Plains,' which was written for the company by Col i'renuss mgrauam, who will be remem bered by many of our citfzms as the dashing young nicer of the Cuban navy who with others, including Commodore Higgius, the Commander of the sloop o war CvJjcl, was taken prisoner here by the U. 55. author ities, when the above -named vessel put in at this port some ten years ago few ccal. The vessel, it will. bev remembered, was taken charge of by U . 2$. offkera aed the expedltfonTjroken up, Col. Ingrahim remained in this city for some time afterwards,. and finally went North. The Col is uow treasurer o Buffalo Bill's Company. - The Spec cue s Last Night: We learn from those who were present that the speech of the occasion in the meeting held at the City Hall last night in sjmpathy for the sufferers iu Ireland, ws made by Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, who we are told delivered a chaste, ornate and effective speech upon the distressed ' Irhh people. It was not our pleasure to te present alter the meeting organized and we are the sufferers therefore in conee quence. Tne eloquent ffjrt of the above uamed gentleman is spoken of in qii'.y handsome terms by .'all those who were fortunate enough to 1 ear it. The speeches of the other gentlemen who addressed the meeting are mentioned also as being apropos to the occasion and full of earnest sympathy and pity for the sufferers in the far away land across the sea. Telepnonic Communication With Smithville and the Sounds. From Mr. D. B. De Forrest we learn that telephonic communication is about to be established between this city and Smithville. There seems to be a great desire on the part of persons living at Smithville and along the proposed route of the line, for telephonic communication with the merchants of this city, who real ize the advantages to accrue from snch a connection. ' It is thought that the plan tations of Dr.J.D. Bellamy, A W, Reiger, Hon. D. L. Russell, 'Orton' and Col. S. L. Fremont's and Mr. C. W. McClam my's turpentine still will be placed on the line of communication. The matter has taken definite shape and a requisition will be made by Manager De Forrest for the linesmen, to erect the wires at an early jdate. We ; learn also that early in the spring a telephone line will be erected between this city and Wrightsville Sound. Masonboro and Mid die Sounds are now in telephonic com munication with this city, and when the two proposed lines are completed Smith" yille, Masonboro, Middle and Wrights ville Sounds will be in speaking dis tance of this city.' You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the factory Agency, at Jacobis. Subscriptions to the Canal. -Major W L. Young, the indefatigab'e and energetic worker in behalf of the Dnplin canal scheme, has now opened a subscription list for this work and yester day succeeded in getting $1,200 sub scribed to the enterprise. This is but the entering wedge, however, and will be fol lowed very soon, we have no doubt, by other subscriptions in sufficient sums to justify commencement of the work in a very short time. Surely our merchants and citizens generally, who have seen their own legitimate trade drift away from them by degrees ti sea port towns in neighboring States, for a lack: in some in stances of a little well directed .energy and enterprise from this place, will not now hesitate to invest a few thousand dollars, when a new field fot business, and wealth, can be developed with such a com paratively small outlay of capital I If Wilmington don't begin to do something for herself what will become of the place? We have all the natura) facilities here for a large business necessary to a sea port town But what i most needed now we think, is energy and capital. Other Southern ciiies are working up new en terprises and reach i g cut tor trade. Shall Wilmington be behind Ithetn all ? We hope not. But it is a question .that the merchants, both wholesale and retail, as well as real esUle owners, win have to solve. Fur our own put, we think it would pay this city as a corporation, to subscribe libera Uy to the enterprise, even IT it has to issue new bonds to raise the fqnds. How would, it do to call a citizens NO caution aot a'low T" issur.iijce meeting to take into consideratph vender importance cf so doing? ButUlDand meantime, let the individual subsc? York, go on liberally, which we earnes will be the case. Now Advertisemer OPERA HOUf ONE NIGHT ONLY SATlMr J 2 Tf.VTTWTVn TAV IT JOSEPH e cts. AS RIP VAN WINI oocs,. . V' .SUPPORTED BY iylf HIS OWN DRAMATIC COW " A POPULAR SCALE OF PRICE1 I Admission $1. No extra charge f ' ei seats. Gallery 60c i Now on sale at Heinsfcercrer's. jin H it , ! . Walking PvflatOESL- HALL Thu-edaj, Frida nrday. Juatinee f. r 8uff;re-c Late of Giliore Gardens, and MR. V ILL. CCMJIIN'G: Champion of the Augusts 200 Adm!a?i n 25c ' Chiidnn 11 commences at 6 o ciccr, r; 12 M. Ladies izmted. The Oreruineills c principles EVEVT ONE BOLD SO . F accurately rtainty, and given entire satisfaction. Kemee tho result traciicai ex- upon ttis Musical In trument taectuai rem- I k rauscd liv ehild can play the most difficult i, liver, anil l j r . .ami effect u- out the least knowledge of muBtre specially I f ases. Thev also a Btock of Caoiaet Organs, ami assini- l ' ivr vrwrn 1 lit sell cheap for cash, or u. on thalsjvo ue 1V plan. A lare stock of 8chool , atV, hJ Stationery constantly on hand. fe, sure, and 3- medicine, joneentrated substances, i calomel, or I ran be ad- jan 12 Bterfect safety. P iual cure for ianos9 Orefc, indices. f Appetite, .Dizziness. AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL, Dry, Numb Instalment Plan. Guitar a Be. Rheuma- Harmonicas. Accordeoss. Basin Diseases. Tambourines. Violins, T;olencisr Neural Strings and Boxes. Also Huntinoea, Dysen the LIVE BOOKlers of the . sea resulting Books, A I EMORANDUM BOOKS, Blaak Bill lf Beads, Memorandum Blocks, Receipt. Draft and Note Books, Legal Cap, Fools Cap, ietter ana Mote raper, inrelopes, Vote Let ter and Official. All for salt at jnl2 I A il Market Street. Vlortgage Sale. Kerchnsr k Calder Bros, 1 Superior Court ! Fit' lis against M I or Wash C. Frjrus and i f New Hanover wife E. V. Fergus; Dfd'ts. J County. BY VIRTUE, and in puriaanca of a decree of the Superior Court in the aboTe enti tled action, I will on Tuesday, the 20th Jan uary, 1889, at 11 o'clock, A. M., expose for sale by public auction at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, that parcel of land situate in saicTcity, being the Western half of Lot No. 5, in Block 114, fronting 66 feat on 8eeosd street, aad running back the same width 165 feet. Terms Cash. I ! J NO. D. TAYLOR, dec 20-29-jan 6-15-19 Commissioner. i .ill . AND 5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt I 6500 Tacks Peruvian Cotton Guano ! Now landing and lor sale low by AYUIIams & Murcliison, jaall Rail Road Linos, &c. KiLMINSTuH & VELDOh RAILROAD COSIPA.N'?. Ornoa o Gms'l HppiarKTiHDiJiT i Wilmington, N. C, Not 22J, lift. ) CHANGE OF SOUEDUL?. .' On and after BundaT. , Not. 23 J. 17P.; faMinger trains on the W ilmington A 'Vi;., don Railroad will run as follows: ! DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Cc Leare Wilmington, Front Depot at 6 COA i Arrireat 't 50 r" H Leare Weldoo 3 0 P A. Arrire at V."ilu:iiirt"t.. Ir i.tu Depot at...... ............. .......... f SIGHT MAIL AN 1) fcXPRLSr' DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Front 8U Depot at.r.... a 10 1' hi', Arrireat Weldon 'at.. 3 50 A Ml Leare Weldon, 2 13 A arriTeaj Tiimington, front Ot. Depot at. .., U 15 A V; Trains on Tarbro branch fan Rocky Mount for T arbor o at 6. 1 I'll: - R . v and Tuesday, Thursday and Hatun w k "4t. k r i 1 rr, I A M daily, and Monday, W r-" .. ! a. v Friday at 8:30 P M. The Dar Train makes ct i. L Weldon for all points Norv i sty L.n daily, (except Sunday) and dail, ria RicL mond and all rail route . Night train' makes close concretions at Weldon for all points north ria Richmond, j Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Surt.Tj nov 22 Cen'I Sup'ts Office;; WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA 1VD' Al! i i OU8TA RAILROAD' CO . ' W!ImtnrT X ' C Vn.")1 Krt l Ml J ' " " " V I V . , V I & CHANGE OF SCHEDULE! On and :ft Snntaw- )- . . 1 lowing schedule will be run on this road t DAY EXPRESS AND MAILER I.N, daily.' Leave Wilm'oton.. 9 40 A .M rrire at Florence........ 2 OJ V Mi Leare Florence i 50 p J ! arrive at Wilmington 8 P Vi NIOUT EXPRESS TRAIN ()ai!y. Leare Wilminpton 10 13. P. to.., Leare Florence... ,2 2 A M '. k ' i i r ... ... . . . arrive at iwauen oanciion 4. JO A M Arrire" at Columbia 00 A M Leare Columbia........... 5 P M ' Leare CJamden Ja-ction..... '2 00 M -t Leare Florence.... , 2 30 A M ' Irrire at Wilmington 6. 3) A tl This Train stor s only , at Flemingtoa ' . Wbiterille, F'air BInfl, and Marion.. Passengers for Clumbiaf and nl- poir.ti ji &. A C. R. R. and in Western North CaroJi n, ri Columbia and HDartaLburc should: take Night Express Train from W ihiiiDgton: Passengers for Augusta ehouM take Night Express Train, which conn-cts clo?ely vi Florence, CharJeaton Junction and Csmdcn, Junction, k ' Sf-Through Sleeping Cars oi 1! nc'f '. trau a tor Charleston, Angaeta and Colum bia. I Trains learing Wilmington Patcrdur . nights do not marine any connection for Cot .' umbia. s , JOHN F. DIVINE, Geneal Hi pt " nor1 2a ! . a i a r & m CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY ( 6 I OFFICl 0BHAL t'LPSRINTRKDEST, r Wilmington, N. C Miy.l 8, I67:. J Changk of Scxiedulk. ON AND AFTER THIS date, fie f .IIowJ. hnr8chednl k- i ' 3G Market St. dec 20 Selling Off ! rpHK BALANCE OF OUR ' IMMENSE STOCK OF f. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIMQ . 1 ' , must go at almost any price to mate room ! for the Spring Styles. Bargains may be bad. All must be sold, Call and get the re duced prlcM, at ; . SHRlER'a TWO 3TOSES, jn 9 Market st. Lower than Ever. JAROE BTOCK OF OAE, AS II, Ac. at greatly reduced prices. vsry low indeed. . ' Jn 12 J. A. SPRINGER. 1' Festival. I A CCORDINQ TO PREVIOUS announce- A. ment, . a Festival will be held on Thurs day Evening next, the ISth inst, at tta rooms of the old National Bank, to assist in paying the debt of St. John's Church. Contributions in money, or otherwise, are earnestly desired, and may be sent to the residence of Mrs. L A. Angel, on Chestcat,. between Second and Third streets. Admittance free. jan 12 For Sale 25 000 LB3 0KAJrULATD TOBAC CO 'STEMS ; the very best Fertilizjr for Track Farms, Gardens or Flower Yards ; will kill all Bugs and Insects; a Superior Fertilizer for any crop. Apply to CPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS." jan 13 et ' . . Watches. QHRONOMETERS, JEWELRY, Ac.f Repaired neatly and promptly, br J. U WINNER, So. 3 Soath Front street, Wilmington. H. C. Over twenty years' experience. G!r. me a trial. Jans

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