THI3 PI FIB .-j:.. .tirt afUraooB. Baadays pt4 bV "... j O.N II . T. Ji 31 K8. . IDITUft AND fKoritlRTOR. ' .mvo KnxTAtlKl'AlI). . . vv ... .. .... i oo riix BOBUI, -.thi.ll 14: Oat month, 50 ceau. ra paper wUl be detivered by carriers, ,ufeher;.e,iBaay Ptof the city, at the ibova rx, or w cu -a-.-...,- riL-a low and IitxrU r--eTibrs will pi report any and i; f.Jl--to rKl' I paprsrernlarly. nr DAILY REVIEW. VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 1880. NO. 291 Sex? Advertisement. S880S QZLAI92) A. XT AIi CLOSING SALE : LOCAL NEWS. Mew Advertisements. Cbim, Car lit A Co -For Bale. See ad Ladies' fmporiam. F Un-iiiiaia Plnos and Orgins,Blaak Booka. A. I I. Saai.a Selling Off I N-j Ciy Court -to-day . Will th re be wah' in Maine ? i b BOWtf & RODDICK. 45 Market St. Ks-, tif en cents per dczn iu this J tity.' WirJow UL---L sizes ax bluffer A 1 "rice's. . t A y.u gciog to Cluck? . In Memoriam. me New Light Houf. We are requested to state that those of The Bald HeiHl L'ght Housj, w hrcL was oar citizens who hare not subscribed and J re established on the first instant, his who would like to donate their mite to I proven itself to be of very gn-at advautage the monument to the late Dr. J. Francia I to the pilots and veeU comiLg in ard King, can hare an opportunity to do so J going out of port. The rang lights od by dropping their contribution in a bex the beach are likewise approbated by at the dry gooda store of Messrs. Brown I seafariug men, and are va'ub'e assistant b . - t f -rt . in i i i i . !. :i : i .1 il & rtoaaicav xne lis. wm uo ciot- on 10 pwon iu unu.u yem iu .urjugu veiling tbe amount of subscript ons to Tuesday, tne 2Utn mst. . the oewara cnanuai. the canal enterprise to the amount of $3. . i , i . Fort Fisher Light. Attention Ladles. M), and has as much more promised I . i I t-T i. i 11 ii -i . ' . The steamer Alanlhui is at Fort Fish Some things entirely new in hair good, TtvT I "on- W ? raeuui oi u rn ruer ii"- m .New loanfl tr e Karrer pge to takifthe initial stfL? We will be glad to reeelre eommnn'uaUoB rrom our friends on any and all iab;ect' general Utereet but: Tie name of tbe writer mart always be far !ehed to the Jiditor. n odIj OomannleatioBi must bo written one aide of the;papr. Fersonalitlee'EiuBt be aroided, ljd it is especially and particularly oad. r stood that the Editor does not always endo s the riewsof correspondents, nalosiso state is tbe editorial columns. Dr. J. E. Winants tested his ice ma chine this morning in tbe presence of many gent'emen, w o we e rery much pleased with tie resuH of his test. Ice was made in a Very short time. alter the machinery was put to work .Mere Subscriptions M.ijor Young succeeded yeslerdiy In repair tne Uliy I o- i uumu uvv; jsiot ittciyni u uc acivuituu ana c osaa on tne istoi ine monw, one nr ,., ..w natturna - i Wlinn vtii . ,J. J K a. f.r embroiderv . "" J.u rt,c ujr x . ganuc. The nc rx)uj. 'rowing bvum ia still on tbe . E TAKE T5IH OPI'OkTUMTT OF Coal ti not so much winter as it was laM. W tvMkiagtbe general pablic for tbtir tery i s. -a pitM2 dartsg tke pwt jf ar, and l cU irti'?ar attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! into the dty yesterday, the river. The bouys which had dragged from their proper stations, bare been se- Turkeya ara still in good dernauu at jcurely acchored and now mark the cban- popular prioea. I eels correctly. V ! in dernaffd this .1 : . . i i U repaint . repUci the bjro U. U recivol. .l ,U ladto Z r,", are prepared to execute work at moderate ed into healthj'CTioji, t;ke a do.cor two priees ami with dispatch. Read their of. Aran's Tn.hrh see how qu'tk you advertieemeut in another column. r ,JU4ril.-r. . VoH can Iwiv 'n 1 ' . r .Hit Unll I J Georgia Enterprise. W invite the attention of our readeis tbe Hebrew citizens of this city.last night Is oleomargaUitt sola iu this iraiket for J ta the communication published below I was a success in every respect . The at- the "enuine article? I relative to tbe herculean ellorla being tendenco was large anri the receipts were : z , hronht I tta3a DJ our 6iflter State of Georgia to en- gratifying to those who had the matter in the population, wealth and influence of pleasant evening was spent, and those in Heating and Cook ni'st ,an' price by going- ihc The Charity Ball, under the auspices of J Factory Agency, at Ja foci's. 17w Advertisemonts. For Sale. GOOD S. RING CART, New Advertisements. hristmas AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT 36 Market Sl. It is JKconoinv to IIiiv 1 . Something i cliil ! OF W1WTER STOCK TO COUHENCK OX jn 16 2t illijo, CAULK Y A. CO. are iu J anuary, 1 2th. this port Groat Reductions Oar patrons may rtit sua red that tbe radactloes are kona fiJa. Knives and Forks, I'ocket Kuives ttc., that State may be materially increased, I attendance irere well pleased with ti e for the Children at Jacobi s. and her principal seaport, Savannah, oc-1 Charity bah of 1880 The meet ill ed objetu : m tbe.orld cupy a competi tive position with Balti- Valenllnc-S Day D; terloratIn,. .evervbodv beats 'em. mere, Philadelphia and New ork. We , t v D : : will simply sUte that . the writer is a o. -ay ,. out . T0rlinCVPmnur Darqce Iriedna. fr .m Rotterdam for ntkmen who has the interest of North month ht DCe- olden tta.e it was the uiv j awauiuiu, thia perl, put into Portland, Eng. on the Carolina deeply at heart, and has had a day when the birds began to mate, and rpHE MISSES KARHK 4 J'cQOWAN lstiust. lareo exDerience in railroad enterprises. lue aeuuiuDuii.iyuuiu uu iuUJ jre,a.5u hare ja.t receirtd ncvelttoa ia Hair Goods j n IT.l At. Ln,1 W nnminn, in finrh mattpr used to take the opportunity Which the '-Nonpariel" Scollops, oraiandy"CoqMts, ocuooucr m co " n-.,ir oar,; m!m-1'ftf :n ucqaets, rpflj. Braids atd uarla, eJ at Pniladelphii on the 14:h icst. for worthy of profound consideration. With "u'"owl " f w. . InTlfllDle Ret all flnade8 (Uair j6weiry these prefatory remarks we give his com- - - Vaseline : A fav3Iite new iwe. al ;a ftto-.. liut in tneso aegeneraxe aays anonymous -,va nn ,aTW . Schoomer Enubj U. ay lort t iner, pw. cowards vent their spleen upon those whom . Braids, Fuff s and Cur8j made from Comb- sailed from IMfe.t, Me., on the 11th in.t. noJouU hcard of tbe greftt tbey dislike of either sex by sending Embroidery for this port. contract concluded recently by and be- caricatures.acompauled frequently by sen- promptly attended to. ' I u An :tk I : 3 . !L. I a nice asioriment i uaaiea i aderwear Onidr.s are scarce so we are tpld. and verv hieh They twen the CentralRailroadOompany with timentsand expressions neither polite nor made of best material, i is j i ;t hranehea and leased lines, and the! . u - n ir.i, annn.i r u wUlbe-aie I. order to 1 oar ebject. 8ell for fire dolUr3 a bawl In Hew Yk. wouia oe weu or tbe ;f j WAtm and Atlantic railroads and the Posk 0ffiC9 Department to prevent bang fintgIip. 8klrU,ndBob'e,; rnn Ctn.m.Mn linn frrryi Runnn.K rtraTiRnnrtfld through th mails . t Orders tlcen for Bridal vvardrobfcs. VVcau uw.UHM'J' iuv wbuuu IV I -. O Dress Goods, BlanKets, . . , i . i I owau uvea Solitaire ear rings are set so lhat no N York gold ia visible, and the diamond appears! j Thia opens a great Western and'South- Featiral. as if suspended in air. I ern line of travel, with treigbt time fixed ve are glad to know that the festival . . . , rT . , auonr days ana p aseogerume attniny h" eTening given, for tha banefitTof St The height of industry agirlsoindos- six hours, the dittance being a trifle Jess I t , L . , A trious. that when she has nothing else to n W bum. ine Dnsiness oetng top- -r r . au,. fan 16 6 Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. OPERA HOUSE. do she kni s her brows. compete with the great Northern lines for pices of a committee of the ladies of J ONE NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY New York and tWestern business; and I the parish, was well patronized aad that It is cunently believed that a woman wiwrn one ye . thtn they &nlic. UUC, Vt i.UCS, Will ISO WUUtKHUg UIIMIUIU I , EVENING, JAN. 17, 13S0. ni v nt.i I J DnaWlS, OlOaKSj Uahardthlngto see through. And bo "Vhe South Atlantic with the European Pa- The good things offered for sale is car nit at tne opera. i markets. This nas mainly been brought were readily Doug nt, ana at an early hour lAAPnn IPPPPnAAM about by Georgia enterprise and Georgia 0f the evening they had sold out everr- JUwErn JCrrCllwlJNl CASHMERES FOR MEN ANO BOY'S WEAR. ton LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham- barf Zdftafa aad Insertions that we kave 1 abewa,ta order to sake room for ear new BROWN & RODDICK, 49 EZarket fltreet, laalO POrJ'T FORGET . 1 TUAT THE Boston 5 and 1G Gents Store, The Irish-American ladies of Washing-1 capital. Ex-Gorernor Joseph E. Brown, ... fnr tha oant . ' n n ,.vn ki.i nf ,h r- Hni tvAm. of Nhville. and CoL Wadlv' thlD . P"Pad for the occasion, LI aai "kafa. m w mv w w www- - I ar-ar . - ' . . - ..... ,r . .. f fh- nrjia Hentral railroad ura thA tlaa tDey DUt inOWQ t&at tbelr liei matter in Deuaii oi ireianu s aunering i w . t . ' ; . . . . . P00' I with the movement. fet ftnnrflciatd lyreatPr nnantUifla nf o.f . l -r : .u f : J rlr t T - A jouns lady .ttepdiog b.U. end pat ' -- S""S W.. would haro Uen prepared, and D0 AS RIP VAN WINKLE I SUPPORTED BY HIS OWN DRAMATIC COMPANY ! tie. .hould have a female ch.perone nn. iafoTmQ aa to future of Savannah's ubt tbeir cash receipts would have been AdnffiS180AJfxg XSrTJ' ii .v. t. .m. n ..II onma nt W oan fior ..!t!.:.. i a u: Liui- a - r..:i I Aamission i. no extra cnarge tor reserv- Mi sue ia w vt. bwu. v.-v. r faculties lor largo tj.cauiouip uarigawou uwuwwu. a wm, iu icukm uowicu i ea S3a!s tJMIery 60c. That being satisfactory, there seemed to them a little over one hundred dollara Now on sale at Heinsbereer'a, own. be no dimcultv in arraneine a contract, m.-J:i - ts. I in 14-4t . . : . . l "T V.H.. - .-IS MBT II Hi IltlUIV. Will IV rTl 1 f . Hlltl III. S Thafnravmv al nf thA nlii . 1 at inHfl.1 I rma-enfoAi nor IHa I lantrtl rallrnaH afvV- I rf A w a aa tr a ivi w m i. w - tenta ai aaatwa w a mw ar ii4 vuu Bank bnilding are the first floor will store. leiDg torn down and holders six (6) per cent, on their stock for daJ bave the satisfaction of work well . be converted into a MTen Jear8 nV."?en P nt. d e and handsomely appreciated. WaiKing' tlfiatCn. thereafter, to the' termination of their charter, takljg charge also of their debt, RIP Yan Winkle. "1ITY HALL Thafidav, Friday and Sat i r rt it t . I iur. oosepn ueaerson ana bis excellent nrday. Matinee for :1m bpcsc.t of JreW nic. robe, de nuit bus not been por. P?'" " ' . pular .inc. freedom tore, her -azar. robe JTKto) S!i3& T"' l.bi3 "W s'ff , ""v-uvv- .. o : ' r I :ua i r t: tt of niehtf by catchrng it on one of the line now owned by tbe central railroad, U1ufc u ua ia'BUU P111 Vl . au I . 1 1.1 t 1.1 ..! T. I TT. tl 1 . 1 1 rinrn nf ih mnon prfliciiis ujiog ociui-wceikijr hjub uu i lDKie. it dbs oeeu many years since SUISSE? 7JVh S?SS . Jeffcreoa f.yored th. theatre-golog I ---v. .rtore Via-K- nf if ta-1 Dublic in this citv with a ner formance. . ... i i . J . . , . Nt, I CAVXI, UJt suv .MV im4w. v vuw I y . oy laaies is caicaiatea w impress one w nu . To the b dded other anrl aa a mar- nf innrfiitlnn r f Viia qKU K. U.CaI V . . Ia-1 ,r 1-Va- t1t- I - . i . i :i rit I -iti ucuci uj viv v a-kuv uv- oi a Buucn larger luuuage, wuiuu wm carry The prevailing style of wide belts worn sg Is go in 5 to was'.e. St.. iu. Li:. u: : . . . - j in ; I tbY. tug uuiuiu r IA -ICUIi UiUI iu M LLia.ii- ireigDi oniy, auu win uitb carrying ca I" pacity of 0,000 bales each. One of these ncr which will no doubt be very gratify- Late of Gilcore Cardans, and MB. WILL. CUMMI5Q?, Champion cf the Aofusta 200 mile match. Adrulai-n 25c Children, 15c. Walk The portable beef shop which was a already in process of construction, and ine-. No man on the Am-ran fYtnt;. i commences at o'clock. P. 11.. and ends at - . I . . 1.11 t 1 1 m I O- .w ww..- " . erected oo W?an-irt g-" .,.-,, Jo9 JeBer8oo ,2 . L.di krilcd. 1m U-3l Lighth streets, some montns ago, is ue- cornnanv has chartered as manv as six in his special character. He ia the ack- a THE 'ONLY EXCLUSIVE STORE iog removed to tbe corner of Eighth and large ocean steainers U) a-rry freight from Uowledged Rip Van Winkle of the The OrfifUlfiettO. ivr frAota I "--- w w. . w. . auuiuuu yj Vww. " ' I ,K-!n7.. trsiiw TLnt i. rn.o.nogo f Vf lUbaUllfU lUbOl-tlL. I , , ine very, very latest is: country, and every one who witnesses his OhI go That you may' have some idea of the rendition of his favorite character will "p1 VEEwY ONE SOLD SO FAB HAS AncHtho Cheapest freeze your teeth and give your tongue a jo P The member. en enUre s.tlsfactiU Re-ember that s!eigh ride.' This is supposed to have teen English steamers, of the largest ton- l "u company are said to be well up in uponi a j . Ma-icjlj ! IaJt anecUl reference to the DeoDle with red I fi carrying capacity of from 5r. 1 their parts and are different from ? the 1 i i ii Tit a. TJ I . I 000 to 7,W0 bales of compressed coiton. I -.:4 . ti . . child oaa play the moat rittUtj LU J3LIV Hot tongues. lnarflnc .t tha wha.rvwi at nn. Um. "U4UO uouujr ,iuuuw ai S , ' This movement, while not in tha direct "Star' around the country in the vain out the leait knowledge of muBic. I keep l mt - m i u : .v. . o i . . . . . . ...... I . . . . . I : ; 1 n TIN. Q LASS 'AND W00DEN.WARE, "twowraiw-iig po.o wu.tu intere8lol wurnington. will ultimately nope ox receding praise on account of the also a itock of Cabiaet Organs, which I'll nment the amallest II- - ! ;.. ' dlfficalt piecei with- CROCKERY erected on Front street during the last be of much service to her in. bring ng leading acto?. The lady who personates Presidential election was taken down to- Vestern bnainess, by this great through Gretcben is said to be a very fine actress day by order of the Chief of Police. -The JTm ilnd : OSS O til CI P01 waa Prforted bJ worm hole nd but to ftep out to receive it. Tfaese points conception of the play of Rip Van Winkle. was red unsaie. I are Atlanu ana Angus ta, Dy your (Jaro-1 . r lnn.rntrii nd w fi a 1 TlioLCClure ScxtFrlday. -, . . i - . -m-. f . i I w-. ... 'a4a 1 t vnaioi tnepropoaea uuy nospitai 7 Why don't you look to your steamship T!II :.. v 1 1 Ti J 1 1 - m uiu om raiiuiuueu it ia c-ruumj linear k;- . u t?r:i-: t: a"" IfclBJMVwV VUW II IIUIIUqVVU I10USEI.EEP1NG ,'ARTICLESO! Special In du cements to Ccumtrr . a k aierrnania. 1 C7" New Goods received dally at No. North Front street, i jxn Coney's Tobacco Store TF TOD WANT ThI BS3T5 aad 10 era, X Clf ar re to 00!f KY8 wher. 70a will aad tee largest ealaetioa ef laipoetedaad Bomee le fArara, Caewtax aad Ba-oxLnf; Tbaeeoe. UaeUeaiem will pleaM rea.etBbr that 1 do at keep epe oa Saadaji, therefore these e with i parcaaae my goods will have to desolating the week. a I it WA LTER CO.f ZJ, . Ma n a a a a a-a aaaru iAa-i mnM a-a-iu needed and should be esUbliaked even at Ba 'g brary Association to del of the citv and oountv. We d.l Cet CP ?e sh,.Pi H" L . , . iver a lecture an- and the enterprise was strangled. Let der tbe auspi -ea cf that Association, on TT-;ti 1 . t . 1 . - - 1 -w V " uu.mS.ou 1. ;ne oniy seapon 01 iw r olheri work n0-r. A steamship line to Fridav evenins next, the 231 inat.. nnn on the Atlantic coast that hasn't a hoe. the West Indies, touching at this port the subject of poetn: a fine theme and tTe ne0fu?uT U? IQ OD6thaUili no iQa e Dogs and Tire Irons J have occupied a few spare moments masterly manner. It Will be observed pital' rhiiilmu Fluting Machlnee and every sort of to-night in writing this synopsis of the that the time selected Is Friday evening, fl.rd a are at lowest sort of cash price, at news that is of .he most interest to yon and this will afford a fine opportunity for sleep too soundly, when tbe Sou'.h puts w.u.r. ctcu:u5i uunu -o wees in . . 1 . . . I U . a I 1 ' I a , 1 - lorin ner airengio ia iuo rrai, race iori'Tug pruifuia 01 prose. 13 iiexiu, iqr thcrejwill be qo r&cita.Uon4 on the following a "i ' l me m . Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery, SUver d 'W'' ca 01 oiuer growth, also relieves all kinds of pain, and-enres Plated Forks and Spoons; largest va'rietv I ho are food of intellectual entertain headache and neurala. 1 arid,, lowest price at Jacoais meots, will, of couse, go any how. Jacobi 8. 1 Merre. It is a great thing to have what is call ed nerve, and nothing contributes more Western business. to the power of thystcal control thus named than Warners Safe Nervine. It sell cheap for caeh, or plan. A large stock ' ! I Stationery constantly on hand jan 12 a; on the instalment i .-. School Books and 9 Book Store. ON HAND, FOR THAT Pl'lU'ObE, GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Corsets, tilovcs Collars and CiifTs, TIES, TOWELS,rNAPXINS, DAMASKS- BRUSHES, com Handk From 6 cents up I BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS;7 MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONiV And hundrediof Artlclei too numerous ,' GS, mention. Wo advance in, any of these Gooia. Save money and get Esonr.ething' usefollb calling on m. M, KATZ, 36 Market St. dec 20 Selling; Off I rpHE BALANCE OPOUE - IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any . price to make room for the Spring Styles. Bargains may be had. All must be. sold. Call and get the re duced prlcss, at SHRIEK'S TWO ST03E8, Jn 9 Market at. Lower than Ever. JVARQE STOCK OF OAK, ASH, Ac. at greatly reduced prices. Full stock of the best COAL in. tlrtj city, very low indeed. ' . Jan 12 J. A. SPUlNftER. For Sale. 25 000 GRANULATED TOBAC CO 'sTEMS ; the very best Fert,l:zr for Truck Farms, Gardens or Flower Yards; will kill air Bogs and Insects; a Sortrior Fcrtilizar for any crop. Apply to CPE FEAK TOBACCO WORKS, jan 13 6t , j Watches, Pianos, Organs. AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL, sold on the Instalment Plan. Oniiara Flutes, Fifes, Harasenicas, Aecordeosi. Banjos, Bones, Tamboorinea, Yloliaa, ! Tiolencellos, Bows, Strings and Boxes. Also Banting Ho bs, at the ; LIFE BOOK STORK. Blank Books, ,f kUORANDUM BOOKS, Blaak BiU J-'A Beads, Me-aorandam Blocks, Reeeipt. Draftand Note Books, Legal Cap; Fools Cap! Letter aad Bote Paper, Envelopes, Fote Let ter and 0S8ial. All for sale at Ju.12 HEINSBEROER'S,' 39 A 41 Market Street QHRONOMETERS, JEWELRY, Ac. Repaired neatly and promptly, by J. i. WINNER, No. 3 South Front street, Wilmington. N. C. Over taenty years' experience. Give me a triaL ! jaa5 You Want THESE THINGS, VoU 8AY,J MADE skillfully, of good material and for the leut money You will patronize home industry If It costs no mere than to place your orders elaewhere. Good. That's business. We've everything now in applepie ahape lor. the atanafacture of Baggies. Wagons, Carts, Drays, Harness, Ac. Bee now If we can't please you and kee year money home. , Jaall GEKHASDT A CO,