THI8 pipes i. m.Uhmi iter? afternooa. - - jo II. T. J A M B. IUIPR A!C! I't.H HIKTult. .,.is.iHiiTiONH.rtWTAUK 1A All tjit jtar.f& 00 Hit motJtbi, f3S0 ; Tbrae ao.t.Sl 15; One month, MceLU. Tbe paper wUI b.d!iTer.d bj earn.". .b-.Tr rau. r U cenu p" AdrM,-ia raMi ' d hUrgl m . H fwn.-" ffffl'fW-" -r - Advertlsemoato. 9 880! CLOSING SALE ?-R0Wa & EODDICK. 45 Market : t. rETAKK T iir orro nu.MTr of W t.nktn tb Znerat public for tbtirTery '. pUr.n d .rinf the put jr. and t .:! particular attention to oor ANNUAL CLOSING SALE i OK WINTER STOCK N TO COMMENCE ON January, 12th. Great Reductions U1 bemads la order to affect oar object. Oar -troci maj reit assured thatths a reductions art bona fiJe. Dress Goods. Blanicets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. I.A1UKS, GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAK, We will offer the Cbetpett line of Baa- bar EJjl&f a aad Imertioci that we hare ho w a, la order fc. leak e room for ooraew stock BROWN & EODDICK, 43 Market Street, iaa 10 DON'T FORGET THAT THE Boston 5 and 1G Cents Store; IS 1 HE ONLY EXCLUSIVE STORE OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. Andithe Cheapest Place to Buy TIN. CLASS1AND WOQDENeWARE CROCKERY And 999 Other iTJseful HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES!! r0Spcta; inducements to Ccumlry Uenbaus. I 1X7" New Goods receive J dajly at No. Nrtb ftxAVitcU jn 7 Coney's Tobacco Store TFTOU WAilTTni BKJTS aad 10 era. L Of ar f to COSKY'S where yoa will fiad the largest aelectloa of Imported aad Donee le Cir&rs, Chawiax aad ttaaotlnf Tebaecoa, UaatlsBsa will plea renemb.r that 1 do pot kjp cpa oa rJaadari, thartfora thcee jho viab p psrehaM mj goods will Lava to 4Mdiaf;a wear 1 H VOL.IV. . WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, J ANUARY 17, 1880. NO. 292 LOCAL NEWS. flew AdTarttsaments. Pee ad Thanks. - Oiu Uovu Baffalo Bill: P HatMSSiasas Pl-inoi and Orgaos,Blai.k Boost. A. A I. Saaiia 8elliDg Off! 'Nu in? orments h Oik dale this week. l).ys lerijtb 10 hours and 3 minutes'. Wh 'low (ilasn all fcis Price's. at It after & t No interments in BelleTue Oroetery th'fl Wtrfk Ktive and Forks, Pocket Kr.ircs etc., lor tiie uiuxiren a jAcnni s. This in kuown in the Church Calendar a th S;cnd Sun-lay after the I;iph- There was a heavy frost hereabouta this morning and it extended wall into th interior. . In Tine Omcttry this thtfre were fix iiittrments, four children aod two adu!tj. The Register of DeelTs has issued only one marriage license during the week, and that to a colored couple " Schooner Emily 77. Naylor, Fisher, from Belfast, Me., for this port, (reported yesterday) arrived at Tort!and on the Htb inst. Ammnwr realizes how frail he Is until he buts a suspender button from bis pants amon a group of ladies, and finds himself slowly falling to pieces. Ia our notice of the Hebrew Charity bill in yesterday's issue t e word atten dance was spelled by the compositor at tendence in two instances, both errors in the proof We rmrked A seal about three feet long Las been playing about the breakwater at New In let for tie pa3t few da; s. Yesterday it crawled op on the rocks, but ws fri-bten ed off by a passing steamer. lhree large wuite swans were seen awimming in the rirer, opposite Fort Fisher, this morning. They are said to hare been very largo and the sight of a swan in these parts is very unusual. Nor. ship rmuline, Sandberg. which arrired at.New York on the 15th Inst, re- ..v.-: .u.w.v. lat. 52.1on.C3.10.theG2rbri Iu:m 6tfA,.Vahdel, from Antwerp for this port. The marks oa the ends of the upper and lower ietties. which were rjlaced there I tn inr1IrL th f lha frt I have been blown down. At hih tide I . it . I the posts cannot bo seen and vese!a are ia fflucn uangr in passing ai nignt. i j . t . I Capt. Garrason, of the steamer 3IuTChi8ont was tn our office for. a short . . . . time this morning and reports that there Pi a . hocn .1 ma tT h.lun Rir. an1 mtmr . " V, ' "T " ib iu luw xr auco lueiaaj morning, out mat tne river is now about upon a stand-still. I inaicauons. rorineooum Auanuc oiaies. snenuy i warmBr. nir(lv r'nndf. Hahk local rainaii the southern portion, winds generally from northeast to southeast and I slowly falling barometer. . fferVG. I It is a creat thine to have what is call- ed nerve, and nothing contributes more I to the power of i hysical control thus named than Warners Safe Nervine. It I also relieves all kinds of Dain. and eure headache and neuraleia. I . I rr , , I sickly feeling of a disordered system, I i au w ja iy ucuicmcu ayw kug alUU. I. wtacn neeos to ce cleansed and stimulate I ed into healthy action, take a dose or two I of Ates's Pills and see howauick vou I cau be restored for a quarter. I loa can buy No 1. Heating and Cook a. . .1 v : . I . jwutc biuju.t aujr pttco vj g'JLUg me i factory Agency, at Jacob: s. A Tempest In a Teapot A gentleman who came In on the C C. K. W., this morning, says that there was a great hubbub at thy depot in Monroe ast n'glit. It seems that a light-fingered rentlrmah .of rtilnr had hrokfn Into a store in the town, a few nirhta meious. and bad made his escape. .He was afterwardi ciptured at Matthews' and brvught down te Monroe on last night's Ills arrival at that point wu greet, ed by a mob of about one hundred per-1 sops who seemed very much excited and I bent cn hiijig good time of it. They crowded pelmt:!! into the cars, looking for the man, who, we will add, they did not find as be had been quietly inarched I off to jail by the officers by a circuitous ronte. It was literally a tempest iti a tea- not. ' " " Oar Drinking Water Analyst of drinking water from this city raada by Dr. A. R. Ledonx, chemist of the North Carolina Board of Health, with his comment as to their quality. The names 'of owners are purposely omitted for etldent reasons, as each person sending sample is furnished with the analysis: rr f a . mm r - r2.: d B o On! r 1 a S t lw. A ! on A A av9 o o a rife 5T o ks . . oo o v 09 II. i 0s a 0 m 5. o a . o . No. 1. The percentage of ammonia and chlorine Deing unsuauy nign maicaiesproo I a t able and dangerous contamination. 2. This water is very suspicious. 3. I would suspect some sewage con tamtnatton from the percentage of chlo rine. 5 An abominable water. Entirely un fit to drink. The North Carolina Board of Health J proposes to gire from time to time the I analysis of the drinking water ex I amined by the Chemist of the Board. I The quantity of chlorine represents common salt ia solution, ami the albu minoiu UB pruuu ui uy or oreamc substances, either in large quantities shows that the water of the well receives the learnings of outhouses both in large quantities gives a highly dangerous Quantity present Map Of the CltJ. M Xfr. J. V VanSoln nm Intn mil f w f office to-day with a copy oftheatymap, nnVinal nf whirh wo nrenared bv o ---- j.mM & Brown. Survevors and Engineers, of this city. The copy was ' , . I. . and is a fine piece of work. He has pre . , . . . , , , Is ' obtained of him for $4 per copy. The work di , . t . akill and patience .a nd . rean, very crediUble effort. Belligerent ueaaucs K . nrton. a brunette beautv front - t d.jj.l tt.h yuv. w. nd Minnla Williams,, a blonde bruiser from the same locality, bad an altercation whIch came near resulting in a fiiiht. this mora lug, lur nuiwu uucuu giuai iub Pce and dignity ot the sute tney w re arrested and taken before Justice Mc- Quigg, who found them both guilty, but j . j ,i . ,uFau iuuuicu, u prnjuxwu. .i a ! oi tne costs, as usuai in aucn cases, a lare circle of admiring friends were in at- Mnaanco me tnai, wnoeo commems up- . . t . on me merits oi toe oasa we suppress ior cosent reasons. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons 1 1 luting aiacnines ana every son oi I w-wa . r f l . m Hard are at lowest sort of cash price at JACOB! 8. Theliiernitlonal Berlew. This magazine for February has been received. It contains articles upon the following subjects. of interest: 'South 1 Carolina To day, by Edward Hogan; 'Magendie as a Physiologist by John G. Dalton; Margaret O'tfeil Eaton, by Stilson Hutchins; 'An Unwritten Ch tar of the Late War, by Augustas A Hayer.Tbe Fohtical Situation in France, bj A. Talandin; ,ieilral German Poetry I vcrtus Vaticanism,' by Karl Blind; 'The Roman Catholic Question, I, by John Jajr, Un iversal Suffrage in New Torki b Cjb6" lIIf Pd 'Ccntem- porary Literature. Tha Hale U published in New York by A. 8. Barnej & Co. at a subscription price of $4 per annum; single copies 60 "o era. 0 2. . : 2.g: Zi Z. oa : : : : : B-o f 3 : : : : ! T c ::2 R g :::::":o g. it: ' ! : : : : m" : : : : r : " ! : : : : o - 5. III S 1 o 0 o. nc .. o 0 , 03 ' 00 o o 'cents. liyiEw. A Drommercome to Grief. A wl.ite man, a drummer, was up bt fore the Mayor to dy for failing tc pro cure the necessary license before com menciDS his business in this city. For this eff-nce he was mu'ctel in $10 He then procured a tincens. for hicb r.e paid the further sum of $C . .ami wet.f About hi 8 business. Rip Van Winkle. At nbMit two o'clock this afi-rnmn every wat in the parqnettc at the Opera H mse w.v8 taken, save p rhacs half a d z?n. Tueff will probably be takfn bjfure nihf. Iu lh tlrts. circle a large portion f thv sea's were a's' taken, and tbcre is eve y imlicatiuu the ouc will Letro vdud aun st, to a iR' .catiuu to The H'nal BViU- The District Grand Lolo ,Nj. 5, of I. 0 B. B. (B nai B'rith) comprisiug the States of MarjUnl, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and the District of 0lumbia, will meet in Sa van- nah on Tuesdaythe 20th inst. Messrs. J. 1. Macks, H. Brunhild and Sol. Bear are the representatives ' from this city and leav fr Savannah to-mor row night. The Irish Relief Fund- We are glad to be aUe to report that tho different subcommittees uf the Ir'uh Relief Fund have succeeded in collecting all told, the sum of $74G, This includes the Amount of $245 which was' sub scribed at the meeting of citizens last Wed nesday niyht. In this connection we will state that Col, F. W. Kerchner, the Chaii man of the General Committee, requests the different sub committees to meet at the First , National Bank on Monday morning, the 19th inst. at 11 o'clock. CJninailables. The fdlowing unmailable postal mattter remains in the Postoffico m this city ; Miss T. W. Peden, care II. C. Bost, South River, N. C; Rodsane Contely P. 0., Mies-S. Green, Present; Miss Laura Wingate, 43 Kendall St., New York; Wm. Merrick, Warren Co , N. O.jB. H. Gay, Chambersbnrg, Ga.; Alfred Gordon, Caintray, S. C ;Miss Laurana Mallet, UMaaseyAve; (Papers), Udoph Wolf, Son & Co., 18 Baaver St., New York Thos. Wm. Manuel, Bellefontaine, Ohio; White Nagere, Esq , Marion G. H., S. C. Save your money by buying your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. f Buffalo Bill. As will be seen by reference to our ad vertising colemnethe dramatic troupe of which Hen. W. Cody, or Buffalo Bill, as he is most generally known, is the chief central figure, will put in an ap pearance at the Opera House in this city en the evening of Thursday, the 22nd Inst., in a play representing border life, entitled the "Knight of the Plains." The drama was written expressly for Mr. Cody by Col. Prentiss Iograham, and is full of startling situations and .thrilling tat leauz Those who remember the fins physique and splendid personal appea ranee, as well as the good acting, of Buffalo Bill will be glad to greet him with a cordial welcome on his approach ing v.slt to our city, -v The Sheriff's Settlement. Gen. S. H. Manning, .Sheriflf of the count, settled last night in fnll with the County Treasurer, and in the prea- m . . mm m . . mm ence ot tne finance Uummittee. xne Sheriff paid out a balance doe the General Fond of $3,633.04 and a balance due the School Fund of $1,632.37. The amount due the Special Fund, aaid fund being for tha payment of debt and interest, had been previously settled. The collections for 1879 were unusually close, leaving only $59.74 of county tax on personal property unpaid. There were COS mora pv!l taxes collected than was the c-ase during tha previous year, making 70 per cent, ot tae entire poll tax collect ed. Also, the number of deeds to the State Treasurer for real property was 77 Jess thin for 1878, during which year there were2S? while for 1879 there but, 205. Guilty or Wrens Some people hare alashion of confusing excellent remedies with the Urge biass ot patent medicines and in this they are guilty cf a wroc. There are some ad- texusea remoaies xuuy wortn an tnat Is asked for them, and one at least we know of Hop Bitters. The writer has had occasion to uie the Bitters in just such a climate as we hare most of the year in Bay City, and has always found them to be nrit-claas and reliable, doinr all that is claimed for them. Tribune. lVew Advertisements. Oi the Historic QoverDnisnt Scout, Guide and Hunter in his i- r&ammcth Dramatic Combination ! A BAND OF CKMJIXK INDIAN CHIEFS ! iNI) HIS OWN Military Brass Band and Orchestra ! Who will; on th's iccssior, appear in the Melodrama, in 4 act?, written for BUFFALO li I Mj t;v Col. I'rentiss iBgraLaui, entitled Knight of the Plains ! OR, BUFF? H Art 1- V v Act :i - : ' hp " .i ' I r t.:i:. an-! i :r! It . Kcpcuo. i u irjr ARVELOilS RIFLE SHOOTING. Which has diatinu'.; Le i I'm as etc of the frreatcsi mark?mcn the world haa erer produced." v Also, MJUiK isuiilit.-s.'S. thR Chief tary Band, rn the above dat v A wide-a-wake book, th? life of Buffi!o.UiU, the performance.- . jtn 17-21-22 Thanks, THK COMMITTEE OF I.ADiE k K-Lalf of St. John'd Church, be;x leave to testi fy thir acknowledgment to an appreciative public for their interest in tha late festivil, evinced as It was by kindly pympathy and generous aid. To the Da.ii y Review thanks are tendered for a space in its columns calling attention to the FestiT i. iiu'17 Ladies' Emporium, rjlHE MISSES KAUT.KIi Si I'cQOWAN, havejait received ncvi-itue in Hair Gocds, NonparieP' coilop?, ",lormandyMCoquets, 'Mignon" Ccqaete, P;tl i, Brp.ids at d Curls, Invisible net, all ehades, (Hair Jewelry also. ) Vaseline : A favorite new Pomade," al ways oa hand. , Braids, PuSs aad Cur's, Taftde from. Comb ings and Cut Hair. Orders for St'.m: i.r rr .i-d Embrciderv promptly attended to. A nice assortment .t IAdies1 t'TjderTvear made of best material. A freeh supply of Chlldrtii'd ' -.''!. Flan nel and 'Waterproof Suita, iizsj 2 ta 1, In fant slips, Skirts and Robes. Orders ni;en for Bridal W ardrobes. i Froft Street, Mil-jaiaf ton, :. C. if.a Hi OPERA HOUSE. ONE SIGHT ONLY SATURDAY RVEXINXr, J W. 17, 18). JOSEPH JEFFERSON, AS KIP VAN WINKLE! SUPPORTED BY HIS OWN DRAMATIC COMPANY! A POPULAR SCALE OF PRICES ONLY". Admission $1. No ejtra charge for reserv ed seats. Gall&ry 50c. Now on sale at Ueinsberger'a. Jan 14-4t Walking Matcrr. QITT HALL Tharsda, Friday and Sat urday, Matinee for tha-benet of Ire'and Sufferers. M133 JENNIE FOKREST, Lataof OUniore Gardc-na, and ' MEL W ILL. CU3!M INGF, Champion of the Anfusta 200 mi.'e match. Adnuis.-nn 25c Children, 15c Walk ommences at 6 o'clock, P. M., and ends al 12 M. Ladie invited. ian Hit Pianos, Organs, AT PRICES TO 8UIT ALL, gold on the Iiutalment Plaa. Oniiari Flat, Fifes. Harmonicas Aceordeocs. Banjos, Bones, Tambourine. Violins, TioJencelloi, Bows, 8trir; and Boxes. Also Hunting Hojds, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Blank Books, AJ KMOBANOUM B00K8, Blaak Bill X Beads, Memorandum Blocks, Receipt, Draft and Note Books, Legal Cap, Jfonlt Cap, Letter and Vote Paper, EnTelones. 'ote Let ter and Ofleial. All for alt at maae a ct.iei at tie age -ot thirtcaa, aad jC. A. Uargess, Scour, Guide aHd Interpreter, will appear m the Wolf, t'o:se sad other dances and camp scenes. Popular prices. Reseryed Seats to be had at HEIiVBBEIiQER'fl Book Store Lock out for tbc3raet p&rade by tte Indians on horseback. 1ip.,w hw r nn'.l. IJ.M1-. v:is. HEINSBEBGER'8, 33 & a Market Sues t Jaj.12 PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to recclre eommenicaticnj I from oar friends on any aad all subjects Iteaeral intarest but : ... The naae of the writer mest alwaj? be far niahed to the .Editor. CommnnicatioEs mtut be wrilter; .on only one aide of the paper Personalities" must be aroide. And it is e?peciallj and parti :u!a rir nndf r stood that the Editor does rot always" eados the riewsof correspondeaUj, ualesa so state in the editorial colutrns. New Adverti8emonts. OPERA HOUSE. One KTiglii Only ! THURSDAY. JANUARY 221880 (CON. W. F..CODT.) yffaSo s Eighth Annual Tour 31LL'S BEST TRAIL ! . . orilcal rainting). Act 2 I'rairie to Parlor. Aot 4 Buflalo 14111 as a Detcctivo. liuffalo Hill m i.i Trained Doakef. Kobbinir tho the first act Unffalo Bill will na of the Pawnees, a written by himself, will ba for sare darirr ' J08H.-K OOUEN. nBkin.M.;.' 1 COL. PRENTISS INGRAliAM, Trew'r. T aVJ AAIm,r ft AND HOLIDAY SOOD: AT 36 Market St. ft is Ecoiioiuv to CI n v SomctLiiiiff leltil ! ON 1IAXD, FOR THAT PURPOSE K Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets Sliipts, i Corse ts, Ulovcs, Collars and Cuffs, TIES, TOWELSJfJAPKINS, DAMASKS BRUSHES, COIV1BS, Handkerchiefs ! From 5 cents op I BIBS. BOWS. FLAHXELS, MEH'S: AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS An J ,handredjof A,rticlei too namerocr mention. 1 No adraaca in any of theseGsois. stolen' white child, who w j - - " f "wuaiu u m a jk 1 1 1 BdTfc monaj and get i3xetbiog uaefnli b calling oa 36 Market St. , dec 20 - For Sale. GOOD SPRING CAB r. &?Aj to jan!6-2t CHE33, CARL'.r & CO. t . -1 Ja u fclTl LTR C0.T,

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