! THIS PA FIB ...,(. mwmrr afternoon. Bandars m ww ' , T - ... . JOHl'l. T. JAMES, corn) awn raoriurron. UM y.ar.SS 00 Bit -on.. SI ; s,oatbs,l M; Onesaonta.lOeeati. . Mtof the city, ttUi efieterataa, r p r ink. ... in in ilDru SSSw.Hb.rt will plee-report aajd revive tneir papersnmUrly. j Now Advertisement. '-"18801 CLOSING SALE BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market St. tyiTAKK THIS OPPORTCSITT OP thaailac tae g taerei pnblic for tbeir very I.kW patronise dirin the past year, and t call eartienler attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! or WINTER STOCK TO COMMX5CS OX January 12th. Great Reductions C! be saade Is ordar to effect oar object. Oar patrons rut snared that the redactions are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, a - . Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. LADIES', GENTS, AND CHII D REN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham bergXdgiags aad Insertions that we have shewn, ta order to sake room for our new BR0W1T & RODDICK, 40 CZarket fltreet, Ma 10 Gelling Off ! fJIHX B1UL5CK OFOUB IMMENSE STOCK OF FAIL AND WINTER CLOTHING it go at alaoet any prloe to make room for the Bpriag Btjlta. Bargain nay be bad. AU saut be sold. Call and gat the re dseed prlHe, at a BBRlSK'd TWO STORES, ja Market st. Lavender Water, 'Y'J&BIJtA WATER. New lot freah dxn?i aad a fall aad eeaplete sfek of Fancy Arti Ue for the UolUaj Trade. ETerjthlag gaaraUed frath, pare and ef beet qnallry. :r. a MiLXSR, Pomer yth aad.Nsn Street. Dpem day aad ahtkt. Lover than Ever, f AROI 8T0CX OF Ola, ISO, Ac. at graatly redieed prlc-i Jna atoet ef the be.t ( OAL la the city very lew leceed. .'Uk:i : j. JL. 8PR150KR. fJgcyg Toljapcp 8tpre. TF TOlTtrA?r THt BI3T S and 10 eta. J-Ctrwre toCOJIT'8nar,toa will fiad Ue laxxest leetlon of Imported and Doaee i Clrv. fjieirtif aid Baotta Tbecoe, 1jeaaa wfji pUaf resaemer tnaIdq 0t4 keep 9m oa candayi, tbarffore' three w-jt wt W pveaaee ay goods will nave to de at dariar tne week. tlf WALTXR CONXT, BaKlDAY. H VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. z . . !f ew Advertisements. Pa J. R. Hawm For Pa'e, Bent or Lease. P Hiimiioi The Place to Bur, A. A I. 8aaiia Helhnc Offl For other locals see fourth page. Wir i!ow (Ilass alt sizes at ItafTer & Prices. t Almost wildly euonh to-d y for March. B"'ie Exphiit. Kusted, oeuce, arirJ at Antwerp ot. the 5th iust. KnWc and Forks, Pocket Knives Ac, lor the Children at J a cor. is L-k out for UuiUlo Bill's etiert parade with his Indiana on Thursday". Urnue Caroline, lor Uis port, wile1' m (rum Urareeend on the Cth inst. Pleiitv of frefk bora iu market this mon.ius at sij. cents ppr pound. Schooner Vyoinhy , Fons, hence, ar rived at Port'au-PriLce Dec 21iit. Uirque Mm in, Witt, fur thia jwjrt sailed from GUsow on th-: 7th iust. Brig Husy ;, tiraham, from Lrndon for this port, passe 1 Deal ou the 8th ins. Barqne Mantit.d, Gun ,'erson. for this pprt, sailed .from Bilboa, pain, Dec. iOtb. Sihoner WuHrr I'. Pahnrr SUplcs, honc, arrival At IVrt-au-i'iince Dec. 21th: SchooBer Jxtuisa fruzicr, Crawford, hence, arrived at Fernandina, F.a., on the 12th insL Schooner Fanny himnicy, Wolfe, hence, arrive! at Pcnsacola, Fla , on the 13th iost. Schooner i'atiny Johnston, Dalton, cleared at Baltimore ou the. 17th inst for this port. Schooner Ella M. Barter, Buter, for this port, sailed from Bath, Me, on the 16th inst. The days are slowly lengthening The sun sets this evening at lo minuses past 5 o'clock. Don't forget the reopening of the skat log rink to-night, It is located at the corner of Eighth and Princess streets. The interchange? b'e family ulster sup plies a want long felt. la the possession of a young married couple it can be worn by either party. Thanks to Gd. Wm. B. Blanton, Su perintecdent of the Milton & Sutherlin Railway, fur an annual pa.s for the year I 1880 over his road. Tice's weather forecasts promise cs falling barometer and rising temperature and cloudy, threatening weather , with severe storms in places for the next three . 1 - days. Do cot forget the sale of the Charity Qailt at Heinsberger's Art Room this v r m evening, ice l-viies uenevoien assocu ation expect to realize a .neat sum from the sale of the 'quilt. Save your money by buying jour Build-1 ing Supplies from AltaCer & Price f I Ooinine has fallen in nrice ifom S3.70 to $2 per oanc since the heavy protec live tariff was removed. Thare is a good deal more comfort in a good shake now thin there was a year azo. uur. reiu&or, tne war, announces tael first sh a left he seas n in mirket yeter t MS day. He is mistaken by a little over two weeks. The first thul was captured Sat urday, the 3d inst. and reported in the Rlvik of the 5:h r .ervc:. It is a great thinpc to bare vhat is call 1 nerve, and nothing c-ntributes more SXr v .T v -t nflLirtM. thn U arr.fr SaTr NurtinA T I . i - r i i . i I a'ao reliefes all kinds of pain, acd cures mw beadacbe and neuralgia, I ri i. r.-..i TT-.ii , iucr is uciuo; ncu- t- .1 k. .II . t . I father is since ha uaed Hod Bitters.' II. is re .tire w.ll after his loner uTerin from a disease declared incurable, and we I ztj mHy?u ""t4 lou can buy i lieattnz and Cook i . ..... . I F oioves at a.ms; any price by going the ractorv Acme v. at Jirmi i ; I - l When yon erf deprsatbed by the gaunt, j ncxiy leeung oi a disordered aatem, which need to be eleacsod acd atimalat ed into beal thy action, take a dose or two of Area's Pills and see how quick you can be rf stored for a quarter. . Daily City Court. Tom Fisher, colored, charged with dis. orderl y conduct in Paddy's Hollow, was remanded to the cell and decision in his case reserved for the present. Robert Vann, charged with the larceoy of cotton from Messrs. Kercbner k Gilder Bros.' yard, was arraigned this morning and the case continued. "Properly at Point Caswell- By reference to. our advertising col timnM it will be aeon that 'valuable prop erty a-. Point Caawe I is offered for aaK lease or rent. The store is admirably suited for a" general country business and is so planned that a family can use a por tion of it as a renidcnce. Those wishing a place of the kind would do well to eom mu nic.it e with Dr. Hawcs. Cities and Churches. We publish elsewhere an article clipped from au exchange relative to "Cities and Churches" in which it is claimed that Brooklyn is no longer entitled to be called "The City of. Churches," inas much as, while she has but one Church to every 1,721 inhabitants, Washington City has ono for every 932, and is tberei fore entitled to the distinction. This we are prepared to dispute. There are inWilming- ft n nanw nm wa iwn olr.rtain nAW )R I .... ... Churches, wane tne population, accoraing .-o the Meares census, is 17.000. This would give one Church for every 650 in habitants, and tberefore,so as far as heard from, Wilmington, and not Washington, is entitled to the name. Accident on the C. C. R. W. An accident occurred last night on tte O. C. R. W , by which five freight cars were wrecked but in which there was, fortunately, no loss of lif j. While cross ing the low trestle a few miles this side of Abbottsburg some of the freight cars oa the up-train jumped the track and thus broke through the trestle. No one was tnjnred and the detention will bo slight. Capt. V. Q. Johnson, tne Su perintendent of the Road, was on the train which came down last night from Charlotte and preparations were at once made by which a transfer was effected. The damages can hardly be very extensive as Capt Johnson estimates that the re pairs will all be made and trains running as usual, within two days. In the mean time a transler of passengers will be effected at that point and the mail and passenger trains will arrive and depart on the regular schedule time. History of the Was-. e are glad to learn, as we do from a private source, that Captain R. A. Shot- well, who has been engaged for some months past in writing an interesting historical sketch of the erents iust Drior - 9 w ana aurlQS lDe war Seiner " 1 1 "woiograpny j vnruung naiure aunng tne same penoa, iolDH oi exiena I. .. I.Xt.-J 018 narrative xuw me aays oi -recon struction. We trust that such may be the case, and, as has already been remarked in these columns, we hope the whole pro ductiop. when finished, will be published in rbamnhlet form. In the mean time wedifte all those who desire to read s an interesting h'.story of those stirring times and events in narrative form, to subscribe to Captain Shotwell's paper, the Farmtr nd ic, publishel weekly ia RaleiSh' Subscription price only $2 a Tear or 'r ' montns. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of fl i rd are at lowest sort of cash prices at Jacoei s. Fire this Mornlne. jThis morning about two o'clock the fire alarm was sounded, caused by the burning of a two-atorj ' frame building on Ann, between Seventh and Eighth streets occupied by a colored woman known among her people as 'Afadam Hall, the nonher Woman.' The fire was firat dla covered on the roof and probably eaught wm an impeneci cue, ine aojommg BLn ra bouding took ere lrom Maoam uall a resi Aarr hut via anefldilv (extinopiiiari. n . mrm fpAm lUa jmnn- w-, - . " " " 1D lement br effart i tle di partment. jo.wuiacuing tne tact that there is a Derfect nest of frame buildm-.. rnd' 5"r', Tr-DoM;, was first discovered on susCered hni . Yery lltfU dama-e. T. acscro wu u iuboci uq ixe prop erty in the Iamborg'Bremeo, represented bJ Messrs. Jno. 17. QorA b Vfa, whih fqllj cavexa loss. CoL Uoore says he never saw the fire department work better or with better results; Tuesday Erenings. Thanks to the mcmburs of the Carolina Club, through their committee, Messrs Pembroke Jones-, O J LVrciey .and'F W. Clark, for an invitation to the-Turs . d.iy Lveuings of that Club for the - yea 1880 These Tuesday Evenings a e de nominated, 'u other word, as the Ladis' Night, for it is on that eveiiiig that the Club Rooms are thrown oj en to the fair sex and to gei.tleincu gut-tts -f the Club." It is a happy v?eHudK.4 MUuch idsvtaic'te ha4 very tuct:efiil. '1 Le rooms are very haudhoiiiely I'umibl.ed and the gentlemen i j of tbu CiuS are uii8p;iring iu their efforts t promote the pleasure of tbeir guests Fire at Ihc Sound. - ' - We regret to learn that the barn and p'ra house of Mr. D. M. Fennell, of Middle Sound, was discovered to be on fire at about. 1 o'clock this moruing, and were totally consumed. Our informant could give us none of the particulars, which we much regret as wo also do the loss which Mr. Fennell has sustained. It is probable that his entire crop of corn and peas, both of which had been housed, were burned with the buildings. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. We I learn that there was an insiiracce ol about $500 on the property, but iu what com pany we are cot informed We shall give full particulars as soou as they cm be definitely aEcerlained. Reform In Temperance and Pro fanity. A meeting will beheld at the City Ceor O ef . room this evening for the 'purpose of forming an organization, the object ot which shall be to induce people to try to j abstain from the use of intoxicating bev- eragesand profane language. Papers will be open lor those who may desire to be- come members and workers in this laud" able effort to suppress tWo of the p-evaii- ing sins in our midst, and it hr hoped the meeting may be fally attended and a thor- j ougu interc-t awakened in tne cause, After organization the members will be known to each other by a white badse attached to the lannel or in the button w I hole of the coat. It is proposed to .have . nt ma.f: T,cMt-f. mwA thus avoid the expense usually attending such efforts. Those who become mem- bers will not be required to take a positive pledge to abstain from these evils. bat will pledge themselves to try to ab- Stain from both. IlowtoSweep a Room. To sweep and dust a room properly is an art, and, like all line arts, has a right method. Well done, it renovates I the entire room, and the occupant takes pos- session, feeling that 'all things have be- come new.' It is not merely a perform- ance to be done by the hands, but a work into which taste and judgment, in other words, brains, must enter.. Are there closets opening into the room to beswept? Arrange the shelves, drawers or clothing I preparatory to sweeping day, then let this be the first to be swept, Cover the bed with solid sheets; as also all heavy articles that cannot oeremovea; nrst, nowever, Having care- tuny dusted and trashed tbem. riemove an tne furniture mac can easily De set in the hall or adjoining room, having first dusted i '; then taking a'stepIadder, begin to sweep or orusn, or wipe tne cornices I and picture cords , and picture?. Draw the shades to the top of the window, or if there are inside b'inds, dust them care fully. Open tho windows. 'All fbe dust left in the room now is in - the carpet or. air, acd tbe current of the windows will soon settle itY 1-Jow begin to sweep, not toward a door or ccrn:r, but from the outer i edges of the roorn toward the centre, where the du.t will te taken up wi'h a .mail bru.h and dust pan Go over the room once' rnor.-thi3 time with a darnpeneJ boom; tha r. moves t!.e last bit otdust and .ves the c$r; a uew bright appearance, lie place the, arH.cs of. furniture a, $pza as he air is entirely free from, dst, uncover the reat acd the. ;ooax is new and clean. All tlia sficrn an ei?y thin; to do, bat there is not one in a hundred will follow out the details: Same will sweep, toe dost into the ball criroiacne room, to another, Spd then wonder why their boua K so asoo dutty aUC ' Others !rget cornice od pictures and thai leave' a seed of future ann yance; whila a third class will do all but using the damp broom, which ia as the finishing touches to a picture. 20, 1880. NO. 291 New Advertisements. Of the nistoric Gorernmsnt 8cont, Gnide and Hunter in his IVIammotli Dramatic Combination ! A BAND OF G EN U IN E INDIAN CHIEFS ! AND HIS OWN " Military. Brass Band and Orchestra ! Knight of the PMns l OP, BUFFALO BILL'S 'BEST TRAIL ! Act i-r (from the Act 3-..W,, .-.loon m Ch. venue. Act the o ,f r. n "aUfrmilk -d hid Trains n-v7- uZ?lVy 08.u? ul " Coach. Buffalo Bill to the Kescue. During -o u.uuu Will Hill CIIUDll IU' MARVELOUS RIFLE SHOOTING. Which baa distinguished h;m as one of the greatest marksmen the world has erer produced. j, v Also. FDDIE BURGESS, the Bot Chiaf of mue a cMef at tbe age ot thirteen, and .C. A. Bnrress Saonf 1 om1 - J t . . ' 7UU appear in the Wolf, Horse and other danoes and camp "Bia a interpreter, will Popular prices. Reserved Seata to be had at ReiVHuPDnrma t , . Look out for the street parade by the Indian, I J J.uT ' nv 1 vT?k f-f r n , : 1 A vi1a.a.wfllra nrlr tha hfa r T it ,f. U T7S11 the performance. I ' jan 17-21-22 Being Repaired. The roof of the Baptist Church, on the corner of Fifth, and Market streets, is be- iDg repaired. Mr- Ottoway, v. ho has tbe matter ia charge, says that a great many pjeees of the slate have pipped from their position. The undertaking is a peril- 0us one on account of the steepness of the mnf a we Tiie -promised ieciure. nr. i . l . i . i i. I we irus. ma. j mere wm ue a .rg I -i - - t auaieDce Prcsent on next urictay ngai to near uon. u. rv. iiiacuae s lociure on Poetr- side from lho hat Cjl- a08Ul'LCBBtBm kl"a 1,uePruui ,se a mosfc ent.rta.nment for all wuu Ul ue pr.eui, iu ,at ,oa. me Proceeas are 10 06 a?,,eU 10 tft9' ui very wormy iiiaiiiuiion, icy wu mmgton Library Asscx:iation, .hould add its influence in making up the bouse. It s a r?'T woicn no inreHeotuai man or woman shoi... n.ii. The New Order Enr.rced; Owing to orders received at the Custom Elou.j iu this city recently from tbe Troasury - Departmeut at. Washington, we arc net n.w permitted to p'.iblish tba oan.es of i'... ..ilt-j-vr txr: :nf naval stores i c A w. eip.rt.dlli.a: .uo. poit. That is to uy,the Custcin House cfiicials, in accordance with the order referred to above (an extract of which was publish ed in the Review some two weeks since) will not give us tha names of the shippers for publication. This Will explain why m our list of clearances and exports to. day tha names of the. ' dippers do not appear. Pav C tv i f H V i 1 1 A 1 o- OKTj new under en era- ticn, will be represented bv the B.eaaier OR - AN DO, as tor abore. LeaTe Wilmington 2PM dailf. 'Par Freight or faesege apj ly M board, or ol jan 19 CrKO. MYiuRa, Agt. Lecture, K. MacRAEL wILLDELITER Q0L. D a Lectare for the Waeficf the Library is sociatioi, in tha tV,era tlouie, Friday,' Jan Wj Wt 4t 8 o'clock, P. 'm. Subject r Poetry. Admi-uos, 25 centi, ' ; jtn 19 sae St " if.,,J , I The Place to Buy FIRST CLAS8 PIANO OR ORGA, oa tne Instalment Plan, and at prices lower1 than the Iowt it, is at the . L17J5 BOOK STOBC . ' For Blank Books, PIPER, E5VELOPES, Ink, MucIUir, Inkstands, Pens. Pencils, Letter FHeesnd Clip, and anything in the Back end Sta tionery Line, go to ' : . . B1fS3ER0ES', ' Jan 13 . Live Book and Unsie Store. FLKASKVOTICZ. ' We will be glad to reeeive eommnnlcationi from oar friend on any aad all snbject Kuraa interest Dit t The name of the writer nasi alwayr be fo visaed to the Editor. fjpommiinieationi mut be written -on oIy one tide of the piper. 1 KPereonalitiea'mwtbe aTbided. . i K Ana it is especially and particularly nndir, stood that5 the Editor does not alwaji endo a 1 the views of correspondents, unless so state " in the editorial columns. ! New Advertisements. OPERA HOUS'tf: One IlTight Only I THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1880. (HON. W. P. CODY,) Eighth Annual Tour original minflio. a . o n . ... . . 4 - Buffalo MU 2JWI!?JK0T' 7h. fi7.r.Vp.,ruf, "fff ?. 0Ue th P. . on horsebaciT frJlfff ... , fi a . v&JZmJ. -aledurinr t tnan V ' - vw W( IB Mill IB nJ.r8H5v.2SHEN BIm Manajrer. rftiiaq lORAHAsf, Treaa'r. FOR SALE, RENT OR LEASE. MU?FFT ,VSiDi Caawellcon' t H 8.toK with room for . family to lire in. Desuable location for h.u-..T & thod h'rl turpentine shipped from the place every year For terms ap- - - w vvo pl.vto . jaa 20-6t jJ. K. HAWE8, Point Caswell, J. . C. lhiris1inrDas AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT Me, m. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. 4' It 1 Economy (o Buy Something Vetul !, ON HAND, FOR THAT PUBPOSE , GOODS, Shawls, Oloaks, Blanbets, Shirts, Corset, lovc, Collars and Cuffs, ' TIES, TOWELS, tflAPKINS, DAMASKS . BRUSHES, 6 COMBS. Handkerchiefs ! : '! ' Fronil 'cents up I ' ' BIBS. BOWS. -FUrifffts.' MEN'S 45 ft8??.! ;itMercnjJ. A 5 fsla any of.ttie;Gooi. VijsHaadfet;onjethin msefBllb 30 Elarlcet ,0f. r dee 3

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