X . f THIS JOSH. T. JAMES, (DiTt)B no raorKJKTOR. -tHfcCRlPTI0NH.,03TAGE PAID. tT 00 8U BOntk, ,35 5 Thre Jo"tn.,$l ; One month. 60 cents. rJ. Daptr ba delivered by carriers, severe- or 11 jeiribtr. will Pie report UJ and n fUtrta ttftcri paper, regnlarly. pf0w Advertisement. 1880 !. OS. AND AXCWTJAXi CLOSING SALE V JROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. ySTAKK Tiild OFl'OKTUMTT OF (StkiacU faaeral pmbUc for their very ra palroaare daring tie p"t year, and t eU oar Uomlar attention to oar ANNUM CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON January, 12th. Great Reductions U Vt la ordtr to affect our Vjed. Oar ritro&i may rit asiured that the redactions ara bona flJe. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, - CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. LADIES', GENTS', AND CH II J) REN'S UNDERWEAR. Wa will oSt tha Cbetptt Use of Ham btr ZdgiMgt and lajartloej that wahava ahawa, U ordar to mat room for our sew lock. BROWN & EODDICK, 40 riarket Otreet, laalO Selling Off! " rpSE BALANCE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FAIL AND WINTER CLOTHING atut f at aJa04t any price to coal room for Ui Spila Btylta. Bargains may be l4 All taut V void." Call aad 59 1 the re de4 prlcsa, at SBRU&'d TWO TO.lL3, """""ja 9 - Market at Lavender Water, ? Tf K.8S.NA WJiT&B. New lot freib trofi ad a fall and eoap!etat-ck of Faacy Arti ei for the UoIiJay TraJe. Everjthiag faaraitead (mh, pare at d of bvit quality. IT. C. MILLEB, Crnr id nlaa btrceU. t day a4 ituhu Lower than Ever. r iROE stock or oak, ash, a&. at greatly red teed pricee fa'l rice e tt ba COAL in the city vtry low Itdeed. laa II J. A. 8FR150KR. Coney a Tobacco Store TF TOU TTA5f TU1 BEST 6 and 10 eta. ACUarfeteUUSKi'Swaarayoa wiU Bad Us Luxrt taiMtioa of Imported and Dcmea U Clxara, CVewtar d BaaoKl&f Tobacco. OeUeoillpUMrstaber that I do orteop Sudan, tharWore these bo wlab artAaa mj gooi wUl hart to do to d arise the waek, allf t- ..WALT CONEf, i EflOMDAY, m 1 1 VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1880. NO. 295 LOCAL NEWS. new Advertisements. P HamaiBaasa- The Place to Bar. A. A I. Hhrik Sellicg 0T! . For other local see fourth page. , Wit ilow (il.is -all ai:s at lun;r-& rii"e". - t fir this jH.r:, sail'-d from lia q'ie Faliu Mitli on the 10 li jnsL ar- riv?l Hxiuhur n tlif fl. j! ?. lUripo i7. ;''. .l ines I r lliia irt, viltUip;iuJ'iv,,r,H'vlt ou Uta Ul.b.uaC . Knives -tinl FnkiV P.jckc-t Knives kc.t t the ChiMrcu .I.vim i".. jour iMofu-y hy buying jour UuiKl iu. b:iiilics fi orii .MtaM 'r V rrJc. t lrque .lnir, btivcsoti, fr tiiia jori clertxl at Liverpool ou tl-j 8 li inst. Nor. biruo Kitfiinkt, Overaartl, for thia purt, c!care.l at S.tvaoivah ou tho 10 b iuit. Tho heary recti ta ol cutton caused the market in No Y rk to drop nearly thirty points tol-iy. Pocket Knirc. T.hle Cutlery, Silver IMated Forks ud SpVns; largoat variety sad loweat prices at Jacobi s Scrscaat G. W. V, David, of the day police force, has reported for duty again after four month' c nfiotment hy sickness atborr.e. False Alarm. TLe alarm of GrJ wai again sound jd a about G:3 this af:ernoon, but it proved to be a fa's e alarm. The fire departmen tamed out wi:h its U9ual promptness, tu iU services were not needed The First A la -111 The alarm of fire about n:on to-day came from a historic portion of the city, the old llooper Ilouse,' situated on the premises in rear c t the old Mcltee resi dence and on the block bounded by Market, Princfs?, Second and Third streets. It caught among a lot of hay strewed on the second floor and was soon suppressed, with but slight damage. Wervx-. It is a great thing to have what is call ed tierct, and nothing contributes more to the power of 1 bysical control thus named than Warners Safe Nervine. It also relieves all kinds of pain, and cures headache and neuralgia. Father Is Getting Well- My daughter say, 'How much better father is since he used Hod Bitters.' lie Is gelling well after bis long buffering from a disease declared incurable, and we are so glad that he used your Bitters. A lady of Rochester, X. 1. When you are depressed by the gaunt, sickly feeling of a disordered system, which needs to be cleansed and stimulat ed into healthy action, take a dote or two of Ayeu s Fills and see how quick you cau be restored for a quarter. The "Knight of the Plains " This mc'o drama will be presented to our theatre-going cltizets at the Opera House to-morrow night, with 'Buffalo B.irf(Uon. W. F. Cody) iu the leading role. It bos never been put upon the stage in this city, sd we can only judge of its merits by what we glean from the nnsj where it has been produced. The a Illinois State Rtfi'tlcr sarg; The Knight of tho Plains, or Buffalo Bill's Best Trail is a tew riece, written expressly fcr Mr. Cody by Col.;Prentifs loirraham. and thcro can be no doubt that : U kdeeJ BuflYo P.illVIkst Tra'l and that it will 'trail more ducats into his treitury than auy thing he has hereto fore struck It na rrai iSceo border play, and Col. I graham may j-istly col gratulats hi math on the production of one cf the grcHueat sensations of the day. It is r.'plcte wi h tl rilling situations ' and affords a fine field for the exerc'ss of Mr. Cody's peculiar talent (Xdy has a fine ttage presence, and does some really effective acticj. He is the great attractive of the play, but it has other featuns that are decidedly taking There are a number of fine tableaux inci dent to the piece; one in particular is very efictire, that of a t rairie on lire, with a herd of bciwloca tieeiog before the flames. A number of real Indians are introduced, svrns faccy rifle shooting is done by Bill, and adioiiLUiire live donkey is introduced 00 the stage, which creates a worM of merriment. S.me clever actiaz is also done by A'f Beverly, Shyster:' L II Willand. -Moloch; J J Louden, 'Ralph Iloystxju; Chas Wi!oa as Mar maduke Hairy Irting as Buttermilk; Miss Lydi Ioicr, 'Wild 2:ellM Miss Nellie Jones. 'R-jf a Melton Indeed, the company as a whole is a slrone one. and it gave the play so effect vely last night, that the audience was at times worked np to a pitch of excitement that bordered on wildness. The piece seems destined to have a- long and successful run. Willi The Meeting Last NIbt. ' We regret to sUte that the attendanco at the Temperance meeting at the City Sail last evening was. quite small. Ad dresses! were made by Messrs. J. B. Farrarand David Cash well, at the con c'usion of which five persons came forward aud signed the pledge to try and abstain from the use of intoxicating driuks and profane language. We are glad to, know that those who haye taken an in toreat in forwarding this movement will c Liiuuo their efforts. Lecture MoncIax-Tenl,.lK Dr Mendeleolin, by request, delivered a leciure at the Jewish Chapel last evening .111 J3ws and Judaism. The discourse was made specially iu erestiug. The past of ih Jewish race was portrayed, with the long and numerous persecutions it has undergone, and the future, when the He brews will return to their inheritance, was dt scribed. Dr. Meudelssohn said that Israel was the only nation tnat lives now aud has always lived as a nation solely for religion. TLe mission of the cboseu peo ple is to bring about a universal religion. Dr. Mendelsohn's fine manner as an ora tor madi a highly favorable impression upon his hearers. IlaXeigh Observer. North Carolina Medical Journal. The January number of this raluable medical masazine has been received. It contains sixty four pages of reading mat ter, aside from the advertisements, and treats upon subjects of importance to the medical profession. From its pages we learn that the New Hanover Board of Health have made a sanitary survey of tais city upon which to found a basis for future operations. This map defines and locates the nnd rained places, the sewers and the labyrinth of ditches in the eastern and other sections of the city, and these will receive especial attention from the Beard in future deliberations. The Jour nal is a valuable acquisition, hot pnly to the prefes ion whose interests it labors to advance, but to the general H erat' re of the State city court. Champ Artia, a poor colored unfortu nate who has allowed drink to get the upper hand of him, was again before the Mayor this morning charged with being drunk and down. Judgment of the Court was $0 fine or five days in tb.9 O. P, Richard Martin, a colored iudividua1, who is a quite frequent attendant at the Mayor's laves, was arraigned this morn ing for disorderly conduct in the' Market House last night. The defendant is musician, and plays lustily on the accor ds n when about halfrseas oyer, as he was last night, and generally adds an accompaniment of chinmusic which, though it may accord w ith the notes of his horrid musical instrument is not very harmonious nor melodious sounding to refined ears. The Mayor remarked $10 or fifteen days, and the defendant went be low where he can have a base so!o. Catarrhal Fever. An epidemic of catarrhal fever br in fluenza has been prevailing in this and nurrounding counties for the last six or eight weeks. It is mostly severe, obsti nate, and in numerous cases closely re scmbles pneumonia. Many cases refuse to yield to the usual domestic remedies for bad cdIJj, requiring mercurials, cathar tics, and quinine before this violent form of influenza is subdued. The disease is in rralarious lxalities, disposed to be in termitient or periodical, as physicians in form us, showing that the very unusual and remarkable warm wint.r we have thus far had has been attended with the development of a malarial poison that causes a mild form, of malarial fever to ntermit with our winter diseases. It is a doc trice of malaria, we learn, that it i- sucs from its sly retreats in winter as well as summer and autumn when the weather is loag enough warm. The heavy "ogs we have been having almost every j- night and morning since the fall are al most unprecedented in degree and dura tion and must be highly injurious to the ungi and general health. That phjti- cian is sadly behind tho timet an pro. gress of science wh.tf s. QQt Matejy ma(k: meteorological and barometrical changes a$ the. varying seasons caa and who does not govern hla views and treat mcut accordingly. Indications ' For the South Atlantic SUtes slowly rising temporature.partly cloudy-weather, southeast to southwest winds stationary or slowly falling barometer, followed by light raiaa during Wednesday, night or Thursday morning. i- A Serious case of ' Corjuriuff." Ben James, a very worthy, hard work ing colored man, residing on the corner of Dawson and Front streets, in the. lower part of this city, has been very singularly afi'ected in bis couduct ever sinso the mornih of a fire which occurred in his neighborhood aud J burned Lewis Le Graud h .house and Mount Olive colored chuicb, a wfck gn'to- day. His conduct ever i ce that time isa been ao peculiar .ir;i r inark.il!? tnat it has attracted the tte'it!"ii ol rumors of colored people, who congregate in tie nighbor nood " of ins liviuso and stare at t)'H y Lui'd ng with gaping wonder. Ilia ritrangu behavior consists in locking hiielf, his wife and two children up in hi. house aud refusing any communica tion with any one auttmlc. The man and his wife, it iV alleged by out&ide parties, consider themselves 'conjured' and have 1 ot a spell on them. The woman some time tiuce stated, so we lu-ar. that she could not go to the spriug for a bucket o water without first dropping a silver quar ter in the bottom of the bucket, to pre vent being poisoned by the water when she went to drink of it. Tbeman James has his yard protected by two very savage, dogs and keeps a loaded un inside of his house to prevent an j fngress'from the street.' Lat night the Captain of the. police force with two po licemen,wentdown there a .d ueld an in terview with the self-imprisoned prisoner Captain Goodman asked it there was anything to eat in the house and was informed that there was both water and food, and as everything in the neigh borhood 'was quiet. the officer in charge made no attempt to interfere with the parties by forcing an entrance to the house and making an arrest. Ben James has been employed at the s ill-yard of Mr. A. H, VanBokkelen, In this city, ever since the war, and up to one day of last week,when the "spell' first took hold of him, he was always prompt ly on hand to perform his daily labor. But on the occasion referred to . above, when he felt that he was "conjured," he applied to the superintendent Of the still yard for sn advance of $20 to meet. some urgent demands, which he said must be paid or he would suffer serious injury. The superintendent inquired of him' why he needed so much money and was told that heah d to pay his "Doc tori" tua ae had been paying him regularly $2.50 out of his $6.50 wages every week, but that his physician., who was a powerful "conjurer said he must have $20 at once or he would suffer. The super intendent of course declined to yield to the misguided man's wishes and the con J sequence 'was as above stated, the poor, ignorant fellow shut himself and family up in his house,- fearing ail the time that something dreadful was about to happen to him. This forenoon Sergeant Davis and officer Kendrick, of the police foice, were sent down by the city authorities to make a forcible entrance into James' house by breaking in the door. Upon entering the house the man was told he must accompany the officers to the City Hail. Ue offered no resistance, notwith standing he had. a double-barrelled, shot gun and an axe near tho door when it was forced open. Ue said in explanation of his conduct that the Lord had told him to do so. Crowds of colored peo pie, to the number of two hun dred or more, had congregated around the house and when tho inmates were taken to the City Hall followed on after them. Arriving at the Citv HalL lots of thiDgs were found in the man's pockets which he pretended were to keep him from be ing conjured. The children, we are informed, looked gaunt and weak, as though suffering for nourishment, when taken out of the house. The whole party will remain at the Ciiy Hall uutil to-mor row morning, when the Mayor will proba bly have an investigation ci thQ CaS?. ladles at the Carolina Club. . Q lite a Lumber of the ladies of this city availed themselves last night of the invitation extended to them by 'the Caro lina Cinb. and graced the Cub room with Iheir cheerful and beautify ips presence. It is au eatire-i v.evt feature Vith the Club, be U U one which can only result tu good, and we rejoice at its inauguration, and trust that ca every Tuesday evening during the winter, which has been set apart as. 'Ladiea Ijight the Qi ah-room mty be male radiant by. the smiUg of Wilmington's Sair dauhex. Thi ball last night was decora ed with much taste and the Italian siriug band 'furnished music for the merry dancers ' ' ' And all west merry as a arrlage belli. " New Advertisements. Of the Historic Government 8cout, Gnida and Hunter in his Mammoth Dramatic Combination ! A BAND OF GENUINE INDIAN CHIEFS ! ! AND HIS OWN - Military Brass Band and Orchestra ! "Who will, on this occasior, appear ia the Malodrama, in 4 aets, written for BUFFALO HILL by Col. Prentiss Imgraham, entitled Konifflhl!: of the POaoims ! OR, BUFFALO BILL'S IBEST , TRAIL ! Act 1 Prairie Fire, Act3 Gambling S',L'. Fcne (i.na tae m ii jeiqe. ac. the Pony fexrs u .trin iit a'id his Trained Doakey. Bobbin the Overland SUee Coach. Buffi.u Bi.i t j th liescue. During the first aet Buffalo BUI will exhibit bis - MARVELOUS RIFLE SHOOTING. Which has diatinguiflHed him as one of the greatest marksmen the world has ever f produced. mitiiuSlSJSFSSS BJ W af 5 Fm en White ehlld, who was madeachlefattheageot thirteen, and 'C. A. Burgess, Scout. Guide and Interarater will appear in the Wolf, Worse and other dances and camp scenes. interpreter, wiU Popular prices. Beeerred Beats to be had at HEINSBERGER'8 Book Store. taBand! & EE? f heAded b B BW'- Awide-a-wakeboorj the life of Buffilo BUI, trt norfnrmanna jan 17-21-22 An 1 ui porta n t Personal Item. Charles S. Prentice, of Toledo, 0 , went to Paris and thence to England to be treated for Bright's disease, aud af ter the best physicians of both countries had done what they could for him, gave up in despair and returned to America to die. Ilere he received further treatment from other skillful physicians without benefit, and while 'listlessly lingering in pain and anguish, as he sa vs. heard of the Safe Iidi.ey and Liver Cure, took it, and was completely cured in a few weeks. He gives circumstantial details of bis painftd experience and astonishing cure. in a long letter to H, H. Warner & Co.. which will be forwarded on application. Dr- Moll's Endorsement of Sneers' Tort Grape Wine. The following, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. Speer'a efforts to raise the Oporto Grape in New Jersey: f 62 Madison Avenue, New York, April 11, 1878. J Mr. Alfued Speer. Deaf Sir; The visit whicn I made last vear to your Yineynrds, tine-presses ar.d viults at Passaic, .J., satisiicd me thoroughly thatthj ict manufactured by yon are pure aud unadulterated, and the very best that can be oflered to the public for medic::. al uses. Acttiig upon my favorable impressions at the time, I have since recommended the Port Wine more particularly in tny practice, r.:r? am satisfied, tpVb marked benefit to ray iTbc:ecrtu be r,c bitter i-ioof Vj the doubting initiJ, as to the "Wine being made of thu finest Oporto Qrape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with the vine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wishing youauceess in your praiseworthy enter prise. , remain respectfully yours, ALEX B. MOTT, M. D . Prof, of Surgery, Bellevue. flosp. Medl Uoiiege, &C' c v For sale by Jt C. Munds, Green & Flanner. P. L. Bridgers & Co. For Smlthville. rpiIS BTEAjIER pass- fj. PORT, new under r en ova- V im r ' c i tion, will be represented by the Steamer O&cANDO. as tor above. Leave Wilsaington 2PM daily.' For Freight or Passage apt ly on board, or oi jaa!9 OKQ. MTKRS, Ag mL Lecture. QOL. b. K. MacAE "WILL DELIYES a Lectors for the benst of the library it soeiation, is tha Opera House, Friday, Jan- uarj 23J, at o'clock, J P. M. Bubjocv; Poetry. Admiision, 25 cents. jinl9 sac 5t i The Place to Buy FIRST CLASS PIAWO OR OS(lAV oa the IttLJment Plan, and at prices lower thin, &e lowest, is at the - , . LIFE BOOK 8T0BE: ' For Blank Book6i tit p APES, ENVELOPES, Inkr, lfaeOax Iakstaads. Pens," Peneili, Letter fUetini Clip, and aajtaiag in the Boot aaoT Bta-' Usaery Line, goto ".-;! s HElNaBEMEa:.: , jan 1 Live Book and Hasie 8 tor. FLEAMS MTlTTme. we will be glad to receive eommvnkatlo&t 1 from or frieadf on any and all robjecto general laUrett bat : . . . Tie name of the writer But alwayt be for aishtd to the Editor. rjCommgnleaUons rantl be writtso' on ealy one side of the paper. Personallties'mnft be avoided. ' ' And UlM especially and particuiarly.'nndtr ttood that the Editor does not always endo tat views of correspondents, ualaaito state hi the editorial eoluDs. i , Hew Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. . ' .; - . ." - - One Wight Only ! THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1880 (Hoj; w. r. coDt,) -sA Eighth ! Annual Tour origiaal painting). Act 2 Prairie to Parlor. nmnaio jjui as a Ueteetive. Buffalo Bill a written by himielf, wiU b. for sale during ou. a. visuma. tfutineis Manager. . COL. PRE5TI88 lNQRAHAal, Treaa'r. FOR SALE, RENT OR LEASE. MY PBOPKRTF at1 Point Caswell, con- 9 aistiag of Store with rooms for family to live in. Desirable location for baalneM. Forty thousand barrels turpentine shipped ' from the place every year. For term. - plTto DR- J HAWE8, jan 20-t Point CaawaU, K. C. AND . GOODS AT' TJl. KATZ'S, 30 Market St. It is conojny to Buy Somefhiiiff Uselul !' ON HAND, FOR THAT PUBrOSE , Shawls, Oioaks, i Corsct, O-Iovcs, Collars, and :C tiffs. TIES, T0VELS,?IIAPXIflJ,1 : OAMASKS- BRUSHES, ... . Fren I'eeats up't BIBI. BOWS. , flhttHtllS MEM'S and veAb. 'wBBonw Aml.uadrediSor ArttelettooJhtuiiirowIJ i JlTiBlJrll)MlltaL, iuefelib 4 eauiar cm I wi'ul i ... ' HOLIDAY dee z9 -"j r 1 i r -

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