THIS PIPE ,m . "frr "rBrtoa H"4tr yt1 iff jisttll. T. J A M B. gatrv AMD nwrwpt. . v KSCKI ITIO.NS. ItWTAG E PAIK ti..l ! On.Boath.ftOcenU. rJ! paper will be delivered by earners, ....., lor-and liberal :4tVrrN-r rl report mj and " i?ttr nionren!irlr. PLEASE ffOTICS. We will be glad to reoeira oommnnlcaticni from our friends on any and all nbectO general interest but : Tbe name of the writer must alwaye be for nisbed to the Editor. j XCommunlcationi mot b written on orly one side of the paper. i j . . .-. ! ' i Porsonalitiefl'mnst be. avoided. And it ifl especially and particularly undTr stood that the Editor does not always endc a the views of corresj-ondenu, onleei so tate in the editorial colon na. - ' New Advortiscmont3. The VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1SS0. NO. 296 A.Oortiojnent. 1880! CLOSING SALE v .3 OWN & HODDICE. 45 market St. yiirAKt T Urt OITOTUMTV OK hanking the feneral poUic f-r tbtir very i .-r patronage daring the put year, and t4!l arthalar Attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE OX January, 12th. Great Reductions wlllmaU la order to effect oar object. , Onr patrons rasy reit assured that the redactions are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Pelt Skirts, LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest lino or U am ber f Edging! and Insertions that we bare show, la order to sake room for oar new stock. BROWN & EODDICK, 43 Zlarket fltreet, an 10 Selling: Off ! rpOK B1LA5CE OPOUB IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING it go at alncit any price to male room for tae Sprlojr 8tjlea Bargains may be bai. Ill aait be told. Call and get the re diced priest, at SURlEU'd TWO STORES, Ja 9 Market it. Lavender Water, EKBKNA WATER. New lot freih drngt and a full a&d complete it ck of Fancy Arti- cl.i for tbe Holiday Trade. Everytbiag yaaraateed fmb, pare and of boat qaality. IP. C. MILLER, r-.rner 4th tadtun 8treeU. Opew 4j Akd aifhu a I-t Lower than Ever. JAROI 8T0CK0F OAE, ASH, Ac. at greatly redaoed prkea. Fall itock oftba Ut COAL ia the city Try low a4ed. Jaa 10 J. A. SFR1NOER. Coney's Toaqco Store XT TOO WAS r THK BE3T $ and 10 cs. Cigar go to OORKT'avbarwyoB will fiaa tb largeat aelecUoa of Imported and Domes i CLran, Caewtax aad Haoaiag Tubaoco. OeatUaea will pleae remember that Tdo ei keep opa oa Haadan, therefore three bo with to parcbaee my goods will bare to da to daring tbe week. Jaa I-tf k WA LTER CO.LT, LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. Nan scar A Chaitii Mountain Roll Bat ter. . P ti Rif hrbk4ir The Place to Hay. A. A I. Shhieu Selling Otf! Vi U liis--ali at hafter & Prion's. f Th great r.u I aunt ol all the wor aL'liq'liiy. A g fi yi I. I" tl.Wl'uU nil. hi to Di' , "!. J. liavi, the vclt-ra-t iio'irlist, is lit lu KVJ t -dV. " A man ha t' hive Utn;s' to into th liq'Jur busi'uaa. 1 'h3 lotion market Jell iu Xew York to-i iy j!r :cu points Mint julips will fjAvt? i. be lukeu w ith oit ice next mimn:et Sate your in un-y iy tmy'iu jour Uuild iii bujp lies fr ni Al'aSli-r V Trice. f Nor.rbarijua KulUiuLa, fur this port, sailed from Sa van nab on tlie 20 tb iuat. Ger. baiquo Julie l!ynt Schroder, hence, arrived at Ivnidon on the 19:h inst. Schooner J'uttl tScavy, Alexander, hence, .arrived at Raltiruore on the i!0th inst. Washington lurtu-U iv u-xt. bat its ob.crviiC: Ijj.s !ee.iiue . au obs lleto no tion Wcatbcr.vte iropbets are bu ijj cn gZeJ talking of things tbey know notLiag about. The coal me ; say if this state of thiogs continues. their occupition, like Othello'te will be gone sure enonjb. Smythekini, who is something of a cUpdo, cannot understand why tha dress ing of a turker should, always be on the inaide. If the young man who insists on steal ing kisses dou't abandon the practice he will soon find himself behind t' e bars ol wedlock. Steamboatmeu iuturm us to-day that the C-p3 Fear has now about five feet of water on tl.e shoals and that the river is falliDg slowly. Miss Loui&e Pomeroy, with an excel- lent troupe, has engigtd the Opera House in this city for theevenings of Feb ruary 2nd and 3d. A Treatise on the Hair, published by R. P. Hall & Co.,Nashau, N. M., proprietors of Hall's r'getable biciiian Hair Renew er. contains valuable information about the hair, which should be read by all. Send to publishers for a copy. A coi respondent wishes- to know, the best way to winter gerauioms. Tbe best and cheapest way is to tlicg 'era over tbe back fence and bur a new lot in the spring. r : Mr. J. G. PuUiftr, Agent Louise Pom eroy Company, is in : tho city preparing (or tbe appearanco of the troupe in this city on the evenings of the 2nd and 3d o February. Aerrc. It is a great thin to h"ave what is call ed nerve, and nott:iD2 contributes more to tbe power of i bical control thus name! than Warner's Safe Nervine. It a'so relieves all kinds of pain, and cures headache and nauralia. Magistrate's Court Brown, cidored, was before Justice Gatdncr tc-; ay charged- with assault and battery. He was committed for trial in default of bail. Richard Howei, for the larceny of chick en was carried Justice Hill, by whem be was committed for trial. 1 he Mreel Parade. Buffalo Bill and- his Indian Scouts wire on arade to-day through the prin- cipalitrcets of the city, preceded by the fine brass band of the GjmSiuatlon. There are three luiiaus in the troupe whose genuineness cannot be questioned. Oi course the pirale attracted much atten tion, and af;er their return to the Purcell House the dors w-re thronged s, curious crowd. A greif maDj scaU have been secured for to-night and the performance pro mise to be one of much interest. The piece was written hy Col. Jagraham es peci&Uy for this troupe and it should, be distinctly understood that it is not a L mere bl od aud thunder affair, bat a romance of life on the plains, whxh has been sketched from actnal scenes and ine'dents of f rentier lifo. ' Fell From a Secoad-Story Window. We learn from a gentleman just from Columbia, S. C, that a New York drum- mer, who had been Imbibing too freely, was locked op in a room in the second - at-iry cf the hotel, and In attempting to mike nis escape, leu irom me wiuaow io tbe pavement below. His injuries aie supposed tu be fatal, but up to the time of the train leaving Columbia life as not extinct. Uondliulder's Meeting. The holders of the F.rst Slortg'pe Bonds and thrtse holding registered cer. tificatea of the Wilmingtoa, Columbia A- U'usta railroad held a - meeting in Bal timore yesterday for the purpose of re orcanizinff and eleotiou of officers. At a o a meetinj? held oa the 5ih ol Novemnei c last a commiwiou wa3 appoiuted, wh, at tbe meeting yesterday, eported that, in pursuance of iustrnctions, they ba purchased the road ia the interest of tbe first mortgage bondholders. Upon the adoption of tbe report, the meeting in mediately went into an election of iftioeis with th follnwin result: President. K R Bridgere; Directors, Messrs Waiters, Shoemaker, Newcomer, Short, Browu Jenkins, Plant, Cameron aud Pratt. Tho company has S960,000 capita stock to begin with, and will issue $1, 000,000 in 6 per cent, interest bearing bjndi payable semi annually, on tbe lit days of June and December, ia. gold in V iw Ynrb- ThA nlan mf ra-oi't'iniZition Etves to every holder of old bonds to the amount of $2,000 with accompanying counona and certificates 1.000 in Tie w bonds and six shares of stock. Do 'ot Forset It. As we announced on Tuesday in t' e Review, Col. Duncan K. MacRae will de liver his lecturo on Poetry, under the aus pices of the Wilmington Library . Asaocia tion, at the Opera House to morrow, (Friday) evening, the 23d inst. at 8 o'clock We deem it hardly necessary to add any thing more to what. we have already said in this connection, for, surely, those who know the wonderful talents and acquire- menta of the distinguished lecturer, both as an orator and gentleman of scholarly attainments, will not suffer the oppor tanitv of so rare an intellectual treat to pass without availing themselves of the pleasure of au evening of such enjoy, mcnt. Col. MacRae has been at consid erable trouble and paiqg to prepare this hcture and, therefore we can confident'y expect a fine display of i htoric, intermin g'ad with the requisite amount humor, sentiment and history to make it both pleasing and interesting as well as m- structive and edifying. Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety I End lowest prices at Jacobi's The Lecture Last Evening. I Pahhr Menrielfinhn Hfllivfirnd bia lft(itnra I on 'Woman: Her Station and Conaerva- I thm in the Talmud,' at Tucker Hall last I evening, to a fair audience. On the stag I with the speaker were his Excellency Governor Jarvis, L. Rosenthal, Esq.', Hon. D. G. Fowle, Maj W. A. Moore, Mayor B. C. Manly, and M. Grausman, -Esq. The speaker was introduced to the audience by Alayor Maniy, and delivered I au interesting lecture, handling his -sutr I ject with ease and grace. Ue spoke of J J , , , ti w n , woman s rjeed of higher culture andl knowledge and tbe way by which to at- tarn it. When thus elevated she will be- come man's equal in all respects. In many she is now his superior. He SDoke of the beautf of simplicity in woman, and how greatly to be admired it is. Mustra- ting by the story of the king to whom were sent two"bcquets, exactly similar in appearance, but one of natural, the tbe other of artificial, flowers. He placed both in'tbe open air and discovered the I eenuiue one by the bees which clustered I around it. Thug will men gather around a natural woman, leaving those of artifi- cial nature. The speaker pronounced woman the conundrum of the nineteenth century, rione can guess her, bat none will give her up. The lecture waa well received, and we heps to oon have the plc&suv& Gf again bearing Dr. Mendel sohn. Raleigh Observer. The Raleigh Observer says; ohn-1 son Campbell, a colored, convict, waa yer. terdaj discharged from tSe penitentiary I lie is aged 47 yeara, Is five feet five inches high, weighs 139 pounds, and was con- victed of larceny in Brunswick county, at j the sprisg Urm, 1818. j You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook, B totes at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi a. i The '-conjured" Propie I 15 u James and family, the colored pe I pe who were so badly 'conjured,.' an ac J count cf which was giyen iu yesterday ' J iEV1EW. Wer, lectured prefty seriously i we a9 ge,erel b tbe chief cf p ce yesterday 'afternoon, and upon promise to ii home and Lehive, themselves ant; a;o to tfo to work, the man and his wile w.'f allowed to take their deDarture from t!w tv MaM Kst ivemnsi with their little C ll r- ii o r.o-iii. iirL Hy court. Ben Calloway ai.d Li-iw Perry, tw co Teil youths, were arraigned for ultint' on fh street vesttrdiiy afternoon. Tb fi st named having' spent the night in the G urd llousp was ordered released Le vis Perry was fined $1 50. The cast of Charles Oweis colored arree!ed in Ca on Viuosen's housa'in Pa ldy's Hollow last niht, at the insti git:o i of the proprieter, up n the thirge of disorderly 'conduct, was dismissed at the cost of the lirosecutar. This finished ,h' I"cket au1 "rt adjourned I. O. ITnai B'ritlr. i 1 lie annual convention of District No. 5, I.O, li'nit Ii'rit'i, was held at Savan nah tljis weok. In the election of offi cers, N Levin, of Charlesfm, S (', was made President; J I Macks, of. this city First ice President; Max Cohen, of Washington, D C, Second Vice Presi ' ' J Aaron Goodman, of Baltimore, Treasurer; and M J Solomon, of Savannah, Ser-seanUat-Arms. A ball bv the several lolges m Savannah was tendered - be visiting delegates at the Masonic Hall last night. Hymeneal. Mr, Henry S. Foy, formerly of th:s cily aud a native of Topsail Sound, ar rived here today, from Winston, his present home, accompanied by his bride. ,ate, Migs Monie Ft White, of Winston. to whom he was married last Tuesday. Tbey" are accompanied by Messrs. J. W. Southerland, J. T. Foy and R. K. Bryan, Jr , of this city: and section, who visited Winston for the especial purpose of leading a helping hand in the auspic ious affair. The happy couple go hence to Topsail, ona visit to the brother of the groom. Seventeen Feet of Water on the Bar. We are reliablv informed that a few daJ8 sincea (oreign barquCf freIghted with ft fuU of nayal 8fcore8 wenfc tQ 8ea a- half .hoQ after the hi&h. . .arttk . 4. rti M Js3W OV(gU V4 VUW blUV bU&WUgU 1SlU Head channel, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, drawing seventeen feet I . . . T, . infnrmaHnn WJ will state for the benefit of those who are inrl?np1 tnVft ramn tVnwirK . r , -"'""6" Chamber cf Commerce in this city. Now who dares to say Wilmington is cot pre- pared to do a foreign trade or a coastwise trade In firstolass ships? But candor compels us to lay that our community now lacks only energy and capital. If our merchants and real estate owners will oaly ehow signs of possessing the first namea requisite, in jasi named essential will soon follow. . mmu Died of his Injuries. The Murderer e iKobert Everett rwas Cummitted to jail 1 . at - tn ima cltJ morning, charged with murder wbile en route for the Brunswick 0001111 jaU at Smith?iI1e. January 6th K0Dm Dcame engaged iu au altercation ,at a ahantJ iQBnmswick county, near this atJ WItb brother, George Everett, when a fiSht eoaed in which George re. 081769 a Iaiai woona- An accoual ;0f the cutt,DS pob.ished in the Review of it. mil. . rr - ' inss, ine wound was a very Bfily one' tbe knife enteriS tbe omen lum wu D Pro"UWi tnrougn .tne cpen ins in thJ At tfc.o time, the w,ouutl waa prouou-.a very dangerous one and D;, Lane, thec attending pbye .8ban, expressed the opinion that the wounded man would nsi recover Irom it. Until ?eterdav Robert Everet had aucceoded in escap ing tna vLitnce at tne law. He waa captured, however, ' and carried before Jottioe A. W. Reiger, of Brunswick, who ordered him committed to to a vait the result of the murdcioua assault. Spe- cial cfirer flenry Harrison, colored, who was en rt-ute for Smithville, hearing that George Everett had died last xught of the ioiari Ieft tht PnW' tnd of tb Sheri5 oi this county to await, tho yerdt of the Coroner's Jury. N6 w A d vertisements . Of the Historic Ooverntneat Scoot, Gnids and Dunter in bia Mammoth Dramatic Combination ! A BAND OF GENUINE INDIAN CHIEFS ! AND HIS OWN Military -Brass'' Band and Orchestra ! Who will, oa tt is ccca?iir, appear in the Melodrama, in 4 act?, written for BUFFALO i ii I Ll by Col. l'rentiss Ingrahaui, entitled t of n Art .. -.r. 1 "'" '" (fn tae original Dainting). Act 2 Prairie to Parlor. Act 3 i.HU!-. i.. vi-io-t in . h- Act 4 Bnffalo bill as a Detective. Buffalo Bill as the t'onj Kx rew. utt-rmiik and bis Trained Doakey. Kobbiair the Overland fctaire Coach. Buffio liiil t-j the liea-'ue. UuriDg the first act Buffalo Bill will exhibit fcis ARYELOUS RIFLE SHOOTIKC. Which ha3 distirgubbed h;in a3 one of the greatest marksmen the world has ever produced. Also. VDDIK BURQEp, the Boy Chief ado a chief at tho age ot thirteen, aad ,C. ppear in tna Wolf, Horse aha other dances made appear Popular prices. Ki'served heatcto be had at Look out for thestreet parade by the Indians tary Band, en the above lat. A wiae-a-wake book, the hie ol BaUiU Bill, the performance. jan 17-21-22 Personal Wo were Lighly pleartd' an vc'.l as gratified . to-day to rccuivo a call from Col. Front fea lngraham, wh. foruurly rs- sided a few months in Wilmington during the tirna tint Uncle Sam detained him and a ship's craw of uJvoaluruus iSoutherner8 who had entered the Cuban service and shipped aboard of tho sloop of war Cuba, which put into this port s me ten years ago short of coal, when the U. S. government seized ' and comfiaeattid tha vessel. Co1. ngrhain has attained high reputation as an author since that time and is the father of the play that w ill bo presented on the boards here to-night by the Bufifilo Bill troupe entitled, Knight of tha Plains.', Col. Ingr.iaara is tlr: ?on of lh.-j celcbratr Episcopal clergyasuu, . T In- graham, who wrotJ t:.e 'Uousc of the Prince of David and tU t'lYfvf i'ire' two relii o - v: cra vvi Jeiy read and avcra: y r'.ocouncovi nj)ja,dt the time ef thti; proriuctton. Answer This. U i i joiicvtr know any ptrson to be ill, without icactic n of the 8tomach. Liver or ki.aueys, or did you ever know oue wlu w?.s we'd v. hen tither vas ob structed or i. j ' '. iW'.'l 'j i over know -; hear oi any cay' oi u.-- tb.3-.t-Hop Biticr Wwuld not curt?- A si jcur neighbor this same questioa Mountain Eoll Butter, "pRE80 AND CnoiCH:ft AT LOW f IGURES. N&WBURY & CHiSTEN. jan Wc For Smithville. rpHE PORT, STEAidER PASS- - now und;r rencva- tion, will be represented by the Stealer OR AND 0 as tor above. Leave Wilmington 2PM daily. For Freight or Passage api ly on board, or of jan 19 GEO. MYERS, A 2 int. Lecture. QOL. D. K. Mac3AE WILL DELIVER a Lectore for the benefit of th Library i s soeiation, in tha Opera douae, Friday, Jan uary 23d, at 8 oVroek, P. M. Snbject : Poefrr. Aiwieaion. 25 cents. aac 6t The Place to Buy 4flH8T CLA3S PIAVO OR ORGAN, oa the Instalment Plan, and at prices lower than" the lowest, is at the LIVE BOOK STORE. For Blank Books, p 1PER, ESTELOPEt?, Ink, Mscilace, Iakstaada, Pens, Pencils, Letter File and Clips, and aajtbiag ia the Book and Sta tionery Line, go to H E1NSB EROER'S, jan 19 Lire Book aadUasle Store. OPERA HOUSE. One iTight Only ! THURSDAY, JAriUAHY 22 1800. (fiO.Y. W. F. CODY V uffalo Eighth Annual Tour the Piaihs ! E 9 1 U mt BILL'S 'BEST TRAIL ! of tbe Pawnees, a etolen white child, who A. Burgeea, cout, Guide and Interpreter, and camp scenes. waa will HEINHbEKGER'8 Book Ftnre ' on horseback. hr.H h. nv.t' n.MTf- ici:. " ' 1 written b7 himself, will be for sale durin- i tmi n aj' xkfti.i.iw. - COL. PRENTISS 1XGRAUAM, TFe8V. "U"""c,i QDee Manager. FOR SALE, RENT OR LEASE. MY. P.R0I,ERTF at .Point Caswell, con -LT-L Biatiag of Store with rooms for fainilv to li ve in. Desirable' location for bnsineflu. orty - thonsand barrels turpentine shipptd rrom the place every year. For terms ap- P t0on, iH. J. R. U A WES, jan2p.6t Point Caswell, y. C. Jhnristmas AND HOLIDAY GOODS .AT n IW. Mm . K ATZ'S, 0 Market St. It is Kcouoiuy to Buy Something lclul !i ON HAND, FOR THAT PUnrOSE, DRESSGOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Skirtsr. Corset, Cloves, Collars and Cuffs, TIESrTOWELSHAPKINSeV. , DAMASKS-: BRUSHES, coiwbs; Handkerchiefs ! From Stents np l BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS5 MEM'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS! And ;hundred;of Articlestoonanerou , mention. 5fo advance la any of. iheta'jGooia. Savt money andetjioitethinj ujefol' b calling on : ' ' . . 3C Market St. dee 2d ' '