THIS FiF xs PLEASE ffOTICE. We will be glad to reeelvi eonnnsnicationi from our friends oa, any aad all tnbjecUo general iatarett but : The name of tbe writer muit alwaye be for nishod to the Editor. Communications mut be written on oc.'y u .'"T sHaraeoa. - JOHH. T. JAM E 8 1 ..rum ... wr""""- ......r.iSM -"Vo! ffer Advertisement. Biht Review. VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1880. NO. 297 1 880 ! QUAIID ZLWXf TXAXi CLOSING SALES 3R0WN & BODDICK. 45 market St. 8 TAKE THM OPPOSTCMTT OF naking Ui genaraTpoblic for tbeir vary ,ibie patronage daring ths past year, tad te4ll particular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE! or WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON January, 12th. Great Reductions in bo made la order to effect car object. Our patrons an ay rest aaaored that the redactions ar boat fid. Dress Goods. Blan&ets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASllUERES FOR MEN AflO BOY'S WEAR. Felt Skirts, LADIES', GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. W will offer the Cheapest line of Ham berg Xdg lags tad laser lions that w have ahswa, ia order to make room for oar new etoolu ' BROW & RODDICK, 40 C2jtrktt'Otrtt, KalO Lecture. QOUD. K. MacRAK WILL D ELITES Jjoatare for the s-eaaot of tat Libraxj J o- - - - seeialioa, la taa Optra dowe, Jriday, Jan nary Ud. at 8 o'clock, P. if. 8 abject : rtrr. Jaalt Admission, IS eeati. aaelt Fresh Every Day, FIJI A830ATKKHT OF CADDIES, French tad Dosoettic, jut rteeived aad for TUI O.HLY OEN01NB HOME-MADE Ceasy la tae city, wm do iouq everv 4a v. free aa4 itNt, three doors Host, of UkU. Fratt, Ae. O. E. J E YEN 8, , jeazs ee toe roewcioe. Ladies' Emporium, fTVflX MISSIS fcARBSJt A McQOWAX, A . have jit received aoveltiai la Hair Goods, Atoapeslal' Poollopa, " 21 oraaaady "Cornets, MMlxaAaOrqata.Pffa Braids aadUerls, JanaiMo ait , an aoada TaerLlaet A favjilu'aew Pomada, al vara om a 4, braid. Pal a aad Carls, made front Comb tact aa4 Cat Hair. Hair Jawalrj Bade to eroer. P Dri$ri for Stamping aad Embroidery jraattly axseadod to ' A 4 tyotXMl U Ladlee Ipdsrwear n ado ,f boat satsrlaL A freeS ssppry Cindraa'a CoCi, Flaa rafaad WaiorproofSalta; ttsaaS to 11, la fiat allpa, 8llrt tad Koboa. Onirs Uta for Bridal Wardrobea. c Froat BmV ifto C laa II Coney's Tb'bapcglBtore J F TOP WAV f TBI BUT S aad 10 eta, CtXKffC051Tawharo Voa wiilfiad laftst a4atloa .of LBporta4 aad Ooaiao 1 CLra, Caawiax aa4 ttmoktac Tbaoooa, qaUaaa vipIaaMraaBtmbyar that 1 do oi Imp opt oa'tiaadara tbaraforo tbcao W iaj pa parcaaoo aij ooda a;Ul aato to 4 a aVairiac Ufa waot. -a IVILTEE COXXT. LOCAL NEWS. Itew AdTertiMmenta. C. E. JiVam Freak Erary Oaj. Ceo ad Ladiea' Eraporiaa. Beo ad A Black Caakmera Shawl. Da. W. E. flroiia Kaaaored. A. Oldbam A'Card. O. Bout A 8oaa A Card. Nkiracar k Cbaitkb MooaUia Koll Bat tor. P Haiaaaaaia Tba Placo to Bar. A. A 1. Hmeii-811iiic Off! Aa jou like it, Pomeroy. LufLilo Lill pUs hi lUIeigh this eve oing. Wit dow Glass-sizes Price's' r at lufl'er & Wilkiug druAa are nbuw the shoes. . stiurt enough to Tlie great talker has uu litne to become a gical thinker. The mildness ot ihe weatLifer is 'a God send to the poor. Creditors and poor reUiious never Call a the right moment. You can almost measure a man's influ eoce bj his manners. Ltve letters should always be written on the dearest paper. A yacht can stand on swearing; a man can't. a tack without Save your money by buying "your Build ing Supplies from Altafl'er & Price. t S eamslup GV Stream, lug ram, hr.nce, arrived at New York on the 21st ins. Schooner Utile Brown, Hunt, hence, arrived at Baltimore on the 25od icst. its a wise Dira tnat Knows us own feather when the milliner gets hold of it. A full beard is very handsome when it is not full of egg, cream, cheese and soup, Don't tread on her mistletoe, yonng man; U will hough her heart with griet . Look ont for the girl who throwi her whole soul into a pair of slippers for the parson. Nor barque Ujehnent Ericksen, for this port, sailed from Bayonne, France, on the 13th icst. Eggs have declined in price and are now selling from carts at iO to 12 J cents per dozen. To succeed, a young man must work unless he can succeed in doing nothing, by trying right hard. When two men put their heads to gether it is for mutual advantage; but it is not so with goats. The postal card is now fourteen years d, but has not grows a particle in size since It first made its appearance. Boston Is so highly culchawed that when two lovers break off an engagement they call it a valedictory. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stove at almost any price by-- going the Factory. Agency, at Jacobis. That was a most carcastic man who spoke of an acquaintance blown up in a boiler explosion as his late, 's-teamed', friend. Dr. W E Storm has removed his office to the one next Messrs McRae and Strange, near the corner of Market and Third streets. . - Schooner May Monroe, Hall, from Philadelphia, was at Fajardo, P. R., on the Ut iost. to sail for Navaisa on the Sd to load for thia port. . The party who left a black cashmere shawl in the Commercial Hote omnibus a can obtain toe same by proving prop erty. See advertisement in another column. Ten ycars'time and twenty thousand sep arate pieces are about all that any woman can crowd into one bedquilt in this cold world; ani when her work is done the quilt is worth at least $5. There was considerable of a thunder sto.-m somewhere West of the city last evemng, bat the rainfall was very align f bis morning was cool and comfortable with the w iod from the North. A Treatise on the Hair, published by R. P. HsU & Oon Naihaa, N. H., proprietors of Ualis Vegeuble SicUian Hair Renew. er, conulns valuable Information about the hair, which should be read by aJL S&nd to pobosbers for a c-py. Tbe girl who gets mafrurf on the 29th af February and thtaks she's smart. won't feel as proud of tbe job when ibe comes to want to celsbraU tin and crys-c tal and silver weddings. The Cape Tear. 1 he water in the Cape Fear continues to fall, and, as a coasequence, the steam boatmen Wgln to grumble and complain that the bottom is too near the top to make boating comfortable or agreeable. Personal. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn baa returned from Raleigh, whither he baa been for the double purpose of lecturing and of uniting a cou ple In the bonds of anatikjoaiy JWeyU llahed yesterday a reprint from thtObserxcr relative to. his lecture in that city on Tuesday night. .We learn that a wild cat was captured on the 'Grovely' plantation, in Bruns wick county, a few days ago. His catshij weighed 47 pounds, but before he yielded to his captors fought vigorously for free djm. Six do8 were in the pack which was in the chase and most of them were severely puniahed by the savage Mine. An Effort. We understand that some of the lead ing citizens of Charlotte are now. in cor respondence with Rev S. Mendelsohn, of this city, with the object of inducing him to visit that city at an early day for tie purpose of delivering there his lecture on Hebrew Criminal Jurisprudence. No posi tive arrangements have as yet, however, been ejected. New Road Law. The new road law requires the board of s a oer visors of each township in the a State to meet on the first Monday o: February, for the purpose of consultlag on the condition of the roads and to elec a chairman of their number. Ihe same section makes it the duty of the supervi sors to visit and personally examine al the roads in their township during the week preceding the meeting. To Prevent a Dos; from BitUff Yen It ia said that if you sit down when assailed by a ferocious dog the aninaa ill not touch you. This only . holds good provided you can sit down . on top of a house or a tree and let the dog bark below. Tbe animal will get weary o howling in a few hours and walk away, when you can come down "without fear of harm. But if you are as heavy as Senator Davis a better way would be to sit down on the dog. He would not touch anybody after that. . s : The Goose Bone Prediction. The goose bone of this year, it Is said, denotes that our coldest weather will come about the middle of February, and tha our warmest fires will be required for the first dajs of spring. There are a great many people throughout the country par ticularly among the elder portion of the population, who still firmly adhere to a be lief in the goose bone as a weather prog. nosticator. The forward portion of the breast bone if dark and clouded after cooking, denotes that the early part of the winter will be severe, and the after part t f the bone being thus clouded denotes that the winter weather will be during the later months The bone entirely clouded, as they some times are, denotes that the winter will be cold and stormy throughout, while if it should be but slightly clouded, a mild and open winter may be expected. The de gree and position of the cloudiness of the bone indicates the kind of weather which may be expected. Cttj Court. William Newkirk, colored, charged with being drunk and disorderly and re sisting the police, was ordered to pay a fine of $5. The next and last case on docket was a case of trespass in which the defendant was a carpenter, who bad been employed by one Robert Moore, colored, to per form certain work on bis premises, when James Moore, colored, a brother of Robert Moore, ordered the defendant, a colored man by the name of d ward Nixon, off the premises saying the property was bis, and upon the defendant's failure to com ply with tbe orders of the aforesaid James Moore swore out a warrant against Nixon for trespass and cited biu to ap pear before tbe Major this morning for tris, . Tbe Major bound NJxon over to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of $50 for bis appearance t that time. There being no lrtir business tbe Court adjourned. Mr. Edward Singletary, son of our. townsman, Mr. Frank O. Singletary, k,i returned to his home after a seven ears residence. v&, Eddie say he has met with, some rough experiences and would perfer to live in Nrtb. Carolina. It rTm m 1 The trestle near Abbottaburg, the sctue ot the recent accWent, is now all gain and trains are running regularly uu Bcuoauia wine, auuui iov icei ui iue 1 11 - i : a I . i r r f i L. I trestle had given away yet this .was all tip again and the trains running lover it within thirtjfsix hours after the accident. as we stated at the lime, nobody was hurtjand now the damages have all been rf paired ad ever thkig -is-torefy rd sen n IUC irwu ihbu. 1 be following list of subscribers, with tbe amounts set oppositejtheir respectire names, has oeeu obtained by the Irish R lief Committ e in addition to the amount already mentioned iu these columns, which Mrellatbe total atnouut to $826.75, not a bd showing for onr little eity by the . - sea. tiere is tne list: Timothv Uonlam $o; Joseph Price, $1; Hall & Pearsall, rf 25: Woody k Currie. 'So: H Wester mann, 810: Q. Boney & Son. S6: cash, $ J; Roger Moore, $5; Don. MacRae, $25; A. H. Van Bokkelen, $5; B. R. Moore, $2; W. G. MacRae, $2. - The Committee will continue to prose-1 cute the work and, publish the result of their labors from time to time until the geatlemen comprising it feel that they have gone over the whole field. A Little Prose Upon the Subject off Poetry. This is the last occasion we will have to remind our readers of the opportunity that will be offered them for an evening of rare eijoyment at the Opera House to-night, to listen to the ledum which Col. D. K. McRae has consented to deliver upon the subject of Pory at the request of the Library Association, of this city. Apart from the interest and pleasure of the lec - ture itself,the object is a most worthy one aad should be encouraged by all good! citizens. The Library Association, which is an institution no city of the size of Wilmington should be without, is strug - gling, we might almost say, for existence It is in need of funds for the purchase of -iow uw, uu v, u oumo outstanding debts. ; The financial condition of the association was much improved by tbe result of Col sf a . a . i maciwe s leciures ias winter, ana u our citizens win omy do gooa enouga, anu appreciative enomgb of a good thing, to patronize the lecture business as liberally this season, tbe association may possibly clear its skirts of debt and the directors be able soon to increase the volumes in tbe Library. If one half the crowd that paid one .dollar each a Amission to the Opera House last night to see Buffalo Bill, will only pay twenty-five cents apiece for tickets to-night, the associa tion, we think, will sot only be grateful but satisfied also. Ilpplncott's Magazine. The opening article in Lippincottfs Magazine for Febmrary, 'A Day with the Ottawa Chantier-Men,' gives a lively ac count of the lumbermen and much infor mation about the recources and prospects of tbe great Canadian forest lands, with many eood illustrations. 'Old and New Rouen' is the first of two illustrated papers, by Edward King. The eighth chapter of Dr. Oswald's 'Sammerland Sketches is also illustrated. 'A Future Capital of tbe United States is a short, well-written paper. In tbe first of two carefully written papers on 'Decorative Art and its Dogmas,' tbe writer, M. O. Van Eenssealaera while acknowledging tbe great improvements, ia our interior em- bellishments during recent years points out tne danger. 0f treating the principles to which this progress is mainly due as final and universal axioms, The Bonapartes in Exile. by Arthur Venner, is a very entertaining paper, unaertae utie ot 'ihe reasant tnd of Lorne,' C. N. Lamont gives a pleasing sketch of some of tbe Hebrides Islands. Wi!dwood Studies' is a similar but more amusing sketch, of life in tbe backwoods of Yirgmiav . 4dam and Ej0. the new serial, by the autUor 0f Deroihy Fox, introduces n tbe present number scenes and charac- a a ters wnicn win be new to Amenoan readers. There are also two very agree able short stories by Margaret Bertha Wright and tbe author of The Clifton Picture', a poem by Elaine Goodale, and tbe usual variety of reading in tbe Monthly Gossip' and 'Literatare of the Day Christmas ftre Dogs and Fire Irons fluting Machines and every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices a Jaoobi's. As will be 6een by notice published iKwheTSm Me8Sr8 G & haTe P removed to the office of the Cape Fear Flour pearl . nv MiIIfl. 0 i xjntt IT.Innt f-fa v,. j auM iauu it euuuv a? hi bo. nuvig ULA suw dition to their naval stores aad commis sion business they will sell the m'anufac tures of Mr. Oldham's mill. Gone North. Rev. George Patterson, D. D , Rector of St. John's Church, in this city, left hereon Wednesday for a short trin North on p-ate business. He will be gone but two or three weeks and may fiiid it neccs I rary to extend his visit to Boston I ' t, Lent Approacncs. ljGDt comes in this year . very early. Ash-Vednesday falls on February 11th, Good Friday on Ma cli 2Clh and Easter O .1 II a 1 mra . ouuuay uu juarcu zo.n. i ue remainme - Hops of the Clubs will therefore be com pressed into the fifteen week-days be- tween this and February 11th. There wil, bowever, in all probability, be room enough for a few more after the Lenten easoo has passed Home on a Visit. We were pleased to receive a visit thib morning fr-m oir vtil' "n-n 1. Mr W. Alva Burr oun ; si suu of Col. J. G. Burr, ot tuis city, who is home on a short Alva has a situation under Gen. Newton, the U. S. Engineer who ex ploded ileil ClUe in New York -Harbor,- and who is now atwork on improvements in that section, Work'bas been impeded by the cold weather and hence Alva has been 1 ur- I loughed for a short visit, home. Ho will I return in a few weeks, as soon-as the I water-ways are open, 1 i I The "Knight Of the Plains" This exciting melodrama, was put up I on the stage at the Opera House last night by W. F. Cody, Esq , (Buffalo Bill) and 1 bis troupe. There was a large audience I Ln attendance who were kept in the best 0f humor throughout the entire perform- ance by the many good hits and situa tions with which the play abounds. The acting wag gQ the comedy laughable and the thrim inter. led in fc guch proportions ,M . te prevent the audience from being wearied by monotony. The dramatist, Col. Pren tiss Ingraham, has succeeded admirably in producing a play in which the charac ters are felicitously drawn and which brings out the talent of Mr. Cody, who is the hero of the piece, and for whom it was named. A Case In Point. . When public -officials are brought to understand that tax-payers are Jhose most interested in a due and just execution of the laws, and that taxes are paid for the pujpose of upholairg and sustaining good laws and government, and cot for. the sole and exclusive benefit of the favored few who' fred oa pubri ivvi, then ihe laws for the collection cf 'axes will not bear so onerously upjn the mercantile portion of the community. . These thoughts are Suggested by a fact which has just come t6 ' our knowledge, that is that a number . of merchants in this city who had, in conformity with the law, listed their purchases before the expiration of the time allowed by law, but who had not paid them, were surprised a few days after by being served with warrants for the payment of the same without having been previously called upon for a settle- meat. The warrants were issued by a Republican Justice of the Peace, and to hip, of course, would the costs ac crue. It looked to a man op a tree just as though it was a put up job, all for the purpose of wringing costs ont of those who were already heavily taxed for the privilege of doing business. One gentle man, our informant, immediately went up and paid the .tax and then IsKl the case before Solicitor Moore, who gave it as his opinion that the thing was. not done in conformity with the law, whereupon we understand that the warrants were withdrawn. Selling Off! fJlHE BALANCE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AH D WINTER CLOTHING Mast go at almost any price to znske room for tbe Spring Styles. Bargains may bo bad. All' mast be sold. Gall aad gat the re daeed prices, at BHBIES'S TWO 8T0&ES, jaa 9 Cartel sU h noe ox tne paper. Personalitiea'must be avoided. ' And it is especially and particularly nudtr stood that the Editor does not always endo a the views of correapondenui anleaa ao atate la tke editorial colmuna. New Advertisements, Removed. JR. E. 8TOKM has removed Lii office Irom the reaidetce of tbe late Dr. W. E Freeman, to the one adjoining McRae A Strange', near corner of Third and Market atreeta. jan 23-6V A BLACK CASHMERE SHAWL yyAS LEFT IN THE COMMIiClAf. HOTEL Bus a few eveningB ngq. The orrn can obtain the aameby proving pt - rtv i d paying for this advertisement. jan 23-tf b ' A CARD. Having thii day entered into an agreement with Messrs. O. HONEY A SONS, by which thev are bnv md and I am to manufactore Meal, Fearl L'on.i ny, Flour, Ac, at the Cape Fear lour and rearl Hominy Mills. I would -MnMtf-n- licit all my former customers to f vor item r . j, iucui lutriii Cioods will be as reoresented. and nromnt t- Wltn their nitrnmir. iianrim -. .k. . .11 Respectfully, ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor C. F. F. and P. 11. M. ' WE HAVE REMOVED OUR OFFICE tn the CaDe Fear Flonrand Prl Hnm. iny Mills, corner iutt and Walnut itrftt. where, in addition to our Naval Stores and Commission Business, we nroncse alli-r th manufactures of said Mills . and br nromnt attention, fair prices, and with the best of stock we hope to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. G. BONEY A H08. jan 33-tf The Place to Buy FIRST CLASS PIANO OR OKQAV, on the Instalment Plai; and at prices lower ac lowest, is at trie LIVE BOOK STORE. For Blank Books p APER, ENVELOPES, Inks, MucUajee, Inkstands. Pens. Pencil. Lott- Fiio. a Clips, and anything in the Book and Sta tionery Line, go to . HEINSBEROER'8, jan 19 Live Book and Music Store. 'hristtms AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT M. KATZ'S, 3G Market St. . It is, Economy lo Buy Something Useful ! ON HAND, FOR THAT TURI OSE, DRESS tGrOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, Blankets, Skirts', Corsets, rIoves, Collars and Cuffs, i TIES, TOWELSjfNAPKIMS,! DAMASKS-: BRUSHES, COMBS, . From sjceati op.! BIBS. BOWS. FLANXELS.v MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. RIB80NS.1 And Jhsndredajof Articlestooj.'nuiasroaj v. mention. 50 advance in any of .the eG so is. Save money sad get2-etaiBg; tuefurb s ealliag oa 4 3C Market dec 29

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