i 1 I) THIS PI FEB ,IUI oo, Sa.daji ii v ..mK A.1U rfcorHlKfVK. i m - - I .... ..TiCl' P!ll i T$s wi Bonlh, 1250 ; T F J ' .t 1. On month. SOceata. 1 nlUlll ' ' Jr wail I delivered by ewn.n, bt ? . ... Btrlof thee!tv. attbe ,feLarr,'."" ' r w t.rat.'UentJp,rW . ;ti"fiMr nioenretaUrlT railar- ' 1880 I CLOSING SALE S boWS & BODDICK. 45 filarket St. ytrAiti; tiiw oi-ro.iru.Nm or iWkkinj tbe general public for their very Va patronage dring tne'raat var. and call artlea'ar atteatioato oor ' ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE OX k i January, 12th. Great Reductions mill f la ordtr to effect oar abject. 1 Oar patrons j real aaaured that the redactions are bona fide. I u Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CAWUERESFQR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Pelt Skirts, LADIES, GENTS, AND CIlil.DRE.VS ITS D ERYTKAR. Wa will th Cbespeat line or Oam barf Edftagt aad lajertlorj that we hare ahewa, la orate to make room -for oar new I StOfc . P; BROW &' RODDICK, 45 riiirkat Otreet, Lecture. QOL. D. K. Mac3AE WILL DELIVER a Lctare for tie toaefitof the Library ociatioa, la U Opera dome, Fr;dy, Jan airy H. ft o'clock, 1. M. Fubjct: Poetry. Adsaiaswa, 25 cenu. jtt 19 Bac bl Fresh. Every Day, FINk A8S0LTMKXT OF CA.NDIE8, French, and Domeeiie, juat rtcalvtd and for I. TMB ONLT GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy la the city, will be found every dey, freeh aad sweet, three doora Sooth of tta rcxtnfie oa 8ecad atrteu Alto, Nuu, EaWiaa. F rait, Ac. C. E. JEVK.V. jaa 23 Neai tbe Koetofflce. Ladies' Emporium. rpHE MISSES KARRE A ifcGOWA.V, barejait received aeveltiee la II air Oood, Noaparlelf collop. .''loraaadT,CoqauJ Miroa" Orqmete, Fn Brai de" at dlarb, larUible net-, all ebadee YaMilaet A. favrlta aew Fosade, al vaji ea baad. braid, Ku2i aadCarle, made from Comb Ug aad Cat llalr. Hair Jeweirj made to order. Order for S Unpin j aed Ett broidery promptly aiuaded to. A aieo aeeortaieat of Ladle I aderwear taad of beet s ate riaL A freeh eply of CbUdreik'e C.oCi, Flan rel aad Waiwrpfoof dalu, 2 to t, la . f aat a!i, Bllrt a4 Robee. Ordtra t.kea for Bridal WardroWe. C Froat turret,-Wilslag too, C. laa II Coney's TobacHiS core TP TOO WAJfT THK BEST S mad 10 et.. L CJxar to toOOSST'awtarwyo. will fi.d tAe UrieetejJeetloa of laported aad Domee le ( Clxyt, Clewtajr aad BBOtlDC Tbaeco. Oeatleaiea wlU pbaeo remember that 1 do Bvl Boadayt, tb0r. three who wiah ia pmrahaae . aj fooda wm Uto to odalaj Ue week. iial-U WALTER CO.MT. Tie VOL.IV. WIL&INGTON, N. C., SATURDAY JANUARY 21, 1880. NO. 298 LOCAL NEWS. Sew Adrerttsemeuts. J P.v ess. Watch maker Waated. Joh M Bciivint w 11 at ti tore. Hee ad A Uoutliold eed. , O T HEcfcKOHD,l'ublit;r BoodVOreat dook of the War. , McDoogali. A Willi iksos -Copartnership Nut:Ce. I HrivHrti Th Place to Hoy. A. A 1. Hhxili HeMirjr Off! N ('t y Court to-Jy. ienfh 10 h urs hu 1 TJ minutes. Wi! !vv -W sies t as dutl as an old M i"?s! rate's . Ti" fctan wi'trt torrnorni-v at '!) mii.atoB pist u o'clock, Tlfre were) do inu-rmLtU iu Uc'.lcvue Overc"as au-1 lircs wfrc uo'. uncomx forutle this morninsr. Save yonr mon?y uyins yonr BuiM ing iiv1'"3 rro111 Al'ali. r A: Price., f Tbrra were two iiitcnuruts in OakJale tLuVcek, or.c a'lult and one stillborn infant. - . - Schr Emily II Sayor, Fiohcr, from Belfast for tbiri jrt, wai at Stlcm the 20th inst. In fVr i Coiuotory tLis week five cbilrcn anJvvo aJults were interred sivca io'all. lut one more week in tba fi-t month of the New Year. Gxxl graciuu! How tcmpus docs fuj;it 1 Porket'KbivM. Tabla Cutlery. Silver! riatel Forks anl Hpons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's . -Brig &ila N. Mvtin, Brown, from this port for Xcw York, arrived at Dela ware Brcnkwa'cr on Thursday, An active person to rauva the city for the sale of a new article is teferred to the adfcrtiicment of Mr. J. F. Naan. a Tbe Kegbttr of Deeds has issued during the week but two marriage licenses, one of wb!cb was for a white and "the ether for a colored couple. Yesterday morning tbe winds was from the Xprtbeast, last evening it was due Smith and this morninz it was due Ncrth We regret to learn that Mr. George Z French lies dange-ously ill at his residence on his Excelsior Plantation, near Rocky rtnt, in Fender county. Tfco Associativa oi viujers o iue Third N. C. Infantry will meet at the rooms of Dr. J. C. Walker,, oa Third street, opposite the City Uall, next Wed ¬ nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Health Ofticer Scbarff, with his police force, made a raid this forenoon on the accumulated piles of filth at the foot of Chestnut street, lie is pushing the good woik vigorously in his district. Mesers. McDougall k. Williamson, two energetic geLtlcmen and good mechanics, well-known to our people, have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carry ing on the' carriage manufacturing and repairing luMLess. They are located on Chestnut street, near this office, and will in a few days introduce many - improve ments into their buincss liivitd! and Accepted. We nnderstacd that Hon.' li. II. Brigders his Lecu invited to address the citizcs and farmers t Pender county on drainage and irrigation, and that he his accepted the invitation and will prob ably ta;ne s ime day in March for tbe purp-"se of meeting the jople of that vigorous yeung county. Lxr-t summer when the question wasjn every one's mind whether the Crescent City was again to V9 amicveu wiiu yeuow fever, the whole country was startled by tbe announcement tbat among its nail d or more victims were first the love Iv rounsr wife of tbe brave Confederate General J. B- Hood, followed by tbe death of tbe General himself, leaving ten little babe to the cold mercies of tha.woild. Tbe women of tbe South and North alLki arose to this appeal to their cfc-, a aubscriptba b , --" a.n? - was opened, ibut with .-Rreat result, amparatively. The late warrior was on the point of publishing his Narrative of Terjonal j Experiences in the United States au'd the Confederate State Armies. Tba book has just been pub lished by h?s com radei. General G T beau regard, the entire proceeds going to the so!e use and benefit 6f "The Hoed Or phan Memorial Rand,' as is set forth, in another columi. it Dabi Personal. Rev Dr. Geo. B. Taylor, Baptist Mis sionary to Rome, and a brother of Rev James B. Taylor, of this city, is here on a visit to hi brother. Rev. Dr. Taylor is in very poor health and it is extremely doubtful if he will fill his brother's pulpit to-morrow, as was first intended. , Capt. J. W. Hinson, our whilom towns man, wbeu the firm wis Sprunt & Hinson in this city, but now of New York, and of tbe tit m of Hiusou & Cumming, is on a visit " to Wilmington, looking well and hearty too, we are glad to say. The Lecture Last Night. It is reported of the eloquent and gift el Missihsippian, Sergeant S. Frentits tht bis most fervent and eloquent speeches were lost to mankind, for tb reason that those who would undertake to report them would soon forget their notes and b lost Jin wonder, amare'roeut and admiration of the beautiful utterances of the great orator, as without any a'ppar eat effort the elcquent words and fine rhetorical sentences dropped from hU lips' carrying with him bis enraptured hearer in a perfect whirl of admiration. Some feeling akin to this, we confess to be always tbe case with us wheuever we listen to tbe eloquence of the distinguished speaker who lectured at the Opera Housa last night. We shall not attempt, there, fore, any further reference to tho enter taining feast, which was spread before the highly appreciative, and la-ge and intelli. gent audience, ot ladies and gentlemen which assembled at the Opara House last evening, to listen to that gifted Carolinian, Col. D. K Macliae, except to add that the whole audience, with wonderful unanimi ty, seemed spell-bound, and eager to drink ia etery word as it fell from the lecturer's lips. The introiuclion was. pronounced by Col. James G. Burr, ih a lew admirably well chosen and appropriate remarks. Fell In a Fit- Late yesterday afternoon, after the Re view had gone to press, information was received down-town by telephone to the effect that a white man, name unknown had been injurtd severely about the head at the depot of the O. CR. W. and a re quest was made for a physician. Dr. J. C. Walker, city physician, was notified and droye to the depot where he found that a voung man, a white man and a stranger here, had fallen with a fit and in doing so had cut his head against a post The wound proved to be a slight one, af ter all, and the youcg man soon recovor ed. He gave bis name as Charles Austin, and savs that he is t'ving to reach his home at Brooklyn, N. Y. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobis. Coudty Bonds are Taxable. A very important decision, rendered by State Treasurer Worth, has just been pub lie' through the columns of the Raleigh Observer. It is in relation to tho taxa tion of county bonds. As a matter of in terest to our readers hereabouts we pub lish the enquiry and the reply: Newbebk. N. C, Jan. 14th, 1880.. lion. J. M. Worth, Fublic Treasurer: Dear Sir: As a number of prominent tax-payers and county officials have pub licly declared that it is unconstitutional and unlawful, as well as contrary to a re cent decision of the Supreme Court ot the United States, for any citizen of the conn, ty to list his county bonds for taxation, and have advised people not to list them. I have taken the liberty to address you tbrs note, requesting your opinion upon this subject. It is a matter o f much iu terest to the tax-payers of this county, and I desire to know. the truth on this subject, not only for myself as a taxpayer, but for others equally interested, i desire to see that the laws iu reference to taxa tion shall be enforced and bondholders made to pay taxes on their bonds, if the law requires it. Maiy of the Craven county bonds recently funded are held by citizens of said countv. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John . Gardner. North Caboijta, TaiAsuRT Department. Raleigh, N. C. Jan. lGth, 1880. John O. Gardner, sq: lours of tbe 14th at hand, xi know of no law-makingJpQwer (except tho lature of the State) thai oa -'sw county Voudi fron - t. """P the lJ"- taxation. The act of . 0tature auinoriziog u raven county to fund its debt and issue bonds does not exempt from taxation. I am of opinion that they are liable for tax. lours truly, J. M. Wobtu, State Treasurer. 1 : ; ; A Treatise on the Hair, published by B. P. Hall & Co., Nashan, N. H , proprietors of ltall'4 Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew, er, contains valuable information about tbe hair, which should be road by alL Send to publishers for a copy. . Keview.: Bhlp Notts. There are now in this port 50 vessels, of nrhirh A A. aro fnr r-i rrnp'r anil umiarp ri- gel. Of the entire nuruberS2 are barque. 12 are briss and 9 are tchc oners. The nationalities are divided follows: Ncr i w'egian, 17; German, 19; British, 5; Ru- si an. 1: Spanish. 2: American. 9. Tbe - total tonnage is 15,922 ton?. At the Mine time there are 2:1 vessels on tb way to thts port from various ports in E'.ir'-p. Of these all bnt ore are square- rigged ; l: are brigs, and 9 are barques Tn the lis t there are 6 Germans, 10 Nor weians, 1 Swele, Russian. o Englishmen and 1 Christmas Fire Dos and Fire Irons Flufni Machines and every sort of 11 rdware at lowest sort of cabh priceb a Jacobi's. Church Services. Worship in the various churches of tbe city to-morrow as follows : ST. PAlfLS EVAJJG. LUTHERAN CHURCH, O truer of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. I). Bemheim. D. D., Pastor. English Service at 11 a. m. German Servic 3 at 7:3U p. in. Sunday School at 9:00 a. m. Catechetical Instruction on Friday at 0::30 p. m. ' ST. JAMES" I'AKIsn, corner Third and Market streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Septuagesima and Festival of Conversion of ist Paul. Jan. 25th Celebration at 7:00 a. m. Morning Prayer at 1 1 o'clock. Sunday School at o p. m. Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. SECOND B AP TISTC 1 U ac I , on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts. Rev. J. P. King, pastor. Services tomor row at 11 a. in. and S p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH, corner Third and . Orange streets. Rev. Dr. J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 4 p.m. FROftT STREET M. E. CHURCH, (SOUTHX corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young Men and Women's Chris tian Association first, and third Tuesday evenings in each month. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH1 corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m.- Seats free. SEAMEN'S BETHEL, Dock, between Water and Front streets Rev. Jas. W. Craig, chaplain. Services at 11 a.m., to which seamen are cordially invited. The public are Invited to attend religious services at the Tileston upper room, in the Tileston Normal School . building, on Ann, between Fourth and Fifth streets, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (COLORED.) corner Fifth and Campbell streets. Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting on Thursday night .at S o'clock. ' FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Memorial Hall, corner Seventh and Nun streets. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Minister. Sunday services at 10:30 a. m. and 3 and 7:30 p. m. Praise and Conference meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH cor Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor, bervices every babbath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 3:30 p. m Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. seats iree. ST. LEWIS1 CHAPEL, ccraer Seventh and Bladen streets. . Rev. John Lewis, pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3.30 o'clock p. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. WOOTEN 8 CHAPEL, a T i1 a corner or isiaaen ana ninm sireeis- Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching Sundays, at ll a. m., 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. m. Wednesday nigut.at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Friday night Sunday School at 9 a. m. Wilmingtor DistrioL First Round of Quarterly Meetinzs for the Methodist E. Churcb, South 1880. Waccamaw Miss, al Bethesda. . Jan 23 Brunswick, at S hare n. Jaa SI -Feb 1 Smithvill Station. Feb 3-4 Wilmington, at Fifth Street... Feb 7-8 Wilmington, at Front Street.. Feb 14-15 Topsail, at Prospect Feb 21 22 1ew River Mission. Feb 21 Onslow, at Swan8boro..,.......Feb 28-29 Dnplin, at Magnolia. ....... .Mar 67 Clinton, at Andrews Chapel.. Mar 10-11 Ilistrict Steward Meeting February 13th, at ten o'clock AM. at the Paraoi of tbe Front Strict Ohurch M.WJmngt Presiding Elder. Answer This. Did you ever know any person to be ill, without inaction of the Stomach. Liver or kitJneys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was ob strusted or inactive; and did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters weald not care? Ask your nei ghbor this same question Nerve. It is a sreat thing to have what Lj call ed ntrtt, and notaing contributes more to tbe power of physical control thus named than Warner's Safe Nervine. It also relieves all kinds of pain, and cures headache and neuralgia. . New Advertisements. A HOUSEHOLD NEED, BOOK ON THE LIVER, its diaeasea and their treatment tent free. Including treatiee on Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Billiousness, Heaoache, Constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Ac. Address Dr. 8aaford, 162 Broadway, New York City, New York. jaa 2i-it "Wanted 7 BMAKT, ACTIVE PERSON to canv.iss the city and introduce SUNN'S NON-CORROSIVE SEWING MACHINE OIL,, ac knowledged the bet now ia us . dooA pay to a suitable person. .I F M?NNj jaa 24 it Watchmnke-, NortL W ater et. Copartnership Notice, WE HAVE TRH DAY entered into a copartnership for the purpose of car ryingonihe CAKKlAGK Al AA Uk ACTUR 1NO and .REI'AIXINI BCSINfcS8 on Chpstnut between Water and Front Streets, and by the 5th proiimo wilt b prepared to make and repair Carriages, Bnjrgiea. Carts, Drajs, Ac . in First- las Stjlc.and at prices that defy competition, as we do our own work. This assertion can be relied upon. Very respectfully, McDOUGALL A WILLIAMSON, jin 24-tf RlewHat Store- JECElViD YESTERDAY hY N1 n 1') K T AMER, tTVLlriU OFT A N D STIFF 11 ATS, CdEAP. Call and ( xaiLiua. JOHN M. KOBINSOV.1 . 13 Froit et , South of Purcell House j in 24 JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE aDfl RETEEAT, Personal Experiences ill the United States anil Contcderate States Armies : BY GENERAL J. B. HOOD, Late Lieatenant-General Confederate States Army, published for Tie. Hood Orphan Memorial FnM. BY GENERAL C7. T. REAUREGARD, NEW.ORLEANS, 1690. The entire proceeds arising f-oin the rale of this-work are devoted to lha Hood Or phan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United Htatea Registered JJonds for the nur ture, care, aopport and education of the ten infanta deprived, of their parents last sum mer at New Or.'ea ?, (the rrelancholr inci dent! of which ad Ct-rearemeat are stili fresh in tho public r.inJ ) The b iok i Bn entrant octavo, c .ntairine 360 pagec, with a tjr.e phonograph likeness andalica steel fegravien-, made expreely for this work, four 1 irj maps of battle fields bound in handaoiae Oray Knelish Cloth at THBUfi DOLLARS, or ia a Fine Sheep Binding, with Marhl Vfiee "HUKE Doi! LAKS ANI) K7F Y . r-:,.. U Ualf Bound Morocco, hbriry .le, I 'JLi: Dui.LARS, or in best J.evaat Turkey Mcrdcee.-full' Gilt Sides and Edg oa, FIVE DOLLARt,. - Oa the receipt from any person remitting by mail or express, of the amount in a regis tered letter or by a poatal order, bank draft, or Cuetk, a copy will be immediately sent free of postage, registered as aecond-claaa matter. The volume ia published in the beat skyle of typography, on elegant paper, with illustra Uoqa, executed as higheat apecimeaa of art. all!n' lUbjeC5 the PWPose,all aJiker render it worthy a piace in every libra ry ,-on every deik-or upoD the book shelf of every house in the country. i"tf4iV !T2te every town, and county in the United. Statea, and a preference will d given io honorably cheharged veterans Uora the army. To the ladiee. who feel a A their sympathy with The Hood Orphan Me morial Fund the salej of thia book among tkeir circle of friends will aflford an excel lent way of contributing subetantial aid to so deserving a cause, Tt l:' feaV. For aeraa, ratei.io agenw, etc., ad dreia, with full particdara, GN'L Gj T.I BEAUREGARD, ! ! . I PnhlisW. On behalf of the Hood Memorial Fund, jan 24 3mos j I .5ew Orleana, La. 3mos -1 j 1 filing Off! fTIHE BALANCE OUR EN8E STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any Itfice ,to make room for the Spring 8 Jle Bargains may be bad. All most be told Call and get tbe re- daced prices, at 8HRIER TWO ST0RE3, jan 9 Market aU IIo untain Boll Butter t '. j ll (M II !:' 'RESH AND CHO AT LOW f IGURE3. 5EWBURT A CHASTEN. jan 22-t PLEASE NOTICE. : Wa will be glad to reoelva eommnnlcationi from oxur friends on any aad all aubjecta'o Ceneral interest bat : . ' " The same of the writer must alwajr be far niahed to the Editor. SCommmiicationi mist be written on otiy one aide of the paper. Persbnalitiea'must be aroided. " And it is specially and parti. u!arty andT stood that the Editor does not always endo a the views of correspondent, ualeeaeo' aute in the editorial columns. J New Advertisements'. Removed. jQR. W. iVSlORM-haaremoveJ I ia.oCc from tie residence of the late Lr W. F. Freeman, to the one adjoining: Alcftae A Strange's, near corner of Third and Market streets. jan oj-St A BLACK CASHMERE SHAWL YyAS LEFT IN" TI1E COMM1 l.CJAL HOTEL Bna a few erenihga ego. 1 h ov i . can obtain thesaiebj proring ir-r-1 tv ni paying for thia adrertisemeBt. jan 2-tf . ACARD. Uavinc tbi entered into an agreement with Meesra. . BONKY A H0N8, by which they are ti buy and rell, and I am to manufacture Mel, Tearl Homi ny, Flour, Ac, at the Cape Fear k lour. and Feajl Hominy Mills, I would respectful! v so licit all my former customere to f Tor tbem with their patronage, assuring them tht all Goods will be as reoresented, and prompt at tention giren to all their orders. Respectfully, ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor C. F. F. and 1'. li. M. WE nAVE REMOVED OUR OFFICE t- the Cape Fear Flour and Pearl Hom iny Mills, corner Nutt and Walnut atreeta. where, in addition u our Naval Stores and Commission Business, we propeso lling the manufactures of said Mills, and by prompt attention, fair prices, and with the beat of stock we hope to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. G. BONLY A SONS, jan 23-tf The Place to Buy FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN', on the Instalment Plan and at pricea lower than the lowtet, ia at the - LIVE BOOK STORE. For Blank Books, pAPER, ENVELOPE?, Ink, Mucilage, Jnkatanda, Pens. Pencils, Letter Filea and Chpa, and anything in the Book and Sta tionery Line, go to i nElNSBERGER'8, jan 19 . Live Book and Music Store. AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT M. M. KATZ'S, SO Market St. It. is Economy to ilii'y - 4 Somclliiii Veltil ! ON HAND, FOR THAT TUIirOSE DRESS .OOBS, Shawls, Cloaks Blankein. Skirtsr, ., Corsets, tjrloves, Collars and .Cuffs TIES, T0VELS,!fiAPKIH?, DAMASKS! BRUSHES. COMBS, From 5 centa up I BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS.' MEN'S i. AND BOYS' WEAR. RIBBONS! And ihutidredjof ArticIeatl'nuaerooJ mention. No advance in any of theaeGooia. Bve money and fceCfroinething uaefolib calling on 1VZ. 1VZ, 3G Market SU dee 20 kiristirnas i