Tflia Pirxa u .. T.rV afumeoa. Sa.deys ' Ptilv JOSH. T. JAMES, ... IS M Alx montas, 12 SO ; Three JoTtU! One month, 60 cents. r. rapsr will be delivered by carriers, ;J;ofebJf..ia Ptof the city, at tb. -;fcribr will pleuie report any and I! fails to rci tir papers regularly. fjow Advertisement. I 880 i SAL! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Ct. yETAKL TMd OPFOUTUMTT Or thanking the general public for tbtir verj taera" patronage darin the put year, and tcall narUeu'ar'ettentionto our ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OP WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON RflONDAY. 4 January, 12th. Great Reductions wUlbemaie la order to effect oar object. Onr patrons may rest assured that the redactions are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASSIL1ERESF0R MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. LADIES', GEXTS, AND CHIIJ)REN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham org Edgings and Insertions that we have shown, la order to make room for our new stock. BE0WN & RODDICK, 43 EXarket Street, jan 10 Fresh Every Day, TINS ASSORTMENT OF CA5DIES, French and Domestic, just received and for TBI ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy In the city, will be. found everv day, frwh and swet. three doors South oi tbe tosto&ee on Second street. Also, Nat, xumas,f teat, C. C Ji.VK8, jau23 Nea the PostolSce. Lavender Water- VBM1 wxtsb. iew lot rrei drus . . . , r. . .. "a,,BU"9 -oinpieieswcaoi rancy Aru- dee for the HoUday Trade, Everjthiag guaranteed fresh, pure and of best qnality. IT. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and ua Streets. Open day' and night, f a Jft-tf Lower than Eyer. LARGE STOCK OF OAE. ASH Ac at . ' A8U' l ------ r I . . ... . . . I. u4 nou h us mi t.UAL in the eitT very low Indeed. i . iU2l - J. JL. oFRINOER. I. - . i Wnerfl XODaCCO BtOre TI ' TOU WA5T THB BEST 5 and 10 eta, xctoteOO!rBT'8wherevou will find . Uentlemen will iMM remtmblr thall T not keep open on Sundays, therefore these i rp dsring thVwMk: 1 n'T 10 Jff-ft WALTER CO NET, Anuu-znuLU fitfcO, a iiMiikPiifii. .. A BOO- 02T THE LITER. lu ?t....! their treatment seat Free. Ineladin-1 ed j .V" tn, .ifrr.T. A. Vi?. LJ.T,r I,,. Mai-u, Ac A-drtas Dr. I rrrZZ?7 MT-.r "r-S.fu-i- fixaford. in xtroaaway. iTew Tork Citr I CLOSING nri H VOLiV. WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. Xew Advertisements. Boitwkioht A McKv ArePrej-ared. P L UaiuGEis - Co Training School, for Cooking. Yates Bok Ftore and Photo Rotftos Notice. Willtaxi Jk Mc&cmsos Halt and (luano J A. Praixesa Lower than Erer. F. C iliLLM Lavender Water. See ad Mffetio of HtocVholders of Wil mingle, Columbia & Augusta KailrrA'i, eea! M'etitp tf r-uUcriters of Duplin 1 HussaanaiH The Hae t Pay. A. A I. fcaiK HelhoK Off! I'.Iuc Motday. F'.r other locals fci-c fourth pag. f Wit rfow Glass all sizes i 'Utter & Price's. . ' t Forgivt.ess aula Miiile are tKe bst revenge. . Magistrate's Uiw and tLe Cuut House arc barren of items Uirque Kaslc, lk.r:, Leuc, arrived at Hamburg on the 9'b inst. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c, or the Children at J ac. r.i"s. The Telepbonc Exchange in this city now numbers 141 members. TUrnua A inline. !for this por. sailed 2 , , . from Glasgow on tbe 10th inst. J Bv taking a simple man for worship, a womin can make a hero from very s'eo der material. Cloudv weather, with snow or ram, is what Tice promises from the 2C:h to the on. v. I .. Barnue llcmo, MicKeliaen, lor thw rjort. sailed froa bbarrness on tte win inst. Barqne Maria Sophia, Witt, for. this port, sailed from UreenocK on mo lum j in&L You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going tne I Factory Agency, at Jacobi s. .. a OCUOOUtT J... Ul Plummy. o" the 23d 1081. I . i A cider mill is a press agent, but all press agents are not cider mills by a large Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi a Schooner Albert Dailu. " Mason, for this port, cleared at Baltimore cn the I nn . . , m , 4. ooi . JOnri inst. and sa.ile.1 the 23 1. I Subscribers' Meettns. As will be seen elsewhere in our col-1 umns, tnere will d a meeting oi tne sun -1 scribers to the stock of the Duplin canal I at the Produce Exchange to-morrow, at 3 o'clock p. m. We hops there may be a eood attendance, and that the deliberations may result in much good to tbe enter- nrie. Tho tinblic are invited. . I one Grass: need Grass (Cynodon Dactl lon .) e notice m tbe rebruary number ot I fie Amcricrn Agriculturist, and also in the Airricultural Report of 1878 from Washington, that Bermuda grass is at-1 tractmz cocsiderable attention as a forajre crsss. Seeds and ' roots are in attracted by demand from these who are t - e glowing accounts of itproductivencs It. u r tv, i- i : r I u U4 WM u.-w u6. S oi toe piant rerieci as comparea wuni grass and cane crass in our. streets and ku.ofa.0 v ewnere u.s no.a crup-Kras, nere, t i 1 9. I irom a eidjt oi us uauua we ua col bib i .t!- j t. . . w it can be so utilized. Its great pom OI LUCIlb V)llU U9 IO 111.. 1. UU fciilllHIT I y j."-, u: j; . I w w Pre" cense sous anu. answering uei- ter in most locations as a lawn grass. It. . ..... . , i I is propacatea oy eeiunz me soa, ana pro-1 i V " : T,P" I -117 TtJUlClCS. lliC-LUUSk WHV I r...,;, tv; ... 1 -- 6 wua rake ia vn" WLa,U0Di 11 cover I a trenches, the roots will strike deeply iDt prepared soil, and give a more lu- unant growth than by sodding. Kervt. It is a great thins to have what u call- nerve, and notblns con tributes mora the power of fbjsieml control thus named than Warners Safe Nervine. It n. " JAT:,:!: e.T , 11 1 ,OUB,M uu caret Daily Next Week. A week from to day and we will hare the Criminal Court in session, the Coun ty Commissioners in regular monthly meeting and the Board of Aldermen ditto. Whew! items will be plenty then, and ye local won't have to run his legs off or scratch all the hair off his head in trying to'get an idea or something to write about. Operetta Friday.; If Ignt. At the earnest solicitation of many friends, Misses Burr and James have kind ly consented to undertake the supervis ion of au interesting operetta to be partc ipated in by over one" hundred personst including ladies and gentlemen and chil dren. The object is entirely a benevolent one, wo are told. The piece, we learn, is to be presented at tbe Opera House ol Friday evening next, and the box-sbce1 will be ready at Ueinsberger's to-morrow morning. Taken up Sainrday Mght. There were two persons and one wheelbarrow taken up by our vigilant night police on Saturday night. Tbe in dividaals were tried and-' their cases dis posed of this mornidg. J3ut the wheel barrow has neither been tried noc, dis posed of yet that we know of, unless the officer who took it to the Guard House has tried to roll it back again to where it befonged. He would not have to carry it more tnin a stone 8 tnrow eitner,so we are informed. Interesting Occasion. Rev. G. B. Taylor, D. D., of Rome, j Italy, delivered on yesterday morning, at , the First Baptist Church, a very impres s r i i il . ua aim sive auureaa concerning iuo xiauuu iui. air whirl, ieenndceted nnder the aus- 0.lU. r. L. i tion. He gave a succinct and interesting account of the various stations in different , portions of Italy andSardinia, over which e baa a general supervision, also a de- scrip tion of the Erangelisti stationed at those points. Dr. Taylor has been in Italy about seven years aid expects to return to his field of labor in the comse of a few wceksa JJfl 18 inst rflfVIVfirin 7 fmm a BJM ffV f - . . 7 . "a4" wut I cuy io visit nis uromer, liev. j . u. ay - Inr Wo Ivarn that, ha mil) ;n . v a www uww mw ww tit awe. v w tu waAw course of two or three days. Tnrown ff01u a Bu and Badly 1ms morning, about 11 o'cIock, Doctors W. G. and G. G. Thomas were thrown fr0m a buggy and seriously injured. The horSQ atUched to the buggy became fa " W4" VL "u Orange streets and started off in a brisk I A. . 1 a 4. 11. iuu up rroub sireuu At inv comer OI Dock the reins broke and the buggy was turned over, throiDg the occupants on the Belgian stones with which the street is paved. The two gentlemen were pick. ed up and carried to the office of Messrs Adrian ; Vollers, where surgical assist- nce was rendered. Dr. W. G. Thomas was injured about his right thigh and re- iveu 801110 "ouy. ut ml i i . jt i luuiuu arm was epraiucu ana nisi face badly gashed. It is a wonder that both were not killed. The buggy was very badly broken. W e trust that the injuries I sustained by the gentlemen will not prove I to be as severe as is now supposed. rjT Court. I - - A son of the Emerald Isle, who hA thin mnrnintr rhartrfid with HiBnMpri- I o "J loud and hagUjmu cDg and wholesale abuse of city officials In con- - .. , . - . - Mavor laid on or ten davs in th r. P t tu u . Clerk, and thereunon one of the fftm. twia Bak brothtn, a sable-hued indi- mvim viaaai wno cioseiy resetnblea the end man . VAhnJM : .... . .. .. . ! . C i TT- . ., , . Ui W CMipa W1U ID- vadinS the prirate premises of a citizen l. QQ f treet . lauguagc, ucsiuca reiuaiog-u leave When ..j. v . uriiKrau oil liib urauiucs. inn ii a w entenoed the defendant to pay $20 fine or remam lnlrV in We wt7 n. ...... ... - ln default of payment of the fine the A retail merchant being arraigned upo triutiim jut uui mi yJ aia UCense tax, handed oyer the delinquent tax and thus procured his release. This ended the proceedings of the Mayor's Court for the 26th day of J anuary, A. D., 1880. . Ghmtmaa fire Dogs and fire Irons T!l! V V i I . . nDA. n 01 unu u wwnt iu vi cwa pneca ' review. DIED. LEM MERMAN In this city, January M, mo, MRS. 8ARAH Le MM ERMAif aged 63 J ears and 14 days. The relatives and friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services at the residence of her husband, Capt. H. T. Lemmermaa, on, above Sixth street, to-morrow afternoon, (Tues day) at 3 o'elock. Not? Advertisements. Notice. r m W mm m - - - - . . . 1 t Columbia A August Sail road wfl loMt at tueir sice, in the City of Wilmins ton, at 10 A. A., Tuesday, 10th of February n it, and n the sucoetdinflr day at their of fice in Florence. . C, at 10 A. If., to trans act business pertaining to their reorganize uon. j an zs-ti Organs and Organetto JECEIV D ALMOST DAILT, which we j are sslling at remarkably low prices. A complete stock of Echool Sooks, Blank Books and Stationary always on hand, at jan 26 Book Store; Notice. mflERE WILL BE A MEETING of the .Lw. t. itock of thft Dlin CM4l .t the Produce Exchange to-morrow, (TUES DAT ) afternoon, at 3.39 o'clock, for the pur pose of selecting a Committee to represent them in New Hanover County and also to ap- point a Collector and Treasurer. The sub scribers will also take into consideration the time and plaee far permanent erf anlzstion. mmm mm m Tfi08e wrtsa or in lavor or progrestiTe I T ihvtted to attend .he jan 26-lt Training: Schools for Qppking. QUR P. 1 .HEREBY acknowledges a com- I ltlinintirw Annw nf a SinMl n9 fhm Otm. I . missioner of Education, on the subject abore meitioned. The Commissioner "evidently means business" when he sends instructions to the GREAT GROCERY ESTABLISH MENT of P. L. Bridgers & Co.' WilmingrtoD, N. C, HowtoCook Bacon, Flour, Potatoes, Irish, . Potatoes, Sweet, Cheese, Maccareal, Bitter, Eggs, of which we sell daily such immense quanti ties. We must respectfully decline theinvita- tion to address the National Academy for the v. J u business must be attended to before pleas- urt But we hTd aft7 wa7 tioduction to the tactical DiieCtiOllfl, which look out next week), that the ! reqttirement ef sucoeisfil eookingis SOMETHING Q00D TO COOK! and this the Commissioner has failed to ens aerate. Now, if yon ever get hungry, er EYER EXPECT TO BE HUnaRY do not fail to inspect tke Splendid Assortment ! or . DRINK ABIii POTABLES ! and CAimBIS! OnExMbiUonaad forialaby P. L. BRIDGERS & GO, 23, 24, 25 Sc S8 Front tfc jaati no untain Boll Butter "pRESH AT) CHOICE 26, 1880. NO. 299 t17et7 Advertisements. Boatwright & ItlcKoy AUG PREPARED " TO OFFER GOODS AT WHOLE SALE AS LOW AS HE WHO ' SELLS LOWEST. We vS-tr you this week 100 Bt1 Befine ?ocr 200 Bbls Cub MoIa"98' 150 B"p,Dtfl ' OA AAA I-bs D 8 C B Sides, f Tubs Lard, i 200 BoxeB f,ndle 100 ?0IeB Cand7 OAA Pack as Crackers, OW Boxes and Barrels 500 Cel Canned Goods, 500 Bb! Flou"' 100 Or0M Mtchea' jOO Casm Ly nd ptah, 200 BbI PUntin Potatoes. Our stuck o racemes. BOTH Sta Die and Pnn rU. T S " "'JJ is Large and Complete. We propose this season to mike a Specialty of t Planting Potatoes. Our stock of is unsurpassed. Call sad see us before purctasirg and enquire prices.- Boatwiiffht & HcKoy. O Cl 7 XTortb Front Otrett. jan 28 AND 5000 Sacks liverpool Salt I 6500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano ! Now landing and lor sale lew-by ." WilUams & Miircliisoii. jan 31 Gelling Off !i fTlHB BXLASOS OFOHS IU1CEJT8S STOCK OF FALL AfJD ViriTEQ CLQTlimQ ssist go at almost any price to taake room for tt Spring Ctles, Bargslej may be bad. All must be sold, Call mi g ,t tbe re jLaicfutor Iuced prices, at , . enzmz's tuo eiczzs,- jra 9 ' JPLEABE 50TICE. We will be glad to receive eommunlcatloni from our friends on any and all subjects) general interest but: The name of the writer must always be To? nishedto the Editor. I QCommnnicetloni rnnat be written on onlw one ride of the paper. PeraonaJitiee'nmst be avoided. And it is especially and particularly "unier- stood that the Editor does not alwajtendo the views of correspondents, unless io state in the editorial columns. New .Advertisemonts. Removed. J)R. W E- STORM has removed Ms offiv-e from the residence of the late Dr. W. D. - 1 rreemaa to one djoining McRae 4 Strange's, near corner of Third and Markot streets. jan 23-6 A OARD.HaTinirtbii day entered in') an agreement with Messrs. . BOEY A SONS, by which thev are to bur nd and I am to manufacture Me.I, Fe4rl I op nj, riour, e., at tne uape rear Mi or ' d Fearl Hominy Mills, I would renpertfa'ij t licit all my former customers to f Tor tn u with their patronage, assurieir thtu, tht tl Goods will be as represented, aLd romt at tention given to all their orders. KespectfnllT, ALEX. OLD Hi M, Proprietor C. F. F. and P. II. M. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR OFFICB to tbe Cane Fear Flour and Pearl Horn. iny Mills, corner Nutt and Walnut streets. where, in addition to our Naval Stores and OATBTnfsUin Ttnssinastss .V.. ' w m UBIUOCD TV vj y i ,UAli( IUl manufactures of said Mills, and by prompt attention, fair prices, and with the bestcf stock we hope to merit a liberal share of pat ronage. U. BOriEY A 808. jan 23-tf The Place to Buy FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN", on the Instalment Plan, and at prices lower wmu uie lowest, is at tne LIVE BOOK STORE. For Blank Books; J APER, ENVELOPES, Inks, Mucilase Inkstands, Pens, Pencils, Letter Files and Clips, and anything in the Book and Sta turnery Line, go to HEINSBERGER'S, jan 19 Live Book and Music Store. . New Hat Store. JPJECEIVED YESTERDAY BY NEW T02K STEAMER, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE STYLISH 80FT AND 8TIFF HATS, CHEAP. Call and examine. JOHN M. ROBINSOy. 13 Front at,, South of Purcell House jan 24 AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT RI. m. KATZ'S- 36 Market St. It is . Economy to Buft Soinetliiiiff Uscitil ! ON HAND, FOR THAT TURIOSE GrOODSy Shawls, Cloaks 3 -. . - !.' CorscU) CrlOVCS, Collars and .Cuffs TIEI, T0VELS,BiAPKIMS I -DAMASKS BRUSHES, COTJIBSf ? Iroa i ceits up'J BIBX. BOWS. FLANNELS," MEN'S ARD DOYS1 WEAR. RIBBOHSsl . And honlredj'of Articles too fiamtroxut mention. So tirac la cay of these Goodi. Sate aostj tad gtt tms&isg ueful b ungcj r7-:--..... fori A?XAT7fiaTJ3i 2T7ETJIiT 'dA-Trir. Jew Terk. jam 24-et headache and neuralgia. : .i :. i t . . . 1 Jacoms.

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