J m . gROTHER MNE OF KF.VICO LbShD4rrT mod holy . v.t the frowned npi; fl. -kttny Ju.t f..r fun- -J" crow.' -Nt. iMfoaMlW and Ml. I . ...-r Dun ul.-u you Came. 1 IM1 ft" ...1 I.-' V.. ... . r ..fllo lm kt-ii. A ? Li . .V-tVi w.en-f. I k" . , f i;i..thr !- of KeiiBHi.? VnjCbioBicI-. liecfinber Zvtti. A l A LI FO KM A KOMAME. HoW JiAu anu Ulic inch juu inimi a vii r A- I Tn - Tf an Separation. Oae of thoee etrao;e vpiarde it. I as),n 'ife which tnak us toimtiinieH )lufr IUD ririui" t-.u-,i."-w r- - ,rnrrd !t night th V.II j. j unction. The tide beirtr low on il tit t1 cf 1Kb Contra Col. iapcn-g-r for VUio were on rope lied to ruke quite descent from the wharf to the uoat.and the ladieJi-rtqnircd as nnr.coa of the gentlemen picsent. A MrG.a grain speculator, was.doiDg i he agreeable iu this respect, and one i f tb Ia-t ladies to dei c-nd was over tnrdened with a few bundles, "hicb betook charge of and accompanied tbe lad j to the cabin, where thej s t and Dgged 1Q conversation. The subjeet finally touched upon the ne Uvity of each, when it was found tl at they were both from tbe svue town in Kentucky. Thia fact nhde rach more communicative, wueu ut- irqm'red her name, which was giver as jura u. lmmeaiaieij hjo geun - man grew pale and excited, and oeked: lea had a atugnier, aia you noir I did she responded Tray how did you know that? Is that daughter living ? She is, and at present on a visit to friends in YiUiejo, where I aia now coing- .... ... Mereiful heavens i n? gaspta. "iiy ehild I' SirT said the lady riaicg; 'what do j on mean ? $ 'Mean 7 be crazily replied, 'ilofln? Why 1 mean that daughter is my own child and that you are mj wire I Almost overpowered at this oonfei sion, she plied him with questions to every one of which he returned a cor reot answer, when she was convinced that the man was really her husband, from whom she had been separated twenty years ago. It seems the twain were married in Paris, Ky, in 1858, and fifteen months afterward he went to Liverpool on business. Tbe vessel on which he took passage was wrecked and all on board were supposed to have periibed. The news coming' to the young wife's ears, she was utterly pros trated, and was ordered to California by her physicians. Arriving here, ehe took up her residence in Los Angeloa. The husband was picked up irpm the wreck by a fishing smack and taken to soma remote foreign port, where he was thrown upon a bed of sickncFs, which lasted some fifteen months. In the meantime he had written repeated Iv to his wife, but received no answer. fn his despair he concluded to rik a loorney across tbe Atlantic .tee Die as ha was he shipped before the mast on a sailing' Yeetel, and in due time 'arrived in Kew Yoik. From there he WiUW M4CV tiwca iu uio ", tsu oeiTsd no answer. Almost frenzied at the thought that she might be dead and being without funds and ca friends, he 'faced his fare o ear to Ktntocky, and shortly after arrived at Paris. Inquiries thronghout tbe town assured him' that bis wife had disap peared a year or so before, no one knew whither. Seme said she had )gone to search for her busbar d, others that she might be dead, and others that she had gone to California lie sought tbe old family phv6ician, but he had left tbe town some time before. Mr. U tben went to work at Louisville and made enough to bring him to California a jetr af Ur his arrival in Kentucky. He searched everywhere for bis absen wife, but without suoccss. and finally gave her up as dead; and she also had mourned for his 'death. R either, however, bad married again, and last evening on board the Centra Costa waa the firtt intimation either had that the othrr was in exiatenoe. The cow happy con pie arrived here 1 last night, and to the surprise of the I friends of the lady, she introduced her husband, from whom she bad ib-ten sepsrated twenty years. But imagine ma uimiutaoie turpi! e and joy when the xsother led iato the psilpr. a beautiful joang lady his hwn daughter, whom be Lad not seen sicca she was a babe. Father, mother and cm Id will leave tomoirow for 8w Franc&eo, where Mr G, mho is I pow a comparatively wealthy man, has I i boaineas, and where they will Cereaiter reside. AwwerThU. Did you evtr know any person to be ill, without ioaction of the Stomach. Liter or kiJoeja, or did you tcr know one who was wall when either was ob structed or inactive; and did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters wsnld cot cure? Aik your neighbor this same question Ph n, ,nlr tJM quite niuiliue. Y"uT,rri"t time.' lll-m-'' rliiirrli m.-)V L'rnw A"1 Til Man butw..na. " Jil i:r.Knrr 1-mh.oI KeiisM-.. An Important Personal Item. Charles S. Prentice, of Toledo, O, went to Pari and thence, to England to h treated for CrifrhtV dipe-ase, aud af ler tb t-est pltyHcijiis f rH'h countriei1 U.i co enu icc-y tur.iu lur ir.ui, gave up in It')'r nd reMi-nrti o America to lie. IU r i.e. reteivtrl furihtr treHtme'nt from otiur skillful pKciaLS without ben ht. and wnile 'listU'nly lingf ring in pain and anguish, ad i.e K iys, heard of the Safe KiJuey and Liver Cure, took it, and waa completely cured in a few weeks. He give circumstantial details of his 'ainfttl experience and astonishing cure, in a loiiif letter to II. IT. Warner & Co. which will be forwarded on applicaiiou. ifiiuorianito me ACllcted. " r Wo would aHIso al!wLo may net d ti e dwice r.f a phyMfan, o either call or nt to D-. 1L-, ,tit in, 5v Hutaw St., li'tiiu r'. AM.. v'i rn i", years i'XJm-lift- in H.p:,al ai. Nj"cial Practice, i.':aiMlti cure hi a :i ti leases of the Lrin ii 'j (i.-'.f t.l :" NorvuUS ys u-m, iuic ul rC i;.ii.;il VfknHjSr lm j.:tr c, (!". l -fi.u I'OAfr), Nervous thl:lirj uni tf n:t !li i'.il; it iticn of fhc II-r't, s'iii" . -.f ;' r i i!! ir!""t, No, - ill I'-.uUj !" ir.'iiii ; ' ;ii n: inh(o J ; J '"tnl .ilivts's tjtiickl - irrdu :f t-iits .f t'.e iii.-i;i is in this i of Ma" U- 1), '.tl re- vJn nil -kit, : 'rt::ttl. Ur. ii !ievt aiid !. i tii.' 'iv ( f .'i id euii.jl! Hi. ir.at cjIi p ! :pyii l.oiinrable (il C'-.i.. -.t;al tlr.iMui-i.. in mtiiri! ,itii lo .11 h n:.?!c ,.U!V.!ai;:t. t'njitA ac ? n;tji'HiatioiS fur ill ;liiti to call i il It l the boFt r.Iood rurifior. and stimnlatrs ovrry function to niorf lic althful actiuu, and is llius a rjn-ja in .111 fii-scas-. In i-li mi ati nut ho i in puri tics nfth'' Mood, the natural and notsary r-su!tis thtcnreorsTif ulons and mhtrxkin Kruptions and Jiiseast-s, lnrlndint; Canoprs. I'lcpra ana otnerns. IV5reii, Vi'kno of th Stomach, CYnRt I nation, D.7.7inpHs, r.pnoral Dthility, etc, are cured by the S.if It i tier. It is uucqualed us an apppt:r.pr and recti lar tonic- It is a medicine whichVhould he In every fam ily, and which, wherever uted, will save tbe puyoieot of many dectors' bills. Bottles of two sizes; prlcs. 50 cents and $1.00. Safe Item o- Iics arc sold by UriiKists and Dealers in ledieinc everywhere. EH. WARNER k CO., IToprietors. Korliewter, Y. 'Kfi-erid f.r Thmphlet aud Tvbtiiuouiali. CLYDE'S m- York AND Wilmhieton, N. O. teamship Line. , THE STEAM Eli C .A BE KEF ACTOR, . CAPT. JONES, flLL SAIL FKOH NSW TOUK SATURDAY, January 17 Shippers oas rely upon the promjt sailing of Ste&aera as adrertlsed. For Freight Engagements apply to TIIOS. E. BOXD, Sup't, Wilmlajfton, N. C. TIIE0. O. EGES, Freight Agent. A'ew York. WH. P. CLYDE A CO.. 35 Uroidwiy, Jfew Tork. jan 12 You Would Like to Know W UEIJEIOGO TO GET THE BEST Li.pcr, Oysters, Wines, Cigars, etc. Tie Xew Restaurant and Gakoa oper.ed by WILL WEST, in the Custom llouse AUy, bas the best of eyerythirg at very reasonable prices. 2ew, neat, clean Saloon, dec ! and! private is the Office WILL WEST, Proprietor. ON 30 BAYS TEIAL. We will sand our Electro Toltalo Belts and other Electric Appliance upon trial for 30 day a to those suffering fram Nerroua De bility, RhcamatUra, FaxaJralj or any diaeaeea of the Lirer or Kidney?, and many other dia eases. anre Cure irnamnteed or no par. Addrees. YO.LT I C BELT CO., Marahall, Mich. jan H Winberrv Oysters- THEY ARE GOOD sow. Ajioiher Imtal- "i I 9 r: lliiijii an 1-tod-iy 0 ment jtut receired.thijmorniag. It's cold nonghnow for Lot Whiikey and fat Oy iters. Free Luncherery day. at 11. o'clock. sept 28 JOHN CARROLL. Iliscollanoons H.T. HELHBOLD'S Compound Fluid Extract yiMiy PHARMACEUTICAL. SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR A LI DISEASES ! OF THE itMiiie i mm. For Debility, l5s of Memoiy, Jmlispo sitiou to Exert on or Business Shortness of Jir ath, Troubled with thoughts of Dis ease, L'imnf 8S of Vision, Pain iu the Back, dies', aud Ilead, Kusb of Blood to the Itead. Pate ountenauce and Dry Skin. these symptums are allowed to go on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and Con umptiou foliow. When the constitution becomes affected it requires the aid of an invtooratlns medicine to strengthen and toce'tip the system which "Helmbold's Buchu Ioes in Every Case. IIUBOLD'S BUCHU 16 CNEaVALLED By any remedy known. It is prescribee by the most eminent physician all over thd world, in . Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, i Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and ' Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Compjaint. Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, Paralysis, General Dl Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, ..' Lumbago, Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints. Headache, Pain in the ShouIders.Coueh, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a thousand other - painful symptoms, axe the orispring of Dyspepsia, ' HHliOLD'S HI (I 1 Invigorates tlie Stomacli, And stimaiates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleans ing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial wi'l be quite sufficient to convince tbe most hesitating of its valua ble remedial qualities. PRICE SI PER BOTTLE. Or Six Bottles Tor $5. Delivered to any address free frem ob servation. Fatienta,, may consult by letter, re ceiving the same ottention as by calling. - Competent Physicians attend to corre spondents. All letters should be addressed H. T. HELSTBOLD, Druggist and Chemist Philadelphia,. Pa. CAUTIONI See that the private Proprietary Stamp is on each feottle. - Sold Everywhere, lSJhrlj e foTJowiar qmotatloas raprasaat the olasals prieee ganerallr. la makiag up small orders higher prieea have to be eharg bavetobe abarrad 0AUU1AU uvrjy Double Anchor... liailU I ff - r i 11 10 II O 12 Double Ancho- 'A Standard Domertie... BACO.V North Carolina. Ham. 9 It.................. Shoulders, V n......... Hides, y a Wtstern Smoked liama....... Bid, V fi '.0 U 6 13 12 6 6 0 Shouldera..... Dry Salted Hidea, V B 7 5 shoulders, ff B. ...... BEEF Lire weight...y.M.M. HA RRELS Spirits Tirpentine 1X9 8cpnd Hand, each- 1 25 New York,eack, neir.M:... 1 75 aEs8WAI V 20 ti HICKS . Wilmington, f M 8 00 60 86 21 010 00 Northern OU or B UTTEl North Carolina B Northern, V b CANDLES y pel my ih.-. 12 18 26 Q Q 18 25 40 11 .14 16 11 SO 20: 20 60 60 Tallow y in - Adamaauii, fleet., 9 O 13 O 14 Q 10 Q 28 Q 18 O WAQ 76 O Jlcrthern Faeiory, lb -vairT cream, w tP rttte, V lb OOf FKi JaTa,V th. dio, if rb a, K ORN Ml EAL-T buahe!.... COTTON TIE8- y$ bdl... :OMESTlC -8iititing, 44 f yard..... Var.i, buneb ............... O 7 o 020 00 49 9 00 4900 00 6 MJ 49 8 6G 49 3 25 49 00 49 0 O 00 O S 60 6 50 H 00 7 26 T 75 49 8 26 00 00 00 00 61 00 40 00 45 00 47 09 40 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 O00 00 67 60 10 o o 95 JT.BF M-.errel, N. 1, "9 bbl..M16 00 So. 1, V H bbl 8 75 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl.... 12 60 3, V bbl ..... 6 00 Maeterel, No. 3 V bbL....OO 00 Mullets, V bbl J3 00 S. C. herrinfi:, kog....... 6 60 Drr Cod, f? lb . T FLOUR Fine. bbl 0 00 Super,' Northern, bhl... 6 00 Extra do bbl... 6 00 Family " V bbl... 7 00 City MUlEx,.8uper bbl... 7 00 " Family V bbl... 7 50 " Ex. FamilTlbbl... 8 00 SERTILIZERS Perurian Uuano, 7 2000B)i.60 00 ttaugh's Khotphate M " 00 00 Carolina Ferbhaer " Ground Don?, Bone Meal " " Flour " NaTaasa Guano, " Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate " 46 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 35 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 " 00 00 Wando Phosphate, Berber A Eruti'f Rob. Wiloox, Gibb k Co., ma nipulated Guano. M.....-.4a DO GLUE f? Ib 8 GRAIN Corators,5as 75 Corn, cargo, 56 fca.... 9 Oorn,yeL, w buaheL....... Nona. Oats, ? buihel.,.. .....(M. 65 Peas, ww, 1 buahtl. &5 HIDES Graan, f? 2 4 Dry, fi . ,10 HAY Eastern, ? 100 Jha 10 North Rirer. 100 lha 1 nn 11 25 49 HOOP IRON V.toa....... 80 00 49 LAKU northern " n 73 noruutroasa jt ID....... 11 LIME V bbl .T. 90 LUMBER City 1 team aa'wd Shipstaff,rtawed,1Mft.l8 00 Rough edge plank. ? M f i. 16 00 Wast India cargo, accord ing to quality, ? M ft... 12 00 Dressed flooringeasoned.16 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, V M ft... ........ .....12 00 MOLASSES OmbaJihdf7gl 32 Cuba, bbls., "O gal.. 36 Sugar house, hhds. B gal. 2 1 7 " bbls. ? gal... 22 Orleans Choice bbls. V gaL 35 NAILS Cut, 20dto4d,wk?g 2 60 OILS Kerosene, ? gal...... 13 Lard, V gal a 1 10 Linseed, f? gal..........M.M. 1 00 Roain, V gal PEANDTS f? buaheL. 90 P0TAT0E3-8wet,B bus. 00 Irish, Northern, ? DM..... 2 00 PORK Northern, city xsess.13 00 Thin, ? bbL 99 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra) i 00 00 O 00 20 00 18 00 014 00 26 00 14 00 O O 45 O 3 50 1 45 1 10 20 1 35 O 60 2 60 00 00 00 00 UIF f WA ........... RICE Carolina, V lb, Kump, fjf DDi.M.M....MM....oe W 00 00 1 00 00 o o 7 - a,ast imaia, f s.. 00 1 16 4 MAUW-WUUMJ, v Ml ,v.u. 1H r 4M.....M..MM....... V4. lXO 70 80 O 00 o o 70 O 100 10 M-sU HaI eeeaea SALT Alum, ? lack 00 60 00 1 40 00 10 00 11 10 2 26 iarerpooi, aack......... American Jf sack Marshal's fine, sackM.M. Cadiz V sack.... ......... BUGaB Cuba, y S.....M Porto Rico, V S. eeeeee- A- Cofise, 9 lb. ....... ...... B " ft.. O " Vfi). 8 9 O Ex OV fi.M O o o o o Cruihed 0 fi). BOAP Northern, "ff 1 ft SHINGLES Contract, VP 00 Common, ff M n M 1 60 HTAVE3 W. O. bbL 9 M.10 00 R O hhd. SE.. M..MM..00 00 TALLOW 9 TIMBER Shipping ff M ...10 00 Mill, extra per M.. 8 60 Mill, prims jxrM 7 00 Mill, fair per M 6 00 Common, per M.........4 00 Inferior to Ordinary ,perM 3 00; WHISKEY North' n, per gl 1 26 North Caroina, per gal... 1 60 WOOL Unwashed, per 2 20 Waahed. sar lb 26 Burrr wool. tSr S.M..MM It 16 00 00 00 o 00 12 00 10 76 O 8 00 O 6 60 & 4 60 Q I 00 O 3 60 O 3 M O 25 28 17 CHAS. KLEIN, DnieMer Hi CaM Hater. Princess Street, in Basement of th , Journal Building, WILMINGTON, JT. a A fin assortment of Coffins and Cas kets constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished. ' Orders by. tele graph er mail promptly filled. ' nor ft NOTICE TO MERCHANTS' AMD OTHERS! NevvMob Printing Office I rpHE UNDERSIGNED, haviag leased th Presses. Types and Material of the Diilt Hituw Job Printing Office, beg to sl- nounee that he is folly prepared i do every deacription of Plain, and Ornamental Print ing, in good style and at lew rates. A share of the pubi e vatroaage is rerpect ullr solicited. SatUfauTtkm guaranteed in every inaianoa. "Neat and Quick and Cheap is the motto of this office. Of&oia Bitu bsdldiag, S. W. Cornet Wti and Cbeatnut streets. Orders by Telephone will receive promp attention. ' t Any kind of printing carefully exseut for persons residing out of the city and mails : jo them free of poatage. Address all commaaicatlons to z EDQAR B. WARROCK, Job Printer, Wilmington, If. C. mov 15 IliscoUanoouB. Ayer's rair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. - It is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for preserving the hair.' It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, ordeep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always' cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands arc not decayed ; while to brashy,' weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. . ' y , ,, -t . The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair,' The Vigor is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye,' and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and asi an article for the toilet it is economi cal and unsurpassed in its excellence. rJlEl'ARED B" . - Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,, t Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD ST AUj 2BUtfISTS EYEIU'WHIKE.' Janl CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDCN E TRADE KIAKCmi. nRttA,TRADE MARK English Rem edy, An un failing cure for cieminal W e a k n ess, 8 p ermatorr b.ea,izn poten cy, and alldis- BEFQ8E TAKltlC.easea thatfol-AFTCR TAC118. low, as a sequence of Self-Abuse; as Loss 1 n - l v . j ts J nxvuivrj, universal i ?Biiuue, riu ia uio iSick, Uunnees of Vision, Premature via Age, and many other Diaeaeea that lead, to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature GraTe. Pull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. tea. The Specific Medicine is sold by druggie ta at $1 per package, or sLt pack ages for $5. or will be cent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE CRAY MEDICI WE. CO.. Mechanic's Block, Detroit, Mich. $sa Sold in Wilminetonirand erery where Dy ail druggists. oct ii-awiy. ; fl A MAA Stol.Uever and Booilonly rlMNUO $14 to $255. ORGANS 13 Stops, 3 set Beeds, 2 Knee Swellstool, Book, only $08. Holiday Newspaper Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ill ington, .N. J. jan 14 y A GENTS WANTED for the Beet and .fXTast.eBt SellingPlctoral Books and BibleJ Prices reduced 93 per cent. National Pub lishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. jan 14 AGENTS READ THIS. We want au Aj-crtt in this County to whom we .vili-pay a salary of $100 "per month and x',)evisesj to sell onr wondaiul invention." Sarapk-. free. Address at once SHERMAN & CO,--Marshall,' Michigan. jan 14 m returns la -30 dra n S100 kblZUUTestcd. Otficial report a jd infor mation fkek. I. ike profits wjt.kly cb Stock options of 10 to S50. Address. T. Potter Wight A Co., Bank er?, 35 Wall St., N. Y. jan E4-4w $25to $5000; Jti'IldotulrfpiUd la wu st iy lam lowia tlon for fortaoe .r.r, vnk. nd vmym lmmena xrofitn tr the New CapiMilK.tioa Sy.tm of operating I n Stnrka. Pull aiplsnation on applica- kao to ADAM. Biowv a Oo.. B.akeri. 38 isroM ut.. . x. 1 5 POUNDS GAiriED IN 3 WEEKS. Messrs Craddock A Co. - 1032 Race 8treet. Philadelphia Pa. Gentleman Please send me twelve bottles of Dr H James Cannabis Indica, one each ofPiUsajid Ointment -for a friend of mine who is not expected to live, and as your medicines cured me of Consumption some toree years ago, I want nim to try to em. i gained fifteen pounds while taking the first tnree Dotues. ttespectruiiy, J. V. HULL, jan 14 La wrenceburg, Anderson Co, Ky nailed Free for 35 cts. 010,000 SAFETY LA1IP. Four for SI. $10,000 will be paid to any pert on wno can explode Lamp with our PATENTED A rents SAFETY ATTACHMENT. Wanted! May use any any lamp or burner. Prevents dripping and heating. Send for samples, with aize of collar and oeptn or lamp. 8. 8. Nbwtob's Rxnrr Lamp Co., 13 West Broadway, New York. Factory and Office, Binghamton, N Y. jan H aw trxrw ELASTIC TBUSS b rtp .boa, Willi Bllia cmlar, xUptoi tMif U naiitioM f tbm Mr, vkii. th Q Jtoltf ttcpr fc th. with thm Vkaw. WHk Ifefet a. Mil Dy wmUm umm EGGLEST05 TRUSS CO CUcage, IO. ml i INSTITUTE. f XrfaUkW! 18Tf far tU n f 11 -"" 1 i Pr. F. I P05D, Aurora, Xane Cet UL , Bail Road Lines, &c. ii,aaBSsjasiSs" WILMINGTON & WELDOni RAILROAD Omoi o Gaa'L 8pfjimti not Wiiiningtoo, N. O., Not JI3J, J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE'. On and after 8unday, Nor. 23d, lt7?, Pawenger trains on the Wilmington A Wei don Railroad will run as follows : DAY HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, d . Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. 6 R0A a Arriye at "W eldca at i ; '5 1 P a Leave Weldnn.-........-.. , 3 0 Y Arrive at WiluiLxi tu-, vi ;.t o Dept at ' i' J. NIGHT MAIL Alii) 'EXPftLNn i h . DAILY. Leave Wilmington, Froat Ibu - Depot at... Arrive at Weldcn at ? b, A Leave Weldon, Arrive at Wilmington, Ft ol; 3u Depot at .. . ! Trains on Tarboro Branch K ( . iv - Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 6.1" ' . and Tuesday, Thursday and riatan v . A M. Returning, leave TAitx.n v AM daily, and Monday, Wedn-. d. Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes clone c.t . . WTeldon for all points Nort . ' .' . daily, (except Sunday) and lau, t t.vL mond and all rail route. . Night train makes close conc3ction ei Weldon for all points north via Ki-rhmc rd. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Traint. JOHN F. DIVINE, G3neral Suot.'ff; nov 22 GenM Sup'ts Office. WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AU ' fCGUBTA RAILROAD CO. -WUmlncton, N. C, Nov 22t.l.S7i ' OHANQE OF SCHEDULE On and after Sunday, Nov. 23, tie fol lowing achedule will be run on this roai: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN, daily. Leave Wilmfngton.... 9 40 A 11 Arrive at Florence. 2 0) P M Leave Florence........ HO P M Arrive at Wilmington 8 iO P U NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily). , Leave Wilmington.. 10 13 P It Leave Florence 2 21AM Arrive at Camden Junction.,. 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia 9 00 A M Leave Columbia. 5 CO P M Leave Camden Junction... 12 00 M Leave Florence 2 30AM Arrive at Wilmington....... 6 30 A M This Train, stdps only at Flenungton, Whiteville, Fair Bluff," and Marion. . Passengers for Columbia, and all points oi G. A C. R. R and in Western North Carol! ns, via Columbia and Spartanburg, should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Passengers for Augusta should take Night Express Train, which connect closely vit Florence, Charleston Junction and Csmdta Junction. . , 'fST' Through Sleeping Cars on all night trails for Charleston, Augusta and Colum bia. V Trains leaving Wilmington Ealurday nights do not make any connection for Col. umbia. ' JOHN F. DIVINE, General Kupt. nov 22 of V. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO Omoi Qin&iL 8c?bsibtibsibt, Wilmington, N. &, May 18, 1879 Change; op Schedule, ON AND AFTER THIS date, tbe Mlow-i ing Schedule will be operated on this Railway : Passenger, Mail and Express Train. Leave Wilmington at.... 7:00 P M Arrive at Hamlet at....... 2:27 A M " at Charlotte at... t:20 A M Leave Charlotte at.......M8:25 P M. Arrive atBamletat. 1:33 A 1 " at Wilmington at 9:60 A K Close connection made at Hamlet with, trains Of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line Rail way. - Shelby Division Hail, Freight A Tafsenge in - i and Express. ; r q 1 Leave Chsrlotte.. 8:4U A J AIIiTV LTUVIVJ WW JL wie 1 Leave ShelbT 1:1 5 P MT ao10- Arrive at Charlotte......... 6:05 P SL Vi U. JOHNSON, mar 17 Gener 1 8cieriatesdent. DON'T FORGET THAT THIS Boston 5:rand 10 Cents Store, IS THE ONLY, EXCLUSIVE JSTORB of the kind;in the;state. And the Cheapest Place to Buy TIM, GLASS AHDIWOQDEHiWARE CROCKERY. And 999 Offtf-T MOUSEEEPirJG ARTICLES I Merchants. m- Hew Goods received daily at No. jan 7 North Front street. i Old wspapers QUANTITY OF.OLD NETTSPAPS3 or vrappiag, oflered for filecicapit the 1 79. . It 2 DAILT EE VIEW OFFICB