THIS PI FEB pud i0II. T. J AM E, ujasciurnosrosTAOKPAia oti. l 55 i M BBOnUl M MtMm rn. opr will be delivered by carriers, rMlUw,UMJ P"of the city, at in. rau.,ornprwetk. -ldT.rtrat.ow and liberal .j,ttberibri wi" pleae report any d U rUr 1 receive ineir papers regularly. flew Advertisement. " T880 ! Q RAND AX9X?TJAXs CLOSING SALE I S20WN & RODDICK. 45 market St. yETAKE THIS OPl'OllTCNITV OF ihking the general 'public for their very libera' patronage daring the put year, and t call particular attention to our ANNUAL CLOSING SAE ? OP WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON 4 January, 12th. Great Reductions - wlllbenade la order to effect our object. Onr patrons may reit assured that the redactions are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, SllEWlS ClOSkS j CASHMERES FOR . MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Felt Skirts, LADIES, GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham burg Zdg iBft and laertlons that we have hew, la erderto make room for our new I toek I . I BKOWN & EODDICK. 4B Market Otrsat JaalO 1 I Fresh Every Day, a 1.1 AoauTf tuiw, r reach and Domeetie. jut received and for eaia. TAB 05LT GENUINE HOME-MADE Caadr ia the city, will be found every day, freeh and iwMt, three doon 8outh of the fetofiee on Seeond afreet. Aim, NnU, Kautaa, rnat, Ac c. e. jlvk, Jm13 Nea the Pot tofllce. Lavender Water, XTSKBZ3A WATER. New lot freeh drug! aad a fall and complete stock of Fancy Arti v cle for the Holiday Trade. Everythiag f aaraateed freh, para and of bet quality. C. MILLER, Corner 4th and un tiue;U. Opea day and nlrht. ICjaa IW Lower than Ever. f ARQE STOCK OF OAS, ASH, Ac. at f reatly redaeed pric. Fall stock of the bet COAL ia the city I very lew Indeed. J 21 SPRINGER. I .- I iOIlOy S 1.00&CC0 btOrC I TFTOU WA5TTBEBE.HT5 and 10 et. A. CTfar to to OONIT'S where yo will find I m irfMt eeiecuoa oi iBportedaatf Dome a ujrara, Chewtar and Haosiac- Tbaeco. uuiMMa wui rieae renemotr that 1 ot keep opea ea Handayi, therefore thrte who with to purchase my gooda wiU hate v mm w aini ue weel. J tt WALTER COX ET, A HQUSEKOID NEED. A THE LIVER, its diseases ttair treatoneat .Mat free. Indoditg bmHmm Liver Complal&ts, Torpid Liver, Jaundice, BlUloasne, Heaoache, Cowtipa! r1J& iJr. BawTerk. jaallt a wm ev r w a or ar a n r r i VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. G., TUESDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. Hew Advertisements. Fee ad Rerrebenta. PHniramui lloyt's G erman Cologne. Clyde's New York Steamship Line. Hee ad Meeting of Btoctbolders of Wil mingtn, Columbia & Auutta kailrcai, A. As 1. HaatEa Kellmg Offl Loub; Lonjeroy. As You Like I M u l iy. Wit iluw (ii.ts i rios. TLe front oi ihu luco cJ. ii.ea at lUlTur t New MxiKct is Cotton futurts a-lvanctd twenty five joints in Now York to-day.. Knives and Turks, lcket Knives See.., hrthe CaiMren at Jacmiis. Baque Stanley, for this port, sailed from Liverpool on the 10? h inst. Barque Kristiuc, Jauaen, lot this port, sailed from Greenock on the 12ib.irst. Brig Silas N. Martin, Brown, hence, arrived at New York on the 24ih inst. Schooner 1'oU Loj, Gott, hence, ar rived at Mayagucz Dec 27tb. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at J coin's The box sheet at Ileiusbf.rger's for the operetta ok Frid.iy night is fil'ing up pretty rapully. Mi!ton Nobles has au eniMiietnent in this city on tho eveuiegs of the Gth and 7th of next month. Owioj to the inclenieut weather, the anrtinn sals of the Charitv Quilt at lleinsberger's did not come off last night. Schooner Km bj Jf. Nay lor t Fisher, from Belfast. Me.; for this port, was a Dutch Islaud Harbor on the 22nd inst. Language interspersed with foreign words and .bich sounding terms shows affectation and draws ridicule upon the speaker. The Storm Signal still flaata here this afternoon with. the wind from the South east. Signals were ordered - do'wn this fre,oon at Fensacola and Cedar Keys. Mr. 2. F.Ibompson, who has been confined to the hcuse for a week or two past with an ankle severely sprained, bar, we are pleased to see, once more appeared at h.s post. He moves painfully, how ever, as yet, even with the aid of crutches Thankee ! Again we are under obligations to Mr. John Carroll, of the Cosmopolitan, for a bucketcf those superb Winberry oysters, fresh from the New Rivet gardens.' Mr. I rt ii i r it.. .. . : varruu is ageut utrio mr lueao ujMcra iu the bucket and will receive orJers for them ahead, to be filled on Tuod.y and I'Friday of every week. Every bucket of oysters which passes through Lis hands . . is guaranteed. Save your money bv buvin? our Build ing SuppUesfrom Altafler & rrice. t -The Sick Ones. We regret to learn that Mr. John C. Bailey, woo has been ill for a long time at his residence in this city, is considered ai desperately sick, ard his friends and family are very much alarmed as to ' the final result. Wo are glad to hear that Mr. Geo, Z. French, whoso serious illness at his plan tation at Rocky Poict was reported by us yesterday.has been pronounced belter an 1 his condition is now considered favorable. A Good Beginning. We learn that some of the members of come interested in the establishment of regular religious exercises and instruction at a place about vj miles from Magnolia ia Duplin county. R.v. Dr. Patterson has visited that bectija and preached on one or two occasions, much to the edifica' Uon and satisfaction of the people. On Sun("J,ast a Sunday School with' between fifty and sixty runils was orcauized at which reluioua iastructioa will be regu laincd ever Sunday. It was organized thtvugh the efforts of Mr. Jvhn AltxaLder, a venerable member of the alluded tc. We learn from him that Mr. Joseph Graves, who lives in the vicinity indicated, has donated two acres of land fur church purposes and has fciven the neceisarytimbe? foj the build iog, and that other neighbors and friends have subscribed dfiite liberally towaid3 A. , r.w v i j " the completion cf the church edifice. The building will probably U finUhed feme- DAILY Freight Business. It is perfectly evident that there is a good deal of business dona in this vicini ty from the fact that the different raiU roads leading to this city are doing an immense freighting business. We learn from Capt. Knight, Master of Traospor tition for the W. & WI and VV. O & A. Riilroads.that both lines are transporting very heavy freight trains every day. The Commercial League. Gen. M. P. T ylor has, e understand nraived tha anuointment as uenei 1 Agant 'for North Carolina of the Com dismal -League, anew plan of matual lite insurance. This plan presents many feat ures. both of cheapness and security, which '.will .commend it to the insurer G m Taylor is one of the most experienc ed insurance men in the State and will bring an intelligent energy and applica tion to the business which must iusure l access. ' Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Flutine Machines and every sort of fl irdw are at lowest sort of cash prices a Jaccbi's. Rev. Dr. Mendelson. We are haDDV to learn that the most friendly relations continue to exist between the above named gentleman and his con gregation. About New Year's w Irean that Henry Brunhild, Esq , on behalf of a committee, presented Dr. Mendelsohn with a well-filled Durse as a token of m their appreciation and as a New Tea gift. Another and stronger, evidence of their regard was manifested on Sunday evening last when a meeting was held by .the congregation for the purpose of elect l lg a minister for the ensuing year. They deviated from their usual rule and unanimously elected Dr. Mendelsohn for two years as Minister of the Temple of Israel, which was, perhaps, the greatest compliment and most marked evidence of their appreciation of his services which could be shown. A committee was ap pointed to notify the teverend gentleman of his election and it is to be hoped that he will accept j The Rain storm. , For the first time in many months this city and section have beeu visited with a copious rainfall. It began raining on Sunday about noon but it did not put in very "big licks until late yesterday afternoon when it began to fall in earnest It continued throughout the night ana has rained somewhat to-day. The entire amount which has fallen, up to noon of to-day, foots up 2.78 inches The indications are that it haa extended all over this Bection and into the interior of the State, in which case there will be a glorious freshet in the r.iver within a few days. It will also serve, to bring down timber and turpentine to this market aad in that way help us all to feel better. ; The Bteamers which left Fayetteville yesterday morning report that there was no rain there at that time but that it was threatening very seriously. - Nob very far tils side of Fayetteville they entered the rain clouds and Capts. Robeson and Worth are of the opinion that the clouds passed on well into the interior. In this city the rain was most oppor tune, as some of the cisterns and wells had begun to fail. Cotton Purchases. State Treasurer Worth has recently decided, in answer to certain questions concerning the tax on cotton, that cotton bought by merchants is included in goods, wares or merchandise, of .wba'ever name or description, and merchants are re quired to list cotton so bought as pur chases during the preceding six months. As to the cotton that may be taken in settlement of accounts contracted dur ing the growing of the crop, or in pay ment for advances made for the cultiva tion ef the same, the treasurer says that this may 'Involve cash payments and barter trades. Cotton taken in sett'e ment of accounts constitutes a barter racsiotion, and Is not taxable. Cotton aken on account of actual cash advances on the crop is taxed on purchases. Cot-. ton taken in payment for guano (on which a State tax is paid) constitutes a barter transaction, he says, and, as such is not taxable. These questions must come up daily in transactions in this section o! the State, and it is important that the distinctions made should be noted. - A Treatise on the Hair, published by R. P. II all & Co-, Nashao, N. II , proprietors of Mali's V.-getable Sicilian Hair Renew, er, contains valuable information about the hair, which should be read by alL Send to publishers for a copy. . Keyii w. The Fatid. The Tieasurer of the Irish Famine Rr lief Fund . desires to acknowledge from Messrs. A. W Fuller and John Redmond, $.J4, as the contribution of Lumberton. Also $5 from Mr. Geo. C. McDougal, of Uosindale. Ariaigaed aud (oinmltted. A white man whose name we sup - press, was arraigned benre Justice Ownnr this morning upon the charge of f iru f-rtaenced, bui he cussd and swore t" such n extent, threatening the Justice with such vengeance dire, that the Court (v t constrained to commit him to jail for c iithjt for uue day, and to postpone! tbe trul of the case until a more cenven- ii ut pi riod. It is said that the defendant showeo evident signs of baring taken on several scruples of whiskey, thereforet while such conduct before a Court dign - tary is nigniy reprehensible, it cannot be said that the party was altogether un scrupulous. Tk rn.i lr .i c t.uai sxccuiiK. pursuant to published notice a meet- ing of citizens favorable to the Duplin Canal enterprise was held in the Fro duce Exchange Rooms this afternoon at half past 3 o'clock. On motion of C. U Robinson Eq., Mr. B. G. Worth was called to the chair. Oh motion of Col. Roger, Moore the meeting was further organized by requesting Mr. T. Calhoun James to act as Secretary., Major w.Li. lonng tnen, at the re qaest oi .ao vuair. siaieu in enect inai f It a sKifjt f Vk a rv oaf in or ma a 4-s nvrvan. . m . . . J . y. . .V . ize a committee to take charge of the sub- scription list for New Hanover ceuntyl and to appoint a Collector and Treasur- er whe shall be made a.bonded officer, and whose duty it shall be to collect tne first installment of tan per cent.' of the stock subscribed In this cotnty, and . to hold the same in band until the preman nent organization of the Canal company ia nRTfficfcfld r ua moiionoi Air. u. a. Mooinaon uoi. RogefMdore' was appointed by the chair to ascertain the amount of stock repre sented in the meeting. Col. Moore after a canvass of the meeting reported that a majority of the stock subscribed in this county was represented in person and ly proxy by the following named gentlemen then present: Messrs. Worth & Worth, George Harriss, R. E. Heide, Woody & Currte, J. O. Heyer, G Boney & Sons, H. McL. Grees, Robert D. Lilly, WU; iiams & murcnison, u. n. xtooinson. a M M,Tnu T? tt XfoTCnv xxT Tt Kenan.'Kerchner & Gaidar Bros , E. Pes- cbau and Roger Moore. Upon motion of Col. Moore Messrs. I B. G. Worth, G. W. Williams and William Galder were appointed a com mitfee to solicit subscriptions to the enter prise and to elect a treasurer for the New Hanover county stockholders in this company. The committee was further empowered by the meeting to confer with like committees in the counties of Pen der and Duplin to appoint a time and place of meeting for the purpose of effect ing a permanent organization of the company Upon niotion, it was resolred.that this meeting adjourn, subject to call by the above named committee, the said meet ing to be held at the Produce Exchange Rooms, In this city. Wilmington District. First Round of Quarterly Meetings for the Methodist E. Church, South I860. Waccamaw Miss, at Bethesda..Jan 28 Brunswick, at Sharon. ... .Jan 31-Feb 1 Smithville SUtion Feb 5 4 Wilmington, at Fifth Street Feb 7-8 Wilmington, at Front Street. .Feb 14-15 Topsail, at Prospect. ...Feb 21-22 New River Mission ..Feb 25 Onslow, at Swansboro ......Feb 28-29 Duplin, at Magnolia.. .Mar 6-7 Clinton, at Andrews Chapel.. Mar 1314 Lustnct bteward Meeting February 13 th, at ten o'clock A M, at thelParsonage of the t rent street Uhurch at;Wilmmgtou It. O. BCRKBX&D, Presiding Elder. Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using bpeer'a fort Grape Wine and Wine liitters in their praete for years, tb .v. & l . . ; . . . uio enure sausiacuoa us umit pauenu ana themselves, ana take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact tbe most reliable they can find. For sale by Green & Flanner, Jas. C, Hands and P. L. Bridgers & Co. nerve. It is a great thins: to have what is call ed nerve, and nothing eon tributes more to the power of thyaical control thus cashed than Warner's Safe Nervind. It Aiso relieves all kinda of pain, and ernes headache and neuralgia. " . 27, 1880. NO. 300 M City Court- - I Fred Andersen, a foreign sailor, en- gaged in a difficulty at a sailor boarding I honga jt night, and in consequence wis L l&1 d Iod,ed in the Guard House Thig mor. fae WM arrai.Qed npon the charge of disorderly conduct. The son- tince of the Court was 85 fine, or ten 1 days m' the City Prison. The fine was paid land tne defendant released. 1 George Charlton, a gentleman from J abroad, arraigred for au afiray with tho J defendant in the foregoing cape, was or j dered discharge!. 1 The proprietress tf the board. n house where the difiL'ulty oocurred wnulso ar- j raigned for slapping a colored bo, Ed- I w.rd Jefferson by name, because, as was I alleged, Le pointcxi out olo of the offen- j ders in- the affray which oocurred at the , sailor boarding house- last nightj to the I pelice and caused his arrest. I tioned case was a'so charged with assist - I 1 - - iiif nun nuaim cm 111 inuiini . j una hjii charge the Mayor, alter hearing the evi-1 denC8 pronounced a sentence of $10 fine. This closed the proceedings and the Court adjourned. ,Kew Advortisenidiit Refreshments. uunmni" ut Liuita win pre pare and cffijr for sale refreshments at the City Hall on Friday evening next, the occasion of tbe performance of the Opeietta ia tne Opera House. Tbey will be furnished I SVTV Sa IVUf A A IVI VliO USUOUI VIA I i y John'. jam 27 At I - n - " Oy t S u6f Hlciil L0l0Cn6i TTJST RECEIVED, 4 fresh supply of this I CELEBRATED PERFUMERY. Parties Is ! want can be supplied at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Blank Books, j A LARQR ASSORTMENT of Blank I XX Books, all sixes and styles. Also Letter I Copying Books, at HKTNHRKROKR'fl. jan 27 Live Book and Music Store. Notice. mHE STOCKHOLDERS of the Wilming. I ton, Columbia A Augusta Railroad will mwt at their efflce, in the City of Wilming. at 10 A. lLf TmesdAJf mh of FebrW7 next, and on the soccecdiflg day at their of- fice to Florence, 8. C, at 10 A. M to trans. act business pertaining to their reorganlza" tion. jan26-tf Selling Off ! FJ1HE BALANCE O? OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any price to mate room for the Spring Styles. Bargains may be bad. All must be sold. Call and get the re duced prices, at SHRlER'fl TWO STORES, jn 9 'Market sU CLYDE'S Klew York AND Wilmin?tonv C. Steamohip Line THE STEAMER BErJEFAOTOR. OAPT. JONES, WILL BAIL FROM FEW YORK OS SATUEDAY, January 31 t3U Shippers eaa rely upoa the proai t taltlBg of Steaaers as advertised. For Freight Eagagameats apply to THOS. E. B05D, Bup't, Wilmington, XL O. TflW. a SOEB, rrelghHeat TO. P. CLYDE tCO., 9W Js 21 PLEASE 50TICE. We will beg ad to receive communication front our frienea on any and all subjects c f general Interest but The name of the writer must alweys be fi r niahed to the Editor. Communications aut bo written on on j . one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and pa.tcjlarly und I t5od that the Editor does not always end, rte the views of correspond en ti, unleaa so atai d ia the editorial columns. New Advertisements. r Removed. JR. W, E. 8TORM has removed his office iromthe residence ofthe late Dr. W. K. Freeman, to the one adjoining McKae A Strange's, near corner of Third and M arke t gtreet jan " 23-61 A CARD. Having thi ay entered loo an agreement with Messrs. (. lio.M V. bON8, by which they are ii buv and itli, and I am to manufacture Meal, e".rl l out ny. Flour, Ac, at the Cape Fear fl' umi d ..erI,?0,Bln7 Mm I would reflpectimiT s licit all my former customers to f. vor ti , l ' with their patronage, assuring teen, the t h Goods will be as reoreeented, and pr inia at tention given to all their orders. Respectfully, ALEX. OLDHA M, Proprietor C. f . F. and P. II. M. ' VlK HAVE REMOVED OUR OFFICE v- to the CaDe Fear Flonr and Poarl II Am- S. i'dTuVtour I commission business, we propose selling the 1 Btock we hope to merit a liberal share of pat- awi mw J -O-W ; New Hat Store. ECE1TED TE8TERDAY BY NEW YOIkK STEAMER, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE STYLISH SOFT AND STIFF HATS, CHEAP. Call and examine. V JOHN M. ROBINSON, 13 Front st., South of Purcell Home jan 24 Organs and Organetts JJECEIVD ALMOST DAILY, which 'f are selling at remarl ably low prices A complete stock of School Books, B'an'c Books and Stationery always on hand, at jan 26 Bookstore.- AND HOLIDAY GOODS AT Mi. M. KATZ'S.y 3G Market St. - It is Econnmv in Riiv 8oiIielllillff . UCllll ! ON HAND, FOR THAT I UarOSE1 .. .1. - . ' ' ' DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Oloaks Corsets, CrlOVCS, Collars and CufT&. TIES TOWELS, 2MAPKIMS ! 4 DAMASKS- BRUSHES, corjiss, Handkerchiefs ! From i ceats upl BIBS. BOWS. FLANNELS J MEN'S AND BOYS1 WEAR. RIB3QNS1 And hundreds ;of Articles too mettljo. Ho advance In any of thess Gooii. Save act ey and get tsastUag osefol b einisg on V' . ' 30jiiiarlct St, dee 29' .

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