THIS pipes JOSH. T. JAMES. gom ah raorKirroa. .iIMCBIPTI058.P08TAGE PAID. flll' SM Bix-onU,. $1 SO ; Three rv. r wl be delivered by carrier., ofeh.i- P-tof thecity,attte -rfttb-criri iH please report any and lrt rciTe ihtir P'P" regularly. Now Advertlsoruont. I880S CLOSING SALE S iROWK & EODDICK 45 Market St. yyETAKK TUIB OPPOKTU.MTY OF ibansio the general .public for tbeir very liber" patronage during the put year, and U call particular attention to our ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON v i January, 12th. Great Reductions will be made la order to effect our object. Onr patron may rest assured that the reliction are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Pelt Skirts, LADIES', GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham barf d(iafi and Insertions that we have shews, la-order to male room for our new stock. BBOWN & EODDICK, 45 Market Street, tea 10 Fresh Every . Day, TINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, FrtacTt and Domestic, jut recelred aad for !TH1 05LT GENUINE HOME-MADE Caadv la tbt City, will be found everv ay, fresh and sweet, tbree doors South o( the ioto&e on tteoond street. Also, Nuts, BaUias. Fruit, Ac. C. E. JEVENS, jaaJJ Neai the Fostofflce. Lavender Water, . "y rSBENA WATER. New lot fresh drugs aad a fall and complete stock of Fasej Arti cle for the Holiday Trade. Lverythisg guaranteed fresh, pure and of best quality. IT. C. MILLER, Corner 4th aad.Nua 8 tie its. Opea day aad nlht. f jaa It-U Lower than Ever. JABOI 8I0CK OF OAK, 'ASH, Aci at greatly reduced prices. Fall stock o the best COAL in Jhe city very low Indeed. Ua 31 J. A. SrRlNOKS. Coney's Tobacco Store IF TOU WANT THE BEST 5 andlocts. Clxar to to OONET'S where too will find the largest selectioa of Imported aad Domes ie Clears, Caewlac aad euaoting; Tobacco. UeatleaMa will plea remember that 1 do aotkeepopea oa Mondays, therefore these wao wish to purchase my goods will hate to de so daring the) week. Jaal-tt WALTER CONE 7, A HOUSEHOLD NEED. A BOOS ON THE LITER, Its disease A aad their treataeat seat Tr. Iaeladlag tmtUeea Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaaadloe, BUHhusaeet, Heaaaehe, Coattipa &o&. Dyspepsia, Malaria, A e. Address Or fcaaford, 151 Broadway, New York City, BewTerk. - jaa24-6t U IJnNfo VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28; 1880. NO. 301 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. James T. Pittrwat, Agent ilooz, Uibw Co' a Manipulated Guano. P HaiNBBsaasK Hoy t's G ermao Cologne; A. A I. inaiEi Selhoif tff No City Cturt to-day. A routing address time to get up. Pockets are ai way ripe c.ouph to pick. Babi? wil ti.j y SOG holier day this year. Whcu the nj i..n ts fulf it keep lite houijj. Wii ! Glia tizes at ltallr k Thy cuaitucrtui drurriim r a great tr!o center. . II a book is not well bound, you oio i;ot buud to tski it. One aJvcrtiiciiiuiit in ilie newspaper is worth two on Iba sid of an old &bed. TLe waves of a wowau'a baudkercbiel have wrecked many a man. ; Good -breeding" is tie b?st security a2aint tte ill manners of others. A good resolution m;.y cocae ike a flash, but it takes a year to. keep it. Save your money by buying JOTir Build ing Supplies fnm Altaffer & Priqe. t Iodiius iievtr aiss each othr;and bay iug ter a ftw, e don't b'anie tbrra. A f mull boy an 1 a gun arc harmlfbS when apart, but are a terrific combina tion. The ea'rliest mention of neck-wear is Job's tbree cjmfortcrs all of Ihein wors ted. , How surprised you are when you put your foot on lhejaext stair, acd find there isn't ady I The steamship Gulf Stream, Captain logram, arrived in port Has. morning from New York. A man will forget - butiueis and most anything else when looking at a pretty pair of brown eyes. Of course employers and employes can never agree while there is a striklns diff erence between them. Whatever ehe an i.l-:nauuered man may do, be is not likely to el raw oysters vith a common tab le-fcui fa- rocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver riated Forks aud bpoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacoiu s. The Storm Signal has beea ordered down at Wilmington and Smithvil.'e. The pretty little steam yacht Okomoho- lat Captain Martinleft here this after noon lor Dlack River with flats in tow.- As many women learn to know their husbands, they wish they had learned to no them .when they were sweethearts. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of flirdwaro at lowest sort of cash price a Jacou's. Wjiiiderstand tha. the ladies of St. Thomas' Catholic Church will cive a sociable at Germania Hall on Wednesday evenirgcext. The tramp is so good that he not on ly obeys tho commandment not to work on the Sabbath day, bat d.eiu't v.'ork on the other six either. There will be a meeting oftbe Assou tion Officers of Third N. C Infantry at Dr. J. C. Walker's rooms, opposite the City .1111, this evening at 8" o'clock. fhe average wife cAa'by h:r hands on about 1,000 receipts for cookery, and the average family clings o the same -dishes known for three generations past. Our Hebrew citizens, indulged in a Leap Year . Ball at Germania Hall last evening. It was a very fine-affair an,d was very much enjoyed by those ia at tendance. The post i face department has issued orders forbid iing the reception of mu'il ated Iractbual currency at the post offices of thecountry. This prohibition includes all coins which have ho?es in them. Tb operetta to bd given under' the management of Misses James & Burr at the Opera House on'Fr day night will - be very handsomely patronized. A great many Beats have been sold, but there are'a. few good ones yet to be bad. The an dience wiil be the largest that has assem bled in the Opera House in many years. Legion of Honor. The regalia of Clarendon Council No. 67, American " Legion of Honor, has ar rivnd and in now on exibftion at Kas- nrowicz's ciea'r store. The resalia and I . o jwwels are very pretty, and make a hand some display. Mr. Henry Gerken will t:ikn frrpAt nleaanre in showiner them to any one who wishes to see them. ; Death oT Capt. Carson. J We regret to learn ol the !eath of Capt John Carson, at Oswego, N. Y onSun day last, information to lhat effect bavii g b;en received. Capt. Carson will be re memlered by many of our citizaus as in command of the revenue cutter W. 11. Sci'-urd, which' was stationed in our waters for several years since the war. Capt. Carson was a courteous, obliging gentle man, "at.i! mad f inanv fri nds anions our ptfOlu. Election or Officers. At a meeting of the members of Co. B , Fifth Battalion N. O. S. G., held at their armory in this city last evening, the fol lowing commissioned officers were elected for the ensuing year: Captain Sol. W. Nash. First Lieutenant ft. P. Spann. Second Lieutenant J. J. Hill. Jr Second Lieutenant J. S. Stewart. . Iron Telegraph Poles. The government is replacing the wood en teleeraph poles upon which rest the wires connecting the Signal Office in this city with the Signal Stations along the coast, by iron poles, which are hollow, being about six or eight inches in circum" ference asd twenty-five or thirty feet long. The iron will last for an indefinite period of years while the wooden poles frequent ly rot in eihtor ten years. Human Nature and the Telephone. A writer who Is evidently familiar with the subject says: 'It Is a somewhat singular fact that an ordinary sensible business man will put up with almost anything under the sun from anything he makes use of except the telephone; but from that greatest invention of this or any other century an instrument that daily saves him more time and labor than all his other improvements put together -r-he won't stand the slightest nonsense. He turn3 in a signal; if the answer does not come immediately he swears. He tells the central office the person he wishes to speak with; if the j bell does not tap again before he could count a doxen, he swears some more and vows he could go and do the errand in half the time. A disinterested listoner, however, knows he could not have put on his hat and coat and got out of the dcor. The telephone is the best thing of the age to bring out human nature. A man will show more of him sell in five minutes before this deli cate little machine than in half a year in ordinarsways. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going tne Factory Agency, at Jacobi's. A Plance Bath. t Quite a commotion was created on the wharf just North of Market Dock this morning by the cry of a man overboad, which upon inquring we found to be a serious fact and Williams Bayers, a colored man employed on the steam tug Orlando, the , unlucky individual who received the immersion. The tug had just arrived from Smithville and Sayers, In trying ti make fast a line to the wharf, lost his footing and tumbled in the murky waters of the Cape Fear, and but for the assis tance of Captain J. W. Harper and a white sailor belonging to the British barque Isi, the spirit cf Wm. Sayers would have fled from its earthly tenement and gone where the "good old darkies go" "prehaps." , Beware of Uim. A party, whose name we do not know, but who claims to be the agent for some fashionable magazine, has rendered himself very disagreeable by his imperti nent manner and remarks to some ot the ladies at houses where I e has called to sell his publicat:ons. He seems to know that the ladies "are, in a measure, unpor tected whils their husbands and sons are at their places of business and; to think that impertinent remarks will ferce them to bny his books to ai to get rid of .him. He is described as a somewhat elderly man, of medium size and stature, and it would be wise for our lady readers to be on tbeir guard : and give orders against his admission,-should, be at any time call a their residences during business hours. 1EIEW. Here on a Visit. Ou vounz friend. Mr. A. V. Wood, a Wilmington boy, but now with Mr. J. D Sprunt, at .Brunswick ua , is noma on a short visit to bis family and fr.ends. The Georgia air seems to agree with him, and we are glad to find him in good health. y Another Lecture. Hon. D K. McRae will lecture at the Opera House in this city on next Wed nesday evening, February 4th, fer the benefit of the Wilmington Xtibxarx. Aaso- ci itiou. The subject of the lecture on this occasion will be Poetry, the second of I the series, but on this occasion it will be " ' J ' Petry, sure enough. Advertisement, with particulars, will appear to-morrow. J he River. There were heavy rains at Fayetteville niyi.t Dtiore last, ana me indications are that they extended far iuto the interior Tho weather there yesterday was showery, similar to that we had here. The river had risen three cr four inches yesterday morning, when the steamer D. Mttrchison left Fayetteville, and the probabilities are bat it will increase to a respectable freshet within a day or two. Unmailablei. . . The following is a list of unmailable let ters and papers remaining in tne Post office in this city: Letters for Charles Thomas, Bom Lye Co P; Mrs C O Bris tow, Q.ahana's X Roads, NC;Miss Minnie n. Cox. Richlands. N C: Miss Cathrine Holly, care of H H Smith, Lumberton, N n. P,.nV MitW. SvraffVioa "M f! Pamiri for Udolpho Wolfe's Son & Co,New Yorkf N Y; George Crawford, Philadelphia, PenD; Thomas W Manuel, Bellefontaine, O. Money Drawer Robbed. A successful attempt was made night before last to rob the coal and wood office of Mr. J. A. Springer, on North Water street, between Princess and Mulberry. The thief broke out a pane of glass in one " of the windows and having thus been able to remove the fastenings from the Inside, his entrance was easy. He went through the office, turned over books and papers and finally left with all he could find in the money drawer, whieh was just $1.76, or about the amount of two days' labcr, if henestly come at. Ko clue. Energy. The mill property of Messrs Col villa & Taylor, which was destroyed by fire some time since, has been replaced by a I commodious baildiBg, and to-day the last I of the machinery, required to commence operations, arrived on the steamer from New York. A force of hands are busily engaged in putting the same into posi tion, as it is the purpose of Mr. J. W. Taylor, the present proprietor, to have bis work of putting up the machinery so far advanced is to make saw dust fly on j Saturday, and to be fully under way on Monday. The firm of ColriHe & Taylor was dissolved soon after the fire, and the business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. J. W. Taylor, the iormer junior partner ef the establishment. He is an earnest, bardtk working man, ana we are assured that if persevering industry is of any avail, he will be successful in this en terprise. The Old Reliable. The advertisement of that old reliable and standard fertilizer, Wilcox, Gibbs & Gos Manipulated Guano, makes its appearance in this issue of our paper. Mr. James T. Petteway, of this city, is still the agent for it In his old section, I and it Is the sixth year in which he has I undertaken its sale. He leaves to-night for I the counties in his district on the C. C. R. W. and will push the orders. It is hardly necessary for us to commend this fertilizer to our readers, so well and thoroughly has it become known by act, ual tests, and on its own .merits, to the farming community. The more thor oughly it is known the better , it sells, a fact which is well attested by the largely increased sales during the pt few years. The steam yacht Pxixtpori U under going repairs, and wiU not resume her regular trips for a week hence. The steam tug Orlando is still plying between here and Smithville in. njaae of the Pat8' port. Physicians' Wine, ' New York physicians say that they kave been using Speer'a Port Grape Wipe and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire aatisfaotVon o their patients and inemseiyea, ana, ujee great pleasure In reeommencVng them, to the pnMLe aa being all that Is claimed tar them, and, in fact the most reliable Uvey can nd. For sale by Green 4 Planner, Jas. C. Hands and P.UBrIdgers& Co, New Advertisements. WILCOX, GIBBS & GO'S GuilaiiUDpiiallafted p h :o:- . Best Fertilizer fJade ! The Best is the Cheapest ! Sold on Favorable Terms ! Payable in Cotton ! By JAZtlESt T. r&TTBWAY, Arcnt, Lumberton, Shoo Heel, Laurinburg', Laurel Hilly points in Richmond and Robeson counties, jan 28 tf ' , Census Supervisor. We see it stated that the name of J. D. Stanford, Esq., of Duplin county, has been sent in by Mr. Hayes to the Senate for conformaticn as Supervisor of the cen sus for this, the Third North Carolina District. This is the district to which Mr. Walker V'tro was firsfinomiuated and to which it was thought he would be confirmed, but this nomination of Mr. Stanford changes the face of the matter. It is thought thjt Judge Busnell has Dad a hnger in the Die. Even should Mr. Stanford bo rected it is hardly probable I uow W6 &TO SOTTJ tO State, thai Mr. Meares will receive' the appointment. A Rumor. Gentlemen of this city, members of the bar who have just returned from Raleigh, 1 1 l a 1 a -it r r -i ... I uo "F"1" " uusuce omun wil oa accoant of "ealth. tender his rew aay s ana 1 fVa rinif To..:, i : c .i i. b" " ten- tlon,t0 teDdcrthe P08itlon to a distic 6Uiauou B" pe r car sec- Af i lT11 V . won. inis, nowever, is all a rumor as yet, and needs confirmation. Appreciative. The series of articles published recently in the Review relation to the proposed Duplin Canal seem tot have met with much appreciation; so much, in fact, that a young gentleman in this city, a Gen man, is engaged in tne translation of them for publication in newspapers in Germany, as an evidence of the fine od- portunities offered for the investment of capital in this section. Grass and weeds are springing up in odd corners ard outoi-the.way places. The weather ha3 not been Gold enough to cheek': this growth eiDcelong before Christ5 mas. ' ' - The atmospheric indications at this writing, 4 P. M , are for colder weather. The wind has been from the North all day although the f renoo;i w. a almost uncomfortably warm. Schooner Helen J, Uolwayt Thompson, hence, arrived - at Point-a-Petre, on the 2nd Inst. Schooner E 6. Powell, Williams, for this port, sailed from Amsterdam on the 25th inst. J ' There have been three failures here this month, all in a small way. Supreme Cart. The following cases from the Third Dis trict were called and disposed of on Mon day Jemima Mason vs. J. JY Pelletier, from Carterst; petition to rehear; argned by Green & Stevenson and Gilliam Sc GaU ling for the plaintiffs, and H. R. Bryan ana a. tr. unbDard for the defendant. O. R. Hollings worth vs. J. A. Herman et a s., trom render; called and set for hearing at the end of the district, Elijah Hewlett vs. J. W. Schenck- Jr. et als., from New Hanover; argued by B. R. Moore for the plaintiff, and Stedman ftLiaumerand U. J. Deva&a for the de fendant. - John Tay'.or vs. Qeoree.Harl-iss et als. from New Hanover; argued by Junius Davis and A. T. & J. Ixjtidc-n for the plaintiif, and J D Bellamy Jr, for de una ants. F D Koooce vs. J J Pe! etier et als. from Onslow; argued by s n for the plaintiX and trreen & Steyen - &:iKt uuoDara and H B, Bxvan for the defendant SUUvs CharleaW Craig, from New Haaorer argued by Attorney General Kenan for the State, and Ay T.&J.Lon- don for the def.niant. ; Iferre. It is a great tning to have what is call ributes more control thas ed nerve, and nothing con to the power of physical named than Warner a Safe Nervine . It also relieves all kinds of pain, i and , cares fcgsdache aad Bsuralsia I ii ! PLEASE NOTICE. ' ' " . " - .' We will beg' ad to receive comxeunicatior. t from our frienc's on aay and all subiects cf general Interest but : . The name of the writer must alwsys be fur nished to the Editor. Communications nait be written on on y one side of the paper. Personalities must be aToided. is especially antfpa.ucularly nndr stood that the Editor does not always esderr' the views of correspondents, unless so sts d. ia the editorial colaans. New Advertisements aniT intermediate! Removed. JQR, W. E. STORM has removed Lis office from the residence of the late Dr. W. Freeman, to the one adjoining McRae it ' Strange's, near corner of Thir Jand Marko t streeta . jan 23-Ct New Hat Store. RECEIVED YESTERDAY BY NEW YOHK STEAMER, ANOTHER L0T OF THOSE " STYLISH SOFT AND STIFF HATS, CHEAP. Call and examine. V ! JOHN M. ROBINSON, 13 Front st., South of Purcell Hoaso jan 24 Org&jis and Organetts JECEIViD ALMOST DAILY, which are selling at remarlably lowpficer. A complete stock of School Books, B ant i t Books and Stationery always on hand, at jan 26 i Book store- Refreshments. A COMMITTEE OF LADIES will pre pare and offer' for sale refreshments at tee City Hall on Friday evening next, the. occasion of the performance of the Opeietta in the Opera House. They will be famished at a low price. Proceeds for the benefit of St. John's. jan 27-4 1 Hoyt's German Cologne. JUST RECEIVED, afreth supply of thi CELEBRATED PERFUMEhVY. Parties i want can be supplied at the I . LIVE BOOK 3TOR.U. Blank Books, A LARGE ASSORTMENT Books', all sizes and strles. cf Blenk Alflft Letter Copying Books, at HEINSBERGER'S, jan 27 Lire Book and Music Store. Notice. rpHE STOCKHOLDERS of the Wilain- ton Columbia 4 Augusta Railroad wUL meet at their office, in the City of Wilming ton, at 10 A. 11., Taefday, 10th of Febrouy, next, and on the succeeding djjjr . at their of fice in Florence, 8. C, at 10 A. M to trans , act business pertaining to their reorcanlza"' Ion. jan 26-tf Selling Off ! T HE BALA5CE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING mast go at almost any pries to znaka room for the Spring Styles. Bargains may be bad. AH must be sold. Call and getthe re duced prices, at SHRlEi'3 TWO STOSES, jan 9 ; Market st. Winberrv Oysters- gs J THEY ARE . GOOD g5 , y now. Another festal- meat just receiTedtMjfmorfing. Ifs cold aovgh low for h?t.WMskey and fat Oysterr r9tlLux6mmrrrj &jt 11 .o'clock. rrtw jonn cinncir '