THIS PIPES U "T afUmo. JOSH. T. JAMES, UBIUPTIONB. POSTAGE PAID. iU..fl " Woe fh tpcr will b. d.tiTerod bj carriers, -.abribri will pie report any .ad ij'w receive 0eir papers reralarly. New Advertisement. 1 380 2 a hand AtfrruAXi CLOSING SALE! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yyi TAKE THIS OPPOKTUMTI OF taankias- th. eaeral public for tbair Tery libera' patroaaf. danar, th. past year, nd U call particular .ttentioa to our ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OP WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE OX January, 12th. Great Reductions wUlbomad. la order to effct oar object Oar patrons may ret assured tb.t th. redactions if boa. fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, - Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Felt Skirts. LADIES, GENTS', AND CHLI.DREN'S UNDERWEAR. ; W. will offer th. Cheapest liae of Ham arj Edgings lad Insertions tb.t w. bare tbowB, U order to make room for our new stock BROWN& RODDICK, 49 Market Street, Ja 10 Fresh Every Day, FIXE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, Franca .ad Domestic, just receirtd and for "-TUB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy la tb. city, will bo found ercrr day, frb sad iwmI. tbreo doors 8ooth of tb. iottofic ob Soooad street Also, Nats, B.Uiaj., Ae. C. E. J EVENS, jaa 23 Nsu tb. Poatoffle. Lavender Water, yERBENA WATER. New lot fresb drags ui . fall sad eompleU stock of Fancy Arti cle, for tb. Holiday Trade Ererythiig- gtsrattasd fresh, part axd of bast quality. IF. C. MILLER, Ouraer Ith titi.iU. Opa day adalht. ; ja. 1S-U Lower than Ever. JAROE STOCK OF OAK, AS II, Ac. at f really rtducd prices. F.U stock of tb. bt COAL ia tb. city Try low La4d.' J 21 J. A. SPRINGER. . Coney's Tobacco 8tore TF TOU WANT THE BEiT 6 jd 10 eta, J.l.1f.rfOtoOONXY8waer.yo. will fi.d . tb. Urtest atactica of Imported and Do mee ts Clxart, Cat win f and Baaotiat; T bar-coa, t).Ume will ple.s remetobtr tbat 1 do wt kef ep o. bandar therefore three bo wUb to pvrcbsM asy foods will bat. tn d.o daring tb. wt.1. Ja I U WALTER CONET, 4 HOUIEHOLQ NEED, A BOoVW THE lVyER, its dbas UUt OUir treatment Mat tr. ladadiax trvatiM M li.r Complaints, Torpid Ur.r, Ja.adlc, BlUloasasM, Ha&a&eha, Co tu tip a Soa, DyspopiU. Malaria,- Ac Addrys. Uc aaford, 151 Broadway, New York City, SewTerk. ja. U-t r It J VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. OrsB Hens Operetua. Williams A Mc.chisoh New Croj Cab.. 8ee ad Lecture. P ilaihsssasta Hoyt's German Cologne. A. A I. HaaiE. KelliDff Off I i aw i Eggs have riz" again! Laily of IjVmh.' lii MJiy. There are tut few apples in market Tbo tnli inarki t b very joorly aupplied. Is the winter oer, or only not bogut? Tho )Tr the tea the better the chro mo. r YYiMlow Uldu. a1. bi-es at JuHer & l'rice's. t The January thaw is iu a hurry this year. The leap'ear gate is "so-as-she please.." The mother of vicear is a very fcharp old lady. Joe Murjhy is booked fur this city op the first of March. Musbuito-bara, like good 1'e, are rcaJe oat of hole-cloth. Few things aflord so much pleasure as praise from women. Knives and Forks, Pocket Kuives kc, or the Children at Jacobi's. IxerieLce twaches nothing to the man who. is unwilling to learn. People with :lass slippers should not tread on avDjbjdy. corns. Is that boy always so slow?' Oh, no! hs is sometimes fast asleep.' Wonder if tho silor lads ever swing with the girls on tbenavigate. Uneasy lies the man who his already been caught at it oncecr twice. A good name is better than precious ointment on the back of a nolo. German statistics shew tbat 72 per cent of women miss railroad trains. My wedding trip,' said the groom, as he stumbled over the bride's train. Chlnamea cannot understand why Englishmen bate mice and love tripe. Some of the dearest spots on earth are the aces, held in another man's band. Save your money by buying jour Built! ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. t The pin is mightier than the sward. You can sit on the sward with impunity Lo 8 ill has his Indian summer, but it is about aU the Indian agents have left him. The skating rink is again in full blast at the corner of Eighth and Princess streets. Of course our readers understand that this column is mainly made up of sheer nonsense. Schooner Scllic J'otlcr, Howard, for this port, cleared at New York on the 27th inst. The base ball fever has subsided and sbinney fever is ragmsr. ho deaths to report as yet. There are now two men and one wc man confined in the county j iii, charged with murder, each on a diffirent charge. The bojs have gone daft on sbinney, and there are at least 17,004 crooked sticks being flung about the streets.; Schooner t-milj II. Xaylor, Fisher, from Belfast, Me., for this port, sailed from Dutch Island Harbor on the 21th inst A rubber coat was found by a police ofiicer on the corLer of Cbestcujt and W.tcr streets last night. The said coat is now at the City Hall awaitisc a claimant to prove property. It is now slid that the character ot the winter weather may be foretold by the hickness of the shuck on corn, a thin shuck presaging a mild winter, and that most of the corn gathered last fall bad a remarkably thin shuck. This .see-na to be better th.ia the goose bone. Physician?, Vue, 2Tew Yotk phyafelans say that they have been using bjer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire saUsfcUoa of their patients and themselves, and take gret pleasure in recommending thetn to tbe public as beisg all that is claimed for them, aud ,'tn fact tbe most reliable they can find- For sale by Green fc Flanner, Jas, C Muuds and P.LwBxWgexa & Co. Da The Barque a ortii Carolina. This vessel, which was recently lost on Long Bar, near Bermuda, has been haul ed off after being ashore 21 days, and sunk in deep water. The following car go has been saved: 420 bales dry cot ton, 179 do wet do, 100 bags oil cane, 350 bags dry bark,' 110 do wet do, 5 bbl. ro6in. Bold Thievery. Last evening, about 7 o'clock.some thief stole a bucket of preserves from a dm) standing in front of Mr. J. C Stevenson stre, on Market street. The drayman had jut stepped in the 6tore with a per t on of his load when pn returning he found that some one had made off wiih tho preserves. A few days ago some one stole a tub of butter From in front of Mr. dtevensou's store aud up to this time the thieves have not been detected. The Turners. Our friends of te Wilmington Han over Turn Verein indulged lastnight in an other of their p Jeasant hops at the Turner's Hall, on the corner of Tenth and Market streets. We understand it is the inten tion of the Turners to improve and en large their grounds and in -the comirg Spring to take in more ground and make a nice garden of it, where they can as semble and indulge -in the sports and es festivities T'ecul"ur to their organization. Tersonal. Messrs. Chas. Draper, ol the Spring dale Woolen Mills of Canton, Mass., J. J. Johnson, of the Roxbury Carpet Factory, Roxbury, Mass., James Ilostonand Cha?. Haigh, of Boston, are in this city ou a visit to Mr. Wilkin Roddick. They are also bent on trying a few days hunting and' driving in this vicinity and in view of their resolution to deal out dire vengeance on the game of the forest, have resolved themselves into a Pickwickian club with our friend Roddick a self constituted Joe of the'party. We were X'-eaSQd to meet with the above named gentlemen this morning and we are glad to know that they are well pleased with our city and its inhabitants. We extend to them a hearty welcome and call on our friend Roddick, to induce them to quaff the waters of the famous Rock Spring. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices a Jacobi's. City Court- W. H. Highsmith and William Camp bell, two smtll colored boys, were arraign ed upon the charge of belonging to a gang of thieves, who have been purloining emp ty bags from the W. & W. aud W. C. k A. R. R. depots, with the Navassa Guano Company's brand stamped upon them. Sergeant Davis testified that last night, about 7 o'clock, he arrested Highsmith with a couple of these bags in his hand. There were three in the party, but the other two escaped. Subsequently High- smith acknowledged his guilt to the offi cer and offered if he would go with him to the railroad depot to show where they secured thebags. To 'this proposition Sergeant Davis agreed, though he failed to find th9 bags, but after reaching the dep:t Highsmith pointed out the boy Campbell, whom he said was one of the gang. The offiser tlen took them both to the Guard House and locked them up. The Mayor,after hearing the testimony, c dered the defendants locked up for the present. - David Brown, colored, was arraigned upon the charge of disorderly conduct. Officer E. S. Griffith noticed that defen dant was acting in a very disorderly man ner last eight on North Water street, by cursing and swearing and using obscene language. Tbe officer also stated that he. bjard the click of a pistol whjeh. the de. fendant must have cccked, ostensibly, he supposed, to shoot a white sailor man with whom Brown was quarreling. Ar rested tbe party but could find no pistol on mm. ice Auyor charged $10 and told the defendant be could pay it or ui- the. alternative of remaining in the City Prison for twenty days. R. Levick, colored, waa . arraigned for disorderly conduct on tle 8teps of St. Lws (colored) church, corner dt Seventh and Church streets, daring tbe progress of a church festival. One Whitfield, col ored, a pretty swift Witness, testified against Levick and tin Mayo$ fined him $Z. (Thib finished, the docket and the Ooart adjourned. r : i - -' . Pocket Kuives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Fork, and Spoons; Largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's . Review. Mary Anderson. Mis3 Miry Anderson opens a week's engagement in Baltimore ou Monday next and it is thought that after it is conclud ed she will come South. If such should be the case we suggest that something of an organized effort be ma la to induce her to include Wilmington in her route and give Mi one performance here. It would bj something to be remembered. V .'J lie Rtver, Ca(taii Gieepl of steamer North tit ite, iii from Fajetteviile this moruirg, repoiU the river as having fall n (three inches. But Le also reports that it was iu mo red in FayaUev Jle that there had been cusideiable rainfall in Chatham. If this b3 hOt then there is a probability of a freshet. Capt. Green was particular to say, however, that he had no reliabla au. thority to offer for ihn repoitof rain in Glia ham. The Brief mention. The YarsawBre Mention come to us very much improved in appearance, having been enlarged to a twenty-four column folic, and is neat in its typography jand press wor.k. Tbe subscription price is $1 per annum. We are glad to note this change for the better, and hope the editor, Rev, J. N. Stallings, may be financially sustained by a good and prom ptpay ing (Subscription list iu his effort to cater to the literary tastes and requirements of the people. Rowdyism. The door of Justice J. C. Millis' grocery store, on Front, between Church and Cas tie streets, was. broken down about 3 o'clock this morning, by a party who were on a big carousal, and the act was either committed wantonly for mischief or while the crowd were indulging in the delightful pastimejof bruising each other g countenances in a free fight. Nothing was taken from the store, and the Justice thinks it was a party of wild young bucks who had been engaging in a midnight carousal somewhere, and this was proba bly the winding-up of the frolic. Rather too Old. We saw this - morning four gentlemen on a street corner conversing earnestly. One of the party was relating a frightful runaway accident; we got out our note book and took it all down. The horse took fright from a locomotive, ran away, threw out a woman and two children, killing all three, and dragged the driver two miles, breaking every bone in his body, and crushing his skull all to bits. We got the names, and then cheerfully asked: 4When did this occur?' 'W-e-1-1 drawled the narrator, I think 'twas in the spring of '54, erN thereabouts.' Operet'a Notes. There was a rehearsal of -'the Operetta at the Opera. House last evening and no great is the interest excited in the forthcom ing entertainment' that a targe number of persons applied for aud obtained admis sion on the occasion. The attendance to-morrow evening promises to be one of the largest and most fashionable audiences ever assembled within the walls of the Opera House. There are a few seats yet left on the diagram but they will be gobbled up soon. Those who have not yet supplied themselves should be in a hurry about . We are requested to state that the doors wilt be open to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock and that the performance of the Operetta will begin at 8 o'clock. Mr. R. Ray, who is at present canvass ing ths city for some book, called upon us to-day to assert that h. canaot be the party alludedjo. in yesterday's Ritibw as having been impertinent to ladies and denies any such charge. We willingly give him the benefit of the denial. A solitary musquito was seen on the wing yesterday, testing the temperature of the atmosphere. VYhen a small boy buys a cigar for a Scent he genarally gets tbe worst smelling cheroot la the shop. Xso danger of the houses in this city being blown away by wind-storm they are held firm by telephone wires and men are putting up mora. Young mac. diamond pins look real nice ana guueu ougauy, out ween 84 a week supports a man and a pin both, one or tbe other is not genuine. No nmedy in the World ever came in to such nniva.aal use, or has so fully wen the confidence of mankind, as AYER"8 CHERRY PECTORAL for the cure of Coughs, Golds and Consumption. 59, 1880. NO. 302 . If the Magistrates don't begin to grind ui out a little more news, we shall have to petition the next legislature to impeach them all. Col. Geo. Harriss lost a very large and t Unable horse this morning. His death Is thought to have been caused by the negligence of the person employed to at tend to him. Water street, north of Princess, is sadly in need of repiving. Only a year or two ago the job was done and now there are huge hollows between the strres. It needs immediate attention. Oce more unfortunate, rashly importu nate, wsut to the guard house to-day on a dray. She was very drunk and very highly colored and Officer Grant had the honor of bringing her in. For to-morrow and Saturday Professor Tice promises us 'clear or fair weather. To day is set down by him as one of the "comparatively .warm days" and in this we will say tbat he is correct. The probabilities as to tie wpather, mrnisnea Dy ine o:pni yacv. are, ttr the Sonth A'lartir s-m" .slight rise in barcniettx, ii nhnrly to easterly winds, partly cloudy and slightly cooler weather. A good many wild geese and swans are said to be in the river near the breakwat ter. Thermometrical. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of the thermometer, as taken this morn ing at 6:56 o clerk : Atlan-a, Oa... 52 Mobile, Ala.... ......48 Montgomery Ala...45 NMhrill. .......45 Augusta, G. 45 Cairo, 111 , 39 Charleston, 8. C....64 Cincinnati... 35 Corsica., Tex 60 Fort Gibson, I. T.00 Galveston ..65 Indianola 67 Jacksonville, F1....62 Fnozville 42 Lynchburjr.M...;... 41 Memphis, Tenn.,.42 New Orle.ns.........54 Xew York..... 33 Pant. Rassa, Ha...0 Savannah, G........S3 Shreveport. ..59 St Louis Mo 39 St Marks, Fla....00 Vicksburg, Miss.... S3 Wahington..........66 Wilminton.......w49 You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi's. M 1WSSBWJ1BMVMMI important to ine Afflicted. We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Robertson,. 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guarantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, turnal Emissions, &c, all resulting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin an blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R4sa graduate of one jof the oldest and bist medical schools in this country. (University of Maryland), and re fers to the leading physicians in his city,and all consultinghim can rely upon honorary and confidential treatment. In writing en close stamp for reply. Special sitantirai given to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wisb'ng to call and jee him. Medicine sent to any address. ; - . - A Trea iso ou the Ilair. tnhlished bv R P. Hall & (Jo., Nashau. N. il . Dronrietors of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- er, contains valuable information about the hair, which should be read bv alL Send to publishers for a copy. New Advertisements. Lectures QOL. D K. MioRAE WILL DEJJYER Leetare, for t e benefit of the Library As sociation, in the Opera House, Wedasiday, February 4th, at.8 c'dosk, P. M. Subject : POETRY. Admission 25 een'a. jai 29 OF Lie Eei lii'Hooil Br 150 LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CL . REN OF, THIS CITr.. AT-1HE OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY E YENING, JAN. 20, 18S0. Admission (0 ets. Cllldrea, 25 eta. jaa if Refreshments. A COMMITTEE OF LADIES wfll pro pare and effar for sal. refroshmeat at ta. Citr HaJl cm Fndar mrmniar nmxt. the oeeasion of tb Mtfonuau of ihm Ohm ctt. ia tb. Opera Hons. They will b. furnished .talowpriea. FreesMd. for th. benefit of BkJoaa'sv Jaa274t PLEASE NOTICE. W. will beg 'ad to receire communirstioas from oar, friends oa ..y and .11 subject rf genera laurest But : Tb. name of the writer mast always be far- nisbed to tb. Editor. Communications iiuat be mltttn on oxLy. oa. side of the paper. P.rsoBsJitie. Blast bt .foided. ' Aad it is specially and p;wticulariy under stood tbat tb. Editor does not always endme tb. riowsof correspoadeats, unles so stat d ia the editorial col a tun. New Advertisements. New Crop Cuba. JpiBST CARGO JUST IS, And for sal. lew by -i , WILLIAMS k MCKCHISON; Molasses, Flour, &cv 200 Hhds and Bbla . Cuba 200 Boxes Smoked , and D S S d,-, lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 1.TO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 200 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 37o Bags Coffee, Rio, . Laguyra and Java jUso, a full line of Caso Goods, 4.00 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, SOO Kegs Nails, all sizes, 500 New N. Y. Spirit Barrel?, 7.7 Bbls Distillers' Glue, 1500 Bdls Hoop Iron, 4500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, " 1 200 Sacks Marshall' Fine Salt, 5000 Sacks Cotton Peruvian Guano, 3500 Sacks Kn. 1 Guanapo Guano. for sale low by , WILLIAMS A MURCHI80.V, j.n29 Wholesale Gro. A Com. Merts. RemdVed. T"V D XBT V Dtrnnir i. . jjw. " -c. oivftm a as removed Lis office from the residence of f the late Dr. W. E. FrMmin. n y - j j . r . v uo uuc u juuuag sue Lma m Strange', near corner of ThirJ and Marks t 8treets. jan 23 -6 1 New Hat Store. RECEIVED YESTERDAY BY NEW Y03K STEAME3, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE STYLISH SOFT AND STIFF HATS, CHEAP. Call and examine. ' JOHN M. ROBINSON, 13 Froat St., South of Purcell House jan 24 Organs and Organetts JECEIVD ALMOST DAILY, which we are selling at remarkably low prices. A complete stock of School Sooks, Blank Books and Stationery always on hand, at jan 26 Book Store. Hoyt's German Cologne. JUST RECEIYED, a ft ah supply of this CELEBRATED PERFUMEUT". rarties In want can be supplied at the 4 LIVL lijcii .'TORE. Blank- Books. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Books, .11 sizes and ttrlet. of Blank Also Lttp uopyine Book?, at HEINSBERGER'S, Lire Book and Music Store. fan 27 Notice. rjyilS STOCKHOLDERS of th. Wilmin;. tn?, Columbia A Augusta Railroad will i a their office, ia the City of Wilming- I ; , at 10 A. IL, Tuesday, 10:h of F.bruaij. n- xr, acd rn the f 3?ecedi2 day at their of fice ia r Fn:e, S. C, at ia A. U t9 tris S act bu:iseis pertakdrg to tnefr reorfisalzs" p- . ' jsaag-tf "''-., &flincr tuff t f fjlHE BALA S 02 O ' CUR b " IMM -JNS3 STOCK OF FALL AMD WlfJTEf? CLtJTHIO must go at alrst sny price-'to 2nak.vroom for thep'isif bijles. lUrsJni may be hid. A!! otvesold. Call anj gjittUe re- sraiEi's two aToia Jaa 9 Haxkct sU

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