THIS Pi FEB u MoiWrf ,rJ tJUraoos, Ba.dayi idr JOSH. T, JAM BSt inrro am reoraiKToa. aCB3CBirn058.F08TA0EPAlD. ja. ieer.fS 00 Six months, SlW ; Three o.rti. SI 15 1 One month. M Mtti. rt, paper will be delivered by carriers, ,1 of eUrr .. I- "T P" of the city, at the ...orlSe-nU per week, ..rtr.u.lo and liberal j-.iatcriberi will please report any aad l8fM to receive their papen reyalarly . New Advertisements. "18 80 ! QUAWD ANNUAL CLOSING SALE I 3R0WN & EODDICK. 45 Market St. STAKE THld OPFOBTOMir OF '.trite S- lert "public for tbeir ?rj Ubera patronage daring the past year, and te call particular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON ill January, 12th. Great Reductions wUlbemede la order to effect our object. Onr patron may reit assured that the redaction are bona fide. t Dress Goods, . BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham borz Edging and Insertion that we have ahown, la order to make room for our new stock. ., BROWN & EODDICK, 45 EXarket Street, Jan 10 Fresh Every Day, A. mK A8d0BTMENT 0F CAXDIE8, French and Doaaeitic, joit received and for "THB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy la the city, will be found everv day, frwb and swet tbrte doors 8outh of the Poetoffiee on Seoond etreeU Alio, Nats, EaUins. Fruit, Ac C. E. JET K.N 8, jaa 23 Neat the PostofBce. Lower than Ever. JARoi 8T0CK OF OAK, ASH, Ac at greatly reduced priori. Fall stock of the bwt COAL in the city very lew Indeed. Ua 21 J. A. BPR1NGER. Cydomin FOR CHAPPED SKINS, etc. PEL'S CORN fcOLYaNT Brown's Wodland belie, and a freeh slock of Drape and Mcdi etaeejast reeive4. Fell and freeh astort neat of GARDKN SEaDS. 1 have &o last y rax'e Beeda, Precriptkja aecuratelv eompounded. F. C MILLER, Corner 4th aad Nan 8 tree U. rrpn a it aad aignt. jaa 5A-t " A HOUSEHOLD NEED. 4 BOOK ON THE LIVER, lb dtseasee X a4 their treatment aent Free. Including Jaaadice, BUlloasaeae, lieu ache, Comtipa- oo, ujspepeia, at aj art a, ac aearea Dr. laaford, 1K2 Broadway, New Tork City, New Terk. jaa 24 -t CHAS. KLEIN, Mertater !aii CaM Hater. Princess Street, in Basement of th Journal Building, WILMLNGTON, N. a fST" A fiat aarv rtaeat of Co&na aad Cae keie constantly oa hand. Faral tare Repaired, Cleaned aad Vanlahed. Orders by tele fraf er aaaU proenptlj filled. aev e 1 VOL.IV. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. F. C. MiLisa Cydomin. P HeiNseiasBa Look ! Orae Hccai Louise Pcmeroy. A. A I. Hhriei Helliojj Off ! Wi! dow GUs3--ali sixes at iMtafTt-r I r ice's, t it Knives and Forks, p.icket Kuives &c, or the CbiM.-en at -Jacmu's. TbirAie; in perfectly legitimate in cam where a wih f! her to a ihoi.gbt. A bid stovepipe ie like a bad ni.iD.' Too much crock rf th eHvm- a;;i too much Love is weci aud so id sugar, sooie' deal of irrit in Unit 8 tbero is a both good Mil' on Nooks liwivoa ilmingtoti tbja 'go-by llo is buokwd foi Norfolk nxt Wednesday nfchL- i Pocket Kuived, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks aud Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's Ooe never realize just how much a pair of skates can benefit a tailor till he puts them on lor the first time. When you say that a girl's hair is black as coal, it is just aswell to Bpecify that ycu do not mean a red hot coal. The track of the street railwvy iu this city is being taken up. The cans stop ped ruuning several months ag A thorough man of the world is one who can shake (hands cordially with h friend whom he hia jistb'ick ballel at a clubl : A melancholy case of scmisuicide a naughty little boy, fcaviog been , threat ened with a whipping, immediately hucg his hea 1. The Enz'ish like Fiench maids, and'i the French like EntHuh maids. Thit'a the way a balance is maid- beUvecn the two countries. . 1 . The sale of reserved seats for Louise Pomeioy's performance in "As You Like It" will commence to morrow morning at HeinsbergetV. Blue robes de nuit hive not been pop nlar since freedom tore her 'azure robe of night' by catching it on one of the horns of the moon. Xj darling, said he, what a delicious taste your lips have. Then she sprang up and yelled, Goodness, John, have you been eating my lip salve? QDr. F. O. Miller advertises a new ar rivaT of pure drugs and medicines, also a full line of garden and flower seeds." See advertisement in another column. The freights passing from aud through this city on ths various line3 of rail- joad are very heavy at this time, and are taxjug the carrying capacities of the roads to the utmost. , . i Girls are advised by a Chicago physi cian to sleep on their backs if they wish to keep crow's feet out of the corners of their eyes. These blemishes,' .he says, are the result cf sleeping on tbe r sides.' Christmas Fire Dogs aad Fire Irons Flutinz Machines and eery" sort of Hud are at lowest sort of cash price a Jacobi's. A fashion letter says: Pincht-d waists are now thought vulgar. . Faskion letters may say what they pi rase, but as long as the owLers of the waists don't make a fuss about it, young meu will still continue to pinch em. A writer on home attractions say: Give your apartments expression, character Allow nothing to lo.-k isolated, but let everything present have an air of socia bility. That is wbat makes ths girls leave two chairs sitting facing each ether on Monday. One of the Boston preachers said Sun day afternoon: The little good any of us can do must be done with bur hearU thumping agaiukt tb heart cf our fellow men. And every young woman in church looked at every olhor youcg woman and. smiled approvingly. Pbrstclana' Wine. New York physicians say thai tbey have been using fcpeer's Tort Grape .Wine and Wine UiUers in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact the most reliable tbey can Cod. Yxr sale by Green A Planner, Jaa. Q, Mnnds and P. Lv. Brtiliert Jk Co. r A AIM WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY Unittallable. The following unmailable postal matttr remains at the PostofSce in this city: ' Miss Calvin Holly, care H H mltb, Lumberton, N C; Miss Minnie C Ccx, Kichjjiids, NC;CH Thomas, in car of nnlelfiby Stock; Frank Matbews, Sna'cher's Pustoffice, Duplin Co., N C. The Alarm or Fire this Morning. This morniug, about 3 o'clock, a cow shed on the premises of James Telfair, near the corner of Seventh and Walou street!, was discovered on fire and the alarm was sounded . The fire department turned out promptly but before their ar rival the fire was extinguished by teariou down the shed, not kuown. . The origin of the fire is Arrived Safely. Mr. E E. Burruss this morning re ceived a letter from Mr. James Dawson, which announces the safe arrival of him self, wife and son in the old coun'ry. They arrived at Liverpool on the iSth inst. and at London on the 19th, and from that city were to have gone the next d y directly on to Paris, where they expected to join their daughter, Mrs. Greenhow, and her husband. Unclaimed Postal Matter. The following postal matter, receive at the Postoffice in this city, remains un claimed: Philip Armstrong, J L Cowan, M Campbell, A Collins, Henry Davis, W Davis. Miss M Davis,, Annie Fnlford, John Herse, E A Holland, T H Hicks M M Jones. E Johnson, Henry James, Owen Liockamy, Simon Morrins, John Minness, W Martin, Joe Parker. Kinff Cotton. The indications are that the area of cotton to be planted in this section this year will be largely in excess of that of 1879. The demand for fertilisers, we un derstand, is very heavy, which is a euro indica ion of the great exertions 'which are to be put out by the farming Com munity this year. With good seasoas there will be a fine prospect ahead fer our people but if '1880 should, prove a bad cotton year they will get back many of the troubles from which they have just escaped. Respectfully Dedicated to the Boys and the Police Authorities. We do not propose writing a philip' pic 8gainst boys or their practices in games of pleasure, for, strange as it may seem to seme of our masculine juvenile friends, we were once a bjy ourself and although a decade of years and more have passed since that happy period, we can recollect with great distinctiveness many of the events together with the customs of those days, no matter whether marbles were in fashion or kites in season, or old hundred on Academy Hill the popular game of amusement; it all comes back to oarmind'seye with marvellous distinc tiveness, but with it all we think the boys of that period generally kept or were made to keep within certain bounds Now we do not object to bojs playing shienv. but reason tells us that there oaght to be some regular play ground and not all the side walks in the city ought to be taken up for this amuiment, and then balls would be better to use than rocks,for there is danger in knockingsmaU rocks or stones through the streets; they may be driven through somebody's win dow glass, or worse still.they might strike some one in the face; Yesterday we are told that there came very near being a serious accident on the corner of Bed Cross and Third streets, by which two ladies, who were driving inji buggy.migbt have lost their' lives or had their limbs broken if they had not succeeded in get ting out of the buggy as soon as they did, and before the horse dashed off at a farL oas runaway speed, and it was all e insed by the horse takiag fright at the shinny sticks of a crowd of boys at the above named locali-y. Fortunately the ladies enabled to jump out in time, while the horse dashed off at a runaway speed, with the baggy, smashing it aad breaking the shafts. But our i a for mint states that the accident caused no inter mission ot the game cf shinny. Colored flannel skirts art shown in pale blue, pink and scarlet shades. Some of these have three or four tacks, each, an inch wide, not sewed merJj, but wrought eatber stitch. V:bers re prettily eta- f . ." .;rt ' l i ' .- I Oioiaereu, waue suu otucra oars jraioecr wool lace the color of the flannel sawed to the hem. Review I mm' V 11 II A V V o BrltlsJi Barque Gear Davis. This One staunch ship, named in honor or our distinguished townsman, Hon Geo. Dav3-,Jhis again apieared in our harbor, consigued to htr old consignees1, Measrs. Alex..Sprnnt & Son. Capt. Campbell reports heavy weather and contrary winds daring the greater part of his passage Irom Liond-m. and is more than ever pleasod uitb h9 good wailin; quaHties of bis hip, sustaining her raputation for having iflver been overtaken by atiy sail at sea eioco was built. : Assuming th it the population of t lis town, id 3,500, the death rate ol the com munity tio pat year stands as 1 in 103, which is nearly one-half less than the re ported death-rate of Raleigh, it being 1 iu 5.7; aod ajmetbiug less than one-third that ol Wil ciington.G oldtboro Messen While we are realy to rt-j iice with oui neighbor of the Messtngtr ever the good health of his tewn, we see no reason why the rejoicing should be at the expense of Wilmington. His .estimate as to Golds- byo may be correct but it ii certainly wrong as regards Wilmington. The official recordsand reports of deaths here, tor both white and black, place the rate at about 22 to the thousand jor 2 2 per hundred. 4 Painful Accident. Mr. J. D. Nat t, a yeumr citizen of this place.who is a clerk in Messrs. Green & Flanner s drag store, met with a pain ful accident this forenoon. He had just filled a small bottle with carbolic acid and was endeavoring to fit a cork: into the month, when from some cause the bottle exploded throwing the (eorrosive material over his face and hands, and burning him dreadfully. He was at once carried home and Dr. Wood called to his assistance. Everything possible was done for his relief, and at last accounts he wei somewhat easier. Dr. Wood made as careful an examination as could be made under the circumstances, and we are glad to learn from him that he does not think that the eyes have been injured. lit j Court. Alice Beatty, colored, was arraigned for being drunk and disorderly. Officer Grant who made the arrest, testified that he was called upon yesterday by the proprietor to move the woman out" of Mr. Scott's store on Market street. That he arrested the defendant and had progressed as far as the Market House, when he was compelled to call in officer Billy Griffith's assistance, the woman being so drunk he couldn't get along with her, and finally they were eom pelled to call into requisition a dray and haul her to the Guard House. The Chie of Police stated that the defendant smash ed the window glass in the Guard Boom, and then danced a sort of hoty dance on the fragments, claiming she had religion, and made such a terrible' noise and row that the Janitor was compelled to lock the prisoner in the cell. The Mayor pronounced sentence of $10 or twenty days. There being no further business, the Court adjourned. .Some Little Things ot Value. If your coal fire is low, throw in a tablespoon ful of salt, and it will help it very much. A tittle ginger put into sausage meat improves the flavor. In Icing cakes, dip the knife into cold water. In boiling meat for soup, we cold water to extract the juices. If the meat - is wanted for itself alone, plunge it inte the M Doiiing water at once, xon can get blotch or stain of oil off an j carn&fe or woolen , stuff by appiji; buckwheat plentifully. Xfc?er put water to such a grease.pot, or liquid of any kind. Broil steak without ' salting. Salt draws the juices in cooking; it is desirable to keep these, if possible. Cook over a hot fire, turning frequently, searing both sides; place es a platter,sa!t and 'pepper to taste. Beef having a tendency to be toogbtean be made very palatable by stewing gently for two hours with salt and neoner. takiag about a pint of the ligaor when half done, and letting the rest boil into the meal. Brown the meat in the pot. After taking up make a gravj of th j pint of liquor saved. A small piece of charcoal in the pot with boila ing eabbage removes the 'Well Clean oilcJcikee with milk ani water; a brush and Kip will ruin 'them. Tumblers that have milk in them should never be put in hot water; A; spoonful of stewed tomatooa in the gravy el either roasted, c iVied meats ie an iaprortsnt The skin of a boiled, egg ia the most efadqpj remc , Uai can be applied to a boU, 5 Peel "it carefully, wt. and apply the, part aSected. It will draw cot the matter and relieve the soreness In a few hours, . - 30, 1880. NO. 303' Southern Historical Society Papers. The February number of this magazine has teen received, and maintains the standard of excellence and interest which have characterized its pages from the outset. The number before us contains the fol lowing articles, which will be read with tinterest by the survivors of the scenes hey describe and delineate: 'Shermans Meridian Expedition and Svioy Smith' IUkI to West, Point. A? Review by General S. D. Lee; 'Lieuten ant Charlie Peirce's During Attempt to Escape from Johnson's Island,' by Lieutenant McNamara; 'Ilistory of Lane's North Carolina Brigade No. 3, by Brig. Gen. James II. Lane; Pricpn Life at Fort Mcilenry,' by Rev. Dr. T. D. Withcrspoon, la.e Chaplain of the Forty second Mississippi Regiment; 'Battle ef Gettysburg,' report of Gea . Junius Dan iel, besides Editorial paragraphs and Lit erary notes The work is a valuable acquisition to the literature and his'ory of the South, and we hope it may be read in the house hold of cverv Southern family. It is published , riou,thly at Richmond, Va,, at a subscription price of $3 per annum. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jacobi s. Narrow Escape. Mr. P. W. Newk irk, engineer at the Navassa Guano works, bad a very narrow and almost miraculous escape from death while attending to his duties as engineer at the above named works this morning. It seems that Mr. Newkirk's clothing was caught by the cogs of the gear wheel and he was thrown intothe mill pit, but how he escaped or when he was extricated from his perilous position, he ie unable to tell, but be must have crawled out himself as the machinery was not stopped. He says he only recollects his clothes being caught and his body being jerked into the mill pit as stated abeve. Luckily for Mr. Newkirk he has no dangerous injuries though he is pretty severely bruised. Dr. W. W. Lane was telephoned for, and took passage in the company's little Bteam yacht, which was fortunately. lying at tho company's wharf here with steam up when the telephonic despatch was re ceived. The injuries from which Mr. Newkirk is suffering are several scalp wounds, besides a braise or cut on the nose and possibly a broken collar .bone. We saw and talked with the iojuried man about S o clock this afternoon and the above are the facts connected with the accident as he related them to us. Mr. Newkirk is the son of Dr. A. F. New kirk, and has many friends in this city who will be glad to hear of hi truly wonderful escape from death. The Flr&t Blast. There was a meeting of the Republican State Executive Committee held in Ral eigh last night. Gen. Manning and Mr. W. P. Oaaadsy; were present from this section; Mr. .Canada?. Gen. Rnfna TUr. Lnger and Messrs D. H. Starbuck and A. D. Jenkins, ex State Treasurer, were appointed as delegates to the National Convention which meets In OhIcako ihe time for holding the State Republi can Convention U fixed for June, day not nCentioned. These facts were received here to-day by telegraph. The mule and cart which have hereto fore carried the mails are to give way soon to a beautiful U. S. mail wagon This will give us more the appearance of a city. Col. Brink has been endeavoring for some time to have ibis arrangement carried out. 0- . : A Treatise on the Hair, published by 11 P. Hall Co., Keshan, N. H , proprietor? of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew, er, contains valuable information about the hair, which should be read by aJL Send to publishers for a copy. 176X7 Advortlcomenta. ! Look I IJUIB AMERICAN "L'AflSOMMOlR." A Parody oa Zjla's "L'AttOsaolr.- By Joseph Sydney. HOW SHE WOK linger, the Bride of unarnuag vauej. uy u, a. noore, for sal at ta LIFE BOOK STORE. ; Pfancj and Organo gOLD- OH THE INSTALMENT PLAIT, Gaitan.Y1ol!2s. Baafos. Flatea. Flfea. As- eordeoss, Cxrsoaieai, Dtxsj. te,9 til tor sals at PLEASE 50T1CE. . , We will beg' ad to receive eoxnxn natation from oar friends on any and all subject if general Interest bat: The name of the writer renst always be fnr aishedto the Editor. Communications mast be w t itten on o n ; j one side of the paper. . Personalities But be avoided. And it is especially and particularly order V teod that the Editor doee not always enic u the views of correspondents, unless so ttat 4 in the editorial columns. yew Advertisemonts. OPERA HOUSE. Extraordinary Attraction For Two Nights Only . MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 2 i 3. Only appearance of the beautifal atd tir t ed Shaksperian ceuius Supported by her own excellent Sew or a Company. Jlondar Evenine, Feb. 2d. , bhakspeare's Exquisite Comedy, " As You Like It Louise Pomeror as Rosalind, (with Cuckeo , , Song). Her unequaled character, TTJE8DAY, Feb. 3d, by special rcauest. SZIB LADY OP LYNN'S. . Louise Pomeroy as Pauline. A Popular Scale of Prices only. Admif ion $1. No extra charge for reserved seats, now on sale at Hcinsberger'a. Gallery. SOeentsv jan 30At OF Little Bed Bin Hoofl BF 150 . LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILD REN OF THIS CTTrl AT IHE OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 30, 1880. Admission 50 cts. Children, 25 eta. jan 29 Refreshments. A, vviuuiiino ur iJti.uit.ti will pre .w areTaiid offdr for 8ale refreshmente at' the City Hall on Friday evening next, the occasion of tbe performance of the Upeietta in the Opera House. They will be furnished at a low price. Proceeds for the benefit of ot. John's. . jaa 27-4 1 Lecture. QOL. D. K. MaoRAE WILL DELIVER a Leoture,Yor tve benefit of the Library Ai- seciatlon, in the Opera House, Wednesday, February ithat 8 o'clock, P. M. Subject : POETRY. Admission 25 cjn'i. , jan 29-6t New Hat Store. JTECEIYED YEBTERDAY BY NKW Y03K STEAMER, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE STYLISH SOFT AND STIFFHATS, CHEAP. Call and examine. JOHN M. ROBIN80.V, 13 Front St., South of Purcell Houre jan 24 Organs and OrgandttB JECElVf D ALMOST Xl AILY, which ' are selling at remarkably Jo'w prices. A eoffliplete Itock of "f cool Jjooks, BUck Books and Station :rjr always on hand, at ja 20 f Book Store; Notice. rpHE STOCKHOLDERS of the WUmiag. Uo, Colombia M Aagasta Railroad will. m t at their office, In the Ti ty of WIImIn ton, f io Al M Toesday, lO.h of Fcbraa j n xtr and on the succef ding day at their of fice ia Flore&ee 8. C, at 10 A. M., to tear act busiaeee pertainic to tfielr reorganiia Hoe ' ' jan 26 tf . Selling Off! rflHE BALANCE Q9QUK - " IMMiXSE &T02K OP FALL AfJD VIFITER CL3THIQ . i, . mast go at almost any pries to make room for the Sprie? Styles. Bargalrs may te had. All mast be said. , Call aad grt there -faced prices,, at . k:- SHUBl'S TWO ET0SE3, ; JaO . - I!iii:t tU jaw-- xaye zocz era iirris L :trs- fl

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