TfllSPAFEB. . If puollihtd every aftsraooa, 8aadays ex- ra pU4 Of JOSH. T. JAMES, XBXTO aid raorairroa, 80B3CKIFTJ0N8. POSTAGE PAID. Oaa yer,SS 00 Rlz moaOi, S3 SO ; Three months, $1 25; Ooe month, 60 CfoU. rb ppr will be delivered by carriers , re of charge, ia any part of the city, at the bove rataa, or 13 Mati per week. AdvertiaiBK raUe low an4 liberal jWSobecribers will pleaie report any aad it failnreeto receive their papers re relarly. Now Advertisement. B 80 2 G2LAZ3X) ANNUAL CLOSING SALE I 3R0WIST & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yETAKE TIII8 OPPORTUMTT OF tbankin the general public for their rery libera patronage dariac the put year, and to call particular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE 1 OF WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON January, 12th. Great Reductions will be made In order to effect oar object. Onrpatrosi may rest mured that the red action j are bona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR Felt Skirts, LADIES, GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham- barf Edging and Insertions that we hare shown, ia order to make room for oar sew stock. BROWN & BODDICK, 45 Market Btreet, jaalO Fresh Every Day, FIXE ABdORTMENT OF CADDIES, French and Domestic, juit received and for TUB ONLY QEND1NE HOME-MADE Caady la the city, will bo found everv day, freeb aad iwm(, three doors South of the roetoffic on 8eoond street. Alio. Nuts, RaUiat. Fruit, Ac. C. E. J EVENS, j&a 23 Nea the Poetnffice. CLYDE'S Mew York AND Wilmington, N, C. Steamship Line. a THE STEAMER BENEFACTOR. OAPT. JONES, WILL BAIL FROM HEW TORE O SATURDAY. January 31 3. Shippers eaa rely upoa the prompt SAUlnjC ef 8Uaers as advertised. for fralxht EacaiemeaU apply to THO?. E. B05D, BspX t r, WCiiajrtoa, N. C. TBIO. O. SO EE, Freight Afeau WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Trk U Broadway, Kew fork. Jaa IT 1 X "v. . r i VOL:IV. . WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1880. NO. 305 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. T J 8octhil4d Mulee for 8ale. BoATWEiaar A McCeT Return Thanks. Tates Book Store and Photo Rooms Organs and Organelles. P L;Bft!teiRS A Co Oleomargarine and Frying Pane. William A McacHiios New Crop Cuba. Xca's Non-Corroiire Hewing Machine Oil P IiaiKiiaaeia Look! A. A I. Hhi8r Bellio jj Ofl ! Tbiii month baa five Sunday . For other. localaBce fourth page. St. Valentine' dy is most here. Wintaw ;i ili aizea ai lUfl'er lice's, t Wc gain 08 minutes of daylight tLi" month. Louiso Pomeroy auJ troupe arrived in this city yesterday. Lady of Lyons' to-morrow niht with Miss Pomeroy as Pauline. Storms siznals were ordered up this ...t ftn r,M-k at Wilmington aad Smlthville. 77.. T The Evangeline Troupe and its Lone x . , K, . Fisherman passed through this city yes terday mornine en route for Charleston. Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price t Workmen are engaged to day in tear- .. . . l- r...Vf log up me street car iracK. ou iuai&ci Blrec , Sweet potatoes are very scarce and atbismarket. Yams sell tor 81 .20 per I bushel. Seventy-five arrivals of vessels at this port in one month is not bad showing. Forty-five of these were from foreign ports and thirty coastwise. " r oi,im - . 7 ".,Vv J Cn - that tlmra Ii9 atr- retjorta tnaiuere uas oeeu su" rise in tte-ri?er, an n,i etflamboatmen are happy at the prpect ahead. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c . or the Children at JaCobI 8. We are reauested to state that the dia- cram of seats for'the Operetta on Tuurt- day niht will be ready at Mr. Heins- berger's bk store, on Market street, to- morrow afternoon at 4 o'dock. '" m . City detective iiieyer was piayingnioe and go seek with "de poysw this morning. He dropped on the trail et one oi ue Pomeroy troupe and has concluded write a play entitle-!, -uide ana uo oeea, or (08 ucieciives dcbi. nan. . i t . t i. rr M I Personal. Maior Vedder. the officer in charge of the Signal Stations cn the South Atlantic fkuut is on a tour of inspection in this section and is now at Smithville, but will ' I ratura to the city this evening. TbU t f t T T I mucn we ieara iruiu ur. . imwuu, the courteous and obliging gentleman in I rWmnf the Signal Office t this station, Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons - a Flntini? Machines ana every sort oi n trd are at lowest sort of cash prices a Jacobis. As You Like It. Miss Louise Pomeroy. and troupe will appear in Shakespeare's comedy,' As You Like It," this e vexing. They have been greated with largr-houses. wherever they have appeared, and the papers speak mall rf Koir nprfnrm? nppt Aronntr thn trcure are persons who are well known the theatre going jublic of this city and we have no doubt but that - the troupe will fu'Iy sustain the reputation they have now. An exchange says: Hoealind "is one cf Sbakespeaie's mos. exnuisite creations, .ana a character that requires personal beauty, genuine drama . . . - . tic feeling and race in its representation. Louise Pomeroy as Kcsalmd can have but few equals, and scarcely a superior, on the sure. in the character proper she is fine, it it while she is mas nueradicg ia tbe forest of Ardennes, in tbe character cf Ganymede, that her his triooic ability is brought out in its fullest relief. Tbe scene with Orlando in the forest it a perfect chef d'oeuvre of excel lent acting, only 'rivaled by that other scene where the brother of (Orlando comes upon tbe scene. Her acting is ex quitite. Mr. W. U. Leake, ua Jaques, u grand. With a manificeut voice, a perfect articulation, an absolutely cor rect reading, and an admirable concept tion of the character, Mr. Leake has made himself Jaques, as Miss Pomeroy URjealind. TbeJOrUndo of the p'ay, Air. Robert, ia alsu excellent, and Miss Spencer, as Celia, . sJso deserves9 great praise. Is short, tbe entire support is far above tbe average, and all are entitled to much credit. Da The ProtetUnt Sisterhood In Wll ralnston-A Candidate Admlited to the Order, There wu an interestiLg service atSt. James Church yesterday the more" in terestiog, perhaps, beeauae novel the ad mission of a lady into the Protestant Sis terhood of the Good bhepberd. The great efficiency of tbia sort of agency it the Roman Catholic Communion has long boen e?iJent even to Protestant', who. while opposed to the religious system of Roman Catholics in other respects have been wont to make a large amount of ex ception in favor of this part of it. It has been said that the sincerest form of praise is imitation. Of late years various Pro- tastant bodies have given this testimony to the value of tho Rpman Catholic Sis- ter hoods. Not only in Episcopal Eog land, but in Lutheran Garmany, and else where, there have been, for new many years, organizations of a like sort and as has been thought greatly to the advantage of those who have adopted them. They have argued. 'If others have an army, tia is no reason why we should not have one too, but.1 on the contrarv. all the more reason wny we should nave one. u in l 1 mm V their army a certain arm of tbe service a peculiar organization haslbeen found ejpecially efiective, why should we not hive for ourselves a similar advantage? And besides, this idea of associated work by bodies, separated for the purpose, "is a pari ot our common heritage.' And so tne I SlKfrhrwu? nrinalnla das omo fn vrafU - ..-w..w u w w od upon the work of the Protestant Church in this country, as well as in u , c yolj unfamiliar maj 5, to Ufj u haa f or year8 besa as it well known in other Dioceses of the Episcopal Church in the United States; in the South w n norm. . But the event of yesterday was the first of the kind just here. The services,con ducted by the venerable head of the Diocese, Bishop Atkinson, was in itself . . . . - ""'lwo"i,w "uv upon, and listened to, with a deep iater est by the congregation. I After a very interesting sermon by the Bishop, settine forth the history of Sis- terhoods, and the principles upon which w ef tnose among ITotestanU have been con ducted, the -candidate, who had pre- Tiousiy Deen requirea to pass tnrougn a pronation oi eignteen montns, was pre- I sented to the B'hop; seated in his chair withi tfa chancei by the Presiding gilter of tho Qrd who htd frQm SW York fof the parpoje Ia tbisser- yjco the manual of the Sisterhood of the Q , SheDherd WM by the aa;hor. I tty eanonxcally tecogoized in the Bishop I of each Diocese, 'to et forth forms of Prayer, &c. for extradinary occasions." mm After an address to tje congregation on the objects of the Sisterhood, tbe Bishop, I turning to the candidate, urged upon her I the .olema character of the ,tep .be wa. a TvrTi f try talra an1 raAaiweA tmr nlaraa I .wu. w uu a.v..uv -v. t"6" i of diligence, subordination, watchfulness! and prayer. Then, taking her by the I .... I nan1 a Maivai1 no. infrt the fallnnrahm I , . . . ,r . , , . I oi me Disternooa-oi tne uooa onepneru. We hope that the Bishop s sermon may I appear in print. Many of those wbe ! heard it, and many who did not, would be glad to have the opportunity to read it. It wculd be a mistake to infer from what we have said that this is the begin ning of Protestant Sisterhood work in Wilmington. For two years such or . . . ... efficiently, and most acceptably to those I v v c. . a a I for wh se benefit it is chiefly intended ia connection with the mission work ofl St. James Parish, having its headauar- I ters at St. James' Home on Orange street, - ... , , . Irom this centre, an organized work of great value has been carried on for same years, among the poor and the sufif ering. A tree scaool lor wnites, at pres ent numbering about CO children, has been maintained there, latterly under the charge of the Sistercood of the Good Shepherd. Regular family and neigh borhood gatherings for instruction and devotion have been kept up. In son?. cases, the destitute tick .have been takei into the bouse and nurse 1. Psntinent women have found there a respite from temptation, and a quiet home, where they cculd collect theosevjes, and make a fresh start for virtue and happiness. The Restitute, aged and orphan have from time to time found an asylum. In many ways, much baa been accom- phiahed. Why not, good people, give this institution a helping hand? It has done large good already, and, if, R sv you will enable it, can do nruch more. B. sides all that has been urged in its favor, let this be added, viz: thit by the principles it is seeking to instill it is an important contributor to the peace and good order of society. The well-known proverb might be enlarged and it might be well to remember that not curses only but blessiugs also 'like cbckens come home to roost." The Operetta Afaiu. i'iie eperetta given at the Opera Houses Ust Friday uiht under the auspices of the vliw whtvKo oames appear ia the corres- pou'lence published below, we under stand is to be repeated on Thursday night of this week and in mentioning this fact we are requested by the gentlemen to state that Thursday night was decided upon because it was tho only evening thi week in which tho Opera House was not engaged. We also understand that the Cornet Concert . Club have kindly tendered their services for tbe occasion, which havo been accepted. The Dramatic Associa tion, composed of a number of young gen tlemen of this city, we also learn have volunteered to sing glee songs during the intermissions s nd will giva a shin performance alsj at tha close of the Oper etta. Onetsf the sweetest lady vocalists iu luia cibY, wc id aioy tutu, iii oiuk iu compliment to one of the gentlemen who mo ;r,,Unmnnt,! ? ronnnefiTy r, o MJ. tion of the Operetta, 'Within a Mile of Edinboro Town,' The correspondence alluded to above is as follows: Wilmington, N. C. 31st, Jan.J, 1880. Misses Burr and James t dec , cGc; Ladies: The nndersigned most respectfully con gratulate you upon the extraordinary and well merited success of the entertainment given in tbe Opera House last evening nnder 'your direction for the benefit of St. John's Church, and have the honor to request that you will kindly arrange tor a repetition of tbe Operetta for your own beneat, and in order that many per sons who were unable to procure seats upon its recent rendition may share in the enjoyment of one of the most delight tiXK. eater tamments ever offered to our community. Very Kepectfully, D.G. Wobth, f B. F. Mitchell, John Wilder Atkinson, Nobwood Giles, O. H. Bobinson, ! D. R. Murchison, D, MacRae, A. L. DeRosset, Georob W. Kidder, James Spbunt. Wilmington, Jan. 81st, 1880. G ektlemen: Tbe kind and flattering compliment which you have extended to us in your note of to-day, in regard to the repetition ie yPere"a OI mit ttiaiaguoou is mw mr ti w r n ww wr viu i 11 w. vim iiiuiibhi. iiMir rau " ,r TiS"..- for the benefit and relief of the Church, and our next to please our friends: if we have succeeded ia both, as your have Un)ln intimst an ' than of rnn niinaat t k 1 ' " .. i . . Urjeretta, at a time wmcn may De agreed upon by those desiring it. With sincere thanks for your flattering .a:nA r( on Tnrr annAavnra VHWv Vi vu ,w We are, very respectfully, -Misses Burb & James. To Messrs, D. G. Worth, B. F. Mitchell, J. W. Atkinson, Norwood Giles" G. H, Robihson, D. R. MUBCHIiON, D. MacRae, , A, L.. DeRosset, Geo. W. Kiddeb, v Jambs Spbunt. lntiri This. . j , . , Did you ever know any person to be m without inaction of the Stomach. Liver or ki Joeys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was ob- footed or inactive; and did you ever know or bear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters weald not cure?-Ask your neighbor this same question Mules for Sale. fpWENT? HEAD OF WAQOX AND FARM MULES. Apply to T. J. 80DTHERLAND, Livery aad Sale Stables, Third Street. feb 2-tf NUNN'S NON-CO RR031VK SEWING MACHIX OIL is not only said to be the best, but the large daily sales of his' can vassing agent for the eity, beside what is also being sent to the country, proves that our people will patronise a home production wheu tier are satisfied , that the article ia pare aad as represented, which all nay rely upon who bay this Oil. and if aot fomad as reprweated, WHRN TtlK DIRKCTIONtS 4BE FOLLOWED, the money will be re. faaded by the proprietor. JL F XTJAB-, febl-l ... 0r. ifater aadrriaceaast. i New Advertisements. Oleomargarine I AND Fryinff-Pans J rnHE COMMISSIONER of d. cat:on L forma P. L. pi i ratal 7. that iUTT8R is tne product of tne i airy and not tne nor- pen; clear milk, and not lard. Our custom er know the difference. Our customer! barne tonuei iand tastee, dont want aay trial or test. We sfll Butter, and we eel Lard; we icll Hog 'a Grease and we sell Milk; ana tbe customers of P. L. Bridsrers & Co., j QliOCEHS, I Wilmiiigtoii, N. C, Don't war.t, and don't (ret the two things mixed in tins LstaDhsDment. The ComTBifsioner further on stji Djr- pepsia. Liver 'o-nj.iaiut and Cholera Mor bus originate in the Frylnfr J'ao, while Ty phoid, unills, Vellow Fever and Diphtheria come up with tbe "old oiken bucket" from the wells of the city To avoid all which USE.CISTERN WATER, P. L. sajg in the ntusa, ana especially in tne aitcnen. i o. :u tj , v . .. - tr ..lav I SaTarin a jd the destiay of France de- fl T ATTT q a nnrr XT mi nr I pendson her diet. Milton predicted England AO " d& cai.jr AXUIloU I WOUIO. IOBB inO UOUllUlOB OI IQO Ee&9 WDen Ih6 - r WHISKEY AND BEEF. ; ' " Napoleon made Soy er, the Cook, a member ot tbe Legion, and f. who is going to writs a Book of Poems shortly, says the mortest ana surest road 10 A MAN'S HEART, LADIES, is Via. L'jCSTOMAC ! and that practically, poetically ana practically WHAT TO COOK AND WHAT TO EAT is a subject of the greatest possible import ance te tne nappmess oi mankind. "We mav live without Doetrv. nsnslc and art. V wSir,C0,'scienc,' "d UTe We may live without friends, and live with- out books; But civilizsd man cooks." cannot live without Everything necessary to a good wholesome meal, irom a Lemon to an Ux, from the Land and the Sea, from the Skies or the Ground, the Dairy, the Factory, the Rivers, the Hill's, the Valleja, the Springs or the Mountains, East, West, North or-South, that commerce can bring or money buy, is to be found now in tne WKLL HKLECTED and GENERAL AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of P. t. 3RIDGERS & GO, , threat Oroccry Establishment, r WILMINGTON, N. C feb 2 ' ' Blew Crop Cuba. IRST CARGO JOST IN, . And for sale lew by WILLIAMS k MUROHISON. EEolasseSf Flour, &c, 200 Hlids and Bbls Cuba Molassess, iaOO Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 1000 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family I50 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 900 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 375 Bags Coffee, Rio, Laguyra and Java, Also, a full line of. j v Case -Goods, 400 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 800 Kegs Nails, all sizes, 500 New N. Y. Spirit Barrel?, 7o Bbls Distillers' Glue, 1500 Bdls Hoop Iron, 4500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1 200 Sacks Marshall'sFine Salt, 5000 Sacks Cotton Peruvian Guano, 3500 Sacks No. 1 Guanapc Guano. y' for sale low by WILLIAMS A M0RCHI8Ofr, Wholesale Gro. A Com. Mart. feb 2 Lecture. Q OL. D. K. MacBAE WILL D ELITES a Lecture, for tv e benefit of the Library Aa stciatioB, ia the Opera House, Wedaesday, February 4th, at 8 o'cleck, P.H, Subjects POETBT. Adszissioa 25 eeas jaa 23Xi PLEASE 50TICE. We will be g Tad to receive, communication from omr frienli on aay aad all subjects c f general iaterest but : The name of the writer must always be far aiahed to the Editor; Comaoaieatioas amt be wtlttea oa only oae aide of the paper Personalities- muit be avoided. And it Is especially aad particularly madei -tood that the Editor does not always eadotte the views of correspondent, unless so ttat 4 ia the editorial columns. Heir Advertiflomonts. T .;w.Lt St. T"Tr. 0 l 7 north Front O treat. "C EEL THAT IT IS THEIR DUTY TO return thanks to their frieads ard tbe tiedi g community generally, for tbe hber.l patrca- I ga they have received dftriar th month f III " January. Their sales have beea FAR BE- Y0ND noi "f epectauoM. They are prepared to effer both 3E3C issj'Tsrr AND Liht Groceries I AT WHOLESALE. in the City. They ai e doing their beit TO GIVE YOU GOOD GOODS r AT THE lowest Market Prices. They never forget their RETAIL FRIENDS 1 And they ketp for. them THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK from which to aake aclectioai of any Home in the SUte. feb 2 Organs and Organetts JEOEIVED ALMOST DAILV, which we are selling at remarkably low p ricei. A complete stock of ffebool Sooki, B.'sak Books and Btatloaery alirsj i on hand, at feb 2 Hook Store. OPERA. HOUSE. . . m m . Fx.iTt .adinary Attraction Far Two IJighto Only. MONDAY & TUE8DAT, FEIL2&3. Only sppearanee of the beaetifml aad talent ed Bhaksperiaa genius Ijouiso Pomoroj, 8pportedby her own excellent New "fork Coaapany. Monday Evening, Feb. 2d. & hakjpeares Exquisite Comedy, As You Like It., . a fonerov as Bosaliad, (with Cackoo Hj: ) Iter un equaled character, 1 HKSIiA T, Feb. Id, by special request, SBS LA97 Or IiTTOCTfl. . I oulse Fomercy as Paulij. A Popular Scale of Prlcs only. Admfs aioa $1. Wo extra charre for reserved seats now os sale at Bciosberger's. Gallery bO eentx. Jan 30-4 1 Gelling Off ! mBE Bi.LX50E 070DB IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND VINTEn CLOTHING nut go at almort aay price to make room for the Bprlsg Styles. Bargain may be had. All mut lie sold. Call aai ftttht re daced prices, at BUmU Vfl TT70 3T0SX3, Ja0 Uultt e!.

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