THIS P1PKB i MolUhrl irf afternoon. Buadayi e-i-ptel bT jOS 11. T.. J AM KH. SOITOS Jl9D rftOrJUXTO. uWcKIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. n pl.r will be delivered bj earners, relofeb M7 Pnf the city, at tbe AdTrt' low and liberal , -SocnSr will please report any aad r!m:r-" rivcir PPri regularly. Vec Advertisement. 1 8801 aHAKD ANNUAL SLOW SALE I 3R0WN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yyETAKE TUI3 OPPOKlOXUr OK nuking tii xeaertl Jp.Mic for tbtir rerj l.bera patronage during the past yesr, and to call particular attention to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE! or WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON January, 12th. Great Reductions wUlbemede la order to effect oar object. Oar patrons may rest aaiured that the redactions ax tona fide. Dress Goods, BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASHMERES FOR ' MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Pelt Skiris, LADIES, GEXTS, AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, Wt wUl offer tbe Cbeapeit line Hun barg E8 ul Insertions that we bare bown, la order to Bate room for oar sew tock. BROWN & RODDICK, 43 Market Streot, vaa 10 Fresh Every t Day, FIVE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, Freach aad Domestic, jujt received aad for 'THB ONLY" GENUINE HOME-MADE Candr la the city, will be foaad everv day, frwh aad swet. tree doori South of tbe otoee on teooad street. Alio, NutJ, RaMat. Fruit, 1c. C. E. JEYK.N8, jn ?3 Neai tbe Potofflee. CLYDE'S Mew York AND i Wilmington, W. C. Steamship Line. T1IL STEAMER BENEFACTOR,- CAFT. JONES. Wlui. SAIL FROM HEW VORK O B4TUEDAY. January 31 BMppert eaa rely upca tbe prompt sailing of Steamers m advertieed. tot Frelxht tarafeneats apply to TIIOS. E. BOND, Bap't, - WDaiaxtoa, N. C. THIO. O. EOXR, FrtifbtAceat. f7 Tort, WsL P. CLYDE k CO., Ml,-. 54 Broadway, Xev'.Tork. jia n r i i VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1880. NO. 306 LOCAL NEWS. tew Advertisements. I'Hiiiiuttu- Look! Pee ad HocUble. -A. A I. 8heii HelhDR Ufl ! Ilailroad freights continue very uvavy No man was ever hung with a cord of Wit iio'w tilts--ah ai.t-s at AltaftVr A Price's. j t A g'rl i kiiou by the Btrap'took that she kwps.' The traifu in cutizh tutxiiciuo a ftaid to ie Quj.recedeated. : I, The yield of fools id lbT'J was op to the anuual avt-rage. A real "toucti ot nature" is when one geti his nose frostbitten. Save your money by buying our Build ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. f Kaiyei aud Forks, Pocket Knives fcs. or the Children at Jacob's. Ew. barque Israel, Taslio; he tee, r rived at Hamburg on the 3 1st u'.t. Ger. barque Trenc, Siebert.heLce, ar rived at Glasgow ou the 28th ult. Barque Julia Jlcyn, Schroeder, hence for London, passed Deal on the lOthlilt. Full many a poein ia born to blush un sceu aud vruate its sweetness in the slug gish fire. . There are too few men following tbe plow ia this country, and toj many fol lowing the women. We know a man whose wife doesn't kiss him because he smokes, hiui because she loves him. She kisses QWhen you bear that a money drawer has been rifled, you need not be surprised to known that its contents have gone off The box-sheet for thu Operetta is now open at Helnsberger's. Those who wish to obtain gtod seats should see to it at once. Schooner Emily II. Kay lor, Fisher, from Belfast, Me., for this port, put into Norfolk on the 23ih ult. with centre board broken. There was no quorum last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen and hence an adjournment was bad to next Mocdy evening. Christmas Firo Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of llud are at lowest sort ot casa prices a Jacobi's. Bishop Atkinson confirmed two per sons in St. James Church on Sunday af ternoon. The confirmanls were a gentle man and his wife from Black -River, in Pender county. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated forks and spoons; largest variety and Iowoet prices at Jacqbi s. We learn from Sergeant Watson, of the Signal Service, that the amount of rain which fell be ween the hours of 7 a m, yesterday and 7am to-day was one inch and a half. Troublesome leaks arouud chimneys and over bay windows be permanent ly stopped by applying hot, with a brush a composition ruale ot fourpound rosin, one pint linfeed oi', aud ui:e tunce red lea l. f Oaf-Shore Sfgua.'s were ordereJ this morniog for - SamtviKe, Wilmwg'OD, Fort Macon. Dpe L-jKiut, Cape Ilat- teras, Kitty. 11 iwk, Cape Henry, Nor folk, Heak water, Cpe May. At la: t:c, Barcegat, Subdy IlVuk, New Yctk and Ljwcs 1 he Uiver. Capt. Rubeson, of the Hare, reports that it was sajwing heavily in Fayette ville yesterday moruiug when he It ft there and tba: there was continuous rain all along down the river. He understands that the tains extended to the interior counties and the hop is now freely ex pressed that we are to have a g od izrd f re-let at last. No remedy in the World ever came in to each universal um, or hss o fu!!y wen the coaCueu, cf wanaind; ds AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL! for the cure of Coughs, Golds aad Consumption. father It Getting Hell. My daughter aaya, low much better father u tince he used Hqp Bitters.' lie is ge.ting well afir b: long auuenng (rem a duea&e delard icotirable. abd' we are so glad that be used your Bitters. A lady of liochester, N. Y. DAILY A Visit In company i to the Koine. ith the .Rector of St James' Church, and by bis invitation. we this, morning, together with a gen- lam n n f th fir.hool rVimmitted in thin city, visited St. James Home, located at the corner of Eighth and Orange streets This institution, as we have previously stated in tbe Rkview, is the oflspring of the church or pariih of the sam name in this city and is maintained, un. er the management ot -the Rev. Dr Watwm, almost exclusively by St. Jarm parifeh. In printing au abstract of a sermon delivered by the Rector on Thankugiv'u g day we took occasion then to refer to the excellent w ork that baa been done and the self-sacrificing labor performed by those who are attached to the iustitutioo, but it may Lot be . amiss to repeat h re some of the good work which is beirf'p accomplished, day by day, by these faith ful workers in the Vineyard of their Master. There are at present thrf Sisters of the Sisterhood who are engaged at the Home in the noble undertaking of imDartintr religious, as well as secular f. w m m instruction to tchildren, whom they gather into the fold, from all classes, some of whom, but for the good teaching and patient instruction which they re ceive there, together with the influence ex erted over them by those holy women, would in all probability grow up. to be come outcasts in society. The children are well grounded in the church catechism and receive the rudiments of a good education. There are in all some sixty scholars at present, but owing to the ' sickness which is quite prevalent among the children now, not more than half were in attendance this morning. The devotional exercises are conducted every Tuesday morning, at half-past 9 o'clock, by the Rev; Dr. Watson, the children all answering audibly and correetly in the responses. These services over Dr. Watson then examines them on thecat echism.or certain parts of it, and their ready and correct answers famish substantial evidence of the thoroughness of their In struction in this particular. Examina tions in arithmetic and other studies were made this morning, which proved quite satisfactory ' also. This institution has er been in existence now over ten years, during which time the immense amount of good accomplished by the work plan ned and projected from the Home by those in charge, is simply incalculable, and the good work still goes on. The work of tbe institution is now more thoi- oughly organized and systematized than possibly ever before. Tbe Sisters have their regular duties mapped out for the day and the week as well. They visit the poor and the sick and the needy and they carry the. blessed teachings of ho Divine Word into the humblest cot ; there are none too poor nor too wretched for those ministering angels, as they are sometime called by the sick and the suffering, to vis it. Our purpose is not to write in any spirit of fulsome adulation here ( ind we do not 'think we have done so) bu to give as near as possible a correct and truthful statement of what is and has bien accom plished by the faitnful workers in this very worthy institution. We would like to see it enlarged, o that mire laborers cjuld be employed to sow the good seed. This can enly be done by the liberality of the people of the Chuich. "The Home was founded by the generosity of one donor alone ; surely then others might aid in the gojd work so weU begun, by giviu of their subitiuw a little, to further the noble obj-jcts in view. Dr. A, J. DeRosset, the Sauior Warden of the Vestry of St. James Church, is the m J a a generous donor reierreu io above. Tnis gentleman, in the year 1867 we think, conveyed to the vestry of St James' church tbe right and title in the entire block of ground, together with, the fine large house now standing upon it, whxh is called and used as St James Home, a munificent gift beyond a doubt and one which is well worthy f emulation by others in this commn.tty who are no less interested in the grand. objects to be attained by I hi null tu stitution than tbe gyattan named aU. We understand, however, that there are others who have been liberal to the Home, but our purpose jiow U to reate an interest in mis wort sa that it may meet with a gerl liberal res ponce from, sl like the coeretra nQ woxi By rector .oi James, have their heart and soul ia tbe cause in which this lau lable undertakjg i wase tablisbed. Betiew. Opera llnuie-rTlie Pei f malice l.att Mcut 'I be indeuK'U. weather kept rnny of .ur citifc'ua In in nt tending the - pvrform atce of L.'Uise Pom troy ard her- troupe in tiit?Jiakedanan Coined j Ab Yoi L ke li,' at the Oper.i House last night. Des pite the heavy rain, a gxd audience as sembled and were well repaid for their iiardib od iti venturing out. Miss Pohi eruy, iu her character of Kosalind, fully suit int-i thr reputation she has won, and displayed ber histrionic powers with g'x: tfiVct She was weil received and fn quently caiied belore the curtain. am Liakb'a Jacqiica, was paiticulaly line ana be was received as he always is, wiih hearty applause. His deep rich vuico and perfection iu his line of busi ness has made him a reputation not to be despised. Tout h$ one, as played by Mr. Davidson, differs from oth.r renditions of the character that we have seen, and to our mind his conception of the part is mon in accordance with tbe author's intention of that chirtcter, Mr. Charles sSylvious was amusing and his appearance always provoked laughter. We were noi particularly struck with Mr. Roberts in the character of Orlando, lie has a slight tendency to stage rants' and thus destroys -the i-iL-ct that his act ing would other w ite have. The female characters were well rendered, and Miss Pomeroy's support is, we take it, abdve the average. Tonight she will appear as Pauline in the Lady of Lyons with Mr. Leak easClaudeMelootte. In the char acter of Pauline she will have a better Opportunity to show her histrionic powers her delight and remorse. County Commissioners. The following proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners were transacted after our close yesterday. They are in addition to the report as published by tis then: A rtqueBt from the Board of Supervi sors of Public Roads for Harnett Town ship, for a list of the public roads in that township, was granted, the. Clerk being instructed to furnisb the lame. It was ordered by the Board that the amount of 81.11, on the old Township Books of the Treasurer, be transferred to the Special Fund. ' The Treasurer presented ' his monthly reports, that of the General Fund showing a balance oa handot $20,658.01, that of the School Fund $11,254 27, and that of the Special Fund a balance due the Treasurer of $32.24, which were received, examined, found correct, and ordered spread upon the minutes. The Register presented his report of fees collected from marriage licenses for the month of January, and exhibited a receipt from the Treasurer for $12 35, which was received an i ordered on file. The following division of the School fund was made at $1 .20 per capita: Wilmington District No. 1 Whites, 880; amount, $1,848; colored, 1,184; amount, $2,381 40. District No. 2 Whites, 690; amount, $1,449; colored, 799; amount, 81 677.90. Federal Point District No. 3 Whites, 85; amount, s $178 50. Colored, 82; amount, $172 20. Monboro District No. 4 Whites, 97; amount, $203.70 Colored, 82; amount, $172.20. Harnett Distrlcf No 5 Whites, 151; amount, $317 10. Colored, 23 7 ; amount, $601 70. Cape Fear District No 6 Whites, 50; amount, $105. Colored, 400; amount $840. Tital whites, 1,953; colored, 2.784. ; Total amount, $9,947.70. Oa motion tbe Board adjourned to meet again on tbe first Monday in March, at, 2 30 P to. boctabi. The laUUs of St. Thomas Catholic church wiligivea rociable at German ia Hall to-morrow evening. Good things in abundance will be prepared for tbe inner man and those vbo fcel inclined can ia dulc in. t lyht fantastic. See adver ii.emeij t In. another coin mn. For. the Irish. The C-'roet Concert Club will give a coucrl . and skating tournament at tbe Ci'y Hall on Mondsj xagbt next, the pro ceeds to I19 v-'ted to the relief of the rfizil Uh. Frofesor Cutlila skates hive teen rented luf tbs cooasica and a god lime genqiail li expected. f Vmi mb bur No 1. Heatinr and Cook fea at almost any price by going the Factory Ac?ncj4 at Jacobi's. Schooner Asborc. We learn from Sorgant Watson, of the Signal Set vide, (hit a three-masted schooner, name unknown, weut ashore on Cild Dead beach during tho storm of last night. The steam tug ' Tceumseh went to her asMatance.this morning, but could accomplish nothingas the schooner was too hiiih up on the beach and seemed to be deserted. Personal. We Pt ke i s?rd.y of th- .'act that Mr.' Cullipp h.i'l been re'i.- ed of the management of the fh e of li e Western Union Telegraph Ofricc.and we have sincQ learned that he is to be succeeded by Mr W H. Sterling, of Norfolk, who comes hera well recmrnen led as a clever gen tleman aud a capable and obliging offi cial. We trust that his stay among us may be a pleasmt one. Col. !tlc Rat's Lr Clu e. It will not be forgotten that Hon. D. K. McRae will lecture at tha Opera House to-morrow evening, for the bene fit! of the Wilmington Library Associa tion. The subject of the lecture wiH be Pcetry and thoso wh h.we hurd Col. McRe on.-r i -u- t kuu.v what they ai iy v-'.ieji unmoroow evenings We'look for a large house on the occa sion, A Rush for Seats. The sale of seats at the Opera House for the Operetta of Red Riding Hood was begun at Heinsberger's at 4 o'clock this afternoon. When the sale commenced the store was crowded with ladies and gentlemen anxious to secure seats, and even the sidewalk in front of the door wa9 thronged with people equally anxious and intefit'upon the same purpose. . Father Ryan's Poems. We are' indebted to the publishers, Messrs JnO. L. Rapier & Co., ofMobile, Ala. through Mr. Heiosberger.of this city, for a copy of Father Ryan's Poems. By solicitation the publishers obtained from the Reverend author his manuscripts for publication, and they have spared no ex pense in the endeavor to present them in an elegant and attractive volume. . The boo'c contains more than one hundred pojms, occupying two hundred and sixty three prictsd pages. In the collection is embraced all of the leading descriptive, patriotic and devotional poems, which hare established the author's wide re putation, besides very many others never heretofore published It is the first time a collection of these poems has ever been published in book form and tbe, pub Ushers deserve credit for the handsome and attractive volume they ,here presented. The book is for sr!e by Mr. Heinsber ger, who is the ient here for tie pub lishers. Answer This. Did you ever know any person to be ill, without inaction, of the Stomach. Liver or kidneys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was ob structed or inactive, and did you 'ever know or bear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure? Ask your neighbor this same question ' New Advertisements. Sociable. rpHE LADIES OF ST: THOMAS' Catholfe Church will givs a Sociable at Germ sals Hall, on Wednesday evening, the 4tk Inst Music f urniihed by the Italian Harpers. Tht ladies will ftnnlsh 'a fall supply c1 Refrean-uentfl at reasonable prices. Ticket, admitting Lady and Gentleman 50 eents. ffb 3 It Star copy Look! rnHE AMERICAN "L'ASSOHHOIR." Ad a. Parodv on Zjla's "L'Assonuaoir." By Joseph 8ydsey. HOW SHE WOX HIM, or, The Bride 0.' Charming Val'ey. By D. A. Hoore, v 'or sle at the i ' LITIS BOOK 8T0rE. Pianos and Organs gOLD ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN, Gaitars,v'iolina, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Ac cordeons, HarnKmicas, Drunw, Ac 11 for sale at . HEINSBERGER'S, feb 3 Live Book and llusic Sture. . Lecture. QOL. I. K. HacBAE 17XLL DEL1TEB a Lecture, for t a benefit of tha Library As sociation, in the Opera Hotus, Wednesday, Febraarj 4th, at 8 c'clotk, P. if. Subject : POETRT. Admissioa 25 esnfs jaa23-Gt We will beg ad to recelvt eoomunbatW. front amr frUnit oa aay aad all subjects - f Keneral lsttrnt bat t Of tbtwtlUr mast mrr b fur- ishedto the Editor. f one side oTtae paper. Poaamii nunst U avoided. Aad It is es9eUlly acd vsealariy ond. r . stood taat the Editor dos tot alwaj n.l u the views of eorrepondBto nlef o t. .,o la tae editorial eoluvaa. Hew Advertisements. Boatwriglit & McKoy O 2t 7 CTorth Front Street. " -'. . . '' - ' . pfKL THAT IT 18 THEIR nuiy TO return thanks to tteir fiienJiaU' iL t, u community generally, for tbe hb il i . t i.. age thej have received daring tho mooib of January. Their sales have been FAR BE- iUWD their most saaiuine eijecUtioci. They are prepared to offer bota " i i AND . , . - Liht Groceries ! AT WHOLESALE. As Low as any House in the City. They a e doing tht ir best TO GIVE YOU GOOD GQQBS AT THE Lowest Market Prices, They never forget their RETAIL FRIENDS ! And they keep for them THE HANDF0MEST AMD MOST COMPLETE STOCK from which to make selection!, of any House in the State. ! feb 2 ; . OrgsiiB and Organetts JECEIVED ALMOST DAILY, which wi are selling at remarkably low p ricea. A complete stock of School Uooki, B.'snk Books and Stationary alwsyi tin hand, st feb 2 Book btore. OPERA HOUSE Extraordinary Attraction Zcr Vwo Nights Only. MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 2 & 3, - . 1 ' wt.l appearance of the beautiful aad talent ed Shakfperlaa fenius . Xflouisb Fomorojj9 Supported by ; aer own ezeelltnt New York Company. - Monday Evening, Feb. 2d. Sbakspeare's Exquisite Comedy, Sf la. UU blUt? 11, 1 n M til t t n t. oa n roawivru gnuaa, riwiw vfBcaoo Song). Her uaequaled character, , 1 UKSDAY, Feb. id, by special request, ran X.ADTT or Lrorjfl . I ouise Pomeroy as Pauline. A Popular Scale of PrioM only. ' Adm s ioD f 1. ffo Ktra charce for reserved saaif cow mi ale a. Heinsberger's. QtUny Selling Off rpUE BALASOS OPcCR7 j IHUEifSE STO J& OV FALL ATID WINTER CL1TH(Q mut ro at almost any pries to make room 1 for tae spring Styles Bargains may.le bad. All moit be s ld. Gall aai sjetthec dated prltu, at - 1. . ;V ...1 : BBRUiVd TTTG ST02E3. ' jaa O rsxktt st.

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