tflia Firw UfioflbTrrEftT. Bs.davi pf4 V i O U . " T- JAMES, ioidi AD rnorainro. .nBHClUrri058.l08TAaE PAID. .14 00 BU-ontas. $1M ; Three Z NWIriNdbjeirrim, 13 eeatt per week. .bover.t. r L-S8bribri will pl report any ud jTVm to fi"ti' PPrs regularly. flow Advertisement. "TssoT .CLOSING SALES hi -rl-r 3R0WN & RODDICK. 45 Elarket St. yBTAKC TUI8 OPPORTUNITY OF thanking tie- central Jpoblic for their very iacfa patrona-o dsrinj; the put jeer, and I eall partisalar attention to omr ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! or .WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE OX kaKiisAY, January, 12th. Great Reductions win be made la order to effect our object. Oar patronj may rut snored that tbe rvdictloiu axe sena fide. Dress Goods, Blan&ets, 8hawls, Cloaks, CAtllMERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR Felt Skirts,! LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. Wo will offar the Caeipest line of Hara- B arg EdflAgs aad lasertiocj that we have eheern, U order to make room for our new took. BROWN & EODDICK, 45 Karktt fltrt.t, too 10 Fresh Every Day. TINS ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, Freeh aod Domestic, joit received as d for "THS 05LT OENUINE HOME-MADE Caadj ia ta city, will bo found everv dav. freab aad iwK three doors Boath of rbo coe tnffioe on Seotod street. Alto, Nats, BaUlai. Frail, Ac C. &. JEVKN8, juU Nea the Poetofflco. New Crop Cuba. MRST CllOO JUST IN, Atd for sa'e lew by WILLIAMS A MURCI1ISON. Holassles. Flour, &c, 200 HhJsand Bbls Cuba Molasscss, fJOO'Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 1000 Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, ISO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, COO Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, ' 373 Bags Coffee, Rio, Laguyra and Java, Also, a full line of Case Goods, dOO Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 800 Kegs Nails, all sizes, 800 New N. Y. Spirit Barrels, 73 Bbls Distillers Glue, 1500 Bdls Hoop Iron, 4500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1 20O Sacks MarshallsFine Salt, 3000 Sacks Cotton Penman Guano, 3300 Sacks No. 1 Quanaps Guano. For sale low by WILLI 1MB A MURCBISON, feb Wholesale Qro. AOoauMtrU. r H VOL.IV. LOCAL NEWS. ffev AdTcrtuementi. CaoiLT A' Uoimi-Engine Houes at A. ac tio a- CaoLT A Moatis Fruit at Autioo. Urim ticcii Milton Nobles. Attention t rftrdwan Fire Co. No. 1. Uio. F. Till v Haltitaoie Beef. Km S. J. li.icitH New Millin-ry Fto'e. f tiMisesinea Lo I ee ad rtociitle - A. A 1. H.juk Feiltbf: i rt. V'A'i dt far 15 cent now. Wit dnw (jUssah sizes at ltafler & Trice's. t Aud iLo vilhiu ulill pursueil her,'. Fri day night. Knircj aud Fork, l'ocket Kaires Arc. or the "Children at- Jacqbi's. IlcserTei sea't fur Miltoa Nobles now ou sale at Heinsberser'a. are Nor. barque FinjaU, Paulsen, hence, arrWed at Antwerp on the 2nd in it. Schooner Ada S. AUtn, for thia port, Billed from Cala:s, Me!, on the 3 It ult. . Ger. birque Von der lieydt, Michael if, hence, for Bremen, was off Portland, Eng., on the 31st ult. Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spawns; largest variety and Iotret pria-s at Jacodi s Chicken coopd have bceu robbed in this c:ty with:o thi pist week;but as there is no clue we omit locations, etc- Kjliious services will be hild this eve ning, commencing at 1 o'clock, in the Seamen' Bethel. The public, and par ticularly seamnn, are invitei to attend. It is bard work to induce a married man to pay a dollar to bear a lecture; hr generally has a free lecture course at home. The woman who sews patches on the seat of her boy's pant atoms is the real meeu2er of piece.- She heels the breeches. QThe iLdxaions are that Col. MacRae will have a fine audience to-nieht," It will probably be the finest literary treat of the season. Schooner George Ii. McFarland, Strong, saikd from Bath, Me., on the 31st ult. for Harmon's Harbor, to load ice for this port. A man who takes one drink too many is often denounced as a fool, but nothing is said of a woman who gets threes sheets in the wind on wash-day. You can buy No 1. Heating and Cook Stoves at almost any price by going the Factory Agency, at Jaoobis. .Notwithstanding all the modern im provements of husbandry, the matrimonial harvest is still gathered with the cradle and thrashed bz the hand. . , A woman of brains suggests that gjrli no matter how wealthy their families, should be brought up to some occupation whereby they can earn to honest livingin the hour of need. You can almost tell that a young man has been ground through a school of elo cution when you hear him recite, xk tin theke radio of thede cep. We don't know what it mean9,lut that is whit be says Front street is in an unsightly n es :. The street car track has been taken up and there is an unusual amount of mud in the middle of the street. This space ooght to have been paved when the bal ance of tbe street was laid. Let it' be done now. A f&mil i iike an cquijiage. Firt, tbe father, a draught-horee; the next, tha boys, the wheels, far they are alwavs run ning aroundf then the girl are surrounded by fellows; tbe baby occupies the lap- board; and the mother ell, what s a wagon without a tongue anyhov TLe Operetta will bo given for the list time at the Opera House to-morrow even in,, a fact bich s, however, pretty gen erally known now. Toe box sheet is at Mr. iltlnsbergcr s aud is beiug rat iJIy filled up. Tnow who have-not yet se cured their seaU a ill be wis i to secure them at once and witho it further deUy. Personal. We were glad to meet with Dr. J. A. Petrle.of Jersey City, a friend of cur ear lier days, whoU ia this city en rovte for Jacksonville, Florida. Tbe Doctor Is ac- ompanted by hia g oo3 lady, and we trnst that the trip through the Southern States may bo pleasant and profitable. Da WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1880. Q.m' City Court. Two VgenHBea" of color rejoicing in tbe names respectively of Adam Warren and Spence r Standford, were arraigned this moruing for an orTray. Ofificr Rober Gree n made tbe arrest aud upon his testi mony the Mayer told the first named' gem raan"toderait $o or go below for ten days, i The cheapest way out beiog tb easteet for A. W. be weot below. Staud ford was remanded to, the cell for ore day to coor' .ff and get sober. Thi cleared the docket and tbe . Court journerl'" City Authorities, Attention If You Please ! We have been requested by one of our patrors to call the attention of the authori ties to tho fact that .thero are parties re tailing lace goods in. this city without a license. We know nothing of the circum stances of the case beyond what is iuii' tioned above. But the gentleman wtw gave us the- information is a retail diy goods merchant, arid complains, as he has a right to do, of the i justice of tbe thing, and the unequal bearing of the law as i is enforced, which compels a merchant to pay taxes, and permits other parties to traffic free of any tax whatever. It is proper for us to add that we do not know who the parties are indulging in this bosi ness. We only know that the merchant who complains is a gentleman of respecta bility atid'gnod standing aud entitled to bo heard. . A Very Odd oion li. Tho month of February, which set in Sunday, will be an odd mouth in several respects. It will have in the first place an odd number of days, owing to its leap year distinction. It will have an odd number o' Sunday (6 ve)i which is very odd for the shortest month' in the year, and one of the Sundays will be Washington's birthday. It will begin on Sunday and end on Sunday, which is also odd. The five Sundaps correspond in date with the five 8undays in next August, which ii odd again. It is said that U9 one now living will ever see another February so odd; nor will their children, nor their children's children sufficient in itself to make the month interesting. Many old superstitions are associated with tht month, which originally had twenty-nine day 8 amonf tbe Romans in an ordinary i year. When tho Roman Senate, how ever, decreed that the eighth month shou'd be named after the Emperor An gustus, one day was taken from February and bestowed on August, giving it 31 days, in ord.T that it might not be in ferior to July, called after Julius Caesar. "The Phcenix Wever Dies." 1 - i Milton Nobles and bis excellent troupe will visit this city on Friday evening and will appear in that most popular of American plays, 'Phoenix.' Mr. Nobles will give three entertainments in this city, one of which will be a Saturday matinee for the benefit of those who cannot leave their houses or work at niht. Saturday evening 'A Man of thePdople' will be played fr tbe first time in this city. An exchange says of'Pbojiix: A very large audience greeted tbe first appearance of that gifted author and comedian at the opera house last night, ar.d for happily blended mirth and humor, The PLceoix, has never been surpassed. It is a dram that not only takes the masses, but ia full of interest to tboie who are habitaated to every phase cf the drama. 1 here is nothing more tbr lung and exciting thin the fire scene and tbe I ambling scene ingthis m i erpi ce of American dramas. 1 bo role of tno hero, who is both Bohemian aod detective, is admirably adapted to Mr Nobles and in his own play, 'The Pbce iix,' he possesses a faculty that but few actors have and many yearn for, Mr Schwartz, in his character of Moes Solomons, is the best Lo ch coraedii n J of the s age. The company is strong one, and seems to have been selected carefully for their re spective parts, which th y perform to perfection. Entertainments like the one last night are afaee treat to our com munity, and the opera houee will bo crowded tho tbjrtjg , rsmaialng nights of Mr Nobles' engagement. Tbe Ptojaix' a ill bo repeated to-night. To morrow 'A Mau of thePeopV will ho d the boards.1 i Some of the prettiest beef we ever siw any where, eith rat Fulton or Washington markets in New Y rk or Lexington mr ketin Baltimore, is now suspended troa tho hock 8 on Mr. Tiliey's aUils in our market bouse. It is from Tennessee, is stalNfod aad was intended for Baltimore bat was brought and held here. It wU make aoy man's a nt U iool at U. Christmas Fire bogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash pricet 4 JacvM-s. , - ' KEflEW Sjutheru Bell Telephone Company. ILider the above title an organization was ell'ectetl in Now Vurk Ci aUut the middle i f last mont):, with a capital oi one million of doll .n, and ih folWirg namtd officers -an i directors : M . ."Suir, foi roe ly Presi Unt of the eatern I'nion, is Ue President, u.d Mr. IJ. B. Plant, Vice President ot ilw Southern Express Coni puiy, l-rlhrf V h i ! iJeut Th directois are Gencial Wiokliam, of Virginia, i're-ident f ijiih-xmIo & Ohio K. R. Col E. V. C!e of Tennessee ; thn great Kniiroad king of m West, 'Him. it. K. H.rid'M, o( North Carolina, Who -has 'a c iniriliuj; rilnencti in the managen);nt oi 400 in ilea t,f J i!nad, and is President oi the Wdiuingion & Wi ldon and Wilming ton, Colum bia A Augusta Railroads, and Messrs. E P. Alexander a'nd W. G, liaoul, of Georgia The territory of this com pany embraces the States of Virginia and Wuit Virginia, North aud South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama aud Tenness ee?, with tbe exception of Nashville. A Distressing I asuality. One cf the moet distressing accidents and deaths it has ever been our painful duty to rccoid, occumd yesteroay near Rocky Point, The circumstances, as we learn them from Dr. W. T. linnett, are as follows : Yesterday niorninj; Mr. Council Caateen who icKides about two miles from Rocky Point, was engaged in slaughtering his hogs, and at'about noon, or a little later, his children left the house to go in search of sweat gum. After they bad left and the elder portion of the fam ily were busily engaged with their pork, his youngest chile, a son named Council, aged about two years, wandered away from the hens?, presumably in search of those who had left a little while before. After awhile the children returned, but this little oao was not with them, nor had they seen him. An alarm was immediately given and tho neighbors turned out cn masse to search for him. His little fooU steps were at last discovered, and follow ins them the poor little fellow was found drowned in a small,.narrow stream about three hundred yards from fie house every thing which medical science could sug geat was called into requisition for his resuscitation, but unfortunately without avail. The grief of the heart stricken mother was a picture of unutterable agony as she saw her youngest ' loved one ia tbe cold embrace of death. Save your money by buying your Build ing Supp lies from Altaffer & Price. t Marine Intelligence. Tbe Revenue Cutter Colfax received a telegram from tbe Signal Officer at Smithville yesterday noon to the effect that there was a three-masted schooner ashore on Bald Head beach and also that an English barquentine, supposed to be the Hcsolule, was at anchor between the sea and the bar buoys, in a dangerous position, and that tbe sea was so heavy on the bar that neither the pilot boats nor tugs could get out to the assistance of either vessel. The Cutter, immediately started down the riv.r and at 3:30 P. M. went out over the bar, a heavy sea running at the time. She shipped two heavy seas, one of which carried away her bowsprit shrouds, lyjachiog the barquentine their prof fered assistance wa? not needed, as she had two anchors down and was making pretty good weather of it. The schooner was found to bo to? far in, and her crew could easily make their way to the shore should the necessity ariso for so doing. The Coif x tl en came inside, being tuarded as shs crossed the bar by a heavy sea which came in over the taffrail and swept the deck, but did no material dam age, Abda.iiht this morning the Cutter anch .red off Bald Uend ar.d sent a boat to the schoonef. Found her to be the A . Randolph, W. J. Warner, of St. John s N. B, b.und from Falmouth, Jamaica, to this port iu ballast. There is not t v.r two feet of water around her where she lies d she will probably be a total loss. She was valued at $4,000 and was insured for $2,000, and was coni signed to Mr. 0 G. Pars'ey, of this city. The ufii;ra and cre" o. the (Xt''jx are loud in lhir pra'.sa of the behavior of that beautiful craft a a heav sea Answer This. " Did )ouevr know any person ta be ill' without inaction of tUe, Stomach. Liver or kUneys. or did you ever know one who ws well waix eft bet was ob structed or inactive: and, dut yon ever knofc or hear of any case of tho kind that Hop Bitter . would not cure Ask jour adghbor this tame uestioa Twentf-Sevrnth Annual Meeting of the Seaman's F lend Society. The Sceietv met in the Bethel at 8 o'clock on Tuesdny evenirg. . r xi Lieu : f Mr. R French, tu February, 3d, 18S0. On motiou Alex. Spruut, Mr. George Sr., was called to the chair, acd Mr. Geo. iw rrench, Jr.,' w,-s n oiH-atctl ti set as Secretary. Tbe Presi' HijT,..Screrrv at;.! Treasurer aod ChapUin s'lhrnitti-d their r-jfjt.s and on Dcotii.n tho r. ccived i.i rJered Spread on i lit; n)inHis. ! Mes -rsMl BKUers HLd K K. Ueide vr:r aptHtf4.ttl -a committee to audit Treasurer s books and vouchers and report at tbe next regu'ar meeting ot the Execu t:ve Omiuiitie The following g wAt neu were placed in noinii ati n lor trusses for the ensuing year and onaniiimislj elected: Geo. R. French, Sr., Geo. If arriss, ' R. E. Ileide, E. T. Hancock, Geo. R. French, Jr., H. B. Eilcrs, B. F. Mitchell,, E S. Martin, K luanl . PescLaii. Ilorpr Mnoro A. Adrim, Edaard Kidder, F. II. Darby, Alex Sprunt and II. M. Bowden. On I ",c UJV u"1' : ' ' , . mediate y alter rh, a j mi utneut of th iaeeting of tbe uiL-mbers of the society, Mr. Alex Sprunt was called to the chair and Mr. Geo. R. French. Jr. wis annoinfrrl 11 ricsaij I The following gentlemen we.e elected bflkersfor the ensuing year, viz: I i-i : i.. i M.- ti i c- tr. I x-re?;ueui, weo. u. rreucn, or., vice President. Geo. Hirriss. Secrpt.irv anil hi r i v u t rjy, Treason r, Geo. Ii. i rench, J r. These tentlemeu in connection with the fol - i,: i ,l.-p- wiu ntic ok-u wuoumic tuc ccutive Committee, viz, Messrs. IT.. B. VIZ, Eilers, E. T. Hancock and R. E. Ileidf ! Rev. J. W. Craig was elected ' chap lain. On motion the bjard iidj turned. mtESIDEXTS REl'OKT. GcnC.emm: Our TwentynSeveath An I nual Meeting calls us together again to devise me oesi meinoa tosavaoce me in. terest of our Societv and to extend its P , rw f . havn hpfin nnahlpd to meet nnr mirront exDenses. and have paid the most of the floating debts, and past due - interest. a ' Through the kindness of the parent socr ety in New lork city, we were the re- cipienioi aaonauon oi oce nunarea dollars J J?'1 5 Vi 1 I sent by their Secretary, Kev. Dr. Hall, which enabled us to cnmnlftA - - pital r-joms, and to make them convenient and comtortable .tor the ick seamen under our care. We would also acknowledge the further generosity oi the parent society ot New jCork city, whriRe iiontinn of tour hnnHrprl lnllofa durinsr the past year enabled us to con- t,. ,-r, ..... rh.,,.l.,in Uic : . u: ytuww ut.. rwnA j uta vibe IU Ulo Christian wurk among the so&men. For a detailed Btatenicat of tur financial con dition you are referred to tho report of our iisaouioii wui uuajn,i:j vriil IIJUKS 2 statement of bis I,bnr f I lot i iurin" the ast yeir. ' ' - lipctfully suLtn.t u.-d, Ue '. K. Fkesch, br., Trehident 8. F. be. STATEMENT i F oEAMAN'fc 1 RILND SOCIETY. Amount from former Treasurer. .$22443 Amount donated by Am. S. F . . 1 Society....... 100.00 Cash from rents aud turpentine.. boxes... G55.50 Cash from Dr. Hall, See. Am. S. : F.So..... 400.00 $1,379.93 DR. Cash insurance and sundry bill. ..$224. C7 Ciah interest on notes in baud ! and bonded debt 528 .80 Cash paid First National Bank on ! principle of note 122 48 Cash paid Rev. Mr. Craig, Chap- I lain 400.00 Cash on hand... 103.98 $1,879 93 We learn there is to be a German s Germania Hall on Thursday evening. i The regular monthly meeting oi iu C. M. S ted man Bucket Company wiil be held this evening Messrs Cronly & Mcins will sell to morrow at auction I at the bead of the Market House that fine large pair-cf horses recently the team of fire . steatrer LVlt Giant. 1 The schooner Carlct&nii here from the West Indies and with a fine cargo of fruit. It will be cHered for sale to-morrow morning by Messrs. Cronly A Morris from on board the Tessel as she lies at wharf north of Market Dock. No remedy in the World ever came in to such universal use, or has so fully won the confidence of mankind, as AYEB"8 CHERRY PECTORAL for the care ot Coughs, Colds sod Consumption. PLEASE NOTICE. Wo will beg ad to receive eommnoiraU'r from ov frioafa oa may aad all iabeota i f general iatorott bat : Too aamo of the writer mail alw ? be ft r aithodto the Editor. Comaaalcatloaattajtbo written or. oolv oao aide of tho paper. Personalitios matt be aroided. Aad It it especially aaips.tievlarly aar'. Stood that (Tim KAitnr Am. A .1 ' vvi MMBm New- Advertisements. CM, STEOMAN FIRE CO. NO. 1. M.r Unnnll.l. It,.. r (UI ". unlf"rin). (Wednesday) EvobIbk, at 8 o'clock, at the IJ ail, cor-er Jf i und Ba t-nd.nee riquo.i. ed. By order of President. - febl-U OKU..H. KKUTII.'Srrt. Fruit at A uctfonT" M. ROAJL. V. Auc t i on, v r jlY CRONLY & MOP I 1 ARRIVAL OF SCHR. CAKLETON QN TO-MORR0W,(Thttrsda?) at 11 e'eik A. H.t We will self on board Schr.;CarleU n, lying North side Market fock, ORANGES. BANANAF, PINE APPLET, C0C0ANUT8. SHADDOCKS and ORAPE JRUIT. fob 4-1 1 ENQIWE MORSES AT AUCTION?" CKONIaY, AllCl iOIlCCr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. mO-MORROw-, (Thursday) at 12 oVcck, U'9 W wil1 at haoge Corner, THAT PAIR OF HORSKS, formerly asod by Little Olaat S. F Co. I ...... I andravorably known in the community. I feb 41t Star copy. NEW MILLINERY STORE I t am CONSTANTLY RECELVINO Vw Goods which I will sell chean for e-jih. inch as Bonnets, Bats, Ribbons, Flowers and every thinr in the Milliner v lif. rinfaiS 1 CrocheU& Qoosa always on hand. alo. I "r. "man aiair uooas tor sale. worK aone in tbe moat approved style, Ladies will do well to call and see for them elvos Country orders receive prompt attention. MR8. h. J. BAKER, feb i Corner Third and Orange its. Baltimore Beef. I VAi uau 11 ItOlMtUAl. It WSJ T. fit t TfTn nrv rT-.wmn w I bound for Baltimore, bnt we ah v-ed it hre. I r . . ... . . .. - . 1 j I ' w luc preiueii ctau iea ueer you evtr Bmw: wm Be on at mJ o1" to-mor- I T0W- All orders promptly, and faithfully filled. . GEO. Fi TILLY I Stalls 7 and 8 Market Hotue. I ieo s-it KJIT Jh ti A XlUlJnK: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. FEB.6&7 M!menJor lwo umy and one I ' "J wn1 edlan and Character Actor, E2XLTOX7 UODLI30 ! nation, appearing in the original dramatic iptVIMUCI W1U1 WUCa III DUD9 Dll D0COm6 I isseparabl linked. On Friday evening and I h-f . A . . . . A .. - - - . 1 . DaviuuajuiMagotwiu UB prewaveu IQ0 pouu- iar Americaa Melodrama, by Hilton Nobles, entitled THE Pfl(E NIX Carroll Graves, Jim Bladsoe, Miltoa JVobles As plajad by him over 1,000 times. And on Saturday evening win do presented toe American Comedy- I'rama, br Milton ffobles. entitled A MAN OF THE PEOPLE Jack Ryder. A Diamcad in the Bonfrb, Milton Nobles. Parqaetto and Dreu Circle... ....fl.w Parqaetto Circle. M go. Gallery . ' Jf, Reserved Beats fur eaid at Ueioioera r'S without extra charge. f-h 4-4 Selling Off ! mHE BALANOS OF CUR A K OF' ALL AND WINTER CL1THIKQ iaa z ai utmost any price to m-ifco room for tbe Spring Btles. Bargains may to bad. All mojt be sold. Call and get Uerc- . iuced prices, at 8aRUEa'fl TWO 8TORE8, Jn Market sL . Look! p -1 AMERICAN "LrA8S011M0IB.M At 'arT on ZoU's "L'i sfomaoir." By Iepb Sydney. MOW 8HE W03T RIM, or, Tho Bride of rharmin Yallev. D.A.Moore. Xet i.U at the hlYK BOOK 8TJBE. Pianos and Orgam g OLD ON THIS IN8TALM PLLH, GoiUrs, Violins, Banjos, FIb-m Fifei, r. oordeom, Barmonioas, Draaa, Ac., all for sale at HEINSDEBOEE'S, . ft b 3 Live Book aad U xuio Store. Lecture. QOL. 1) K. MacBAE WILL BLI7E: a Lettsre, for t e bo n6t f tie Library 1 1--sodatioii. La iL; Opera Eooie, Wcdoetisy, Fsbraary 4th, at i e'ebek, PH, Bibjsctt PPsTTRT. Adm!ssIoa2Sfenti.

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