Til IB PIPE I, .Dibt4 .t.rj afteraoos, Beadaf. JOSH. T. J A M E 8 . vorroa ah d raorEiro- jo, yaar.SS 00 HU iwotkJ, S150 ; Three .ot,ti i Ot.BKnth,Weeott. fit ppr b.d.Hfred by carriers, b4MriM, rlSwt p.r.week. lrerUMB rau low and liberal -Kaberibrs will pleaa report any aad . 'uia- to recede tfreir parersrefTiTsrly. Wow Advertisement. alLAiaS AlfiNUAL 8L0SINGSALE S Ttl OWH & RODDICK. 45 Market St. yETAKK M OPfOKTUMTr OF iSftkiZ Ck general fpublic fr tktir r ibr a patrcaai daring tba put year, and i call parti sal ar atteatioo to oar ANNUAL CLOSING SALE ! or WINTER STOCK TO COMMENCE ON 1 i January, . 12th. Great Reductions Qlbemada la ordtr to effect oar object. Oar ratrozu may reft aaiured that the relictions are bona fide. Dress Goods. BlanKets, Shawls, Cloaks, CASSIL1ERES FOR MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Felt Skirts, LADIES', GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. We will offer the Cheapest line of Ham barf Id gin ft aad laaertiocs that we bare aeva, la order to make room for our new atoct. BROWN & EODDICK, 49 XSarkot ntreet, iat 10 Fresh Every Day, I1S 18JORTMENT OF CANDIES, Preach a&d Domestic, jait re cited and for TMII OJTLT GENUINE UOME-MADE Caadj ia the eity, will bo found ercr? dar. freeb aad iwnl tbrto doore Houth of tK rVwtnffie on 8eousd street. Also, Nuts, Ralaios. Fruit, 1c C. K. JtTK!is, jaa 13 Nea the Potnffle. New. Crop Cuba. IR8T UAKOO JCST 15, led for aa'e low bj WILLIAMS A UCBCI1IS05. Holasses. Flour, &c. 200 Hbils and Bbls Cuba Molasses?, 200 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 1000 Bbli Flour, Super to Extra Family, 150 Tubs Choice Loaf Lard, 200 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 375 Bags Coffee, Bio, Laguyra and Jara, Alto, a full line of ' Ca Goods, 400 Balea Choice Tim6hy and Eastern Hay, SOO Kegs Nails, all sizes, 700 New N. Y. Spirit Barrels, 75 Bbls Distillers Glue, f 390 Bdls Hoop Iron, 4500 Sacks LiTftrpool Salt, 1 SOO Sacks MarshallsFine Salt, 3000 Sacks Cotton PruTian Guano, 3500 Sacks No. 1 Guanape Guano. Far aale low by W1LLIAU8 A MDRCHIS05, f.b 2 Wbeleeale Grow A Corn. Marti. r 1 H VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. New ArtTertisetnent. Hahu A Uoobxaa Disoluti n. PaTiaan, DowiiKi A Co Sbip Notice, Pbi!Nieiit Loot ! A. A I. .Hhrie Be h-iT i-fl' I N Cty Ia-vt- t-d.y I. : a' .. continue n-irce an I iih TlC ) "Tinau ftlyhl vi Mica-t. Wit kw (i!a.- -uli Price's. i i.es at .MufW A: t A lew aei i suow U.t iu cm T Lis ur'iii p. - Fruit ia eiiiu 4t ri'tcrAi': jri;.e frru the a' hooner t.'ur'etn. Ktiivci anJ Forks, I' :kt K iives r th- CbiMrcn M .Ia hi lwiit forget Jhi u hi. m i th Opera 11 uso to-niurpw fini"!!. Xor.-barque Cupdta, Uu.uikn, bnce, arrlred at.GliR"w on the 3rd in si, Baique .Tartm, II - linos, hence for Lon din, aiiChored at lleil on the I'M ult. Barque Ella Moire, FieldiDg, for this port, cleared at Liverpool on the -2nd ult. Save your money by buyiag jour Bnild ing .Supplies frf-in AltafT.T & Trice. f , StcvT.li . G'fff Stream, Inpram. henc, ativctl nt X?w Yuk en the 4ch inst. . QNexi Wednea fay. the 11th ii t , irf Ash Wednetdyf the btg'noios of the LnnteD seas -n. SteamWitmen report a plenty, of water iu the rirer, mfficientfor all. practical purposes. Cotton futures adranced tea pot at in Ne York yesteruiy aad declined eight to day. . Schooner James IF. liojU, Haig, from Jackionrille fo r this port, tailed. from Nanau on the 29th ult. Pocket KotTes, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at JacoBi's The new Mirket ia nearly completed The tower hare been tiled with Ver mont! late and the brick floor of th build ing is te'tDg lai I. Schooner Jos Pendc Kjbinsbnbence, arrived .'at New York on the 4th inst. Dariog a heavy easterly gale on the 1st iLit sprung bowsprit and burst fly nig jib. Mr. C M. Hopkins. I. D , ef Mount Vernan Lodge, No. 1.1C0, Knights of Honor, located in Baltimore, is in the city. We are glad to shake his hand again We learn that the recent rise in the river has set the raftsmen at work, and ai a consequence there are a great number of rafts of timber and naval stores on the way to the city. The Wilmington Library Afsociation have hprs of getting a lecture from Hon. S. S. Cox, of New York, who has prom ised that ahould he go South this winter be will stop here a day and hjctuVo for the Icnefit of the Association. Little Bed CIdio-Hood. The Operetta of Little li d Biding Hood was presented last night to an audience which lacked but little of being as large as that which witnessed the first represen tation, one week ago to night. More time bavin been allowed for rehearsals and practice, the presentation last niht was almost perfect and was given to the un bounded dcJigb; aud approval cf the large audience. At the conclusion of Operaita the en tcrtaioment of the evening wis concluded by the Limerick By, which was. pre" tented by a Dramv.ic'C ub in this city and which enlute 1 the. hearty laughter aad applause of all who heard it. The entire occasion was one ofs rare pleaure and lon; to bt remembered by those who were present. SJHlMBaMaBeiHIBHBHeMeBBHBM No remedy in the World ever came in to euch universal u&e, or has so fully won the confidence t)f mankind, as AYEB S CUEBBY PECTORAL for the cure of Coughs, Cold a and Consumption. Pnystclant' Wiue. New Ycrk physicians say that tliey have beeu using xer'a Port (Jrape Wine "and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the eutire saiiafcUou of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in rtcommeudmg Ihexn to ibe public as beinz all that is claimed for. them, and, in iact the moat reliable they can find. For sale I by Green t Flanner, J as. C, Munds and P. L, Brirtgert & Co. I Dlisolatton. The firm of Hahn & Goodman has been dissolved by MUtual consent. Mr. V. D. Gocdrnaa will conduct the business at the Id stand; he has just received and is still receiving a large stock of goods. Those of our readers who have patronitei the o!d tirm wii! do woil to give Mr. Goodi man a trial, as he guaranleeb that evtrj thing i hquare and fair. A Man of his Word. (Jo the night of the fire of "Madnm Hall's' house iu Brooklyn on the'iOth ot last nunth, William Buchanan, a very respectable old colored ojan vbo is a ship carpenter by trade, remarked when the fire broke out, that he would give $10 to hs hrst com nan whose enstue wouio f rf . - throw the first stream of water on th tUines, and this morning, true to his word in walked the yenerab'e old ship carpen ter at the office of Col. Uoger Mooro, the Chief Knginetrof the fire department, and planking $10 down before Col. Moere, said. There it i4, Colonel. I said I would and so I will 1 . But Col. Moore, not having heard of the remark in question, bad to receive an explanation of the generous act, which was readily given by the donor before he could comj rebend it. Whereupon the worthy chief the fire department turned the atocuht over to the Cape Fear Steam 1ire Kogine Company, (colored) as that company's engine bore off the palm on the occasion referred to, and rquirtcd the first water on the flames that night. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Flutinz Machines and every' sort of fl rd)aare at lowest sort of cash prices a JACOBIS. The Villlan still Patttted Her.' ..... t Milton Nobles and troupe arrived in this city this morning and are stopping at the Commercial Hotel. To-night they appear io "Phoenix" and matinee to morrow in the same play. Jo-niorroW night ,4A Man of tl e People''" will "be presented for the first time in this city. Of the play the Free Press says: - Another fine house was present last night to see Milton Nobles new play of A man of the .People. As on Monday night, the impression created by the lively dialogue and exciting situations of the piece was very ' favorable " and the audience were lavisn of their applause. The Court-room scene is a most remark able representation of the manner in which justice is' administered in New York, but it will not do to be too critical, when it'is remembered that the Dutch comedian Schwartz is obliged to do his bet here, even though be risks conviction for contempt of Court witn each one of the extraordinary criticisms which he lav ishes upon the officers of the court, from the judge down. Supreme Court. The consideration of appeals from the Fourth District was resumed in this Court on Wednesday and causes were dis posed of as fo'lows: 4 A B Currie and wife vs Malcom Mc Veil et als, fromMco-e; set for hjaring ag the end of the district. Melvin & Melviu vs C il Stephens from Bladen; argued by R II Lyon for plaintiffs, and D J Devane aud T U Sut to 1 for the defendant. State vs James Walker, from Colun. bus;" argued by Attorney General htenao fjr the State; no counsgl Lr the defendant. W B liolliday, vs Andrew McMillan et a!n, from Richmond; set for hearing at the end of the district. John C Gay vs W F Berkshire, from Richmond; set for hearing at the end of the district. A'A McKethan vs Mary McGill, admin- istrarix, from Cumberland; 'argued by N W Ray for the plaintiff, and Guthrie & Carr for the defendant. M B Belden ys D B Snead, from Richmond; set for hearing at the end of the district for wact of counsel. Rachel Jones vs RC andOveu Holmes, from Cumberland; set for hearing at the end of the district. I B Hawley v town of ay dte.il la, from Cumberland; argued by B Fuller and W W Fuller for the pVmtiff and N W Ray for the defeudaut. Irviu Melvin ct als vs J J B illard and wife, frcm Camberland; argued by B Fuller for the plaintiffs, and Guthrie A Cart for the defendants. Moatreal Heard From. B. L. Mofely. of Mootrea.1, Canada certified fciept. 27, 18(9, that he had suf fered terribly from dyspepsia, and was completely cured by UXiug. Warner's Safe Oi.ters. He says: alj , appetiU Is cood, and I now suxar no iuconrenienee from aatiug hearty ' meals.' These BiU ters are also a specific for all skiu dia eases. . gjjpjBBSSSJB ' .. L !"!UBC" m l M5JMCm..j '- . 1 JSWJh.1 , - A Jewelry Thief. A lady living on TUird street, between Wtlnutand Ked Crofs, receutly lost a valuiMc gclJ ring, and suspecting a col ored girl named Mary Agnes Kine, she s-cuied a search warrant from Justice Gardner aud placed it iu the hatn!s of Oilier Bunting, who foui.d no,t only tLe ring ir. q-jesii -n, Lu. another one which had br?n inissicg, in the girl's possession, fcjne va.- ariiitfd and, failing tf give tie nertsi-irv bil f -r h r appearance for.thej proliiiu Jsj' lauiiuati itj, wa cxnimittd tojtif. A heartrg iu the ca-e was to hive beeu bad to -day, but on account of tne absence of an important witness it Ims beun coutinued until to-morrow. Union Tank. Line. Ir, ti'o yard of the W. & W. lUilroid are tLreecarsof the "U. T. L ," which b.-iog interpreted Uicaus Union Tank: Line, loaded with kerosene. Tho cars are simply of the old platform style with a tank made something in the shape of an ordinary steam boiler aud of the same material. Each car carries one tank, which is made flit at the bottom and securely strapped to tho platform. The tanks have a capacity of about. 4, 000 gallon? each. They are consigned to Messra.Cb.e88, Carlev & Co., of this city. who have a pipe laid from the railroad yard to their reservoir near the foot of Hanover street. Connection is made with this pipe by a rubber hose which ib connected with it and from thence to a valve underneath the tank. When the and the liquid freight is discharged.under the law f gravitation, ia to the reaervoh- Alter tut tan is nave Deem emptied on their present contents they are to be fillc. ed with lilriU of turpentine and trans- ported back to whence they came T,ia . . . . . , . . we are told can be done without injury to either oommodit j, and the tanks will hereafter be run over the road loaded with oiUona way and spirits tbe other. You can buy No'l. Heating and Cook olovch at aimoai. any price rjy going vne factory Agency, at J agobi s. School Fund Apportionment. We publish tcday the correct appor- v tionment of the School Fund of this county. The apportionment, as publish- ed by ns on Tuesday, was incorrect ow- . u l ni u ru n a mg to the fact that tbe Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners had made a mistake by substituting the census ol 1878 for that of 1879. . That mistake having been disco?ered the Board of Fi-I nance have met and made a correct ap portionment of $1.67 per capita instead I of $2.10 as before, which is distributed, as follows: Wilmington District No 1 Whites 980; amount $1,636 60. Colored, 1,760; amount $2,929.20. I District No 2 Whites, 910; amount J $1,529.72. Colored, 1,265; amount $2 -I 112.55. I Federal Point District No 2 Whites, 85; amount $141.95. Colored, 82; amount I 8136 94. I I Masonboro District No 4 Whites, J 97; amount $161 99. Colored, 82; amouot $136 94. amount $252.17. Colored 287; amount, $479.29. Cape Fear District No 6 Whites, j 50; amount $83.50. Colored, 400: amount $668. Totil whites, 2.279; colored, 3,876. j Tail amount, 610.278 85. important to me Afllcted. We'WOUld advise all WhO may need the t .i.:. . 1 write to Dr. Uooertson, 19. So. EuUw SL. Baltimore, Md who from 15 years ezDe I nence in Hospital and Special Tractice, caiantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Oryank aud of tba Nervous Sya- tem, Organic andSvnal Weakness, Im- Kn"' PiSloa" o7Z Ueaitiaimnessofsightor giddiness. No. turnal Emissions, &c., all resulting from I abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood: also aU skiu and blood diseases oujcSy cured. Dr. It. is a gradaate of orof the dldest aud WsJ edical scboola, in this coUtll (Vmrersity of Maryland), xnA re- fait to the fading physicians rm luscKw allconsultiuhim can rely uppa hJJorable I and confidentlai trealment. IawriUne I Pnr nMntamntnrKnlT. ' $'nMil.inu. I Civen to aU feraha conjjpJa.iuts, Good ac- commodations fcyr a.U b4a2 to call and iee rm. Aierioe 5ii to any address. nthcrlieetUnsWcIl. .- Mj daughter says, 'Howouch better ramer is since oe used Hod Hitters. Ha I U ge;tinZ well ate his long snfienng from a disease declared incurable, and we I KS!f !rf 0"? b05iyollr Bilter8--A Udj of Eochester, N. Y. t NO. 309 supentltions. The idea tha superstition is confined exclusively to the colored people and the ignorant whites is incorrect, as, ia one form or another, it obtains to a certain extent among all classes of the American people. I: is true that the down-right fetishness vrirch obtains ? extensively amt.ng the'cvlvrci: r.ict has Mvpf-atfe with . 1 - 1 tne wattes, ev-p!, pct-Mbiy. iD vvr- rare instances w f-sr r in. re is but a ry little iutelligence, but i i.l-t? t ;;at the cultivated white tmm is ntueiv iade peuden of MJperhtitioUs fears. The fol lowing are atnong the more promiuent of superstitious igns which have been hand ed down by traditiou from gen-ration to generation which ti;,d believers in many parts of the United States: Whiten pet ks on . tneuai'.s am Inck. Whoever pads epitaph's losvs his mem ry. 1 To rtck the ( raax' wl.eu .empty is in jurious to the chi d. To eat while a bt-ll is tujiiug Jur a fune ral causes toot line b-, . The crowiug of a Leu indicates some approaching disaster. . When a niotiso .mB a j ,-P M.n.e mis fortune liiy h - ..ppK-fir-noed. . '.' He wt.u Ir.is nt- ji wide asunder must seek his form no iu a di&tant land. Whoever had s a four-leaf trefoil shamrock shoula wear it for good luck. Beggar bread shou'd be given to chil- dre.u wh,0,a,r sl in ,e:rninS to speak If a child less than twelve mouths old is brought into a cellar it wiil become timid. When children ;!ay soldier on the road side it forebodes the a? proach of war. A. child grows proud if Buffered to look into a mirror while less than twelve Ho who proposes moving into a new bousemust lirtt end in bread and a new Whoever sneezes at an early hour either hears some Lews or receives some present the same day. ; ne crsi room cast uy a cm.u snouia be swallowed by the mother to ensure a new Er0wth of teeth. Buttoning the coat awry, or drawing on a stocking inside out, causes matters to go wrong during the day. By bending the head to tho hollow of the arm the initial letter of one's future I spouse is represented. I women wno sow flaxseed Bhould. during the process, tell some lies, other wise the yarn will never bleach white. When women are stuffing beds, the I mpn snnn n nnr rmnn in rn nnnca nth- til . m wige the feather3 will come tn'rongh the ticks. When a person enters a room he should Sed t 8it own! if for a wo ment as he Otherwise takes away the children's sleep with him. I The following are the omens of death: J A dog's scratching on the floor or howling ! a peculiar manner, ana owls uootiog I i r t ha nm n h Krkr hnnH r r f ha nAiea , Earliest Sprms: Costumes. Jennie June, whD is supposed to be aufait in evtry thing relating to ladies, costumes, writes as follows to the Wash ington Star: The earliest spring cos. tumea decide tbs fact, if any doubt of it existed, iu regird to, the continuance of the short dresa. They are as short and less tied or pulled back than heretofore, following more tbe lead of the Jersey cos- tume, which is necessarily simple. The most objectionable part is the jacket. which makes a pretence, of bein a coat. ! : . W W and is a sham all the way through, good neither for protection nor covering nor comfort. Tbe material is lovelv. a fine 10 m . soft camel's hair in olive brown, plum color, myrtle, gend'arme, amethyst and pure mouse, fawn and drab shade The trimmings accompa- nies each dress. pattern, and onsist of handsome cashmere, or silk and wool mixture, in small palm-leaf de signs, and India colors, or of embroidered satin Tests and cuus, with satin enough for the small amount of trimming rc- nnirnrf nnnn th skirt nr fnr moVJr, f'f ' -a ' v tbo 'lar- ioanS 'adies will, it is thought, avoid the dark color and India mixtures and select the quaint blues or , , , . , ... 1 . . Pale neu.ral shades -with satin trimmiu and shirred plastron in place of the tm br0idered Wi,h "Cb will wear an early English style of felt. or straw bonnet, lined with bl UQ or nnnnr 1 j j i . . red wtm nav!DS 'trmga to match 106 lining, which shows very little below the brim. Another style of spring ccs. j i lumes u P05 .of a '?ong redingoW, oja In rfront half way, finished at tW r nV with tnmJnln mll.r i wp, nd belld in broa!t tter tha style of tbe ?Dcctoire. TbefS.kirt w of no im- porweco, as n. mcrciy aoows a nttie of tba iront ;ana an edge of flouncine FSlu lace, and a wide beaver hat, or soft fel? th hrim ter. but spreading ont on both sides, and Srmnn nr waneha of (thPr .'j x. 1 center, forming the principal part cf cmafstation. 1 . 6, 1880 PLEASE 50TICE. We will Jjeg'ad to receive comnmni.atioti from oar frianca on aay aad all subcta f sjeaeral iaurest but: The name of the writer mutt al wt ji b? fur niahedto the Editor. Communications a i t U wihien o oi.j one dde of the paper. Feronalitii mojttc aroided. And it U etpecially nt; paalariy on. - r -tood that tho Editor do, Bot alwaji end re tha viawiof corrwiK)adeou nolfM tv a la tne editorial colun 1)8. - JAMW-UiUHTOX-.At,M. H-r,b Wo ew'. Chnrcti, Pittibor,, on tc 4 b inst . JASIm, of Wiltninilri, to .Mij K. ALICV younit daoehter it .tU late Jofcn II.' Haoghton, Eiq. New Advertiscmri i Ship Notice. ALLPER80rt ARE HERK BY cautioned and forcrurr ; " ed from crediting or barKorinir "7 01 tne crew ..r the Hritih Bn TRAMORE", aa no billa of their contracUsc -will be jaid br iiaetcr or Comiflrnees r PATER80, D0W.VINO1CO., feb 6 ConsifrnecK. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP Heretofore ex iating under the name of HAM.V A GOODMAN, has thia day been dissolved by mntual conseaf. V. D. Goodman will pay all tbe liabilities of t'-e firm and'ia entitled to collect all money due tbe firm. V. I). GOODMAN, J. HAHN. Wilmington, - . C, Ireb. 5tb. 1SS0, feb G-1t OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. FEB. G& 7 Eng afrement for Two Nighta Only and one Matinee of the eminently successful Com edian and Character Actor, MILTON NOBLES ! Supported by his powerful Comedr Combi nation, appearing in the original dramatic specialties with which his name has become inseparabl ylinked. On Friday erehing and Saturday Matinee,will be presented the popu-. lar American MelMrama, by Wilton Nobles, entitled THE PH(ENIX Parroll GraTes.Jioi isiuasoe, mitoi Mobles As played by Mm orer 1,000 times. And on Saturday evening will be presented tbe American Comedy "rama, by Milton Nobles, entitled A MAN OP THE PEOPLE-Jack Rvder. A Diamond in the Rough, Milton Nobles. I'arquette and Dress Circle... $1.00. Parquette Circle to. Gallery.... ......'..... 2J, Reserved Seats for sale at Ueinebercrer'a without extra cbargo. fib 4 4t ' Look ! fJlE AMERICAN, "L'ASSOMMOIK.." A Parody on Z .la's "L'Afliomznoir." By Joseph 8ydney. ' HOW rtUE WON HIM. nr. Tim Rp!1p nf f Charming Valley. By D. A. Moore, ' t or sale at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Pianos and Organs gOLD ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN, Guitars; Violins, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, A c cordeons, Harmonicas, Drums, ike, all for sale at iIEINSBERGER'S, feb 3 Live Book an Music Store. New Hat Store. jrECEIVED YESTERDAY BY NEW YQ2K STEAMER, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE STYLISH SOFT A&D STIFF HATS, CHEAP. Cali and examine. JOHN M. ROBINSON, 13 Fro&t at., South of Parcell Uoure Jan 24 NEW MILLINERY STORE. I AM CONSTANTLY KECEIVINO New Goads which I will fceli chep for cfL. such as Bonnets, Hats. Kibbcrs, Fbrn ar.d every thing in the Milliner l in. inl r' Crochettd Oo fttwj. .n J4ijd. Alo, Lace Goods- liumtn lJ.ir ond. for sale Work d ne in ih wort ;jr.T.d utv'le. Ladie3 vt ill Jo wc!I t-i nil aid ste l'r them selves. . Country .; :ri reivH pro ort attention. , MK.. J. BAKKK. 4 r' rner Third And Onnir. fcti. belling Off ! Ulh DALANCE'OFOUS I IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING must go at almost any pries to make room i for the Spring Styles. Bargains may te All must be sold. Call and get tie re- I iuc?-t rlc?s, at KtIRlER'3 TWO STOEf, llrket it Mules for .Sale rpWENTT LEAD O? VT. 03 ( Apply to T. J. tiO ND TAKM HULES. oniKtLAVo. Liter and H'e btab!tr, ! Third Mtnei. ftb 2-tf NEW GOODS AMD A NEW YEAR ! Tl TR3. H.J. HAKtK hasi.n haadaiic' 1JL Stock of Hats, iionutu in old aid young-, old 6 a' Caps. Breakfast Cars, aad all Wsd tt Children's Oooda, :rochei4 Hoods, Mcqu. 'Vnt-. cd Jnfant'n Hacks. All kind of dair Wj k done to UraJd made of csmbinjjs. td Hrai1 u.kedorr. Band-rauxPns, Ccqoet'a Jnruiole Ironf. Saratoga Wavea. Jul kinds cf Wiimade aad repaired., All orders prcmptty rl'lsx frentbs cccztry.t I z-'"9 i" -'irtlja

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