THIB PITER PLEA8E NOTICE. po!ishl e-ery rurn, Hatdifi ti- 1 Di 'Review.-. We will be;'ad to receive communiraUoti lCommwiicaUonfttastbe written n or j one tide of the paper. ' Fenonalitles must b aroWed. Andlt is especially a.i pa.rcl.riy Qaf . Jtood that th. Editor does not alw.y. .tjt u. theews pf correspondepts. unless so at.. 4 ia the editorial coIut ps. UY CliOXLY MOIIIIH. JOSH. T. JAME8, rorros aj raoraiKToa. rttwnflmvq POHTAQK PAID. Li U -rvra.aa a.w-, Uae TMr.tS 00 Hur months, S3 50 ; Tbre -- .W (Mi --. oaths, SI ; UMBonw,H win. H ptr will b delivered by earrieri, r fehaxge. In any proi uivchj, rates, or 13 cent pr wmi. idrertiiiue rata low and liberal VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY FJjfbllUARY 9, 188u. NO.S11 Subscribers will please report in; aad jS failure to receive toeir papers rffmiwij Now Advertisements. JUST RECEIVED I SID WW & EODDKK. I 45 Market St. A SY.W LINK OF f HtaV rg F.d,ciogi and 1st rtrta, Ail width and ) ia?itie. Ladies, every thlasr in "ur line of b aineat i advancing. To will Sod it to your advantage ti mat purchM-i BOW. Tei d Laeet and In-ertiona all nw. Petat Pe argaedoe Late, in varietr, NfcW. Call and examine. Kcarf Laces ia Mack and White. W eertalaly have the large t and chespeit lot on baad that baa been ahown for sometime. Irl.b Ttlxmlng Lace for the Mi.iion. Ki4 Glnv-i 1 and 3 Bottom, 75 ctj. a pair. . 4 Buttons, 91 a pair. , a . a iK , a nni ha hnnhl mtthin tweat-Qv per cer.t of th above p'ireft. V bavetn i elected ana put up iui our trade LOCAL NEWS. Buttons. A NEW LOT JUST KECFIVKD. W are giving the above departueot oar partiealar attentiunt and can show by far the larger. tuonaiDi ever aerea ia ion city. New Advertisements. P Hiiff-aaaatt On the Block. Williams A Mcrchiko el Potate. Boatwkioht A McKuT Yru Can't Do Better. t; P L It k! i"l Kht A CoK-tn. .Hre ad Mfnstetter's Bitters H H f'tKitr.i s Scaled Prop ail". OrkHA llocxi -Lector. , I at Book M . and l'h.f Rooms Orat and Or(rnett'8. Re ad 'L"rli w riter Hal A. A I. SHkuciHemnir OH I Ixnt begins' on VitlLe?day. p.r other local? ppo fourth piij;?. R.,hinare thinning to U plentiful. w " , .... - VVi! Uw il.js all m.j' at AlUflr A A tirl may tiUo .ii.i sir.iie" aul ho an- wiliiri ' Ptill. : Knives an..l Furk.-i, 1' jcKct Knives or the Cbi.Mrtu at J v mi's. Sw, barq'ic. lrayc. Xyhahn 'hence irrired at Livcrj l on the ."th inst. Arg. harn ie h.irijte, Pajsun, htnes arrivtil at Liverpol on. the 31 inst. The Jardin, Kkerrnesi, for this port, sailed from L iidon of the 26th ult. Save your mony by buying io;ir Uuild- i i. iip,li-5 io!!i AkaftVr & Prion. t Courea. is m 1 ot cLin-music layere, where s!atesru.n are fdw "and f ir between. School er llih h " Howes, Getchell hence, arritrol at Bjiton on the U'.h iost The Ella Moore, Fieldinp, for thie port, siiled from Liverpool cn the 24th ult. SigHmic Patent Sliirt. vM hsJi m ill m ?, THE FINEST ANOCHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TME WORLD. Thta WOfiderfal inmntinn tirM a Rrwrnm kaadaoat tbapa and la teat atyle, and h ao piaaec apoa La Mtrt that it can b- worn for a week without a break or wriok:e. Male from JIOQ Iiaao, Wamiatta Vnrhn. and Bo- am iiaea wiu neavy Butcher Lioeo titry B ism GuirxaUed to Out wear trie Murt Call aad eiaaiiae the eat and naallt; you caanot fan ta oe cnvi'.cro tnt tt juit wbatyoa have been looli-k fur. BROWN & EODDICK, 43 XXXarket Otreet. fb7 F res h Every D ay, 4 f K ArtORTMKNT OF CANDIt, Fraach and Dccceet-c, juit rclrcd and for ia. ( TKI ONLV OKNPINE HOSJ-ilADE uaaar in ut city, wm p louna er-r? 4yf fmb asd vei. tr.p dootf onih o! taa xottooe on tteoend a'reet. Alto, ati, Ealiiiia. I ratt. Ae. C. K. jEVKM. jaa II ?eat the Potto See. Tfeot, H. McJvoy, iobt H? McKoi ASSfOHriZlY a-AT-LAW WILMINGTON, N O XrtL idV Vf-j-Wt tt: et, b-.iee mm ft-w Ther1 has bteu i.o issue of 8'lver five cent and co per two cent pUces eir.c 1872 There .i.sMht in ihe river, but there is jit an abundance of water for navigation. The WtloitDstjn Mutuil " Fire Insur ance Conipanj, of this city, on Friday, paid to the Secretary of State the taxea on grots receipt- of premium ins this State during 1370. The Chir.'otte Pre saya: Mr. Mont P. C. White, a popular salesman, of Elias & Cohen, has accepted a position with a lare dry roods firm of Wilming ton and leaves f-r that city next week. At the present time this country contains ver twenti -three thoutand postolucea with an assresate lencthof post routes of two hundred and fifly-six thousand miles; the annual revenue amounts to $23,000, 000, and the annual expanditures to 20,. o:-o,ooo. Pccket Knivei. Table Cutler v. Silver Plated Forks and Hdoous: largest 'varietv a - mf and loweet prices at Jacobi's liutt'a Pauuraiua. The Char!otte Observer sajsr; Mr. A L. Butt left the city yesterday evenicg for the purpose of billing the exhibition of his panorama fn Wilmington, Golds- boro, Xew Ikrce, Italeigh, Greensboro and Winston. He will give bis. exhiti- tit n in Wilmington a bent the 17th iost., 4n l from there z to the ot'jer points earned, lie Me.crrc to s-.icc-ed. and we sineire y hope he may. The Carnival and Concert, i We trust that there will be a largt at tendance to-night at theCity Hall, on the oecasion of tha Skating Carnival and Con cert to be given there by the Cornet Con cert Club. We understand that the cos tumea prepared for the occasion are ric and varied, and that there will be lots of fun tor the spectators as well as for th who may take an active part io the Cr uival. There wit. also be Home de'ifch' ful music for tie occasion, turnisbed b the Club,1 which is m itself an attracii -n of no mean order. Let all .who want ! have a genuine unndultered good timo ! auro to be on baud. New Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. Tutsday Evening;. Februcry 10th- ! i . New Advertisements, Boatwright & EEcKoy Col. Duncan K. JIcHae i . V ill deliTor liii celebrated Lecture on Genius and Talent, At the ibore time and . place. j l r oen at 7 o'clock, lecture brgias at Ki.'cl ict rMnl lick-ts 50c, two for 75e. .-t- bwirrTwi rit0out xt a charcr. Hox Shet n w npn At flein. b jrer'u Hu.kstore f.b 9-it On the Block. I ILL llEAD.VI.ette Heads, Note Head, J J hejjal Cap, ooie Uap and Bill Capon H ocb. The rmat nnrenieut and xieatet way of k ei i.. sorb papers aUo Pen and Pencil Mem .raruium Block. For sale at the UVK BOOK ttTOKfc. I. Organs Kuiff its of l'rthias. The Grand Hodge of K. of T., which convenes at Fayetteville to morrow, the 10th int will have as attendin dole gates from thiacuy, Messrs. John L Dud- ley, Jjhn W. Zimmerman, W. 15. Orr and L. L. IioonJ who will represent Stonewall Lodge No. 1, and Messrs. H. C. I'reajpert, W. II. Qerkea,John Haar, Jr, ami .1 1 'Stnlio-: rotwamonttnv n-rmnnia I N w i the time to buT before the rranre i i ir 'i I J e .u in prices. ' Orpans for $45, $50, $75, $100, vention will be to. elect officers for the Grand Lodzo for the ensuing; year, to choose a dileeate to attend the convention VALEN7 IK'S 3 ot the.bupreme Lodge of the World, which Frank's Beautiful n w Htyle Valentines, -rUl Ka Ki,l of Q T.-n?a f in Sr. Jasi rtceivea and Ut sale at n tu ww uui4 aw uwm U7Ui suv au wwa- temter next, and to transact the other business neceesary to the well'being of the order. The delegation from this city left this afternoon on the steamer North State. I 5 & 7 sons (h-th u N or AT W:H th Front Gtrett. PlEASKl) to l,av por 1 it c cenes QLESALE ; . ' (in and examine Underwriters Sale. QVWEDSESDIT NEXT, lltb !.,.. M Alex Spront. Br. Vir rv,...i e u ' count of all cardhV"""" 1' - C r MMt Br.Fchr. A. F. Kr. . . L , f Toother with her, , Anchors aad Chains. All h,r Tackle,' Appare and Furniture, a. ahe n. w feb d 2t ies ahore on lJld iieaa Ueach. ettr copr.10 aad 11, h Groceries, feb 9 Live Book and Music Store. deism JnJ CELEBRATED liS rk (S Genius and Talent. The following correspondence, as weil as the advertisement which is published elsewhere, will fully explain to our reac? ers that Hon. D. K'. McRae has again consented to 'lecture here. To-morrcw evening, the 10th inst., has been designa ted as tbe time, and theOperallotise as the place. Col. Mcllie has selected Genius and Talent and those who have ever heard it, or ever heard of ir, will knoi that a genuine treat may he wxpec ed. The box sheet, for the lecturers now open at Heinsberger's. The-following is tbe correspondence. alludfd to; Col. D. A' 3Iacliae; Dear Sir Appreciating in common with thia whnlfl communitv. thn cArviri you have rendered to the cause of literary Do ou feJ Sat "T one of your organs- culture in oar midst, bv the delishtful f""!En"T?r'7 , V i i u , j , r 'wrs in its w oik; ii so, repair tbe - . j - - - -j i iuaro ttiiu fcuo.moai puwenui, yei narm- desirous of seeing you receive some ade-J less of inyiiroranta Remember that debility the undersigned request you to repeat one iiiijA a aiTeri pwalysis nf tb lrtn;. nlanvinir thpmlv tn ?Z lh Wtem' and that such paralysis is the " ' " r e e -luiioeuiaie precursor ol ueatn. every effort to secure lor the fcaeion I For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen BUVM t v ... .avwv r KUW I (CIS . Ami Ful Those who Ii will tel! f,u , You Gan'fc do Better ! ; They.-uaiantee to spII 5011 at the Lowest Market Price TLe Lava ia :tjre and oa ih-.i way - 1 - i -Thiee Hundred Darreh EAUIjY ROSE'(nm'h-) POTATOES.. - in ir KET.'IL Ii; P DEiTj f SLLECTiCD STOCK OF Family Groceries I V evrr rtr-rrtt to aeciviens of Wilndngh n. Call and se ihem, and yon wj surely get GOOD AUTH L?:.S LO W. em ! I j AVISO MENDED our Supply of Goods. Schwas so .icuch shattered by our Im mense Christmas Trade, we can new offer to the public the Host Beautiful and Complete Stock of Choice F amily Groceries! ier offered to the Wilmington patrontge mm ' - ' $ i ODR GOODS ARE ALL FRESH AND NICE, And we put our Prices to Suit the Times. Try a' barrel o." our -famous REX f LOUR, cannot be equalled. A delicious lot of MOXUME.VTaLUAS13 I uit received. They defy competitioa. Martin's Gilt dge Butter I Thce Pounds for $1. Is F w aet and Ih'gaat. We only ask you to Come and tcok, for we know when you see the Fresh and Varied Display of Goods you will l,a r. So cojue and see us onea-,dall. v Yours, for 33 day?, Co., dsired pbj'-ct. Alex. Speust, " D. G. Wobtii, llo. E Calber, Wm. L. DsRosfT. D. K. Murchisqx, Johs Wilder Atkinsok, George W. Kidder, Fas. H. Chadboub, Norwop Giles, . ' J. W. TilOMliOX, P. Heiksrergeu, II. VOLLEKS, A. Adrian. I 'RESTON C V M M I N ( E. S. Martin. . MEW MILLINERY STORE. T AM COX8TASTLT RSCKlVlNU 1 Goo4s which I will sell cbesp for eah. aeh as Koaaets, Hau. Kibvns, r'iowrs aad e-err hbf la tha MilUae y 1 t-e. ! Itfa&u' Crochtd (ioos always n had. At-o, lmmOmm4 11 a man hair Gc-ds j for Je Workday lathe moat approved atyle. lalm miUdt vtll to call aad sefor them-e.t-a. I Coaauy oedri receive pronot attention. t . B4KKK, feb 4 Coraar third mnA Or.r lmuatlable. The following unrnailable paUl rrat ter remains in the postoflkein this city: Major Foy, Savannah, Florida V Wes tern H R Sta. Xo. i; Francis Cobb, Thila, Saml Frankl?tca; I'lor ence Qrefcnool, is.rce, N C; Mary Brown, Pender 0s; Hiss Polly Davis, lirockyn, N Y; B Brown, IUxky Point, N C; Willis Webb, Rocky Point, N C; Mis' .Maliisi B'aQton, Wjlcijngtrji, (t. AY EC'S CHERRY PECTORAL the world s great remedy for Colds, Cou-bs, Consumption, and all aff?c i n o( the Lur.g atd Taroat. fJul 1 es for Sale. rpWI5TT DEAD Of WaGO.V fsbltf AND FARM mclw. Applvta T. J. 80UTHKRLA.VD. Urarj aad SalaBtabUs, TMidtttraet. Mrs Partington Sajj lmt take any of the qnack rostrum?, a? they .n n-giuieoul to the hum in cisteni ; output )our tins in Hop Bitters, which r"r S iidrl diupid.tion, costive uani's mi n com. c diseases. Tbevsaied I . . a f " V c irom a svere exirAct tripod kver. ibfV are the r.e urjt of medicioes. 1 -r Pbysiclanr Wine. Xew York physicians say that they have bwii using pet'a Por. Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire atisfctiou of their patients and themslTs. and Uke great pleasure n rworumending them to tbe tmtic as Win" all that is claimed ?ar Uetil, andin tact tl'ts tr-os; reUbad they cad find For sale by Greaa fr Planner, Jaa. C, Munds and P. L. Bridgers t Co. Wilmington, X. C., Feb. tiih. ISS0. - Gmtlezicn: Your note, requesting me to repeat j 'one of my lectures heretofore delivered before the citizens of thM place, has inst been handed to me. The terms of your net!, as they convey to me an assuraoce that my ef forts .to awalion an interest in Hterarv l culture are appreciated, d J the very kina terms; tn which this ! is couched afft rd me "pecuTur aratifiation, and I reco.i'nie in tha narr.ea annend.l t c ..i " a r v this cote & commendation ot which I am entitled to be proud. There are gent'emeo, not a few in this commuLtty, gifted beyond ! me to bear on this good work acd as the' rough, stcce precedes the exquiiita atatt;ex and the pioneer the subsequent refined rivU;i. j tion, so in the near future I hope to see cellence. j I will repeat the lecture on 'G-.niua ar:d Talent on Tuesday nexf, if that will be agreeable to you. Very tru'y, D. K McRae. Jfeasrs. Alex. Sprunt, I). G. Worth, R. E. Calder and other. j Montreal llarJ.'ry R. h. ifolgU. o Montreal, Cau.U, HenL 21. 1370. that he had suf. fered terribly from dyspepsia, and wis completely curea oy taking Warner a Safe Bi. ter 8.1 Us says: 'My appetite 'is food, and I now sutler no ineanvenienn from catiDg hearty meals. ! Thesa Biu iers are aiso 3 apeciac tor sam dij. eaes. IjiH "j - 1 1 1 We untTtriitani that fereral ladies and gentlemen in this citj bare in preparation Mrs. Jarlej Wax Works, to be prodqK before very long for tbe benet of a wor tbj object.' Jl ' i ... . Mayor's Office. City of Wilmington, - February 7 th, 1880. Sealed Proposals, YyiLL BE RECEIVED for furnishing the City of Wilmington with LABOR and MATERIALS, specified below, contract to commence April 1st, 1880, and to continue for one year, in accordance with Section 10, Chapter 143, Laws of N. C, 187 77, said bHs to be opened atthe meetiag of Aldermen, on Monday, at 11 oVock, P. M., March 1st, 1st, For furnishing, driring. feeding and shoeing mules, keeping carts and harness in ruou oruar, per cart, tor any numDer or carts the City may employ. 2d. For furnishing material and keeping la repair the city lamp per month, and fur nishing any lamps ordered, of sue aad quali ty known as standard street lamps. 3d. For tt?htiB?. extiaffninir i,ag ai. coy lamps, and tilling lamps whin 0 a nxH. aja fwail 'aujPt no' supplied with ga, per 6tb For furnishing gasolii,e an burners M' aKing necessary cnangea for tamp, per auuta, ior an tamps not taffjJtta wKh gas, 6th. Fo; lumber ni 1090 feet able qaa-'uv ac,ia o,untitieB as required by I Kh. Nails per pound. &.h. Clinker priag b icks, per thousand 9J F r keeping pump, of fire eitrn in repair. lCtfc. List ajkicA-aper barrel. Kor scavenger work. 12th. For printing and ad ver thus g for the city. Bonds ror the faithX&l performance of eon. traet to b giTW.i tmck aaafloal as may b required. All oarraeta air ba a.nnnIlH rn9 am btlng stated, by voU of Board of Alder- kbcu, wm cvccurcBcg 01 Doaro ox ADClt fad Fiance. ' &, R . FldflBL ATE. . BOATWR Gil T 4. 1 f ,b ! Seed Potatoes. 300 Bbls. Early Eose Potatoes. ror sale low h.v WILLIAMS & JIUBCIIISON. Flour, Sugar, Coffee, IOOO Bbls Flour. Super to Extra Family, 300 Bbls Sfear, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 4.2o Bags ciffee, Bio, 1 La.-aJra and Java, oow lioxes bmokod and D S Sidep, loO Tubs Clioico Leal .Lard, 300 Boxes Lye and Potash, 1 73 Boxes arid Half Boxes B. B. Snufl: 200 Boxes laundry P. L- Bridffers & GROCERS; 22, 21, 520 A: 28IioiilSt. Wiliiiiii-ioH, IV. , feb 9 Dissolution. rpUE COPARTNERSHIP Heretofore ex nnJ?Jlg .nnder the name of HAHN A GOODMAN, has this day been disiolred by mutual consent. V. d. Goodman will par all the li abilities ot tbe firm and is entitled to collect all money due tbe firm. V. D. GOODMAN', . J. HAHN. Wilmington, . C, r eb. 5tb, 1880, feb H-'It Wotice. JIJATING PURCHASED the ictereit of Mr. J. tha nr? nw. un.:J... announce to my friends and tbe public gn- fJ! llAth S1 contiaue'ihe buaincts at the Old Stand. Fonrth raat .a dearor, by strict attention to builnts to VT' W k I a a a A Y aw A aa a - A . 9 v ery respectfully, v. 1. .GOOD MAX. Card. HAVING DISPOSED of my -entire in terest In thS-HiT Of.nrt..U...i..... . D. OOOfjMAX. f hery return thanks te toe public for the rrr hhr.i bitowed on the late Dm- ,f n ti mao, and would -pectfaWy f contiDU- rr ir ii..ol.t-.n. J re-fft!u!lT, J. HAli.V. . ance of the er r i. 7 ;. . " For Staryiug Ireluud. and Toiiet Soap, rniiE CORXET concert m.Tfr Also! a fnll I in a nf 1- M Case Good?, : tTOO Bales Choice Timothy and. Eastern Hay, SOO Kegs Nails, all sizes, loOO Bdls Hoop Iron, 3200 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, 4t500 Sacks Livenwol Salt ' Hi. ' 4,000 Sacks Cotton Peruvian Guano. 2500 Sacks Xo. For sale dewrous of adding their mite to the general i Guanape Gmtno WILLIAHS A ifTTRfTHTRnv' Ub 2 Whaleeale Oro. A Cam. Meri Organs and Organetts r ,rni , "w are selling at remark ab A complete stock of j low prices. chool 3ookj, Blank Books and SUtionjry alwaj son hand, at cvntribuUon being made to reliere the dis tress ia Ireland,, hare secured the icrrlces 'f Prof. Cushing 'and the bis of bis fikafes for MOXDAT EV.tIN0,- February 5th, nd p oposeto give a Skating Carnival and r cert at tbe CITT HALl, on that Ere zaz, the. proreet?, of which wjl be donsted to th fa-d b-irg rs's-4 In fhU ctj for Iriib relitjf. . The Comet Concert CI 3b Its always aided others to help tbemieiTes.and cowdesireto aiJ the be!pless and starvir.g thju-acdsia Erin. ' Doers open at 7 o'clock. Afxniision 2S cts. No exfa charge for Skates. tab 7-U j - - . WewHatSto JECEI FID YESTERDAY ' BY NKW YORK STEAMTr ANOTHER LT OF TH08B M R' rrrr flY$U 0FT f D STIFF ITAT8, CHEAP. Call and ezaalne. JOHfi ll. P.CBI.TSO;,", fab tit - ' . ftl9 !

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