i i t ." THIB PIPE U aoUak T afieraaa. Haedaya pd bV JOSH. T. J1MES, t !UK4ClUrTI058.kOeTAaE PAID, dee year, $4 00 Six moatka, $150; Three oattu.fl IS Oae month. 60 mbU.. l"ae fP dliT,re4 bT errir, YMUv(,iBta7 pert of tht eity, at the rete, or 13 eu r"" week. 44TrtUing rata low and liberal r"3aeeenbera will please report any aad 1 ri!reW reeieiDeir papers regularly New Advertisements. JUST RECEIVED I BSOWN & RODDICK. 45' market St. A NEW LINK OK Hmrc Edciega and loartiosa. All iJtbad qaalitiea. Ltl. eerythior in 'or line f b sineia t drtfrciiig. Tom wili nnd it to jour adraatage 1 make purcbas Tacm Laci aad Insertions all new. Paiat Da a?g aedee Leee, io variety. NaW. Call aad examine. Kearf Leeee la Black aad White. Ye f ertalaly have tbe largest aad eheapeat lotoabaad that baa beea ahowa for sometime. It lib Trimming Laeee fur the Million. KM Glov 3 aad 3 Battens, 7S eta. a pair. " M 4 Buttons, $1 a pair. We o9 oothiog bat a gool articla and eaa aafe'y ay tb y caa not b tx ugbt althin tweaty-fi r- par eaot of tb abore p Ice a. . W bTeth elected and pat ap n ecUU. loi ear trade. Buttons. A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. We are giriag be above department oar partiemlar attentkiaa and caa show by far the largest aaeortmeat erer offered La tbiii citj. THE FINEST AHD CHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TME WORLD. This weadirfal tnreatioa gives a Boaom aaadaone abape aad latest etyle, and it ao p!aed apoa tbe Shirt that it caa be worn for a wek withouta break or wrinkle. Made frets 1100 linen, Wamautta alnlin, and Bo ll' Qaad wiib heavy Batcher Linen. Zrtrj Biom Gu&raateed to Out wear the Shirt Call and examine the cat and qnlit; you caaaot fall to be enviact-d thtitia juat wfcaiyou have beea looii'g for. BROWN & RODDICK, 43 Market Street, M7 Fresh Every Day, 4 fl .E ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, A French aad Domestic, jatt received and for M'tfS O.ILY GENUINE HOME-MADE CaaJj La tbe city, iu be found erer? day, frveh aad swet. thrre doora 8oatb of th toetnnie oa Soond atrreu Aleo. Kuta, RaUlaa. Fmit. aa. C. . )ta 13 NeaTtba Poetofflce. Tho. H. McKoy. Robt- H McKov X O XLZ? 23 IT AT A W WILMINGTON, N. C. (Be Ntirtb iJ Mrkt ttrret, bekwee Scod aad Third itrMU. aa TT. UEW MILliriERY STORE, I AM C05RTANTLT BECEIVINQ New OoodJ arbicb I will aell cheap for cub. neb aa Boaaeta. Hats kibVn, Klowera aad every blnf la the aailltae j I te. laf&nta' Crabet4 Oooa alwaa op h.ad. Alao, LaaGooda Baaiaa hair tiooda for aale Work 4 nee la tb moat appro? ed at?le. l4iee wil; J wall to c ill and are for theoa Ooaatrj order rocetT pro ant attention, 14 KS. k. J. BAKK. fab 4 Conner 1 bird aad Orange at. l.Juleo for Sale. 'wrjrrr dead of waqox AND FARM MULES, A pair ao T. J. 80UTHKRLAND, LIvarj aad Bale 8tbbs, " HJirjhmle Patent Shirt. Nil W k 8 mm ft U hi k b r If r( 1 VOL.IV. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1880. NO. 312 LOCAL NEWS. JTew Adrertiaemeuta. Tatm Book 8tore aad Photo Booma Valentine?. Mbltih A cibam Dia'olotica. rnciT Vaa . atMSi-Forecloeure aJe. PUaiaaaiaeea Oa tbe Block. A. A I. Hheiih HelliDK OA ! 9 Fur other li-alM bee fourth pge. l!rice"a. t Vhii a uiii )ropi)ses tukes bis maiUou eflbrt. Iap jKt dueau't a muu fit to much men arc so coy. Kaifea ami Forks, Pocket Kuires Jbe. or the Children at Jacobi a. Tbe cabalistic aliached to political advertiiernenls uinar.s a third term. Kilo tails will ftel lust when telegraph polea ha?o lecn put uuder the ground. Steamship Ilcnfaclo, Jones, for .this port, sailed from Sew York on the 7tb inst. Sjmes.udeuts think it necessary to get behind their Ks&uus in order to pursue their studies. Alderman Fianner i doirg the honor as Mayor jtro ifm during Major Fibh Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks aud Spoons; largest variety and low eat j. rices at Jacobi's Thekiud wife ho has a smile tor her husband when be comes into the huouse willoot drive him to a saloou togef one. Jones says it is not the color of her hair that troubles him in choosing a help-mate. The color of her money is what interests him vastly more. A ssilor is not a sailor when be is a board; a sailor is not a.saibr when he is a shore ; but be must be either ashore or Lahoard ; therefore, a sailor is not a sailor at alL It has come to be genr rally believed that one can get more for his money out of the telephone than anything elsa which rurs by lightning. Sch jouer A S Graham, Scull, hence, arrived at New York on tbe Tth.init. Feb. 2ud ha i ahaavy gale from E..S. E. to S. aud S W. in which Ler boat was stove. Captain Worth, of the steamer Cover" nor Worth, reports everything as re- mirkably quiet on the Cape Fear, with the water slowly falling off, but with a plenty for all practical purposes as yet. We notice quite a number of strangers from "up country" upon our streets, the most of whom are here waiting, for tbe arrival of their raits of wood, timber and nival stores, x?hich are now on their way down the Cape Fear and its tributaries. Unmallable. There are unmailable postal inatter re mainginthe postrllice for Webb Willisf Kock Poiat, N. C; B. Brown, Hock Point, X. C ; Abramj Hicks, Goldsboro N. C. 2V w Store. Mr. Juliui llahn has rented the store on Mrket street recently occupied by Mr. D. Greenwal l as a clothing estab lishment. Mr. Llaha will go North next weea and select an extensive stock of dry gocds and will open the stora in about three weeks. A Succeisful Chase.' Ths Fox Uuntei'a C iib was out io the early morn to-day and the loud shrill b!asts from the huntsman's huru was heard among the pinei beyond the river la Brunswick county until 12 o'clock, when the chase after Riynard . ended in the death of two fine foxes, Mr. J. M. Forshee being tirst in at the death of one and Mr. E. S. Litimer first jn at the death of the other. . Mrt Partington 3J Dou't take any of the. quack rostrum?, as they are regimental to the human cistern ; but put our tins: in Hop Bitters, whicfc wil cure general dilapidation, xYe bsbita and allcum.q dioae4. They saved Isaao from a severe extract of tripod lever. They are the ue plus tinum of medicUics. PUTilClaot' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using bpetr'a Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters iu their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, aud take great pleasure in recommending them to tbe public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact tbe moot reliable they can find. Per sale by Green A Planner, Jas. O. Murlds and P. U Bridgend Co. 1 - DAILT hfpment of Shad. The first shipment of shad this season from this -city, for Northern markets was made this morning. Mr. John Carroll shipped a barrel full, and says he shipped bur days earlier this year than last. The shipment of shad from this market has assumed large proportions. Last year be shipped ten thousand pairs, ad is making arrangements to eniarje his business dur ing the coming season. Last NtaTht. The CarnUal and Concert last night at the City Hall, given by the Cornet Con' (cert Club tor the beaeSl of the'roSarlng poor in Ireland, waa not aa well patrom ized at it should hate been, all things considered. There were many skaters on the floor aad the evening was enlivened throughout. by tome of - the best music we t have ever beard the Cornet Club dis course. It was not a masquerade, as we stated yerterday it would be. We were misled by the fact of its being caTled a Carnival, a name which ii always asso ciated in our mind (and in that of many others) with oasqaers. Still It was a very enjoyable affair and was kept up uotil a lata boars. Personal. Itev. Dr. Patterson, of St. John's Church.returned to the city list night and will serve to-morrow at the Ash-Wednesday services. He did not get beyond Baltimore onj his recent visit North, but remained (here as his physician ad vis. ed him not to travel any farther North at this eeason of the year. Major James D. Cumming, of the firm of fliuscn & Cumming, New York, but formerly of this place, and a gaUant "Old Rsb.' of the Army of Northern Virginia, during the war, is here on a visL to his many friends In this city. Major C. looks well and hearty,' bat bis beard Is a little froettd since we saw him last. Otherwise, our old friend looks the same as of yore, when be commanded a few 'dogs of war,' lhat belched forth shrapnel, grape fhot and canister and the like around Petersburg. Save your money by buying jour Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. criminal Court. This tribunal has been engaged to day on the regular docket. The first case called was: v Stato vs. Maria Hall, charge murder. Motion for removal by defendant upon affidavit filed, overruled. Trial set for Monday, 16th inst, at 10 A. M. Special venire of 100 ordered. State vs. Geo, G. McGhce, charge fail ure to work public road; verdiat not guilty. State vs. Geo. G. McGhee, charge failure to work public road; verdict not guilty. State vs. Juo. Grady, arraigned for murder Trial feet for Wednesday. 18th inst, at 10 A. M. Special venire of 100 ordered. State vs. Goo. G. McGhee, charge failuro .work to pub ic road; verdict not guilty, j The Northern Mall. The train due here this morning on the Wilmington & Weldou Railroad at 9; 13 o'clock, did not arrive until about 4 o'clock this afternoon. The delay wss caused by the burning of the bridge over tbe Meberrin river, 23 miles N'rth of Weldoa and on tue Petersburg R. R. Tbe W & W. traju waited at Weldoa in hope's of making a connoction but found out, after ioug waning, thit this coild not ue accoa, piuued. ine passengers ana mans uqo n.ro inia morn- iog are therefore axl this writing on .11 . ' 1. -f .1. . T ;oe oiuer true oi ine Jieuerrin Kivcr, it havirg boen found that a transfer cou!d not be made. We presumo, however, that the proper coacwtlon vyill be raide tc morrow. - . On this detained Petersburg train are a number of the stockholder cfthe W. C. & A. R. R , and hecce.the meeting which waa to have been held here this forenoon did not take plac Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons, Fluting Machines and every a rt of Hardware at lowest sort of cash price at Jacobi's. Montreal Heard From. R. L. Moeely. of Montreal, Canada, certified Sept. 27, 1879, that be had iuf. fered terribly from dyspepsia, t4 was completely cured- by taking Warner Safe BLtera.- ia aaya: "Mj " appetite u eopd now .softer no inlenvepiente from eating heart j meaU. These - Bit tors are also a specific for all saiu diav easea. Review. The Lctare To-Nlght. We trust that Cl. McRae will hava a good house to-uigbt. A man who is always ready to sacrifice himself for tbe benefit of othrs should have this mark of appreciation at least. The lecture has already been delivered in Wilmington, months ago. and a it is said to beOLe of the duiinguiehed lecturers very best'ef for s, it will doubtless draw a large house. Tbe book atone oi this city have t ken t ie lfituUiry atvpsto suppress tbeciicula lioi of vulgar, atias cotnic. valentines by reft sing to sell them. The valentines nffcml for sate this year are tbe prettiest and moat refined of Pang and McLaugh riu Bros, make We are glad to see th a the booksellers have take a trie matter in baud and we are sure that they have tbe hearty endorsement of tha good people of thio city. An Old Citizen. Just 43 years ago to-day Mr. S. W. Dunham, one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens, 'stepped ashore at Wil mington, at the wharf just in front of the Custom House, withvthe intent of casting lo his fortunes with the people of the then infant town. And in Wilmington he has remained ever since. At that time, Mr. Dunham tells us, there was very little visible of the Wil mington of to-daj very .little besides the river and Eagle's Island and the bread and beautifully laid out streets. It was a sleepy placemen and gave bat little in, dications of its future activity and enterprise. Fourth street was by enact ment the Eastern extremity of the town, bat Third street was actually its boundary and there were Jcrat comparatively few houses beyond that street, and those were scattered and looked upon as being 'in the woods.' Where the elegant residence of Mr. Edward Kidder now stands, just two blocks removed, in a direct line from the Market House, Mr. Dunham says that he baa often picked chinqaeplns. Life or Death-Guilty or notGail'y? The Good Samaritans, to which order John Grady, who is to be tried at this term of the Criminal Court for the mur der of the colored man Taylor, which oc curred some throe months ago, have in terested themselves to the extent of employing counsel for the accused, so we learn, and the defendant well be repre seated by Col. Duncan K. 'MacRae and John L. Holmes, Esq. The trial is set for Wednesday next, the 18th jastant, at 10 a. m. Maria Hall, the colored woman charged with the murder of a white sailor on the night before Christmas, will be de fended by Manden Bellamy Esej., and Captain W. S. Korment. The counsel la this ease tried hard to get tbe case re moved to another county for trial, bat I the motion was overruled by the court aod the case set for trial on Monday next, the 16th inst, at 10 a m. The Court has ordered the Sheriff to summon a special veaire of one hundred, from which a jury of twelve good and lawful citizens may j "be selected to hear the evidence in tbe case, and a true verdict render as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant. A special venire of one hundred has been also ordered in the case of John 1 Urady, to be tried aa stated above on Wednesday next, the 18th inst. ShroveTuesday, and, the last day of tea carnival season. j New Hat Store. JECEITSD YESTERDAY BY NEW YO.IK STEAMER. ANOTHER LttT OF THOdai ' 8TVLI8H 80FT AND STIFF HATS. vrastAr. ftsu examine JOHN M. KOB1N80N, 13 FroAt st, South of Parcall House jan24 NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS ! New Job Printing Office I rpHE UNDXRSIG5ED, baviag leased tha ea. Trpee aad Material of the Daily Kxtiiw Job Printioe Uffice. here to Bounce that he is fully prepared to do erery description of Plata and Ornamental Print tog, ia good style aad at low rate. A share of the pubi c oatroatre ia reepeet allr solicited. Satisfaction caaraateed ia eTerr last a ace. "A eat aad Qaiok aad Cheao is tha motto of this office. USee ia Kanaw kuldiAg, 8. W. Goraar Wat r aad CUataut atreeta. , Ordwa ay TelapboairiU. rocakxe paosapt teatioa. ' Axv Aind of priatiar aarWollr xeaftea for perapna reaidiag oal of tha dry aad aaaikd vo thaaa'free o(poataga. - CDQAR 8. TTUUSQCts " Job Priater. VTOmlagtoa, &. O. aoT IS List of letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed ia the City l'ostolhce Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1880:. A Vanie Allen, Jack Allen B B H Brown, Danl Bryaut, J F Bland, J D Baland, John . Brantly, J B Bennett J G Burcey, Lewie B Bryn, Lorenzo D Raekson, Tom Ur.wn, Esther Blunt, Julletui) IJrv-wu, Mary.Bntt, l'hebe Bennett. ( ' C Susie Cade. May Frinc4 Cashier, Eiiz-tteth Caaoii, Catherine Ca da, Thos Canada, J Cmnp, J 'nn Gihten . . D--JL)avhJs Djcr K-lwd D,x u, John ston Deer, Matilda 1i'xon, Mary Daniel. E Mifcs Victorra Early, Lucinda El kina. F Bon Fultcu, M L Futch, Laura Fennel, Caroline E Ford. Q Alex Qieen John F Good ing, John Cause, R M Gallaghan, R M Gaddy, Sarah Gause, E izibeth Games. H Jonas Hall, S ,W Hodges, Sam'l Hall, Wm Harsen, Wm Hunter, A T Her ring, Anna Bel'c Hars'ey, Clarisa Hol land, Harriet Hill, Hannah Hill, Hester Hawkins. J W M James,.J W Jackson, Calvin Johnson, Jesse M Johnson. K Lizzie King, Richard Kost. L Major Lol'tiu, Jacob Lowery, Lura Long M 'W M( I) Ml rt. -N Ami h : ., i, A.in-i Noi, busan N ichol, J . in- i V ictj. P Auaiew 1'ieice, Margaret Parmer, Sallie Powell. , R E C Robinson, HarriU Rus, N W Richards. S Arthur C Smiih, I'atsy Cowan Sfat ries. W C J Williams, Jane Wilson, Manerva Jane Walker, Holly Williams, Johnson Wood, Jackson Wood, Sarah Wad dell. J W Ward, B F Willis, Betsy Waddell. Persons calling for letters iu above list will please say "advertised"; i not claim ed in, 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C. New Hanover County, N.C. 2 o the Editor of the Review: Col. D. K. McRae having cheerfully and liberally assisted some of our churches and institutions with the nro oeeds of his admirable and popular lectures, let us all give him a rousing house to-night! " L"t every one come and help! ALIOUI3. New Advertisements.! Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP recently form ed by the undersigned for tbe aale of Timber, Lumber, Ac , ia, by circumstances entirely beyond our control, this day dis solved by mutual consent. R. P. MELVIff. 8. W. DUNHAM. Wi'miogt ;r, N. C, Feb. 10, 1880. THE UNDERSIGNED in future will con tinue agent for the sale of Timber, Lum ber, Ao. On account of my inability to write, 1 bare engaged Mr. R. P. Mel Tin to do my writing, Ac. 8. W. DUNHaM. Wilmington, S. C, Feb. 10, 1880. feblO-ltdAw. PRANG'b BEAUTIFUL Vffllo'htiries LL PERFECT OEMS OF ART. r- ....' " COMPLtTE ASSORTMENT. For eale at 1 'eb 10 Bookstore. Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF a decree of the Superior Court of New HaaoTer couaty, at December Term, 1879, 1 will expose to; sate to the higheat bidder at pnb'ie auction, for cash, at tha Court Houae door ia the City of Wilmingtoa, on Tues day, tha Id day of March next, at II o'clock, A. M., the following parcel of land, situate ia raid city, Tiz : Beginning at the North west corner of Block 79, aad running thence Southwardly along the Kaattrn line of er eath atreetGa feet, thence Eastward!? par allel with Castle atreet 132 feet, tkenoe N ortb wardly parallel with aterenth atreet 2Ci fret to Caatle street, and thence to the beginnio? being part I lota 1, 3, 3 and 4, in raid Blcck'79. I 8TACEY VAN AM BINGE, Commissioner. DuBruti Cutlar, Plaintiff's Attornej.. feb 10-tds; I H. BRUNHILD. W. L. MEADO W8. of Henderson N. C. L. BRUNHILD, Max of acta rtr a ot AIL GRADES OF PLUQt TWIST AND SMOKinQ TOBACCO." ia market. " " WW PLEA8E 50TICE. We will ba'ad to receive eomniaakatiota from oar friend cm aay and all labiecu ..f" tTtralLatarest bat: Taaaana of the writer most ala-f jb b fur alahed to tha Editor. RCommanieaUoos naat be writt-n m. n , one side ef the paper ParsoaaliUas'iaaai be aroided. Aad it La aapeeially aoa parfcclarly ai.o,t, stood thai the Editor doe not always tha views of eorreepoodeota, aaleaaao at, d lathe editorial colaoraa. " New Advortisomouts H. - CROilf LY, And ioiiccr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Underwriters Sale. . QK WDNESDiT NtXt, Htb Iaat la o'clock. M., we will aell at nut atooma,aader the inapection aad t-i . rli.a i Ilex Bprnnt, Br. Vice Coasol. for acd .re coaat of all concerned, tbe . 3 MaatedBr.Pcbr. A. F. Kan,' . , .r moah, K. 8., of tbe burthen ; tie un. Together with her Spars, iit. Klin. Anchors aad Chaioa. All br Tackle, Apparel aad Farniiure, aa ahe n-.w lies aahore on Bald Bead Beach. feb9 2t . Btarcopy 10 and" 11. OPERA HOUSE. . : . Tuesday Evening, February 10th . Col. Duncan K. MclJac Will delirer bii celebrsted Lecture on Genius and Talent. At the abore time and place. Doora open at 7 o'clock. Ietare becioa at 8 o clock. 8inKle Ticketa 50c, two tor 75c. Heats Keaerred without xt a eharce. Box Sheet now opea at Heineberger'a Bookatore. feb 9-2t On the Block. BILL HEADS, Letter Heada, Note Heada, mi Oapools Cap and Bill Cap on Blocks. The moat convenient and neateat J7 of'keepiug saeh papers. Alao Fen and 1 enc.u Memorandum Block. For aale at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Organs. ; Now ia tbe time to bur before tbe adrar fe in prices. Organs for $45, $50, $75. flo'o, Ac, aold on tbe Instalment Plan. VALENTINES. Prang's BeauUful pew 8tyle 'Valentines, just receired and for aale at , L . HEINSBERGER'S. feb 9 Lire Book and Music Store. CCeimol JJAVING MENDED our Supply of Gaoda which was so much shattered by our Im mense Christmas Trade, we can new, offer to the public the Moat Beautiful and Complete Stock of Choice Family Groceries ! ever offered to the Wilmington patronage. OUR GOOD3 ARE ALL FRESH AND NICE, And we put our Prices to Suit the Times. Try a" barrel of our famous REX FLOUR, cannot be equalled. A delictus lot of MONUMENTAL HAMS t Just received. They defy competitor. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter I Three Poutda for $1. Is Street and Elegant. fiSf We only asky.6n.to Come and Lcok, for we know when you see tbe Freeh and Varied Display of Goods yon will bar,... So ccme and see us one and all. Yours, for 30 dyp, .. P. I. Briderors & Co.. GKOCERi', " 22, 154, 26 & 28 Front St. Wilmington, IV. C, feb d Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP Heretofore ex fating under the name of HAUN GOODMAN, has thU day beea diiaolred by muTnal conaeat. V. D. Goodman will pay ail th li abilities of the firm and Is entitle 1 to collect all money due tbe firm. V. D. GOODMAN, J. HA UN. . v-'Wmiagt n, N. C, reb. Stb, 1930, ftbt;n Notice. JAVING I'UIiCHASED the itterest of Mr. J. HA HN, in tbe Dry Goods BasincM, I aanouBC. to my fritnd and the pab ic pra erally, that I will continue 't.e basioeca at the Old Stind, Fourth Street, and wiileo dearor, by strict attention to baflnff?, to . merit a liberal patronage. Very reec!fulr, , V. f. GOODMAN. A Card. HAVING DISPOSED cf my entire ia terest ta e Dry Goods Bujlnefs to Mr. V. D. GU J 'MAX. f hereby return tbanks ta tha public fur the r?ry libera! patronage bestowed on the late nroi of flabb A Oood. man, and would rwpectfjiJj aak a coaticu ance of tha ivna for Mr. Goodman. Vary respectfully, f&l J. IIAI1N,: ' deaU T7ILinifaTOy,K4a -t - -

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