THIS riPER . ,iufid rverv arurnoon, aadav PLEASE NOTICE. " ' . . JOS II. T. J A MB8, kditob ahd raorKirroB. r 1 W beg!ad to receive eommnniratiots from omr frianla H feaeraliatereitbut: " "UJWM " URL,-. . mt.m ' ' ' bioi or ue writer mpi,.i,.1k-f:.. gUBHCR",io.J08TAaE PAIU .r.fS 00 d months. $2 SO : TI to tbe Editor. Three CommtmleaUoMaiut le wVitUn , on V one side of the paper. Pertonalitfef'must be avoided. oaths, fl J&; One month, Weeota. fhe pPr wUI fc11 bjearriars, fM ofehf?e. io any part of the city, at tbe ijTt rtn r 13 cent- per week. ijr-rt,B? r lw And liberal p-S'jOcribrf will pl?ae report any and failures to receive their papers regularly. VOL. IV. WILMINGTON, NJC, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1880. NO. 313 SJErjtS ' ' ' ' " i ; ' ' ' ' in the editorial colot na. .DUIT " i J 1 n 'T Nnw Advertisement. Jlf RECEIVED I & RODDICK. 45 Market St A .NEW USKUF Iftmbbrje Edgings and lot rtions, All idthiaud qualities. Ldit everything in or line of b aicess is advaaeing. You will find it o your advantage tt make purch?9 BOW, To'chon and Iciertiort all new. I'oHbt De' a'-gaedee Lace, in variety, ShWm Call and examine. Pearf Laeoa ia Black and White. Wo certainly bare the Iargt and cheapeit lot on band that haa beea shown for sometime. Iri.h Trimming Laeei for the Million. K4 OIot. 7 and 3 Battonf, 7S cU. a pair. 4 Buttons, ft a pair. We ofle nothing but a gooJ article and can fafe'y i ay th y can not b bt uht within twettT-flr- per cent of ths above p ica U'e have the . selected and pat up specially lor .urtrad4. Buttons. A NEW LOT JUST RKCflVED. We are giving the above department our particular attentions and can show by far the largest aasortmeot ever cnred la this city. THE FINEST ANDCHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TME WORLD. kaadaomeskaro and latest style, aad is so pise auBoaw.rairtthatUeanbeworuror from 2100 Uaeo, Wamsutta Mulin, and Bo - wo lined with heavy Butcher Linen. Zrery Bssora Guaranteed to Out-1 wear the Shirt- Call ard cztmiae the cut and qualit; you cannot fail to b convinced that it is just w&atyoo Have ceea lookirg lor. BR0W2? EODDICK, 3 Marlfpt Otroet, fli7 Fresh Every Day, A ri R AWORTMKNT nv HlVmra V reach and Domestic, Joit reocived aad for. nil, TUB ONLY OENOINE QOUE-MADE Caady la th dty, will be found evrv Uaytfmh aadswevt. tbre doors 8outh f the ioetoffiee oa eHeoond ureeu Also. Ifuts, Hamas, rruit. ac t;. k JLViiS, Jaa 23 Neat the Postofflee. Thoi. H. AicKoy, Sobt H McKo? as v onrjnrn-AT-LAW yiLii INQTON, N. q. 5orth aide Market street, betwee U Koad aad Third street. 2t-t NEW MILLINERY STORE. J AM CO.fSfAKTLT RECEIVING Nei X Coeds which 1 will sell cheap for cab. eueh as Boaaets, UaU. KibVina, riowert aad every ihlaf ia the Mtllioe y 1 ine. Infants' crocheted Coots always on had. Alio. Work done ia the taoat approved style wwi uaoaaa uaix uoocs mr sale. i-uia4 wilt d j well to e til aad m for thea- st.vea. Coma try ordars met vt proot attention. t . . MKrA, K, BAhvtCK, ' Corner Third a&d Uraagt sts. Jues for Sale. rpwExrr DE4D of wagox AUD FARU MULES. T, J. 80UTBCKLA5D, TJrar an4 t lur . f .r?z Third Street. - 4 Kigmnxe Patent Cv m u 4'- !?.f3 c . m x 3 My- LOCAL NEWS. 5ew Arlvertifteinent. ' Fee ad Bta'ement of Condition of Bank of New HanoTer including Branches, i'ebmary lt, Ib80 , ' Oei. 5,11 Allans, K Knight of Hoaor. P HanmaaaeiaUn the Block. A. A J. HuaiEa -ellir-jr 08 1 Va'cnline p.Hitry "is i!o"S iniug. , Another hAiit, Hpnrig-likb day. bxxt advertisieniTOtlKnights ot Uouor. Wit Jw filit5--a!i sizes ai ltatTar Sc Price's. t Time travel tu a &i the whirligig of tim ad appeal v tne unuer8iauuiogwipe your fee. j Ruby eoluted kid g.oves are among The first thiug a una ukes in his life is Lid milk; the last U his bier. Knivej aud Forks, I'ocKet Knives &3 or the Children at Jac.bis. Xor -barq ie Frank, rdersen, hence, arrived at London ou the T'b inst. Schooner ihitysbury, Xorbury, hence arrived at Philadelphia on the Tib inst. I) p plaueti unfiles of wrandie replace ;bc iuu collar ana cuff for home wear. TV- ' l 1 il i no ncuicu ocainer ana campacuia are finely reproduced in artificial flowers. Ger baique Maryareiha, II ilerlchs, heme, arrived at Antwerp ou theT h iust. tobacco Ought a woman t j kisi a chewer? Ye i, if she chews and has a fioe-cnt mouth. Subscriptions tor ttelierald Irish Relief Fund are received at Heinsberger's and Jewett'a bo kt tores. A smart ly can get employment at this officj. The work req aired will not interfere with school duties. ' . "There Lever was, nor never will be a -1 chance to get square with the world, on - account of its s; hjrua shape. The of the Bank of New Uanovtr will meet at their banking h.ou. e all the knowledge upon the subject in his in this city to.morrow at 12 o'clock, power to interested parties. The corn noon, ju regular Tmnua! session. Danv he represents are the oxnera nf t r::l: rr t;" . tn Charlotte onlhe 18th inst. Mr. Ford has nndji. inquiries for dates in this city, bat there is n thing definite as yet. Gilbert Fisher, who was arrcslfd a few days ago on the charge of felony and who subsequently made his escape, wss , outlawed by Justices G.irdner and Millis on yesterday." Coyness is a very attractive and lovely quiHty. We all admire it but -what MM - Best and Jarvis and Bcford think cow of Mcoy maidens" wo must. bW the I Blsb Observer1 to find out. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. .Silver i'lateci rorks and aprons; largest variety nd lowest prices at Jacodi's- Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Iron, Fluting Machines aud every srt of tl rdare at lowest sort of cash price at We are told that we wt re in error yes Sn a'ltan, to Which Joho Grady belong?, have rt tainted the services of counsel for his dt fence in he trial which is now prc- gressirg in which he is charged with , . . , na"der. W e are informed by one of the members, thlt no Lor!e boa mA in thm matter in a&y way in relation to the em ploy n.ent of cuunscl. Our iLformation was furoishea by a member of tbe Bar. Xml fo Be Sold. . Information was received here ,thla morning which pats a new face on tbe matterof the proposed sale of the Western .North Carolina Railroad; The Board of Director of the Road met yesterday, and aC'er c nsid rirg Mr. Best' effer, (his scohd-Bi) r fused to entertain bh rrorition lor thj purchase of the I! ad and refused also to request the GQTernor to call the l eglIatare together for the pur- pse ofonsiderlog the propooel saleof thelUad. This b'Vo mucb better news a than we had been led to expect tha,t ire can't blp b.ct say, JBu!ly fur the ay maiden. 1 AY EES' CHERRY PEOTORAL-th world's great remedy for Colds. Con ph. ConsoiapUoa, and all affeciions of the Lccgs and Throat. . Unmallable. The following unmailable postal mat ter remains in the postoffice in this city: Willis Webb. Kocky Po nt. N. C. ; P. Brown, Rocky Point, N. C; Abram Hicks, Goldsboro, N. C; William S. Campbell, 29 Carondolet Street, N. O. Personal. Mr. Harry J. Brooks, who was clerk in the Drug Store Mr. J. K. Aicllheuny about two year ago, but who lett to gc to Memphis daring the prevalence of the ytllow fever, has returned to this city and is again employed by Mr. Mcll uenny. ' ' ' ' " A Pretty Fire. There was a narrow escape from a di utrous fire a night or two ago at the resi dence of a gentleman on Chestnut street, Seral children weie sleeping in a large ing ioau emer sister, saiu; 4fiee, oiwy what a pretty lire Sissy awoke, and ai pace saw it. A 'lamp which bad been left burning had overturned, and the oil was on fire, and there were Ihe materials ready at hand for a big disaster, when help was called and the fire was extinguished. The Fate of the North Carolina. Br. barque North Carolina, Bochan, from Baltimore for sLiverpool, before re- -ported ashore near Bermuda, was pump e9 out witntne aid or two steim pumps, and the water rotten under control, hot i : : i c xL r u - i iu turnup tor iiulu timuug iuu recta, iuc mchof . wWch had madfl ft hoIe .Q faer bottom and was secured from the inside, became entangled in th rockf, making the I ke 'arer anc wnea 'k vessel got in deeper water she went down by the head and lay (Feb. 5) with her hatches under water. The id a of getting her afloat has been abandoned. For Europe. Wo ! have received from Mr. A. D. Wessell, agent in this city for the North n pamphlet containing information of much value to those contemplating a visit to Europe. He will furnish the pamphlet tree of charge to thoso who desire to in fjrm themselves concerning a voyage aero is the ocean and will gladly impart - m . - -e first-lass steampra. nflR-i.n well manned, and superb in all their aP pointments. ! City Court. refer Pickettcolored, a well-known turbulent charae'er, was arraigned bt'f ,re Alderman Flanner, Mayor iro tern, this morning upon the charge of disorderly conduct, ihe testimony of respectable witnesses convicted the. defendant ofu8ing T profane and abusive language t0 a clt,z-n without- the least Provocatioc' Th- Mayor pro ton, after tearing toe evidence told the defendant to o and sin no more, and Peter Pickett walked out of court a no sadder asd no wiser man, we opino, thau before he com mitted lUe offence. ritury Macuao end Lwis Hicks, charged with an affray in the market! house yesterday, in which a knife was drawn and Hicks received a wound on I the fingers of the right ha-id, were ordered i to pay a fine of $5 each or go to the city pri3.n for ten days. This finished the docket and the court adjourned. Save your money by buying jour Build ing SuppH;s from Altaffer & Price. f Criminal Court. Before this tribunal to day, ia the case of C. Z.CostiDjWho was found, guilty of an assault and battery upon the person of J. T" t. TT VT . . tt.Aioi'oa.uis nonor impcseJ abne of $60, but the same was subsequently remitted I at the colicitation of tbe rroaeeu tor- State vs. Mayor S. H. FishbiaU t ls. charged with failure to repair the streets; a motion to quash the indictment, mae by the' defendants, was granted: An ap- peal was taaen ry the State. SUte vs. The Wilmington Sea Side Railroad, chargsi with a nuisance, a motion was made kto quash by tli defen dant which w3" dc-a".ea. Juryman with urawn mistrial. Apieal takea by de fendant.; The coQrt continued in fession until 2.S0 p. m. at which tim a recess, of one hour was taen. Mrs Partington Sayi Doul take any of the quack rostrums, as they are regimental to toe human cistern ; but put joar trust in Hop Bitters, which will care general dilapidation, costive habits and all cxmic diseases. They saved Isaac from a severe extract of tripod fever. They are the plus tuiurVi of rued icinea. New Ad verti sem ents. Statemout of Condition of tjw HES0DKGE8 : Loans and Discounts. ab ia 5. w York 71 r 539 58 P(.laielphia, Bos ton nd Baltimore Baak .$14 657 97 Currency anoHpecie 117 340 74 Checks on uih r Betas..... 11,P39 80 31V 33 51 i.'aa noin niaer DniiK not IO- ciaied above ........ 96,95 54 Sterling Kxtbange (value in t;urrenc) .. frr Vktifi - office' Furniture ami 8afes ...... Bond and Btocks Checks and Drafts in Tracsi... 30,171 3 79 361 H 6,654 97 8 353 44 ll,-il 42 392 89 Check Book Account...... $1,253,228 66 Statement of Conditioa of Bank KEoOUKOES. Loans and Discounts .....$ Cash in New -York Philadelphia. Bos- ton and Baltimore Banks .......$100,90 35 Currency and Specie 57, 10 j 21 568,589 Cnecks on other I Banks 11,839 80169 925 36 j Due from other Banks not in-. eluded above Sterling Exchange (value in 21,715 98. currency) Real Estate Office Furniture and caiee 30.171 63 73,866 48 3,518 66 8,352 44 323 39 Bonds and Htocks Check Bo k Ac ount $876,463 09 Statement of Condition: of Bank RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ..$111,679 45 Cash ia New Yo.k and Baltimore ' Banks $ 27,143 19 Currency and Specie 34,308 52 61,452 11 Due from other Banks not in cluded above 8,521 87 Due from other Branches ot this Bank.... 16,320 80 Real Estate.....1. 6,495 06 Office Furniture and Safe 1,774 81 f - $26544To r , l , . ., . ,.- - . " 1 . Statement of Condition of Bank RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 27,271 02 Cash in New York Banks $ 56,534 03 Currency and Specie 25,927 01 82,461 04 Due from other Banks not in cluded above.... . 5 157 69 Due f. om other Branches of this Bank 66,134 45 Office Furniture and safes 1,361 fO Check Book Account....... 69 50 $182,455 20 I VVe publish on the fourth page of th" kaae a full report, which we extract from the Charlotte Observer, relative to the I unfortunate suicide in that city on Mon day last. The Raleigh Observer' 8 "coy maid ens' were equal to the emergency. They just met this emergency and refused to come out of their coyness. Hence Mr. Best had best pocket bis feelings and go woo elsewhere. . The cape Fear. Tbe river, thus far, has fallen about five feet since the recent rise. Theie is yet, however, good boating water, and the ateamboa? men -suffer no delays on ac- count of insufficiency of water. The small boy who lives on the north side of the railroad and made a big fuss the other morning because he did not have pancakes for breakfast, after being taken across his mother's lap and vigor ously caressed 'by the flat of her hand, while his eyej were cast sorrowfully upon the floor, was very well content to hide his epank-acbe in a chair, and eat what J was placed before him without further murmuring ' Xo 3for?,n Mall- v 6 are the postofilce, that no mai1 wm arrive fzvz the North Mor WJ until to-morrow rnoxnicg. The mail which was d.c. this morn ing was tlai by tbe burning of the hrige 2$ miles beyoud Weldoo, and tbe f VT. & VV. train could not wait for it. Jt ia to be hoped that this inconvenience and delay may be remedied a day or two, so that the mails may conie regularly and h promptly oa time. Pfejslciana Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using bpeers Tort Grape : Wine - and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take greal pleasure , in recommending them to the public as frfbg all that Is claimed lor thexa and. ia tact Ue most rellahla tey can find, r sale by Green Planner, Jas. C, Hands and F.L.lirTri&X). ' " New Advertisements. Bank of New Hanover, includ x.u. ..o LIABILITIES. Capital HtocV.................. $ Doe Ueposit re... Due ot er Baak? B.Us Payable .......1... Surplus Fund I...... I'OO.OCO 00 04,1&8 17 7 41 35,000 00 50.187 88 IB. $1,253,228 56 at Wilminon, February 1st, 1880. LIABILITIES. 11 Capital ftocV...- ..'.,.$22509.00 ; I Due Pepoeitora ........... 441,379 03 i , Due other Banks 57 842 41 Due other Branches of thia Back i o:n n Li. . 0.9;S3 8i 3 ,0o0 00 I j Surplus Fund..... 46,07. 8 2 $S76,463 at Goldsboro, February 1st, 1880. . LIABILITIES. Capital 8tcck.... F-"d--- $25,244 10 at Wadesboro, February 1st, 1880. LIABILITIES. Capitsl Stock Dee Depositors Surplus Fund;. 25,(00 00 : 153,817 e7 .. J4 7 53 $1-2,465 20 B. P. WALLACE, Cashier. CoL MacRae's Lcctnre. a ii t i as usual tne audience which gathered to hear Col. MacRae s lecture on Genius and faleat, delivered for the third time in this city, during the, past twelve months, at the Opera Houe last night, were p!eured only tLo.e cn Le plerted who listen to the recital of ihe gifted lec turer of ih's marvelous production of a fertile and prolific brain. To appreciate the eloquence of the lecturer and the beauty of this celebrated lecture one must both see and hear Col. MacRae in the de livery. Those who have " not heard him are the losers, while those who have sat and listened to the charm of his voice without wearying for the space of an hour or more have something always to look oackuponm the lecture field, with des iight and satisfaction. The Detained Passengers and the Stockholders. The passengers from the North wio were detained by the burning of th bridge on the Petersburg Railroad, an axount of which appeared in yesterday's , 1U hulm CUy lnw m0rn ing at o'clock. Among the arrivals were a number of stockholders of the W C. & A. R. H. who were to have held a meeting in this city according to tu.;,. listed notice, but owin$ to the detentif.i. snflered from the cause mentioned aliove me meeting was net held until this curn. ing,after which the whole party, induding President Bddgeri . and J W Thompson, Treasarer of W. & W. A W! U & A. iuroads, left for Florence t? it n t - ' w. wuct wiu-probab t remain until thto evening-, trafa at which time it is thoueht thew will rpM city. Do not be troubled becftoee you have no great yirtnes. Qo4made a million fpirei jgrasah nia.cne tree, i The eaumgsd and carpeted, WW..' fflresta. twit ptim n t . .- 0,1 haw nnni S3 pu yoa ncsa ccs mora bbzzvs neither o ziizi ccr a hfro. yea ere New , Advortiseinonts - If nio-k . , ivnicnis Of H onor. JAROLI3TA LODGE 434. Facial Meet- (Thursday ) night, fur tbe pur. pose of Conferring Degrees.. febll GEO HARRIS UnSi Dissolution. mHE COPARTNERSHIP U( l!l (hltf ... a. uuntr under th nama ul- - GOODMAN, has this day been dUso?v"d by mutual conseaL- V. U- nwwim.n .ni ..1 iltholiabiUbefofte firm and is entitle , to collect all money due the firm. V. D. GOODMAN, m .;' J. HAHN. Wilmiagtn, N. C, teb 5th, 1980, feo 6-2t . Notice. IJAVING PURCHA8ED the interest of Mr. . HAHN, in tbe Drr Goods Bmin.. I announce to my friends and the public een- 211 llUth C0DtiBue bn.iL. at the Old Stand, fourth Htrt deavor, by atrict attention to buriness, to" merit a liberal patronage. Very respectfully, V. 1. GOODMAN. A Card. HAVING DISPOSED of nj entire In teres t in the Dry Unnrt. uH.?n.. . - . tVe't?' "W- CfSS te the public for the very liberal patronaeJ bestowed on tbe late firm of n-KP A V ' ?An' '?iwo,,ld ""Pectfoily ask a continu . uw unuBBimo ior nr. Uoodmin. ery respectfullr. 09 feb7 t n.v . Foreclosure Sale. T Y TIRTOE AND IN PURSUANCE OF JL a decree of the Suoerlor Court of New ."TC niy, at Lfecimber Term, 1879 T s oV w.r.r west corner of Block 79. mkS rn,.i.. v ' . Southwardly along the 'KasUrn Tins TofTev! ailel with CasUe street 132 feet, thence North wardlvparellel with Rpnth r" 1 jb9Prt ot lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in said STACSY VANAMBINGE, n . . i Commissioner. ftb 10?tll ' F1 Attorney. 1 On the Block. King T?P'f00,a Ctp Md Bm Capcn -.J ??ir mo convenient and neatest 57 ?f JePVg such papers. Also Pen at d Fencil Meinurandum Block. For sale at thB LI7K BOOK tiTOKE. Organs. Now is the Uuie to buy beforeJtbe advanre APnCt!Ir 0r"5 for $45, $50, $75, $I0P, Ac, sold on Ue Instalment Plan. 1 ' VAMmitarxifl. inTtSf"1 ncw Talentincf, just received and for sale at j HE1NSBERGER'3, J Live Book and Music Store. feb J CITDO I JjpVIBTa MENDED our Supply of Goods which wu so much shattered ( by our Im mense Christmas Trade, we can new offer to thepublio the Most Beautiful and Complete Stock of Choice Hy Grocer res ! ever offered to tbe Wilmington patronage. OCR GOOD i ' ARE ALL FRESH ?IQ iiinr ...rrv And we put our Prices to Buit the Times. Try a barrel of our famous REX FLOUS, , cannot be equalled. A. delicious lot of MONUMENTAL HAM3 t J ust received. They defy IcompeUtior.1 Msr tiaf qui dg0 Buttar I Thi ee To ui ds for $L I Is Eweet aad Eegaat. We"onij ukyoa to Coae and Lcck, '0,'iwa. 9V when, you see; the Fresh and Varied Display of'GoOds you wlUb'j;. oo cme and tee us one and all. fours, forSOdsj. T f .V. P! 'JLm Bridjfers &if Go 3 st . uiivueu3, r? 24r ff & ZH Vvati t f ' -rv 9 Viom&t. ...... j . : . . febJ) ft f , . ft- ,r;:';aeHat:store. pecin rrDEBTERDAt -' 13 Treats?.. Tt'i rriVrr - S a m hVf i i "rcn-Dext, at II o'clock, A. M., the following parcel of land, situate in t aid city, via: Beffinnin .tTh. vlVJ

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