TflI3 PIPE a -. 4 w -pied bT JO II- T. J AMES t KDiTom no rorirroB. gU HCR! PTI0.N8. PORTAGE PAID. 00 HI taoets., $150 ; Three .th.,Sl 1$; On month, 60 eeaU. n,t pap" win be delivered by carriers, rofebarrcin -7 P'tof the eitj. alike A4?rta ru low and liberal jor-Stfft" will plaa report uy aid '..Jo'Mtt roc" papers regularly. evr Advertisement. JQST RECEIVED I BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market St. A NKW 1.1 N h OF H.mSr Kdjiegs and IDa-rtions, AH width and qaauties. I .ii, eerytMor In ur line of b sin it " jTrein. To will find it to year advantage to biii purchases nw. I.fci n Laces and Insertions all new. I'o.nt Ie aguede3 Lace, in variety, Na,V7. Call and examine. Kearf LacM in Black and White. e certainly bare the largest tad cheapest lot on band that haa been ahowa for sometime. Irl,h Trimming Laes for the Million. Kid OUt, 1 and 3 Buttons, 7S eti. a pair. " 4 Buttons, ft a pair. W oQs nothing bat a good article and ean safe'y'iay tay can not hm bought within twentf-fir per ceot of tbw above p ire". w baveth selected and pat up specially lor mr trade. Buttons A NEW LOT JUbT RECEIVED. We are giving the above department oar partiealar a t tea lion aad caa show by far the largest aatertmeat erer offered In this city. THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TWE WORLD. This wonderful invention gives a Boeom handsome shape and latect style, and U o plae-d apon the Shirt that it caa be worn for a week without a break or wrinkle. Made from 1100 linen, Wamsutta Muslin, and Bo scas lined with heavy Batcher Linen. Every Besom Gutxaateed to Oat wear the Shirt- . Call and examiae the eut end qualif; yoa eannot fail to bo convinced that it just whatyoa bare been lookirgfor. BROWN & RODDICK, 40 market Street, feb7 Fresh Every Day, FINK ASSORTMENT OF CANDIE8, French and Domestic, juit received and for "TUB ONLY .QEN01NK HOMEMADE Candy ia the city, will be found erer? day, fresh aad sweet, three doors 8 oath of the iotofiee on Second street. Alro, Mats, JUUiaa. Trait, Ac. C. E. JEYEN8, . Jaal3 Neai the Pottofflcc. NEW MILLINERY STORE. T AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING New 1 Ooods which 1 will sell cheap for cash, such M Boansts, Hats Ribbons, flowers and ersry thing in the killine-y line. lafaxts' CrnehsUd Goo4i always on hand. Alo, Lae Goods 11 em an Hair Goods for sale Work done In the moat approved style. Ladles will do well to oall aad ace for them lelree. Country orders recsire provnt attention. MKH. K. J. BAKKU, feb 4 Corner Third aad Orange tU. routes for Sale. rWE5TT DEAD OF WAGON AND FARM MULES. Apnlrto T. J. 80DTOERLAND, Lirery aad Bale 8Ublas, febl-tf Third Street.. Winberry Oysters- TEST ARE GOOD essBer' ew v w mmm vf ( t eleT VeVc Br meat just reoaired;thie morals g. Ifs eold Free Loach erery day at 11 o'doek. spt SI 4QnjOARioLL, . Eiglimie Patent Shirt. & ? t r VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1880. NO. 1 LOCAL NEWS. New Ad re ruse merits. P Hsipassaeia Valentinei. No City Court to-day. The storm s'uual ia Uii g to-day. Signal ae vice haodktrchtet flirtations. Wit ilnw fio -ali i-"8 at lufl'er & lricii"s. t Kvor.ii. g ilri'sses ro irimnieo! with white lace embroidered with gold threads Nor. brig CVrti, . OiseD, hence, arrived at St. Johns. P. R.t Jan. 22nd. Nor. brig Urazilian, Berg. henc, ar riroi at Rotterdam on the 7th inst Schooner Menaira, tUtrcbtld, for this port, cleared at Philadelphia on ibe 9th inst. Chinese parasol; with the flick shor tened, make a pretty scraea for a fire place. EuIish Udtea wear ruffs and cnfTi of sUrer fi!agree in imitation of the Medici .jle. Kuights ol Honor meet to-ight at 1 o'clock for the purp')?e of conferring d. greea Kchot.ner Mtlrose Uaakeli, hence, for Dua'on, arrived at Vineyard Haven on the 8lhiust. The roost comfortable bat a man can wear in cold weather is one that is a little store The fteameh!p IJaieJ ractor , 'Jones, from New York,, armed at her wharf in this city this morning. Celluloid cigarette cases aud portmon oaiea are made to imitate shell malachite, and are much less expensive. Walking boots, with broad cork sjles, and low, flit heels are not fashionabl6 but healthy and comfortable. Sun fljwtrs and psacock leathers are the favorite designs for canvas work, and are worked in their natural colors. Wrappers are shirred oq the shoulders and tall in straight, full widths, and are only belted or sh rred in at h wais'. New York cloakclap8 are of sterling silver, made in shell and fan patterns, each pair uuited by a massive chain. White marquioe coats, fastened only aj the throat and falling 0 en to show vests in bright colors, are worn at the opera. . Bits of Oriental silk, oddly embroid ered, are sewed into the corners of a handkerchief as a monogram might be. Heavy cords and tassels are used for ornamenting cwtumes and wrappers and when tastefully used are. very handsome. Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi's John W. Mackey, the Nevada million aire has contributed $10,000 to the New York Herald Irish Relief Fund. Promise to treat a man and be will walk a mile to get a five cent glass of beer. Something in the word ust touches him. The left handed man hears best with bis left ear and sees best with his left eye, aol is generally ready to take what is left. Christmas ft re Dogs and Fire Irous, Fluting Machines and every sort - of fl irdaare at lowest sort of cash prices at Jaoobi's. Prof. Tice's Almanac t redicts clear weather for to day, 'but appearances in dicate that be is somewhat mistaken- in bis prognostications. Contentment is the most prec'ous jewel of human life; and the way to attain it is the surmounting difficulties by eurbing vioious inclinations fierce, unruly pas sions, ai.d inordinate appetites, in-over-coming temptations, and bearing injuries with patience. ' N Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives Jco. or the Children at Jacobi's. Fersonai - We were glad to meet to-day our old friend Dr. W. Com Qrte( wno U in the dtjr on a short visit. He is accom panied by his wife and is the guest of Mr. V. U Worth.. AYEBS CHERRY PEQTORAL the world! great remedy Ce; (JoldifJoogb, Consumption, Vnd all affections of the Lungs and Tkroat. Da iT A Good House to Trade With. Messrs. Stller, Lewin & Co., is the name of a boo: and shoe bouse in Phila delphia, and a good bouee it is to trade with, -we think; -for instance, Mr. (i Rosenthal purchased a bill some time sino which did not turn out. satisfactorily to bis customers. Upon representat ion of these facts to the first named house, the fonoet order was duplicated without charge, ami Mr. Rosenthal was thus enabled to satisfy his customers who were di&satisfied be Hie- New City Clock We understand that it has been definite! decided to place a large clock in tin tower of the new Market House. Tin clock will be something entirely new t. this city, and will strike toe quarter hours. The market is nearly completed' and the pavement Is Dwirlj finished. This morniug a weather vane with tb letters W.1 M. O. (Wilmington Market Company) was attached to the fiuiil ol the tower. Sl. Valentine. Probably raany of the people es pecially the youthful portion of them who are in the habit of sending valentines fvery year, are not familiar with the origin of the custom. St. Valentine was baheaded in Rome by order of the Em peror Claudius II., A. D. 270. Of him a writer says: 'He was a man of most a liuirable parts, and so famous for his love and charity that the custom of choos ing valentines on his festival took its rise from thence." Others derived the custom from birds bing supposed to select their mates on this day; others from a'practice prt valent in ancient Rome at the festival of Lupercalia, when among other cere- mnniM v miner women a names were drawn by chance from a box by young men. The Christian Church changed tho form of. the ceremony. Oa the eve of St. Valentine's Day it was the custom to have the names of a select number of one sex put into e6me vessel by an equal number of the other; and thereupon every oue'drew a name which was, for the time being, called his or her valentine. The custom of choosing valentines existed very early. Presents , of. glove, garteri and jewelry were as common a val entines, Itie Lenten Season. With yesteraay tb season of Lent oe gan. The fast is ot forty week days imme diately preceding Easter. The oiigiu of the word L ut seems to be somewhat uncertain. Sotnd derive it from the Saxon lencten, implying spring, or the season when the days laugiheu ; others from the German word hinen, to thaw. As to the object of the fast, there has been some dispute, but it is generally regarded as a preparation for Kapler, and a time specially set apart for repentance over the sins of the past year; while the number of 40 days devoted to it is thought to have reference to the Saviour's 40 days' fast in the wilderness, to the 40 days of the del uge, the 40 years wandering of the 4es, the 40 days granted to the Nioovites for repeutaupe,'or the time spent in fasting by Moses and Klias. The fast is also consid ered a memorial of the Saviour's passion. By the fathers of the 4ih and 5 h centuries Lent was held to have been instituted by the apostles, thou 5b. PrQ'.esiants generally hold'thi it was not establish uutil tbe2d or 3d century. It seems to have been made obligatory at least as early as A. D. 2o0. Its duration was first fixed at 3G days, and tin other four were subsequently added. Tue first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday, from a custom which yet prevails in the Roman Catuoiic Cborcb, of sprinkling the head or foreeAc w,itn ashes. A"h. Wednesday u forty sixth day before E.ister, the six bundays which intervene between it an J that festival not being counted as a part of Tiant 140$ ob served as fast days, f u the Raman Cath olic Church the nature of the fai pro scribed by rule, bat tt3 Pfj Intact de nomination! whtoh Meogui23 ihaeewan of Lnt leave the manner of observance to in dividual judgment. Tho day before Ash, Wednesday is called Sarove Tuesday, be cause the faithful used thea to confess and be shriven. In prepiration for the fast. Lent is preceded in many countries by the dissipation of the carnival, the fctvitiea of which culminate and terminate on Shrove. Tuesday in the festival of "MarJi Graa, j I pnystclans' Wine. New York physicians say that tbey have been using Speer's Port Grape Wine ancj Wine Bitters in tljeir practice for yx to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, 'and , ta,k;e great pleaaare in recommending laem to tbe public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact tbe roost reliable tbey can find. Fcc tale by Green & Planner, Jas. C. Munds and P. UBridgers & Co. RE VIE W Barque Irene, Seebcrt, hence, srrivetl at Greeueck Jan. 28th. Men appointed to take tbe census should hue taking wa s. How much fun is there iu 'bossing' if ycu can't be 'boss? Sp. ba qie Auyusia, Ciottiay hetce, arrived at Ai twerp 00 the 7tb inst N'T. barque Vultur, Kilerfsen, hencr, r ivHii at Hamburg on the JOth clMiuer H'yi Scavcr, Ke'ly, Irom Wt'vimmth, Ma,, lor this port, arrived at XewHrt i d the 9th inst. Solvioner Mary JJ Graham, Powell, for th' port, via Wilmington, Del , cleared at Philadelphia on' the 94 h inst. We have receive J information that AmerL-an girls have resolved to relinquish their leap year privileges during the com - Uig ice cream season. Almost before you know it,. Valentine's day mill be here and you wiil have to buy her a picture of love stabbed through the heart, backed up by perforated cardboard and surrounded by a double sheet of em broidered rice paper. 'Bank of New tf anover. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of New Hanover, which was to have been held .this morning at 11 o'clock, was necessarily postponed nntil 6 o'clock this evening because of tbe deten tion of a number of Stockholders who were detained on the way. Hence our report of the proceedings will not appear until to-morrow. Fire This Afternoon. The alarm of fire was sounded this af ternoon, about 3:45 o'clock, and owing to the high winds, general alarm was "felt by the citizens for tbe safety of their resi dences. ,The alarm was caused by the burning of the roof of the old "Patten Bakery," on Market street, in the rear of Mr. T. H. Smith's store Had not the fire been discovered ai soon as it was, there would have undoubtedly been a ser ious conflagration a ike burning building was the centre of the nest of frame build ings at and near, the Southwest corner of Market and Second streets. snort Loads of Wood. We have heard many complaints made by citizens in regard to the short meas ure which is given in the purchase of wood. Of all the dray loads which are seen passing on the streets, not many will be found to contain a full quarter of a cord. Wood is charged for by tbe cord and when a man boys a load be pays for and expects to get a quarter .of a cord And there is another way, too, in which tbe load falls short and that ia in short sticks. A legal eord requires that the wood shall be four feet long and yet we have seen much of it sold here that would not average three and a half feet. We re mark upon these things in the interest of oar people in the hope that the authorities may find and apply a remedy. Criminal Court. Tbo attention of theCourt wai occupied 10-day until half past 2 o'clock with the following cases: State v 8. George West, charge carry ing concealed weapon. Defendant tut)' mitted. State vs. N. Oarr, charge misconduct in oce continued for the term. State vs. T. M. Gardner, charge mis 00. duct in offic; continued fer the terrr , Qtate vs. X. M.;Qardner,'eharge mi?. oonductju oSce; continued for the terrr. State vs K. H. UcQaigg, charge mia conduct in offioe; continued for tbe term.. State vh, Edgar Ward, charge a&gatlt and battery; continued for the trca State vs Elgr Ward, cbarr aasault and battery; plaa of forn-er conviction overruled. Verdick guilty, appeal taken by defendant State vs. Thomas Franks, charge carrj injzconcealod weapons;' witnessej called and failed Set for trial on Tuesday. Thermometrical. Frpm the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the following report of tbe thermometer, ai taXbsx this morn tog at 6:56 o clerk : Atlan a, U M.5T Ausruita. Ga,......5 UobUe, Ala..M......S3 Montgomery -Ala,..C1 Nashville . ..M New Orleans.. .......66 New York. ..46 PunU Rasa, llaSi Savanaah, Ga.M..MM Hare veport. ,.6T Ut.Lois lfo.MMM49 8U Harks, Jla 00 Ticksbarg; llks.CS WasaiagUmu.43 Tiliaixuitoa....,..Ma ObarleaVHX & C..Mt8. dacinaa.M ..57 Cordeaaa, Tex 65 Fort Gibaoa, I. T.00 QalTeton.......,...4 Ini"1- ' i Jaekjoaville, FlaM sTaoxvillSi.........Ma Lyneabx.-..47 litsiphls Teaa..M.S Jlott's Endorsement of Sneers Port Grape Wine. Ihe f llowiD2, from tbe celebrated Dr lott ol New Yoik, speak wonders for Mr. S peer's efibrta to raise the' Oporto tjrrupe in w Jersey: 62 M adimjN Avkntk, New Yobk. ril 1 1, IKTS.J Mr. Alkkmi fc'PKKK - 1 -Hr Sir ; .The visit whicu 1 !i:,-t.i- Ust Mr to your Vineyard. w;;t' a; i v wilts at rarjtajc, N .1 . that tha wi . s.iiis!i 1 i . ?': t OJ t ! t r lhly vu are pure nd n.e very nest that cv. i j , i t t- i.ubiie for nudiciral nscs. Acting upon uiv" Savor u ie jm pretsious at the time, I Iiavy tir;cerc'c..nMrie!idt.d the Port vinc more p.irticnlarlv in mv practice, and am pati.-fipd, wiib marked benefit, to nay patients. There can Ix; uo better 'j-r'tHil to the doubting .nind, as to the .V'ii!0 being made o, tho litu-st Cpirt) .Graie, than a visit to the ucie f land covt id .vith the vine bearing the luxuriant' fruit. Wishing yon success iii your pr.iit w--rt hr enter prise, remain rc?jfct fully Y' Urs. : A LEX B. MOTT, M. )., Prof, of Surcery, R llcvne Hop. Med'i College, fcc., &c For sale by J. C Mi:nd , fiia .& Flaruicr. P. L -m -r .v V.O. Wiliin;ii;tou District. First Round of Quarterly Meetings fur the Methodist K 'Church, South'-1880. Wilmington, at Front Street. . Feb 14-15 Topsail, at Prospect .........Feb lil-2 New River 'Mibsiou.-.. ......... .Fbb 25 Onslow, at Swansboro Feb 28-29 Duplin, at Magnolia Mar 67 Clinton, at Aiidn ws Chapel . . Mar 1314 District Steward -Moctiui; February 13tb, at ten o'clock A M,, at the Parsonage of the Fri nt Street Church at Wilmington L. S. DUKKIIKAI), Presiding Elder. New Advertisements. FRANG'o BEAUTIFUL Valentiiies LL PERFECT GEMS OF ABT. COMPLETE ASSOKTMENT. For tale at eb 10 Book'Stcre. Valenfiries fJlHE VALENTINE 8EASON OF 1880 is now at Land. An umivalled line of VAL ENTINES, whote excellence and variety shall make tbem the firpt choice or all lovers f Beautiful and Aitistic Articles. We hare not only increased the variety, but have alao raised the standard of these goods. All orders will be promptly attended to at HEINSBERGER'S, feb 11 Live Book and Mua'c Store. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP Heretofore ex isting under the name of HAHV A GOODMAN, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. V. D. Goodman will pay all the li abilities of the firm and is entitled to collect all money due the firm. - V. D. GOODMAN, J. HAHN, WilminatW. N. C, k ebt 6th. 1380, feb K l ' Notice. JAVING PURCHASED the iaterest of Mr. J. HAHN, in the Dry Goods Business 1 announce to my friends and the public gen erally, that I will continue the business at the Old Stand. Fourth Street, and will pn. deavor, by strict attention to business, to men liuerai paironae. . very respectfully, Y. D. GUODMAX. A Card, HAVING DISPOSED of my entire in terest in the Dry Goods Basinets to $ r V. D. GOODMAN, I hereby return thanks te tbe public for the very, liberal patrons tre bestowed on toe late firm of Hahn man, and would respectfully ask a contiru ance or tne same ror Mr. tioodman. Very respectfully, feb 7 J. HAH V. Coney's Toba ccd Store IF YOU WANT THE BE5T 5 aad 10 cts. Cigar jro to CONEY'S where you will find the largest selection of Imported and Domes ie Cigars, Chewing and Smoking. Tobaccos, OeaUemen will please remembtr that 1 do not keep opea on Sundays, therefore thrs? who wish to purchase my goods will have to do so during the week. jaa-U WALTER CONEY, Mew Hat Store. RECEIVED YE8TEBDAY BY NEW YORK STEAMER, ANOTHER LT OF THOSE STTLI8H 80FT AND STIFF HATS, CHEaJ. Call and examine. J OHM M KOB1NSON, 1 13 iTroat sL, South of Pur cell House jaa24 37 PLEASE NOTICE. We will beg' ad to receive eorcicunif atior. from our frien?i on aiy aad all uW5ta . f general latertst but : The name of the writer mrsf t a! w jt be for niahedto the Editor. CommxmieatloBa ast be writtt-n an one ride of the paper. . Personalities must b ateided. And it ia eapeciallj nJ pa.tkclarlj urv, , . stood that the Editor doe noi alwajj end. the riews of correq. ondeot. unles ao fi d in the editorial coJu-rns. New Advertisemont Fjoreclosure Sale. B-VIRTUK AM) IX PPRS17 ANCE OF a decrtH! ot the o-i-rir Cuyrt of New KanoTer ounty, at Jecajbor Term, lS7i 1 wil expose to sa'e 10 the his best biMdrrtt pob'ic auction, for csh, at the C ut H tK door ia the Ci:y of Wilmington, on Tu day, the Vd diy of March r.ext. at 11 o'clor . A. M., tae foliowin? iarcAi ;f I it m"; iii f aid city, viz : Uir ci-.g at, t . , . ' west corner ot lilocl 71', anil n-n- i'.- tN ., iSoothwardiv alohr i.e Kait-rn : t . enth ret 24 feet, thence -r. . allel with Cattle st-eet I32fe t. v.t.w -wardly'parellel with STenth nrett ;; t-t to Castle street, and therce to tne hej.innin, beioir part oi luu 1, 2; 3 and 4, iq tai'l STACY Vi.VAMRIN'OK, Commi(iionir. DuBrutz Catla-. Piaintia'd 'ttorcor. feb lO-tds. . NEW GOOOS'AriD A NEW YEAR ! I"R9. S. J. HAKE'l ha'a rn hand a r ic- lyji Stock of Kats, lionnu for old at.d younfr. Old Ladi b Caps. Hreakfast CapF, and ad kfod of Clnl:rea'a Oood, Crochetel Hood. arae, tMoaku and Infant's hacke. All kind of tlair Work done to order. Braid made of combing?, old Hraids worked over. Handeaur, t'ulf, Ccqiet'a Invisible Fronf, Saratoga Wayes. a,l kinds of Wis made and repaired. All orders promptly filled from the country. 1 urnte eatisfaction to patrons. " dec 31 NflTITF Tfl MrarHIFJ75 AJjn OTHERS! Ncwat Tnh Prinllnn HiTipq I rpHE UNDERSIGNED, having leased the Pres?es, Typs and JIatcria's of the Dailt Rkvibw Job rrinti'ijf Oilice, bca to an nounce that be is fully prepared tolo erery description of Plain and Ornamental Print ing, in good stylo and at low rates. , A share of the publ;c patronage p reppect- any soiiciiea. rausiaction euaranteea 1 . every Instance. "Neat ar.d QnIck aniTChcap is tbe motto of this cilice. Oflicein Review building, S. W. Corner Watr and Cbestnut street. Orders by Telephone will receive prompt attention. Any "kind of printing ' cirflfuly executed for peraons refiding out of the city and maikul jo them free of pottage. Address all communications to s EDGAR S. Vf ARROCK . Job Printer, Wilmington, N. C. 1 nov 15 JUST OPJT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. I LXJ X 11UU1 I Per 0 11 a 1 K x j t r i e 1 1 c c s i 1 1 llic lnifcd :SIalcs ami Co 11 1 ctl c vat c & t :i 1 o Armies. BY GENEIiAL J. U. 11000 Army, publijhed fr Late Lieutenast-ticr e -al Cerf-j?cra;e Jiattf j Tlie Hoofl Orpliau Heniui'iI Fund, GEXKiiAL v. T. i;KAri::.;GA!:iV, NEW OKLKNS, J 3-.'. . The entire firored ari'ir.,? f crj Jc ra! ofthirfwork. ar- i-ri.oJ uVlhi Jlo'.l Ur th.n M," fM-rinl u .!.. v?i!c!i h ;3 7uted In. c-t a rtegiatered ;!.:! i ' .r t innr-tm.-, r , suppart and ed L.caiio.i i t the tect iiif..!jt Ut-i.rired of their yar'-nn last sain- J i?ii:s of which sad bereavement arc aUdfueb, lu-r -it !ew Ur!e:f, (tne melancholr Inci- ; ia the public mind.) 4 The book, ia an eleeant cctaro. cntairinr 3 0 pages, with a fine photograph Hkenes and a line steel engraving, made expressly for 'his work, four large maps of battle fields bound in handsome Gray English Cloth, so mtir jit uuiiiiAHi,- or in a Mne ttt)eep Binding, with Marble Kdge, TUKKE DOL JL4 k AND FIFTY CENTH-In Half Bound; Morfco, library style, FOUIi DOLbAUH,. in rest Jevant Turkev Morocco, fall Gill and Edges, r IV K DOLLARS. I vjij iub receipt iromany person remirur ! t m&il or eroreaa. ff tha amount in a r.-"if . r ft.. . I Hred let'e: r-r by a pistil ordsr, tank iiiAitr or cjp"Tr. a c-py will imaediiteir eo? free of post i- registered as sccond!s matter- . The vo!arue is puullLed in the beit t tjiof typography, orj H--zr.t i'?, r::h illai'ra tions, erecated ai Llgh-. t o itu-3 -f art - Tbo anthor, tie "-'.; c. t'f- irjK'te, alt , alike render it worthy a vliff in t-r? a . . ry, on every cesr .f u 3 iuv uoui: suti: ol tv-ry Qi'Uie 11 thev-urv. Agent's waLtfd in every t;vra a-id coustr fn trie L'nited Htt, and a prtfe-eict wiit be given t boa orab'y Vi clared veteraon fro oa tbe army. j To thelad'e, w ho te a deiro t-oesrei.f. tfleir sy mptthy witt The Mo Orpbaa If? moriat Fucd tbe sale f this bcos; amonx their circle of friends wi 1 afford an excel lent way ofcostibating sat tact ill aid ti $r deservie? a caofe. For trTrtei lo agent', etc., sl dress, with full particular j, I ,: . 3GEX'L G. T.. BEAUREGARD, J On benair ci tne uo)i iienoriil Fnnd, jaa2t3uus Nw Orleans, La. AMVAMflH flUfl RhtRhAT aXJLf I 1XX 1 J JLI UUU L