PLEASE NOTICE. We will be gad to reCefre comnsnnicaUat a from our frienls on aiy and all subiect f general iaUrest bat : The name of the writer mast alirrye be fur nished to the Editor Communications ttwt be wtltten .t "oJy one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it Is especially andpa;4ica!ariy undti tood that the Editor does not always en-.' i to the views of cor respondeat, uuImi fo it d ia the editorial colutna. D'$h4 r"on S,Ut er" r it inM ii 1 JAMES a a KDITO A9D raOFKIKTOK. SUBiiCHIPTIONS.POHTAOE PAID. aa yew, $5 00 Six months, $2M Thr moaths, SI 5 ; One month, 60 cent. rh paper will be delivered by carriers. of ebersre, in any part of the city, at the boTt rates, or 13 cents pr week. . Advertising rates low and liberal ySabseribers will plwasereport any and failure to rrive t"heir papers regularly. H VOL. V.' WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, .1880. NO. 2 THIS PAPER Daily New Advortiserao'its. JIT RECEIVED I BS0WN- & RODDICK. 45 Market "St, . A NEW 1.1 NL Or litnbar rd,fingsand Its rti"Ds, A.l wilthrf td qualities. Ldiet, everything-in ur line of b siness i advancing. You will find it to your advantage t mate purchases . now. Torch-in Lacee and Ineertionfl all new. Point Del argoedoc Lace, in variety, NfcW. Call and examine. f-carf Lacee in Black and White. W eertalalvbave the largest and cheapest lot on hand that baa been shown for lome time. Iri.-h Trimming Laces for the Million. Kit OIov 1 aad 3 Button-, 75,cU. a pair. 4 Buf .ons, $1 a pair. W off nothing bat a (rood artie!e and ran aafeiy ay tb y can not bo bought within twentv-fiv' per cent of the above p ire. We have the elected and pat up specially lor jar trade. . Buttons. A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. . We are giving the above department oar particular attention! and can show by far the largest assortment ever offered in this city. THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST DRESS SHIRTMADE IN TWE WORLD. This wonderful invention givdt a Bosom aadsome shape and latest style, and is so placed upon the Bhirt that it can b worn for a week without a break or wrinkle. Made from 1100 lioen, Wamsatta Marlin, and Bo som lined withheavj Butcher Linen. Every Bsnom Guaranteed to Out wear the Shirt Call and examine the cut and qualitr; yon eaanot fail to be cn?ioed that it is just wbatyoa have been lookirgfor. BROWN & ' RODDICK, 45 BXarket Street, f.bT Fresh Every Day, FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for "TflB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Caasly la the city, will be found everv day, fresh aad sweet, three doors H oath of tbe Poetofieeon eJeoond street. Also, Nuts, Kalsias. Fiuit, Ac C..E. JEVKN3, jaa Z3 Neai tbe Postofflce. NEW MILLINERY STORE I AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING New Ooods wbloh 1 will sU cheap for cah. a eh aa Boeaets, Hat. Ribbons, flower and every thing la the Millinery Lire. In facts' Crohttd Goes always on hnd. Alo, iuooa Uaaiaa Hair Goods lor sale. Work dome la the moat approved style. Ladies will do well to call and ace for them sUm. Cot a try orders receive provnt atteation. MRS. k. J. BAblKK, fab 4 Corner third aad Orange its. ; r;jules for Sale. rpWETT DEAD OF WAGON AND FARM MULES Apulv tO T. J 80CTHKRLAND. LWtry aad Sale tJubls, Thld8tet. fab 3-tf WinbeiTY Oysters- THST ARE GOOD bow. Another lastaJ- meat reeeivedLthla mora Lor. It's cold aoag a tow for hoi Whiskey aad fat Oysters, Fiee Uses very daj at 11 o'clock. JOHNCARROLL, Eigkmie Patent Shirt. IV" -At iiS4 5ft: IS it 0r a I it"- T'r - - t, i y last LOCAL NEWS. .Hew Advertisements. P Bi!3bsb0k& Valentines. " Go. Myers Best Butter in tie ' orld. No City Court to-day. The bftt traiie mirk A b'ackgua 1 a rtis'y watrb cb-jiu. Always y ti vhtn taii.ily ln i's. People of r.o uccouiit never n:n inoVbt. Thtre ilrc ii.ciiatriij, bat t o womeD- Widows ani widowers ought to he re paired. . Wirilo.w Glas--al sizes at ',Htafllir & Price's. " , t Mayor Fiabb.tte returued to tbe city iast ni"ht. j Acids and picklei are u.ually the con- ieuU of "the family llow is it that two-story woir.en always wear four-s'cry bonne ta. The pilgrim's prore is this world is not helped by a Luni'.n. Traveling dreaserf are .uo.v mido with no tritrmitifr, or very little. . i Tbe waves of a woniau'a handkerchief hive wreckvd nw;ny a man. The best thing, in the long run, L not honesty, but plenty of wind. There are 42.000 different kinds of weeds in the United ritates. ' Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives tzz or the Children at Jacms. Postal "cards are sent out without en velopes in the coldest weither. Valentine Day to-'tuorrow and then a'l the little folks will be happy. March weather to day. Tho season is it least two weeks ahead of tituo. Many a h mdsome loafer on the corner is an ornament to his profession. One l-iea of doing good in secret is to go to a charity bait in masquerade Save your wony by buying 2 our BuiM JSuppkes froui.Altatfer fc Price. t A girl may often look in the mirror, because reflection is good for' the mind. The water in the river is again at the 'stacdard known as "ordiuary boatiDg water ' Laugh and grow fat grow lat and be laughed at. It is a pcor rule that will not work both wayi. t People with thin heads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer to make the hair grow cut thick. Mr. Gilbert Potter, of New York, of the firm of Dollner, Potter & C-j-.o'f thit city, is also here, and on a vUit to hia brother-inidaw, Mr. Edward Ki lder. n.nd hU family. It is said that the bridge on the Peters burg Road, the want of which is causing all of this trouble and inconvenience with the mail, will p&ss and the cars be crots ing on it and moving through in regular time by, Monday next. The schooner A, F. IZandolph, before reported ashore on the 'Fingers,' ha un dergone no perceptible change in her po sition in consequence of the gale of wind t blowing to day, but lies comparative'y easy where she first went ashore. ' The maximum velocity cf wind at Ssaithvllle since 11 o'clock a", m. to dav has been 21 miles an hour, while iu tbi city duiiag the same hours the maximum velocity has been .15 miles an hour; 14 miles aa hour greater velocity here than at the ocean. A member iu attendance last night at the meeting of Carolina Lodge. No. 43$ Knigh's of Honor. bad his bat exchanged by mistake, with tome one, and, i anx . ious toVfeure ita return: It has the' inscription "Latea- Fifth Avenue Style,' and is a No, 7 :, worn on'j n few days. A re-ex change in earnestly desir ed. hat m hear from you at this ofiice. 4. Beware of Malaria. Tbe prevalence of malarial diseai a in conn'ry acd town indicate a danger to sruich we are all. exposed. These dis esses are easy to contract and, bird to eradicate. Bo Warner' Safe lllt neu tralise tbe poison and cure them. And they are eqnallj effective agaTost all biU ious trochlea, ' Personal. Capt. R. B. Davis, of Catawba, repre sentative from that county in the Legisla ture. is hereon a short visit tj friends and relative in this city; Mr. W. W. McDiarmid, of the Robe- r'L. i n ilav an'1 9'tWUH, UTOpUCU IU Uii uo iv-Kif' t 4ave us a short but very pleasant visit stiuck by a Fallinc Sign. We regret to 'earn of 'a very sen'on. accident to Mr. Janu s B. Orrellthis lo IJe was sitting in a chair in front ol bis o Ti c 3 at the foot of Market street, a " fc feet from where a large signboard ol th a'ea n yacht Passport was hanging whet it , was ' blown" from the h ok, or. which it hung. Mr. Orrell saw one e;.i give way and attempted to mow, but just as he arone from his chair the other) end gave way, falling on Mr. Orrell'i hfwl and knocking him down. The injuries inflicted are severe but are not necessnly dangerous. He wa3 carried to his home and. medical aid called to '.dress and ex amine the would. Let Wilmington be the Place. The suggestion of the Kinston Journal to bold the Democratic State Convention in Wilmington, has been endorsed by nearly all the eastern papers as well as many from the Western part of the State, to siy nothing of the Cape Fear regions which of course are a unit for the city by the sea, Our Raleigh friends are modest, unselfish; hard workers; We don't think, as some appear to, that the Rale'ga in fluence would be unduly exerted to in fluecce the action of the convention. -We do not favor leaving Raleigh for any con sideration of this kind, but put th-3 o'd plan of rotating as to place iu vogue again, and can,'t think of any more suit able or central place for it than Wilming ton. Gohlsboro Messenger. They are coming. The river between this city and Fay etteville is said to be 'chock-full' of rafts on their way to this place. There ara all sorts in the lot rafts of turpentine rafts of tar, rafts of timber, and rafts of wood. In all it is estimated that there are about two hundred between this place and Fay ettevillo. This may be an excessive esti mate, but the pilot of thesteanter Wavt, which arrived here this morning, says that he counted ever, ono hundred lg&t nisht. About twenty of th raf.s are from above Fayetteville an 1 the balance from along the banks of tha rivjr bc-tvreen the two cities aud from ttfum;.i which empty into the Cape Fer. Christmas Firo Doras' and Fire Irons, Flutinsr Machines aud e-'cry rt of flrdware at lowtst sort of cth prices at Jacubi's. lloiv Lent Must be Obse rved. The following regulations for Lent vill be observed in the Catholic churches ia this vicinity and al! through the Dioces0 of North Carolina: (1 ) Al the faithful who have complet ed tneir. twenty-firt ear are, unless legitimately dispersed, b mud to observe the fast ( f Lent. (2 ) They a-r.t make only one meal a day, exo"irJrjg Sundays. f.J ) Th'? meal allowed on fut days a not to oe taken till about noon. (4 ) Flesh meat and bh is not to be uud at the same meal during L?nt (5 ) A small retreth neyt, cinimoniy ca'ledcollati.'n, allowed in the evening nut to eCted th 1 fourth p ert of an ord. nary meal. (' ) It is per mitted to Uce bread, butter, cheese, egs, milk, aid all kinds of fruits, ea' v. 'eta hies Gsh at tut) col la- tioti. (7 ) Ge itrai use has - made it lawful to tak'e in t tie morning some wa m liquid, ns tea, cofi e or tl)in ch eo:i?e'.e wi-h wa'er, and a in utbtnl of brc-d. (t) Nree.-tny and cuiti in luve :itit!:o; ;z tl Hi1 u-e of hr ' lard, instead ol'.l u;,t, in prep'i in pcl-L- i t-r-1 lool. (: 1 Le lohu-g prisons are exempted from tit; objga-.i i. s ol fas' i : Prt i s in tier t.e!i:y-o:;e y .rs of age, tli' lick, i,un g w.ciif u, ttcse who ol'Iue.J to do hild l it ol, V, ii-, through wck!:I'C5, car.iol f. .vilhi:t great "pr J id ice to th-sir l.e..ith. (I-:; ij di?p-nsa'i ui llvz i;se cf 1 iL u...lw ; Ui allowed at all meals on h;i:uoy. a.., o c a e!ay on Moiidays, 'i'huTzdaya at d cs:m days, Uh the exception of Holy Tm;isdty aad the seeond nd lslS.'.tuidiys of L -i.t (ll)Th3 faithful are reu:ln!ed that bciij the obligation ct fsiii itps- 4 by tho Church,this h:ly Eeaoca cf Lc-nt ?hould be, in sa csre.i;4 iLULLer, a lime cf earnest prayer, of sorrow for sin, t l j elusion from the world and its aa-n-e-ments, andof generous aim sivitg. (l'J ) The Taschal time extends trj-ni tbe hrsf. Sunday of Lent tiil Trinity Sundiy, during irtich time ail Catholics wno have attained tbe use of reason are bound to prepare themselves to receive worthily the Holy Communion. Tb; holy teasou of Lent is a very props lime als fo children to Q to tLtir first confession, whch they ought to do generally wbe about seven y ears ol ago. Pare at sbouJUi see to this. Tbe only reason men don't follow the plow, is because the plow isn't a woman. l.atlies.; Otic of. the It indsstiKst whit-' inetino d-aks, eifibroi l r d wi h while silk, we hv. f.vor ws shown to us this in;r irg !y Misses K irrer & McGowan. It .uli niitke an ugly bo Jy look pretty, and a pretty one more so. They have a fu'l liueo inf.ints' clothing torale. Wit c ol Jc XUg. R R At a meetitig of tbe stockholders of the VVi riiri'4ton, Columbia fc Augusta R. R. h 1 i in thi. city anl at Florence, a Board f !ti Directors were elected as follows : Co'. U li. B:i'?g-rs, of Wilmington; Col. II B Short, of ColutnbMp; Messrs. W. T ViJters, B F Newcomer, S. M. Shoe maker, En jch t, George S Brownand Thonas C. Jenkins, of Biltimore; J. D. j Cameron, of Paunsylvanii, and H. B. Plant, of New York. IN el Incomes. In only 2& counties out of the 93 in the State have there been i ny net in comes returns. Of this 28 New Hanover leads the van, returning more than twice as much as Mecklenburg or Halifax and three Limes as much as Wake.1 New Hanover gives in $55,234; Halifax, $21, 553; Mecklenburg 21,015, and Wake $18,104. Orange county gives $11,400; Wayne, $5,976; Craven, $4,098; Nash, $4 016; Caswell, $2,880; Cabarrus, $2, 553; Chowan, $2,500; Edgecombe, $2. 459; and Franklin $,2006. From this, the list runs down to $50, which is all that is given in by Northampton and which is less than onehundredth part of that given in by New Hanover. Cank. of xew Hanover, The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of New Hanover, was held at their banking house in this city yesterday afternoon. Mr W T Faircloth was elected Presi dent and Mr H Brunhild Secretary. Th 3 meeting was called te order by the President, and on motion Messrs J W Atkinson and D K McRae were appointed a committee to ascertain the amount of stock represented. The committee reported that 6,265 shares of stock were represented, in person and by proxy, which being a .majority the meeting was declared duly organized. The President submitted a report re garding the operations and standing of tbe Bank, which was read and approved. The following gentlemen were elected as the Board of Directors for the ensuing year: Messrs C M Stedman, R R Bridg- ers, D R Marchisoa, John Dawson. J W Atkinson, D McRaa, J A Leak, E B Borden, Isaac Bates. The meeting then adjourned. , criminal Court. The morning session ef this Court was occupied to-day with the following cases, to-wit: In the case cf tho State vs. Samuel Stacey, charged with Burglary; the defendant was araigned. Trial set for 10 A. M. of Thursday, the 19th mst.; a special venire of fifty order ed. Mossrs. M, Bellamy, J. I. Macks, Taos. U. McKoy, Jr., and E. S. Lat imer were assigned as counsel. State vs Charles Peterson. Peace war rmt. The defendant submit ; being a foreigner and .having been for some time in 'jail the defendant was discharged. Slate vs. Charles IVersoc. Same as above. State vs. Mary A. King, larceiyy De fendant submits. State vs. Fanny, charged with assault and battery. Defendant found not guilty. State vs Jane Outlaw, charged with nuisance. Defendant found "guilty and snter-Ti-d to six months confinement in the county jul, it& instructions fo tbe C Ui4 Coajnaione rs to firm her out for th t period. Sui-j vs. Dock Dberry, th urged with ass tutt and battery. The defendant sub toils State vs. Nelson Mosaley, charged with asaauit ar.d DUie-ry Defendant found not guilty State vc. Jack Skiith, charged with larceny. Defend nt found guilty. State vs. D -ck rry, charged with assault al) battery. Defendant sul mitted. pnjsiciaus' Wine. . New Yorfc physicians say that tbey have b-eu. using bpeerfs I'or; Grape Wine and Wine BlUera in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great . pleasure in recommending them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in lact tbe most reliable they can find. For sale by Green fe Flanner, Jaa, C, Munds and r. L. Bridgers & Co, The Census Enumerators. There have been frequent inquiries of late as to the fcize of tbe districts over which each enumerator, acting under the supervisors of census, would have charge. We have published before som extracts from an official letter on the subject, but now reproduce th-?m. The letter is to the supervisors of tbe censns: 'In general, every town, township; military district r other perniatirut civil divi.- a of the country shou d ?e constitute-f o-enuraei-ation distiict, i: the , estiniiiUd population thereof exceeds sjvea or eight hundred inhabitants. The only reason which this office could recognize as sufficient for making such a civil division a part of a larger enumeration district would be the impossibi ity of securing a competent and trustworthy enumerator" within its own limits. The enumerationdistricJ n?ust be made small enough to secure the comple tion of tlie canvass within the limit set by the census law, viz: during the month cf June. To this end supervisors Jwill be expected to excrdthiir best jiidgtrect ingool f ai t fiA rn p I i a n ce with the law in this matter will i .iited' on.' We clip this from f-M'. il teiiib C bscrvtr as a matter of u ierjit to t.hsj- people of this section. Grand Lodge Kuislits of Pythias. The delegates from this city who ere in attendance at the 3 rand Lodge K. of P. at Fayetteville, returned homo this morn ing much pleased with their trip and the hospitality of the good people of Fayette ville. The proceedings of the Grand Lodge were harmonious nd the reports of the "financial officers showed that tbe Order is in a much more prosperous con dition thaa ever "before. Mr. VY. A. Guthrie was chosen representative to tbe Supreme Lodge which meets at St. Louis during the raenth of September. Golds boro wns chosen as the place to hold the next session of the Grand Lodge, which 1 1 , l ni -i will convene on the second lues lay of February, 1881. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing year: Our informant h id ftrgotten the initials of some of the gentlemen, hence the omis sion. ! Jno. L. Dudley, G. C. ' j J. W. Schultz, V. G. C. i J. C. McRae, G. G. F. W Phillips, G. K. of K. fe S. Scanlan, G. M. E. Chas. Dewey, G. M. at A. Schwerin, G. I. G. L L. Boon, G. O. G. ! We had made arrangements to receive & full report of the doings-of the Grand Lodge, but our promised report has not yet come to light hence the above incom plete out line. c. Mrs Partington Says Don't take any of the quack rostrums, as they are regimental to .the human cistern ; but put your trws in Hop, liitters, which will cure general dilapidation, costive habits and all com :c diseases They saved Isaac from a severe extract of tripod lever. They are the tie plus unum of medicines. Good Evidence. When such men as tno, Rev. Dr. Harvey, Father Fitz Gerald, rof. Green', Dr. Bartine, Col. John K . McChesney, E. W. Neff, and a bJst 6f others equally trustworthy, certify over their own signature to tbe marvelous efficacy of Warner's Safe Kidney aid Liver Cure, in the diseases for which it is recommemded, it is time to dismiss doubts on the sub ject. DIED. TURRE5TIWE On the ISth lust., BRAU DIE G RDNER, only daughter of John R. and M. Bradford Tarrentine, aged 2 years, 3 months and 14 days. Funeral service at 10 o'clock,Jto-morrow, from the residence of th parent on Fourth, between Chestnut ana Mulberry streets. The Geod Shepherd has gatheied our little lamb into His fold. New Advertisements. F OR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, Latest Styles and most' baautlfol Valentines jro to THE LlVlfi BOOK STORK. Orders f mm the Country for Sentimental and Comic Valentines will meet with prompt attention. Blank Books. ALL 81 Z 8 AND STYLES. Cap, Let-t-r ana Note Paper. En velopes of everv variety. Note, Draft, Receipt and Order Boks, at HEINSBEROER'8, feb 12 Live Book and Music Store. Mew Hat Store. jECEI VED TESTERD AY BY NKT7 YORK STEAMER. ANOTHER LOT OP THOSE STILISH SOFT AND STIFF HATS. CHEAP. Call and examine. JOHN 1L ROBINSON, . 1? Froat St., South of Pnrcell Hocjr New Advortisomonta ; - Best Butter in the World! 3 Pounds for S 1 ULT EDGE BUTTER, 30 cent.. A'ew Yoxk State Bntter, 25 centj. Country Butter, 20 cents. Rio Coffee 15 to 20 cents. Pure-Leaf Lard, 10 cents. Java Ccfle-e, 20 to 25 cents. Rio Coffee, 15 to 20 cents. Pig Hams, Tonguea, Ex-Shore Mackerel, 50 Casei Roderer k Co , Chimpacne, Pints and Quarts. 50 Cases Imported French Brandy, 20 Cases Poney WhiskerBest in the World. Cakes, Crackers, Prcssrvis, Pickels, Wines, Tcm, Lnjiors, Tobicce aDd Cigars, at popular prices. Ceo, R3yers; feb 13 11, 13 nd 16 South Front St. Dissolution. TUE COPARTNEK8IIIP Heretofore ex istinpr under the name of HAli.V A GOODMAN, has this day been dissolved by mtltn.l trn An . TT It lit wuoum, T UUUUUIAQ Will VOkT J all the liabilities of tbe firm and is entitled to collect all money doe tbe firm. V. D. onODliAN, J. IiAllN. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 6th, 1S80, feb G-U a Notice. H AVING PDRCn A3ED the iaterest f Mr. J. HAHN, in tho Dry Goods Business I announce to my friends and the public gen erally, that I will continue the basinees at the Old Stand, Fourth Street, and will en deavor, by strict" attention to business, to merit a liberal patronage. Very respectfully, V. L. OuCDMAN. A Card. HAVING DISPOSED of my entire in terest in the Dry Good Bueinots to lr. V.D. GOODMAN. I hereby return thanks te the public for the very liberal .patronajro bestowed on the late firm of Habn A Good man, and won Id respectfully ask a continu ancQ of thesstoe for Mr. Ooodojan. Verj respectfully, feb 7 J.'OAUN. Foreclosure Sale. B Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF a decree of tho Superior Court of Ne Hanover county, at Dec amber Term, 1879, fj will expose to sale to the hUbett bidder at public auction, for cash, at the Court fou9 door in the City of VVilminjton,-on Tua. day, the 2d day of March next, at II o'clock, A. M., the following parcel of land, rituate ia raid city, viz : liepivn'ng at the North west corner of SIocV 1'J, aa running thenco 8oathwardlv along the astrn lice cf hef enth street 264 feet, ther.c F.tliT par allel with Castlett eet t32f-t, thonc? North wardly pae!Jei with Seventh ftrcot ICi feet to Cat'l hi , and therce to t'io eianinjr Li.i ..1o. lots 1, 2, 3 au-l 4. ia said Bkck Tj. ! STAC2Y VANAMRINTIE, CommiMioner. ia 3ru Iz Cutlar, Plaintifl's Attorney. ftb 10-tui. :.EW GOODS API O A HEW YEAR I AT R8. S.J. BAKER has on hand a sice i Stock of Hats, Bonnets for old atd Tounjr. Old Ladiea' Capt, Breakfast Cape, ltd a 1 kisd of Children's Goodt, Croehetel .lor d?, aeqUes, Cloaks and Infant's Hacks. kind of dair Work done to order. Braids made of CDmbings, old Braids worked over. auJaux, Huffs, Coq let's Invisible Froct. ratA(r Wayes. Ail kinds of Wies mace r.a repaired; AH orders promptly filled from the gantry. I airantao satisfaction t ptroD3 '. deo 31 j'KAGro JJAUTIrUL ALL PERFECT GEAf OF A'iT. C JUPLLT4 A3S02T1X3ST. s 't Tor lali at ' feb 13

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