THIS PIPER ,. t .firr afternoon, daadaye ea- l,.ptd DT JOSU. T. JAMK8, XOtTOB AUD rROPITO. CKIPTIOyS.POHTAaK PAID. JM .,r,SS 00 Hii months, $2 50 ; Three BOtthi. fl ; One month, bO cent. Tat PPr " b delivered by carriers. r(.febarFe,io b pifl"? th city, attbe , ,--f-n rt and liberal 4r-..,icribr will pla report any and v u t r-te t"hiir papers regularly. jiv Advertisement. JUST RECEIVED I V j .vM & RODDICK 45 Market St. A NEW LINK UK Kd,:iojrf and Ids rtics, ;". Ail i-tths r.nd q ja!ities. ; j; verytMag in ur linn of b siness i iT4Pciti. Voa mill find it four adrautae t make purcbteei n.w. Turc jn Lacet and Inserti'its all new. Vo.ut I'eLarguedo? Laee, in varietv. NL.W. Call aLd examine. Fcarf Lacee in Black and vVblte. We rertalaly bave the largest and cheapest lot on band that hat been shown for some time. Irith Triojminjc Laoes for the 11 ill ion. Kid 1 and 3 Buttons, 75 cti. a pair. 4 Buttons, f 1 a fair. We ofla nothing bat a jroo1 article and can safely ay th-j can not b buht within Iwentr-fir-i per cent of tfc J above p ice. We have the selected and pat up specially lor .ur trade. Buttons. A NEW LOP JUST RECEIVED. We are giving the above department oar particular attentions and eaa show by far the largest asjortmeat ever offered in this city. THE FINEST AfiD CHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TME WORLD. This wonderful invention give a Bosom Jiandsome shape and latest stjle, and is so pic m upon the btrt that it can b worn for a week without a break or wrinkle. Mase rum 2100 linen, Wamsutta Muplin, and Bo som lined with heavy Butcher Linen Every, Bosom Guaranteed to wear the Shirt- Out. Pall and exunioe the cut and qualit; you cannot fail to be ccnvtncfd tbat it is just whatyou have teen lookitgfor. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 IVIarket litre et, Teb 7 Fresh Every Day. FI ;E ABdORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for 'TUB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE l Candy in the city, will be found everv day, frejh and ivei, tbrte doors Houth of tb totnffie on eoond street. Also, Nuts, Kaisins. truu, sc. U. t. JtVWS, jan ?3 Near the Postofflce. . NEW MILLINERY STORE. I A CONSTANTLY RECEIVING N Goods which I will sell cheapt for ea! uch as HoaneU, Hat. kibons.'Fiowe's and everv ihli in the Millice-y I ine. In f auu I l.aeUoods Uaoiaa Hair Goods for sale w ork dune In the most approved stvle. Ladiee will da well to call and see for them selves Country orders receive proarit attention. MKh. v J. BAKKK, fab 4 Corner Third and Orange ts. Pilules for Sale. rpWENTT HEAD OF WaOON AND I ARM MDLE5. iprlvto T. J. HODTHEKLAND, Livery and Sale B tables, Thi d 8treL feb J-tf Winberrv Oysters- THEY ARE GOOD 9, aov. Another iastal- meat Just recai Ted; this moraias;. IrU cold aat;t aowfor hot TJhlsley and (at Oysters. Ttf Laaeh erery daj at 11 o'clock. scpt:J Eiglimie Patent Shirt. il tV! -t J ; lit J - p I pi I ff 1 A- J JOIDf CARROLL, r It H 1 VOL. V. W ILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1880. NO. 3 LOCAL NEWS. .Tew Advertisements. -Johbsou & HcDoba;.d Notice. PUaiasssaeaa Valentines. . Bay length 10 hours and 52 minutes. - VYirdow Glass--ah sizes rrio?s. at'lufler & t To-morrow is known as lh First Sun day in Lent. Kit :titii is live U th fact he:e and the b.ys are Ot.e infant the only interment in Bellevue Cemetery thU week There were four intermeuta in Oakdale I 'his week, three children and one adult. Knives and Fork, IVicket Kuives fcc. or the Children at Jac bi's. Nor. brig Situs, Hiun, hence, rived at Liverpool ou the 10th inst. ar Save your money by buying joar Build iug Supplies from Altafler.& Price. t. Steamship lUfjulatcr Doane, bence, arrived at New York on the 12tb inst. Scboontr-Jar McUcc. tor this port, sailetl from Belfast, Me., on the -8th inst. Brig Ambrose Light, Hatch, heuce. arrived at Port-au-Prince on the 31st u'.t. Kchoouer Jiojer Druru, Baker, for this port, sailed from Charleston on tbo 10 lb inbt. Schooner A. Jc E Hoover. Hooper, for t.hi- port, cleared at Philadelphia on tlie - -A ' 12th inst. Tbere were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) tbis week all children. An office-seeker is like a colored caval- rvman. His sole ambition is to ride a government horse. The cattle are beginning to ran at large again. Cannot the Chief of Police abate this nuisance? Schooner S. V. W. Simmons, Camp-1 bell, for tbis port, cleared at Pbiladel pbia on the 11th inst.' Schooner Vcmmcnder, Chase, from ' ' I Wevm mth. Mass.. for this poit. was at Newport od tbelO'.h inst. Schooner William Heaver, Kelly," for tbis port from Weymouth, Mas3., sailed from Newport on the 9th inst. Pocket Kuives. Table Cutlery. Silver Plated Forks and Spoons; largest variety and lowest prices at Jacobi s The Register of Deeds has issued but j two marriage licenses this week, boih of I w which were to colored couples. Some author says that one of the uses of adversity is to bring us out. Tbat s true especially at the knees and elbows. Sw. baroue Lvdla. Norden. which i sailed from this port in the 18th of Oc tober last, for Glasgow, has not yet ar rived at the latter port. ' Full many a rose is born to blush unseen and waste its fragrance on the desert air ; m l many a nip ii taken behind the screen and cloves and coffee, too, are eaten there. Tramps complaiu that the free luuches are not served up early enough in the morninc. Breakfast at eleven is too fash anab foramanwhosleeDSinthesUtion- v I house. bchooner Aita a. uent irom uea Beach for this port, with a cargo of j plaster, put into Pernbrpe, Me , on the I 10th ii st. in distress, 4 uryey has been ordered. Dr W. W. Harriss is again to resume thn nrartiea of medicine in this citv. There are many in this community who will be pleased to see him again at bis old profession. lie is, we understand, to practice Homoeopathy. There are some men so homelj that pretty women tiy to them and marry them for' pity's sake. Why, a man may be so ugly that his face acta ally aches from pain caused by its terrible shspe, and yet that man will become owner and proprietor of one of the sweetest little women in the world. PUjstclans Wine. New York physicians say that they have bwn using 5peers Port Grape W'ne and mm uiwct. iu fcuu AmyiLwuo mJ jCalTS, lO the entire satisfaction of their patients ind themselves, and take gret' pleasure in recommending them to the public as beim? all that is claimed for them, and, in fact the most reliable they can find.- For aala by Green d) Planner, 44, C, Munda and P.L.Hridgert& Co. Falsa Alarm. 'J here wss an alarm of fire last night about S o'clock. It came from the corner of Second and Church streets, but the fire itself ceuld not be located. The w ind was blowing at the time at the rale of about 40 knots an hour and the tap of the first bell caused a gneral thrill of alaini There wasjmuch relief manifested wheu it jwas ascertained that it w as a false alarm. Promotions. We are glad to learn that Mr. ' B. !? UeForest, the General Agent of th Southern Bell Telephone Company in Nor.b Carolina, has been promoted to the Assistant Superlntendency of the Division District of Georgia, Florida and Alabama with Headquarters at Augusta. Mr. De Forest has made both an agreeable and an efficient officer during bis sojourn here, and while we are loth to give him up we must extend to bim our hearty con gratulations upon the well earned and well merited romotion. Mr. D. P Ormeswil succeed Mr. Des Forest In the position which Mr. DeP. vacates here. Mr. Ormes has aires dy be come initiated into the office by a resu dence of nearly two months im this city and has made many friends in Wilmington who will be g'ad to know that he is now permanently located with us. Criminal Court. The attention of the Court todaj has been devoted to the following cases: State rs. Emma Johnson, charge lar- ceny verdict guilty. Sentence not yet pronounced. State vs. Joseph Pajay and Joseph Kent, charge larceny verdict guilty. Sentence not yet pronounced. Statoe vs. Link Pickett, charge lar- I ceny. Defendant submitted. Sentence re year8 in the Penitentiary. I State vs. Link Pickett. charne larceny. dement -H.pendsd State vs. - John Marrill, charge lar- ceny. How on trial. Meeting at Bursjaw. A meeting of the citizens of Pender county was held at Burgaw on the 9th inst , to take into consideration the ques- tion of building a court bouse. Col. John I D. Powers was called to ' the chair, and IT. J. Ar.nstroDg, Eq was requested to ftct as Secretary. Ths meeting being J.J I .3 . . 1 : 1 r. T rn -o ucturcu u' oau- ders and Col. John D Pov.ers rrado able and eloquent speeches in favor of imme diate action in the matter, Mule Drs S. 9. Oitcnweii ana l,. rurter strenu ously opposed any action involving In creased taxation until the present indent ednees of the county ha j been materially i, k : uw'u ,UCTH8i "uuw uo Fcujoui I . -1 . : . a. . I io uio nur auuva laeasuro ub present I J . I i rr . .., r . .u,. i, ... i I r i court house. l I The meeting then adurned sflU.: .a L": Ii . J I: T I uuiisuu'W nro us aun rirt? irons, tiutins Machines aud eerv sort ol I r . h . . . - I niruware at lowest sort oi cash prices at I i-i j . , r .1 Jacobi s. Mr. Best and CUe fV'fl. f. R R. I . - Mr. . J. Best, the a-ivauoj agent of . i-- i- . , . . .1 iue syuuicaie wnicn proposes uu luz OUl I the Western North Carolina Railroad, is in tliA rilV. trrStxr tr cnnvii en nnr Mun). I . , ; . -oui i ..UU..H5MIB ,l f ;f . , f , . ... , im , I curpw.uuu ou iue con- iwecu wis city auu me great e8f' aDd that Ihere is no possible dan-1 r II: : 1 ; a. . I crui V """" auuenng irom sncn a transaction as tne saie or tne v n u K it. Oh! no ; certaii If not. Wbr. Dossiblv. th k purchasers will come on down to Wilminr- ton and buy several sites here for the en c- tion of grain elevators in anticipation of h, immense graiu trade that will flow in to our seaport town irom Chicago aud the gr a' North west mst as soon as the s! nf t,A I v p u u .1 . ... v,. .vatt is a la al 1 a .1 mongageu 10 me payment. I Why, how dull WilmiDgtonians are uotl toaee what a salf aacriflc?no f hnainp..thu:m;n. I 7 . ,7 , " '"-Z" lorui, ana an merely ior tne good of Wil miugwu auu ;o pstiecMon ot the 1 ' W. N. C R R Oh,' why will paople be J so blind to their own Interest? -Of coarse the syndicate don't want to make ajiv money out of the operation; their action is all prompted through love for North Carolina; they want to see the grea mineral wealth of the Old Noth Bute developed and prctl ntoxal, you know fo a foreign fioratlptnto take more interest in tne development of the State than natty citizens who own largely in real estate. This creation ought to be conceded, at once, it ia Coo absurd for dUcaxaion. Wlll you walk Uto tay parlor.? says the alle l. tfia 4f er w .Re Toe Latest Rumor. On laat Wednesday afternoon, after the Kevikw had anne-redon the streets with r I tne aniiouncement tbat tne l5oara oi Directors of the VV estern North Carolina T l ( in ltr its in . a MniiamAn i. I ma rnw .v -,.u oflcred to bet $100 that, not withstandins the action of the Board of Directors, Gov. Jar vis would call the Legislature together for the very -purpose that the Board had rufiied to sanction. There were no takers then ai.d there are none now. It is. we think, very probable that the L-gisla ture will be calleil together; in'fact7 we ' thiuk it more than probable as, in our opinion, it is a foregone oonclu sion. uur coou iriena ot tne Kaieign rj .r.- ;. aoir, 0iun,;i w. Observer is again our authority. We quoe from its yesterday's issue: nere is a current street rumor mat tne Legislature is to be convened anyway. It is Known that the propwrti n to purchise the Western road was submitted to the uoara oi directors ana tnat on tne qus uuu wi icwuiiuBuuiug iuo bailing ui uo wraerai -oaaemoiy iney scoou six w ot, Director Bhober, who was not present, favoring the plan. It is also known that on tne quesion the Board oi internal lOipruTDLUouia wo iu iiao iniuuei ui t iudu ia opinion Col. Wm. Johnston op- posing, ana cape c ca. cook lavonng it. Ak is now aweneu oy ujuj pevpic rrayer at ii a. m. .Evening Prayer at as their belief that the Governor 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at St. Bar will pat the proposition before his advis- nabas School House at 3:30 p.m. Con. orf tft Council of State. This body is compotad of the SecreUry of State, Treasurer, Attorney-General, Auditor, and Soperintendent of Public Instrao tien. By the law these are constituted the advisors of the Governor, before whom shall be laid all matters of public moment on which advice Is needed. The Governor canaot convene the Legislature unless by the advice and consent of the Council of State. Section. 9 or the con- t tnt nn nf th Htata nrovides: The Governor shall have power, on extraordi I r- s narv occasioas, by and with the advice of the Council of State, to convene the Gen- eral Assembly in extra session by his proclamation, stating therein the purpose or purposes for which they are thus con reopie with thin heads oi aair snouia use Hall's, Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- $ newer to make the hair crow cut thick. Report of the Grand Jury. Th fnilftwincr i thm rennrt of thm O " -r"- tlsanW Innf mr th nMit.n r warm rt Ina uiauu vui; at ius jiiwbvui v "w criminal vourt iu regiiru vi ius uuuuiuua n l "l ! 1 A. JliS I in which they found the . Poor House and County Jail: State of North Cabolika ) new nanover county, j .-r r, r, ? The Gran Jury of the Criminal Court, February term, 1880;, having visited the County Poor House and Jail make the fol-1 lowing report: I We found the grounds and buildings rfAom oklnir ntflnaila anrl rfininr I .ww-., w -r. e . wnm in rrnnH nM.r th mtnrm nnm wall I ,WUI w - .. - ... . i i I annnitori with wnrtf nnn wnniAanmA nra. i rrv,.:nm. fniu... I visions, lne inmates are as rouows: T. . . . -m I J T ' ' maies, a: iemaiea o. ransn- ivuvi "mw, V i nara mVivfsa ffvielM .- ? famaloa O.I I 1 V A K 1 M T' coiorec, maies, iz. iemaiea, . rirson-1 i a 9 r t nr I or uuiurcu, uaiw, , wmiw, a, aw- i Ul, dd. I thn i(ntinn of beddm?. which ia not aA I inev aDDear to oe wen carea lor. wnn . good as we believe it should be, and we I . !.. i ry i : nuzgesi mat ine uouuit vuirinuieioaer l (call the Superintendent s attention to this matter. I 'MKa Toil ka Fnni tn ha in ma4 xuv van ivuuu v w iu Kuvti w4 diti0n and tho Janitor. Daiai Howard. deserves commendation Sor the manner in wnicn he tasea care ot tae prisoaers and jaiL AH of which we respectfully submit, Sam l Q. Hali. Foreman. To the Hon. O. P. earea, Judge of the Criminal Court ol Aew Hanover county. Beauty is not a necessity, but it's just too pretty for anything, as the girls say. ' Good. Evidence. Yhen such men as the Rev. Dr. H Father FiU Gerald, Prof . Green, w ' Dr. Bar tine, Ool. John K. McChesney, E. W. Ntfr, and a host of others equally trustworthy, certify over tbetr own signature to the' maryelous efficacy of Warners Safe Kidoey and Liver Cure, in rbe dtreaaea fa which it is recommended, s ime to aismiss cooois on tne suoa TJotice j"R, QXOAUE JM. SUMilERELL. having kveu aduUUela sueaiber of our I firm oa the 1st blatant, the name and style w&l : hereafter, be fALTAPFER, PRICE & CO. ReapectfuUy. dec ALTAFFER&PRICJ5; Ary o ; cnarch services. Worship in the various churches of the CIIJ wmrrow as lolows st. Paul s evang. lutueban church Corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. I - . Castor. I school l o-:in . m 1 1A a. m. r.ngiisn oervice at .v.u p. ra I n t . rt Congregational Meerl at 2 n m. Gate chetical InstrucMou on Tuesday and Fri day at &30 p. m. ST. JAMES PARISH, corner Thi'd and Market street Rey. A A. Watson, D. D., Meet or. rVo. loth. The First Suuday in Lent. Celebration at 7:U) a. m. Morning Prayer ,ai ji o'clock. fiun0L3i bebool at 3:30 p. m. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock " FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Services to-morrow I at 11 a. m., aud 7:30 p. m. Sunday School Lj m rirooklvn Sundav Srhnnl at 3 p. m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting i xuesaay nignt at r.6U o clock. . Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o ciock. d-.rauge.rt are muted. st. johx's church. mer of Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. treorge l'attersou, D. D., Rector. Feb. i I5tb. First Suuday in Lent. Celebration at 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. I Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Sunday lecnoei an p m i ox, haiik C'UI. ) KI'ISCoPAI. CUUBCH conie? Sixtb aud Mulberry 8treeUj (j, G. Brady, Minister in charge. Morning nrmauon ciass at tne Church at 4:30 p. m. During Lent, daily Morning Prayer at 7:30 m Evening Prayer at 5 p. m. Seats fkoat street m. e. church, (south) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. AYates pastor. Services at 11 a. m. aud p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m., W. Jf . Parker, sup't. Prayer Meeting and P,rcac1hm Wednesday evening at 7:30 Z.Z ' "r.,."" 1 7 ,t . . .7 i eveninffs in earn rnnnrh I second b aptistc jubc a, (on Sixth, between Church and Castle sta. Rev. J. P. King, pastor. Services Uwnor- I row at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday ocnooi at a. m. corner Third and Orange streets. Rev, jjr. j. k. Wilson. D. D.. Das-or. Servirns at 11 a. m. and 7:30 n. m. Sabbath School 4 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPJX CHUBCH j corner Fourth and Orange streets, Rev. T. Amoier, itector. services at 11 a. m. lomlT-ftn n m Si,nH..Wl, n I . I m. 06&LS Ifce. i SEAMEN S BETHEL, j Dock, between Water and Front streets I Rev. Jas. f, Craig, chaplain. Services at " ?:?' w seamea are cora,aI1 i The blic w invited to attend relieious t AtAW ivaA I services at the Tileston upper room, in the Tileiten.Normil School building, on Ann, oeiween uonnn ana nun streets, every -tt-w w v viwa.. fiest baptist chubch (colohed.) ocuooi su, .oua. m. X rayer a . . Thursday night at 8 o'clock. j to . TIBST frtWriWn A TTfYKT k y ' . .. a Memorial nan, corner Save nth and Nun OUCCWJi XJ Urn streets. Rev. D. D. Dodiro. Minister. Sunday services at 10;. X) a. m. and 3 and 70 n. m. PraisA and f v.nfprn mtn m 1 . . . . - C eveiT TveaDesaay nicut at 7:30 o'clock. w - grmvn.i.t.n.T,,.. - '" v.mum. w0urth and Camnhll at.nitj M. Pavne. Pastor. Services mvanr SaUnir, &t 11 a m. And 7:n n M c.ku.l Krhnnl and RihU I'Um . .on . . 'wnvM tj-J'. U. m Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 d un f ;vo t, Lewis' chapel. corner feeveath and Bladen streets. Rev. John Lewis, pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m.. 3.30 o'clock p. m. and8 o'clock, p. m. wootejt's CHAPEX, corner of Jtladen and Ninth streets Rev. Willis Wooten, pastor. Preaching Sundays, at 11 a. m., 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. m. Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meetiog Friday night Sunday School at 9 a. m. Hew Advertifiements. Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF JOHNSON A McDONALD, for the sale of Ton Tim- k mw,A T Kmk.. I- JI...I I W tual consent, and takes date 10th February. j Ansa juondon, a. Mcdonald. MR. JOHVBON eoatinves the buiinees and I reeommend him to my friends and ask for him their patronaf e. A. mcuviiALu, New Hat Store. JECEIFED YESTIRDAY BY NBW YORK BTEAMtll ANOTHER LttT OF TH08K STYLISH SOFT AND STIFF HATS. CHEAP. Call and examine. JOHN M. ROBINSON. 13 Froat St., Boath of PareeU Hoase. jaa34 Thca. JL UeSoj, Hbt H IIcKoy WIlalllKGTOH H. OL OOee North die XfarkaflxtretrL tstvee BeeomdaaATklra ttrtctx , aa 17-a PLEASE NOTICE. V7o win be'ad to receive conraonirativrt from ow frienf on ay and all mbiecU general iaUrest bat: . V Tie name of the writer most al irys b f ur aishedto tho Editor. Commiunlcations mast be one side of tho paper. uitUn n Personalities most be aroiJed. And it is especially ard partm!arly ua-' tood that the Editor does not always end the views of corres on dents onle. o tlt. ia the editorial columns. Hew Advortisemont Butter in. the World! 3 Pounds for SI. Q.ILT EDQE BUTTEB, 30 cents. Kew TorkflUto Bntte'rTJycenU Country Batter, 20 e.nfo. Rio Ooflee 16 ta 20 cents. Pare Leaf Lard, 10 cents. Java Coffee, 20 to 25 cents. Bio Coffee, 15 to 20 cent . Pig Hams, Tongues, Ex-Shore Mackerel, 50 Cases Boederer A Co., Chanpsgne, Pints and Quarts. 50 Cases Imported. French Brandy, 20 Cases Poney Whiskey-Best in the World, Cakes, Crackers, -Preserves, Picked, Wines, Tea, Liaors, Tobacco and Cigars, at popular f rices. Ceo. Myers, feb 13 1, 13 rnd 1G Bouth Front Ht. Dissolution. THE COPARTNERSHIP Heretofore x IS tin f ODdP 4ha mm. r II u r m. GOODMAN, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. V. D. Ooodm.n m .i i th HabUiUes ot the 'firm and is entitled to collect all money due the firm. V. D. GOODMAN, , J- HAHN. Wilmingtan, N. C, reb. 5th, H80. 1 Notice. .JAVG PURCHA8ED the interest of Mr. J. HAHN, in the Dry Goods Business I f?.nn)ttn V my Wends ani the publie gen Xl fV i1 cone tbe busineis at the Old SUnd, fourth 8treet, and will en- nSSf l'ulT ,,tncV ttentIa to business, to merit a liberal patronage. Very respectfully, V. L. GOODMAN. A Card, LTAVING DI8POSED of my enUre in- w n EJ?,t.hery Qoo,i9 Businees to Ur. V. D. GOO OMAN, I hereby return thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage bestowed on the late firm of Hahn k Good man, and would respectfully ask a continu ance of the same for Mr. Goodman. Very respectfully, feb7 J. HAHN. NEW G000S AND A NEW YEAR ! MR8. B. J. DIKE ha! nn hand a nice .Stock of Hats, Bonniu for old at.d young. Old LadiVCaps, Ureakfast Cap, andallkiad of Chilcren's Goods, Crocbtel Hoods, hacques, Cloaks and Infant's Hacks. All kind of Hair Work done to order. Uraids made of combings, old Braids worked over. BandeeUgPuffs, Coquet' Innsiole Front, carat) Waves. Ail kinls ol Wis madn and repaired. All orders promptly "filled from the country. I jraarat.t -atisfaction to patrons. dec 31 PfTA.vr -i.i'UUL alesiitihes LL PERFECT GEMS OF ARr. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. For sals a feb 10 BcokTltore. VstDeimtiiies IOR THE LaP.OETBr iaOTifEXT, . - I i ' .;, Lat stHtyles and most beautiful Valentines, CO to THE LIT tS BO($K ttTOKK. Orders frns tb) Conntrj for tiaental aa4 Cooaie YaJeutiDes will xneL? witUproicrt aiftntiAB , M. r j Blank Boofcsi!4 f A LL fl)Z 8 AND STYLES? "Cap tt I xi tar and Note Paper. JEnvalopea of ev?r variety. Note, Draft, Bceaipt and Ordor Books, at . . v ' ' 11 HEINBBERGKR'tJ, , ' feb II Lire Book axd Uuiic. store.

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