PLEASE NOTICE. 1 We will bee1 ad to recelre eomteiialrattr r . from oar frienla on aay acd all tut cu , feaerai interest but: Tbe name of tbe writer n:ait all rt bs fr niahed to tbe Editor Comannieationa a't U writton v. on;T one aide of tbe.paper. Personalities'ninat bi aruided. nd it la especially ard partlcalarly and-' stood that the Editor doe not alwaja ei & tbe viewa of correspond enta, unlet ao fct i ia tbe editorial cnlarns. ibr JOS II T J AM KB 9 BOns akd raoraiaroa. rTB8CRlFTlON8.IOeTAaE PAID. 0BSC. on Hi months. $2 50 : Thrt IU One month. 60 nU. r wiU redelivered by earrisrs, " r 1a and liberal WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1880. NO. 4 rtrtlfi -H -l,..rnnrt anT aid VOL. V. Kftbn-" r ' Veis rim i . ' i , jrL---- - ' - - tVaw Advertisement. BST RECEIVED 2 koWff & RODDICK. 45 Market St. A NEW LINE OF .wtr. flings nd Inactions, JLI1 1UIU IUU MIUM every tbiogia our llnw of b .sin ess I advancing. I m wiu not i your advantage ti make purchases to. Torehoa Laces ud Insertionsall new. ' at DeLarguedoe Lace, in variety. XIJE.W. UAH laa examine, Kftirf Lum in Black and White. W'e certainly have tbs Urgent and cheapest I lot on band tail a as Dcn loown S for loma time. Iri.h Trimming Laoea for the Million. Kid GIotm 1 and 3 Bottom, 75 eta. a pair ' " 4 Buttons, SI a pear. W aSm Dnthistr bat a rood artlcla and U.n aftfalv I1T thT Can HOt be bOUfffat Within twentv-fiv- par cent of tbe abore pMcea. We have the aalected and put up apecially lor bar trade. Buttons. A NKW LOT JUST BJKCEIYKD. mrr tt It . .V.. J. m.'mm particular attention aad can abow by far tbe argeei uHrimui ever ousin ia ,hj THE FITl EXT AND CHEAPEST DRESS iimvuiiif in vtip iiiiini n Ullil MAUt HI lt HUllLUi Ta!i wonderfal Inyentlon girm a Boeom kaadeome ebap aad lateet XjU, and ia eo placd pe the Shirt that it caa b worn for a week withoata break or wrinkle. Hade roa 3100 llseo. Wanuatta Mulin, aad Bo tOBt Used witbbeaTy Butcher Linen. BTery Bosom Guiraatecd to Out wear the Shirt Call aad examiae tbe eat and qaalitr; you eaaaot fall to b eoarineed that it if j ait wbatyom bare ba lookiijfor. BROW & E0DDICK, 40 nark.t Dtreet, febT Presh Every Day, FIN I A880BTHENT OF CANDIES, Frecb aad Donaeatle, jut reoelred aad for ala. . THI OKLT GENUINE tlOME-MADE Caady la the city, will be fouad ererr day, rrtab aad iwet. tbre doora 8outb of VHa aai 1 1 1 1 i n aa-rarwi n airaiaiE. aim. rm n ti Balalaa. Fruit, Ac C. E. J EVEN 8, iaa 11 Nea tbe Pottofflee. fiEW MILUrlESY STORE. I A at CO VST AST LT RECE1Y1NO New Ooodj wklcb I will aell cheap for ab. ttb aj Boa&ets, BaU, KibVoaa, riowen aad eTery iklnf ia tbe af Ullaory Line. lafaats' Crbete4 Ooo4a alwaja oa band. AUo, Lm Ooda Baniaa Hair Oooda for aale. Work dose ia tbe moct approred atyle. ' L4Ue will do wall to call aad tea for them Mlraa. Ooutry erden recelra prowat atUntion. MKK K J. BAKER, fee) 4 Corner Third aad Orange it. Pule? for Sale. rpWKSTT HEAD OF fTAfJON AND FAKlf MULES Applrto T. J. 80UTHEBLAKD, tivfy 4 8al8table, TM'd Street, 7inberrr Oysters- Ighxnlc Patent Shirt. i lit! ft &k ' v W 11 -I-'. 0 etn.l rjivtdhia aoraiar. Iti oold avfl bow te hot Wblakey aa4 fat Oysters Free Lcaaa every Uy l 11 o'clock t?t U JOESJOASROLU LOCAL NEWS. ffew Advertisements. P. L. Baioaiai A Co Offer for Lale. 9 Boatweisbt A McKY To tbe People of Sampson, Duplin, aid Niw BanoTer Coun ties. CaosLT k Moaais. Car Load Buggies, fkietons, Ae. Yatb .Just Received. . William k Hchcuuon. 'w Crop Cuba 3.8 Hhds and Tierces. CHM,Carley A Co. Noticto Oil Dealer'. Chim, CAttT k Co Lanrs ; and Chan. d-liers. K. G. Millbb Oydomin. Johbbob k Id c Dow A en Notice. P Hamaaaaeaa "Va'antines. Winlow GUm-all sizes' at ltaflr & Prices, t Board of Alderman meet to-night. Tbe wood i are tall of tbe white moss Sweet potatoes are still scarce and high. Shad sell for eighty ceuls perpaifin this market. Wood U in good demand and fair receipt!. Thi re are a lot of our up country friends fa the city to-day. The skating rink will be closid for the aeason on Friday next. Barque yethanja, Olsn,, for London, pas-ed Uoven Jan. 30th. Nor. bajque Vvat Potusou, hence, ar rhed at Antwerp on the 12th inst- Sw. barque Carin, Westerland," hence arrived at Liverpool on the 12th inat. A large covey of partridges was seen in a flower garden on Fifth street a few days ago.. , . , The steam tug Orlando, which was placed on tht line between this city and Smithvllle, haibeen withdrawn. . Dr. F. W. Potter, who is well known to moat of our citiz?n8,is to remove to this city and resume tbe practice of medicine. Mr. Julius Hahn left for New York on yesterday to secure his stook of good?. He proposes opening about the first of March. The repairs to the steam yacht Pass porf are nearly completed and she is ex pected to resume her trips in about a week. . Obriatmaa Fire Dogs and Fire Irons, Fluting Machines and every sort of Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices at Jacobii. There ia much speculation as to the verdict ot tbe jury in the case of Maria Hall on trial to-day, on the charge of murder.' Tbe catch of sturgeon, this season, prorr ises to be very large. ' Extensive arrange ment are being made for the shipment of these fish north. Quite a number of rafts have arrived sincj Saturday. As they lie 'abreast of each other in the stream, they extend far into the middle of the river. Iron of tbe street car track has been taken up and in some places the c roa ties and stringers. But in many places the last named nuisances are stil in tbe street. Many of the young shade trees which were set out on Market street have died. Cannot the'eity replace them? Keep up the street improvements by all means. Mr. James B. Onell, who was struck by a falling signboard a few days ago, is, we are happy to say, getting along much better than could have been reasonably hoped for. Steamboatrnen report the water of the Cape Fear as falling off1 quite rapidly, and if the decline continues a tew days longer navigation will be difficult between here and Fayetteville. . We call attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Chess, Carley & Co. to be found in another column. Their business is an important one to tbe city, and tbey offer unusual advantages in - the articles in which they are dealers. People with thin heads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian, Hair Re a ewer to make the hair grow cut thick. Good Evidence. . When such men as the Rev. Dr. Harvey, Father FUz Gerald, Prof. Green, pr. Bartine, OoL John K.McChesney, El W. Neff. and a host of cabers equally trustworthy, certify over tbeir own sinatQrea to tb" marvelous efficacy of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in the diseases for which It is recommended, t U time to -d Urn Us doubts on the sub Coiutnenced Opera lot. The new saw mill in the louthweatern portion of the city owned by Mr. Wilson haa commenced operation. Steam was up on rtaturday and sawdust was made to fly. The mill began work thti morning in good earnest and is working very satis factorily.! I Butts' 1 anorama. Mr. A- L. Iiutts" Panorama, Mustr-itine the Book of Revelations, will be ezbibitrd at the Opera House in this city on Fri- lay evening. The paintings, 22 in num ber, 1520 feet, are said to bo tins, arM we trofct that Mr. Butts will receive thd icourae nent his effortB deserve. . St. Paul's Lutheran Church i , . At; a meeting of the congreation oi St. Paul a Lutheran Church held yeaer day, the following gentlemen wore elected as church officers for the terra of 2 year. : E Sculken, Elder. . H. 0. rempert, Deacon. J. D. H. Klander, Deacon; ' J. W." Strauss, Trustee. M. J. Dinglehoef, Trustee. J. F. Rulf, Trustee. It was decided that the services on the first Sunday of .each montfy should be conducted in German and on the remain $Bg , Sundays of the month the services should be in English. The services dur ing the weekly festival days will be divi ded between the two languages. "We'll all Take a Ride " We take pleasure in calling the attend tion of our readers to the sale of car- riajres advertised in this issue by Messrs Cronly fc Morris. These vehicles are all of excellent, patten and finished work maLship from good materials, and the variety is such that any one desiring to purchase may easily make a selection from among them all. The carriages are brought here under the charge of Mr. W. H. Huffman, the agent for tbe house from whom tbey were ordered. For five con secutive yeare this gentleman has visited this city in the interest of the Cincinnati carriage industry, and has always found a cordial ; welcome for himself and a ready sale for the property he brought with him. City Court. For the first time silos thin cession of the Criminal Coiirt, Mayor Fish b'ateheld a levee at tie City Hill this morning. Lswia Larkin?, colored,-vsas the first name on docket. Charge disorderly conducti The testimony of a respect able witness convicted tLe defendant of using very profane and indeoent language on the corner of Fourth and Harnett j streets on Saturday night; for which offence the Mayor pro nounoed sentence of $5 fine, or ten days in the City Prison. His Honor remarking at the same time that this habit of being so bobteroae, and cursing I and swearing on the streets, must be broken up. W. llj Blackbutu, colortd, was the next and last caeeon docket, charge larceny, j Duncan Holden and Lewis Hick, both colored men, were the witnesses. From the evidence gien in, it appears that Holden on Saturday night while purchasing a piece of beef in the market offered a $5 bill in pay ment of the same, and the teller of the meat being unable to change the bill, Bi&ckburn, who was standing near, offered to take the money over to Mr. Dawson's hardware store and get it changed. To this Holden read ily acceded and handed him the fire dollars. But the defendant it appears foregot to return.and when at last he was overhauled by the second named wit ness, Lewis Hicks, some three hours afterwards, had only four cents bl the five dollars remaining. It Vh'ould be mentioned, however, ' that the defendant acknowledged to have treated j himself to a new pair cf shoes for which he gave three of the five dollars. The remaining SI 96 went where the tfood bine twicetht The Mayor bound Blackburn over in a justified bond to the amonnt of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court to answer to the charge of larceny. The wit nesses Holden and Hicks were recog nized to. appear at that time as wit nesses in behalf of the State. There being no' futther buiness the, Qpurt adjourned, Save your money by baying your Build ing Supplies from Altafler & Price. f Mosquito bars, like lies, are made from hole cloth. Better have Ure feet than a small un derstaudiug. Flattery ia like cologne water, to be sniffed at, not swallowed. It ia estimated tbtt 90,000 deadheads atteod the New York thea'res every month. The oyMer ir said to be growing fatter during th" two days of coolish wcatht-r. Wild ducks are bvcominK more kby, .ir 1 the man who kills u half dozen a day, is doiuj; well.. Iaddv8 Hollow is quiet and hereue to day, all the "dtsies" are in attemlance at tr e trial of Maria Hall. 'Shall I hereafter darn your stockings?' is said to be the fashionable language for a young lady to use when making a leap 3 ear proposal. This bein;, leap-year, any wife is priv ileged to go down town after 10 o'clock and hunt up her husband and read him a lecture on larks and other birds. Returning Home. For the past few days our streets, es pecially along the " line of the wharver, have been enlivened by tbe presence of a great number of strangers from up the river, who had taken advantage of the re ceut rise in the river, to bring their rafts ot timber and naval stores to market. From 75 to 100 of these strangers took passage for home to-day on the steamer Worth &tate " V Guilty or Ifot Guilty. The Orimlnal Court has been in ses sion to day and the tune has been con sumed.up'to this hour, 4 P.M., in draw ing a jury for the trial of Maria Sail, charged with murder. At tbe time we write only seven jurors have been drawn, and the special venire of one hundred was pretty well exhausted. The jury as it now stands is one white man and six colored men. The Agent of tbe syndicate. Mr. W. J. Beat, the agent of the syn dicate for the purchase of the Western North Carolina Eailroad, had a con ference with some of our wealthiest and most prominent citizens on Saturday last, for the purpose of inducing them, as we understand, to offer no opposition to tbe sale of that road. We do not know the arguments used by Mr. Bestm furtherance of the scheme, but we are told that the gentlemen in question gave the agent of the capitalists a respectful hearing, but no decided answer. Mr. Best left here at 8:40, on the Northern bound trainlast Saturday even ing for New York City. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &e. or the Children at Jacobi's. New Advertisements. Car Load Buggies, Plia) tons, 4&c OX 28th'0 VEMBEB laaf, we gare Louia Cook.ef CinciuaatLObie, aa order for a ear load of Tebicles, to be made up to suit sor market We are advised that the ear Itfc there on Saturday, 7th last. Biaes that ordr was gien all material baa sdvaaaeed 30 to 90 per cent as per ecbedale oa fie ia our ofica. We propose to eU tbea, and if you wavtto erasane a fine' Tehiele, aad we invito close Inapectioa, please call at our Hales Kooais on wsdaesday next, lotb inst. There axe Top Buggies, 3 Top aide bar Buggies, " 4 Opea Buggies, 1 Two spring Pbaetoa. leather top tenders and lamps. 1 Three spring Ft acton, leather top tenders ana lamps ' r 1 Two aetted Bogeyy 1 Four sau Koc4caway, 1 four seated Bockaway, extra finish and light. 1 Four seated J?nny Lind Pbietos, very bandaome. 1 Ameabury Cane Carriage, bao.d and lampa 1 Platform Spring Wagin, UhONLT A ifOBBia, feb 16 -It Auctioneers. UsifleiiDlfi) pOB THE LARGEST A88ClHTUE?f latest Rtylea and mottsaoiiful Tsleatiaes. go to THE Liya BOOK fSTORki. Orders (mm tbe Country for Sentimental azd, Comie Y alentiaea will meet witb prompt attention. Blank Books. LL 81Z 8 AMD 8TTLE8. Cap. Lat ter ana Ifoto Paper. Cavstopes of ervsrr Tarietj. Veto, Draft, Beeeipt aad Order Books, at ' n EcrsB EiiGnL'O, feb 12 Iiva Book aad llasie Siora. Hew Advertisements. Lamps and Chandeliers AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES! JU8T RECEIVE!?, another iarplj of thoes bandaome 8TUDT LAMPH, Nickel Plated; also Library Lamps and Chandeliers. Tbe "DUCHESS" NIGHT LAMP ia a per feet jewl. So emeke, no odor, barns all night, consuming the smaller quantity of oil, bat givinc a splendid bud o m light. Every family thoatd have one. ieb 1 8-1 1 CU ESS, CARLE T A CO. Notice to Oil Dealers ! QUR TANK LIN'E BEING NOW IN OPERATION, we are BARRELLING Kerosene Oil JN WILMINGTON. The barrels are fresh glued a d painted so that dealers can receive perfect packages, thus saving the leakage incident to shipments from a dis tancc. We shall aho give the cio3est- attention to guagea which will likewise prove a very decided advantage to the trade. Balk Oil delivered in any portion of the city TO THE TRADE ONLY. Quality guaranteed in every case. feb 16 It CHESS, CARLE ST & CO. Just Received. A LARGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, Every size and style, adapted v to every - branch of business. Also a splendid line of Office and School Stationery, at feb 16 BookHtore: Boatwright & BIcKoy TO THE PEOPLD OF Sampson, Duplin, IVcw Hanover and Bladen Counties. ABE IJJDEED MUCH OBLIGED o you for you- generous support for the past weak. We are lure you will ba pleased with tbe Goods you have purchased fjom as. If so, c,ome and see as again. It will alwaya be a pleasu e to serve you. To the Public Gener- WE HAKE no bono of the fact that we arr anxious f?r trade, haveitifselUBg and we are determined to GOOD GOODS at a very moderate profit,Folitenesst9 alJ,and Prompt Shipments will accomplish our end Oar Daily Receipts are large. Stock at ways foil with FRESH GOODS. Don't take our word lor it. Call andcx amlae for yourselves. BOATMGHT 4 IIcKOY. O & 7 XTorti FrcntCtroot- New itdvortiscmDatV P. I. Bridsers & Cof FAMILY GUOCKi;ii, 20. 22, 21, 2G and 20 Front Street. OFFER FOR 8ALE the fo!!nVi3(? iTj:f. and bxtraordinr Aeaortu.ent oi'UvJit in tbelr line, tiz i Egga for example, Meal for Milr, Pa. -lorCooka, lea tor Teich-rs, l-e u.ti Swans, Gophers for Goer?, ke Hi" Mearea, Coflee tor OofliBa, Clrhe i i . Lyons, Row i'eas for Gardner i ti n . Walkers, Gin for Cottons, Mi . t Bridgers, ilutton for Lau b, i. ,j;..hcu-. Bot-lea for Cranes, Celery . lor iarreit, Meat Choppers for Cut!ar, HockcU !u Stones, Corn for Pridgtcs, Pepper fr , 6e foam for Bakers, Cannes Aiiata wickes, Cigars fr Ashes, tiilt hdg tot Brinks,. Tarkeys for Barr, Whiskey lur Locks, "Btaart" fur Cock Nuts (from-, graze) and a few left of the same sort fur ther atoores. We haye alse Corks aad Brooms for the Irish, Cayeninee for th French, Uccaront for tbe Scotch Irish. (Virknn f.,r )'i-v.i. .. era, and Good Lard for the Hcctch, and in great Tariety, Beef for 'Hani,,, Kaisbes for loor people. Pork for the rich,. Hweets for Bitters, Bittera tor Sweets, ilints for 'Juleps, Kots for lulips. Beets for Deadheada, Kai na for Actors, Brains, a small lot, for Mules, Blacking for Monarchic, Kare D'ehes far Radicals, Cages for Democrat, Tumblers !-r aepubiicans, Paints for Greenbacks, Pears for debtors, Pears for the sinie.'Jars for the mrried, Can-o-Peas for the Morning '-mar". Sweets in Tins for nmidenf, 'bJ' Ware for widows, Molasses for wide were, Gherkins for runaways, Herrings for many year, Date for historians, Snutt for old w oo,cn, buckets for dears, Champagne for true pairs, Remedies for faults de, Mustard for Mdr.U men, Bruahesfor cavalry, Milk for infantrv, Comforts for the artillery, Breai for loafer's, Tubs for. Whales, Htarch for the tiinti. Prunes for extravagance, r-'qneezers for love, Capons for laggards, Lagor for the fat, Beer for the alow, homan Caudles for mars ea, Sulphur for; quick matches, Eau do Vie for the dead, Boxes for Pugilist, Pickles for locksmiths, 8how Cases forUwyert, Port ft r sailors, Goda for milliners. Cocktai's for tho literary, Sance for the modeet, Wines for th- sour, Hoap for the b'oken hearted, tJocra Nuts for boreh?ads, Thyme for the slow, Cir ron for the straight, Plams for the crook d, Gums for the toothless, Bcka for the kicked, Eggs for the acoepted, Venwon lor thiiild 1sp, Mince Meat for ti e pious, htripa for the wicked, Ales lor the sick, Ice for the blind. Lettuce for weak eyes. Red Kye lor oar cuf tomers, Eau de Vie for the jeaLus, Old Ryea for the youhg, Crockeri a for od maids, Groceries for detectives. Potteries f. r tbe kitchen, Hominy for thehoase, Cranber ries .for the hungry, Pur fumeries firth in who amrvkft- Cnnntr f ir olrV-., ShnulfljrM J for the Weak, Dusters for bouse madis, Wau- oers or me moaest, fitter Leavjs ior sweei hearts, Lucifer for matches, leers tor sutu mer, Cider for the ay, Uicgeis for the so ber, "Pepper for chick ns, Le C Butter for lovers, ;Lobster for Congress,. Water for critics, and Lfaior for scoldi. pT. ' Pi-vr1rroia AV Pa 20, .22, 24. 26 and 23 Froit Street, . . WiliniiigtoiF, N C, feb 16 - : New Crop Cuba. 30S Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba lolasoes, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by . WILLIAMS & MUKCHISOX. PotatoesfFlour?Sugar, 300 Bbls. Early Rose Fotatoee. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super, to Kitra Fximily, 273 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C. 435 Bags Coffee, Bio, Lagnyra and Java, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Side?, loO Tubs Choico Leaf Lard, M M. Tt " T ' 1 TTi-J 1 .1 ivu xoxes juye anii x oiasn, fiHif Boxes Laundry 1 ! and Toil Sonji. 150 Boxes S'ian.-h, WLo le and Half Boxca Candles, Candy, Paper, Snuff, Tobac co, Nails, BucLtt?, Hoop Iron, &c. 300 Bales Choice Timothy I and Eastern Hay, 3200 Sacks Marshall's Fine Sail, 4TOO Sacks Liverpool Salt, . 3500 Sacks Peruvian I Cotton Guano, For aale low by WILLIAMS k MURCDISO-V, feb IS Wholeaale Pro. A (Torp. Wrt. HEW GOODS AND A NEW YEAS I MRS. 8, J. BAKER has cn band a tic Stock of Hats, Bonnets for old and young. Old Ladi's' Capf, Breakfast Cap. ana an xi?a ox cuuren s uooat, crochet? J Hoods, axques, Clocks sod Infant's Back. All kind of Hair Work done to ordor. Bmids made of combings, old Ural is workfJ ore. Bandkaux. Puff. Ceo it's lnriio!9 Froct. Saratoga Waves. Ail kiol tVlie.ssa.' aad repaired. All crdsra promptly bliel from tbe country.' I gaaranteo i?aUtfaM -n to patrons. i . tJec -I Cydomin FOB CHAPPKD RKLVS, etc. PBL'Sf CORN SOLVENT, B"owna Woodland, Balm, and a freab stock' nf Drugs ad Mdi does just received. Full aad fresh assort , ment of GARDE5 SEEDS. I hiva zo lau veaxs Seeds. . " . Prescriptions accurately eomp-nnJed. . - i - P. MILLER, Corner 4th aadftua Str;tts. 0en day 'and sight fbl5-tJt