THIS F1FSB Lushed rr aitarwa. Btadays jOSU. T. J AMK8, Korrom ahd raowuo , V? rmTRI PTIOSB. POSTAO E PAID. Uar.fS 00 81 months, $1W ; Three :oatna, f I 15 ; One month, M oents. V paper will be delivered bj earrisrs, Cfcharr. l Prt of 010 eity. tik U rta, or IS cn per wwk. jTcrtinsc rates n od liberal WaUcribr wJH pie report mj aad Cl-.rto re'rOjeir papr?rrularly. Kow Advertisements. AST imiVKin lOTTtf & RODDICK. 45 Sarket St. A NEW 1.1 VI. OK Ait liia lq qjauua. .,. t-rvtMcr in ""ar Iin T basiness If in ar You will jT4'.ciuj. ma win naaiuo Toar advantage t mate purcntsos Tercion Lc and Iniertlots all new. Font DeLatguedoe Lace, in vnrietv, Ji,W. Call and examine. 1 erf Lace in Black and White. V rerutnlr bare tbe largest and cheapest lot on band that hat been ihown for some time. Iri.h Trimming Laeea for the lllion. KU Gloves 1 and 3 Bottom, 75 eta. a pai 4 Buttons, $1 a pair. W off 9 nothing bnt a ffod article and safe'v iav tar can not be Douznt wltntn tveatr-fir- per cent of the above p-ices. We have the - selected and pot up specially lor .or trade Buttons. A NEW- LOT JUST RECEIVED. We are giving the above department oar particular attentions and can ahow br far the largest assortment Ter offered in this city. Elghmie Patent THE FIFIEST AND CHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN TME WORLD. This wonderful invention (tires a Bosom handsome shape . and latest style, and it so placed upon the 8hirtthat it can be worn for a week wlthonta break or wrinkle. Made rom 3103 linen. Wamsutta Muslin, and Bo som lined with heavy Batcher Linen. Erery Bssom Guaranteed to Oat wear the Shirt- Call and ezamiae the cat and quality; yon cannot fall to be eonvioeed that it is just whatyoa have been lookiog for. BROWN & RODDICK, 43 Market Street, fsfrT Fresh Every Day, FIXE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for TAB ONLY GENUINE HORB MADE Candy In the city, will be found everv day, freah and sweet, tbree doors Houth o! f be ioetoe on Second street. Alto, Nuts. Balstn. Fruit, Ac C. E. JETKN8, Jan 23 Neat the Postnfflee. . B. BRUNHILD, L. BRUNHILD, W. U MEADOWS, of Henderson . C. Manufactnrers- of ail grades of plug, twist: AND SMOKING TOBAQCOt Our!Trinmnh Bmoklssr TibaeeolhMi arseb dssll iWILMINOTCN,iN40. ' . i Cydomin FOR CHAPPED SKINS, etc PRL'g CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodland Bala, and a freah stoek of Drip and Medi cines just receive. Fun and fresh aseort eut of GARDEN SEEDS. I hare bo last year's Seeds. -- - ' Frsseripiioms aceuraUlv eostnomnded. 5- V -., F C MILLER,. in , . Corner 4th aadiu 8 tresis. frb lS-tf WIS A M O life? r lir ID VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1880. NO. 7 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. P Hainssiaesa New Bock. I B. H. Fi89tAT-t, Mayor Bids. j Window Glass all sizes atltafir-& Price's. t- Plum and other fruit tree are in bloom in this city. j Alight iquetze Toe oiub!ce of a (Imogen man. The market was well bupplied wi.b poultry this morning. - F.shermen complain of the small catch A shad so far this season. Kaivej and Forks, Tucket Kuives fe3. or the Children at Jacobi'u. The steam yacht Passport will resume her regular trip on Monday next. To Adam, paradise was horns. To the good imoD0' bis decendants, home is par adise, ' . j Butt's Pamruja ol the Book of Ravela tiona at the Ooera House to-morrow night. Humanity is" never so beautiful, as when praying for forgireness, or else for giriog anotl er. 4 4 Steamship Gulf Xreim, Ingram, for thia'Ddrt. via Moreheaa CUT. cliartd at IF w New York o . the 17ih iDSt. Schooner . V. V. bimmoni, from Philadelphia for. this port, put iato Nor folk on the 17th inst, with Io:s of rudder. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons, Fluting Machines and every sort of flrdare at lowest sort of cash prices at Jacobis. Mayor Fishb!ate has again taken his departure from the city and Aldermen Flanner is again at the bead of city Af fairs pro tempore. j t Stalls aro being erected in the new mar ket bouse. The building is nearly com pleted and Mr. Lippitt is trying to form ally open it on March, 1st. . - We would suggest to yotrcg gentlemen that it is not evidence of good society to tand at the entrance at the conclusion of an entertainment with lighted cigars. The I ad Us object. Captain R. M. Mclutire his just re turned from the North with a choice selec i tion of spring goods, due notice of which will be given in an advertisement in the Review to" morrow, or the next day. There are thirty two veesels now in port taking cargoes for "furrin" ports and things on the wharf are consequently lively. Vessels under 100' tons burthen are not included in the above count,' ' Indications. j For the South Atlantic States, rising barometer, colder northerly winds' clear or fair weather, possibly preceded by light rains on the southern coast. I A great many boys and girls fall des perately in love with each other, and rave over disappointed hopes before they are old enough to tell the difference between the heart ache and colic. Very few such cases prove fatal. . -1 Round Trip Tickets. The managers of the Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta Railroad are selling round trip tickets to and from all stations on its line. These tickets are sold on Saturday and are good until -Monday. Cou'd not the officials of the Railroads centering in this city adopt a similar plan? Travel would thereby be increased and the merchants of this city would be materially benefitted. It looks to us as though it 'would be mutually beneficial all around. Tnermometrical. From the United States Signal Oflice in this place, we obtain the following report of the thermometer, &s takes this turn ing at 6:56 o deck : Atlan a, Ga.M...M.4l Mobile, Ala. J. 51 Montgomery Ala...4 aahviile . . M New Orleans......... CO New TorkM.....MM.3S PunU Rassa. Ma.67 Savannah, G a, ...... U 8hrtreport.M..MM.. 40 8L Louis Mol 23 Angusta. GiMm.m60 Cairo, 111-. ..2 Charleston, 8. C....64 Cincinnati... . ..2T Corsieana, Tax 31 Fort Gibson, I. T.iS G al veston.....M.M.e0 Indianols, ...... ,.....0 Jacksonville, Fla-64 8U Marks, Fls 00 a noxvuieM..M.M..M32 I Vicksbnrff-. Miiu ...19 Lynchburg.. 38 I Memphis, Tenn.. 32 rTllalntoa.J.t5 " ' " I A Cross Baby. Nothing Is so conducive to a man's re mainlnga baihelor as stopping one n-ht at the boose of amaVried friend and being kept awake for five or six hours by the crjlng ol a cross baby. All cross and crying babies need otily Hop Bitters to make them well and smiling. Foung man, raocmuoi una. -juu. i i Di I The Mnilcal Herald We have received a sample' copy of a musical magazine bearing the above title. It is published monthly by fcthe Musical Herald Co., Music Hall, Boston, Mass., at a subscription price of $1 50 per annum and is devoted to topics connected with that science. The present number eon tains much that is Interesting and instruct Ive ioj musical matters, bsil-js eiht pages of .good music, vocal and instra mental The selections in th's uumber are unusually line. ,1 -, All About Yellow Tobacco. W. 'a. Davis, Editor of the Oxford C.) Torchlight, has just published a hinds jme little book containing the eio p.'riencs of fifty of the most snccessfu yellow tobacco farmers in Granville coun ty, NJ C. If you want to learn all abou tobacco from the plantnbed to the sales room floor, you should enclose 26 cents in outage stamps to W. A. Davis, Pub ltsher Oxford, N. C, and receive his bwk, j post. paid. The tobacco grown in h's county (Granville) has a greater repu tation; than that of any other couDty in the United States. I city Hall Items. George Hill, colored, was arrested and lodged n the Guard House last nigh upon the charge of stealing cotton from Messrs. Kerchnet & Oalder Bros, Delaware Moore, colored, was arrested upon the charge, of fighting, and locked Sydney Moore, colored, for commit cing a nuisance in the street last night, was lodged free of charge in the City t Prison. Two white men -whose names are un known to us, were arrested upon the street at 1 o'clock this' morning, before the dawn of day, tor fisticuffing on the streets. ' The Mayor pro tern and other city offi cials being in attendance at the Crimina Court, there was no session of the City Court to day. People with thin heads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer to make the hair grow cut thick. Llppincott's Magazine. Lippincott'8 Magazine for Marcb opens with a description of the Lakes of Minnesota, with their healthful and pic turesaue lummer resorts, which are al ready j much frequented ly Northern i tourists, and wbicb, judging from this article and its attractive illustratf&DB, deserves to be better known. There are two other illustrated papers in the num ber, the IXth Chapter of Dr. Oswald's 'Sujomerland Sketches,' which treats of Yucatan, and the conclusion of Edward King's account of 'Old and New Rouen.' 'The American Suez1 is the title of an article which will be read with special interest, on account of the subject, and the able summary which it gives of the arguments for and against each of the proposed routes f jr a canal to connect the waters of the Gulf of Mexico with those of the Pacific Ocean. The writer shows' a personal familiarity with the country, and the maps inssrtdd in the text will do much to assist the reader in forming an opinion on this vexed question. Another timely taper is devoted to the Ute Matter,' and evi dently emanates from Colorado, where the feeling on the subject is naturally strongest, And the decision of Congress and tha Government is awaited with im patience. 'At the Foot of the Sierras is not a mere descriptive article but con tains some capital sketches of life and manners in the most beautiful region of the West, ! i i i The well-written and suggestive des cription of 'Decorative Art and it) Dogmas' by M G Van Rensselaer, is con cluded in th;s number. There ia a fjjesh instalment cf 'AcUs? 'scd Eye,' oy the author of 'Dorothy Fox; a very pathetic and realistic story, entitled Molbii's Vision by Sarah Winter Ke'loggj and a bright little Italian Sket h, bj the author of Sigoor1 Monaldini'l Niec..' 'Playing1 a Pattby J Brander Matthews, is (ty and neatl -constructed comej4 yt adapted for amateuer acting. Tfco iry is by Paul Hayno 'AU& Howard Glyndoo, cd a llrge space, as usual, is devoted to the 'Monthly Gofclp and tbfe Literature of the Day. . j j ; . i . Oongbs,' noarsenes3, Asthma or any Irritation of theTbroat orBronchialTnbee, will bo relieved by Uking Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup. It baa cured thousands. Recommend it to your friend and neigk- bar. Your draggut Keopa it. xrac z& cents.' - Magistrate a Row is barren of news. Cotton futures have decliiifd eightseh to twenty points ince yesterday. Stat.d from ucder. . . CipUin Green, ! the Sorth Mate, re ports the raft are nearly. (all in that started on this la;t freshet, and that there is still good boating water io tbe river with tb w-tter falling slightly. Oil- DuncAu K. MacKaa will make h;s spwch fore the jury in behalf of hft oliont, Jolin Grdy, now on trial for ... H murder, about u c'ock tbis afternoon, an?i w expect s'au ling room in the Court Hou-e will be scarce indeed.. Personal. Mr. Thos Atki is'in, Jr. , son .of (Joi. J. W. Atkinson, and a grandson of the ven erable Bishop Atkinson, is on a visit to this city. Mr. Atkinson is accmpan:ed by bis bride, and is stopping at the re. deuce of his father, ou Third st e t. Trial Postponed The case of Samuel Stacy, colored, charged with burglary, which was set for frial tc-day in the Criminal Court, wag postponed until to-morrow, cn account of the trial of John Grady, which is con suming more tima than was anticipated, Tbe special venire of fifty good a: d lawful citizens which was summoned io be in at- tendace tr-diy was excused until to morrow morning. ' , . j 1 he Trial of J jhn Gradj. The examination of the witnesses in the case of John Gra ly, now on trial for murder, was commenced this morning. Col. Duncan E. McRae and Mr. John L. Holmes are the counsel for the defend, and Mr. Solicitor Moore is conducting tbe prosecution for the State. A consid erable interest Is manifested and the court room is crowded by p-rtons who have either been drawn there by curiosity or who have been summoned as witnesses. Atlhe hour of closing our report Ool. McRae for the defence and Mr. Solicitor Moore for the prosecution, were discuss ing a point of law as to the admisability of written evidence taken before the cor oner's jury. The exam ication of witness es will come to a close about five o'clock it is thought, when the argument of coud sel will begin. EYen So. We publish the following from an ex change for the benefit of some of our recalcitrating readers: "If your local paper happens to tread on your toes a little in performing its mission, don't get your back up and abuse its editor, but stop and take a good breath and think for a season, and see if yon can't remember some of the farors and kindnesses it has shown vou in the past. Then remember that it may not be long before yon want favors again' Save your money by baying your Build 1 ing Supplies from Altaflfer & Price. f The Verdict How the Jery Stood. The verdict of the jury in the case of Maria Hall, convicted of manslaughter, wes a surprise to most persons who heard the evidence in tbe case. The murder of which she was convicted is thought te have been premeditated end deliberate. Since tbe jury was empanelled it has been ascertained that two of the number were opposed to capital punishment and one, perhaps two, of the other jurors were rienda of the woman and had been very intimate with her. When the jury left tbe box and retired to their room, a vote was taken which resulted in seven for murder and five for manslaughter. Thus stood matters until yesterday morning, when one of tbe number, who at first fa vored a verdict of murder, obaBged his vote to manslaughter, making the jury stand. sxx to s;;. Maria Hall's friends and, those who were opposed to capital pun iahment stood firm, and a compromise was ma le and a verdict of manslaughter waa returned for one of tH most delibsr- at murders ever committed in this city. ! Notice. jyjR. GE EORGE M. SUMMER .l.T,, bavins bocx. admitted member of oux a on tbe lt instant, tbe name and style wfi hereafter bef ALTAFFER, PRICE A CO. ALTAFFER A FRICfc. , 11 vV' o Not7 Advertisements. New Books. pATHKR STAN'S POEMS, Webster's Great BpeeoVes, Twenty Years of Ir sL'e Life in Wall ' ' j Street, Und.r the Tricolor, Ke'utation of Darwinism, As. Karaest Trifler, . jatLTariaeaoLTshila Maui, . - - -A loot's Errand, Figs and Thittles, -Aid many other New Buoks. For sale at HEINBBERGER'S, feb 19 lave Book and Music Store. City of Wilmintoni Mayor's Office, February 19th, If 80. Bids REBUILDING THE FIRE Wharf on South side of Market Dock, will be received until o'clcck, noon, MONDAY, February 23d, 1880, at this Cffics.' P. H. FISDB'.ATE, fsb 19-lt Mayor. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Opera House, Friday Ni?ht Feb 20. WILL BE EXHIBITED ARTHUR L. BUTT'S PAINTINGS illuBfating the book of Revelation. There are 22 Scenes, each one of them measures 16 z 20 feet on the stage, and are exciting, grand and sublime. There w 11 be a mechanical shower of Sta-s in one picture, te sight of which will be worth more than the adroiuion fee. In an other will be more natural Pearls together than you ever beheld bafore, and is the "Crystal City of Gold." Admission 60c. Children under 13 years, 25c. Reserved Seats 75c, at Belnsberger's, Doors open at 7, commencs at 8 o'clock, feb 17-tues-th Fri. Notice to the Public. W Tinnin? J estaoiisned a Hanover Streets, and hare appointed Mr. W. GENAU8T our Manager, who wUl deliver we same at any nour of tbe day or night. The reputation of our Beer is well estab lished In Wilmington, and we need say notb inr oi its quality. The continued patrotage of tbe public is Respectfullj, BERGEN A KNGEL BREWING CO. WM. GENAU8T. Manager. P. 8. Our Beer will hereafter be sent in Refrigerator Can. Philadelphia, Pa , February Htb, 1330. feb 18-8U Sale of a Vessel by rore- closure of Mortgage, BT TIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE of apowr of sale contained in a mortgage executed by Semprosioui Griffin to R. Brun hild A Brb , on a certain Sloop or Vessel, called the "Annie Bell", said mortgage being recorded at the Cnstom House of the United States at Wilmington, North Carolina, un der Lioense No. 13. the undersigned, Attor ney for.tfie Mortgagees, will sell by public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court Houe door in the citf of Wil mibgton, on Monday, the first day of March 1880, at 12 o'clock, M. the ressel or sloop called ''Annie Bell", employed in the coast ing trade. Thia 18th day of February, 1880. J. L MACKS, ftblMOt Attorney for Mortgagees. New Crop Cuba. 308 Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasses, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For Bale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Potatoes, Flour,Sugar, 300 Bbls. Early Rose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 275 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 425 Bags Coffee, Eio, I Laguyra and Java, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Side. ; 150 Tubs Cliaice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lye and Potash, 225 Boxes Laundry i and Toiiet Soap, 150 Boxes Starch, 250 Whole and Half Boxes I I Candles, Candy, Paper, Snufi; Tobac . co, Nails, Buckets, Hoop Iron.-&c. 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, S200 Sacks ALoTBlmllfl Fine Salt, 500 Sacks iirerpool Salt, C50O Sacks PeruTian Hi Cotton Gnano, WILLIAMS a uuixcniBoy. feb'lV Whtlasalt Grov A Coa. lit M PLEASE 50TICE. We will beg ad to receive ccmnsunlf allots from our fri en Is cn ary and all sublets general interest but : The name of the wriUr roc t alirsyi be fur nished to the Editor. 1 Communications nuit be written on only? one side of the paper. Personalities must tx avoided. And it is especially and ritfeularly undtr stood that the Editor does not always endrrie the views of correspondents, unless so sU - d in the editorial eolurtns., . New Advertisemonts. JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE an! RETREAT, Personal Experiences in the United States and Conlcderatc Slates .lust us r r , t BY GENERAL J. B. HOOD Army, published for ' Late Lieutenant-Gensrai Confederate States, The Hood Orrbaii Memoi'ial Fncth ' BY GENERAL O. T. BEAUREGARD, i c or not n iv j f m wan uaiA.Orieoj.; The entire proceeds arising f 'om the t ale of this work are devoted to Ike-liood Or phan Memorial Fund, which is invested in Dnited tttates Hegistered Bonds for the nur ture, care, sapport and education cf the ten infants deprived of their parents last sum mer at New Orient, (tie melatcholv inci dents of which sad bereavement aresiill freea in the publio mind.) The book is an elegant octavo, ccntair ing 350 pages, with a fine photograph likenefs and a line steel engraving, mde expreily for this work,four large maps of battle fieldr, bound in handsome Oray tnclish Uloth, at THKkE DOLLARS, cr in a Fine heep Binding, with Marble tdge, rJ HUk DOL LARS AND FIFTY CENTS -In Half Bound Morocco, norsry ityle, FOUR DOLLARS, or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, fail iilh Sides and Edges, FIVE DOLLARS. Oa the receipt from anr person remitting by mail or express, oi' the amount in a reels-. lerea tetter or Dy apcatil ctder, bank drait, orcteck, a copy will be immediately sent maner. The rolume is pHjiahed in the b?it style cf typography, on elegant paper, with illustra tions, executed as highest srecimees of art. The author, tbe subject, the purpose, ail aJlke render it worthy a place in t verv libre ry, on every desk or upon the bot k shelf of every house in the country. Agents wanted in every town and countv In the United States, and a preference will be given to honorably di charged veterats from the army. To the ladies, who fetl a desire to expref s their sympathy with- The'Hod Orphan Me morial Fund the sale of this book amon their circle of friends wi 1 afford an cxceN lent way of contributing suitantisl aid ti tt deserving a cause. For terms, rates to agent, etc , ad dress, with full particulars, GEN'L O. T. BEAUREGARD, Pdbliahtr, . On behalf of the Hood SleEorial Fund,. . jan243mos Sew Orleans, Ls: I j v J A LARGE STOCK OF Every size tnd ttyle; afspted to cvcy . branch of busintfs -Alia a H-ecf . !.,,-..' Office and School gtttloSKjr, at- 'eb 16 Booktorp; MEW MILLINERY uTOHE. J AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING New Goods. which J will fII cteap far cah. such as Bon&etf. JIat. Kib'-j&i, J-'loirers and every sblrg ia the Millinco' i ir-e. Infant', Crocheted Gco-is alwajs on l;r.d. AUo, Lace Goods- Human Hair Goods for rale. Work done in the most approved rtvla. Ladiej.will do well to callAnd see fcr them pevi . Uocb try orders receive proor attention. - . MBS. K. J. bAKJ'lt, feb i Comer lhird sxd Oraigj eis. Winberrv Oysters- THEY ARE GOOD v now. Another Instil- vX- meat just received, this morsing It'i cold nough 4.0 w for hot Whiskey and fat Oyster? K'ee I unch every day at 11 o'clock. ui2b JOttN CARB'JLL. KevHat Store. ECEID TE3TERDAY : irK-Nkw;YbaK:STZAMEZi A50TH ER LtrT CF TUOSt ; ttTYLlriH SOFT AND STIxEHATS, CHEAP. Call and rxi-xine JOHN XL iiOBI-NO.f, U Froxitit . South of TarccU Hotr jann ' ' For SmithviHe. fJlHE BTEla PASS- POBTA new umtr . renovs, . Sg. tioa will b. represented .b7 thsj hte&rer ORlAUDO, as tor abore. - Lear Wilmington 1 P ll'dsllT.' For Freighter FarssgtapiJ on boardor ol jjolJ QKO.IiYEBS Agnt. 3 T -OK f

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