THIS PAPER . .n...nn Haadavs Vptouaa Trj - Cpti bT j08U. T. JAMES. KorroB axd rKoriuirroa. RTPTION8. POSTAGE PAID. L tmt.SS 00 Six months, S3 50 ; Thr.J saoat-i, 91 woe""" will be delivered by carriers, L of eharge, in any P"t of the city, at the rw. or 13 cent- P-r w.. idrertising rate ow and liberal -ySatwcrib-rt will plsne report any and ,,,jrM to r-'b-i'- papers regularly. 5ew AdvertiseTaents. iST RECEIVED I 3 tOWr? & RODDICK. 45 Market St. A N K'A LI N K OF H.mbar, id.:iri an Isytione. Lidirt, eterytbl-gla ur lin of business U tdv.rtchig. ioa will find it to your advantage to mate purchaaet now. Torchon Lace and Insertions all new. Point DeLafguedoc Lace', in varietv, N-.W. Call and examine. Krf f.ra in ItUrk and White. We eerulnly bare the largest and cheapeit 101 on nana u uu uvea iuunu for tome time. Iriih Trimming Laoei for the Million. Kid Gloves 2 and 3 Battens, 75 cts. a pair a Kattona. SI a Dair. W offei nothing bnt a good article and eaa eafely tay th-y can not be bought within tveatv-fivt per cent of th above prices. We bare the "elected and pui up specially for oar trade. Buttons A NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. We are giving the abore department oar particular attentions and can ahow by far the largest aaiortment ever offered in thia city. Eliglimie Patent THE FINEST ANDCHEAPEST DRESS SHIRT MADE IN 1HI WORLD. This wonderful Invention givee a Bosom handaome shape and lateat atjle, and iaao plae-d npon the Shirt that it can be worn for a week without a break or wrinkle. Made rom 3100 linen. Wamautta Muflin, and Bo tes, lined with heavy Butcher Linen. E?ery B:som Guaranteed to Out wear the Shirt. Call and examine the cut and quality; yon eannot fail to be convinced that it :a just what jou have been g for. BROWN & E0DDICK, 40 Zklarket Dtreet, fab 7 Fresh Every Day, A TINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for sale. THE ONLT GENUINE HOMEMADE Candy la the city, will be found everv day, freeh and sweet, tbree doors Houth of the totoffiee on tieoond street. Alto, Nuts, BaUias, Fruit, 4c C. E. JEVE.8, jaa 22 Neat the Poetofflce. H. BRUNHILD, L. BRUNHILD, W. L. MEADOWS of Henderson N. C. Manufacturers- of ail grades of pluq, twist: and smoking TOBACCC Our Trinnnk RmokLar Tobaceolbst i market. ' i-il' lWILMINaTON,IN.C. Cydomin FOR CHAPPED RKIN8, etc. PEL'S CORN 80LTENT, Brown's Woodland Balm, and frah ttoek of Dregs and Mtdi iaeejutt receive. Fell and freeh aanrt Beat of GARDEN 8EEDS. I have no last teVi Seeds. PmtrlntloBJ accurately compounded. F. C. MILLER,. Corner id aad.Nunr 8 tree ta. lMf IV 4 13 JT-j - i.--. . - -. Thei Baim; Review.- VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. New AdTertuements. J. Q. ah3ks Loit, Strayed or 8to'en. 8e ad Notice by the Banki of the City, j . I P Uaiaasaasia New Bo ks. I Eggs have decliQed a little' ia price, f Wirjdow Glass all sizes at AUafTer & Price's. t A firm foundaiioa etabiihiag a part- jserabip A water course- -a aerie ot temperance lectures. Tiiiie gallupa uder, the spur moment. of the The rabbit n make it quail. titui-, but do cook caD PheWj those chainpia guano men. How they smell? The man who hires a plumber alwayn pays the piper. Whould it be vulgar to call soothing syrup a kidnapper. . ' , Steambrfatinen report pleDty of water in the Cape Fear. , , j . No Raltigh, Sews has been received at this offi:e in two days. Knives and Forks, Pocket Kui ves &3. or the Children at Jaccbis. ' Save your m -n.y by buyiag your Bui 1c! in- Supplies from Altafl'er &, Price t Steamship Benefactor, Jones, heDce airived at New York'on the8th inst. j Schooner 'Melrose, Haskell, fcr this port, cleared at Boeton on the 18 th iDst . Schooner 2iettie Langdon, Collins, for this port, sailed from Belfast, Me., on the Uth itbt. What abouc the telephone line between Wilmington and Smilhvillo manager DeForrest. . .Where does every jf&ung gentleman go on his twentieth birthday? Into his twenty -firbt year. ' i The man who never smelt powder i the fellow who never held hia nose close to a wcmana cheek. Yes, sai-; Jonny, be the Litiu for, slip, but when mother slaps us it usually means a slipper. j : . People with thin heads of ha ir should use. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer to make the hair grow cut, thick.; There was" a very noticeable feature about the rrarket this morning. Only one country cart in, but the hucks'ers, those favored of all men in this community, held the' fort; The case of Samuel Stacy who wai charged with burglary, was taken up in the Criminal Court this afternoon. Af ter a jury was drawn the Solicitor agreed to accept a verdict of larceny. Health Officer James sent out of market forty eight bunches of tpoilt fish yester day. If the Health Officer shonld seud out of market all spoilt things what would become of the huckster? Wc regret to leirn that the' less tus tane'd ty Mr. G. H. Kelley and family at the recent fire on Mulberry and Second streets, will exceed the amount $lo0 which he first tbotigLt would cover the loss, by $350. r- Dr. Bull's Cough fciyrup has been be fore the public fur years, and is prJ nounced' by thousands superior to a!I other artic-es for the ctire of Cugh', Colds, and all Paimonary Complain . ivashlnstOD's ilirth Day As will be scea by advertisement in this issue, there will be no business trans acted by the banks of tbts city on Mon day the 231 inst., that day having been set apart for the observance of the ann - versary of Washington's birth day. Fur the same teison, the Produce Ex change will also be closed and business sa?pended there on tht day. Tbermometrical, From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain the Vollowing report of the thermometer, as taken this nivrn- tng at 6:56 o clerk : Atlanta, Ua....MM.37 MobUe; Ala.-. U Montgomery AJa...39 Nashville ....,..2 New Orleana-..-.52 New York .19 Punu Kaaaa, Ha-.CI Ssrsinah, Ga.'.-4 Sh re veport.-. . 42 St Louis Mo U 8t. Mark. Fls 00 Augusta. GaM....M.0 Cairo, 111...... ?9 Charleston, S. C....4S Cincinnati 35 Corsicana, Tex. .....25 Fort Gibeon, I. T.38 G al ve ion ,....M.M.4 f 1 ndiano la. .......M Jaektonville, Fla.lT Enoxville.-, ..-59 Lynchburg, .i 28 Memphis, Tenxt..M.t3 r,Vickbnrg,Mii.-.42 w aaanjrton..,i9 WUmington. M WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY j Book ef RerelatloBi. The panorama, allegorical of the Book of Revelation, will be presented at the Opera House this eveniig. The pictures ate said to be very fine and are highly spoken of by .those persons who have seen them. Our citizens Bbould bear in mind tbat the on'j opportunity tbey will have' to witness thin exhibition wili be presented to-night. A Good Appointment Mr, J. Hal. Boatwrigbt, clerk in tie First National Bank, of this city, h been' appointed Treasurer and Collector of the Canal Fund in this county, by Abe committee which was created and em powered to make the appointment, at the meetiqg of the stockholders held at the rooms of the Produce Exchange, in thi cityj some month or so ago. j Is DissatfEfied. We understand that Maria Hall has expressed herself as very lauch dissatisied with! the verdict of manslaughter as brought in by the jary which tried her casej She is reported as saying that she would prefer hanging to imprisonment for a long time. Her counsel, having heard of her dissatisfaction, have sent her word that there are six exceptions on which the case could be appealed to the Supreme Court and on which the verdict of the eourt below would be set aside and a new trial ordered. If she decides to ap peal and a new trial is ordered she no doubt will be gratified to the extent of .having her neck stretched. Newspaper "Entity. The New York Herald, of the 19tb iastant, has a diagram of the Winter Pal ace at St. Petersburg in which the Czar of Russia, but a few days since, so narrowly escaped death at the hands of the nihil ists, m hose emissaries had placed dyna mite in the vaults beneath the palace and by connecting electric wires caused this fearful substance to explode killing b'ix soldiers and severely wounding severa others.- The energy displayed in this instance is only 'equalled by that which, two days after the horrible disaster on the- Tay, had a complete and accurate drawing of the railroad bridge over that river with the. section made vacant by the storm to receive the train with all its livinzfreiga t r Christmas Fire Dos and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and eery sort 6: Hardware at lowest sort of cash price, at Jacobi's. Robbing a Gtave. About three score years ago there lived near this city a Mr. Brocket, the father o the late James Brocket, who was we! known for his convivial habits, etc. On the right hand of the old Newbern road, just eight miles from this city, has been for fifty odd years a tomb which held the mortal remains of the old convivialist It was his habit during his lifetime never to let a person pass his house without tak ing a Bccial glass together, and during bis last illness i( was his request that be be buried by the roadside, and tb ;t a bottle of whiskey be placed at his right hand so that he could ask the bovs to take a drink with him. The tomb has been an old landmark for mauy years and has never been interfered with until about three weeks ago," when a carriage from this city ontaining tbree men, stopped at a shanty onelmile from the tomb; about 10 o'clock on the night of 31st of Jnuary, and in resfoaso to inquires, the men were directed to the tomb. The next morning, persons living in the neighborhood discov ered that the brick work of the tomb was t irn to pieces, and that the bones of old man Brocket had been taken out and left iq the road. It has for a long time been supposed that quite a sum of money was buried with the body, but the supersti- ion of the country people bad kept tbem frcm interfering with tbe remains of the old convivialist. The report that mooev; had been buried there, had no doubt reached tbe cars of mercenary and i . unscrupulous pccple in tue city who went in the dead of the night and das up tbej boces which had been moulderlUJ fcr over a ba'f century. It is not known whether ) tbe money diggers secured tbe gold they sjughtor not. The bones were afterwards replaced in the grave again and covered over by persons liviog io'tht locality. indications. . Fori the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States slowly falling barometer, winds veering to warmer easterly, incraa ing cloudiness in the first diilxici cloudy weather, and potajbly occasional rain in the lajiex Von'ighW M otunibia'a Noble Men. We have received tbe tnu-ic to the song, with the above title, which appears upuu the third page of this issue. The theme is very biinple and easy. It will undoubtedly have a large sale, as the pro ceeds are to be devoted to the Herald Irish Reli'-f Fund It ia published by tne New York Mure Publishing Houte, 436 Fourth Avenue, N. Y Pric 25 cents. An Army or Working Women. It is' paid that there , are 3 000.000 wurking women 4b our country depeor dent ujh.ri tnvr own reaourcea for a liveK hood and such home comforts and sur toundins as thy can create. This list it.cludts a vast army of teachers, sewing women of all grades, domestics, and girli 'mpIojed in factories and other business, who are wrestling with the world for a living to say nothing about a home. . ' t j Fire at snitthrille. We learn by telegram that a small one story frame house at Smitbville which is said to be owned by Charles Hudgins, of this city, was consumed by fire this morning about 11 o clock. 1 The house was occupied by a colored family who had locked it np and. were absent at the time of the conflagration. The fire originated probably from a spark Iron, a tir.' lace. The house was somewhere in the vicinity of Mr. T. M. Thompson's residence and there was a rumor on the street this morning that the above named gentle man's dwelling had been destroyed. Wilmington Liquor Dealet's Atsocla tion. At a meeting of the Liquor Dealers Association held yesterday afternoon in the Howard Relief Engine House, the organization m which was started some weeks ago was perfected. Several new members were admitted and business o i - interest to the Association was transacted The Association proposes to establish similar bodies in every town in the State andcrgantze thoroughly so as to place their claims before . the next Legislature They claim that they are unjustly taxed and are making movements in a direction which will relieve them of the burden the enormous taxation which is now npon them. Tbe Trial or John GradJ. . This morning Hon D. K. McRae ad dressed the jury at length and made an impressive and telling speech. Mr Solicitor Moore followed Col. McRae in a speech of about two hours in length. Col. Moore's speech is spoken of by those who heard it as one of tbe finest ever delivered in the Court House in a crimi cal case. He . juitted himself with such that the impression left upon those who were fortunate enough to bear him will be indellibly impressed npon their minds. We regret that it was not our pleasure to be present in the Court Room to listen to the speeches of the different counsel engaged in this case as there was quite an ar ray cf talent employed on each side. We learn, however, that tbe sparks which sometimes flew from tbe contact of the ponderous intellects arrayed in conflict with each other, were occasionally quite vivid and brilliant. At the conclusion cf His Honor's charge, which was delivered at the close of the argument of counsel, Col. MacRae requested that the obarge be reduced to writing, which the Judge pro ceeded to do and was engaged in doing at 8:30 o'clock, the hour we lefttha QquiI room to make this report P. 8u Since the abora was in type, we learn that the jury have retired and re turned to the Court and rendered a ver dict of manslaughter. A card. Mr. Gecrge H. Kelley and family meat respectlully return their sincere thanks to their friends and to the Fire Department tor ti e efficiency and kindness which saved so much of their furniture, Ac., from destruction at the lata fire To the Hock anH Ladder company are especial inanRs clue. A bey a'ao regret that these acknoledgniec . bave been, so long 'de- ayea. . L-2 I Good Evidence. When such men as the Rev. Dr. Harvey, Father Fitr Gerald, Prof. Green, Or. Bar tine, GoU John K. McOhesney, E. W. Ncff, and a host of others equally trnatwcjtihy, certify over their ova signatures to the marvelous efficacy of Warner's Safe Kidney aad Liver Cart., in tbe dii-easea for which it ia fesxnaoended, t is time to dismuadoobta oa tbe sob ecV i But few men can handle a bc4 Uap chimney and say thera ia bo plaet Ilka borne at the tame lima. - 20, 1880. NO. 8 Hew Adverticomonts. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. TERRIER SPaNlEL PUPPf, SIX months bid, brown color, answers to name of PR1NCK. A liberal reward will be paid for hlsreturnto J. O. DARDEV, C ir. 8th and Wooster tta. Notice. rpHERE WILL BE NO BDSINKSS trant- aeted by the Bnk of thtt city oa kONDAT, the 154 last., that btivg the day appolated for the observance of Washington's Birthday. A. K. WAI KER, Caah'r Pirtt National Bank. 8. D. WALLACE, feb 20. Caeh'r Bank of New Hanover. fJew Books. pATHEB RTAN'S POEMS, Webster's Great Speeches, Twenty Tears of Inside Life in Wall fltree, . . Under the Tricolor, Refutation of Pr wllm. An Earnest Trifler, The Twines of TabJe M.untain, A Jrool'a Errand, FLgt and Thistles, And many other New Books. For sale at REINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store. feb 19 POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Opera Honse, Friday Night, Feb- 20- WILL BR EXHIBITED ARTHUR L. bdtt's paintings illustrating the book of Revelation. There are 22 Scenes, each one of them measures 16 z 20 feet on the stage, and are exciting, grand and sublime. There w.ll be a mechanical shower of Stars in one picture, the tight of which will be worth more than the admitiion fee. In an other will be more natural ' Pearlt together than you ever beheld b afore, aad the lat it the "Crystal City T)f Gold." ACmistion 60c. Children under 13 years, n ii miiTin ouc unuari!- unanr i.i rain. vj,;. ' Doors open at 7, commence at 8 o'clock. feb 17-tnee-th rn. Notice to the Public. IT 7E HATE THI8 DAT established a vt BR AN Ou OFFICE of our celebrated BEER, in this city, corner of Fourth and nanover streets, and have appointed Mr. W. GKNAU8T our Manager, who will deliver ue same at aay hour of the day or night. The reputation of our Beer it well e tab liaaed ia Wilmington, and we need tay noth inr or its qualitv. The eontinucd pa trout ce of the nnblic it toueiTeo. it.i. j Retpeetfu'ly, 1 BERGEN A ENGEL BREWING CO. Wlf. GEN AU8T, Manager. P. 8. Oar Beer will hereafter be tent in Refrigerator Car. Philadelphia, Pa , February lttb, 1S80. feb 18-St. J 1 Mew Crop Cuba. 308 Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasoes, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Potatoes, Plour,Sugarf 300 Bbls. Early Bose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to - Extra Family, 275 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, ' Standard A, Extra C and C, 425 Bags Coffee, Bio, 1 Laguvra and Java, 3I0 Boxes Smoked and D S Sider, 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lye and Potash, 5325 Boxes Lanndry and Toilet Soap, 150 Boxes Starch, : 250 Whole and Half Boxes Candles, Candy, Paper, Snuff; Tobac co, Nails, Buckets, Hoop Iron, &c 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 3200 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt,' 4500 Sacks Iiverpool Salt, S500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano, Tot sale low by WILLIAMS A MGRCHISOy, feb IS Wheleeale Gro. M Com. Merit. For Omlthville. rriBB BTEAtlER PASS - A ' . POST new aader renova tion, will be repreaeated by the Cteacer ORLANDO, as tor above. Leave T7Halnrtoa I P Xfldallr. Tor Yrelfht or Passage w ly o board, or of ial Am at PLEASE NOTICE. . We will beg ad to refelre ccmmnnlcatloni from our friend on sjsy tad all lubiecta o feaeral interest but : bum ui me writer msit always be Tar nished to the Editor. Communication! a aft be written on only one aide of the paper. And it it etpecially and piutfeularly ncde: -stood that the Editor dot cot always endorse the viewa of corre?ponfietv unless to ttu d ia the editorial columns. New Advertisomonts. JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCB and RETREAT, Personal Experience in 1Iic I nitccI States and Conlcdcratc SfatcV Armies BY GENERAL J. B. HOOD Army, publiehed for Late Lientenant-General Confederate States, The Booi Orphan llmml Mi, BY GENERAL G. T. BEAUREGARD, NEW ORLEANS, 18J0. ne entire proceeaa ansicg fi-om the rave or this work are devoted to The Ilood Or phan Me morUl Fund, which Is invested id United Htates Registered Honda for the nur ture, care, tnpport and education cf the ten infanta deprived of their parfnta laet earn mer at New Orleart, (the melancholv inci dents of which tad bereavement ate still freeh in the pnblio mind. ) The book is an elegant octavo, cintairlng to pages, with a fine photograph likemjfs aad a line eteel engraviafj. mado expreaslv for this work.four large maps of bdttle fields, TffStJf nnn1.?.0"' Cloth, at 1? j" : t cr ia 'ine. f beep Binding, with Marble Edp, i HHKK IUL LAR8 AND FIFTY Ch. t Halt liound Morocco, library ftjle, FoU-ft DOLLARS, or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, fall Gilt Sidet and Edges, FIVE DOLLAlta. CJa the rint fm -n . . . Dy mail or express, of tho amount in a reifiiu .i " ur oj a pretAi cider, bank dral-t, r ote CP7 will b9 immediitelv tent iree or nntcr. ro.r.a. ... matter. . The volume la published in the bejt,tyle cf typography, on elegant raper, with ill antra Uona, eiecuted as highest Bpecimena of art. i The author, the aabject, the purpose, all alike render it worthy a place in everv libra ry, on every desk or upon the book shelf of every house in the country. i Agents wanted in every town and countv In the United Ststes. and a preference wi.'l begiren to honorably ei. charged veteraLa To the ladies, who feel a denre to errrrsa theirsympathy withlho Ho-d Orphan Me monal Fund the ule Pf thia book among their circle of fiienda wkl attord an excel lent way of contributing substantial aid u deserving a cause. ga- Porj terms, rates lo agent?, etc , ad dress, with full particulars, QEX'L 0. T. BEAUREGARD, ' . Publisher, On behalf of the Hood Memorial Fund, jan 24-3mot JS'ew Orleaoa, Lt; , Sale of a Vessel by Fore closure or Mortgage. BT VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE rf apower of tale cont!nd in a irort(rsc executed by Semproai"m tiriilin to 11. Hrca- nun oro , on a certain tloap tr Yesstl, . called the "Annie Ball", said mortgage beiDg - - - - w w.iv Ai'o0 yj i fcun -uiLt;u 1 1 i . n. . . eiaies at w ummgton, ivorh Carolina, un der License No. 13 the undersigned. Attor ney for the Mortgagee!, will sail by r nblic auction, to the highest bidder orca' tbe Court Houte door ia the cit? of Wil. mlhgton, on Monday, tha first dty of if arch 1880, at Is o'clock, M. the vtrsd or tloip called "Annie Bell". exnDlovxd in the coax - ins trade. Thia 18th day of Ftb uary, fblM0t Attorney for Wortgat' Just Rece?v;ecJ. A h A t. i; r i OC II OF BLANK BOOKS, v;y size snd ttyle, acajted to every branch of business. Alto a a; JtnCii Hat o f Cftace and School Stationery, at eb 16 BoolcVtorr; NEW MlLLIfiERY S TARE. T AM 'TOfSTASTLY RECEITING Sew 1 Oo which I will fell cheap for cafc. tacb at Hunnett. flat. Rlbbont, Fioirert an J everv ihlog ia the Millinery tioti Ixfaats' i-aee uoooe. . nam an ia:r uoods for tale. Work done in the zaoft xaott apnrovi s'yle. , ;lf in ct'land sre;or te'm. Ladles will dj wc! selves. Conn try orders rece're protipt jfio2, MK8. K J. BAKER, feb .. Corner Third and Orange ta. t WHat Store. jraXEITED TESTERD1T Br 5w TORK steasiek; AJf OTHER LT OF THOSR ' - 8T YLLHtt SO FT A XD STIFF II AT?. CBISAP. Call and ezamine. ' JOES IL ROBINSON. UFro-tst, Boathofrarcell IlotLSc-

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