1 t lateit Cable !fm. London Feb. 19.-Tbe Bt Rlew bnrg correspondent New York Herald telegraphs tbattbe explosion in .tbe Winter Palace occurred at 6oc'cck Tbe walls of the cellar aud guard room were demolu-bed, kil'ing ten and wouDdiDg sixty of tbe "body guard. Tue floor and fnruilure of tbn diuing loom were destroyed. Ttia Czire nsual dining bour is six. It is tup TKwed that a dynamite cicck was used l.ke that of Thomten, of Bremer- here in London. The Daily News correspondent eayi -tbt a connection baa been established between tbe at tempt and tbe arrest of forty inmates of the palace the very day before the explosion, and adds that if this is bo the plot must hare been moat deliber ately planned and executed under circumstances of the greatest audacity, as though in defiance of the said ar rests. Ibe correspondent says that it is very difficult to obtain reliable in formation and still more difficult to telegraph it. A special service ha been beld here at the Russian chapel in- Welbeck street. Tbe Duke of Edinburgh was present, with Prince Lobanoff and the German, Austro Hungarian and other ambassadors In the Honne of Common to-day Lord Hartiogton asked for further informa tion respecting tbe attempt on the lift? of the Czr. The Chancellor of tb Exchequer said he was uneb e to add anything to what was already known The news, he said, had been received with the utmost horror. He txpreex d his fatialaction at the providum e-cjpe of the Czar, and id that tin Leahh of tbe tzar, the Empre-a ana the Duchess ot Edinburgh bad uoi been affected by the txcitemuut at tending the explosion in tha Wintei Palace. In the Upper " Home Lord Beaconsfiold said that tbe Dnoheo ot Edinburgh, who is now in 8t Peters burg, refused to quit tha soeoe of e much domestic suffering. A despatch from Constantinople to the Manchester Guardian says: The Turkish pipers say that martial law has been proclaimed here. The meas ure can only atfect the Turkish popu lation, as Europeans are protected by tha capitulation. It is understood that the proclamation has been issued with a view to preventing disturbances in carrying out the military reform . In the race for the Liverpool Spriog Cup, to take place March 19, Mr P Lorillard's burtes will carry tbe fo -lowing weights Parole, tbe top weight of 131 lbs ; Mistake, 96 lbs ; 8ly DaLce, 92 Iba, and Wallensteiu, 91 lbs. In tbe United Kingdom 8 et pUcbasp, at Croydon, April 1, Mmca din will carry 153 lbs. Four bailiffs accompanied by a large force, of police, yesterday distrai jed cattle fur rent on a farm in tbe county of Waterford, occupied by a widow. A crowd of COO persons overpowered the police and recaptured, the cattle. Tbe ring-leadera of tbe mob will be eummoted for assault. Star Route Service .to Cease Con- creismen to be Forced to Appro prlaie. vVASHixaTox, Feb 19 Seciid Assistant-Postmaster Gen Brady is de termined to bulldoze Congress into giving bim the two million dollar needed by tbe Star Service Ring. He drew up an order to-day which directs that all routes on whiob inoreased pay has been ordered for additional trips and servioea shall be reduced to the original service, with one month's pay to contractors, and all other route ahall be reduoed to once-a week eer i - t oe. ana an routes on wmon service began Ojt 1, 1879, shall be suspend ed, witn one month's pay to contrac tors. The last named are routes estab . lisbed by the Post Rjntebill passed ar tbe extra session, and are principally in Southern States. Congressmen are to be coerced into voting for the two millioa steal either by the suspension of mail service on all star routes, or its reduction to onoe-aweek servioa. This little game, however, will not work. The Committee on Appropria 4 ions will not be bulldozed, but will at onoe proceed to find out whether cr not there is sot sufficient money to continue service aa the routes were originally let. It will also proceed to And out bow much of tbe money al ready stolen for tbe benefit of con tractors h is gone where it would do the most good. Interesting develop ments will be made within a few days. The Chairman of tbe Committee on Post Offii and Post Roads, however, bis come to the rescue of Brady by asking his Committee to instruct him to move to suspend tbe rales on Monday, sod pass tbs appropriation of two millions, which the King wants. The Committee di rected bim so to do. Ml. Money will have a nice time ia getting this little job tbroah. Dr. Mott'a Endorsement of Speer's Port Grape Wine. The following, from the celebrated Dr Hott ot New York, ipeaks wonders for Mr. S peer's efforts ta raise the Oporto urape in new jersey: 62 Madison Atemje, 1 New Yobk, April 11, 1878. J Mb. Altbed Upeeb. Dear Sir ; The Tint which I made last year to your Vineyards, wine-presses ard raulta at Passaic, N. Jn aatisSed toe thoroughly that thi wines mannfactured by you are pare and unadulterated, and the rery beet that can be offered to the public for medicinal uses. Acting upon my farorable impressions at the time, I hare since recommeaded the Port Wine more particularly in my practice, and am aatiafied, with marked benefit, to my -patients. There can e no better proof to the doubting mind, as to tbe Wine ' being made of the finest Oporto Orape, than a tsltto the acres of land corered-with the Tine bearing the luxuriant fruit. Wiahing you success in your praiseworthy enters remain respectfully yours, . ' ALEX B. MOTT, Ml D., Prof, of Surgery, Bellsrue Hosp. iledl CWlege, Jtxt Ao. Tbe revenue receipts at Raleigh on Thursday amounted to$lt435.od. Newbern Nut fihelk The tail end of a carcoof shrimps was being sold. in n'biled' condition from. a stall in tbe Fish Market yesterday. Kinaton Journal:Oa Wednesday last while Mrs Henry I Lee. of Wooding- ton township, was cleaning . up and burning the trash in her garden, her drPM took fire and. oeiore anv aaais tauce eon. Id be rendered her. . she was burned that she died the so badly next morning at 5 o'clock. ; Wilson Advance : Tufsday, Feb ruary th 19:h, Jackson Tabourn, an old colored man, was found dead in the woods in FerreK's Township, two miles above Stuuhope. lie had been from home atd wa returning at the timf of his death. The cause .of bib u t.ien demise is. unknown, but it is thought that he died a natural death El.Zibeth City Falcon: A negro in fant was burned to death one evening last- week in one of those tenement bouses on tbe Hireet between the foot of CLiurcb and Main. It seems both parents bad gone to church, leaving the child alone in a cradle near a nre. A spark falling in the cradle ignitea t le ovenng aud the parents returned home to find tbe child burned ! to a crisp This is the third or fourth case of death by burning in this town within a few months, and in every in stance the victim was colored. Jijleicrh Xewn: Fifteen thousand JoiUrn of cold bonds were receiv-d at the S.ate Treasury yesterday for ex changed - The little waif that was left on tbe door s'ep of a house re ceully, in to be taken from the poor lionse by a prty who wi.l enter (into tond8 to iropnriy raise aud o ire for it. Mr W V Fuli- r, eon of Co on 1 T O Fall r. nd one of our must prom ising yoiug attorneys, was ysterdy married to a1i3 Auuia Margaret Staples, of Gre-nsboro, the ceremony being performed by tbe Hev 1 M Jones, at the residence of Cipt J N Staples, the uucle ot rue bndt, ia the latter city.' . Raleigh Obsuvcn Dnioamcr's li censes were veerday iatd from the Stnte Treasury to vVaikin. CottrHl k Co, Uicbmoud, V ,k ud Dunwidj Jones, Atl tnta, U . 'lum fr iu Feb ruary thirty seven lioousea have been issued. We learn that the mem bers of the law olasaes of the late Chief Jns.ice P. arson will this'sprirjg erect a monumeLt to his memory, at Oakwood Cemetery, here. The cost of the memorial will be $2,500, and it will be one of the handsomest in the State. The students of tbe .deceased jurist in all parts of this State and in other States have subscribed fori tbe purpose of rearing the monument. Th9. alarm of tire was given shortly before ll o'clock last night, and as caused by the burning of the wooden stable of Dr F J Haywocd, Jr. on Salisbury street, near the First Presbyterian Ciiurcb. Statesville Landmark: Lewis's church on the Hunting creek road, in Wilkes county, 11 miles this side of Wilkesboro, was fired by an incendiary a few bights ago and burned to tbe ground. It was a new and neU frame building, 'built by tbe Baptists of tbe neighborhood, and the inteiior bad not been quite finished. Last Saturday night tbe prisoners confiued in tbe jil at Wilkeeboro made their escape in a body, by digging a hole in the wall under ona of the windows in the building It is said by hun ters that the warmth of the weather during the wi iter now about .ended, was so debilitated tbe rabbits that any sort of a dog can oatoh one on a fair race. E F Sharp, Esq. died at his resid noe on Snow Creek, in this . o unty, on Wed n'-'sdaj, 18th mst, in the 82 J year of uis age. He was a large and success ful farmer, and was distinguished for bis et ergy, bis charity and bis excel lent com iron sense. Charlotte Observer : L-iboreia' wages are twenty perceut higher ia Char lotte than tuey were, la?t year, and at not easy to get at that It 8 not beoaust- the laborer are few, but because they prefer not to work'at eixty cents per day. Ibe number of ohil dran between the ages of a x and twenty one in the va ious f ohool dis triots of this county is as follows: White mles,2,885; females, 2 560; oolered male", 2.31t3; females, 2.092 making, 5 415 whites and 4.138 blacks, a total of 9.883. The colored rchool fund is $52 61.21--nc! he w i e li S6.. 386 08. TQu United States assay office yesterday received and turned orer owners a handsome gold 'brick weighing seren pounds, and there fore worth OTer 81.500 The gold was ontainea irom vne isuaisiu mine, as the result of a o eauing up after sere' ral weeks work. It is probably the largest single bullion assay made here in several years. u is learned a a a 1 a 1 m . nere tnat tne rcoejix uoia mine. valuable pieoe of property in Cabarrus county, has just been sold to Northern parties, who propose to operata,it. The arrangement of some' of tbe railro ds by which ha'.f rate tickets are put on sale by all agents every Saturday is meeting with great favor. The demand for the times is for cheap transportation, and in the endthe rail roads will not be the losers. iporuoi to toe Afllcied. ' We would advise all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Rooertson, 10, So. utaw St, Baltimore, Mdn who trotn 15 year expe rience in Hospital aud Special Practice, guarantees a eore in all diseases of tbe iJrvuirjf Oryani, aud of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Semiual Weakness, 1m potency (ioS'of sexual power), Nervous Debility and trembling, Palpitation of tbe Ileal t, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, turns! Emissions, Ac, Jill resulting from abases in youth, or excesses in manhood ; also all akin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. R. Is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical schools In this country (University of Marylard), and re fers to tbe leading physicians in au cy,a" all consultingblm can rely upon bonoral,e and confidential treatment. . In writing en close stamp for reply. Special attention eiren to all female comnlaiuta. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and iee him. Medicine sent to aoy anirs. 00LH1ERCIAL ITEWS WILMINGTON MAHKKT F.'BRUART 20 -4 F ul BPIBITS TORPEavnJIIC Qnotd steady ai 44 cento. 8mal1 tales at that figure. tiA$tX Q,uotd firm at SI WA for Strained and f 1 rot Qood trained. al oOOO bhls Good Wtralned at $1 22. ' TAR-Qaoted steady at SI 10 per bbl of 280 lbs. Bales at quotations. CK17DK TUKFKNTIMK Quoted Bteady at SI So for Hard and 12 55 for Yellow Dip. COTTON Quoted quiet and steady. No sales reported. The following are the official quotations Ordinary m...mm....m 10 O- to Good Ordinary...... 11 sM6 " strict Good Ordinary Low Middling.... UlA Kiddliag 12 U Qoed Middling 2yA i OAItV bSCIlPTS OottOD. 75 bales . 16G caiki 2 6J bb f Spirits Tarpeotiaa M ivoiia.. TarM..M. ....... 333 60 " Grade Tarpentina............ HARINE NEWS. j A.RKITED. steamer Elizabeth. Blsbee. 8mithville. Master. steamer D Murchlson, Garraaon. Favette- Tille, Williams &. Murchlson. Nor brie Helena. Balresen. Ooorto Soain. R E Belde. Nor barque Rex. Hansen. Yarmouth Ene. E O Barker A Ca. Nor barquentine Uavslad.' Gundersen. Bilboa, Spain. R E Heide. Nor brie Somerset. Olnen. LilverDool. RE Heide. ! Nor -brieantine 8olnear. Henricksen. Oporto.' Spain, R E Heide. Ur urljr Alaric. Sanders. New York. Northrop & Cummlng.. OLE AS ED. Ellsateth, Bisbee, Steamer Smithville, Master. ' steamer D Murchlson. Garrason. Fayette- vllle, Williams A Murchlson. WURRLY ST AT KM KM V Of STOCKS OH HANDEB. 16, 1880. O'ttion ashore.... 5f4'0 afloat 849 ToUl 6,299 Spirit ashore. 10,950 afloat w 1,260 Total.!.. 12,210 75,621 10,445 Rosin aahortf afloat Totairl.... 85,96 6 Tar Mhore..........M............M.......M.... 5,798 afloat.......................... 247 6,046 I Grade ashore M 14.122 afloat........ ToUU aioaiPTS roa tb wkkc cnoisa fcb CottonML.........M..... M ljfifi Spirits..; 2 301 Roain.... 23,177 Tar i 2,09t Grade...; ; 16,309 xrosTi roa thi wiie inoinq feb. 16, 1880 Dome tie Cotton. 117 Tib 276 281 2,688 300 a bo.. ................ ... ...... ........... ....... Roela Tar........... Grade...., i Foreign. Cotton..!., Spirits..: two sin. 12.310 1 0 0 ud.... Fresh Every Day, A FIVE ASSORTMENT OP CANDIES. I XX. i French and Domestic, just recJvd and for saje. j THB ONLY GENUINE HOME-MADE r a ? . A l .. ... . tiMaj in iae cuy, win oe louna ererr day, fresh and sweet, three doors Houth of tbe iostoffice on Seoond street. Also, Nuts, Raisins, Fruit, Ac. C. E. J EVENS, jan 23 j Neat tbe Fostofflce. a. SRDNHILD, L. BHUNOILD, W. L. MEADOWS of Henderson N. C. alaBufACture's- ol AIL GRADES OF I plug, twist:! AND SMOKING TRADE MARK. TOBACCO. Our'Trramph Smokisir Tobacco! beet la market. . d.is :wilhinoton,;n.0. Cydomin L?OR CHAPPED 8KTN8. etc. PKL'S IV CORN SOLVENT, Brown's Woodland Balm, and a fresh stock of Ornn and Ms di- clnesjust receired. Foil and fresh assort ment of GARDEN SEEDS. I hre no last year's Beeds. rreecriptioaj accurately compounded. . C. MILLER, Corner 4th aad.Nua 8treti. nnen May and night. For Smithville. I rpHE BTEAalES PASS- r PORT, now under ren.ra- ion, will be represented br the PteaTer OR ANDO, as tor abore . , Laars ! Wilts iosrtoa 1PM dailr. For Freight or Paacag apt ly oa board, or of Jan. lv uku. aiiss, Ax ak Lower than Ever. f ARGX BTOCK OF OAsT, ASH, ac t greatly ra.iaaad prieea. Fall sioek of the bast COAL )m lbs city jam 2f J. A. BPBIjrGKY. ' 14,122 16. Lift of Vessels Over 100 torn in Port Feb. 14, 1880- BARKS. Nor Silo, 267 tons, Gundtrs n, UK Ueide Br Resolute, 419 tons, Lau rence, Ax Spun it & Son Br Geo Pa? is, 643 tons, Campb -11, " Alex ftpruht v Son Dan Elene. 480 tons, Dahl, HE Heide Am Jas lfi Ward, 424 t ns, Atkiuseu, Master Ger JEUie Mel zler,S73 tor s, Dahn, Alix Sprtin' & Son Nor Jury. 370 tmis, Adsen, H E Heide Ger Pauline, 350 tons, Knjgi, K reichau fc Westrmann Ger bark Fri!z Vn d r L.ancki!,3 '5 Urns, Fri-.e, E Peschau Jc WesUTinauu Ger Ouil-, J23 tuns, Le ckr , E Pescbai & Westerma.iUi Ger Lydla Peschau, 76 ton?, Bremrs, E Peschau A Western) an r RRfGS. Br Flora, 173 tons. Camr n, E ividder & Son Ger J H Eppirs, 260 tons, Bulow, E Peschau & VVesrmann Nor Susie J Strout, 190 tons, Fick t , Master Br Tramore, 220 tons, Morrice, Paterson, Uowniiig & Co Ger Diana, 314 tons, Schruder. fi Pescbau & Westermann Ger Thetis, 2Z6 tons, Had.ott, E Peschau & Wfstercnann Nor San Juan, 288 tons, Backke, K E Heide Ger Atlantic, 307 tons, Harder, E Pescbau fc Westermaon Ger Maenet, 15H tons, Petersen, E Peschau & Wt stermann SplDo8 Cunados, 227 tons, , Laid up for repairs SCHOONERS. Am 11 en J Holway, 228 toasThonipser, Eti BaiK i 6l Ct m C S Packard, 321 tos, Jones ' E G Barner A O Am Rger Drury, 360 tons, Baker, Harriss & Howl. Am 1izzie Lane, 231 tons, Wesf, Mastei Am Kite Ventworib, 293 tons, Cox, KG Barker & Co Am Emily H Naylor, 28) tons, Fishe-, Robinson & King Am Albert bai'ev, 2oS t ns, Nasrui, " EG Ba'kpr&.Co Am John Douglas, 189 t' nf, Parker, EG Barkei & Co Br Carleton, (59 ton, Albury, E Kidder & Sons Am CariH S Bailey, 306 tons, Higius, E G Barker & Co Foreiira Vessels for this Port l Corrected Weekly.) Nor brijr Hjelman, Erfckaen, tailed ff.om Bayonne, January 18. Uer bark Anna, biewerte, sai'ed irom Lon don, Jn 16. . x Nor bak Kristine, Jensen, sailed troiu Glaajrnw, Jan 12. Br brisr 1 H Jiliw, Jon , sailed from Liv erpool, Jan 19, Nor brig banstad, Oandersen, sailed from Bilboa, Dee SO. Nor bark Rex, Hansen, 8iUd in Great Tarcut uh, Jan 4. Nor brt Anna. Salvesen, sailed rom Liv erpool, January 8. 8trd brie tilentium, Stackelbere, sailed from Nwry, Dec 16. Hr brig Busy Bee, Graham, Cleared from ondoo, t'ecember 30. Mor bark Stanley, OeraeD, at Lirerpool Dee 23. Uer bark Maria Soph a, Witt, sailed from laBftow, Dec 31. Nor brig . Someraet, Olson, at Lirerpool, Dec 11. Ruga brig Hermo, Mickelec,at Qloucest r, Dec. 4. .Nor brifl" 8alters, Hoje , sailed from New port, ria Martinique, Oct. . Oer bark Meerkoni. Carstens, at SIoucpe-te-, Norember 0. Oer biig Emile, Whale, at Gloucester, December 4. Nor schr Marj. A Verden, sailed trom Am ste. dam, Norember li. CLYDE'S rxn. UVlV VV York AND Wilminerton, Steamship W, C. Line, THE STEAMER REGULATOR, CAPT. DOANE, WILL 8AIL FROM NEW YORK O SATURDAY, February 21 Shippers can rely upon the prompt tailins; of Steamers as adrertised. C3l For Freight Engagements apply t3 THOS. E. BOND, 8upt, Wilmington, T. C. TUSO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, INew York. r?M.P. CLYDE A CO., 35 Broadway, New York. iee is Notice. GEORGE M. SUMVIERELL, Daring bjsn admitted a momr of our i -n i thi lt ths name and ' . i style will hereafter be' A STAFFER, PRICE & CO. RespectroHj, dc AITAFFER PftJCiJ Miscellaneous. P. L. Bridirers & Co. FAMIL TGROCERIES, 20, 22, 24, 26 and 26 Front Street. FKR FOR. SALE the following Larg V and &ztraordinry Assortment of ooodc in tbeir line, ria i Kggs for example, Meal for Millers, Bacon ior uooas. iea tor Teachers, re thern Swans, Gophers for Gwers. Kar'e Bits foi Mearoa, 0Qee lor'tJofHns, Ulo'hes Fins Ljons, Row Pen for Gardners, Lemons Walk ra, tin for Cottons, rttring Pe for nriders, Mutton for Lamb, ijonir-Necked iJotUes fr Ura"s, Celerj for Oarre'ta Mat t-h ppers for Cutlars, HoceW fo .t nes. Corn for Pridjets, Feppr f.r Haggj" Hea roam for Bakers, Csndles fjr Hard wicket, Cigars fir Ashes, Gilt Fdg- dv Brtukfj. Tvrravs for Barr, Whisk, r fur Locks, "Sltoart" for :ok), JV ma (from-a jrraaj and a iew left of the same s. rt fur taer Mooiea. W nave als Corks ad Brooms for the 'rib, OaytnQee fo. the FrencbJHi accaroni for toe scotch Irish, Trackers f.r rick-Nica ere, and Good Lard for the scotch, and in tfreat rarietr, beef for "Hum , Haaishesfor poor people Pork; for the rich, Hweets for riitters, Bitters tor Hweeu, Mintj for Juleps -ors for 1 uips. Beets for Deadheads, Kaia nsfor ao o s. Brains, a small lot, for Mules Blacking for Monarchists Kare-D:shea for Radicals. Cges for Democrat, Tumblers tor Republicans, Faints for Greenbacks, Pea-s for debtors, Pears for the s ngle, Jars for the m rried, Can-o-eas fir the Morning Star", 8weets in Tir.f f r mfdden, ub Ware for widows, wolaeaes for wia wrs, Gherkins'for runaways, Uerricgs lor many ytars, Daie tor hLstorians, .nutt for o d woiucn. hucketr tor dears'. Champagne for tcne pairis, Kemedies for fau'.ta co, Mustard tor vu i. men, Brusca for caralrr, Mi-'k 'or infantry, omfortsfor the anther, Bead for loa'e , Tub for Wblea, rttrch for the timii. Prunes lor extraragaiice, rqn- ezer for lore, Canons f r agards, Lagi r for th fat. Beer for tbe slow, r ocnan I'anoiea forma? s, tu!phHr for quick matchdo, Eau ne Vie for tbe dead, boxes for Pugilist?, Fikla 'or locksmith?, Hhow Uas s for lawyers Port f r sailors, Goda for milliaei i ocktm s to tbe literary, 8auc for the'nudat. Wine- 'or th- sour, "oaj for tne D oRr nea ted, tie cua Nuts for roreh a's. Thi m for st.e ?lnw, it- ron for the tri!rrit, "it i s fo- tbe crooked, fiuuis f.j tbd too hi- jW; - cfc j fc r the Licl-ed, Fpgp fo-tp ,cf i-teif, f e' (i frr the tsild-- lesr, Milc jY edi fur ti e i ioun, trip, for the wittej, Attn 1 1- tue fc.ck. ;cr .i., tr D im, Lettuce fo wek' M.res ;-e1 K.vf f'-r " ii c- tomers. He. de ' Vi for t'c na, Old Rtea for th, j.-uhjj. Crockeries for old maids, Groce:ic3 i ' tt det Cilvee. F. tteries for the kitchen, Fonvny for the house, anber- teg for th hungry, Pi fviuitjnts for them woo k ..Counters f r clerks, Mioulddrfl fr the a eak Dusters, toe house madis, Sau cers for the aude-t, Bitter Lear 38 for sweet hearts, Lucifr for ma-ches, leers for sum r, Cider fer theay. Giigers for tbe sr- ber, Pepper for chick us, Le f Butter for lovers. Lowter for Conprees, Water, for critics, and LiqnoT tor scold,-; P. I. Bridget & Co., 20, 21, I' t 26 and; 23 Front Street, WiliiiintoiF, IV. C, feb 16 Bent Butter in the World! Pounds for S I .Q.1LT EDGE BUTTEF, 3i cents. New Fork ?tate Bntter, 2 5noH . Country Butter, 20 c nts. Rio Coffee 15 to 20 ce. t". Pure Leaf LfardlO cents. Java Coffee, 20 to 25 pent ,. fSSBio Coffee. 15 to "20 cents. Pig Hams, Tongues, Ex-3bore Mackerel, 59 Caje."Roederer & Co., Champagne Pintr and Quarts, 50 Cases Imported French Brandy, 20 C"M Poney Whukey-B.st in the World. Cakes, Crackers, PieBerrs, Pickels, Wines, Teas, L?qiors,2 Tebacca acd Cigars, at popular prices. Geo, IVJyers, teb 13 11, IS and 16 South Front St.f J Ladies' Emporium. rpHE MISSES KARRER A McGOWAN, bare iust receired norltitHi in r...A. Nonpariel"8collops, "flormandvrrqa-ts! "Mignon" Ccquets, P. ffs Braide'acd Curls. inTuioio net-, an soaaes Vaseline: A farorite new Pomade, al ways on hand. Braid.', Puffs and Curls, made from Comb- lngB ou vui aair. uair Jewelry made to i order. Orders, for Ptamping and Et b.-oidery promptly attended to. A nice aaaortment of Ladies' Usderwear maae or Dee t material. A freeh supp!y of Children's C.ota, Flan rel and Waterproof rtuits. size 2 o ii. l. pt slips, 8kirt nd Robea. Orders taken for Bridal Wardrobes. e rront Street, Wilmington, N. C. an 1 6 CHAS. KLEIilt, Dnfiertater aafl Caainst Maker. Princess Btroet, in Eacmnt if ti Journal Bnildine, WI LM IN GTON, ti. C. A fine aatartmmt nf f ffin. n.c keta constantly on hand. Furniture Repaired, Cleaned and Tanilaned. Ordor. k graph er mall promptly filled. aer I Htacollaneoni. 5rN ti). rjsad in Charehe for Comtoun ion for for tor Spoor's ri mpo Four rnr illil. rjlHlS JtJ-'lJl CK KBKATED N-oiv Wine i inade froo fh ralce of th. is Grape, raised in thi c ant y. lti ii Tonic ani; sifcDiitteMBi hm are unsurpassed dy any tner nativr v , . W.UK U A V JU1 W V k UV Kl.Uri II i fill under Mr. Hpeer'sown personal au.-n.., its purity and ffenuireneas are junr ' 1 he roundest child mar rartakr n ik ourf qualities, ai.d t'.e w aket irii!(j d use it to adrantaje It u vartlcum i i. fieial to the at-ed ano debilitated. a , to tbe various ai ments tuatafiiic; th ,, , sex. t is. ill ererr respect. A WINE in l , RELIED ON. '.N peer's "P. aJ.'Slicri-v, The- P. J. 8I1LKRV is a Wine of Rl'U CHARaCTEn and partakes f Z Iden qualities of the grape from which is made. For M KD1CINAL PROFERTUs it will be found unexcelled. ' Spcer s P. J. or Pedro J. Brandy, This noted Brandy Is a pure distillatW from the grape and is equal to the finest Her, neesy or Otard Brandies; for medicinal par. poses it can he relied upcr aa strictly pure. 8ee that the signature o Alfred 8pter Paesaic, N. J., is orer the cork of eacb b ti tie. A. PPEKR'P Mt. Prospect Vinejir.. New Jersey, Office, No. 34 Warren Bt, N-r ork. For sale by GREEN k FLANN' R, j.'t MDND8, Druggists, and P L BRID0K1 i CO. . anril M- ArlllllPfiAi a I iiavpi UUlYimtnUIAL nUltL, WILMINGTON, N. a JLargc Sample ISoouim (or Commercial Travel r riiJia I'KOI'RIISTOR baring thor....?Mf A. .enorated this House and furnished it ; lynew, is prepared to gire 'to the tm public all the CAnrenienci" of if CLASS HOTEL. Jti'i. ra'd in th. centre of the business part o t e city, i fin conrenient to the p"-inclpl bni- erf.. To Poitofflee, jCostom Bouse, City hh .) Court' House. First-Class Bar and Hilli ard S'n oj connected with thisHoteL RATSJ$2 PEH 1.Y. OA 'If A L'tniri t - 7 II I J I The PJ.evt 2 MAKEET STREET. Boots and Shoes For the -Holiday, RilVING DAILY Come soon to aroid the rns. lti Ifll Tif . 10 daily. My Goods in Pric s and O excelled by anr. None bat the best and moat Dot, k I in . k - ' r Another lot of tho P Aflfh lnfftflh W, k ul Shoes jest arrired. Come and examine.; Tte Same Lid P. r. C. ROSENTHAL. - "W 32 Market Street, ; dec 22 sign of tie fbow f . You Would Like to Know Yy HKE 'I O OU TO GKT THE BFST Liquor, Ojsersi Wines, Cigars, etc. The Sew KeHanr 4it and Saloorr opeoed by WILL W1WT, In b Custom Honse All?. ha the bst ol -THrytbing at Tery rRatonable prios. ew, iieat, deau and! prlraf, (s the I filcf S0- WILL WEST. iiiliii wia" ' oC le i PrnnrWor. (