THIS PIPER la peolished every afternoon. Btsdays eptd v JOSU. T. JAMES, KOITOB iSD FKOrKJKTOK. lUBSCRiPTIOyS.POHTAQK PAID. Oa. jur,$S 00 Six months, $250 ; Three mobths, $1 35; One month, 10 oeata, fbt paper will be delivered by carriirs, r of eharre, n Pr city at&e shove rates, or IS cent per week. Advertising rates low and liberal war-Subscribers will please report an j and H failures to receive tbeir papers rejrularly. New Advertisements. -BROWS & RODDICK. 5 & 10 Cent Store. (X. E. CORXEIV OK SIAUKET AS1 HKCOND STBSKTS.) E TAKE TH18 OPPORTUNITY of tbackicz b general publicfor their very lib eral p" oaae in the above branch of oar ba- nt n aeeire to state that at no time since 'ear first opt-ning hac we ever carried inch a AM rtmeot a at present. Bivin? antici pated the recent grea advance in each good, wi are n)v f ally piepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest sjsertmenteverjshrwn ia this section at any time We can with trathfolneas assert tbt ear i toe ia more thn doable the nae of any ether of this kind fK-ath sf Baltimore It is a very easy matter to call in and ver fy the above statement. - We would also ad 1 that we hare of late added several new departments to the above, which we retail at higher prices, eotaUtinfir f many useful artioles in Housekeeping', Ac., men as we hare a demand for, and in latere it will be oa endearor to keep adding any and eTert thine we can buy useful and below -vaiue. Onr intmtion is to makethia THE iJtore of the Suuth for Bargains of all Kinds. The following Is a rery imperfect Hit bat oar f ee will admit oi no more. Japanese .Were, CI as a". Tin vre, Heissors, French Drefi'.nz, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faueeis, Trays, Trumpet, Tolled Soar, Forks, Table and Tea Spoon Uarbles, Ptove Polish, Pistols, Can Openers, Hoales, Needles and Pins, "hovels; Hammers, Pocket Hook i, Childrens' Slates, Perfjmery, Jewelry, Glints, Pep Onns Door bumpers, Cork dcrews, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers, Walets, Brosbee, Bracelets, s. Beads, Balls, Padlocks, Chisels, Perew Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes PInj, 8 pontes, Jumping Ropes, rote Paper and En-Toilet bets. retopes. Vuei, Feather Duitoti, Doll Carriages, Kaxor Straps, Brooms, Backeu, Unlets, Ttloctpedet, Carts, Wagors, ' Wuh Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Kdglngr, . 8ool Cotton, Hambarg Insertions, Hpool Silk, Ladies A Oeats Hdk'fr,Spool Flax, Linen Table 5a;kb,Ladies Hose, Lisen Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, RuehUg, Genu Socks, CoUaretts, UentalShirts, &e, Are, &c, Ac, fcc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & BODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, X. K. Corner of Market and Seeond Streets feb 31 New Crop Cuba. 30 S Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molas&es, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Potatoes,Flour,Suarf, 300 Bbls. Early Roso rotatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 273 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 25 Bags Coffee, Bio, Laguyra and Jara, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, iOO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lye and Pot&sh, 855 Boxes Laundry j and Toiiet Soap, 150 Boxes Stareb, 250 Whole and Half Boxes S Candles, Candy, Paper, Snuf Tobac co, Nails, Buckets, Hoop ' Iron, &c I 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 8$00 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salp, 4500 Sacks Liverpool Salt,1 - Q500 Sacks Peruvian ! Cotton Gaano, Wot iaU Uw by WILLIAMS A MURCHI80V, ' feb.ll WsUUhU Qfc A Cob. Marti. VOL; V. Ifew Advertrsemenjts. Oto. Unas, Agt Steamer Passport, j CaoaLT Moaais Custom Made Work. Pee ad Bost n 6 and 10 Cents Store. P Hiiissiaeia Pe fumerj. Tath Fair Deal ng. Wirdow Glass al. sizes at Itaffer A Pricfe'a. . ' t Peanuts are coming into market quite freely. i Cotton future advanced 17 points in New York to day. Nor unique Jubtiolt Jentrcu, bnce, arrived St Glasgow on the 20th inst. ! Has. brig Atlanta, Nyberg, beoce, ar rived at Rotterdam on the 20th inet. Nor. barqoe Er$tatningent Ogfist, hence, arrived at Hull on the 21at inati . Schooner May Munroet Hall, hence, armed at Philadelphia on the 22ad inst. Save .your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer & Price. . t Full Metal and Walnut show C&sesJ&U styles and sizs, at Altaffeb, Price & Co's. . The telephone wires in some portions of the city are ornamented with pieces of kite tails. - Schooner fxjuisa Frazer, Crawford, for this port, cleared at Philadelphia on the 21st inst. Sound par ies -are now in order, and persons are taking "advantage of this balmy weather. Steamship lienefact or, Jones, for this port, cleared at New York on the 21st inst., and sailed the same day. : i Sheriff Manning expects to send th prisoners, sentenced to-the "pen," to that institution on to morrow or next day. . . . i Steamboatmen report the water in the Cape Fear as slowly falling off, although there is yet enough for -good boating purposes. J .' i A party ot ladies and gentlemen made an excursion trip up the North West river yesterday afternoon, on the steam tug Wm. Nycc. ' Mr. H. E. Scott, member of the Legis- lature from this district, received bis for- mal announcement of the extra session cf the Legislature this morning. The steam yacht Passport will resume her regular trips on. Thursday. She has been put in thorough order, and Captain Harper is as proud of her as he would be of a wife. The case of Samuel Grice, charged with jobbing the U. 8. mail and forgery, has not yet teen tried. He will have a hear ing before U. S. Commissioner McQulgg in a few days. j Nor. brig Fram, Murcassen, hence, for Glasgow, before -reported as having been towed into Lamlash, Scotland,' hot torn up, (the crew probably being lost,) has been righted and towed te Glasgow. Why would not a soap factory pay in this city? We have.the. chief ingredients for the manufacture of soap right at our very door, but yet they are shipped to Western and Northern markets, manufac tured and sent back to us. The hull and materials saved from the Br. barque North Carolina, were sold at Bermuda on the 13th inst., at auction. The hull as she lies ou the reefs,1 sub merged, with lower masts arid balance o' materials on boards with the remainder of the cargo in it, suld for 450 ($250). Licensed to Preach. We learn from the Rev. A. B. Wannet f Masonboro Sound, that at the Center - of the Missionary Baptist Church, of Masonboro, held on Saturday night, the 21st inst , Mr. Miles Walton was liceused to preach. j . i Dr. James Corrie,. Dentist, in Balti more writes: bave used Dr. Bolls Cough Syrup personally and In my fam ily for two or three years, and am j pre pared to say that there is nothing to compare to it as a remedy for -Coughs, Cosetc." i Good tidenc When such men' as the Bev Dr. Harveyi Father Fitz Gerald, Prof. Green, Dr. Bartine, Col. John K. McCbesney, E. W. Ntff. and a host of others equally trustworthy, certify over tbair owa signatures to the marvelous effceacy of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in the dueases for which it' is recommended, t is time to dismiss doubts oq the tub ect. LOCAL NEWS. WILMINGTON, N. CTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1880. NO. 11 1 Base Ball Match. We! understand there is to be a base ball match between two picked nines of the best play trs in the city, on Friday the 27th inst. It is thought the game will be played: at the Athletic . Grounds, though no dsfrb.i arrangements have yet been made! The game will conmenee at 2 30 o'clock. , Lscaptd aud captured. John Winn, colored, who escaped from the House of Correction about one week ago, was captured in this city last night 1 offieer Strode and lodged in 4 by specia the guard house. This morning Wirm as turne 1 over to the Superintendent who has placed bim in close con6nemen'. Discharged Jeff. Mosey, colored, who was one ol the jurors drawn in the case ot Maria Hall, and who was" turned over by hU Honor! Judge Meares, on the charge ol perjury, to a Justice of the Peace, had a hearing this morning. The State, failing to show any criminal intent on the pan f the . prisoner, he was discharged. Criminal Court. 1 The Court convened to-day at 10 o'clock when Jeha Murrill appeared and paid a nne of; twenty-five dollars and costs and departed. His Honor had sentenced him to 12 months imprisonment in the S'.ate Penitenitary, but upon the payment of the fine and costs the judgment of the Court was suspended. The Court then aljourned for the term. Domestic Infelicity Henry Cruse seems to have had trouble in his family. He and his wife did not get along together very nicely, and Henry struck his wife with a chain, and then assaulted her with a knife. He says the assault was in self defence, while his wife says it was "de debil in him an not'ing else." She says he has not sup ported her in several weeks and that "de debil told her to come after him." city court. Henry Cruse, colored, charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon was bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $100. In default of bond be was turned over to the Sheriff. i Victoria Swain, a. brunette daisy of the Hollow was arraigned for disorderly con duct, and was fined two dollars or five days in the' City Prison The fine was paid and the prisoner released. This case wound up the Mayor's levee.' Good Far Pender. A few days since we published the number (13) of marriage licenses issued during the month of January, 1880) by the Register of Deeds of Pender county. This morning1 we were informed by W. T. Bannerman, Eeq., clerk of the Superior Court of Pender, who gave us the pleasure of a brief call, that since the 1st of December, 1879, the Register of Deeds of that county has issued marriage licenses to 50 couples, as follows: Thirty in December, 13 in January and 7 thus far duriog the present month. Read It. We trust that our readers, who are op posed to the recent haity action of the Ex eeutive in regard to tbe sale of the Wf N. G.j R. R., as well ss those who side with the Governor, will rsad tbe very able article en that question published in the Ravi kw this afternoon, and clipped from tbe Ra eigh Dispatch of yesterday's daU Successfully Gotten Off. ! The schooner A. F. Randolph, which hia been previously reported ashore on tie Fingers, at the mouth of tbe river, has been successfully gotten off and brought to this city. Mr. F. A. L. Cac sideyv superintended the job, wbioh is thought to be, by persons who snow hereof they sptak, a very credita ble one indeed. About ten days azo he commenced j his work and dragged the echooner 543, feat through! the sind, She was put 10 the channel this mom- ing, when1 a steam tug took hold of her and towtd. her I to this city. It was found that the vee' leakio badlv and that it required the incessan working of the pumps to keep her afloat The vesse befo-e Mr. Caasidey corn menced work on her was bi;h aud dry on d persons could have the shoal. r : v walked around her dry footed. Mr. Q. r i deserves much credit for the ki!fu manner iq which, he floated tba skip. , Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &c. or the Children at Jacosx'i. i! Liquor Dealer's Ass o ttlon. At a meeting of the Wilmiogt n Liqeor Dealer's Association, held at Howard Engine Htue Hli on the 23 I inst. the f illowing were the nroceedincs Mr. H E Scott, President in theCoatr. OwiDg to bicki.e-a, the Secretary, Caj Junes McGowati, waa Mbaent,and Mr. R. F. Kyden was oppointed to act ae Seere t ry pr ttm. Minutes of the last meeting rei arid approved. Tni ComnriittPe appoints at a pre viou, meeiiufi to aacertaiof; proper antbritn h trirt nnnie ol all ltcand Itqupr dealers iu X".w Hanover county, aud to pace be tor tiie.n the object Tjt the J8o c.iti r , reported, through htheir chairman, Mr. R. F. Eyden, twenty five dealers, w'ao, upon application, and payment ef memberrhip fee, were admi 'ted into the Ai!oci.ii u ! i Mr. B. H J. Ahrens was, unai.imoosly elected Treasurer of the Association. The flowing Committees were ap pointed by the President: On Constitution and Bye Laws, R. F. Eyden. John Carroll, Charles Von KampeD, J. F. Stolter and William Ge naust. Visiting Committee, John D. Ste' jes, A. D. Wessell, John Oldenbuttel, Edward Bryson, Henry Bush and Robert Portner. Oa motion, the President was also ad ded to these Committees. ! Committee on Fin nce, H. E. Scott President, James McGowan, Secretary, and B.'H. J. Ahrens, Treasurer. Ou motion, it was Resolved, That this-association, respectfully requests all cjunties, cities, towns and village! to meet us in a general way iu lending to the General Assembly, which is to convene oa the 15th of March next, a delegation to place before that body onr grievances and to demand relief from the unjust and enor mous taxes to which we, as dealers, are ubjected. The President appointed a committee of three whose duty it shall be to draft and have printed a circular, to be sent to all dealers in fche State. ' ' On motion, It was declared that all committees be requirsd to report at the next meeting of the 'association. Meeting adjourned to meet at the same place at 7 o'clock p. m. on the 2nd day of March next. List of Letters. The following b a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1880 : A D E Anderson, Nancy Alexander., B Lewis Bryant, Jordan Bennet, O A Butterfield, It H Brown, S P Borden, Betty Blangs, Cora Byrd. CAdam Uhavers, Geo Uarter, VY Cotton, Elvie Cromartie, Mable C Millie Jane Carter, M A Campbell. D Lucie Day, Thomas Davis. E W J Euett, J M Edwards, Anthony Evans, Eliza Eddy. F Maggie Franklin, Eraline Fisher, G Luke Grice, John Galloway, Lucinda Green. H Wm Harsen. Walter Harrison W W Herring, A T Herring, B S Harrell, Bessie Hapinan, Caj t 'Husband,- Chanle H ill, Elcy Hampton, Linnie Home. J Melrina Johnson, M M Johnson. K Francenia Kelly, James King care of Mrs 5 E Coone, O U Kenneday. L John L'dentoo, Rebecca Loftin, Nancy Larab. M Wm k'yers, P C McMillan, Den nis Mclnnerny, David Mathews, David McClearney, A Mclver, Alex Moore, Thompson & Moore, Charlie Macks, Charlie J Macks, Cora Morrisy, Kat e Maglenn, Mable Maran, Minnie McMil lan, Laphie Martin. N Lewis G Nixon, Charlie Nxon, Anna Nois, Emma Nixon. O -.Julia Oats, Robert Orrell. P John Piver, J W Piner, Island Picket, Tbomas Philips, Stephens & Per kins, Rachael H Pearsall. R Tbog B Robinson, Isaac Rice, D H Russell, Cornelia Russell S Abe Bhriver, Jordan 8ir9t, Frank Bnedt ken, Lrcilla Smith, Kader Sneede, Victoria Smith, L M Shacseliord, Chris tian Scott, Caroline Sellers, W H Strick land. , . V Jchc G Vss. W Aaron W.-ey. Mr Abram Wil roington, Dick Welkins, G W Wlgga, Jamta Wright, I-aah Williamson, Lote WhitP, FrttDk Walker, C J Williami. SHIP. Maitiu Ar d rsn, trig Diaxka. Pcr-aous calling for lettera ia above lisl will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 2Q diys will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. - E. R. BRINK, F. M. Vii iugton, N. C New Uanaver Conty,N.C Dr. W. Oo wan Green and wife who have been on a visit to this city for a week past, will return to their ptocM on to-morrow evening. It is not yet known who will be Capt. Frank BarrV succesaor. We regret to learn that. Capt. James M. McGowan has been confined by sick ness to his home for several days past. A Golden Wedding Mr. Henry Nntt to-day celebrated tbe fiftieth anniversary of his weddmg day, by inviting tbe member of the Chamber of Commerce, of which Mr. Nutt is an honorary member and also tbe members of tbe Produce Kxcbane, to call at hi resi dence on Red Crie, between Front and Secend street, and join the wed J ing pair in a glass of wiue in commemoration of the event of which this is the golden an niversary. Tbe two bodies accepted the invitation, and between 12 and 1 o'clock, to-day, proceeded to Mr. Nutt's residence, where the health of tbe venerable couple wss proposed with many wishes for fre quent anniversaries of the happy day. Tne Last Carriage Sale of the sea son. We call attention to tbV advertisement of the sale of vehicles by Messrs. Cronly k Morris, to be found -in another column of this issue. Thete carriages are from "the celebrated manufactory of Lewis Cook of Cincinnati, 0io, and we are in formed by Mr. Huffman, tbe manufact urer's agent in this city, that more than 100 of these vehicles have been sold here within the last three months. This will be the last sale of the season, as Mr. Huffman has been ordered home, but we are glad to learn that he expects to return to Wilmington again next sea ion. He has evidently drank ofur famous Rock Spring water, in which case he will be certain to return. The Lecture Last Night From those who attended the meeting last night of the Historical aud Scientific Society, and listened to the lecture of Mr. Norwood Giles, we learn that the aud ience seemed not only gratified but highly entertained and well pleased also. The humor that is deep seated in Mr. Giles showed itself quite frequently during the coarse of the lecture, and was the cause of much mirth and laughter on the part of the audience. Mr. Giles' theme was Ornithology, bat he dwelt more particu larly npon the birds of this section. The Martins were referred to and their places of abode described,the houses that are fur. niihed thtm free, and which the speaker added, par parenthesis, are the only abodes in thii goodly town that are above taxation. The lecture, we are told, was interesting throughout, and was listened to with marked attention. IndleatUni. For the Middle acd South Atlantic States, clear or fair weather, higher tem perature, northerly shifting in the first to southerly and in the latter district to easterly winds falling preceded on the coast by stationary or rising barometer. If your hair is coming out, or turning gray, do not murmur over a misfortune you can so lasily avert. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR will remove, the cause of your jrrief by restoring vour hair in it ural color, and therewith your good looks ana gooa nature. Wilmington Diitrlcu First Round of Quarterly Meetings for the Methodist E. Church, South 1880. New. River Mission.1 ..Feb 25 Onslow, at 8wansboro....k.......Feb 28-29 Duplin, at Magnolia L .... .... . Mar 6.7 Clinton, at Andrews jChapel.. Mar 13.14 Li S. Burkjad, M HMM!!1 . HeT7 Advertieementa. Steamer Passport yyiLL RESUME regular j trips THUR8DAT, February I'Sr 16th, leaving Wilminctoa at 2.30 P. M. Having been pot ia tbe most perftet order, we promise Kxemriiealsti everv ttttntart not sible. GEO. MTEE8, fskH Custom Hade WorK- VZHICLES AT AUC1ION- n CROWIsY Aucl jonccr & MORRIS. BY CRONLT QNTO-MOERO-('Tadaetdaj; Morninf, It o'clock A. If., we will sell at Exebarge O roir, Oae Fiae Aaasberr Carriags, One Physieiaa's Pbsetoa, Ome Jeany LUd PtJBtoa, OBeSoekaway, I . Om two Seated Bargy, aad One Platfe rat Wagon. If r. UwStMM im diarce of this work has ben ordered elsewhere aad he fee in street edastoelose. If jou want fine work aad saattrui improve taitopportasity. zca ihi PLEASE 50TICE. We will beg ad to receive communications from ov friencs on aay atd all subject e general imterat but : The name of the writer rccst always be for nUbedto the Editor. Communications xtust be written on only one side of the japer. Pertonalities'mujt br aroired.7 And it is especially and piJScolarly under, ttood that tbe Editor does not always endi rse the views of correspondents, unlens so t e la the editorial colutna. New Adverti8emont3. here do you pet the l s J.adis Hose Where do yen got ihe b s' Gnts Jose ? Where do jou -rt the best 4ndkcrchif lv.' Where do you got the bst Linen CoIIms ? Where do yu got th br.t Rroerr:' Where do jou get the best Wlnk llr Where doyou gf t the Vrs t'lri bra Hi uxl . ; ; Where do yon gottho brt (l) ' S, Where do yon got tho twsl La.n di y ijoij? Where do you get the 'best Tc.ilct Soap ? Where do you get the be st W, O. Plates . Where do you gn the best . W. G; Cups and Saucers : Where do you get the best ColTee Pots ? Where do you get the best Tin Buckets ? Where'do you get the best Stamped raru;', Where do you get the best Sauce Pans Where do you get the best Bread Pans ? Where do you get the best Pie Taos ? Where do you get the best Wash Boards : Where do you get the best Market Baskets: Where do yon get the bost Mirrors ? Where do you get the best Feather Dusters Where de you get the best Walnut Brackets ?. Where do you get the best Sifters ? Where do you get the best Box Paper ? Where do -you get the best Lace The question is . where; do you got the above named articlu? The' answer c mes back: Why! at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 It. rRONT 3TREFJT, and 1001 other useful Housekeeping art; tides. Special inducsnients cfl'eted to". Country Merchants. Ink and Mucilage, A SPECIALTV. Ladies are invited to call aud examine. Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, no. 4i uohtiz fhout at. feb 24 Fair Dealing ND LITI5Q iPHIOES' KKCOMMKVD TATE8 Book Stare to tbe public. A fre?h and well selected itok slrsjs on, katd Chromoe, Picture Frames,-Mouldlcgs; a"c. Organs sold on th Initalment Plan at" feb 23 BookVtore Perfumery. THE CELEBRATED . HOTT'rt (Jtrmirr Ooloirne and Bates' fJeli )trr-pc Water, Wholesale aud Ket-il. For wi t THfc l V V.OVK STORE. Blank Books. V AN 1MMKN8E LOT last recirf i. !l sites, from tbe smallest Pan Book to tbe laret jfull Bound Blanks. Also, Writinsr Papers, Infc, , MucHage, Pens, Pencils, 1c,1 at j HETNSBEBOER'a, feb 23 Live Book and Uasic Store. Canal (Vleeting. rj HE flUBSCRlBESS TO TflE CAPIT1L Stock of tbe Doplia Caaal Company, ia tie several counties, are rtqaMtei to meet en Wedarsday the 10th day of Mirch neit, at i ... UA0501IA, If. C., for tbe purposV of per maxeot organization, and to elect Directors" for the next ensuing rsar. Tbe myelin will oreaxixe at 11 o'clock. A. If., ar.l t 15 a (noon) will proceed to ri Pirtcton. Th subscribers are all requested, w;tbot fail, to be represented either in person, or by prosy. Jaceb Bmitb, W. B. eH,t fi. Albertsoo, J. ff. 8. Miller, J. W. Komey, for Doplin' eomaty. 1 Owes 8. Laaier.W. H."Horn,Tbci. Bjaa,' for Onslow eoentr. . - - , . - - . J. P. Bannenaao, W . JJ. Player, Eli B Shiver, for Pender eounty, . .-. - B.O. Worth, O. Vf. Wllliarr, Wm. Cal der for Vew Baa over county. Utt Jl moB-taes SwwtlOm, .

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