. 15 CONGRESS TESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington, Feb. 23 - Immediately after prayer and the readier of the journal. MrByard movrd tbat. in re Ipeot to tbe memory of George Wash ington, the Senate adjourn Fending tbe motion Mr jJcDonald announced that be would to-morrow Bfck a final vote on tbe ptmlicg five per cejit bill- Mr JSailey gate nonce ui " meet inteiidrd to b ctfn-d by him to tbe bill admitting fre of duty c otbirg and other eontritmfot.a from abroad for the r- it ot coined troigranta. The amdmeut dir.c n tn fccret-ry of the Treasury to b .ve men goods trkn-pirttd irm tbn port of eutiy to tbe point of d utmutioii; -ppropr.aie the jnout-y ntc-ary to t-o truneport them, aad pr.viJ tbnt th- o . remaiu io fuica ut.til Jui.e lt. lbSU, instead of February-l-t, 1831. jTherteuate tbeu aoj jurued untu to morrow. HOUhE OF REPRESENTATIVES iUDder the call of ritatrs tbe follow ing bills were introduced and refer red: i ' , By Mr Van Voorhis, of fcew lork, repealing I be act repealing the bank rupt law. " By Mr Pierce, of New York, relat ing to the sale .or giving intoxicating liquors to Indiana. Kr Mr Coflrotb. of Pennsylvania organizing a Oonrt of Pensions, to con H'Rt of a Chief Justice and four Absib- taut Justices, who ahall receive an an nual ealary.of S4.000 each, 'lne fjouri shall have jurisdiction as follows: Firbt, over applications for pensions which have been disallowed by the Secretary of the Interior or Oommis - eioner of Pensions; second, all disal lowed applications for inciease of pen eions; third, applications for peubions which do not come under the pxesont law; fourth, applications for pensions against whom there is charge of deser tion. By Mr Kelley, of Pennsylvania, to provide for the introduction and cul tivation of the cinchona plant in the United States. It authorizes the Sec retary of the Treasury to appoint a suitable person, whose duty it shall be to visit the cinchona plantaticns in 1 India and elsewhere, aLd also the re gions of South America where tbe plant is indigenous, and that part of the United States where, by coiuci denoe of climate, altitude and hu midity, it may seem possible to sue cessfully cultivate the plant. It shall aleo be his duty to employ suitable persons, preferably those who have worked on chinchona plantations, in order to xpedite the cultivation of tbe cinchona plant in the United States. The Secretary of State is em powered to open correspondence with such governments as can assist the objet. The intended appropriation is caade in blank. By Mr Muldrow, of Mississippi, plac- jDg paper suitable for bonds and news papers on the free list. By Mr Gibson, of Louisiana, appro priating $200,000 for deepening tbe mouth of Red River. By Mr Btackburn, of Kentucky, abolishing the tax on &obiCCo; also reducing the tax on distilled spirits to fifty cents on each proof gallon. By Mr Gibson, of Louisiana, au thorizing the Secretaiy of State to procure copies of all papers in the possession of the Governments of Great Britain, France and idpain n la tive to the history of Louisiana. At tbe expiration of the morning hour public uuiiuess was suspended and memorial addresses were deliver d upon the late A M Lay, of Missouri. The House then adjourned Hayes's Sham Clrll Service Rules - Washisqtok, Feb. 23. Senator Butler is preparing a report of the in vestigation made last uummer by tbe Select Committee on Givil Service and Retrenchment. The Committee spent some time in Rhode Island investiga ting complaints of violation of Hayes' civil servce rules.- Incidentally the restrictions upon popular suffrage in that State were iLvestigated. Mr But ltr's report will expos tbe sham civil service of the present Administration 'clearly and beyond question. The manner in which faithful officials have been removed to make placas for pol itioiacs supposed to possess political influence will be ventilated. Ac companying the report will be a draft of a bill to prevent tbe assessment of officeholders for political purposes. The bill will make olHcebolders who give money for political purposes, or pert sons who acoept mouey from office holders for political purposes guilty of a misdemeanor. The giving or ao oeptance of money for political pur poses will disqualify the person giving or accepting tne money from holding -t office. Other penalties for violations of the proposed law are contained in the bill. Washington, Feb 22 Mr Money, of Mississippi Intends to move a suspension of the rules in the Rouse to-morrow, if be can get tbe floor, for the purpose of of fering a resolution instructing the Poat office authorities to ontiuua the present star mail service and making provision therefor for the rest of the fiscal year. The dilatory management of the star route investigation by the sub-committes, of which Mr Blackburn is Chairmkn, has been commented upon unfavorably here for a week or two past, and ugly rumors growing out of the comments have magni fied beyond all reasonable proportions. Mr Blackburn says, however, that the delay has been occasioned solely by the protract d debate over the Dew rules which has occupied bis time. He promises that after the debate is thiou2b,the investigation will be continued promptly and vigorously. Mr Money's purpose, in offering his resolution is to save the people the annoy arce of a restricted service pending the Investigation Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire' Irons, Fluting Machines and every sort ' of Hard are at lowest sort of cash pHce at JACOB!'. latest Cable Sctii. arose w, Frb. 22 A fire broke out veMerday in th- AciiOiy of Forest Culture, and Che entire bunding, wn:cn was capable of scoommodaiiug 300 studeuta, and included a museum con taiuing valuable collections, was de stroyed. The cause of the fire is known, When the fire was discovered some students were arrested. Losdox. Feb. 23 The Nee St. Petersburg ditpatcn saynthat fix mo; 6 Hold.irrr, wcuLded by the explosion in fh. winter Dalace. bVf died. The Stauuar4' Par Correspondent flavin ben connected wit.i tne 31 s cow xp:oNiou, baa drdiued to giv it f.irmAtiou on the subi-ct He hs acknowledged tht be is u Nihilist Tbe corresDwiident believes that Ha t m.nn will be ultimately ordered to quit the country, and will be chipped to e !her Jiijguna or me um Stiit.-' Rome, Feb. 22 The Pop has sent luMrucciuns to to Catiioiic Bishops in Russia catling upou tLciu to urge tbe cergy not to mix in political agita tions. LoNDON.Fb 23. The Time' Bar lin del-patch eujs tlerr Hasenclever, socialist, will ak in the Reicbstag whether the House will not ri quest Prince Bismarck to Ciuse the huapeo aion while the session lasts,of cr minal procedures pending against Dputies Fritfeche ana HHeselmunn, socialibis. MARINE r'l9ASTKRS. The Duncraik has been towed to Qaeenstown, having lost her mainmast ud two of h-r crew in a terrific gale, lhe Duke of Northumberland has put back to Swansea, with, lots of her bul waiks and boats. Part of her crew are sick The Lohengren has passed Dover with loss of her jibboom and cutwater. The Wimmera has lost her bulwarks and sustained other damage. In cons-quetioe of the capture by Greek brigands of Colonel Sjnge and his wife, while on their way from Constantinople to Eastern Roumelia, the British ir;n-clad Invincible 'has been despatched to Salonica Mr Lowtber, Chief Stcretary for Ireland, in a speech at a conservative meeting in Kendal on Saturday re viewing the means proposed for the settlement of diilicultietj m Ireland, said the government had no iute.ttion of tampering with proprietary rights. The Daily Nws understands tbat Mr Lowell, the newly appointed Amer ion Mi aieter to London, has not yet left Madrid, on account of tha illuess of his wife. Attacking the Monroe Doctrine. Washington, Feb 23 It is said that Senor Arosammeua, Minister Resi dent from Colombia has prepared and written a pamph:et- attaokiug tbe Monroe doctrine as applied to the in-ter-ooeanio canal subject. I'he pam phlet has been circulated privately among certain officials and members of Congress. Some persons imagine that Senor Arosantmena, in the publication of his pamplet, has meddled with af faire whioh do not concern him. M Gennttwaa tbe. French Ambassador in this country in 1793 94. He actively opposed President Washington's Franco-English neutrality treaty, and on that account his recall was demanded of the French Government and grant- C1R9LLM. Shad sold at Newbern for $3 rair on Friday last. per Goldbboro Daily Mail : The Rev G S Joues, of Wilmingtoa, Agent of the American Sunday School Union, addressed a good audience at the Bap-tit-1 Church here last evening. Raleigh Dispatch: One of our young gentlemen went out gunning last Fri day. From 1 o'clook to 5 J he bagged fiftysix robins. He says tbey are plentiful in tbe country. The halls of the Senate Chambex,and House of Representatives are. cow undergo ing a thorough cleaning up, prepara tory to the re-assembling of the Leg islature on tbe 15th of next month. There is a colored woman living on Harrington street whose age is known to be 105. ' She is as lively as a young girl. Goldsboro Messenger: Wayne county wilt have twelvd census lakers. The enumeration districts are to embrace a population of from 2,000 to 2 500. Thanks to the river improvement, Mr Harvey Grant, of New Hope township, also several of our citizens, are rafting logs down to Kinstou and Newbern. Furney Hamilton, who, by the way, is one of our most indus trious and well-to-do colored men, re ceived a letter Saturday from, his brother, Neptune Hamilton, who ex oiusted to Indiana some wet ks ago. Mep., it seems, left Indiana iu disgust, and concluded to try Ohio .'awhile, where he now is. He . gives a pitiful account of his condition, and writes for $15 to enable hi a to'get back to North Carolina. The oolored man. Sm Newton, who just before Christ mil wai bit in the hand by a rabid dog, in Pitt count j, and whose critical condition from hydrophobia we an nounced last week, died at Greenville on Monday of last week, after having endured the most agonizing pains for several days. i . . inponani to tne Afflicted. We would advise, all who may need the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Rooertson, 19, So. Eutaw St:, Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guaiantees a cure in all diseases of tbe Urinary Oryonand of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and bemjr al Weakness, Im potency (loss Of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tremblirg, Palpitation, of tbe Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness. No, turual Eniasions, fcc, all resulting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr. U a graduate of one of the oldest and beat medical; schools j in this country (UElverslty of Mary lard), and re fers to tbe loading physicians' in his city nd all consultiaghiin can rely upon honorabls and confidential treatment. In writing en close stamp for reply. Special attention eiven to all iemale complaints. Uooa ac commodations for all wUhing to call and i je him. Medicine sent to any address. -r. 37. Hott's Endorsement or Speer'a Port Grape Wine. The following, from the celebrated Dr Mott of New York, speaks wonders for Mr. S peer's efforts to raise tha Oporto Grape in New Jersey: I . 62 Madison Avxkuk, 1 j New Yobx, April 11, 1878. J Mb. Alfred Speeb. Dear Sir; Tbe visit jwhicu I mde last year to your ViDevard!. wine-Dresses a: d vaults at Passat, N. J., satisfied me thoroughly th-ifihtf wioes manufactured by you are pure and unadulterated, and tbe very best that can be offered to tbe public for medicinal uses. Acting jipon my favorable impression at the time, I have since recommended the Port j W ine more particularly iu my practice, and am satisfied, with marked benefit, to my patients. "There can be no better proof to the doubting mind, as to tbe Wine being made oi tbe finest Oporto Grape, than a visit to the acres of land covered with the vine bearing tbe luxuriant fruit. Wishing you success in your praiseworthy enter prise, j remain respectfully yours, I ALEX B. MOTT, M. D.t Prof, of Surgery, Bellevus Hosp. Med'l College, &o, &o For sale by J. C. Munds, Green & Flanner. P. L. Bridgers k Co. j Beware of Malaria. The prevalence of malarial diseases in coun ry and town indicates a danger to wnich we are all exposed. These dis eases are easy to contract and bard to eradicate. But Warner's Safe Pills neu tralise the poison and cure them. And they are pqna.ly effective against all biU ious troubles. GOMMRECIAL NEWS I WU-MINUTON MARKET I j Ft BBUA BT 24 -A Y M. 1 SPIRITS TURPKNTIHIC Quoted steady at 44 cents. Sales 400 casks at t hat figure. KOSfN Quoted firm at fl 17J for Strained and f 1 22 for Good strained. Sales m bbls Good Strained at SI 22. TAR Quoted steady at tl 10 per bbl of 280 lbs. Sales at quotations. 1 ORUDIS TURPENTINE -Quoted steady at SI 55 . for Hard aad f2 55 for Yellow Dip. COTTON quoted quiet. Staatl sales on a basis off I2i cents for Middling:. The foil owing are tbe official quotations Ordinary IIIMIMIIIIIN 10X Cants Good Ordinary 11 sM6 Strict Good Ordinary........ n a 44 Low Middling 12 Middling 13U Good Middling 12 X . 1 oailt aaoairTS Cotton.. 371 bales Spirits Turpentine 36S caki ftoiia.... '. 3,747 bb s Tar 368 " Grade Turpentine 231 " IIARINE NEWS. j ARMY ED. Rteamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Smithvllle. Master, Steamer Gov Worth. Worth, Fayetteyille Worth & Worth. Steamer Wave Robeson Fayettevllle, Williams A Murchlson. Nor barquentine St Joseph , Christiansen Bremen, R E Heide. with aianite for the Navassa Guano Co. Rus brig Hermo, Michaelsen, Gloucester, R E Heide, with salt to order. Rchr Nellie Langdon, Collins, Belfast, Me, with hay to B F Mitchell Son; vessel to E G Barker A Co. OLBASED. Steamer Elizabeth, Blsbee, Smithvllle, Master. ' SteamerGov Worth. Worth , Fayettevllle Worth & WorfH. Steamer, Wave Robeson, Fayettevllle Williams 4 Murchlson. Br fichr Carleton, Albury. Nassau, E Kidder A Sons. Ger barque Pauline. Krueger, Stettin, E Pesciau t Westermann. Br barque George Davis, Campbell.United Kingdom, Alex Sprnut A Son. Export. . Foaarem. Nasxnu Br schr Carle ton 8,537 ft lum ber, 112.850 fchiDgles. Stettin -Ger barque Pauline 3.255 bbls rosin, i United Kingdom Br barque George Davis-5,854 bbls rosin. CLYDE'S Klbw York AND Wilmineon, Steamship W, C. Line. THE STEAMER, 1 PECULATOR, CAPL DOANE, WILL I BAIL FROM SEW YOIiK SATURDAY, February 21 Shippers ean rely apoa tbe prompt llllii jf of 8 team en as advertised, ta For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. E. BOND, Sap'i, . 1 I WilminetoB, N. C THKO. O. EQKR, Freight Agent, WM. P. CLYDE k CO., Trk j i 35 Broadwey. Nbw York. Fresh Every Day, FIS ASSORTMENT OF CAJIDItS, French and Domestic, jut rceelvedor sale, i THI 05LT OENCINE HOUB-MlDK Candy la tha dty, wiU be foand Ttrv day, freeh aad sweet, three doors 8mth of the jfaetofioe oa Beootid street. Also. Vmts. Raisins, Frmit, As. O. JL JETJB58. jj2? Nea the Petteflca. List of Yesteli Over 100 tons in Port Feb 23, 1880 BARKS. Nor Silo, 267 tons, Gundersen, EE Heidt Br Besolnte, 410 tons, Lavrene, Alx Sprui t & Soi Br Gao I) ay is, 643 tons, Campfe-U, Alex pruIit v Son Dan Elene. 4S0 tons, Dabl, K E Hei.e Ger Panliue, S60 tons, Kri;gr, K Peschau fc Westennann Ger bark Friiz Von d r JLatu-kn,3j5 tons, Friete, E Pescbau & WesMTiuann Ger Lydla Peschau, '61(5 ton, Brt-rners, E Pescbau & West-ermann Nor Rex, 334 tons, Ha; se, E ii Barker & Co Sot Havstad, 234 toi s, (iuudersm. K HeUe Nor Stanley, 800 tor s, Gal vosen, HE Heide Xor Nornen, 3C9 tons, Eilgerseu, Pattrson, I)ovvi.inr & Co Norbigard, Jarl, 435 tons, Foislersen, li E .Heide. Nor Marie, 364 tons, TalU- ksen. li E II tide BRGS. Nor Salnder, 234 tons, Henrietta, K E H. id Xor Helena, 396 tODS, Sakensen, li E H-ido Nor Somerset, 333 ton?, Gls- n, R E Heide Nor Conga), 332 tons, Damilscn, . R E H' idt Ger Express, 275 tons. Fretwort, E Peschau & Westprmam. Am Silas N Martin, 264 torts, Paiker, J li. Nefi Br Busy Bee, 330 tons, Graham, EG Barker & Co Br Flora, 173 tons, Camer. n, E Kidder & Sons Ger J H Epping, 260 tons, Bulow, E Peschan & Westermann Am Susie J Strout, 190 tons, Fickt , Master Br Tranoore, 220 tons, Mcrrice, Patersou, Downing & Co Ger Diana, 314 tons, Schruder. E Pescbau & Westeimann Ger Thetis, 236 tons, Rad.ofT, E Peschau & Westernaann Ger Atlantic, 307 tons, Harder, E Pescbau fc Westermann Ger Magnet, 15 tons, Petersen, E Peschau & VVrstermann Sp Doa ('nnados, 227 tons, , gs guaid up for repairs SCHOONER?. Am Minewaw, 210 tons, Fairchildg, Harriss & Howell Am William Slater, 221 tons, Killiu, EG Barker & Co Am Helen J Holwav, 223 tons,Thornpscn, ; " EG Barker Co Am C S Packard, 321 tons, Joues, EG Barker & Co Am Roger Drury, 360 tons, Baker, Harriss & Howelj Am Lizzie Lane, 231 tons, Wes Master Am Kate Wentworih, 293 ions, Cox, K G Barker & Co Am Albert Dailey, 233 tors, Nason, EG Barker & Co Am John Douglas, 1S9 t. ns, Parker, EG Barker & Co Br Carleton, 69 tons, Alhury, E Kidder tfc Sons Am Carrie S Baileyp396 tons, niggics, EG Barker & Co Wanted. T WANTED TOPURCHAS a h.use cori v V taioing 4 or 6 rooms. Price not to ex ceed $600. Any one ha 'in? tucr; an one and willing to sell on easj terms cn find a re 'poDibla buyer by addreeniajr X. , Z, thro the Post Office, ea e of Kk via w Office, feb 23 FJotice. A VI HQ COMPLETED OCR FACTORY we are prepared to fill orders (or Saeh. Doors, Blinds and Building Material cf every de CTiprJon. We have added Planing Hills to our estab lishment, and will kp on hand a large stock ef well selected and thoroughly season ed Floorinjr. Weatker-Boarding, aiid all kinds of Dressed Lumber. Respectfully, ALTAFFER, TRICk fc CO. Factokv : vrt ics. , Foot of Walt ut st. Nutt, near Hed Oroi Best Butter in the World! 3 Pounds for. 81 Q.ILT EDGE BUTTER, 30 cents. - New York 8tate Bntter, 25 cants Country Butter, 30 c.nts. Bjo Coffee 15 to 20 ceLta. Pure Leaf Lard., 10 cent?. Java Coffee, 20 tc 25 cent. . Bio Coffee, 15 to 20 cents. m Fig Hams, Tongues, Ex-Shore Mackerel, 50 Cases Boederer s Co , Champagne, Pints and Quarts. t bO Cases Imported French Brsndy, 29 Cases Poney Whlaker- B' it in tha World. Cakes, Crackers, Pieserres, Pickelf, Teas, Lienor?,; Tbacae aid Cigars, at por alar prices. Geo. Rflyers. tab IS 11, IS sad II South Front SL Miscellaceous. Boatwright & McKoy OFFER THIS WEEK To their Customers . AD THE Public Generally, FRESH GOODS JJ3T RECEIVED 1 100 Bc,xtta c R SaIt f'idts 100 acies ot,er ) ' Q Boxes "tndiea, QQ Boxoa Caady, B(,xis Cheepe, oq Pa:.'ksg; s Crackers, T 1QQ Qroes Matches, . . v 100 Tnbfl Ld Tie,"cefl Lard, " 2QQ Cases lye nnl Pnt&sh, QO BbIaM l" JQ Bbl aiin.aJ inuff, 2Q0 Bbl9 Early Ko;e Potatoes, AnH lnt o?'oih-r CJi-oda too samerous t mention.- We can beat any P ou?e in the State on GOOD LIQUORS, b-)tb ad regardc price and quality. BOATWRIGHT & HOI 5 t& 7 EffQrtU Troat fl treat. fab 2:5 Combustibles I AND Comestibles ! AUR P. L. n-VT) TO LEAVE TOWV Tn V superintend rereonllv some special te- J T 1 . , .. . . ' iru iuuk iu iauimore wnne tney were making up the urt in the Orady cse, Thursday, but woo urre rriuay, wuen air. AlcKae paid ; APPLEb, LIQUID AND OLID, ae at the bottom of all the for and troubles of the world, from the time of Adam to this day, ana consequently P. L. Bridffers & Co., 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 BVont Streof. WILMINGTON, N. C. Ketp on hand to waBh them d wn, apple Branay, Apple Jack, Apple Jelly, Apples Fresh, Apples by the Pec, Apples b the pound, Apples big-, Apples red, 8?art Whis key. Apples Preserved, Apples Dritd, Apple by the quart. Apples by the can, Apples email, Apples brown, Apples yell w, and Apple butter, Porter, Lsger Beer, Can ants, dam in bajrs, Cheese, Cracfcers, Wine,. Jel lief, Ham loose, Can vies Bams S C Bams snd Deriled Ham for the sons of Adam,' and Chipped Betf, Potatoes, Rice, Mal,rorn aad Lard and hoi assassin quantities totuit. and NOT MIXED. ' I VERY ARTICLE WARRANTED to be as representcd.or money returned. No charge for showing Goous, and every body wel coraed, and the Huogryand Tbirty supplied witn the Bsst tbie Continent and the Wor!d affords at P. I. Bridge rs & Co., FAMILY GROCERS, 20, 2L 24, 28 and;.28 Front Street, Wiliiiingtoir, IV. C , feb 22 - , NJEW MILLINERY STORE. r AM CONSTANTLY RECEIfING New 1 Goods which I will sell cheap for eab. such as Bonnets, flats, hibbofciv Flowers and every ihicg in the Millineiy J ire. L fnU.' Crocheted Goois always on hd. Al.a. usee uoooi. unman Mair uooSg fi r sale Work done in the moit aonrovpd via Ladiej will do well to call and s e lor them- selves. Country orders receive pro not attention. MRS. 8. J. BAKKR, feb 4 Corner Third and Craxge tta. Sale of a Vessel by Fore -closure ef Mortgage. B Y VIRTUE AND IN PDRBUA5CZ of apowr of sale contained in a mortzaee executed by Semproni&us Griffin to H. Kruc hild A Bro , oa a certain Sloop or Vessel, called the nnie Bell", said iar.rtfr.ee Ulaz recorded at th Custom House of th Tn'ted 8tsts at Wilminrton, Sorb Caroriai, un der LiceLie No. 13 the undersign d, ittor nay for the Mortas. will s-.; I br t nbUr. auction, to th hubest bidder or'cA.h. at the Court Uoue door in the -citi r.f W mihjrroc, oa Monday, the first day of March 1880, at 12 o'clock. U. the v. Me) r gjrtjp called "Annie Bell", employed ia the coast ing trade -This 18th day of Feb uary, 1580. f.b lS-lOt Attorney for MortgaeVs. Hicc3llanooTu. SPEER'q PozHbGratie 1717:: Usisdia Oharohef for Co-mmiatoa Speer's rort (irsiw j. Fours Years Old rpHI8 JUHTLT C8LKBRATED IAif Wine U made from the mice of tk. n. I Grape, raised in thi counfj. luiut!sj Tonic anil streDitheniii : Pr f4t are aDsarpafed by oj wther Dstite J DKiog idc pure juice or me prape, f'f-J under Mr. Hre?r'i wa rtrrsora1 I its enritr aod venairenesfi r n..;. I t he vounsreat thiNt luaj . 4r:k n i oud qualities, aua tie pet irT!, U8e it to adrantave It i i r tirn,. . i fieial to the ee! p.f dec. HtHtd, m . to the various ai itt.-r,ts t.,atafllic. ih. ... set. It is, is ever? revot-ct, A W Js l-j Spear's P. jr. Shf rrt, The- f. J. 8HEKRT Is a Wlae of l &IOR CHARACTER and nttk.. ,.t Iden qualities of the yrape from wby is made, lor M KDICIN A K Pkiir e-r J u win oe round unexcelled. III . m Ui Speer i P. J. or Pedro J. Brai: This aoted Krandv im a nn diatn.J from the jrrape and is equal to the net f) BeeSV or Otard Brandiea; fnr m(M..lJ poses it can be relied upon as strictl? part) See that the firaatnra a AfrA au Passaic, N. J.,it over th cork of saea k tJOa A. SPEER'R MK Prrarift VU...J ork. ' ew Jersey, urace. ao. aiwtrrsi ml t - - - w rai For sale br flREKK A PT.AWWrp i MUNDS. Drureiflts. and P L BRinV.i CO. anril l.l, COMMERCIAL HOTE WILMINGTON, N. C. Large Sample Rooms f Commercial TrnTcIcn rpHE PROPRIETOR harioaT thcr il. renovated this House aad furaished it 1 I ly new,1srprerared to rire ;to the rmi public all the .convenient of a flwj CLAS80HOTEL. It is lorard ! 0 i - - centre of the buiinesr part t' e citj. f convenient to tbe prinripal boi tr i Postoffloe, f Custom House, City )' Court' Eocw. JST A First -Class Bar and ilSU- d m connected with thlsHotel. RATES $2 PPR F AT. t 24 F. A. M ') 'it, The IVevv Boot & Shoe Store, 232 MARKET STREET. Boots and Shoes For the Holidays. RRITIWCr DAILY HT IXPiif Corns scon to avoid the rush t. Iiucur.!? . . . 1 1 aauj y ta v r uuw, larnciMO yu.JH . ! '- excelled by any. J 5 one bat the best and most pApuls. la the country J no alvaitczi xw mic: Another lot of those Pcoten Buttrr rr" onoesjast arrived. Come aad examiae.; The Bame Old rv C ROSENTHAL 32 Market Sfrcff. r!ec 22 aign of tha Show C New Hat Store jrECEI VXD. YESTSRDAY BY 5fcW YO K fiTKAM1, AJTOTHFR LHT OF TH08K BTYLI4H ROM a Mil BTTFF fli" CHEaP. CI aod jsamlae ' JOHIt M. nORIF 1? Frdctst , Souib of Paresll U Jan 34 . - . rjotice PPcICATIOK wUlbe saadeto tor ue wiimtBftoB starlet c nap j feb 2S-0t 7