THIS PIPES li.sao)Uhd iTift afternoon, 8undays " UotedbT JOSU. T. JAMES, , xorrox ixd raorarrroa. '-twr!RrPTIO!Ca.P08TJLGK PAID. flM 7ear,& 00 8lx month, MM ; Three . a m m a- saontbs, $1 lo i tme BODIB, OV WBU. rv. will be delivered by earrisrs, ofeharre. in any pwt of the city, at the tbove rates, or IS eenu per week. Advertising rate low and libera e-l-Hnbacribort will please report My and 11 failures to receive tlieir papers regularly. New Advertisements. SHOWN & RODDICK. 5 & 10 Cent Store. - (. K. CORNER OF MARKET AND dKCOD STREETS.) TaKB TflI3 OPPORTUNITY of thsBfcinr. t1 Kenerl public for their very lib srl pstrecage in the above branch of our bu siness oeeireto Ute that at no time since oar Arst optmiog have we ever carried inch s Meortaieat'aa at present. Havig antlci tied the reoent grea advance in such goods, we are now fully prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest mortnenteverjshewa in thia section at any time. We can with trathfolneu atsert that oar stock is more them doable the size of any theror this kind rumth of Baltimore. It is a very easy matter to call in and ver.fy.the Above statement. We would also adi that we hare of late added several nw departments to the above, bleb we retail at higher prices, consisting ef many osefal artieies in Housekeeping, Ac, net as we have a demand for, and in tuture it will be our endeavor to JkeeD adding any and everything we can buy useful and below value. Oar intention is to make this THE tore of the Booth for Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a very imperfect list bu our space will admit of no more. Jepaoee Ware, G us w ae, Tin Ware, Mciseors, Freteh Dressing, Blacking, lak, Oil Cans, Maebine Oil, Faaeets, Trajs, Trumpets, Toiled Boa-, Children 8Iates, Perfumery,. Jewelry, Cjmbs, Pep Guns,? Door Bumpers, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Squeezers, Wa lets, , Brushes, Bracelets, Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Beads, Marbles, Balls, Htove Polish, Pistols, Oaa Openers, SealM, Needier and Pins, Padlocks, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pins, Bponges, Jumping Ropes, Hhovels, imen, Pocket books, TJte Paper and En-To'let r-ete. v elopes. Vases. Feather Dusters, Doll Carriages, Kasor Straps, Brooms, Buekeu, Baskets, V loci pedes, Carts, Wagons, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hamburg Edgings, 8 pool Cotton, Hamburg Insertions. 8 pool Silk, ' Ladies k Gents Udk'fi, Spool Flax, Linen Table Napkins,Ladies Hose, Liaen Tab.e Doilies, Chil drees Hose, KnchlBc. Cents Bocks, Collaretts, Gents ehirta, ' &c, Jbc, &c, etc, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & E0DDICK. 5 and 10 Cent Store, JT. K. Corner of Market and 3eeond Streets, feb 31 . New Crop Cuba. 308 Hhda and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasses, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS &.MURCHISON. Potatoes,Flour,Sugar, 300 Bbls. Early Hose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 075 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 45 Bags Coffee, Bio, ' i Laguyra and Java, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, 150 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lye and Potash, 53525 Boxes Laundry , and Toilet Soap, 150 Boxes Starch, S50 Whole and Half Boxes Candles, Candy, Paper, Snuff; Tobac co, Nails, Buckets, Hoop Iron, &c 4 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 8C00 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, 4500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 8500 Sacks Peruvian Cotton Guano, For salt lew by WILLIAMS MURCHISOIC, tab.U Waelstals Or. Cost. Marts. r a- VOL. V. WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1880. NO 12 LOCAL NEWS. Jf aw Advertisement. Pkiihik A Dissolution. 8.H. Fish slate. Mayor $1S Reward. Gso. X. Ha aa iss, R Knights of Honor. P Uniiiiitn-Field Crcquet. Da F. W. Pottee Notice. Grand Anniversary Ball Howard Relief Fire fcngine Co. Yarns. Fair Dealing. No City Court this morning. Window Glassall sizes at ltafler & Price's. i " ' t The skating riok baa been closed the season. fo: The steam yacht Passport will resume her regular trips to-morrow. Oysters were plentiful yesterday and sold for sixty cents per gallon. Barque Frank, Pedersen, bence, ar rived at London on the 7th inst. Barque Brazilian, Brage, bence, ar rived at Maaslius on the 7th inst. Barque Enrique, Pay son, hence, ar rited at Liverpool on the 8th inst. Nor. barque Frank, Amesen, hence' arrived at London cn the 21st inst. The base ball match on Friday after noon is the next excitement in this city The Steamship Regulator, Doane hence, arrived at New Turk on the 23d inst Nor. brig Hector SUen, Alneberg, hence, anived at Rotterdam on the 21st inst. We understand a new ice house is to be established in opposition to the one now owned by Mr. Lippitt. Christmas Fire Dogs and. Fire Irons, Fluting Machines and every sort 'of Hardware at lowest sort of cash prices at JXOOBI S. Save your money and bay your Build ing Supplies from Alt&ffer & Price. J Full Metal and Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizes, at Altafjeb, Price &Co'j. ; ': People with thin heads of hair should use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer to make the hair grow cut thick. Indications. For South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf Slates, lower pressure warmer Southerly winds, increasing cloudiness and'occasioa- alram. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a purely vegetable compound, innocent in nature aod wonderful in effect. For children it is invaluable, curing ' Crcup, Whooping Cough etc., in a few hours. Price 25 cents a bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Dr. F. W. Potter has removed to , this city to resume the practice of medicine and offers his professional services to the citizens of Wilmington. See advertise men t in another column. . We are glad to learn that Mr. James B. Orrell has so far recovered from the injuries he sustained by a falling sign board a few weeks ago, as to be able to a sit up and walk about his house. Jf your-hair is eoming out, or turning gray, do not murmur over a misiortune you can so easily avert. : AYER'S HAIR VIGOR will remove the cause ox your grief by restoring your hair to its nat ural color, and therewith your good looks and good nature. Joe Murphy has given ua the go by. Joeahould not have done so. A big house awaited his arrival. Kerry Gow is a favorite wih our people and be would have been heartily received In this eity. What is our loss is unarlotte's gain. Knights or Eoner. Carolina Lodge, No, 434, Knights of Honor, meet at their Lodge room to morrow night for the purpo&e of confer ring degrees. .( Give Fro per Credit. When we quote from one of our ex changes we generally give credit. And f there are two papers published in the same place, we do not say, as did one of our coremporaries recently, "one of the city papers remarks," but we give credit to 'whom credit is due. Good Evidence. When such men as the Rev. Dr. Harvey, Father Fits-Gerald, Prof. Green, Dr. Bartine, OoU John K. McChesney, R, W. Neff, and a host of others aaually trustworthy, certify over .their own signatures to the marvelous efficacy of VVarnor's Safe Kidney and Over Cure, in the dUeasea tor which it is recommended, t is time to dismiss doubts on tbe su.b, ect. 'I i Their TwentjFourth Anniversary- The Heward Relief Fire Engine Com pany celebrated their twenty-fourth anni vereary today by a parade and engine practice1 In seven minutes and frty seconds after the engine left its houe a stream was thrown. even ban dred feet of hose was lain before the engine commenced to pump. It is the opinic n of those who know best that the engit e 11 was working fully two minutes before the water was forced through the nozzle. -It must be remembered that in the tim- mentioned above (7 minutes 40 seconds) the engine had to be brought from iu house, bear the tuiuet of Foartb an-i Dock streets, anal placed on the fire wharf at the foot of Market street. We under stand from competent authority tbat the "Adrian boys" made the quickest time to-day .on record, in this fire department The I Hall - was beautifully decorated with' evergreens and the Italian harpers were on hand to deal out music while the feast of reason and flow of soul was 1 I indulged in. The festivities of the day will be concluded by a ball this even ing at Germania nail. Mr. jW. F. Lessman, in a well timed and very appropriate address called the members to order, and Mr. R Litgenj the foreman of the company, took the Chair. After a few brief but wel come remarks' of Foreman Litgen the members and Invited guests assembled around the festive board and partook heartily of the repast prepare'd for them At this juncture Mr. John Haar, Jr. President of 1 the Company, and Mr. A Adrian appeared. Three cheers i were proposed, and heart ily given them, and the harpers struck up "Hail to the Chief." Mr. Haar was then called upon to take the Chair and did so amid a tumult of applause. President Haar made a few but well timed remarks and stirred the "Adrian boys ' to activity on the occasion . Thefollowing gentlemen were called u poll and responded happily to the call: Messrs.! Jno. Haar, Jr., A. Adrian, T. H. Smith, Walter Furlong, M. S. Veney, and D. Litgen. A representative of the Review was called upon and responded as ail I newspaper men ao wun an excusej Foreman Litgen and Mr. W. F Lessman, made speeches which were worthy of note. During their addresses they complained bitterly of the insuffl i ciency of the fire alarm. They promise that if the city will only give the firo department a fire alarm that can be heard throughout the city, tbat at no time will their engine be second at a fire. They also state that their company is sadly in need of a horse, one of the pair thiy have, having been worn out in the service of the company, and that if they are sup plied with these necessities they will al ways be able to do their duty and take a stand second to no fire company in the city. It is to be hoped that their needs will bo supplied, and the Review stands ready to advocate their wants, as it has done in other organizations of.the fire de partment. Since the organizuion of the company forty-one of its members have gone to their long homes, but the pre sent members stand ready to sustain their credit and to maintain their honor. Tte festivities of the day were wound up by singing the "Old North State," . Our consumptive and youthful friend Mr. Walter Furlong, enlivened the oc casion by the renditioa of an 'Irish German Highland FliDg,' which brought dowa the applause of the assembly and came near bringing down the rafters of the house. As we stated above the an niversary will be concluded with a dance o;night, for particulars of which see an other column. Long, live the "draiq boys," and good luck to thf twentyfifth anniversary, iDDorumio me ACllcted, We would advise all who may need tbe advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. KoDertsou, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years expe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guarantees a cure in all diseases -of the Urinary Oryant and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Iin potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tremblirg, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddlucss, No, turnal Emissions, 4ct 41 resulting from abases in youth, or excesses in' manhood j also all skin and blood diseases quietly cured. Dr. B. is a graduate of (ma of U oldest and hes,t odic&l scliools in this ooisny (UcUersily of Maryland), and re fers to the leading physicians in hiscity,and all consaltinghim can rely upon hocorable and confidential treatrceut. In writing en dose stamp for reply. Special attention given to ali female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call and joe him. Medicine tent to any a44recs REVIEW. Delayed by the Tidr. The steamship Benefactor, from New York fur this port, arrived in below this forenoon, Hut oq 'account of coming into the river too late for this morning's tide. she will n A arrive at her wharf until to morrow morning. Promoted to a New StaU'tn. Mr. B. Blundon, who for over a year past lias been th Assistant in the Signal Office at Smithv Hie, has been ordered to Ciiitcoteque, Vs., to take charge of an 0 otlictf. Mr Dlandon has served the gov eminent faithfully, and his promotum is well-deserved- The people in thisviciuity will regit to Jose Mr. Blundoo, but will be gld tr hear of his promotion. Give u a Little Relief. If there auother city in the civilized world, that would tolerate the unhealtbv. sickening, and stinking odurs that per vade the whole atmosphere of this city from the begiunio of tbe guano season to the end ef it, by allowing cargoes of this stuff unloaded and reloaded for shipment within its corporate is done here? We. think not. Less than a month ago one of the most prominent Rail road officials in these parts remarked to u8 that in his opinion, "the city ought not to allow it '; and he cited Goldsboro, Wilson and other smaller towns which had already taken sction in this very matter, and prohibited the introduction of guano within certain limits. We know of our own personal knowledge that in Augusta Georgia, and other Southern cities, tbe traffic is prohibited within the city limits. Why cannot Wilmington dp the same, we respectfully ask of those in authority? - The Southern Historical Papers. This valuable magazine for the month of March, has been received and contains the following interesting articles: History of Lane's N. C, Brigade "continued!; General Lee to the Rear. The incident with Harris' Mississippi Brigade. 'Prison life at Fort McHenry,' by Dr. T, Wither spoon. General W. T. Sherman's visit to the Misses L: -, at Canton, Mississippi, in February, 1864 by General S. D. Lee's Chief Surgeon; 'Sixty-nine Federals in sight of their army captured by seven Confederates by Capt. Carter. 'Letter from a Virginia' lady to the Federal Commander at Winchester by Mrs Dr. R. C. Bandolph. Brigadier General George H. Steuart's report of his "brigade at the battle of Get tysburg. . Brigadier General Alfred Iverson's re port of his brigade at the battle of Get tysburg. Beminiscenses of Jackson's Infantry ('Foot Cavalry'), editorial paragraphs and literary notes. Moore's Creek Items. We learn through the courtesy of a' correspondent at the above named locality that th6 farmers are now busily engaged preparing for planting their . crops. Fences are being repaired, ditches cleaned out, and on many plantations, tbe farm ers have began to plough and plant. A splendid ball and supper was re cently given at the residence of Dr. John R. Uawes, one of Pender's most glorious goes, at which the beauty, gallantry and intelligence of tbe surrounding country were assembled. Excellent music on the piano and violin was furnished for the occasion by mus:cians of tbe neighbor hood, and after the dancing, which was kept up to a late, hour, was coacluded, the happy party sat down to a msgnU ficeBt supper prepared tor them by their n:ble- hearted host. The funeral sermon of the late lament ed Efenry Math bur ne was preached on Sunday, the 14th inst , Rev. Mr. Newton officiating. The funeral ritea were per fjnoed io accordance with the imposing ccremoulcs of the masonic fraternity, of which Mr. Masbburte was an esteemed, honored and worthy member. Th Moore's C eek Baptist Church, of which Rct. Julian Faiajn is pastor, told rcl-'g'cu" 6erTices oa every foUJtn Sundsy A. bunday School i btganized ;n connec tlon with, ihe chorch. but its sessions have been suspended during the winter months v La&i week we missed tbe Raleigh New for two days. This week the Newborn Xtemcraiaas failed u for two days,sursly something must be ' wrong somewhere in the mails. Tbe sturgeon fifherif and abiptaeaU promises to be uotxaally Urge for ibis, city this seascn. Windy and dusty to-day. To Leave Us. Mr. Wm. Hayes, a well-known book binder of this city, is, we understand, to move to Savannah, Ga., toacoer t a posi tioD ander Bro. Estelle, of the News. Mr. Hayes is a ood workman, and we trust he will find his Dew home pleasant er.d profitable. Lawlessness. The intolerable nuisance of throwing rocks at houses, tearing oft palings and unhinging gates, perpetrated by a lot of cowardly young raffain- at night,, has at tert called far action- a poo the part of tbe eity 1 authorities, and to-day His Honor tb Mayor, offer a reward of $25 in this issue, for the conviction of any one guilty of such offenses. We would be glad to think that these acts have been perpetrated in a vpirit of youthful thoughtlessness, but as they bive been so long contiuned aod4havebeen invariably committed in tbe dark hours of the night.the better to escape the probalities of detection, until we are compelled, very reluctantly, to attribute the acts to the meanest kind of moral eussedoess, and we hope they may be detested and adequate punishment meted out te tbemr Thermometries!. From the United States Signal Office in this place we obtain-the following report of the thermometer, as takea this morn ing at 6:56 o clo?k : Atlanta. Ga. 4 Mobile, Ala... 62 Montgomery Ala.. .63 Nashville 60 New Orleans ....63 Xew Tork.. 31 Punta Baasa, Ha...61 Savannah, Ga. 54 Hhreveport...... 2 St. Louis Mo 67 St. Marks, Fla......OO Vicksburg,Miss....66 Wuhingtonu.......B9 Wilmington. mHMn62 Augusta. Ga 4T Cairo, 111. 64 Charleston, 8. C....63 Cincinnati ...60 Corsieana, Tex 00 Fort Gibson, I. T.6S Galveston.. 68 Indianola... 67 (Jacksonville, Fla...66 Knoxville A2 Lynchburg, eaeststet 38 Memphis, Tenn..M.66 KeT7 Advertisements. Knierhts of Honor. QAROLIIf A LODGE 434. Special Meet ing to-morrow (Thursday) nig lit, fur the pur- pois of Conferring Degrees. feb25 GEO. N. HARRISES, Reporter. Dissolution. THE PART5ERSHIP heretofore existing under the name aod style of 8K1NNEK k LYONS, as Maehiaists. in this citv. is thia day dissolved by mutual consent. The debts or the concern wiu bs paid by 8. W. 8 tinner. ! 8. W. SKINNER, febJ5. L.B. LTOJT8. Grand Anniversary Ball. QF THE HOWARD RELIEF FIRE EN GINE CO., No. 1, at GERVfANIA HALL, on Wednesday Evening, February J5, 1880. f Tickets to be bad . of tbe Committee H. Olandt, A. Adrian. A. C. Wessell, John D. 8teH-s and G- H. Bate. feb 25 It ( Field Croquet, JALF AND FULL BETS. A Laree Tarietv of HtrUa. INDIAN CLUBS, all sizes, Just received at THE LIVE BOOK 8TORE. ' Zitherns. THE HOST WONDERFUL Instrument Known. I . Can be played by any one after ten minatiS time. For sale at M HEINSB ERGES'8, feb St Lire Book and Music 8 tore. City f Wilmingtont Mayor's Office, v Febraarj 2Sth, 1880. S25 Reward. rXIHE ABOTE REWARD WILL BE -a. - paid for information saifieieat to convict say i - ! person or persons, who have beea guilty of i '. - late of stoning houses, palling off palings ace! taking off gates from fences, or of com aitting any similar depredatiois in this city. 8. H. F18HBLATF. Btar copy. Mayor. fab IS-lt Notice. JATISG COMPLETED OUR FACTORY we are prepared to ill orders for 8aeh,Doors, Blinds sad Baildisg Material of every l seriptioa. We save added Planing MiUs to our estah lishment, aad will ksep oa hand a large skoek ef wall selected aad thoeuf kly season ed Flooring. Weatser Boarding, aad all kinds of Dressed Lumber. 1 Respectfully, I ALTAFFEB, PKICfc tX). Tactost: . Omci. Foot f Watsat st. Natt aear Bed Cross TLEA8E NOTICE. We will bej'sd to receive eommunJcaUons SSL!iV?ie,lrfon M7J all subject o raneral interest but : Tae name of the writer must alwsys be for lahedto the Editor. CommunleaUons aust be written on onlv oueddeofthe.paper. Personalitlef must b avoided. And it is eepeeially act! pa.-tlcularly nadt t tood that the Editor does not always et i. re the views of correspondents, unless so Uud lathe editorial cola ns, New Advertisements. Notice. I 08T KESPECTFULLI TINDEJv MV services as Physician acd Furgeon to the ciUsens of Wilmington and vicinity. Omce on North side Market, ' betw een Hc ond and Tbi'd streets. T"HERE do you get, the ub lotU ? Where do you get the best Ladies Hose Where doycu get the best Gents Hose ? Where do jou get the beet Handkerchiefs? Where do you get the best Linen Collars ? Where do you get the best Broems ' Where do you get the best Whisk Brooms:' Where do you get the best Clothes Brushes'.' Where do you getthe best Glass Tea Setts:' vw juu get me Dest JLaundry Soap:' Where do you get the best Toilet Soap Vt Where do you get the best W. G. Plates ? Where do you get the best W. G. Cups and Saucers ? Wliere do you get the best Cotfee pots ? Where do you get the best Tin Buckets Where do you getthe best Stamped Pans?. WT.M A . . ... ' uwc uu jou geC me best Sauce Pans ? Where do you get the best Bread Tans ? ' Where do you gefthe "best Tio Pass ? Where, do you get the best Wash Board's.:4' Where do you get the best Market Basket.1 Where do yon get the best Mirrcrs :' Where do you get the best Feather Dusters ? Where de you get the best Walnut Brackets .V Where do you get the best Sifters 1' Where do you get the best Box Paper : Where Lace Trimming ' The question is where do you get tie above named artirip0 ti.,. : back: Why! at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 41 IT- moTT aTHUET. and 1001 other useful Housekeeping artL tides. Special inducements oflered to Country Merchants. . Ink and tVIueilaffe, A SPECIALTY. Ladies are Invited to call and examine; Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store : WO, 41 n ORTIZ mONT BT. feb 24 - - Fair Dealing ND LIVING .PRICES RECOMMEND TATE8 Book 8tore to the public. A frsh and well selected stock alwsjs on 'land Chromos, J'ictore Frames, Mocldings, Ac." Organs s-!d on the IniUlment Plan at 9 eb 23 Bookstore. Wanted. WANTED TO PURCHASB a bouse con talning 4 or 6 rooms. Price not to -eeedfeoo. Any one having sucb an one atd willing to sell oa easy terms en find in ponible buyer by addressing X. Y, Z, tbro th Post Omce, care of Rsvuw 0ce, ' f:b?3 ' Coney's Tobacco Store IF TOU WANT THE BEST 5 and 10 eta, Cigar go to CONEY'S where vou will find the 1 arc eel aeleetkm of Imported and Dome ie Cigars, Chewing and Baoilo Tobam. Gentlemen will pleafe remembtr that 1 do not keep opes on Hundays, therefore th'ae who wish to purchase my goods will have to do so during the week. jaa3-U WALTER CONEY", $ 8teamer Passport 'yyiLL RESUME regular trips THURSDAY, Febraarj 58th. leaving WDmingfoa at 2.30 P. M. Having beea pat is the most perfect order,, wo promise Fxeartieaists every comfort pos sible, 0E0. MTER8 . ftb St V AgenC