'fcV2R GIVE UP. O nover give up and never get h ue. -k-f'eu-tt brave houl, you'll weather it thro . K .Never s ,y fail. 1 hrice clad ia mail. Is the hero who's honest and true. When the weather is-dull. and the rain i '..Us like white tears on the window pane. Never get blue, Lrnt w 1 hhine through. And the sun ri e in g)ory ayain. Thounh thy los.-es like tempest clouds low Be here -shrink not from the shower. v r ueHair. Aicii.Hg the air I a iM.w.spauinny collie and tower. What though riches should take wings and - I !-"', M.ti i iy lot with th louely bliould be; .Never give up, Mixed in the cup , ; f tears are tlie sweets ol a tversity. "If h- h-iu-hty passhj with a'sneer, i i,iik tnl ('an eclipse the bphtre. ever hay die, . Ia-1 turn ps by, A t utu of Hie w heel may bring help near. . .-iiii ut and swim'through tlie rolling l.i miYi where hands are outstretched to tii'-e. Never go flown . trl- 11 win not drown Wiie-e head is raisi iland whose hands are Iree. . fi, never give up, and never get-blue, K' iiAa mjui, you'ii weather it through; Never say fail, "i hrice Ciiid in mail I-the her wuoS h ...neat aud true. Atlanta Constitution. Ji flerson DutIs. A leprtrcHa'ive iftbe Conptitution I av.Lg heard that Mr J (J Derby wan in the eiiy, roceected to the Kimbali House yttttiday afleuooD, and bad a to; g aua .leaaut talk "Mtu bim con c. ruiug matters which cannot fail to iuteiett tut; readiDg public. Air Der by. formerly of tbo publishing bouse cf Derby &" Jack'son, but for many yfiara past connected witb D AppMon x. Co, arrived m Atlanta on Friday u oruing. tic bad been epeuding eev tral days with ex-President Davis in no beaualui bomo at Beauvoir. It is well KU'jwu that the bousa wnich bo rpresehtn e toj pnbhsn Mr Davis' m m iie of tbo war. He found Mr Ajavia en ymg exctileut health, and xpree ijimseif much deiigbted with bis visit to the hospitable uome ot the ex-Pieaidebt ol the ConfBde racv. Mr Derby found the m mime well under way, aud h ery teou ucneve that taey will uo ready for publication in tbe fail. Tbe meoiorits win couaictof two large ootavo vol umes, illueirated witii portraits ol those wbo acttd under tbe immeciate tidminisiiation of President Davi?. A large portion of tbe first volume wili be devoted to Mr Davis' views as to tie causes bicb led to tbe late war. Tue remainder if rolume first and tbe w o'e cf volume tecondwill re ate to tbe conduct of tbe - a . as iuuou baa been said recently about tbe Djrsey will case, and et pecially iu view of tbe dispatch from Ntw York in yesterday's Constitution .in reiationrthereto, Mr Derby in formed the tepo.-ter that the hoube i t lieauvoir, which is a large aud elega t nianuiou, was built by jut Brown, a Miebissippi iljntcr, and doubtluss coet iU.COO, the bum reported. Mr Brown btcame invoked for a large amount, and Cuptaih Doisey bought the buute fer a um lt68 than tnat paid for it by Mr Davis, tbe latter having purcbited the premises some- t me belore tbe limess ol airs Arsey. It was not bequeathed to bim there, lore, but was a regu:ar purchase, bo iur all tbe money received from Mrs Dorsey's estate by Mr Davis bas been expended in ditcuargiL-g Buudry ob ligations and paying taxea against the tbti.te. As 'ia well known, tbe 6Uit originally brought was dit-missed by the court. Mr Derby say that Mr Davia ex pects to make eOO or l.UCO bales of . cotton on bis Mississippi plantation tbe coming season, and epoke in en couraging terms ol the industrial and Agricultural future of his S ate. The family of Mr Davis consists of himself, bis wife and bis nephew. General Joseph Davis, both of whom are rendering valuable at-tistance in tbe literary lalor wb.cb be bas in bacd. Bt. au voir is a station midway between Mobii.e.and lScw Orleans. Tbeplace is appropriately named, for it com mands a n:Ost btautiful view of the Gulf.iupou the nhore8 of which it is Mtuuttd. Mr. Derby also paid a visit to Mrs Augufcta Evans Wilson, wbo lives iu Mobile, lie was the first pub lisher of this lady who bas now such great and deserved 'fame as the author of Bculah, J3t Elmo, e?o, and to him, the last named, nd in the opinion of -many, including the writer, her best work wasdedtc ted. Mrs Wi.'eoa is not writing at prestnt, but j receives a large and Me tidy income from tbe sale of her published works. w Orfe bc Picayune. Wcdiied Lotc A True Incident. 'Make the bed easy, Mr B,' said old Uncle Abe to tLe undertaker, who was preparing ti e eoibQ for his tged wife Miike the bed solt aud easy, for her old bones are U nder and so. t, "aud a hard bed will hurt them.' lie forgot for a moment that old, gray-haired man -that she was dead; that' the old bonts bad done achiug forever. Hi xtycf our years had she wa ked by his ide, a true and loving wile, bix y four yeaih! Jiiet think of it in this ego of divoice Sixty-four years had they dwelt under the same sortows ot life; together mourned over the coffin ol their first born; together rejoice in tbe prosperity of their sous .'and daughter?, and, now she h a left bim alone, ft o wonder be fcrgot. Her loving bands bad so long, cared for bim, for be bad been tbe feebler of the two. 'Until death do ua part,' said tbe marriage service tbat had united them so mauy years ago. Death bad parted tbem, but tbe love still tur ived. Tenderly had be cared fcr ber all these years, and now tenderly did be watch the making of the last bed of thig still loved wife. He had , barely breuted the etorm of life with her by his s'de, but cow that she wai gene hp coald cot live, and in a few days tbey ind Mm by her aide. New Advertisements. Do you fe-lthat any one f jonr orjraos your etomach, lmr, bowlBit or nery- ui ijs tero, falters in iti wo k.? If no, repair tbe damage with the ir oat powe'ful, yet harm lees of inrigroranta. Remember tbat debility is th "Beginninj: of tbe End" -that the cli max of all weakiieas is a universal paralfsis of the system, and that such paralysis is the mmediate precursor of.Death For sale bj all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, feb 9 JUST GUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE ml RETREAT, r Personal Experiences in r the United States and Conlcderate'States Armies. BY GENERAL J. B. HOOD ' Army, published for Late Lieutenant-General Confederate States, The Hoed Orphan Meioival Funfl, BY GENERAL 6. T. BEAUREGARD, ' NEW ORLEANS, 1880. crThe entire proceeds arising from tbe sale of tnis work are Ueroted to The Hood Or phan Memorial Fund, which is invested in United Htat.B Kepistered Bonds for the nur ture, care, support and education cf. the ten infants deprived of their parents last sum mer at New Orlea.e, (tbe melancholy inci dents of which sad Dereavement are a till fresh in the public mind. ) . The book is an elegant octavo, cfntairing 3P0 pages, with a tine photograph likeness and a line steel engrarisg. made expressly for his work,four large maps of battle fields, bound in handsome Gray English Cloth, at Til K RE DOLLAKM, or in a Fine hheep Binding, with Marble Edge, THREE DOL LAkH AND FIFTY CtNTS In Hsllf Bound Morocco, library ftyle, FOUR DOLLARS, or in best Levant Turkey Morocco, full Gilt Sides and Edges, Kl YE DOLLARS. On the receipt from any person remitting by mail or express, of the amount in a regis tered letter or by a postal oider, bank draft, or c: eck, a oopy will be immediately sent free of postage, registered as second-class matter. . The volume is published in the best style of typography, on elegant paper, with illustra tions, executed as highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, tbe purpose, all alike render it worthy a place in every libra ry, on every desk or upon the book shelf of every bouse in the country. A gents wanted in every town and county in the United States, and a preference will be given to honorably ci-. charged veterans from the army.' 1 To the ladies, who feel a desire to express their sympathy with. Tbe Hood Orphan Me morial Fund- tbe sale of this book among their circle of friends will afford an excel lent way of cont ibuting substantial aid to go deferving a cause.' I For terms, rates to agents, etc., ad dress, with fall particulars, GES'L G. T. BEAUREGARD, , Publisher, -On behalf f the Hood Memorial Fund, jan24-3mos New Orleans, La; r CLYDE'S Mew York AND Wilmington, RI. C. Steamship Line. THE STEAMER '1 1 rv REGULATOR, UAPT. DOANE, WILL 8 AIL FROM NEW YORK CM SATURDAY, February 21 fea- Shippers ean rely upon the prompt sailing; of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS..E. BOND, Bap't, WnBalngtom, N. C. TBEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent. ; . ew York. TO. P. CLYDE A CO., . . -. ' M Broadiraj. Nw Tofk, feb 8 - v "lS w STOMACH . IliscollaneouB. HI A MflO Stool.Cever and Book only rlUUUOf 143 to $255. ORGANS 13 Stops, 3 aet Reeds, 2 Knee SwellsyStool, Book, only $98. D" Holiday Newspaper Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ington, N. J. feb 5 GENTd WANTED for the Beat arid Fastest Selling Plctoral Rooks and Bible j Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Pub lishing Co., Atlanta, Ga fb 6 A HOUSEHOLD NKKOlAl-bool on Malarial Diseases and Liver Complaint, sent FREft. Address Dr. Saxford, If 2 Broad way; New York City. . feb 6-4w AGENTS READ THIS. i We want an Agent In this County to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wondeiftil invention. Sample free. Address at one SHKRMAN & CO., Marshall, Michigan. feb 5 ; COMPOUND 0XYGEN.;S No. 1, a record of remaikable cues in Con sumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, and oiber (Chronic Diseases by the new Oxygen Treat ment, now redv and se.it free. Drt. ta-k-y A Palen, 1109 and 1111 Grand it., Phila delpbia. Pa. ; feb 6 CURED. A simple veetablf remedy for the wiy and permanent cure of Consump tionJjroucbitis,Catarrh. Asthmswid all Throat ana iunfl AJfectxona. A-lflO a. DAdltlve a. ml radical enre for Nervous Debility and all NerToufl Complaints, vhick hat b'-en tested in thaunandt of cme. Recipe, with f ull directions (in German, French, or Eng-lteh) for prepar ing' and usinr, sent by mail free of rnarxe on receipt Of Stamp. Pleat nam IkU paper. W.W.BHtKAR.149Poweri'Btock.Kohtr.W.T. ON 30 DAYS iTEIAL We will send onr Electro Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other die eases. A sure Cure guaranteed or no pay Address, VOLATIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. feb 6 $10,000 ON LIFE & PROPERTY. $10,000 will be paid to any person who can xplods a Lamp fitted with our 8AFETY ATTACHMENT. Mailed free for 3 cents. Four . for $1. Agents Wanted. Male or Femate. d. 8. Newton's Safety Lamp Co, Binehampton, N. Y. INSURANCE Salesroom, 13 West Broad way, .Y.. feb 5 iw Fori 35 Cts CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 175672 NEW and OLD Standard WOKK8 in Every Department of logue of General Literature and fiction free. .Immense Inducements to Rook Clubs and Libraries. att Bros., 3 Beekman St., Opp. Post Office, feb 5 4w . New York.. Get the Best. THE GREAT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN pf 1880 has begun, and it is jour duty to watch it and to understand it. To that end, what yon need is a good Democrat'c News paper. What ererjoody says is apt to ba true; and everybody says that Hale's Weekly is the besterer printed in North Carolina. It is Democratic fi nm principle. It gives all the news in the most condensed and well or dered style, because it is a newspaper It is printed on good white paper from large, clear type, because its subscribers pay for a good paper and are entitled to one. It will fur nish a complete history of the excitldg times and of the federal and 8: ate campaigns now just begun. After paying for your home paper, instead of sending to New York, or Boston, or Phila delphia for a weekly, send for Hale's Weekly, which not only supplies the news and good reading sometimes to be had from abroad, but to whose ample space the application of a thorough knowledge of how- to use it adds to news, and politics, and literature, a com plete history of all that is dene ia North Car olina.. The information printed in it weekly for months past, nd to be had n no other paper, ought to be in the possession of every citiien. 1 he price is only $2 a year, $1 for six J months. Sample copies sent on application, but no name is entered on its mail books without payment, and subscribers are saved the unpleasantness of ordering the paper stopped, as it is discontinued at the end of time paid for. Address I P. M. HALE, i 1 Kaleigh,N. a fr Liberal compensation offered to Post matters or others who will act as local or county agents. : feb 18. Ladies' Emporium, rpHE MISSES KARRER k McGOWAN, have just received novelties in Hair Goods, Nonpariel" Scollops, " Normandy "Coqueu, "Mignon" Coquets, Fvftt, Braids and Curls, Invisible net-, all shades. Vaseline: A favorite new Pomade, al ways on hand. Braids, Pufls and Curls, made from Comb ings and Cut Hair. Hair Jewelry made to order. Orders for Stamping and Embroidery promptly attended to. A nioe assortment of Ladies'r Underwear made of best material. A fresh supply of Children's Cod, Flan rel and Waterproof 8uits, sixes 2 to 12, In fant slips, Skirts and Robes. Orders tsken for. Bridal Wardrobes. , I. Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. ian 16 SCHOOL CF DRAViriG-iPAINTiriC i ETC.V INSTRUCTION GIVEN in Crayon, Lepia and India Ink Drawing, also. Painting in Water Celors, Oil, Pa-tel and Coloring Photographs, at reasonable rates. - For further particulars inquire at the School Rooms of Misses Burr A James, in the rear of 8t. James Church. nov 2'i Tho. H. HcKoy, Hobt H IIcKcv K TvTJiT.rmGTOK, n. a OQee North side lUrksCtreet,.Urwe Beooad a&d Third itreeta. -tarn VUU IILscellaneous. The World for 1880. Democrats every whee should inform them se'.ves ca'efullr alike of the action of their party throughout the country and of the movements of their Republican opponents. A failure to do this in 1876 contributed great j to the loss by the Democracy ot tbe fruits cf theict"ry airly won at the oils. i Te year 18S0 promts-s to be, one of the most interesting and imports t years of this orowded and eventual century. It will wit ness a Pi evidential election which may result in reestablishing the Government f this countrv on the principles of it? constitutional founders, or in permanently changing tbe re lation of tbe Mates to he Federal power Wo intelligent man can regard aaeh ij elec tion with indifference, 'ine World, as the only, dailv English rewspaper published in the city of New York wtich uphold the doctrines of coiisritutional Demoeraey, will steadily reoresnt the Democratic party in this great cnvass U will de this in no spirit of per Je partisanship, bat temperately and ttr-nlv. As newspaper the World, being ihr organ of no mn, no cliqne and no inUr est, will preset. t the fullest and tbe fairest ric.ure it can make ot eac day's history in tbe ci'y, tne rotate, the country and the world. It will aim hereafter, as beretolore, at accuracy first of all things in all that it pubiisbe. io an, hover r humble,'shali ever be per;t itted trulv to complain that he r as been unjustly deilt with in th columns of The Wo -Id No intere however power fal, ball erer be prmitted truly to boast iht it can fcilfDce ih fair criticisms of The World. During the at year The World bas seen i;s daily ci; cuUtiob trebled aiid its weekly circulation pushed, far beyond that of aby other week.lv newspaper in the country. 'Ibis trreat increae has been won, as Tbe World believes, by truthfulness, enterprise ceafies actiTitj in collecting news and un faltering loyalty to iUelf and- to its readers in dealing with the questions of the day. It ia our hope and it will be eur endeavor that The Worl ds record for 1P80 may b written in the approbation and th support of.many thousands more of new readers in all parts of this Indissoluble Union of Indestructible States. -RATES. Our rates of subscription remain unchang ed, and are as follows : Daily "asd Sundays, one year, $10; six months, $5. CO; three montcs, $2 75. Daily, without Sundays, one year, $8; six months. $4.25; three months, $2 25; lefs than three months, $1 a month. .The Sunday World, one year, $2. The Monday World, containing tbe Book Reviews and '-College Chronicle," one year, $1.50. The ?emi-Week'y World (Tuesdays and Fridays) Two Dolla'S a year. To Club Agents An extra copy for club of ten; tbe Daily for club cf twenty-five. The Weekly World (Wednesday) One Dollar a year. To Club AgentsAn extra opy for c'ub of ten, the 8emi Weekly for club of twenty, the Daily for club of fifty. Specmen numbers sent free on applica tion. . Terms Cash, invariably in advance. Send post-office money order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills at risk of the t end er. Address "THE WORLD," 35 Park Row, W. IT. A SPECIAL OFFER. Subscribers who send $1 for a year's sub scription btfore December 28 will receive Tbe Weekly World from the date of their subscription ' To JJarch 5, 1881. This will inelnde the Presidential campaign and the inauguration of the next f resident. Old subscribers who send $1 before De cember 28 for a renewal of their subscrip tion for 1880, will receive The Weekly World to March 5, 1881, without missing a number. This Oiler will be With drawn December 29. Takeadvantage of it at once. Subscribe at once. Benew at once, dee 10 Cathartic Coralnne the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions' accurately adjusted to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of c areful sfudy and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy vet discovered for diseases, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bow-Is, which require prompt and effectu al treatment. Aykk's Pills are specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act tlirectlv oil the digestive and assim ilative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their, extensive use by physicians in their' practice, and by. all civilized nations, is one of .the many proofs of their value as a- safe, sure, and perfectly reliable, purgative medicine. Being compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they arc positively free from calomel, or anv injurious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with perfect safety. Aver's Pills are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Ixss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, "Headache, Ixss of Memory, Numb ness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumy tism, Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural gia, Colic, CJripes, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, sml all other diseases resulting from a di-orderi-d tate of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "Wliil-j gentlo in their action, these Pills are the un-st thorough and search ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inlianied, and then their influence is heal ing. Thev stimulate the appetite and digestive organs: they operate to purify and enrich tlie blood, and impart renewed health and vigor5 to t he whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Practical and Analytical Cnenuts, Lowell, Mass. ini n rt At t. rrc:isT9 kvkrtwhzr- Winberrv Oysters- raw ihe nnnn sums mmam 1-1 bow.; Another iastal- v. ment just received this' zBomizr ,lrs old noun aov xor not w ntsxsy ana rat irystsr. Free Loch every day at 11 o'clock . -tt;t23 , J0IL!MURr.0l,TV alV) Ilis cellaneous. H.T. ELHBOLD'S Compound Fluid Extract PHARMACEUTICAL. SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE For Debility, Lofs of Memory, Indispo sition to Exert'on or Business, Shortness of Breath, Troubled with thoughts of Dis ease, Dimness of Visiou, Pain iu th Back, Ches and Head, Kusb of Blood to the Head, Pale ountenauce and Dry fckin. L If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very frequently Epileptic Fits and Con sumption follow. When the constitution becomes affected it requires the aid of an invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up the system which If Helmhold's Buchu Hoes V is 5C1 1)11111111 o Duunu IS UNEQUALLED By any remedy known. It is prescribee by the most eminent physician all over thd world, in Rheumatism, Spermatorrhoea, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Aches and Pains, General Debility, Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaint. Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, Head Troubles, ' Paralysis, General HI Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, . 1 Deafness, Decline, Lumbago, , Catarrh, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints. Headache. Paiu in the Shoulders.Coueh. Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Eruptions, Bad Taste in the Mouth. PalDitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, anaatnousana other painful symptoms, are the otfspring of Dyspepsia. HELMftOLD'S BUCHU Invigorates the Stomach1 And sthnalates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys to healthy action, in cleans ing the blood -of all Impurities, and im parting new life and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will be quite sufficient to convince the most hesitatirjg of its valua ble remedial qualities. PRICE S 1 PER BOTTLE, Or Six Bottles for Delivered to any address free from ob serration. "Patients" may consult by letter, re ceiving the same ottention as by calling. : Competent Physicians attend to corre . s pendents. All letters should be addressed P H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION! See that tho private Proprietary y Staap is oa each bottle. Gold E verovh ere. BLADDER KIDNBiS nui Mum n UIMIIDVUIJ Bail Road Unss, &c. 5 k VILMINQTOK &A1XS0AD COCTANT. ; Oyytoa or Oss'l Srpi&iwTtKDisT Wilmington, N. a, Nov 22d, lSi9. J , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after andayj Nov. 23i, Passenger trains on the WMmiogton A 'ssi. don Railroad will ron as follows : DAY MAIL AM) EXPKK8S IBAI V, dss-y . Leave" Wiiaoinjrton, Front t-L Depot' 6 50 A 5 Arrive at Weldon at... iu 50 p ' Leave Weldon '. 3 40 P A. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot at. p 5J P k WIGHT MAIL AND EIPKKSS TKA lh , DAILV. Leave Wilmington, r rnt St Depot at. 40 P ':' Arrive at Weldon at 3 SO A Leave Weldon, ; A ., Arrive at Wilmington, Froot 8 L Depot at.... -it l ; Trains on Tarboro Branch Hvhu j Rocky Mount for Tarboro at ft. I ' V V j -and Tnesdaj, Thursday and r?aturt - r j ; AM. Returning, leave Tarbor. .f A M daily,, and Monday, W,-di.;M , Friday at 8:30 P M. The Day Train makes elose connection a. Weldon for all poinii Norm via bay Ltn daily, (exeept Sunday) and daily, via Kic'a. mond and all rail route . Night train makes close connections si Weldon for all points north via Richraoni. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Surt.' nov ?2 T -' Gen'ISup'tG Office WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND At' GDSTA RAILROAD CO Wilmington, Nr C, Nor 22, ; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE', On and after Rnn Vm i-i rli lowing schedule will be run on this road: DAY EXPRESS AND MAIL TKA IN. dallv Leave Wilmington... f 40 A M aniTo i riorence 2 Qtj p jj Leave Florence j 50 j Arrive at Wilminjrton 8 iO P H FIGHT EXPRESS T3A IN (Dsvly Leave Wilmington 10 13 p M Leave Florence 2 2 ) A M Arrive at Camden Junction 4.15 A M Arrive at Columbia , y 00 A M Leave Columbia.... f CO P M Leave Camden Junction... 2 Of) M Leave Florenoe 2 l'0 A M Arrive at Wilmington..... .G HO A M This Train stops onlv at F!en..ncton Whiteville, -Fair Blui, and Marin. . Passengers for Columbia, and all f-oiiition G. A C. R. R. and ia Weeiern North Carnil nn, via Columbia and Spirts nburg, chould take Night Express Train from il-nintrton. Passengers for Augusta ehoald ink Nirht Express Traft), which connects oloRoIy ri Florence, Charleston Junction and Csmden Junction. fiSt Through 81eepln(r Cars on all rtht traus for . Charleston, Augusta and Colum bia. Trains leaving Wilmington 8atardr. nights do not make any conneo'Uon for Col. umbia. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt. nov 22 OAKOLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO Orrjoa ulraaiL SurxaiHTESoiBT, WUmlngton, N. C, May 18. 187P.J . ' Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER THIS dte, tbo f)How. in ur Schedule will be onrtd - in this Rallwart '( Passenger, Mail and Exp.r.ees Train. ' Leave WUmlngton at.... 7:03 P II No. L Arrive at Hamlet at..;.... 2:27 A M J " at Charlotte at..... t:20 A M( Leave Charlotte at.. ..8:25 P It Arrive at Haruletat 1:31 A M " at Wilmington at 0:SQ A M Close connection made at Ikmlet lm trains of Raleigh A Augusta Air Line way. Shelby Division Mall, Freight A Passenge ana express. Wn a I Leave Charlotte.... .1.8:10, A M ' ao-7 Arrive at 8helby... 12:30 P If Ho. Leave Shelbr........ 1:16 P M iJ Arrive at Charlotte......... 5:05 P M j maj 17 V 1. .ilWVUIV -General SoperinUndent. HOP BITTERS. (A Mrrfirine, not a I)r!i.2i.) IWTIH III. Ill . .'I A II II A Iv I :. ii lAXIKI.If, AXO TTTX lTRxr A.' y Viz I.:,;c.s. t. CrAJUTI3 o AIX T'?:l; I :-7 !;'. ' . TTTTTTg- OXJX3L23 All hPMn ff tlie titomtwh, rk U, T.I.,mI, Urcr. CidneTB, anil Urinary OtvaiiX. '( rrrmrr:-, h!"rv v 1 SI 000 IX GOI.D. t WUJ paM tor euv tljy win not ir ,t L-Ip, crZ for anything impart or Injiiru. for twl : n Vfui. J Ajk your drxifapxt tor llvpVAif:. unl try U.. iuS j before you J- p. T.Le no oiUr. Q Hop Coron Craa Uthe aweetwt. tft aad Ft Ak Children. - j The Ilor Pad for Stomach. LJr and KJ'inoy It ' .-tor to ail other. Curen by tsimrirylitAi. XV dryslt. j D. IJc. UanabMhitendlrrf-i(tilIr!irfor(run(' . ennMt, ms of ojlum, totacco and carootics: S-nd for circular. You Would Like to Knew TT7UKKK 10 (iu iO GKT .i 1 K .. T , a, . - W Wines, Cigar?, e'c. 7 he NewJiealaurant and Saloon opened by WILL WEST, la f the Custom House' Alley, has ttc Lest of S- eTcrything at very rearonaUc prlcss. Hew, , ' - ' i- . ' " " ' ' ' : neat, clean and . pzivate, is - ILe Office Saloon. . -.. WILL WEST, . dec 13 . ..Proprietor. " '