THIS PA FEB i poolished every afternoon, Buadays ex jptJ by JUSIli T. JAMKB, ID I TOR LMD PBOPBIKTOK. aUBSCRIPTIONa, POSTAGE PAID, jae Tyer,$5 00 ; Six months, $2 50 j Three months, f 1 25 ; One month, 60 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier., rM of charge, in any part of the city, at the boT rate, or 13 cents per week. Ad Tertjeicjr rates ow and liberal fT-Sabicribera vrill please report any and .'failures to receive their papers regularly. tfew Advertisement. & SODDICK, W 5 & 1) Cent Store. (N r:. COIINT.U F MARKET AND -riWMM) Sill FJVS.) jti T . Kc: TH i OVPOKTCNiTY ofj Uiaiikiog the n-n;ra: publlcfor their very lib erl patiouaite in tbe bove branch of our ba and uetireto ua that at to time siace,, i ur crfct op.niog hare we ever carried each an wsjrtment as at prtsent. Haviag antici pated tbe re ent grwa advance in such good, wtf ate now lully pi epared to offer the Largest and; Cheapest mortuen? e"er;h. wn in this section at any time Re ran with truthfulness assert that ;Ur hk.cs is more ih-m drtub'etthe size of any .,tli-r.J O-is Kind uth -f Baltimore It is A verj caiy matter t, call in and ver fy the thove statement rte would also ad J that we have of late i l .ed everal nsw departments to the above, l,ich weretnil at higher prices, consisting ,f many usefil articles in Housekeeping, Ac, uen as we have a demand for, and in tuture it will i our endeavor to keep adding anv xnd everything we can buy useful acd below a'ae. ar int nti.n is to make this Tilr Htore f the o th for Hargaiiid of all Kinds. The following is a very imperfect list but :.ur epace will aamit oi no more. j,i)orw W.te, Childrens Slates, it a-g a'-. Perfumery, Tia Ware, Jewelry, 1-cu.ora. mbs, Kre ch Dre ilng, 1'ep Guns,, Blackiuz, loor Bumpe irr Cork8crews7 Oil Cans ,)oil8 Machine Oil, Hair Pins, Fauceis, Pulleys, Trajs, Lemon bquetzars, Trumpet?, Wa lets, Toiled tioa , Brushes, Fo,k, Bracelets, Table and Tea Fpoons, Heads, - Marbles, Balla, Rtove Polish, Padlocks, I'iatols, Chisels, Can Openers, Fcrew Drivers, Hcals, . Alirrors, Needle and Pins, Clothes Pins, hhovels, Sponges, Hammers, Jumping Ropes, docket JtJook, Note Paper and Fn-To'let v ew, velopes, Featber Dast-is, Dell Carriagts, Fazor Straps, Brooms, I Buckets, Barketd, Vase. Vtlociptdes, Carta, Wagons, Wash Boards, Clocks. Hambarg Edgingr, Spool Cotton, Hamburg Inserting, Spool Silk, ; Ladies & Oenls Hd'fs,Spool Flax, . Linen Table Na: kins.Ladies Hose, Linen Tabie Doilies, Cnildrens Hose, Huching, (Jentu Socks, Collaret!?, Gents Shirts, &c, Ac, &c,, :c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, N. E. Corner of Market and Second Streets. feb21 . New Crop Cuba. aOS'Hhds and Tierces New Crop Cuba Molasses, Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIilSON. Potatoes,Flour,Sugarf ttOO Bbls. Early Rose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to Extra Family, 27o Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C, 425 Bags Coffee, Bio, Lagnyra and Java, . 350 Boxes Smoked J and D S Sides, ! ISO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lj-eand Potasb, Boxes Laundry and Toilet Soap, 150 Boxes Starch, j 250 Whole and Half Boxes ; Candle?, i Candy, Paper, Snun, Tobac co, Nails,: Buckets, Hpop Iron, &c. - 500 Bales Choice Timothy and Eastern Hay, 3300 Sacks Marshall's Fine Salt, 450 O Sacks Liverpool Salt, 3500 Sacks Penman Cotton Gnano. for sale low by ' ' WILLIA.H8 k MDBCniflOY, feb.ll Wholesale Gro. M. Com. Herts. t ! 5 nn H 1 1 i A ,11 ii VOL; V. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. A. T Lohdoh Commissioner's 8ale. Bee ad Yellow Tobasco. P Hiissbbrsib. A Oret American Novel. Yatbi. Fair Deal ng. Window Glass -all .sizes at :jltaffer & Price's. ; - f Full Metal and Walnut Sh6w Cases, all styls and siz, at Altaffeb, Pkice The schooner A- F. Randolph was p t on tbe floating" dock this morning for re pairs. ' . E'gbty bnncheof spoilt fis'i and elht dressed fowls were sent out of market this morning. Mr. Walter Meares has been appointed city tax.colleclor for back taxeSj acd is around waiting upon delinquent. At 3 o'clock to-day the thermometer in this office stood at 77 degrees, which is one degree above Summer beat. Schooner 21arg McGee, from Belfast, Me., for this port, (before reported) sailed from Newport, on the eveoing'of the 24th inat.. Schooner Lizzie C- lhcktaan Evans, and Ciroline Halt Sbepard, for this port, cleared at Philadelphia on the 25th Christmas , Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fluting Machines and every sort of fl -rd ware, at lowest sort of cash prices at acobi's. ' The merchants and oth rs oa Market and Front streets were notified yesterday to move all barrels, boxes, etc., from in front of theirs place of businees. 1 - ! Mr. P. Heinsberger, at his Live Bcok Store,1 has on sale a few, copies of the Relifious Herald t cobtaining an account of lev. Dr. Jeter's illness and death. We are very sorry to learn that Capt. Cutts.of the Wilmington & Weldon R.R., .is quite sick at his residence in this city. Uis train Is run by Capt. George Mor rison, who is probably the oldest railroad man in the United States. , Our old Wilmington friend, Col. J. R Davis, appears to be getting along very comfortably at WeldonHe - keeps a very good house and entertains as many people as the, constantly arriving, and de arting trains wjll bring him. He U still renowned for two things the excels Ience of his coffee and his personal atten tion to the comfort of bis guests. T , Save your money audrbuy your Build ing Supplies from Altaffer. & Price. t Burglary. The residence of Mr. W. B. Orr, on Third, near the corner of Red Cross streets, was burglariously entered ' last n:ght and robbed of thirty cents and a five cent cut of chewing tobacco. The t aief effected an entrance through a side window, and after rummaging through the house and ransacking the bureau drawers and one or two trunks departed. Lie was evidently after money, as a va! uable watch and chain, which was taken out of the trunk, was laid carefully on the bureau. A jewelry case which contained quite a sum of money was taken oat of a trunk and thrown on the floor without being opened. Tbe burglar took up Mr. Orr'a clothes and after examining them, threw them back. On the lappel of the coat was pinned a piece vf-papet on which . was written, 'too mean', wont take em.' Mr. Orr is thankful for the con sideration sbown' him and promises at their next visit be wilt be prepared for thorn and respond warmly to (heir call. The Kottli Carolina Medical , ' Journal. : We have received the February num ber of tha above namely magazioe. The enterprising publishers bring oat in tbe number before us 138 pages of matter of iuterest to the profession, as well as much thit would bo interesting and ini structive to the laity, and . wrtUn so plainly a to be easily understood by the noa - professional reader. A briaf memoir of tbeUte laraeated Dr. Edmund Strud wick, whoie death under very unfortunate and sad circumstances was announced in tbe Review sxm after its occurence, Is published in he present number. Few are a ware of the importance of checking a Coqga cur coinmon Gold in ita first 'stage. Tbat which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, If neglect ed, soon preys upon the Lungs, Dr. BulFi Cough Syrup aflbrdi fmtint rellsf. iT Futile Attempt. An attempt was made last night to rot the ;d welling of Mr. Robert Orrell, on tbe corner of Third and Red Cross streetF. As the thief raised a window a colored woman who was sleeping in the hocpe called out "who's dat" and the thief beats hasty retreat. Persoaal. Gen. C. C. Auger and Paymaster Geo.. E Glenn arrived in this city last evehinp and started this morning to Sraithville to pay off the soldiers at Fort Johnson. Mr, Robert Portner, proprietor of the Alexandria, Va., Beer Brewery, is in t' e city in the interest of his businees.of which there is a branch effice here. Changed his Residence. We have been aware for some time of the intention of our friend, Dr. W. T 'Ennett, to remove from Asheton, where he has for a number of years been located, to Burgaw, and by. postal, card received this morning we learn that the change has been effected, and that he may in the future be addressed at the latter place. Religious Kerald. We have received from the publisher j, 1115 Main Street, Richmond, Va,, a copy of the Religious Herald containing a likeness of tbe late Rev. J. B. Jeter, D D., together with an interesting account of his illness and deatb,jincluding memo rial addresses by Bishop Doggett, Dr. J. L. M . Curry, Dr. T. S. Dumaway and other. The paper will be mailed to any address upon receipt of ten cents by the publishers. Meaning of the Terms. Many are puzzled to understand what the terms 'fourpenny,' sixpenny' and Henpenny' mean as applied to nails. 'Fourpenny' means four pounds to the thousand nails, or 'sixpenny' means six pounds to Uie thousand, and so on. It is an old English term, and means 1 at first Hen pound nails (the thousand being un derstood), bat the old English clipped it to tenpun,' and from that it degenerated until 'penny' was substituted for pounds.' When a thousand nails weigh less than one pound they are called tacks,biads, etc. and are reckoned by ouncej. Dandruff eradicated, the scalp made clean,; and gray hair restored to i:s origi nal youthful beauty . and vigor by the use of Halis Vzgktablis Sicilian Hair Renewe'b. . City Court. Joseph Williams, alias Joseph Camp bell, a sable bued 'gemmen," was found by Mr; W. N. Bowden on his premis8 on the corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets last night, snugly ensconced in one oi the outhouses. Mr. Bowden im. mediately collared the individual and took him down to the Guard House. Upon all these facts being submitted to the Mayor this morning, His Honor said $20 or thirty days, and defendant went below. David Mallett, a frequent visitor at the Mayor's morning levee, was arraigned up on the charge of being drunk and down. The Mayor said five days and the prisoner was escorted to the C. P. This finished the docket and the Court adjourned. I " At omrarisou. I . It is impossible to say too much in praise of the management of the Wil mington & Weldon R. R., and we speak with no desire of fulsome praise but sim ply in a spirit of local self-pride. The Editor of this paper traveled over the Pennsyliania R.' R , from New York to Baltimore, on Wednesday, and yesterday he came down the Wilmington & Wel don Road. The comparison is in every way in favor of our road. It was a fast train and yet we were compelled te change cars twice between New York and Balti more, The schedule is only a few miles faster than ours and that, too, notwith standing tbe fact 'hat it is a doub e track, while tbe care are very infericr. We rode yesterday in a smoking-car on the Wil mington k Weldon R. R , that wa? rzuch superior in size, make, Shish and ease, to any first-class cr on tome of the big Northern reads. The Wilmington & Weldon ooah was. manufactured at the Company Shops in this ejty, An Old Han Restored to Health Batavia, N Y , Sept. 15, 1879. H. Hi Warner & Co , Rochestxb, N Y. Gestiamkn "For forty years I hare suffered with Pjiabetebeing obliged to void nrjne aYoften &a once in 30 min ute, and ave also been a great sufferer from palpitation of the heart.' I am now using your Diabetes Core, and can truly say, at 70 years of age, that it xaakes me feel like a new man." Kbyte w. Monthly Bulletin of fho North Caro Una Board of Ileallh. We have not had l mi? b fre to examine the T3u lloi in vrith sufficient care to give an opinion as to its merits. The work seem tr ns unique in its cl)aracpr, and will make a valuaUe addition to tbe vital acd economic statistics of tbe Stated Tbe records ran thus ; The Population of tbe County and County Town?rJre vailing ids, Nurubr of rainy .js, Numter fays of snow, Prevailing dis eses, Epidem'ies, and the number of cises of Preventable Diseases or Diseafes Dngroi)S to Jie public, are giver , ,N"Xt ome? Disrtas t;( the domestic animals. Thfin tljfjco idit!ou'of the public buildin?pj cMr g un'lpr this bead tbe' number of in. "m sites ' of the Poor House, Prisoners in Jil, vi i h Matemei:t as to cubic space al lowed to each.: and tbe character of food served to them, and the cordition of tbe wells arid privies. The number ot Public School Houses is given, the material ot which they are built, the ventilation, the -drinking water, and the condition of til pi ivies. Uader the head of Sauitary Cor . dition of County Towns,' the question, 'lias there been any drainage in streets this mouth ?' 'Are any cUbrts being made toward improving the sanitapy condition of the town ?' Any improvement in con dition of Public Buildings ?' - The first Bulletin gives the reporls from 26 counties out of 94, and some of these are incomplete. Still we see how great is the labor involved, and know that it is no easy matter to get prompt return. We see furthermore that as these bulle tins get more and more complete, what a great aid it must be in giving our peo ple at home, and particularly those we are endeavoring to attract toward our State as settlers, a correct idea about matters in which they are bo greatly in terested, j ; J We hope the physicians of North Car olina are using their individual efforts to aid Dr. Wood in his laborious work. II they are waiting to see a success before they identify themselves with it, we think we can say truthfully that they may safely venture now, and thf-y will not regret having been among the pioneers In sanitary science. A Voice from SmlthYlUe Smithvelle, Feb. 26th, 1880. Editob Review: If we could only get our Reviw the same day it was print ed ; if we could be assured that we could always visit your city and return to our homes the same day ; if our friends in Wilmington could be enabled to come down and spend a few hours with us, and return, if they wanted to, the same day ; then we should be happy. Getting our Review the same day it was printed would keep us posted in the Democratic faithand doctrine, and we should consequently be wiser and more virtuous. Being able to visit the chief city of North Carolina conveniently, and at slight expense, would enable us to keep up with the fashions, and do all our shopping there instead of being forced to' do our shopping by mail in New York City, and would save the great expense now incident to the trip by being obliged to spend two days and nights, if we have much business to attend to. Enabling our friends in Wilmington to .- visit us ' frequently and return at their convenience, would promote their health and happiness and would be ex tremely pleasant for us alio. The accom plishment of these desirable things would also be among those wh eh Wilmington as a commercial city, should desire to pro mote. It would greatly beaefit one of the rouies which is a ft eder for the city, and would eventually build up a watering place to whiGh s the people of the sur rounding country, for hundreds of miles, would naturally come, passing through Wilmington, and spending much money there, on the way to the seaside. Strange as it may seem, all this can be accomplished without anybody spending a cent of money, and it is somewhat re markable that one man can do it. Our enterprising and genial friend, the agent of the fine and corrmodius steamer Pass- q t, holds the cards to win t is game; at least he does in the opinion, of this writer. ! ' Start fr m SmithviUe at 6 a. m.; leave Wilmington, cn the return trip at a. m ; leave SuiUbvilie at 1 p. m.i ana Wiiming'on, ou the return t?ip, at 5 p. m. ujasin twQ. regular trips each day, from the l&t cf May to tbe Istof Octo ber and one trip the remainder jot tbe year, uu!etg experience should prove that two tiips the whale year would pay better, and you lave the whole scheme in a nut shell. On the morning trip up, the stew ard of the Pa8?port would always provide an appet zing breakfast for tbe passengers, acd on the night trip down. a sumptuous repast of fifh, era b, shrimps and other luxuries, so that on their arrival they would be itfiue humor with themselves and all tbe world . Many of these pass engers would be so enamored with tbe delightful trip that they would invest in building lots in Smithvillv tud cot tages, a la Newport, weald spring up like magic; a large ana Tcommoaieca hotel, with aH the appcintmcats fr rri'rr p!re-r:r r- ! i f : " -1 -' ' - - - 27, 1880. NO. 14 of such a schedule, and the success of the steamer be placed upon a permanent and secure basis. It would be, for the interest of everybody, at both ends of the route, to give all their patronage and influence to this line, and it would be of great advantage to the commercial interests of WilmingtdD. The ras port is a fine teamer, well ffirered, and well managed. Sbe can make the 104 miles a day regu larly with entire ease. Let us take a new departure, and surround Wilmington with attractions. Your paper, Mr. Editor, will not be behind in advocating any scheme for building up and advocating the pros perity and happiness of our people. o c o n Physicians' Wine. New York physicians say that they have been using peer's Tort Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, and take great pleasure in recommend ing them to the public as being all that is claimed for them, and, in fact tbe most reliable they can find. For sale by Green & Planner, Jas. C, Munds and I L. Bfidgers & Co. From the Quaker City. E.J.Campbell, of Philadelphia, un der date of Oct. 4, 1879, certified to the wonderful efficacy of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Tonic In removing a liver dis ease accompanied by chronic cons ipation and yellow skin. Fees ol Doctors, The fee of doctors in an item that very many persons are interestrd in just at present We believe the schedule for visits is $8 00, which would tax a man confined to, his bed for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1,00.0 a year for medical attendance alone! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Ed. New Advertisements. Yellow Tobacco WE WRITE ABOUT IT, year in and year est, in the BORDER REVIEW, EdiUd and published by EUFUSAfcIS, at UOUUCIDUll, ill J An unterrified Democratic, and yet a live and practical business man's paper. Tells how to baild np the industrial inter ests of the State. Bow to make money on the . farm, aad secure the best rewards for labor. Bend $l.fO to pay one vear's subscription and get Tobaceo Gnide Book and Tobacco Seed Fret. Address, BORDER REVIEW, fob 27 Benderson, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of Xew Hanover county, in the case of E. B. Uoelat and others, vs. W. W. Lane and others, I will expose to sale at public auction, at Exchange Corner, in the eitr of Wilmington, on Wedneadar. the 31st day of March, 18:0, the lot of land with improvements thereon, situate on the South side of Princess street, between the old Jour nal building and the Baxter lot, fronting on Princess street 50 feet and. runnirg back southwardly that width 97 feet, being parts of lots No. 1 and 2 in Block 165 according to tbe official plan of tbe Citv of Wilmington Bale to take place at 12 o'clock, M. Terms of sale liberal, and will be made known at sale. A T. LONDON, Commissioner. fronly Jk Morris, Auctioneers. Wilmington, N. C, 27th Feb. 1683. feb 27-ta Seed Rice. JQQQ BUSHELS PR1E SEED RICE. For sale by feb 28 tf ALFRED MARTIN. A Great American Novel. rpHE MASTER OF RED LEAF, By Mrs. E. A. Meriwether, First American from London Edition. Cloth $L24j Paper 75 cent. Sons, FR04 THE PUBLISHED Writings ci Alfred Tennyson, set to Music bj Vari ous Composers. Price $5. For sale at HEINSBEROER'S, feb 26 39 and 41 Market st. Dissolution. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the name and style of SKINNY K k LYONS, as Maehicista. in this city, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The debt of the concern wi'l bapaidby S. W. Rkinntr. 8. W. SKINNER, feb 25- L. B. LIONS. Notice. - AVISO COMPLETED OUR FACTORY we are prepared to fill orders for 8ash,Doors, Blinds and Building Material of every Ce seriptio&. - Wa have added Flaaisff Mills ta our citab- lishneat aad will ksep on hand a larft stock f wellseleettd sad thoroughlj aaajor- a rioortBjf. WetaAer-lsoardlsfj and . all kiads f Drtssad Lumlm. ' . ,-EejpectfuIIy, ' . ' PLEASE A'OTICE. j We will be g'ad to receive coirnmnl. atioo rVnZuJ .1 n Ed " infects general interest but : The name or the writer must alw j be for nished to the Editor. CpmannieatioBs a ast be written, on only Personalities'ioufit U avoided. J And it is especially pastfaalarly ocd r tood that the Editor doea not always erf rie the yiewB of correfrr-ondfnt. uuleM so tai d in the editorial cola" ns. Now AdvortiRoxnonts. -once. I MOST .RESPECTFULLY :TiSDEH MY ce as Ptycician aLd turgeon to tie eitiieni of Wi.'rrhgton and Tlcinity. - v -ma iii nun iiirifi, uein-cen r t c- ond acd Thi d streets. IfcD 21 tw "UEKE do you get the U-st, '1 owtli ? Where do you get the best Ladies Hose ? TTT 1 wnere aoycu set the best Gents Hnse . Where do you get the best Handkerchiefs? Where do you get, the best Linen Collars ? Where do you get the best Bice ms ' Where do you got the best Whisk Brooms? Where I do von trot thn v.nt-f 'iti,A t? i.. Where do you get the best Glass Tea Setts? Where do you get the best Laundry Soap? Where do you get the host Toilet Soap ? Where do you get the best W. O. Plates f y nere uo you get the best W.-G. Cups and Saucers Where do you get the best UotTee'Pots ? ! ' ' Where do you get the best Tiu Buckets ? Where do ycu get the best Siam6cd Tans? I - - . Where do you get the host Sauce Tans ? Where do you get the best Bread Pans ? ' Whore do yon get 1 ho best Pio Pans ? Where do jcu g. t U e Lest Waih rctrd.-; Where do you get the best Market Paskef s? Wheredoyon get the best Mirrors? Where do you get the 1 est i Fe ither Dusters ? Where do you get tae b 'St Walnut. Brackets ? Where do you get the best SiLers '. Where do you get .the' best Pox Psper : Where do you set the r bcsf. Lace Trimming ? The question is where do you get tl e above earned articles? The answer comea back : Why! at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, 4i tx. morar qtrhet, and 1001 other useful Housekeeping ait;i - tides. Special indue vments orered to Country Merchant?. '. Ink and lucttage, A SPECIALTY. ' Ladies arc invited to call aud exariJne; uoston o aira lu L-nts Sfcore,l wro. 4iNORTaraonc ct- feb 24 Fair Dealinsr ND L1VINO LP4iICE3 IlECOiiMEND YATES' Book Store t t e puVici A.freih atd well sdrct'd itcck alr.ijj oa Land ChroiDon, Pic'tur ! raxes, ilouldiags, Ac, Orgats sd on the In:taliaent eb 23 Coney's Tobacco Store TF YOU WAN T THE BEST 5 and 10 cs. L Cijar go to CONE Y"8 where von will find the Urgest selection of Imported and Domes ic Cigars, Chewing and hmoting Tcbaccos, . Oeutlemen will please remember tt at 1 do. not keep open on Sundays, ther&foro therm vho with to purchase my goods will have to do so daring tbe week. jaoS tt WALTER CONEY, Steamer Passport WILL RESUME regular J '' trip. THURSDAY,! rf 26th, leaving Wilmington at 2.23 P. M. Having been pat la the most perfect erdzr, we promise Excarcienists erery onmfort pos sible. GEO. MYERS, feblA A get. Old Newspapers. A- QUANTITV OFTLD ZITiySPAPrES '. - . - . " ' s .. ' '.. ' . : ' - ' ' -.-- ' - 4 . ; I :

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