The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Trop. WILM1NOTON. K tATUD rhBtiU HY 28. 180. Enter kd at thk nTorFtcE at , Wilmington, N. 0., a sVcojtd-Clasb. Mattkr.1 I VIEWS AND REVIEW In a eanvasa of the representative men of Ohio the Cincinnati Enquirer claims that Hendricks and Blaiceare the favor ite Presidential candidates. Gen. Longstreet supports Grant for the only of Republic candidates can carry North Carolina, Louisiana and Georgia. Three thousand Germans took part in the anti-third term meeting in New -York Monday evening, and the expressions against Grant were of the most emphatic character. The San Francisco News Letters the month of January has been oe of tbe " dullest witbin our rememb ance in nearU all trade departments. Business does no revive, nor does the 'boom' continue a. predicted An Ottawa correspondent writes that Speaker Macpharson having caujiht eri- ous cold by dining at Rideau Hall, the residence of Lord Lome, in silk stocking another Speaker will have to be appoint el, as there is no provision for a Deputy Speaker. Aoung man at Omaha did not wish to marry the girl to whom he was engaged but she would not release bun until be gave her bis grocery business as a recom pense She now runs the store, while be works elsewhere on small wages, and the bargain pleases both. The singular phenomenon has been frequently observed in the mountainous parts of Switzerland, Baden, Bavaria, a ad elsewhere in Europe, in the course of the current winter, that it' has been generally warmer in the elevated dis tricts, on tbe hills and mountains, than in the plains and valleys. The Spanish Government has ordered the restoration to the parents, with a view to its reinterment as a Protestant, - of tbe body of a child at Bilboa, Whom tbe priest had compulsorily buried as a Catholic, on tbe ground of his having baptized it prior to the father's conver sion te Protestantism. The Yesaviua railway promises -to be goon an accomplished fact. A portion of the rails are already laid, and a number of workmen are daily engaged upon the work. The railway starts from a point situated to the west of the observatory, on that side of the cone which is least seldom subject to streams of lava. Oapt. Webb, the Channel swimmer, has undertaken to swim sixty consecutive . hoars, siz.,for three days and two nights. He will be allowed to leave the water for Lot mora than thirty minutes in each twenty-fonr hours. The attempt will be made nnder the most favorable circum stances possible, viz, sea water of sum mer temperature, and in London early in March. A literary cariosity has just been pub lis bed at Amsterdam. It consists of three short stories, possessing the peculiar ity that in each of them only one vowel is employed, In the first a, in the second e, and in the third o, according to which the stories are entitled "A-Saga," "E Legtnde," "O-Sproola'" In the Dutch language only would such a feat be pos sible. About thirty dealers were arrested in Philadelphia, on Saturday,at tte instance of officers of the Produce Exchange, charged with selling oleomargarine under the pretence that it was butter. SA test case is to be tried immediately. An act of the Legislature imposes a penalty of v $ 100 far aeldng oleomargarine unless it Is distinctly marked so. It is also declar ed a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment, er both . 'The true version of the story about Prince Bismarck and the 'boulders" is the following: The German Chancellor once said in one of his familiar dis courses: "In politics ('quand je fais la politique') I act as I do out duck shoot ing I put my foot on one boulder, and do not take it off till I see my way to an other. When I do, I step on to the new boulder, and leave the old one behind; and so on until I am out of the marsh." This seams a very apposite illustration of the Chancellor's. Austria was his boulder in -the case of Denmark; France was bis boulder in stalking down Austria; .Russia was bis boulder when France was to b beaten and he is probably now looking out for a new boulder to defeat somebody else.Tbe awkward part of it, too, ia that he not only leaves his old boulder behind, but he kicks it over in his. next Up. - I THE OBSBHVF.R'S CHARGES. I The Editor of the Review has just re turned to the citv, after an absence of i - i I nearly two weeks, to 6nd, among other thing, an attack npou himself aud his paper in the columns of the Raleigh Observer of the 15th inat., an attack which we have no hesitation in character izing as unmanly and uncalled for," and as uu worthy of the Editor of the Observer and of our past cordial relatious, extend iag for a life-time. ' ' We have made co charges against tbtif Observer not one but on the contrary the attack wast made by that paper ou. the Review, and all because we dared to have an honest opinion of nur own aud tv feirlessly" express it. Our charge was tp.ii -.-t Gov. Jarvis, not. as an indi v.duai- bu,t in bis official capacity, and in all that we said we bore in mind well that we may yet hsve' to support and vote for him as tbe Democratic nominee for Governor :of tbe State, as we certainly suall do Bhould he receive the nomination, an assertion, hewever, hich it is hardly neceesarv -for us to tiive. least18 -.all to tLe Editor of tbe Raleigh Obe,ver. In all tuiKwe have said there was not one word intended to apply tu any one of the 5enat6rs or Representatives lroin this fjtate iu Congress, and any insertion to the contrary is absolutely and ui.quali livd'y taise. come from whence it may. 1 he attempt oa the part of the Editor of he Observer to impeach the fidelity of the Editor of the Kevie n to the Democratic party iu Xohh C-roIiua. cannot succeed We tel j istiti ;d in sayii g that our past record, is as pure as is that of any oa tf our fompeei'f,' wi;:her he leside in Kal eigli or iu . VYilibhigioii, and it i;as not beeu done, eithei , for reward or the h pe of rewaid. We .have never aske! for, ulCl never held, and n-ver expect to ask for, and never expect to hold, any place of p liticai prohV or pieferencj Wli-ii woik was to be doue we were th rv but when tha regards of the aucvess whiou oui labors had asa isi eJ to achieve w;ie dealt out, we have uover beeu fouud in ihw lroni among the clamorous multitudes. Oau th Editor of the ' Observer Bay as much? We claim that the interest and houor of North Carolina are as dear to us as to any mau living witbin the limits of the State and no man shall dare impugn or gues tion our patriotism. In all that we have said and in all that we have written iu regard to this railroad question we have held this interest and tnis. honor second to none other and it is because we have dared to urge the claims of oar own sec tionand our own people as against the encroachments of capita'ists from other States that we have been thus taken to task. r - That there ( are other citizens of the State who know" the interests ofWilming ton better than the Editor of the Review, we freely admit, but we must beg leave to suggest that they don't live in Raleigh, and that they are not wont to think that the State of North Carolina i3 bounded on the North by the Raleigh & Gastou R. R , on the South' by the North Carolina Division of the R. & D. R. R., on the one aide by Vinegar Hill, and on the other by Hells Half-Acre. ' We trust that we shall not be called upon to say any mere in reference to this matter. The discussion of such a question cannot be conducive to the in terests of either the Review or the Dem ocratic party iB the State.' Butr we will not be- crowded. As for the sale , of the-Western North Carolina R. R. we bhall probably have but little to say bereafier. The matter has got beyond the scope of newspaper in fluence. We have protested against the call of the Legislature at this time; but the protest has " been unheeded. Our desire from .the first has been that the call should not' be made1 but that the matter might be left open to tha people for instructions to their representatives at the regular session in January next. But, the call has been made and, as we said in our first article on the say we now, 'if the peo pie say sell the road, why then, sell it and remove this boue f contention from the path of the people and of the party in this State." important to me Afflicted. We would advise all who may heed the advice of a physician, to either call or write to Dr. Rooertsou, 19, So. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md., who from 15 years . txpe rience in Hospital and Special Practice, guarantees a cure in all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Nervous Sys tem, Organic and Seminal Weakness, Im potency (loss of sexual power), Nervous Debility and tremblirg, Palpitation of the Heart, dimness of sight or giddiness, No, turnal Exiissions, &c, all resulting from abuses in youth, or excesses in manhood ; also all skin and blood diseases quickly cored. Dr. R. is a graduate of one of the oldest and best medical ' scbools in this country (University of Maryland), and re fers to the leading physicians in his city,and all consuitioghira can rely upon honorable and confidential treatment. In writing en close stamp for reply. Special attention given to all female complaints. Good ac commodations for all wishing to call ai d ee him. Medicine sent to any address. Wilmington District. Firnt Round of Quarterly Meetings for the Methodist E. Church, South 1880. Onslow, at 8wansboro..........Feb 28-29 Duplin, at Magnolia, ........ Mar 67 3lifiion, at Andrew Chapel;. liar 12.14 Around the' World In 110 Days. On the 9th of October a Paterson, N J, schoolboy maiied the following pos tal card, which is elfexpJanitory: 7 P M. Pateb on, Oct. 9. '79. Dear Hib It is desired to dod the shortest possible time from this cry aroucd the world. Wjll the postmaster of each piace designated bera please forward this with tbe ntmoVt despatob together with a r qaet to tbe post master of the next following p ace to remail it, and coutinue until it reaob' Ssfq Franei'co, when the postmaster is recjuested to mail it to j Ii B Gabside, - s'Paterson, New Jersey. D. B. A '(London, P.ris, itfarseiHes, Suez Aden, Bombay, Oilcutta, Hong Kongl Yokohama a d San FranoiecJ )' Th card rernrned to the sender on the:27tn.inst., covered all ovr with poetmarks. These show that the time occupied in going from p!aoj- to place was as follow Arrived New York to Liverpool Liverpool to London London to Paris......... Paris to Marseilles... ... Marseilles to Suez Suez to Aden Aden to Bombay 10 days Oct 19 3 3ya Oct 22 l.tiay Oct 23 1 day Got 24 7 days Oct 3 J 5 das Nov 6 7 days Nov 12 Bombay to Calcutta ..... 3 days Nov 16 Remained in Calcutta office 8 days Nc v 18 Calcutta to Hong Kong. . .10 days Dec 6 Hong Kong to Yokohama. 28 days Jan S Yokohama to San Francisco 16 days JanlO San Francisoo to New York 8 days Jan 27 Arriving at Paterson on. ............ Jau27 Total time occupied 110 days Three days were lost in waiting in the Calcutta office, and about fighteeu days were wasted in delay from Hong Kong to Yokohama. Without these delays the timb wonld have been eighty-nine days, still nine days in ex cess of Jules Verne's imaginary trip of eighty days, counting as he did, the gain of a day in beating the pnn. I A Cross Baby. i Noihing is so conducive to a man's re. maininga ba helor as stopping for one n ght ai the house of a married fnand and be iilg kept awik j for five or six hours by the' crjiug ol a cross baby. All cross and e ying babies need oi ly HopBilters to make ihin well and smiling. Yonug man, r-member this Ed. 7"HEiiE do you get the best Towels ? v here d you get the st Ladies Hose ? Where do you get the b st Gents Hose ? Where do you get the best Handkerchiefs? Where do you get the best Lmen Collars P i ! ' Where do you get the b st Brooms ? - !-';' ' Where do you get the best Whisk Brooms? Where do you get the bes? Clothes Brushes? Where do you get the best Glass Tea Setts? i Where do you get the best Laundry Soap? - L ' Where do you get the .best Toiiet iSoap ? Where, do you get the best W G. Plate t "'1 ' ... . i . Where do yoa get the best 1 W. G. Cups and Saucers ? ' I " v Where d j you get the best? Coffee Pjts ? i - p Where do yon get the best Tin Buckets ? 'I . - . Where do you get the best Stamped Pans? ! -. . - Where do ycu get the best fc-auce Pans ? . ! " '' Where do you get the best Bread Pans ? Where do you get the best Pie Pans ? Where do ytn g t tl e Usl Wash Boards i Where do you get theb-"st Market Baskets? . I . . V Where do yon get the best ilin ors ? Whiere do you gel the best j Keather Dusters ? Where do you get the best Walnut Brackets ? Where do you get the beat SjfLers ? 1 ; - - . . Where do you get the best Fox Paper ? Where do you get the best J Lace Trimming ? The question is wheie do you get tha I . , abate named articles? .The auswer comes back: Why! at the Boston 5 and 10 Cents v Store, 41 ST. mONT OTU.EET, and 100 other useful Housekeeping art' tides. Special inducements offered to ConLtry Merchants. i ' ' . ...... Ink and Mucilage, j A SPECIALTY. Lidies are iavited to call and examine. Boston 5 and 10 Cents Store, WO. 41 NORTH mow T ST feb 24 Ladies' Emporium, mHE MIoSES KARRfcR A MoQOWAN, Invisible net-, all shades Vaseline : A farorita new Pnir .ri u wys on hand. braid-, Puffs and Curls, nude from Comb ingt and Cut Hair. Hair Jeaelrj made to order. Orders for -BUmping and Embroidery promptly attended to. A nice asaortment of Ladies' Underwear made of best matriaL A fresh supply of Caildren's God, Flan rel and Waterproof 8uita, sixes 3 to IS. In fant slips, Skirts and Robes. - Ordtrs taken for Bridal Wardrobes. . Front Street, WiljaIgtoB, N, a fan If -v have jat reeeired novelUe in Hair Good. 4 oafrariel" Scollops, 1 1 or mandy" Coquets, "Miznon" Oca nets. Ptffk Kr&iH ir.H nn,i. Miscallaneotu NATURES OWN REMEDY 1 A VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOaUVER&KIDNEYS CURATINE A medicinal com pound of known valae com bining in one prep aration tbe curative powers for the .evils which produce ali dis eases of the litood., the Liver, the Miltltieyn. Harmless in action and thorough, in it effect. It is unexcelled for the cure of all JBlooti tim eae such as '" . Tttntorm. Boils, Tetter, 8tlt II h nt m , Bheutttat imtn ; 3Ier ettrial Poisoning, also Constipation, lyynjyepsia. Indi gestion, Hour om nr h, Beteniion of I'rine, etc. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. s Tor Blood Diseases. CURATINE, For Liver Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Diseases. CURATINE, For Rheumatism. CURATINE, For Scrofula Diseases. CURATINE, THEBROWICmUCALCO. For Enrnpelu, Pimple, Blotches, etc. I BALTIMORE, Md. For sale by J. O. MDND8, Uruggiat Third street, opposite City Hall, nov 14-eodr. y 111 AMnO Stool, Cever and Boo. only rlHNUO$143 to $255. ORGANS 13 Stops, 3 set Reeds, 2 Kcee 'Swells,Stool, Book, only $08. K- Holiday Newspaper Free, Address Daniel F. Beatty, Wash ington, N. J. frb 5 A UENTTc WANTED for the Beat ad Fast st SellingPIctoral Books and Biblej Pried? reduced "3 per cent. National rub liehintr Co., Atlaata, Ga. frb 6 A HOUSEHOLD NEKOl A I book on Malarial DiseweB and Liver Complaint, seot FRE". Address Dr. SaLford, 162 Broad way, yew York City. ' feb 6-4vr - AGENTS READ .THIS. We waul, an Agent in this Connty to whom we will pay a salary of $100 per month and expenses to sell our wondeifui invention. Sample free. Address at once SHKRMAN& CO , Marshall, Michigan. fob 5 . COMPOUND OXYGEN. So. 1, a record of remarkable cu'-es in Con sumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, and other Ohronie DiaeAses by the new Vxygen Treats ment, now readv and eei t free. Dn. Hta k ey A Palen, 1109 and 1111 Grand st., Phila delphia, Pa. feb 6 cotasuRflpnixa CURED. A simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and, permanent cure of Consump- and Luna Affection. Also a positive and radical cure for Nervoua Debihty and all niervoun vjompjaints, tritcv not been tested n thousand of cafe. ItecipG. with full directions (in Germau,.French, or Enjjiish) for prepart inr and usinrr. sent by mail f rf at' nhawa on receipt of Btamp. Please name thit paper. W.W.EI ON 30 DAYS TRIALi We will send onr Electro Voltaic Belts nnd other Electric Appliance- upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous De bility, Rheumatism, Paraly?is or any disease? of the Liver or Kidneys, and many other dis eases. A sere Cure guaranteed or no pay Address. VOLATIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. feb 6 $10000 QH LIFE & PROPERTY. $10 003 will be paid to any person who can rxPLODS a La.hp ntted with our Q FETY ATTACHMENT. Mailed free for 35 cents. Four : for $1. Agents Wanted. Male or Femate. S. 8. Nawios'8 Safbtt Lamp Co , f Binghampton, N. T. INSURANCE Salesroom, 13 West Broad way, . y. leb 5 4w For 35 Cts CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE IN THE WORLD. 175672 NEW and OLD Standard WORKS in Every Department of Literature Almost given away. Cata. logue of General Literature and fiction free. Immense Inducements to Book Clubs and Libraries. Legsatt Bros., 3 Beekman St., Opp. Tost Onice, teb 5 4w New York. : Get the Best. mHE GREAT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN X of 1S80 has begnn, and it isyou" duty to watch it and to understand it. To that end. what you seed is a good Democratic A'ews- pper. What everybody says is apt to be true, ana every Doay says tnat Hale's Weekly is the best ever printed in North Carolina. It is Democratic fiom principle, it gives all tbe news in tbe most condensed and well or dered style, because it is a newspaper It is printed on good white paper from large, clear type, because its subscribers pay for a good paper and are entitled to one. It will fur nifh a complete history of the ezcitidg times and of the federal and state campaigns cow just begun. Alter navm? for vour bona narjer. inatead of sending to ATew York, or Boston or Phila delphia for a weekly, send for Hale'&s Weekly which not only supplies tbe news and gco reading sometimes to be had from abroad, but to whose ample space the application of a thorough knowledge of how to use it adds to news, and politics, and literature, a com plete history of all hat is done io ftcrth Car olina. The iiif .rmati n printed in it wekly for montns past, nd to be nd m to other paper, ought to be in tbe posseesin of eTery oitixen. - lb e price is only $3 a year, $1 for six months Sample copies sent on application, but no name is ente?ed os its mail books without pavment. and snbetibers are tared the nnnlaaii an t f nrderinir tha mnr stopped, as it is discontinued at the ead of urn. pia tor. A.aareu P. M. HALE, KalHgh,N. a Liharal ennnratarfoa offkrMl to Pruii- aasterf or otheri who will act as ' local or oouatj agent, 18. 1 SI miscellaneous. P OR IIS PLASTER C A P WORD TO THOSE WHO USB Tbe gnat, demand tor them has caused and sell wortbless imitations similar aoundii g names. with jnffriorDlasteis slnnsr at any i nee which is lha bes. It is well Known t! at sonie oi th cheap ias-o-s have ' ined aud found to contain ii.junous ingredient which mke thtm dvr-. causing paralysis and other diseases. l. Orina leb 4 4w SKABUUY & J 'HNbON, Piiarmaceuti' ai Ch i WILCOX, GIBBS & CO' Rffl an o p y I ate d y an o The Best is the Sold on By jJLTann Lumberton, Shoe Heel, Laurinburg', points in Richmond and Kobeson F0KTTWE Headquarters for all that is good, useful, pretty and cliean U. cuiiuav (lHarket Have the oleasure of aeain x o we nave an unusual and attractive cusiomers one oi tne uranaest and Uheapest stocks ofj READY-IfflADE bLOTHIBTG; Prices ranging in Suits from $3.00 upwards 1 A beautiful and GENT'S TUBNlSniNG GOODS ! Which we guarantee cannot be latest i . A . ' X wmcn we guarantee to We also have one of the choicest Ply and jBrussels Carpets, an astonismng low Best Butter in the World! 3 Pounds for Sl.i Q.ILT EDOE BUT TE3, 30 cents. New Tork State Batter, 25oonU Country Butter, 20 c nti. Rio.Coffee 15 to 20 ceLts. PareLeaf (jard,,10 ceat?f Jara Coffee, 20 tc.&5 etmts Bio Coffee M5 to VH eats. Pig Hams, Tongues. Ex-abore Mackerel, 60 Cases Roederer a Co, Champagne, Pints and Quarts. 50 Cases Imported French Brand,' 20 Cases Poney Whisker Best in the World. Cakes, Crackers, PreserT.s, Pickls, Wines, Teas, L'qiors, lubacea and Cigars, at roular prfcoa. Ceo. Wlyers, teb 13 11, 13 and 16 8onh Front Mt. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEOCfi. TRADE MARK. n....TRADE Kiaor am vj ' .agluh Bem edy, An un failing cure for oeminal W ea k ness, 8 parmatorr- neampotea. f-w an4 11 Aim BEF DKE TaIIIO.mmi tTttfi trrra low, as a sequence of Helf-Abuse'as Loss T?f - - ' T,"",u,,f rain in tne A. i , i icuiAurc V1U sre. and manv nttia. i insatiiy or Consumption and Premature ' " j ' feafc Pall nirHiml.M t . wbicn we desire to send frem hr in -wZ a. arucuta at xi n n... afe for l nr -mmiW k. 7 ' 1 . , Z lies VJ in u I u receipt or tbe mnnev by addreei ing . - Vf?hJK atroit, Mich. bjalfdragfliti. i; dsrir. Miacellaneoui G - 1 t VLSTERS. It A Ua HE HE0RUS PLASTERS AR SUPFSIOR TO AM n, a number of unscrur. ulmis narti i iiujxnui io- mspn, iraror!Aut fo the 'cop, m v M lAU i ift r dee mat the, w...n 0 .unfa j -:o:- Cheapest ! Favorable Terms ' V . able in Cotter t. pet tew ay, Afen. . Laurel Hill, and in term counties. lruue, ai Street. annonnmnrr fn. fV 1 ' i Stock grand assortment in equaled in this city. A fine liner styles in 1 1 . , " - va-kw AixuuulUVblU1,!'. be oi superior quality. and largest stocks of Two and Thw Rugs, Matting and Oil Cloths prices. JPlease examine. Foreclosure Sale. 73 Y VIRTQE AND IN PURSUANCE'! "TOrw tu mo oupcrior ooTiri pi v Hanorer county, at Iecniber Term, UTS, a jfjiaivA i iL - ki r, a -c - wi.u expose to sa'e to tbe bikbeft bidder puo ie auction, for cash, at the (,'ou t n m door in the City of Wilmington, fn T c ay, the id dsy of March next, at II oVi AL M., tbe followine psrc'' of lai d Awt in raid city, viz : Bpgi'-niig t tbe N west corner of Hloct 79, sod runrinit vm Southwardly along the KasUrn line of r enth street 264 feet, thence Fastirrdlj i- allfl with n,olli lQOf tk.u rr: wardly parellel with WTeotb etreet 26if-i . a A 1 . ... . i.u voiie sireeT, ana tnence to tne pni in"! beinpr patt ol lot 1, 2, 3 and 4, id ni J3KCK IV. 8TAC2Y VAVAVKlS.aY: - ComrtiiM0Dr. Durulx Cutlar, Plaintiff's Attomej. feb 10-tds. Sale of a Vessel by Ton closure of Mortgage. BY VIRTUE AND IN PUR8UACK i apowr of sale contained in a co itM executed by Semprorjim Uriliin to H. Hru hild 4 Sto on a certain Sloop or V. called the "Annie Bell", said morpge bf recorded at the Tnstom House of tb ' n States at Wilmington, Nor h Parn.'io; der License No. 13 the underlined, itt- ney for the Mortgagees, will ij "J5 auction, to the highest bidder '.or.cM the Court House door in the cit ff mihgton, on Monday, tha first dsj of Vr 1880, at 12 o'clock, M. the esa .1 r -sJa called 'Annie Bell", employed in the ing trade. Thm lSih Hit nf V.K tir fcbl8-10t Attorney for Mort- H. BiiUNHfLD, U B&UNBILD, W. L. TfJ-D ' r CT - .-m i ft Uanufctorer- d ail grades of pluo twist: AND SMOKINA TOBACCO Our Triumph Smokin Tbscco he ib market. . . dee 13 WILMINGTOy. WewrH at Store. KCE17ED YESTERDAY ! BY NEW YOK bTKl' AJfOTHER LT OP TH088 II BTYLI8H SOFT AXD STIFF B' ' CHEAP. Call and examine JOHN M. II Front st. South of Fur el 4,aK" rjotice A rrblUATIOK will oe maa iv :vtfrf jl session oi ue i4giiiui -for the Wilmington JJarket CompW febJ0t , -

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