THIS PAPER U paollsbed every afternoon,, 8andays ei- eeptedDV 1 .JOSH. T. JAMES, KDITOB AK9 PBOPBIKTOK. BOBSCRIPTIOyS. POSTAGE PAID. Una year, $5 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three months, One month, 50 cent. I-be paper will be delivered by carriers, ree of charge, in any part of the city, at the .bove rates, or 13 centa per week. Adrertifinz rate low ami liberal SSabeeriberi vill please report any and f:iares tol receive their papers regnlarly. N9W Advertisements. BROWN & EODDXCK. 5 & 10 Cent Stare, (N K. CORNER OF MAliKET AND ';d streets.) E TAKE THiS OPPOKTDNiTY of thankinz the general public for their very lib eral patronage in iue uiu.u linsns ni uedireto state that at no time su.ce oar first opening hare we ever carried each n airtment as at prteent. Bavin antici pated th reoent jrrea advance in such goods, We are now (ully prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest assortment everhown in this section at anj time We can with truthfalcess assert that our stock is more thn doable the size of any other of this kind -outh of Baltimore It u a very easy matter to call in and verify the above statement. We would also ad i that we have of late added several new departments to the above, which we retail at higher prices, couuting of many usefal articles in Housekeeping, Ac, Buca as we have a demand for, and in tuture it will be our endeavor to keeD adding anv and everything we can buy useful acd below va'ue. Our intention Is to make this Tlit. Store of the South for bargains of all Kinds. The following is a vry imperfect list bst cut space will acmit ot no more. Japanese Ware, G ass are, Tin Ware, Scissors, French Drelnjr, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cans, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays, . Trumpets, Toiletl 8oar, Foiks. Chil'dens' SlatfB, Perfamery, Jewelry, Combs, Pop Guns, Poor BamDerg, Cork Screws, Dolls, Hair Pins, Pulleys, Lemon Sqneez-jrs, Wa lets, Brushes, Bracelets, Table and Tea Spoons , Beads, Marbles, Htove Polish, Pistols, Kails, Padlocks, Chisels, ; Screw Drivers, Mirrors, Clothes Pins, 8ponges, Jumping Ropes, Uan Openers, HoaUs, Needle and Tins, Hhovels, Hammers, docket bojk-, Fete Paper and En-ToUet rets, velopes. Vases. Feather Dniteis, Unit f!rri;rm. Velocipedes, Cans Wapors, Wash Uoarus, Clocks. ! w r Fasor Straps, Brooms, Backets, iJaikets, Ha-nburg Edgings, Spool Cotton, Hamburg losertiocs, Spool Silk, Ladie Jt Gents Hdk'fs,Spool Flax, Llnrn Table Napkins, Ladies Hose, Linen Table Doilies, Childrens Hose, Knchiog, Gents ncks. Collaretts, Gents Ehirta, &o, &o, &c. &c, &c, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 10 Cent Store, If. E. Carner of Market and Second Streets, febll Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTOB AND IS PURSUANCE OF a decree of the Superio- Court of New Hanover count r, at December Term, 1879, I wiu expose lO saie to me mitueti uiuuor ni pub!ie auction, for cash, at the! Court House door la the City of Wilmington, on Tues day, the Id day of March next, at II o'clock, A. M. the following parcel of land, situate la raid city, vixt Beginning at the North west corner of Slock 79, and running thence Southwardly along the Eastern line of fev euth street 264 feet, thence Eattwardly par allel with Castle street 132 feet, thence North wardly par ellel with Seventh street 264 feet to Castle street, and thenee to the beginning belnar part oi 1-ta '1, 2 3 nd in said BUck79. ! 8TAC Y YANAMRINGE, Commissioner. DuBruti Cutlar, Plaintiff Attorney. feb 10-tdj. I i OPEFilllQ OF THE NEW MARKET, CHOICE STALLS FOR AUCTION, RENT AT AleCROXLY, Auctioneer. i BY CRONLY & MORRIS. I OX THURSDAY NXr, 4th proximo, at 13 o'clock. l. we will rant until lit Oe t bar next, the cholcd selected totals io the NEW MARKET HO 8E, Front, between Dock aid Otarge strtt. fb 23 4t htar c py at A Great AnierlcriU 1 T HE MASTER OF" REO LEAP, " By Mrs E. A. Meriwether, First American from London Edition. - i Cloth $1.25; Paper J5etts. J Songs, T7IB04 THE PUBLISHED Writing of a Aiirea Tennyson, set to uuie by Yari ous Composer. Price , For-aalt at ? ! Vi t V: UEINSBEROER'8, b 2$ - .. sa aai 41 llaxket it. : The to hit Eeyie w. ' .."-.' v 1 f 1 fi ama mm i m -- VOL: V. LOCAL NEWS. t New Advertisements. Ultiffeb, Pbich A Co. Vegetable and fruit Crates and Boxes. B H J Ahrbn8 Tce-Iee Ice I T J COUTHERLA.ND Houses and Mules. . P. L. Bhidqb&s A Co Behold the Busy JJees. ; Boatwright A McKv Offer this week J G FryTo a Generous Pu-.lic. Willtams A MrjRCHi80i. x. ew Crop Cuba Cronlt A Morris West Inuia Fruit at Auction. Hall" A Pearball Cuba Molasses- Hall-A Pb ARB all Flour. Hee ad Agents Wanted. ;- P Hkinsbkrsir A Great American Novel. Yate . Fair Deabng. For other local sp6 fourth page. Wirdow Glass all sizes at -Altaffer & Price's. v t Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives &o. or the Children at Jacobi's. Br. brig Maria Lamb Walker, hence, arrived at Glasgow on the 27th ult. Nor. barque Ilcrmonie, Jensen, hence, arrived at Ro'Urdam on the 26th ult. Full Metal aud Walnut Show Cases, all styles and sizs, at Altaffeb, Price &CoX Schooner Lizzie Major, Handy, hence, arrived at Aux Cayes, P. B,.; on the 7th ult. Bteamship Out &treamt Ingram, hence, arrived at New York on the .27th ult.. y - " Schooner Imoytne Diver ty, Reed, hence, arrived at St. Pierre, Mart, on the 2ud ult. . Br. barqjie Adeliza, Nicholas, hence ror Hamburg, was off the Lizard on the 26th ult. It is not what ycu have in your chest, but what you have in your heart, that makes you 'rich . The champion modest girl of the period h3 been found in Goldsboro. She calls it the Umbislature. Ger. ba que Amanda, Schultzei and Nor. barque Brazilian, Berg, for this port, cleared at Rottrodam on the 25th ult. Br.; ' barque Fairy Belle , Gardner, hence, arrived at Ceara on the the 27th ult. and sailed the same day for Cumosin. The Visitors to the Ladies' Benevolent Society will mee at Hook & Ladder Hall, Tuesday, March 2nd, at Z o'clock P. M. ' , . Dindrufl eradicated, the scalp made cleaUj.and gray hair restored to i:s origi nal youthful beauty and vigor by the use of HallV Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reneweb. Christmas Fire Dogs and Fire Irons Fiuting Machines and every sort of Hirdware at lowest sort of cash prices at AOOBl's. Physicians recommend Dr. Boll's Couh Syrup when all other medicines fail, as a certain cure for Bronchitis,' Sore Throat, and Coughs ;or Colds of long standing. For Sale by all Druggists. Saturday's Raleigh Hews says; Depu ty Sheriff Howard, of New Hanover, has delivered to the penitentiary authorities nine convicts eight colored and one white; one for manslaughter, 20 years; the others all for larceny. New Things for Easter. With the approach of Spring human nar ture looks forward to new scenes and pleasures and in order to satisfy the joy ous anticipations, of the ladies of this community, Mr. Julius Hahn has visited the Northern markets and made selections of Spring goods in all varieties and shades' from uubn keu stocks. - Being among the first of Southern merchants to visit the marls of purchase, he- has been able to select the prettiest and most lashionabiQ c f dress goods, and- has also a full line of fringes, trimmiugs and buttons. He says he can match any piece of goods in thit city in shade and quality in fringes, trim- mi igi and buttons. He is now receiving his stock, w hich was purchased during the 1 st ten days, and will open his store to the public on Monday next He has rented and entirely refi tad tfce handsome tore in the Carr building on Market street. In opening hia new store he has bought everything new for It from a paper of pins te the most elegant silks. He wih have, no old stock, and proposes to effrr to the citizens of this city and surrounding country a mo3t complete stock of purely dress and fancy goods. He will strive to make his ftablishment see ond to none ui North Carolina and will offer goods at such prices -as r will ttffia lih the mUvcj,"' -':-7;rJ '" -V- . f - - .. -. . - -. , WILMINGTON, N. C, City Court The Mayor held an unusually large levee this morning, the Court room beiDg quite crowded, but mostly with citizens of African descent, which is usual on such occasions whenever any case of impor tance K to be tried, and no matter the timsof day, nor the length of time con sumed in the trial, the colored man tefcres always to have ample leisure to enatle him to endure the tediousness of the cae Charles Legeier, charged disorder ly conduct, was the first case calUd acd was disposed of by the defendant paying : he costs . A party for committing a nuisance in the public streets was fined $5 and costs. Toe third and last case on doc Set was the one which excited rrost interest, and when thft name of George Wright, alias Grorge Myers was called, a small man with black skin, kinky bair and with no shoes on bis feet, came out of the prison er's dock and appeared at. the bar of tb Court, the crow I at this time gathering closer to the railing, and all eyes were turned to see the man who was arraigned upon the serious charge of house break ing,! which is classed in .the Criminal Code of this State, where the houne broken in tj is a dwelling, as was the caee in th's instance, as burglary, with the penalty in case of conviction of punishment by death. Mr. Solicitor Moore, as is customary with that gentleman in matters ot this kind, was on hand to examine witnesses for the titato. Mr. D. C. Third, between streets, and. the Davis, who resides on Bladen and Harnett party, whose house was robbed, was the first witness called to the stand, and he testified in substance that early yesterday morning, just before day, he was awakened by bis wife, who arouL ed him and told him that some one was in the house. Leaping up at once he bolted into the outer room, where the bur glar jwas rifling the pockets of his clothes, but the noise of his coming disturbed the thief who darted out of the door closely pursued by Mr. Davis ; reaching the yard Mr. Davis saw the thief dodging in some shrubbery, but before he could leaeh him the villain made good his escape. from the premises, leaving a pair of pan's which he had taken, in the ooreer of the fence. The alarm was given by Mr. Davis, who was joined by his brother-in-law, Mr Turley, and they both continued the chase after; the robber in their night clothes, running him throngh an alley near by, when several policemen, just off duty who were wending their way homeward, heard the alarm and joined the chase. The thief disappeared by jumping fence?, first one way and then another, until he washeaded off by Officer J. L. Williams and' Mr. Eugene C. Allen, who caught him In Love's Alley. j , Mr. Davis stated further that the thief had taken from his breeches pocket a bag containing coin, mostly silver to the amount of $11 32, besides a gutta percba match box, and a little eather case; that in the bag mentioned was seven half doUars and one silver dollar, besides other small coin, including a good many Jsi'ver threej cent pieces. The witness stated also that his ve3t had been rifled and among other things of an old copper coin of the -date of 1790 or 179 1. The bag taken therefrom was found in posses sion of the prisoner when he jwas caught and was produced and i opened by the Solicitor acd the contents emptied upon a table, including seven silver half dollars - j i : aud one silver dollar and also numerous three cent pieces, all as described by the witness before the Ronton ts of the bag were: shown in Court; a gutta pdrcha match box and a small leather ease were also produced, which Mr. Davis identified as bis property. The witness was then aiked if the prisoner at the bar was the man i whom he give chase to on his pre raises ye$erday morning audhe said that ha was. ' Officer J.L William 3 and Mr Eugene O. Allen both testified th tt tLe prisoner at the bar vaa U3 man they arretted in Love's ! alley yesieriay morning abgnt ive ramn i i i: es p?st 6 o'clock. Officer Wil testified that they took from his liams also i I v person when be ws searched at the iiil i . i r Guard House a' bag containing silver coin,' a gntta percha match box, a little leather case and an old copper coin :hich was !oci.iA the, bag wUb,the other money; also one shoe, which was stack in the prisoner's left coat pocket. Other wiu nesses were called bat the evidence dSered wis of raiser lapcrlancx ccapircd; with MONDAY - MARCH ncer Williams and Mr. Allen. Harriett Hubbard, a light colored wo man, was examined as a witness, and tea tificd in effect that the defendant mar ried her dang ter, and that be and hi wife occupy the name building with. her self, though their rijoras are divided off from each other. Witness beicg asked whit lime the defendant left home yes terday mnrninjj, said she got up before day aud looked out, when Fhe beard George, th' defendant, up in his room talking with bis wife, saying that be was going after some wood Also beard h s Wife say to him, 'Ma has some wood acd she will let you have tome adding 'don t yu go out of this house to-day, for if you do you will repent it the longest day you live;' cou!d not identify the shoe, though George had new shoes at home which he had worn just like that. Officer Kendrick,who serve 1 the warrai t on defendant, testified that when he ask ed the prisoner what his name was he res plied that he registered and voted as George Myers. When asked if he didn't register and vote as George Wright a'so he replied in the affirmative. The de fendant, who had no counsel, was always asked by the Mayor before the witness quitted the stand if he wished to ask any questions. Sometimes he availed himself and at other times he did not, but inev ery instance whenever he speke he tried to make a statement to clear himself though he acknowledged being on Mr. Davis' premises, but said he went in to fasten the gate, and that in jumping the fence he lost his shoes (this was the way he happeaed to be barefooted) and on the fence he found the one shoe then in Court with the bag and money in it. Thepris. oner was frequently warned by the So licitor that it would be best not to make a statement as it might be used against him at the trial, but through ignorance we suppose, whenever he went to ask questions of a witness the prisoner invar iably said something which would crimi nate himself. , i After the examination of all the wit nesses His Honor ordered the defendant to be committed into the custody of the Sher iff without bail for his appearance at tl next term of the Criminal Court. This finished the docket and the Court ad journed. 1 We neglected to say in the proper place that Mr. Davis stated, while en the witness 8tand,that the entrance to his dwelling on the night or morning of the burglary was made by a bolt bon a lattice door .'being forced back with some sharp instrument, leaving the print of the instrument on the door. A screwdriver which was found on the person of George Wright, alias George Myers, was then produced in Court aud Mr. Davis testified that in all probability that was the very tool used as be described. Early Vegetables, For some time past some of our citizens have been eating lettuce and radishes, but to-day tomatoes and watermelons were offered for sale in this market. Kale, on ions, etc., have been in market for seme time past, and in a few days new Irish potatoes and green peas will be in mar ket. Can Charleston, Newborn or Nor folk beat us in early vegetables?, Maine News. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns, are a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them eay they cannot be too highly recommended. Those sffl'cted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities. Portland Ad. '. DIED. In Whiteville, N. C, on the 26th Febroa ry, OOK.A, youngest cbild of D. P. and ty rena High, aged 1 year, 5 months and 8 days. .Too pore for this wjrl J, the has gone p higher. .1 'f puerperal convulsions, at the reaidence of her father. Mr, W. T. Bray, in Craven conty, Thursday sio-'ning, Peornary 26ih, Mrs J JS&PillN K B., wSe of Mr. Levi A. Bray in the 24th year of her age. Hew Advertisements. Cuba Molasest 200 HbJa an i Bbli 5tw Crop, j and other graces II jlaaaef. Por sale by inch I HALL PEARS lLLi Flour Flour. 12 0 0 BBLS O00D 7I'0US . r i-r Every Carrel TTarrtnts?. j -c At lowrritj I, 1880. NO. 16 New Advertiepcientfl, Ice, Ice, Ice. QM OR ABOUT TH 15th of April, 1 ahfljl hm HMfflslV9 tr e.let 1 iinaltU of lee at low figures to th ritixena of Wtl- 1 . m i m . wugwa ana m a snare 01 tneir patronare. i B. H. J. AHRENH, sV Proprietor. fioatwright & IIcKoy OFFER TH S WEEK AND Most Varied StocK ! OF AND Heavy Groceries ! From which to make selection OF AMY HjUSE IN THE STATE- Our stock is always FRESH, i FULL and COMPLETE, as our Daily receipts are equal to our Large Sales. , If you desira GOOD LIQUORS, send or write to Boatwright & ULcKoj Wo will be glad tb furnish Sam ples and Prices, by Mail or Ex- press, to parties in the distance, i when desired. "We don't think comparisons are odious, when it comes to the mat- i ter of something to eat or drink. BOATWRMT 4 MM. ! O Cl 7 ZTorth Front fltreet. mcb 1 I Wew Crop Cuba. 30S Hhds and Tierces i - : New Crop Cuba Molas&esi Now landing ex Brig Flora. For sale low by WILLIAMS & IIUBCHISON. PotatoesfFlour.8ugar9 SOO Bbls. Early Kose Potatoes. lOOO Bbls Flour, Super to I Extra Family, 275 Bbls Sugar, Granulated, Standard A, Extra O and C, 4JM Bags Coffee, Bio, j Iiaguyra and Jara, 350 Boxes Smoked and D S Sides, ISO Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, 400 Boxes Lye and Potash, Boxes Laundry . ! and ToSet Soap, ISO Boxes Starch, , fZSO Whole and Half Boxes - I Candles, Candy, Paper, Sncu Tobac co, Wails, UucJtets, iloop . Iron, &c. ,.; .. ' . SOO Bales Choice T5mothy ' and Eastern Hay, CCOO Sficks MarshsITs Kne Salt, Sacks IiTcrpopl Salt, C5C0 Sacla FcruTisn i " '-'"t ;?4H Ccttcai Gcaso, PLEASE If OTICE. we wOl berTad to raealv aaeraliaUrert but t 1 -'?.-, ; Tae name of the writer mart al ys be ftr aiaaed to the Editor. . j -...... OommnnieatioBs mat be written on only ene side of the.paper. Peraonalitiee'ajttit be avoided. ' And it ts peclally ate! particularly ttiidtr stood that the Editor doM not always endrrie the views of correspondents, anion go .Utd ia tae editorial oolnir&s. - lTew Advertisements. Vegetable and Fruit Crates and Boxes, Sash, Doors. Blinds ! .-I er , LL KINDS OF BOILD1NQ MatetiaV Seasoned Flooring, Weather-Boarding, le. MetaPaad Walaol Bhf w Cacee at ALTAFFER, VRWk CO. FiCToav : Oriiei - Foot of Walxutit. Ifutt. near Bed Croii. 0 socn l Agents Wanted rpOTRODDCiS in every County in the THE HISTORY OF TWE BIBLE. The best work to sell that has 'ever been pniMiahed. Splendid premium to every sub scriber. For circulars and terms apply at once te V ..Th" Prjiuainre Co., 41, 4S and 45 Bhetucket st, Korwich. Cf. men l - WEST INDIA FRUIT AT AUCTION. GENEBAL A880BTMENT, s Ex Schr J alia Eliiabeth, On TUESDAY, 2d init, at 11 oc!ock, A. M . CRONLT A MOHBIS, ' Auctioneers. mch 1-lt rjlules and Horses. 20 HEAD MULES AND 15 Head Horses arrived to-day aad for sale. a.ppl to t. j. southebland; mch l-3t j Sale 8Ubles, SdiU " DAILY DUES AT ' P. L. Brideers & Co;, : 20, 22, 21, 26 and 28 Front Streot. WILMINGTON, N. C. 5 P. .nnttuslly everymoinfflir.fl B......nttei Meal, HontinyM O It angea, Bait, Beef, 8uar......C I nnamon, Spieei, Citron....... R I)M..Mibles of all kind, Qintre......l G oodiesinall ihapea. Ever.V E...venlnr before I go homeward., ft R ei lenlah itock if hor....,T B ending home all I ought t..:ti And Goods fo......w..R C. ........aih er city aeoeptanc K O. rder or draft at tea 4ay.....,3 ' bit uruori io.... BEHOLD THE BUSY BEES I t ! .' AT , a, :; P. L. Bridgers & Co., 20, 11, 24, 26 aad i2 Front Street, Wilminoii, IV. C.;1 Baeon, Sidei, Bhonlderi and Strips, t Barrels of Crackers, Baskets In endless variety, oay ana in neat DOttlea, . Beans, Peas and Vegetables trnrJJr. Batter, and not Oleomarrarine or Lard.1 o . 1 - n i ii i . . over. ait. rorwr, mix sioas, t , & . Barnes of any sort for piea and paitrr, , ' Beaxoin, another name for WbUkey, ' Biscuits Innumerable and splendid, ; '- Blanking, which makes your soles Isunortal and yonr nndsrstaadiag water proof, Bolocna Sausages, tj Bottles ofall shapes, s!zh and every price, Brandylthe best qualiaes, ' !i Breakfast Strips, ' ' .... .:,-y' Brashes in immense quantity. Buckwheat Floor, freehand nice.- "-- '' 'i All cheap for cash by P. L. BRIDGERS & CO, 29, 22, 24, 29 and 28 Front Street,, ! Wilmington, W. C. - rich 1 ' : ' . ' " . To a Generous PublldJ TH18 IS TO CERTIFY that the followltg solicit aid in 6. half t f build nr fund of t Oeerge L Masoa, William Hill;.. Henry, nsuwr, iiurauvtoci, esinr iavts, Lie lia Robinson, Annie Lane. Jlary tlaeor,' Harah Kennedv. Joaanh Vfrr Sampson. It A Bampsoa, Caroline ifurpbyj ' fancy K Bowe, 8 W Sampeon,F E Amtap9tJ Bryant, Parah Stataa, Jacob Heott, Abrm Mosely, Charlotte Davis, FXzs Jne,Sdia Wise, Ann Walker, Mary A fry. If U Uer riek, James Procktor, Jlonroe Porter,' J U ' BUI. Mildred Mearea, 8srahBradW,Mil dred Burk. Frances Mitebel, Peter WUllams. Jlbfl Walker, Haaey Whitfield, Lula Hmh,l Ukam Qeick, James Qreen, Wm Jloe. Thomas tfeott, William. Marsteller, Louis Monk, Alios Lane, Nancy Toomer, Be&ben ' McDonald, Anna ' J Blaekman, ELixi lifr- wo:d, Mary Kelly, Julia Everett , By order of Ue Trustees. 1 mh I tt I J. Q. FBT Pastor j' DOCTOB W. W. H jLB JUBS wiirretsmV on March 4th, the practise of ttedfeiao and , offers his profeasioal serrtee; in the practice of H O M BOPjLTH 7. OClea at nraMH ' n?xt Court Doosa, Bestdanee en Fifth; nii r " fib 28-21!'. -A . . .' . ?.-::.,- ;v, -.'4r xV" :' t ninn cuaiTLO psi3 J- 1UUU, tbv(::7 cf nr, D't! r '

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