THIS PAPER - a teptedbv JOSH. T. JAMES, IDITOB AUD PROPRIKTOK, SUBSCRIPTIONS. POSTAGE PAID. One year, 00 Six months, $2 50 ; Three oath, $1 25; One month, 50 oent. The paper iriU ba dlivered bT CMTi free of eharge; in any part of the city, at the . it nor wak. above rate", i r- Advertising ratef low and liberal 1 y8ubseriber will please report any and U failnrei to receiTe their papers regularly. 5ew Advertisements. HHOWk & KODDICK, 5 & 10 Cent Store, (S. K. CORNEll OF MARKET AND .8LC'JD STREETS?.) j yy TAKE THi3 OPPORTUNITY of thankin? the Keneral publicfbr their very lib erI patronage in the above branch of our bu ina n desire to stte that at no time since r first opening have we ever carried such an assortment b at present. Hiring antici pated the recent grea advance io auch goods, we are now Jalfy Prepared to offer the Largest and Cheapest assortment eerJhown in this section l at any time. We can with trathfulnees assert that onr stock is more thn double the size of any other of this kind -outh of Baltimore It i a very easj matter to call in and ver fy the above statement. We would also ad J that we hare of late added several new departments to the above, whicb we retail at higher prices, consisting of many usef jI articles in Housekeeping, 4c, suc as we hare a demand for, and ia tuture it will be our endeavor to JreeD adding any and everything we can buy useful and below va ue. Our intmti n is to make this THE Store ot tne so?.tn ior Bargains of all Kinds. The following is a very imperfect list but our apace wilt aoinit of no more. J ipanese Wi'-e, O ass ' ae, Tin Ware, licissors, Kre en Dreiilng, Blacking, Ink, Oil Cane, Machine Oil, Faucets, Trays, Trumpets, Tolled Sop, Childrena' Slates, Perfamery, Jewelry, Combs, Pep Guns, Door Bumpers, Cork ricresrs, Dolls, Uair Pins, Fulleys, Lemon Squeezes, Wa lets, Brushes, Forks, Bracelets, Table and Tea Ppoon,BaadB, Darbies, Balls, Store Polish, Pistols, : Can Openers, Boalas, Needle and Pins, fthovels, Hammers, Pocket books Padlocks, Chisels, Screw Drivers, MirrorB, Clothes Fins, Sponges, Jumping Ropes, ote Paper and En-ToHet r-. en velope. Vases, Feather Dustis, Doll Carriages, Kaior Straps, Brooms, I Buckets, Baskets, Vtlocipcdts, Carts, Wagoss, Wbh IJ. ards, Clocks. Banburg Edgings, Spool Cotton Bambvg Insertions, Spool Silk, Ladies k Gent. Hdk'fs,8pool Flax, Lim n Table Nakins.Ladies H ss, Liaen Table Doilies, Children Hose, Ruching, Gents Socks, Collaretts, Gents Shirts, " &0, &C, &C, &C, &C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BROWN & E0DDICK, i5 and 10 Cent Store, r X. E. Corner of Market and Second Streets. febJi QPENIIiQ OF THE NEW MARKET. i CHOICE 6TALLS FOR RENT AT AUCTION, M.CHOIVL,Y5 Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. OV THURSDAY N i X T. 4th proximo, a ii o'clock, m, we will rent until 1st Oc t ber next, the choice selected stalls in the NEW MARKET HOUSE, "front, between Dock aid Oiarge streets. lb 18 it Star c py 4t A Great American Kovel. ipHE MISTER OF RED LEAF, By Mrs. E. A. Meriwether. First American from London Fdition. Cloth $125 Paper 75 cnts. Sons, FRO -l THE PUBLISHED Writing of Alfred Tennyson, set to Mueic by Vari ous Composers. Price $5. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, fb U 39 and 41 Mark t Agents Wanted TO INTRODUCE in every Ceunty in tbe United bUtes ' . TJJI HISTORY Of TWE BIBLE. The best work to sell tht has ever been pabliahed. bplendid premium to eve-y sub scriber. For circulars and e ms apply at ence to Thi Haaav Bul Pobushiso Co , 41, 43 and 45 fehetacket sL, Norwich, C ach 1 - TJluIes and Horses. 20 HEAD MULES' AND 15 Head Horses arrived to-day and for sale. Apply to T. J. SOUTflERLASD, pa i-Jt Salt CUtles, 3d it. fHE )AII: VOL. V. LOCAL NEWS. t New Advertisements. Yates. A La-ge Stock. Da. E. 8. PiSFjaD Card, Hostetter's Bitters. -Kepottofthe Condition of the First Na tional Bank. Julius Hahn Wait for the Grand Open ing. " Hkin8bbp A Gret American Novel Wir do w Glass all sizes at ltafler & Price's. : f The spring aud stituruer trade will soon opeu. Wanted a life-boat that will float up on a sea of troubles. Barque Israel, Taflin, benee, arrived at Hamburg Feb, 13. Nnver sell pn a low iuarket; never-sell out when you feel cheap.,. Nor. barque Shadberg .Thorsen, hence, arrived at Queenstovrn Feb. 23th. Knivea and Forks, Pocket Knives See, or the Children .at Jacobi's. Bachelor's , exclamation lassl' Maidenly exclamation ah menl" Can a watch be said, to be perfectly dry when It has a running spriognnside? Schooner Peter A Grate, Hand hence, at ri ved at Philadelphia Feb1 29th Full Metal a:ui Waluut ISbow Cases, all s'yls aud sizr, at Altapfeb, Price & Co's. Yung men who wish to get rid of their wild oats will do welMo get "a sewing machine. If a man loses his breath he shouldn't run for it he'li catch it quicker by stand ing still. , ' . i Schooner Irene E, Messervey, Har ris, for this port, cleared at Baltimpre Feb. 28th' j Schooner Athry Ann McCanrii Kava nagb, for this port, sailed from Sagua Feb. 21st. Schooner M C. Achom, Achorn, from Boston for this .port,' arrived at Wood's Hole Feb. 25th. , I A dog is counted mad when he w;n't take something to drink, and ar man when he takes too much. - If fpeech is silver, and s lence goU, how much is a dumb man worth? Call v this office for the answer; Schooners Lizzie Lane, West and M. E Graham, Powell, hence, arrived at Georgetown, S. C, Feb. 25th. If evil communications corrupt gocd manners the oyster must be a tal fi.-h for he's brought up with a rake. If womn are really angels, why don't they lly over a fence instead of making such a fearfully awkward job of climbing. y ' It has been" demonstrated tnat when a man pounds his thumb with a hammer, he is twice as mad as when he strikes hia elbow cn the door frame. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is particularly recommended for children. It 'cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sora Throat and WhoopingCoagh. Is pleasant to the taste aid acts like a char a. Price 25 cents.. aiedlcal. . Dr. E. S. Pigford, of ma city, a grad uate of Hahneman Medical College (Homeopathic) of Chicago, has returned here aud will log ate in Wilmington for the practice of his profession. He has sdcured the. office at the residence of his late preceptor, Dr. W. E. Freeman, cn North Front street. Rev. Dr. Wilson to Lecture. "We are pleased to learn jthat the Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian, church in this city, has kindly consented to deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association, at the Opera House in this city, on Monday evening next, at 8 o'clock Doctor Wilson ecjoys the reputation of being a graceful speaker, added to which are his fine scholarly attain men ta.and with thisf basis to go upon, we feel assured that we can safely proaiise all who attend up on the lecture next Monday night, a pleas ant and enjoyable evening. Maine Newt. H -p Bitters, which are advertised in our column, are a sure care for ague, biliousness and kidney complaint. Those who use them fay they, cannot be too highly recommendefl. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthusiasts n the praise of their curative qualities. Portland Aa ' . WILMINGTON, N. C, Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly session last evening. Maycr Fnhblate presided, and there was a full Board. The Finance Committee reported pro gress in the matter of Cato Bunting, and were allowed until the next regular meet ing to report upon the petition of George Harms. The same Committee also re ported progress on the petition of the We8te n Union Telegraph Comp ny. Ti;e special committee on petition of Alex Oldham were given power to act upon the petition. In the matter of complaint of Alex. Oldham, relative to the storage of tar barrels, the Chief of Police was directed to notify Harding Johnson to remove tbe inflammable material from the yard. Special Committee upon Stevedores were reliev d of further consideration cf the matter submitted to them, at their own request. ' It! was resolved to have a tower erected in the City Hall yard,' in which to place the city fire alarm hell, said tower to be seventy feet in height. Alderman Foster desired to be record ed as voting against tbe resolution, and Alderman Hill as voting against the loca tion.; The following was adopted: Ordered, That a committee of five be at pointed to examine the new Market building, and report back to this Board as to whether the same has been completed in accordance with the contract. The Mayor appointed the followit g committee: Aldermen Von Glahn, Myers, Vollers, Foster and Hiil. The following ordinance was adopted! Be it ordered, by tbe Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and it is hereby ordered by the same, That from this date henceforth until this ordinance be amended or re pealed, no guano or other noxious fer tilizer shall be stowed io any shed, house, stored warehouse, yard, lot, or on any wharf in this city, east of the Cape Fear river and between Red Cross and Church streets. Any person or persons violating this ordinance, shall be fined twenty-five dol lara.'j . The ayes and nays were called on the above, and the ordinance was adopted by the following vote: yesAldermen Fishblate, Bowden, Vollers, Myers, VonGlahn, Flantier King, Lowrey and'Hill 9. NJiy Aldermaii Foster. A? petition from Samuel Skinner, to erect a small frame buildiag. at the Marine Railway, was granted The report of Roger Moore, Chi f Engi neer of tbe Fire Department, for the month of February, was read and or dered on file. Bids for furnishing the city with mate rials,! lights, &c , were opened, read and appropriately referred until the next meeting, after which the B.ard ad journed,. New Things to uelight the Ladies. , i Mr. Julius Hahn, 3S Market street, ap pears ! in au attractive advertisement in . . . . . . this issue of the Review. He proposes to open his new store on Mond .y,and prom ises to show to the lad lew of the city one of the best selected stocks of goods ever brought to this city. See advertisement in another column. LHt of Appointments Dy Bishop At? ktnson, for bit Spring Visitation. WilmiDgton, Sunday before Easter, ' !. March 21 St. Mark's Church, Morning. St. John's Church, Evening. " Rockfish. Good FriJay, March 26. St. Joseph's, Fayetteville, Easter Eve, I March 27 St. John'i, Easter Day, . March 28 Tarboro.Firat Sunday after Easter, Aoril 4 Mariboro, Tuesday, April 6. Snow Hil', Wednesday, April 7. St. John 'jjPitt county, Fnday, April 9. Greenville, becocd Sunday alter Easter, April 11 Trinity, Beaufort county, Tuesday, Apl 13 St, Johns, uurnam s creek, Wednesday, I Ap-il 14 Aurora, Friday, April 16. Washington, Thid Sunday aftsr Easter, -Anil 1? Zion' Beaufort county, Mondav April 11 BatK. lnefday, April iQ. " 1 St Jimei. Church, Beaufort county, j Wednesday, April 21 Makeljvil'.e, Hyde ceunty, Friday, April 23 Swan! Quarter, Saturday, April 24. St. George, Hyde oo , 4 hSun. aft. Easter j . April 25 FairfiLld, Monday, April 6. Vanceborc, Craven county, Fxiday, Apl 3(- Newberne. Fifth Sun. aft. Jiaster, May 2 Beaufort, Tuesday, May 4. Kicston, Ascension Day, May 6. ; Holy Innocents, Lenoir co , Friday, May 1 Wilmington, Sunday afu Ascension, May 0 St. James Church, Morning, St. PauPs Church, Evening. WarrentorWnit. Sunday, May i. . Ridgeif 3Ji Monday, May 17. Hendersbri, Tuesday, May IS, Oxford, ThnrsdayMay 20. KittrelPs, Saturday, May 22. Xiouisburj:, Trlaity Straday, Hay 23. Review. TUESDAY, MARCH : County commissioners. The Board met in regHUr session yes terday afternoon, all the members being present. The Prea8-irpr submitted hi month !j report, showing a balance due on the gen' era! fund of $19,721 84; a balance in hand of luud of $27.07; and a balance on haud of school fund of $9,- 323 13. ThtReifcter of. Deeds submitted his re p rt of fees collected from marriage li censes for the rnoL.ih ot February, exhib iting a receipt frm the Treasurer lor $lb15. ' - Above reports wf. re examined, found correct, orderei spread on the minutes and p!aced(on file ' L. G; Cherry and John Crawley were granted iice. ses 'o retail spirituous liquors tor three months fro a the 1st of March 1880. ! It was ordered that the Supervisors of Public R jads iu New Hanover county be paid $2 per diem for eight days actual service in the performance of said duty, with no allowanace for mileage, the bills to be certified bv tbe C.erk of the Board of Supervisor.!. j The following list of jurcts was drawn to serve at the April term of the Criminal Court: WHStvron, jilm H Hinby, BJ Jacobs, Wm G Juries, Fred Kidder, Geo Z:egier, Juo T French, Walter Butlaud, T P Sk?s, Juo E St Geerg, W A Eikel, Robt .Thorn as, Wright Stanley, Fred Hill, Joseph Farrows John Maundir J G Wright, R. J Scarborough, E J Whitney, John Freeman, Henry Taylor, John J LeG win, Joseph Sternberger, E L Pearce, H H Gerbardt, Alfred Har grove, Thomas Beck, F B Bishop, B H J Ahrens, Nathaniel Sparrow. "On motion the Board then adjourned to meet on the first Monday in April, at 2:30 P M. The B?ard of County Commissioners re solved itself into a Board of Education, when the following proceedings were had: It was ordered by the ? Board that the error in the school census In Harnett and Cape Fear townships be corrected. The census, as corrected, stands as fol lows: Harnett Whites, 159; colored, 313. Cape Fear Whites, 42; colored, S74. To correct the apportionment of school funds made . at the last meeting of the Board, the Treasurer was directed to charge Cape Fear township as follows: White School Fund, $13.86. Colored $43.42. and to credit the sum thus charged to the School Fund of Harnett township in con sequence of the transfer of 8 white and 26 colored to Harnett from Cape Fear township. The following is the additional ap portioDment by districts No 1980 white, $117.60; 1.7C0 colored, $211.20. No 2916 white, $109.92; 1 2G5jX)l ored, $151.80. No 385 white, $10.20; 82 colored, $9.84. No 497 white, $11.64; 82 colored, $9.84. No 5-159 white, $19 08; 313 colored, $37.56. No 642 white, $5.04; 374 colored, $44 88. Iiaroor Master' Report. Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, mikes the folio wiDg report for the month of February ; Of American vessels arrived there were 5 steamers, aggregating 4,379 tons, 3 brigs 774 tons, and 15 schooners, 4,018 tons, a total of 23 American vessels with an, ag gregate of 9,171 tons. Of Foreign vessels an'i red 'there were 12 baqius, 4,263 tons, IS brigs, 3,440 tons ar.d ? scuoccet!, 148 tons, a total of 27 forei;? v ss'jls with aa aggregate cf 7.851 tons. The total arrivals during the month weie 50 T&iieK aud the total tonnage 17,- By ihc? figure it U shiwn that there is a HUoce in favbr cf American veaae's amounticg to 1,320 too; a rare fact which we are happy to notice. spun; Ratltshea. We are in.lcl.ted to Mr. John . Wood, of Rocky Point, for a bunch of very fine radishes, the tirat of th3 season. Mr. Wood, we nadtrsland, has a very prcca Idas crop of this early vegetable tad ex pects7 in a day or two,' to make his first shipment cf th3 season to the Ncrlbtrn cirtcUt "! -' ' ' ""','.' NO.17 Not7 Advertisements, ran wait i FOR THE OF TBE Klew Sftoire WITH AN ENTIRE Itf EW STOCK ! ! IHIIMIKI7 38 Market St. NOT A SHOP WORN ARTICLE IN THE Eft TIRE STOCK AT 38 Market St. Easter Goods I Easter Gloves 1 NEIV CALICOES ! PIQUETS ! in all varietiej?, shades and figures, at M AM M ' f 38 market St. FULL LIME OF BUTTONS, FASHIONABLE FRINGES, ETC.. to match Dress Goods, at uAum 9 38 RJarket St. Fullest and most complete Stock ever in this city 1 Riblrm., iiibbaiifif. RIbbrjns, In all patterns, qualities and styles. Opera Kids, Opera Kids In all desirable tints and of the best make at MA MM' 38 Market St HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! The finest stock of Ladies and Children's Hose eTer brought to this city. At 38 Market St. MILLINERY GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWER, ETC. In great variety at Hahn's, 38 Harket St. tST Bemember the place 38 Market St. Wait for the Grand Opening and have an entire New Stock to select from. Prices to astound the na tives. Bemember the Grand Open ing. . . '-'.--., . .', r.lOrJDAV, 3th. 2, 1880. D SPRING DRESS GOODS 1 PLKASS JOTICE. We will beg' ad to receive eorDmnalraUoai Tae naaae of the writer mast alwey be far aished to the Editor. Coamttnleatlon ant be written on onlf one rid of the paper. Peroxialitiiaantb avoided. - And U is ospeeially and psuiicalariy under tood that the Editor does not alwayi endcrio the view of correspond en t, uales to Uti 4 la the editorial colaern. . New Advertisements. -ivi, jam o. irito lora, j.AUUATfi ur Til S, HAHNEMAN Medical College of Chicago, whl ocenpj the officeof his preceptor, the late Dr. Wm. E. Freeman. meh 1-1 w A Lare Stock yKLVET FRAMES, . JfALNDT FRAMES avaiu rnAir.r etc llo, Sonay School Books, Reward Cards, Bible, Hymn Book, Prayer Books, Ac, at as mchl2 Book Htore; Report of the Condition OFJTHE FISRT NATIOWAIi Bl!fK OP of Worth Carolina, at the cloio of boiiaei ITaKvma mm mm' O 1 1 O A A RESOURCES. Loan and dimiinf .ana ir rTt , " iMinfUU I m t vw Orerdraft......,..... . 4,5T9 00 o. uenas io secure circulation 10,000 GO Other stocks, bonds and mortga ges. 37,749 17 Uue from approTed reserve agent 44,676 45 luo iruiH omr national lianas... 7,5t5 93 Due from HtAtA Rnlr anrl hanVoi-. 107 & Real estate, furniture and fixture 11,21 & 73 Current expenses and taxes paid, 4,74 10 Bill of other Banks........ 27,586 00 fractional currency (including nickels) it 8pecie (including gold Treasury ' V....UI..IH.,, ii,oco on Liegal tender notes ... n aqa n Redemption fund with U.S.Treas- urer, per cent of circulation) 2,250 00 Total... $853,691 44 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Daid in... j.... .... .. ...2.n nnn 00 Surplusfund 2,439 23 Undivided profits 29,449 70 National Bank notes outstanding. 11 son ns Diridenda unpaid.. 7 an Individual deposit eubject to check... . ti Demand certificates of deposit,'.'.. 276.S61 R2 uuv 10 ower national a an its v,Ci 10 Due to Btat Banka tnd hnkaa ntT UH Note and bills re-discount6d.... 79,403 85 Bill payable... 4 20,000 00 Total..... $853,91 44 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTF OF NEW HANOVER,m I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier of the above named Bank,do solemnly swear that the abore . statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. E. WALKER, Caihier Subscribed and sworn to before m tL ia 1st day of March 188t. a. au uv una, Notary 1'uOllc. E. E. BURRTJ3S, E. E. BURRU3S, ALFRKO MARTIN, V Director!. D. O. WORTH. J Mch 2 CELEBRATEO . " HUtO' The BKten invariably remedy yellowness of the complexion and whites ot tha eyt, pains Li tbe riht side and under the right shoulder blade, furred tongue, high colored urine, aauea, vertigo, djipeptU, cosstlpa tloa. Of aviness of the he', mental ispo2 deBcrol evTy itf;r manKert'oi or e eompasiaact of a din trdrcd conditioa of the : liver. The s'omacb, :.'bowl antf kidney a'so . experience tbeir regulating and t nlofrit enca. ' . . For sale by all Druggist sai Dctlars 9 trallv. - . ..t-s mtt To a Generous PuJjIIa ) rpHW IS TO CERTIFY that tie foUowfug 1 named persoas are duly authorised tu solicit aid ia bthalf of haBdifli foad of 6t. Steohea's A. If. E. Church : , George L MiHoi, William Hill, Hear Butler, FraaceniaQoincj, Esther Davis, Da lia Robiasen, .Aaaie Lane, Hary-Cleapor, arah Kennedy, .Joseph Merrick, Fanny Haapfoa, M A Bampeo. Caroline Murpty, Fanny E Bow, 8 W ftampon,7 K Basspe n, Jane Walker, Addie Seaderland, Jaci Rryant, Far ah Statue, Jaoob Bcott, Abrara Mote'y. Charlotte DavU, Ehza Josos. Edie Wise, Ann Walker, Uary A Fry. If II JJer riok. James Pmcktor, Monroe Porter 2 C HU1, Mildred ft eares, Sarah 'Brad ly; Mil dred Berk, Fraree MiteheL Feter Wil'lamt, Abel Walker, flancy T bitfield, LuU Nah, Isam Qoick, Jatae Greei, Wxafio e, ThoBias tfcotV William Martteller, LruU Monk, Alic -Lane. Wancy Toomer, Reabfri McDonald, Aa-a J B'aeimao, L'Uta Ner wood, Mary KeUy J alia EvereU. By order -of tbe Troatae, mch I 2t tl.O. FHT. Pali-. Seed Rice, '. V. 1000 BD31ELS mitZ ' ' SEED SICF, for sale by r r;-tr r r , f 1 n fr . -' -: 4.. i - r .--u; J1W